Missouri Slave Summer

By Whipped

Published on Feb 17, 2018


Category: Interracial and/or Authoritarian

This story is fiction and not based on any real events or people. Everyone portrayed is over eighteen. You must be at least eighteen to read this story. Never do this stuff in real life.

I wrote this for a biracial reader with fantasies about slavery who is into raceplay. I was a little uncomfortable writing it so I apologise if it isn't terribly good. He said there were only a few raceplay stories out there.

I don't know if I'll continue it unless there is a lot of positive feedback. It seriously made me uncomfortable.

Slavery, rascism, and prejudice in real life is never okay. Also, don't self hate. Black, white, green, love yourself.

And if you enjoy nifty, donate.

Part One

Growing up mixed in Indiana is probably weird for most people, but in my case it was ultra weird. Unlike most mixed guys, I could pretty much pass for white. My mom was mixed and my dad was white and I came out sort of tanned white boy looking. I also never had black people hair. What I mean by that, if you don't know, is I never had to put oils in it or anything. It was basically white people hair, but easier to style.

The reason I said it was ultra weird is because white people assumed I was white and said some super rascist stuff to and in front of me. This kid Aj always talked about how happy his dad said their great grandpa's niggers were before they got freed and how he'd knock the bitches up if they hadn't been freed and his family still owned them. I could never invite any of my friends over. I sort of pretended I was white to get by.

Aj's family were from Missouri originally and still owned a plantation and farm there. He spent the summer there every year.

About a month before school ended, I got the flu and had to miss about a week of school. That flu changed everything for me.

Aj showed up with my homework and met my parents. Of course, they had to offer him dinner and then my whole life story.

I was outed as black.

He didn't exactly blackmail me, but he started holding it over me after that. He also came up with a plan.

He kept telling me over and over how I needed to experience my heritage and the real south and how he could help me out and we would both make money.

His plan was pretty simple. He said a lot of the guys in Missouri would pay big bucks for a chance to own a real slave or feel like a real master, even for only a few weeks or months. He would put an ad up, "lease me" so they couldn't do any real damage and had to play nice, and come check on me so he could get me out of there if anything crazy was going on. He said he had done farm stuff and that was how he got so hot so when I was done the girls would be all over me. And he said we would split the money and probably still have enough each to buy a used truck or car. And he said I'd get to know my black side.

He kept up like this for two weeks and then he played real dirty.

He asked my parents if I could spend the summer with him and his family in Missouri. He said they could take a real vacation and how I'd love it on the farm and how great his family was.

I couldn't really fight that and there was a sort of implied threat that if I said no in the end everybody at school would know I was mixed.

Aj made me get copies of my birth certificate and school id, as well as a bunch of pictures with my parents and my mom's family. He said no way anybody would believe I was a nigger without that.

He had me take a photo barechested with a leash and dog collar on and then posted it on an online ad on a Missouri website. The website he said was mostly for hookups and selling farm supplies, but he thought it would work.

The ad read:

Mixed young nigger buck for lease for summer. Experience what your ancestors had. Helpful with planting and harvesting. Untrained and newly owned. Needs to learn it's place. Pictures and documents verifying it has nigger blood available. Won't last long. Contact me with offers. Must be returned in good shape, no mutilation and no visible scars. Pickup only. Located in Indiana, near Kentucky border. Will go willingly.

I figured nobody would reply and this would be some weird story we told.

I was wrong.

The ad was flagged twenty minutes after it went up.

But there were 120 replies.

About half were from angry black guys. A few were from black women. Some were from what Aj called social justice warriors and those asked me to get counseling or threatened us. After the gay sex and bdsm stuff was thrown out, that left ten offers.

Aj said we should only look at the three highest.

One offered a thousand dollars for the summer, but he was the youngest and actually looked kind of nice.

One offered three grand and he looked sort of like a creeper hillbilly. He wanted delivery too.

The last refused to send a photo, but offered 3800.00 and to pick me up at a local rest stop. He said he had wheat to harvest and a back field to clear and this sounded cheaper and better than hiring out.

I wanted the young guy to be safe but Aj convinced me to go for the photo less guy.

He would pick me up with Aj the night school got out. As far as my parents would know, I would be with Aj. I gave Aj my email password and recorded a bunch of voice messages for them he said he'd send out or put on their voicemail.

At two am, we walked from Aj's house to the local rest stop. It was just a restroom and map next to the freeway with parking. Nobody else was there when we arrived.

Aj looked as nervous as I felt.

When we saw the headlights of a truck, Aj put a homemade gag in my mouth and tied it off. He had attached the leash and collar on me earlier and I could feel his shaking through it.

The truck was the kind with a trailer on the back used to carry horse or cattle. You couldn't see inside it, but I was shocked to see four white men get out.

They were all taller than me and really muscular, except for the oldest. He looked about fifty or sixty and had a belly. He was wearing overalls without a shirt and I could see his hairy chest. He was really hairy.

He took the info folder Aj had put together and started looking through it. He held the birth certificate and my id to the light and stared at me for a free minutes before nodding. He barely looked at the pictures of me with my mom's family.

He gave the other men a look and they came over. One wrapped his arms around my throat and held me still while another pulled out a razor.

At that, I full on panicked. I started to buck and run, but they had the leash and I didn't get far.

They pulled me back to where Aj and the older man was. Then the man with the razor cut my clothes off. I was left standing in nothing but my underwear.

The older man ran his hands up and down my body like I was a horse. He even got on his knees and lifted up my feet and looked and felt my legs and thighs.

I started to cry and then Aj came over.

He whispered in my ear, "You'll be fine. I'll check on you. It's just farm work. They're farmers."

I relaxed a little. No big deal. Just part of the fantasy for them.

The next thing I felt was a needle in my side. The last thing I saw before passing out was the older man handing Aj a bag full of cash.

Part Two

Otis Morley's ancestors owned sixty two niggers in their heyday. They farmed corn and cotton and had the biggest plantation in the entire county of Lubeck. After the war, all that ended.

By the time Otis took over, there was just fifty farm acres left and twenty grazing. Much of the work was done by machines, but he still had four men living in his workhouse and a whole mess of work undone every day.

When Otis saw the ad, it sounded too good to be true. You hire full time workers and you got insurance and forty hour work weeks or overtime and nobody wants to make minimum wage. And half the workers try to slack off. The chance to wield the whip and really get a day's labor was too good to pass up.

Plus, he'd always been a little jealous of his ancestors having niggers and him not.

He figured 3800.00 was a good number because it was less than minimum wage over time, but enough to make it clear he wasn't playing games.

When they pulled up to the rest stop, he couldn't believe what he saw.

It looked like two white boys at first.

The taller one had red hair and was about his height. He was a little pale and freckled, but looked muscular enough. He had that farm boy look and not that city gym muscle bullshit.

The other boy looked tan and was only about 5'8. His hair was black and cut in one of those fancy city haircuts that made it look messy and clean at the same time. He didn't have any muscle really to speak of, but looked more like a young and gawky colt. He had bright blue eyes.

He was wearing a leash and a collar and was gagged with what looked like a washcloth or something.

Otis took the folder from the ginger kid and confirmed the black haired boy was a nigger, just one of those light skinned bucks that used to come out of masters fucking their own get. He thought he could sort of see it in the boy's nose and lips if you looked close enough. That said, Marcus Richards was the lightest nigger he'd ever seen.

When he gestured for the men to get the nigger ready for inspection, the boy made a run for it.

He didn't get far.

The boy cried a bit when his clothes were cut off and Otis checked his body for defects. He was fighting and crying and then the ginger boy said something that calmed him down.

Next thing you know, the men jammed Marcus with the horse tranquilizer, loaded him in the cattle car, and were off before Aj even finished counting the money.

Part Three

Marcus woke up in the dark. He was naked and laying on the ground, but he could feel something on his leg. He moved it and heard a jingle sound. He was chained to the wall. He started to scream, but realized this was what he had signed up for.

The leftover drugs also gave him a slight floaty feeling.

When the lights finally came on an hour later, he realized he was in a barn of some kind.

The next thing he saw was the older man from earlier.

The older man's hair was grey and he was still in the overalls from earlier. He had on something like galoshes that were covered in mud.

He looked like a redneck Santa Claus.

When he reached Marcus, he looked down at him and smiled. Then he pulled him up to his knees and grasped his chin firmly.

Otis said:

I waited my whole life to own a nigger boy. My name is Otis Morley, but you call me anything other than master and you won't walk for days. The other men you can call sir or master, but it's what I say goes, hear?

Marcus nodded.

Otis continued:

I got to break you in today, but after that your days will be mostly set. Wake up, feed the animals, clean stalls, collect eggs, get milk, eat, and then planting and harvesting. Then anything else needs doing. Take care of me and the other men as I say. You do right by your master, boy, and this and maybe tomorrow will be the hardest day you got, hear?

Marcus nodded again.

Otis finished:

You might be young, but you're still a buck and that means you need buck breaking. Couple of ways they used to do that, but I figure I'll try both to make sure it takes. Afterwards, you get the day off to recover. We'll try the fun one first.

Marcus was confused, but the man seemed nice enough and Marcus figured the fantasy stuff was probably what he meant. He also still couldn't think clearly. He'd say yes master and have the day off.

Then maybe he could think better.

Meanwhile, he was naked.

Marcus asked, "Can I at least have underwear, master?"

Otis simply said, "After."

Otis walked away then and Marcus, still chained and naked, saw him mixing some powder into water.

Marcus didn't resist or try running or do much at all when he was unchained and led to some sort of old wooden bench. The part his stomach was laid on was wrapped in old cotton and some sort of feather cushions. It was almost comfortable.

Otis adjusted Marcus' body until his hands were down by the front legs and cuffed in old leather. His neck was moved into a neck cuff too and his legs cuffed on the back bench legs.

He was virtually immobile.

Otis decided Marcus needed to be a little more aware for this to count so he gave him a shot to wake him up and get rid of the horse tranquilizer.

Boy, did it work.

The little nigger started screaming and bucking like a wild stallion or cattle that smelled and saw the slaughter house. But that breaking bench wasn't going to fail. It had helped break hundreds of niggers according to his grandad.

Otis decided to enjoy the moment. He ran his hands up and down the little buck's thighs and calves. He massaged the little nigger's ass and shoulders. He even grasped and squeezed the buck's nuts and johnson so he could feel his master's hands and know what he was.

Marcus was chattel. His chattel.

He unbuttoned his overalls and enjoyed the feeling of being naked. He laid on top of the boy and let the little animal feel the weight of his master on him. He twisted the little shit's nipples and enjoyed his struggle.

Then he got off him and got a handful of the horse lube he'd mixed up earlier. It was mostly water, but provided enough slickness to protect his dick.

He rubbed it on the tan little ass too and imagined the buck under him was his get. This white looking boy could be the product of him raping some little nigger girl if the south had won. It could be his part nigger son he was buck breaking.

With that, his dick got hard. Seven inches long and thick, it hadn't ever been in an ass. Until now.

When he rammed his dick in-between those tiny tight butt cheeks, the nigger started crying. His dick, though, felt heaven.

Nigger boy pussy apparently felt like slick wet velvet with a vise grip.

He slammed his dick over and over, feeling the boycunt expand and contract and tighten and release over and over.

Something about the way the boy was moaning and grunting and crying was pushing him over the edge quick.

It was hard to remember this wasn't about his pleasure, but teaching the nigger boy his place.

He stopped thrusting completely and laid on top of the boy again.

He whispered in his ear the words his grandpa said we're used:

A nigger is property, boy, to use however a master wants. You'll never be a man now. You'll always be pussy. You keep your dick in case I want you to breed more niggers, but you ain't any different than a plow or cow, boy. Nigger does it's job or gets sold or culled, boy.

The nigger bucked at that and he decided it was time.

He started licking the boy cunts face , enjoying the salty taste of tears, and creampied his asshole.

Next: Chapter 2

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