Misadventures of a Horny Boy

By pmmls

Published on Jun 5, 2022


As most boys during puberty, I was often concerned with how I compared to other boys my age. Not just in terms of my dick size or other body parts that were slowly transitioning into adulthood, but experiences as well.

One thing in particular was on my mind for quite a while, although I wasn't exactly insecure about it: I had never had a wet dream.

When I first discovered masturbation, my orgasms were still dry, and once they weren't anymore, I jacked off so much that my body apparently didn't feel the need to release any excess semen at night. Maybe there wasn't any.

While I could certainly live without the embarrassment of waking up with sticky pajamas and bed sheets for my dad to discover, I was curious how it would feel to cum without any physical stimulation, probably not even consciously aware of it happening until it's already over. I had read that it could even feel good or lead to exciting dreams. Well, and a part of me felt like I was missing out on an important boyhood experience if I grew up without shooting my stuff fast asleep at least once.

So since I wasn't producing enough cum (or maybe was just ejaculating it too regularly) for wet dreams to occur naturally, I thought the logical conclusion was to remain abstinent until my body felt it necessary to release the sperm accumulating in my growing balls. There was a problem with that plan though. The longest I had ever managed to go without jacking off back then was five days. And I was so perpetually horny that even that had been a challenge.

Still, I was determined. I would stop masturbating for at least a week and bring about my long overdue first wet dream. And if I failed after just a few days, I'd at least have an orgasm more intense than the ones I had on the daily...

The first day was fairly straightforward. Several times I felt the need to drop my pants and let off some steam just out of habit, but a simple reminder to myself how exciting it would be if I could have a wet dream was enough to push my lust aside. I just watched some TV, read a little, and played some video games to distract myself, suddenly realizing just how much time I usually spent playing with my dick.

This wasn't quite as easy on the second day. I already woke up with a boner, but by the time I took a shower, it was gone and I could pretend I didn't want to go for a quick wank before breakfast. School did a pretty good job at keeping away opportunities to give in to the slowly growing desire in my lower half, but it also made me realize that it had been a strategically poor decision to start this endeavor on a Thursday.

The weekend being right on the third and fourth days, the ones hardest to get past in my experience, proved to be a challenge indeed. Distractions that worked the previous days did nothing for me now, so I just bounced from one thing to another, unable to focus for longer than a few minutes. Boxers left too much room for my dick to brush against the fabric as I moved, so I went back to wearing briefs for the time being, even at night to lessen any potential messes should I be successful, despite usually sleeping without underwear.

At least dad wasn't working for once so I wasn't alone all day, but I was still antsy. He was busy with chores and eventually I asked if there was anything I could help out with, just to distract myself further. He briefly looked at me like I had a fever, to which I just grumbled that I was bored, not very confident that either of us believed the lie. Grateful for the help if confused about my motivation, dad let me choose between helping with the laundry or gardening.

I picked gardening. By then I was so easily aroused that even just the thought of potentially sorting underwear made my dick twitch. Mowing the lawn and watering plants also seemed like a promising way to burn some extra energy. Even without anything in particular turning me on, I was hard almost the entire time. But somehow I managed to get through the day without giving in to my ever growing needs.

Sunday I woke up with another raging boner and found myself absentmindedly massaging it through my pajamas before I was even fully conscious. As soon as I realized what I was doing, I let go of my dick, but it took all my willpower not to continue as it strained for release.

I knew that I'd lose my mind if I tried to stay home again, so I called my best friend to see if he had anything planned. His plans turned out to be meeting up with a couple others to play soccer, and although I rarely joined in with that, I asked if I could come along without hesitation. Physical exertion was exactly what I needed.

In hindsight, spending the day around a bunch of sporty boys was maybe not the smartest move to keep my arousal at bay, but I forced myself to just focus on the matches as if my life depended on it. Somehow I was even kinda useful to my team. When I came home, I was so sweaty I had to take a shower right away, and my dick stood up straight the whole time. Being naked made it hardest to keep my hands away from my penis when it was practically begging for attention and reaching for it would have been so very simple. But once again, with the promise of an exciting experience, I somehow managed to stay strong. As I was in bed, having trouble to fall asleep, I dearly wished it wouldn't take long for this self-imposed struggle to pay off.

On Monday I let my guard down. It was the fifth day, and I figured school would get me through most of it without much trouble. Technically, I wasn't wrong about that, but I severely underestimated the three hours in the afternoon that I would spend alone before dad came home from work.

As soon as I closed the door to my room, I dropped my bag and unbuttoned my pants on autopilot. This was my routine when I was home alone and horny, but now that I stood there, pants slowly sliding down my hips and my boner stretching the underwear underneath, it became increasingly difficult to not give in to what usually followed. I stood there frozen, unable to do anything as I watched my pants drop to my ankles and precum stain my briefs. Then something in me snapped. I couldn't take it anymore. I stepped out of my pants, pushed down my briefs, and let myself fall onto my bed, butt raised and knees to my chest. My penis was aching for stimulation, but with my hope for a timely wet dream if I could just hold out a little longer, I wondered if I could keep myself at bay by tending to my ever eager butt.

I had no patience for proper preparation so I just briefly sucked on my index finger before firmly pressing it against my sphincter. Even with minimal lubrication it went in without trouble, and although the friction was a bit uncomfortable at first, it didn't take long for me to loosen up. I quickly picked up speed, hoping I could stop thinking about my aching erection if I just stimulated my backside enough. When that didn't happen, I added a second finger and pressed down harder.

My dick was painfully hard as I eagerly fingered my hole, the foreskin almost entirely retracted as it stood at full mast. It twitched in time with my heartbeat, aching for attention. I wanted to touch it so bad but I knew I wouldn't be able to let go if I did.

The fingers in my butt didn't provide the release I had hoped for. Under normal circumstances this would have been obvious, but my libido was so out of control that it had felt perfectly plausible to let off some steam by fingering myself without any intention of cumming.

I loudly moaned when I unexpectedly hit my prostate. For just a second, the jolt of pure lust clouded my mind completely, and I felt my free hand grab my throbbing penis and give it a hearty stroke. Had this moment of weakness lasted even just a second longer, I probably would have come to my senses covered in what I expected to be my biggest load of cum ever. But reason (or whatever you might call it) took over just in time for me to immediately stop each and every of my movements. I tensed up, toes curling, feet in the air, while I held my breath, focusing my entire being on not getting pushed over the edge. It felt like my impending orgasm had already reached the base of my dick, fighting to move up to its tip, while I desperately tried to stop it. My anus was clenching hard on the fingers still lodged deep within it, and I briefly saw stars. But my orgasm never came. Just as quickly as it started, the feeling of near-orgasm disappeared and my body relaxed all at once with a sharp exhale. My legs and head collapsed onto the bed, fingers slipping from my butt and my other hand sliding off my still erect dick.

For a moment I just lay there, feeling a little relief but still consumed by the desire to just jack off like there was no tomorrow. The previous five days would have been all for nothing though if I let that happen, so I reluctantly sat up and got dressed again, careful not to rub my sensitive hard-on too much while putting on briefs and sweat pants.

I decided to do my homework, hoping it would turn me off enough to avoid any further incidents. It worked out surprisingly well, though it still left me with almost two hours to kill before dad came home.

I was hard almost all evening, constantly adjusting my pants not to walk around with a visible tent. While dad and I were watching a movie, I had the head of my penis poking out of the waistband just to keep it in place no matter how hard or soft it got. My t-shirt was baggy enough that he couldn't see a thing, but I was still blushing hard, wishing it was cold enough that I could hide my bottom half under a blanket.

When I went to bed, I felt so pent up, I was sure this would be the night I was gonna have a wet dream. Disappointment was all the bigger when I woke up to a raging boner and only precum in my briefs the next day.

At least a small sense of accomplishment stayed with me though. I had made it to day six, a new record if I could make it to the end without masturbating.

This time I didn't want to take any chances. I skipped showering that day because I didn't feel confident I could keep my hands off the desperate boner in my pants if I got naked. And that was probably the right call. My mind was racing, too aroused to focus on anything, and I constantly caught myself absentmindedly massaging my dick through my clothes. It took my all to stay aware of it and move my hand away before it was too late. Even at school, my hand found its way to my crotch under the desk whenever my mind drifted away from class. I don't think anyone saw, but in the moment I didn't even care. I just wanted to get through the day without losing control.

The rest of the day was a blur. I could hardly think about anything but how much I needed to cum and how I couldn't let that happen yet. I was so on edge, I began questioning if it was even worth it just for a wet dream.

Then evening came and after eating dinner and watching some TV without really paying attention, I went to bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I realized full of shock that my free hand had found its way into my pants, but managed to take it out again without causing any last minute accidents.

When I was finally in bed, briefs and pajamas straining under my boner, I felt like there was no way I wouldn't have a wet dream that night. I was so antsy and pent up, I just couldn't even think about the alternative.

It took me a while to fall asleep. I couldn't stay still, rocking my hips back and forth without thinking, rubbing my crotch against the blanket just to feel a little calmer. When I did fall asleep, it was rather unsteady. I woke up several times that night, but it was usually in a state of semi-consciousness, so it wasn't always easy to discern whether I was still sleeping or not.

Even in my dreams, my mind was entirely focused on the stimulation my boner craved. I don't remember many specifics of the dreams I had that night, but as I was tossing and turning in my bed, images and sensations of sex and masturbation were all that filled my head. I hadn't had lucid dreams before, but some of it felt so real, like the sensations were not just in my imagination, it was very much how I imagined lucid dreams to be.

One dream took the regular sight of the boys' locker room after PE class and escalated it into an unlikely frenzy of all my classmates jacking off and sucking each others dicks like it was an essential part of getting changed. My own dick was being eagerly sucked by a classmate who I didn't know very well but who I thought was cute while another boy I couldn't see rubbed his boner into my butt crack, the hot sensations both front and back making me so horny I felt dizzy.

Jolts of pleasure surged through my dick.

I gradually lost track of my surroundings, too absorbed in the heat coming from my genitals. The release my dick had been aching for since almost a week ago, finally felt within reach and I arched my back, thrusting my hip forward in anticipation.

Then I came to, breathing heavily, my blanket on the floor and my hips raised. My hands were in my pajamas, tightly clasped around the bulge in my briefs and my clenched butt as I felt the last few spurts of my orgasm soak the fabric under my fingers.

It took me some time before I could form a coherent thought. And then I wondered if this was finally the wet dream I had wanted or if I had just rubbed myself to orgasm while half awake without realizing.

As I sank down into the mattress, my hand still holding my sticky bulge, I didn't really care though. I felt completely at ease for the first time in days and I fell back asleep almost immediately.

After that, I didn't wake up again until morning. I didn't even hear my alarm clock and dad had to nudge me awake so I wouldn't be late to school.

I only realized I still had my hand in my pajamas after he had left the room again. And even now with my briefs still wet and sticky, I wasn't quite sure if my orgasm was due to the dream or if my hormone-plagued brain had hallucinated the entirety of it while I finally gave in to my needs.

Well, either way I took a long shower and jacked off again for good measure and because my briefs were so thoroughly soaked, just looking at them gave me a boner. Safe to say, I washed them myself. After jacking off into them a couple more times... Dad finding me like that was more than enough, I didn't want him to see my cum-soaked underwear in the laundry.

The following week was pretty much the opposite of the six days I spent abstinent. I had no desire to hold back in the slightest and masturbated whenever I felt the smallest need to do so.

In hindsight, I'm still not sure if it was a real wet dream that I had, but my curiosity was sated. It definitely was one of my most intense orgasms ever, so at the very least, it was well worth all the trouble.

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