Misadventures of a Horny Boy

By pmmls

Published on Nov 11, 2020


Growing up, I spent a lot of time at my best friend's place.

For a while that was actually where I jacked off the most, but unfortunately not with him. I would have liked that a lot but I was afraid to ask and we never even talked about sex or girls or dicks or anything the like anyway, so there was never a moment to casually bring it up.

I went home with him after school multiple times a week so we could play video games, watch TV, or just do anything really.

Tuesdays were a special kind of fun. He had piano lessons in the afternoon so I was alone in his room for roughly two hours every time.

Sometimes I used the time to do my homework. Usually I gave in to my horny teenage self.

My best friend had a habit of leaving dirty clothes, especially socks and underwear, lying on his floor. I loved that.

In the corner of the room, under his desk, next to a chair that was used as an improvised wardrobe for used but still wearable clothes; they weren't super in-your-face but I thoroughly enjoyed searching his room for pieces of clothing that had touched him at such intimate places, carrying a smell I'd have loved to inhale directly from the source.

So of course whenever I found something that carried his scent, I buried my face in it and promptly sprung a boner every time.

One time in summer, on another Tuesday, we'd been playing one-on-one soccer in the garden before he left for his piano lessons. I was never too big on sports but it was fun playing with him. And I didn't mind the occasional body contact either...

By the time he had to get ready, we were drenched in sweat. Still out of breath, we went back inside and after taking off our shoes, I followed him upstairs to his room.

Usually he didn't change before leaving but it was especially hot that day and we'd been running around for 20 minutes straight. He took off his shirt and wiped his face and chest with it before dropping it on the chair at the foot of his bed, quickly grabbing a replacement from the pile that was already there. I went to my backpack that was leaning against his bed and began taking out schoolbooks and other things I needed for my homework as an alibi to secretly watch him undress up close. As I pretended to search for something, he took off his socks and tossed them aside. I was hoping he'd take off his shorts too but to my disappointment he just grabbed his sheet music and ran downstairs barefooted, throwing a muffled "See ya later!" my way.

Right after hearing the front door close, I dropped the alibi stationery and shut the door to my friend's room. This time I didn't need to search, I knew exactly what I was looking for.

Even from a distance the socks he just took off gave off a fragrance that made my dick twitch in anticipation.

I picked up the freshly discarded socks and pressed them firmly against my nose. They were still warm and wet with sweat. Just one deep breath was enough to make me moan. The smell was more intense than any other socks of his I had found before. I was hard in an instant.

Barely a second later, my pants were dropped to my ankles and I was sitting on my friend's bed, furiously jacking off while inhaling the pleasantly intoxicating smell of his socks.

He'd been the main star of my sexual fantasies for a long time but the thought of him pressing his feet in my face had never felt more believable.

Between my heavy breathing and the occasional nibble, the fabric was only getting wetter and wetter. So was my dick. After another twitch of my erection I felt a big glob of pre-cum running all over my fingers. I stopped. There were still almost two hours left, I didn't want it to end so quickly.

Instead, I took off my shirt. It was already drenched in sweat and even without the added heat of masturbation, feeling a little air on my skin seemed more than appealing. Next I stepped out of my shorts and underwear and kicked them aside. I kept on my socks. They were similarly sweaty as my friend's but as you might guess I had a bit of a passion for socks at that time. As icky as the hot, wet fabric covering my feet started to feel, my horniness increased tenfold by being entirely naked, save for a pair of socks.

I reached for the shirt my friend took off earlier and gently held it against my face. Maybe it was because I'd been abusing his worn clothes as an aphrodisiac for weeks, but his scent fired up my libido like nothing else. The smell of his sweat no less. And the faint traces of body heat still lingering in the fabric made it all the better.

I slowly started wanking again. The room was really hot and quickly the shirt was soaked in my sweat as well. I rubbed it all over my body, mixing our scents and left it lying on my face. I closed my eyes. There were so many things I wanted to do with my best friend; so many I wanted him to do to me. In moments like these, part of me even hoped to be caught in such an incriminating state so he would know I wanted him... It never happened.

Only my heavy breathing and wet wanking noises broke the silence in his room. The only things on my mind were my best friend's body and how badly I wanted to feel it on my own. How I wanted to kiss him all over. How I wanted to be fucked silly by him.

I sat up and let the shirt fall onto my stomach. I reached for one of the socks that were still lying next to me and after sniffing it one more time, pulled it over my pre-cum soaked boner. It wasn't the first time I'd done this to one of his socks, but up until then I had been always careful not to leave any traces. This time I didn't care. I just wanted to cum. As I was masturbating with the warm sock over my dick, I reached for the other one and covered my face with it once again. I was getting needier by the second so I put the tip of the sock in my mouth, desperate to suck out every last bit of my friend's taste. With my free hand I pressed the rest of the sock over my nose but it wasn't enough. I wanted more of his smell so I grabbed the sweaty shirt that was lying on my torso and firmly put it against my face, over the sock that was already teasing two of my senses.

It was getting harder to breathe but I didn't last long anyway. The shirt on my face muffled the moans that escaped my lips as I soaked the sock on my dick with an unusually big load of my cum.

For a few minutes, I quietly lay on my friend's bed while I caught my breath. I put away the shirt and took the tip of the sock out of my mouth, leaving a slightly fuzzy feeling on my tongue. My penis, still in the other sock, was getting limp and pressed the wet fabric of my makeshift masturbator onto my stomach.

I stayed this way for a while, part of me still hoping I could 'accidentally' reveal my desires, before I got up and put on clothes again.

As reason took over once more, I cleaned up so my friend wouldn't find out what I did. I put the shirt back to where I took it from, straightened the bedsheets, and... put his socks into my backpack. I had "borrowed" some of his underwear before to have some fun with it at home. He never noticed and I always put them back eventually. This time I planned on keeping the socks.

When he returned, I was doing my homework on the floor like nothing happened. We spent a couple more hours together before I went home with my newly attained treasure and promptly masturbated into them again.

After only a few days, his scent was mostly replaced by that of my cum. But even on the memories alone, these socks never stopped arousing me.

Next: Chapter 3

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