Misadventures of a Horny Boy

By pmmls

Published on Dec 6, 2020


I was never huge on sports but eventually my dad got me to sign up with a local netball club. I hadn't really heard of it before and wasn't quite sure why there would be an only marginally different variant of basketball (believe it or not, because we never entered tournaments and our team was mixed I'd already been playing it for years when I found out it's traditionally a women's sport) but after trying it out, I agreed to join anyway. It actually turned out to be pretty fun and one of my friends from school was on the team as well, so even though my performance was pretty mediocre, it didn't take long until I actually looked forward to the weekly practice. As you might be able to guess though, that wasn't solely due to the sport.

I was usually the first of the boys to arrive so when the coach let me in, I had the entire locker room to myself. We used the gym of a nearby school (though not the one I was going to) and I loved stepping into the shower-room before the others arrived. Granted, none of us showered there, practice was in the evening and anyone who wanted to shower did so at home. But it still turned me on to be alone where other boys regularly got naked. Even if I never saw any of them (unfortunately).

One day I arrived especially early because I'd misread the clock and hurried to the gym, thinking I was already late. My panic intensified when I stood in front of locked doors and frankly, I felt a little stupid when a few minutes later the coach arrived and looked at me slightly bewildered that I was there earlier than her. But even after I realized my mistake, being there so early turned out to be well worth it in the end! The coach unlocked the boys' locker room for me and jokingly told me to take my time. Little did she know that I was about to do exactly that. Neither did I though. Until I stepped in and saw a pair of bright red boxer briefs lying on the floor. They looked a little small, even to my middle-schooler self, but this at least confirmed that they didn't belong to one of my teammates. Just the sight excited me already.

After hurriedly closing the door, I rushed to the abandoned underpants. They were even lying near the bench I always changed at so part of me felt like these boxer briefs were here for me. I carefully picked them up and gave them a quick sniff. The only noticeable smell was that of an unfamiliar laundry detergent but I still felt myself get hard as I thought about the boy and his dick and butt that had been covered by this pleasantly soft fabric.

In theory I knew that no one else was going to arrive for at least another half hour but I still turned around to check if I was really alone before I began to strip down to my underwear. I regularly jacked off in the locker room before practice and to make matters easier, I always changed into my sports gear first so I could finish up my business in the toilet stall by the showers and still be ready when the others arrived. Today was no different. For the most part. Once I was down to just socks and underwear, I took a quick glance over my shoulder before pushing down my briefs to my ankles, nervous and excited at the same time to be fully exposed out in the open. I stepped out of them, but lost my balance, and with my socked feet slipping on the tile floor, I accidentally kicked them a couple meters across the room. I actually just barely managed to hold on to the bench instead of crashing right into it and had to briefly imagine how embarrassing it would have been if I'd hurt myself and had the other boys walk in on me lying naked and injured on the floor.

Even that thought wasn't enough to subdue my swelling dick and I had to massage it in anticipation as I felt the cool air of the room on my skin. I grabbed the boxer briefs as my excitement surged and slowly slipped them on. The fabric stretched as I pulled them up and they clung tightly to my body. I shivered, knowing that these boxer briefs were likely worn and had touched another boy's dick before. And now they were touching mine. I was so hard, I thought my dick would rip these underpants right open. Getting hornier by the second, I massaged my boner through the fabric and walked over to the sinks by the shower area. There were two rows of them on opposing walls, each with mirrors above so I could observe myself in this unknown boy's underwear from all angles and I relished it. Seeing my boner under the stretched fabric and my butt crack peeking out over the waistband I couldn't pull all the way over my hips, it didn't take long before just teasing my dick wasn't enough. I fished it out and pushed the waistband down under its base before starting to wank at full speed. The thrill of jacking off in the open always got to me and I strutted through the empty shower area, never letting up from my throbbing boner, but eventually my nervous glances towards the clock proved to be too much of a distraction that I decided to move on to the safety of the toilet stall. The locker room only had one so I still couldn't stay in there too long once the others arrived, but at least it let me finish up in private even when I wasn't alone anymore.

I put on my gym shorts and shirt just to be safe in case I wasn't done by the time the others arrived (wouldn't have been the first time) and locked myself in the all too familiar stall. Normally I jacked off just like that but as I looked at the red boxer briefs around my thighs, I desperately wanted to sniff them again. I scrambled out of my clothes and brought the unknown underwear closer to my face. The front was already stained in my precum and I hungrily poked my tongue at the wet spot. I had no idea what the boy who owned these boxers looked like, how old he was, what kind of person he was, or anything really. Maybe I wouldn't have liked him at all, but starved for any kind of sexual contact with other boys, this still felt like heaven. Stifling a moan, I rocked my hips back and forth into my fist as I inhaled the scent of the boxer briefs. I was hornier than I'd been in a while. I jacked off for a few minutes, heavily breathing into the boxer briefs and getting close to the edge often enough that I had to pause two or three times. But I only got hornier and hungrier for more.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what exactly prompted it, but as my lust surged, I looked at the toilet brush innocently sitting in the corner of the stall, and suddenly felt a tingling emptiness in my butt that was shaped just like it. I knew I liked butt play. I'd first experienced it in kindergarten only driven by curiosity back then, rediscovered it when puberty started and I found out about sexual pleasure, and eventually made it a habit, regularly taking whole pens and fingers when my hunger grew. But until then I'd never had anything larger than that inside of me. Somehow, I still felt utterly compelled to change this right then and there.

I reached for the toilet brush and crouched down a little to get better access to my butt. As I inspected the handle of the brush, just barely thicker than my index finger, some second thoughts entered my mind simply because of its sheer length. But the ribbed top looked like fun and I was horny beyond measure and reason. Bending forward a little, I brought it to my butthole that already twitched in anticipation and carefully started to press. The brush didn't get far and it took a whole lot of time and concentration to even push the first centimeter in but after that it got easier. The handle had roughly the same girth throughout and as I slowly pushed forward, I felt the ribs that were meant to give you better grip disappear inside of me one after the other. I gasped in delight after each one, hardly taking note of the painful friction anymore, and once the last bump made it past my sphincter I knew that something longer than my dick was now inside my butt. I vigorously wanked at the thought and involuntarily clenched my hole around the almost uncomfortably rigid object. Even the knowledge that I hadn't washed the handle or that others would touch it once I was done (in hindsight maybe not my smartest move) turned me on more and I nearly came twice just from touching my dick. But I wasn't done yet. I didn't want this to end any time soon.

I sniffed the boxer briefs again and as its scent tickled my nostrils, I felt adventurous. I wanted to know how much more of the toilet brush I could take. Crouching down a little lower, I reached for the handle and, involuntarily holding my breath, started pushing it further inside. It only progressed millimeter by millimeter and if I didn't take it slow, a sharp, stinging pain made me flinch. But I wanted more. I needed more and I was willing to take my time to get it. Only when I really couldn't push it any further without pain did I stop and as I stood up, I realized that I'd taken almost the entire handle anyway. There was still a good chunk outside of me, but standing upright, there was only about a centimeter between my butt cheeks and the brush. I shivered at the thought and began wanking like there was no tomorrow. With the unknown boy's underwear against my face and the toilet brush in my butt, I felt so overstimulated that I knew I wouldn't last long. I still tried to stretch it out as long as I could. Just as I felt myself nearing the point of no return, I heard the locker room door open and shoved the boxer briefs against my mouth to stifle any possible moans from my inevitable orgasm. And it was intense. I quietly twitched in short bursts of ecstasy, my hips rocking back and forth uncontrollably as droplets of my still watery cum spilled out of my pulsating erection and over the fingers I tightly curled around it. I held my breath and felt like I lost my vision as almost all my senses converged momentarily into lust and relief.

By the time my mind cleared again, my body was still in its afterglow and it took me a moment before I could do anything. I lowered the underwear from my face and took a deep breath, still feeling a little dizzy. The toilet brush inside of me now started to feel increasingly uncomfortable and I bent over to pull it out. It was a slow process until only the ribbed bit remained and as the resistance suddenly weakened, I accidentally ripped it out far too quickly. I had to bite my lip not to moan and I felt my butthole twitch, like it was gasping for air as it adjusted to being empty again. Looking back, it's kind of a miracle I was able to take almost the entire handle without any lube or preparation. I felt sore for a while afterwards, but I'm pretty sure if I tried to do the same thing now, I'd probably give up halfway through. Either I used to be more resilient or I just didn't know any better...

Anyway, with the toilet brush still in my hand, I turned around. I couldn't help but briefly sniff and inspect the handle before putting the brush back where it belonged. Much to my relief there were no visible traces of what I'd done and I genuinely doubted that anyone would smell a toilet brush to find the only trace I'd left. Frankly, the thought of just leaving the brush as if nothing happened made my dick jump again.

Somewhat exhausted, I sank down on the toilet and peed, both because I had to and because it was a necessary alibi now that some of the others were there. But maybe they wouldn't have known either way because as always, it had already gotten fairly noisy in the locker room. I flushed the toilet and put my clothes back on, including the too small boxer briefs because I didn't want to risk going commando during practice. I left the stall and hoped my face wasn't red enough to give away what I'd been doing. As I washed my hands, I still wondered how I'd be able to change into my own briefs without the others noticing.

By the time I walked into the locker room however, I realized that this would turn out even harder than anticipated.

"Dude! Someone left his underwear here!" I heard one of my teammates shout as soon as he saw me. The others were equally excited, giggling as they stood around my briefs on the floor, some of them even poking them with their shoes and daring each other to pick them up or put them on.

I was tempted to step up and go through with the dare, given how they were mine anyway and it seemed like an easy way to gain some cred with the others. But I was already getting hard again as everyone gawked at my briefs on the floor and it probably would have seemed weird if I'd just kept them on. So I did my best to pretend they weren't mine and just laughed with the others about that weirdo kid who forgot his underwear here.

A knock at the door eventually shut us up and the coach told us to get ready. I could hardly concentrate during practice as I felt the tight boxer briefs with every single move I made. I knew, back home I'd have to jack off all over again. Hell, my dick was ready to explode throughout most of practice. The upside of the underwear being too small was that my erection wasn't quite as obvious. But hoo boy was all the stimulation distracting and I was unusually quick to leave when we were told to pack up.

I still took my time in the locker room. I was waiting for my boner to go down at least a little and I also wasn't too thrilled to let the others see me in boxer briefs that were obviously too small and soaked with precum at the front. If the toilet hadn't been occupied until most of the others were gone, I'd have jacked off again right then and there.

In the end, I left my briefs behind in the locker room. I couldn't wait any longer and just wanted to get home and wank. But as I left, a thought excited me even more than the foreign fabric on my genitals.

What would the next boy who came into the locker room do with my briefs? I sadly don't know. When the next practice session came around, they were no longer there so someone must have taken them. I'd like to believe it was another horny boy. That he'd sniffed them, getting hard as he smelled traces of my dick, fantasizing about me without any other clues who I might be. But no matter who he was or what he did, I hope he had fun.

Next: Chapter 4

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