Misadventures of a Horny Boy

By pmmls

Published on Oct 27, 2021


When I first discovered masturbation, it was much less result-focused than it eventually became, only being about exploring new things and feeling good in the process. Without any guidance, it even took me some time to discover the convenience of using my hand instead of humping pillows or plushies.

I was only about ten at the time, still at the very beginning of puberty but all the more curious and eager to learn about sexual things as those were supposed to be for grown-ups only. Getting started so early had a few perks, namely quite a lot of stamina and a lack of semen. Of course I was anxiously awaiting my first ejaculation, but even back then I couldn't deny the convenience of having orgasms without making a mess.

In fact, I rather made the most of it.

There was a time where all I needed to start masturbating was a boner and a way to hide it. Of course my own room offered the most convenience but I wasn't exactly picky.

Public bathrooms, changing stalls at the pool or mall, our laundry room while doing chores, or really any closed room when I was left alone for a few minutes was good enough for a quick wank. One evening when dad and I were watching TV on our couch, I jacked off under the blanket while dad went to the kitchen during a commercial break. He couldn't have been away for more than two or three minutes, but as I was getting increasingly daring, I took any opportunity to whip out my little boner and rub it until it sent shivers through my body with no traces left aside from a flushed face and quiet gasps.

At some point, I probably got a little too daring.

I often stayed over at my best friend's place. It wasn't rare that I went home with him after school and then stayed until evening. Since dad worked a lot, it actually worked out pretty well.

One time when I was 12, I had stayed there all afternoon again and well into the evening. Usually I took the bus back home or rode my bike if I had it with me, but I didn't on that day and since it was starting to get dark, my best friend's mom offered to drive me.

I was hesitant to accept, mainly because I didn't want to be a bother and my home wasn't so far off that a bus ride was out of the question even at night. Still, she insisted and I agreed.

So with my backpack in tow, I said goodbye to my best friend and followed his mom to their car. I liked her and had known her for years by then, but it was still always a bit awkward to be alone with a friend's parent.

I got onto the passenger seat and put on the seat belt, but almost right after sitting down, my best friend's mom got up again and told me she had to go back to the house because she had forgotten something. Since there was no need for me to tag along, I waited in the car and watched in the side mirror as she disappeared through the front yard.

As I waited, I felt something stir inside my pants, and immediately I asked myself: do I have enough time to jack off?

It probably hadn't even been a minute since I was left alone in the car, but it felt like a long time already. On one hand it could mean that my best friend's mom was about to return, but on the other there was the possibility that it would take longer and I'd have enough time to take care of the erection starting to tent my pants. My orgasms were still dry then and masturbation had become so much of a routine that it became hard to resist opportunities to try something new and exciting.

I nervously looked around. It was a quiet neighborhood and no one else was out on the street. The sun had only started to set, so if anyone did happen to pass by, they could easily see me through the car windows, not to mention that my best friend's mom was bound to return, and by the time I could see her approach, it'd be to late to hide any exposed genitalia or suspicious hand movements.

But what horny boy decides for the reasonable option when there's the promise of an orgasm.

I swiftly fished my dick out of the fly of my pants and got started right away. Jacking off in this car was strangely arousing. It had the security of an indoor space, but I was still out in the open, easily seen by anyone in the area. I was fully clothed, even had the seat belt on, and it felt so naughty to work my dick as if there was no tomorrow. Probably, because it felt like there would very much be no tomorrow if anyone discovered what I was doing.

As time passed, I kept glancing back, hoping I wouldn't see my best friend's mom. I could usually get off in about two minutes, maybe less if I was especially horny. But that day I had already jacked off twice in the bathroom, so my dick needed a little more stimulation than I felt comfortable with in such a precarious situation. The risk was paradoxically arousing though.

My breathing soon became more labored and I involuntarily let out gasps, still looking around to make sure I was alone until I could feel my orgasm build up. I increased the tempo, briefly not caring anymore if the car was visibly rocking up and down or if anyone saw me through the windows. And then I came.

I shoved my hip up against the pressure of the seat belt and my hand, my dick just barely poking out of my tightly closed fist, and felt the familiar ecstatic pulses of an orgasm. But something was different. I can't even say anymore if it was more intense, but it felt like there was more strain on my dick than usual. Maybe because this was my third orgasm of the day, but maybe also because droplets of a watery liquid were oozing out of my twitching boner. There was so little of it, it didn't even make it past my half-retracted foreskin at first. From what I'd learned in sex ed, read in books, or seen in what little porn I'd watched at the time, I had expected an ejaculation to be a lot more impressive, with cum actually shooting out and being thicker and more white than transparent. I briefly wondered if it even was cum, but it didn't feel like I had to go and the thought of just having had my first ejaculation was much more exciting.

Even beyond my afterglow, I was stunned. The outside world temporarily slipped my mind as I just stared at my dick and the glob of liquid slowly spreading over my glans. I carefully moved my hand around, as if on reflex, and accidentally spilled this first tiny load of mine over my fingers. Immediately, I pinched my foreskin together, desperate to prevent dripping anything onto my pants. Thankfully, there wasn't much to spill, so I just awkwardly shuffled in my seat, using my left hand to tuck my softening dick back where it belonged and couldn't cause any trouble. Then I slowly moved my right hand towards my face, both curious and excited to examine the proof that I wasn't just a kid anymore.

The side of my index finger was glistening in the spots where my cum spilled over, and I gave it a quick sniff. It didn't smell of much. If anything, I only noticed the smell of my dick on my hand. Then I dabbed my tongue against it, only to be similarly underwhelmed. The taste was faint and a little strange, somewhat salty but hard to put into words.

I couldn't think about it much anyway, because I heard the driver's door open and flinched so hard I accidentally scratched my face.

Of course I tried hard to act cool, like nothing noteworthy happened in the car since I was left to my own devices, but that alone should tell you how successful I was. My face must have been bright red and I hoped dearly that the car didn't smell like a boy with no self-control had just jacked off in it.

My best friend's mom didn't comment on anything though and she just turned on the radio and drove onto the road. I felt so embarrassed, I didn't dare say a word as classical music filled the silence. Had she caught me in the act? She returned so soon after my orgasm that it was absolutely possible, but maybe I'd been lucky enough that my dick had already been out of sight by the time she reached the driveway. Either way, she saw me sniffing and licking my still sticky hand which was odd enough that she definitely knew something was up. As if I wasn't embarrassed enough already, every passing second made me more aware that my fly was still wide open and I had no way of changing that without drawing attention to it.

Eventually, she started making small talk, but I don't remember what she said. My mind was still too occupied with the fact that my balls were finally more than just a decorative attachment below my favorite toy, and that the mother of my best friend and crush had potentially witnessed how I found out about that.

To this day I don't know if she knew what I did in her car. If she did, she never let it show and I am both grateful for that and curious if she had maybe caught my best friend doing something similar. If she was just cool about things or used to the fact that growing boys have a hard time keeping their hard-ons in their pants.

Safe to say though, that I didn't risk jacking off in a car again. Not only did I have my fill of entirely avoidable danger, but I also lost the privilege of getting away with orgasms wherever I wanted. My cum was still watery for a while, but it gradually increased in amount over the next few months. Of course being too horny for my own good still made me come up with ways to deal with that while jacking off at various places, but it never felt quite as simple again as when there was nothing to dispose of. But maybe that's for the better...

Next: Chapter 5

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