Mistaken Identity: The Acquisition - A Woman's Prerogative - TG Magic-Scifi

By D C

Published on Aug 11, 2010



Mistaken Identity: The Acquisition - A Woman's Prerogative By Deane Christopher (e-mail: deanechris5@msn.com) Edited by Sue Kidder

SYNOPSIS: The surname Johnson ranks as the second most popular surname in the United States. Unfortunately, this fact results in a case of mistaken identity for one Daniel Johnson. Upon checking into a Columbus, Ohio hotel, he is mistakenly given the room that was to be occupied by a Mr. David Johnson, a room that, unbeknownst to him, is magically booby-trapped to turn its male occupant into an extremely attractive female.

Daniel Johnson's boss had been blindsided with a last minute request for an installation and maintenance course on the new fiber-ready multiplexer and miniaturized digital cross-connection unit that his company was producing for various applications in both the telecommunications and cable television industries. To put it bluntly, a multi-million dollar contract hung in the balance. If the company Dan worked for was able to provide the requested course, the contract was pretty much a done deal. If not, the end user's chief engineering officer had made it perfectly clear that they would probably go with a competitor's product.

Daniel had spent the previous week in Denver and the week prior to that out in Seattle, so none of his cohorts expected him to volunteer for the unscheduled teaching assignment. But, due to the shambles his personal life was in at the time, Dan, adopting the logical and available man principle, stepped up to the plate and offered to fly out to Columbus, Ohio to teach the unscheduled course. Both his boss and coworkers were relieved that Dan had graciously volunteered.

The course was slated to begin on the following Monday. Had the course been on the regular teaching docket, the firm's teaching department's administrative assistant, Shelly, would have pre-booked a flight for Dan, which would have him leaving town either Friday evening, or at the very latest, early Saturday morning. By doing so, Dan would have the whole day Sunday to set up the hotel's conference room that he would be using as a makeshift classroom. Barring unforeseen complications, it would normally take Dan the better part of a day to uncrate, assemble and provision the multiplexer terminals he would be using for the course. By doing so, Dan could provide his students with the invaluable hands-on training they would need to install, provision and maintain the fiber-ready multiplexers and associated miniaturized digital cross-connection unit.

Though Shelly gave it her best shot, the firm's teaching department's extremely efficient and rather attractive administrative assistant reluctantly informed Dan that, try as she might, all of the direct flights out to Columbus were booked up solid for both that Friday and Saturday. The same, Shelly glumly informed Dan, was true for the various connecting flights. The best that Shelly had been able to arrange for Dan was a seat on a direct flight to Columbus departing early that Thursday morning. The good news however was that Dan would be flying first class, something his company rarely if ever sprang for.

Dan had bachelorhood thrust upon him by a messy and costly divorce several years before and was not phased by the prospect of having to spend a couple extra days in Columbus doing nothing constructive. As it was, Dan figured, 'What the hell! I guess I'll just have to make the best out of a bad situation...'

Because of the demand for the course that Dan taught, he spent almost every other week out of town for the past year and was well aware of the fact that he would most likely be bored out of his gourd by the time Sunday evening rolled around. But though it was an uphill struggle at times to fight off the boredom associated with being on the road, Dan knew that he would somehow find a way to keep himself occupied. There was always something to do if one applied oneself. Luckily, the hotel complex where he would be staying boasted a rather nice indoor pool, along with an accompanying hot tub, sauna and exercise room. Dan, who swam laps as his primary source of exercise, planned to avail himself of the pool for the duration of his stay. Added to that, there was always his laptop, books and as a last resort, the TV.

Due to the early departure time of his flight, Dan got to the airport at an ungodly hour that Thursday morning. The flight itself was uneventful, and upon his arrival at Port Columbus International Airport, he headed straight for the baggage claim area. Next stop, the rental car kiosk where he picked up the car that Shelly had prudently reserved for him. Then, knowing that it was far too early in the day to check-in to his hotel, Dan decided that a hardy breakfast was next on his agenda. Once his hunger was assuaged, Dan climbed back into his rental car and headed for his hotel.

Though Dan had his doubts, he was hoping that he might be able to somehow persuade the desk clerk to let him check into his room earlier than the hotel's policy generally allowed for. Dan was in luck. Though somewhat distracted by a call he was endeavoring to handle, the hotel's somewhat frazzled desk clerk quickly scanned the reservation list. Having located what he believed to be Dan's name on the list, the desk clerk handed Dan the magnetic key card for room 14, along with an information packet that contained among other things, a floor plan of hotel's facilities, plus a pamphlet listing local attractions and near-by restaurants.

Dan had been in a lot of hotels over the past couple of years and was therefore pleasantly surprised with the accommodations. The room was not only clean; it was a fairly decent size. Added to that, the furnishing surpassed his expectations and to his way of thinking, the king-size bed was a real plus. Its mattress was just the way Dan liked it - extra firm. All things considered, Dan was rather pleased with his room.

Dan borrowed one of the hotel's luggage carts and retrieved his luggage from the rental car. Back in his room, Dan took off his suit coat and hung it in the walled-off niche that served as the room's closet. Then, he turned to the task of unpacking his belongings. Coming upon his bathing suit, Dan, thinking he might be up for a swim after he got though the drudgery of unpacking, set it to one side.

As fate would have it, Dan never made it to pool that afternoon. Though he rarely if ever suffered from the symptoms associated with jetlag, round about the time he was attending to his toiletries, Dan realized that he was becoming increasingly groggy, to the point that bordered on actually becoming lethargic. Figuring that a short nap would revitalize him, Dan took off his shoes. He then placed his watch, wallet, keys, cellphone, along with his loose change on the nightstand. With that done, Dan stretched out on the bed and was soon fast asleep.

Later that afternoon, having slept for a good five hours, a bedraggled and bleary-eyed Dan began to rouse from his slumbers. Muddle-headed as he was, Dan felt strangely ill at ease. Try as he might, he could not shake the unsettling premonition that something was not as it should be. His mind oafishly lurched. It lugged and lumbered, one-lunging it in a drunkenly stutter-step fashion that made it damn near impossible for Dan to form a cohesive thought. Then, as an ominous specter of dread began to coalesce in the nether reaches of his mind, a fear, both pungent and primordial begin to gnaw at his sensibilities. His stomach began to churn, burning sharply with an acrid foreboding.

Though still discombobulated, Dan, with a Herculean effort on his part, managed to clear a fair amount of the cobwebs clogging his mind. Blinking his eyes in an effort to dislodge the haze that blurred and distorted his vision, Dan began a cursory inspection of his hotel room.

At first glance, nothing seemed odd or out of place. Everything seemed to be as it should be. But, to his everlasting chagrin and consternation, Dan was quick to realize that his first impression was an erroneous one. All was not right with the world. Something had indeed changed. His wingtips were nowhere to be seen. However, sitting right in the very spot where he had placed his trusty wingtips sat a pair of women's pointy-toed stilettos.

"What the shit..." Dan groggily murmured as his mind struggled to make sense of things. However, in his befuddled state of mind, Dan failed to register the fact that his voice had modulated during his afternoon respite. The silky and sensual timbre of Dan's voice was no longer that of man's. Though Dan failed to register the fact, his inflections were clearly those of a member of the fairer sex. "Where the hell did those high heels come from? And where the hell have my wingtips gotten to?"

Perplexed and unable to provide answers to those rather telling questions, Dan, in a knee-jerk reaction spurred on by a pungent and unshakable sense of foreboding, shifted position. Angling his torso upwards while concurrently supporting himself on an outstretched arm, Dan was thunderstruck to realize that he was no longer wearing pants. Instead he was wearing a skirt and his legs were encased in what appeared to be a coffee brown pair of women's pantyhose. "What the fuck's going on here?" Dan, feeling as if he was the brunt of somebody's cruel joke, frantically clamored, as he spastically ratcheted himself up and off the bed.

Becoming acutely aware of the uncustomary weight that distended from his chest, a weight that was playing havoc with his equilibrium, a wobbly and thoroughly disconcerted Dan vehemently exclaimed, "Holy shit! I've got boobs! What the hell's going on here? Have I all of a sudden turned into a girl?"

Though it took a while for Dan to acknowledge the incontrovertible truth of the matter, that is exactly what had happened. Dan had fallen asleep around eleven that morning as a man, only to wake up later that same afternoon to the ignominious realization that she had somehow changed into a woman. Within seconds, Dan, availed herself of the mirror mounted on the wall above the dresser and in doing so, confirmed that she had somehow become an extremely becoming young woman. Confounding Dan all the more was the fact that she appeared to be somewhere in her mid twenties, looking some twenty years younger than her actual age of forty-five.

Having groped the shit out of herself countless times in the short span of fifteen minutes, Dan repeatedly confirmed the fact that, at least in a physical sense, she was indeed a woman. Granted, it would take a gynecologist to confirm the fact that her reproductive system had pulled a one-eighty on her. But Dan, being no stranger to that particular topography of the feminine anatomy, was fairly confident that a gynecologist would confirm her findings and without qualms or qualifications, unequivocally certify that Dan was indeed a woman.

Understandably, that notion did not sit well with Dan at all. She was not a happy camper. Regardless of the fact that she was beautiful, festooned as she was within a curvaceous body that gushed with an unfettered sense of sensuality, the truth of the matter was that Dan did not want to be a woman. She liked being a man and because she did, she dearly wanted her old body back.

Then, adding insult to injury, Dan became aware that the crotch area of the pantyhose she was trussed up in was beginning to become moist, signifying the fact that her vagina had started leaking love-juices. That led Dan to the stark realization that regardless of the bizarre and personally abhorrent situation she found herself embroiled within, she was nevertheless turning herself on. That knowledge in turn led Dan to conclude that her mind was still very much a man's mind. While she was physically all woman, logic proclaimed that her mind still possessed a very healthy, active and staunchly entrenched male libido.

"God!" Dan agonized. "I'm not just a girl! I'm a frickin' narcissist to boot!" Venting her anguish, Dan continued on to wail, "What the hell did I ever do to deserve this? Please, God! I don't know what I did. But whatever it was, I'm sorry for it. I really, truly am. So, if you could please see Your way clear to changing me back, I'd really appreciate it. I'm just not cut out to be a girl..."

Just then, the phone on the night table began ringing its silly little head off. Coming unexpectedly as it did, the in-coming call startled the living shit out of Dan, causing her whole body to quiver and shake. Though securely nestled in the cups of a bra that Dan quite correctly presumed to have started off that morning as a man's T-shirt, those rather substantial chest melons of hers began in a swishing and swaying. And that only served to unnerve Dan all the more, for it drove home the incontrovertible truth of the matter. Dan had somehow become a woman.

Frazzled as she was, Dan elected to ignore the phone's incessant ringing. "Go ahead, ring your ass off!" she agitatedly barked. "See if I care!"

Being changed into a woman was one thing. Having someone find out the truth about the ignominious predicament she found herself contending with was something else altogether. Dan figured that given the circumstances, the best thing she could do at the moment was to do nothing at all. Dan was adamant. It would be a cold day in hell before she would answer it.

However, some things are much easier said than done. Dan, who had a tendency toward being a little too anal-retentive for her own good, had a hard time trying to ignore the phone's incessant inducements. Eventually, after several nerve-wracking minutes of having to listen to the damn thing's abrasive entreatments, Dan's resolve began to buckle. Whoever the caller was, he or she was persistent. After enduring several more minutes of the phone's infernal ringing, Dan's resolve cracked and on the heels of that, shattered. Irately snatching the receiver from its base with a hand that was decidedly as feminine as the rest of her, Dan brought the handset to her ear.

Though she was anything but calm, Dan tried her damnedest to sound composed. "Hello..." she intoned with that sexy new voice of hers.

"Mr. Johnson... Mr. Daniel Johnson..." a man's authoritarian voice congenially intoned. "You do not know me, but my name is Xavier Meggido and I am very sorry to have to say this, but I am afraid that you are the victim of a horrible mistake. Unfortunately, when you checked into the hotel this morning, the young gentleman at the front desk erroneously placed you in the wrong room. I am very sorry to say that unforeseeable, albeit innocent error of his is why you have awoken from your slumbers only to find yourself as a member of the opposite sex. I realize how farfetched this must sound, Mr. Johnson. And, I beg you to please pardon the pun, but early this morning I rigged the room you are now occupying with a magical booby trap, a booby trap that was contrived with the express purpose of transforming your room's male occupant into a bona fide female. Please, Mr. Johnson, I want you to know that I am extremely sorry for what has occurred, and I beg that you will accept my sincerest apology for the grievous and unforgivable error that has occurred. Be assured that I fully intend to compensate you for any inconvenience you might incur during your hopefully short stint as a woman. Added to that, I wish to put your mind at ease, Mr. Johnson. I fully intend to set things aright just as soon as I am able to do so. However, I am very sorry to have to tell you this, Mr. Johnson. But, given certain technical and arcane aspects of the spell that I used to booby trap your room, I am afraid that necessity requires that you remain as you are now for at least the next fourteen days. And, as much as you might not want to hear me say this, I have to be honest and up front with you, Mr. Johnson. Before I can reverse the process and restore your manhood to you, your present body has to stabilize in its present form. Regrettably, depending on your metabolism, you may have to remain a female for several days beyond the fourteen I mentioned previously. As much as I might like to change you back, the sad and awful truth of the matter is that it is unadvisable to rush this sort of thing. Were I to try and expedite the matter, we run the real risk of doing more harm than good. And, I seriously doubt very much that you would like to run the risk of becoming some sort of grotesque looking hermaphrodite, something that is neither male nor female, but a weird conjoining of the two. And, I think I can safely assume that that is something we would both like to avoid..."

Xavier Meggido continued on in that vein for a few more minutes. He then suggested that Dan do him the honor of joining him for dinner in the hotel's restaurant, the implication being that the two of them could continue to discuss the matter of Dan's sexual reassignment in much more cordial atmosphere. Naturally, Dan balked at the notion of having to venture out of her room for the first time rigged out fore and aft as a bona fide female. However, Meggido, aware of Dan's reservations, logically addressed and nullified each and every one of Dan's concerns in turn. "Mr. Johnson, I know how intimidating this is going to be for you. But trust me. It will be okay. I am confident that you will do just fine. Besides, there are only two people who know the truth of the matter. And, those two people are you and I. Trust me. No one will ever be the wiser. Everyone who lays eyes on you will take you for the lovely young woman you appear be."

On the verge of being pressured into acquiescing to Meggido's invitation to join him for dinner, Dan tried another ploy to delay the inevitable. Knowing that she would eventually have to venture out of her room as the woman she had become, but wishing to postpone the prospect for as long as possible, Dan, sounding more like a woman than she wanted to, sniveled, "Alright! I'll tell you what, Mr. Meggido. If I can find something other than these heels to wear, I'll join you for dinner. So, please do me a favor. Hold on a minute while I'll go see if I can find another pair of shoes, something that'll be easier for me to get around in than these treacherous looking stilettos..."

Prior to Meggido's phone call, Dan had come to the realization that she was not the only thing to have been affected by the room's magical booby trap. It had not taken Dan long to realize that her clothes and toiletries had undergone a similar change in their sexual affiliation as well. Every last stitch of clothing that she had brought with her had been transmogrified into a complimentary article of women's apparel. T-shirts had become bras, boxer shorts - scanty bikini briefs, socks - pantyhose. By the same token, shirts had become blouses, while neckties were rendered into either scarves or necklaces. Save for a pair of jeans, a pair of jeans that had not been spared the feminine touch; the remainder of her pants had been magically reapportioned into skirts. To Dan's chagrin, she discovered that the two other pair of shoes she had brought with her had also been rendered into intimidating stiletto heel monstrosities. Save for their color, Dan found that she had three identical pair of spiked heels, a black pair, a navy blue pair and a gleaming, fire engine red patent leather pair.

"Mr. Meggido," an exasperated Dan sighed upon returning to the phone after what had been a very frustrating search, "Look, as much as I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I won't be able to join you for dinner. It seems your magical booby trap has turned all of my shoes into high heels, and there's just no way in hell that I'm ever going to be able to get around in them."

"On the contrary, Mr. Johnson. Since I suspect that you have not tried a pair on as yet, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you will have no trouble at all getting around in what would seem to you to be such perilous footwear. You see when I created the magical booby trap that turned you into a female; I included a sort of magical subroutine that addressed that very detail. In fact, I think that after a very brief acclimation period, a period that should not take any more than a few minutes to run its course, I believe that you will find those heels to be the most comfortable shoes you have ever worn. And, as an extra bonus, you will find that the magic that is infused within the heels themselves will invest you with a most becoming and entirely natural feminine grace and charm. In other words, Mr. Johnson, those heels will help to make your mannerisms those of the woman you have become..."

After she hung up the phone, Dan found that she was extremely dubious of Meggido's assertions, especially those concerning the heels. Which in itself was ironic, since it was Meggido who had cast the spell that had resulted in her turning into a girl in the first place. But though dubious, Dan, having given her word that she would join the man for dinner, did the only thing she could do under the circumstances. Slipping first one foot and then the other into the inviting U-throated maw of the pumps, she donned the heels, only to find that they were as comfortable as Meggido had assured her they would be. "Well, I'll be damned..." Dan mused, thereby engendering the ironic thought that by virtue of having been inadvertently turned into a crotch creased member of the opposite sex she had been thrust into her own personalized version of hell.

Next came the acid test. Gingerly, Dan pivoted about and with a great amount of trepidation, attempted her first step. As expected, she teetered a bit, which in turn, caused her boobs to sway. But though her new protrusions did bounce around a bit, Dan was able to maintain her balance. The stilettos were nowhere near as bad as she had assumed. Another tentative step followed the first. Meggido, she soon realized, had been telling her the gods' honest truth. The heels were not going to be a problem.

Five minutes later, having strolled to the door and back several times as a means to further acclimate herself to the pumps, Dan, wishing to God she had never agreed to join Meggido for dinner, came to the conclusion that she had stalled long enough. Knowing that she had reached the crucial shit or get off the pot point in the proceedings, Dan took a deep breath to quell her fears and started for the door and the hallway beyond.

"Damn!" Dan irately exclaimed, just as she was about to exit her room. "With everything else that's been going on, I'll be damned if I didn't almost forget to take my room's key card. Now, just where in the hell did I put that damn thing?"

Even as she posed the question to herself, Dan remembered that she had placed the card, along with her wristwatch, wallet, cellphone and the key to her rental car on the night table beside the phone.

"Well, I'll be..." Dan murmured as she sashayed her way around the foot of the bed, en route to collect the items in question from the nightstand. Though Dan was anything but alarmed, save for her trusty diver's watch, a watch that Meggido's spell had downsized into a ladies divers watch, the objects in question were not in evidence. However, sitting on the nightstand was a black leather purse. Unperturbed, Dan correctly assumed that the objects she sought must surely reside within it. "Well, what do you know," Dan chuckled as she opened the purse and peered inside. "It sure looks like Meggido has this transsexualization of mine covered six ways from Sunday."

Dan inspected the contents of the purse to make sure that everything was accounted for. Assured that everything was there, Dan turned about and made for the door. Stopping there momentarily, she took a deep breath to harden her resolve, twisted the knob and drew the door inward. With her sense of trepidation on the rise, Dan gingerly stepped out into the hallway. Congratulating herself that she had the balls to have made it that far, Dan drew in another breath in an effort to quell her fluttering heart. Feeling a little lightheaded, Dan murmured under her breath, "Well, here goes nothing..." as she briskly started down the hallway, totally oblivious to just how provocative her spunky saunter appeared.

Though Dan only came under the scrutiny of handful of men as she made her way to the restaurant, the few she did happen upon gave her the willies. While none were overtly obvious about it, Dan knew that each and every one of them had to be checking her out. And the reason Dan knew that was not due to any sense of paranoia she was harboring. Frazzled as she was, Dan harbored no illusions. She was not in a state of denial. Dan knew that she was one fine looking woman. And because of that, Dan knew that any woman that looked even half as good as she did would command men's attention. It would have been foolish for Dan to think otherwise. More to the point, even though she was decked out in a body that oozed with sex appeal, Dan had to admit that were she to catch sight of a nice looking woman, her male libido would kick in. And she would probably sneak a peek, much as any red bloodied American male worth his salt would.

Just because Dan had been turned into a piece of eye candy did not mean she was not still attracted to other women. And if that made her a lesbian, as far as she was concerned, so be it. She was a lesbian. The problem was that the woman she was attracted to most was none other than her own self. All she had to do to turn herself on was to catch a glimpse of her own reflection. Dan was like a proverbial wolf in a hen house, save that in her case; while her mind was that of a wolf's, her body was all hen.

But even though Dan knew that she had been turned into a piece of eye-candy and that being lewdly gawked at was to be expected, it still did not prevent her from getting a bad case of the heebie-jeebies every time she suspected that a guy was undressing her with his eyes. Basically, it was a case of lump it or like it. And while Dan had to admit that she had been equipped with two rather magnificent lumps to lump it with, she sure as hell did not have to like it. 'Go ahead!' Dan's mind irately shrieked. 'Take a good look, you lecherous bastard...'

Upon her arrival in the restaurant's vestibule, Dan caught the hostess' ear and informed the attractive young woman that she would be dining that evening with a Mr. Meggido. Alerted to fact that a striking young lady would be joining the gentleman for dinner, the hostess bid Dan accompany her. Leading Dan back through the sea of tables that populated the establishment's dimly lit interior the hostess made for the rearmost section of the restaurant's well appointed dining room. There, the hostess steered a course for a table where sat a dapperly dressed white haired gentleman that bore a striking resemblance to the late actor and folk singer, Burl Ives. As Dan and the hostess approached, the elderly gentleman rose and, belying his advanced years, spryly moved around the table and adroitly drew out the chair for Dan.

Though Dan was unaccustomed to being accorded in such a chivalrous fashion, she thanked the hostess for the courtesy she had been shown and allowed Meggido to seat her. Meggido returned to his own chair. Then, once the hostess had withdrawn far enough to be out of earshot, he smiled and beamed, "Well, given how ravishing you look, my dear, I certainly can not continue to address you as Mr. Johnson, now can I? So, in lieu of that, would you prefer Ms. or Miss?"

Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question, Dan, who really did not give a rat's ass one way or the other, informed Meggido that either one was perfectly fine with her.

"Alright then, given that I tend to be a little old fashioned about such things, I think I will elect to address you as Miss Johnson." And with that, Meggido lapsed into silence. He just sat there, gazing intently at Dan, as if he were studying her.

Unnerved by the way Meggido was scrutinizing her, Dan, thinking there must be something wrong with the way she looked, bristled, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, I am sorry, my dear." Meggido apologetically replied. "Please, Miss Johnson, I beg you to forgive me for my rudeness just now. I did not mean to stare. Nor, did I mean to cause you any distress. It just..." his words evaporated into a moment of what Dan took to be a thoughtful silence. "You see, my dear, in a manner of speaking, I consider myself an artist. Though I work with magic, whenever I cast the sort of spell such as the one that you unfortunately fell victim to, I think of myself as a sculptor of the human form. And in creating this new body that you now inhabit, I believe that I have truly outdone myself. For you, my dear, are undoubtedly the loveliest creature I have ever had the pleasure of beholding, much less enjoying the singular honor of dining with..."

Then, having said that, Meggido changed the topic, "I hope you are not offended, my dear. But since you had not yet arrived, I took the liberty of ordering for you. While I ordered a prime rib for myself, I thought that you might enjoy their surf and turf. They do an outstanding job with the Maine lobster and accompanying filet mignon will simply melt in your mouth. However, if you have a preference for something different, I will be happy to get our waitress' attention... "

Throughout dinner and the sinfully scrumptious desert that followed, Meggido and Dan discussed a multitude of subjects that were pertinent to Dan's present situation, with the first one being a new feminine first name for Dan. "So, my dear, with respect to a more feminine sounding first name, do you have any particular preferences?"

"No, not really..." Dan had not given any prior thought to a new 'girlish' name for herself.

"Well then, may I suggest either Dana or Danielle?"

Without any enthusiasm, a disgruntled Dan lackadaisically murmured, "Yeah... I guess Dana would be okay."

"Alright!" Meggido made a dramatic flourish with his right hand. "That takes care of that. Now, Dana, as to the matter of compensation, the figure that first came to mind was twenty thousand dollars, and that's twenty thousand dollars after taxes."

The notion of compensation was a not a priority for Dana. Though Meggido had mentioned it in passing during their phone conversation, she had not given any thought to the issue of reimbursement at all. In fact, it was the furthermost thing from her mind. However, Dana was nevertheless insulted over the idea that Meggido thought a paltry twenty thousand dollars could compensate her for the indignity of her having been turned into a girl, much less having to face the dismal prospect of living as one for the next two weeks and, quite possibly several more days after that. "You mean to tell me that you think a measly twenty thousand dollars can make up for my having to spend the next two weeks as a girl?"

"No." Meggido took umbrage with Dana's accusations. But though he did, Meggido rode roughshod of over his ire and calmly replied, "I am well aware of the fact that no amount of money can ever begin to compensate you for what you are going through. But I think you are suffering under a misconception. Twenty thousand dollars was the original figure that came to my mind. However, the more I thought about it, the more I came realize that figure was nowhere near enough. That is why I decided to make it fifty thousand dollars. And that is fifty thousand dollars after taxes for each day you spend as the lovely young lady you are now, rather than for the total amassed time you have to endure the indignity of functioning as a female."

Dana was flabbergasted. No matter how you cut it, seven hundred thousand was a nice chunk of change.

Added to that, Meggido handed Dana a corporate credit card, informing her as he did that she had carte blanche. Meggido told Dana that if she either needed or wanted anything, she should not hesitate to purchase it. In fact, Meggido came right out and suggested that she should go on a shopping spree in the next day or so and purchase a week or two's worth of new outfits for herself. He even went so far as to infer that if she did not like wearing the high heels his magical booby trap had provided her with, she should go ahead and replace them with shoes that were more to her liking.

Dana already knew that was not going to happen. Meggido had been right. The heels she was wearing where the most comfortable shoes she had ever worn. Plus, she had always enjoyed seeing women in stilettos and now that she was a woman herself, she figured that it would be hypocritical for her were she not to wear the high heels that Meggido's feminization spell had provided her with. Besides, she really liked how sexy the stiletto-heeled pumps made her look.

"Mr. Meggido," Dana tentatively broached a subject that had been simmering in the back of her mind. "For the time being, at least in a physical sense, I'm a woman, right?"

"Yes, my dear. Regardless of your mind's sexual orientation, for all intent and purposes, for the here and now of it, you are indeed a woman."

"And, if I remember correctly, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind, is it not?"

"Yes, my dear. It most certainly is." Meggido was curious to see where Dana was going with this and therefore sat there patiently waited for the other shoe to drop.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble, I think I'd much rather be a Danielle over a Dana."

"That is no trouble at all, my dear." Meggido smiled as he raised his right hand and whimsically twirled it about in the air before him. "That should do the trick nicely. As of this moment, you are Miss Danielle Johnson. And, may I have your permission to address you as Danielle rather than continuing the formality of having to address you as Miss Johnson?"

"Yes, by all means." Meggido's adherence to the more formal graces delighted Danielle to no end, which in turn caused a most refreshing smile to blossom on her sinfully angelic face.

"And you, my dear, must call me Xavier."

"Alright. I can do that..." Danielle pleasantly replied, as she continued on to ask a question that had just blossomed in her mind. "Tell me..." Danielle stammered, realizing that it required an effort on her part in order to address Meggido by his given name, "...Xavier. Whatever possessed you to booby trap my room in the first place? I mean it goes without saying there has to be a good reason for you to do something like that and I'm curious to know what it is."

Having anticipated Danielle's question long before she had posed it, Meggido eagerly launched into his explanation. However, he began by putting a question to Danielle. "Do you by any chance recall a television show entitled Friday 13th? The show had a three year run, premiering in September of 1987, with its last show aired in the spring of 1990."

"Yes," Danielle, unsure as to where Meggido was going with his question, responded somewhat cryptically.

Pleased with the fact that Danielle knew of the show, Meggido launched into a rather verbose diatribe. He began by explaining that he was a member of a long established watchdog group of talented and dedicated individuals that, much like the three protagonists portrayed in the Friday the 13th television series, hunted down magical objects in order to protect society from their potential misuse. With that said, Meggido continued on to explain that what people generally referred to as magic was nothing more than the act of tapping into the almost limitless metaphysical wherewithal that lay just beyond the perception of the uninitiated in order to suspend and alter the physical laws.

By inference, Danielle came to realize Meggido was one of the founding members of this magical watchdog group. Again by inference, Danielle picked up on the fact that Meggido had a lot of clout within the group. While he was not the head honcho, he had been head honcho once upon a time and because he had, he still maintained a seat on the group's high council. Though Danielle tried her damnedest, she could not quite sort out everything Meggido was imparting, save that she clearly understood that Meggido was a power to be reckoned with within the group. Having laid the groundwork, Meggido proceeded to inform a thoroughly captivated Danielle that he was in town to acquire a very powerful magical artifact. Danielle also learned that several other members of his acquisition team would soon be joining Meggido.

"And that, my dear, is why you are a woman now. You see, Danielle, one of the members of my team is presently using the name David Johnson as his alias. Like you, David had reservations for a room in this very same hotel. In fact, Danielle, given that the reservation list is compiled alphabetically, his name appeared on the reservation list directly below your own. As you might have already guessed, it was David, rather than yourself, who was to have been the occupant of room 14. Ironically, you should have been placed in room 41.

This morning, probably even before you left your apartment and headed out to the airport to catch your flight, I was up and about, magically booby trapping room 14. However, unbeknownst to me, the young man who was manning the hotel's front desk this morning suffers from a mild case of dyslexia. Now, I don't know exactly what occurred, or whether the young fellow reversed the numbers, or quite possibly just inadvertently moved down a line when he scanned down the screen, but whatever happened, the end result was that you, my dear, ended up occupying the room that was supposed to have gone to my colleague, one David Johnson.

"Was this colleague, David Johnson, aware that you were planning on turning him into a girl?" Danielle felt compelled to ask what she deemed to be the obvious question.

"Yes. Yes, he was. In fact, I do believe that he was looking forward to doing another stint as a female."

Unable to comprehend why any man would want to spend time as a woman, Danielle incredulously countered, "You mean to tell me that he's done this sort of thing before?"

"Oh, yes!" Meggido beamed. "In fact, David has done so quit a few times over the years."

"And, he actually likes it?"

"I see your point, Danielle. And the truth of it is that I cannot say whether or not that he really likes spending time as a woman. Rather, I would say that he tolerates it. What I do know is that he has never complained. At least I have never heard him utter a disparaging word about it. However, on the other hand, I have to say that he is always quick to volunteer whenever one of our snatch and grabs requires a woman."

"So, I take it that whatever it is that you're here in Columbus to acquire requires a woman's participation?"

"No, not really," Meggido conceded. "But, what I can tell you is that having a woman on the team tends to be helpful. But, that is all water under the bridge now. My cohorts and I will just have to make do as best we can under the circumstances."

"Can't you just turn this David Johnson into a girl when he gets here?"

With a heavy, belabored sigh, Meggido resignedly replied, "Would that I could. I wish it were that easy, my dear. The trouble is that I will not be able to formulate another transsexualization spell again for quite some time. Which means, David Johnson will, out of necessity, have to remain male for this caper."

Not knowing how to reply to Meggido's admission, Danielle responded with a muted, "Oh..." Then, with her curiosity peaked she felt compelled to inquire, "So what are you and your team going to do now?"

"Not to worry, Danielle. While your concern is appreciated, it is not your problem. It is ours. Besides this is not the first time we had to deal with a fly in the ointment. Fear not. We will put our heads together and come up with something..."

"So..." Danielle was still finding it hard to address Meggido by his given name, "...Xavier, are you going to let the cat out of the bag and tell me what this magical thing-a-ma-jig you're here to acquire is?"

"No, my dear. I am not. As I said before, it is not your concern." Then, thinking he may have come off sounding somewhat harsher than he had intended, Meggido endeavored to make amends. "Maybe in few days, after I had the opportunity to confer with the members of my team, I might have a change of heart and divulge what we are here in Columbus to acquire. But, until something is decided, I am afraid that I will have to withhold such information from you. I am truly sorry, my dear. But, I do have my reasons, even though I am not in a position to share them with you, at least for the time being. However, as soon as I am, I will make it my first priority to enlighten you to all the facts. I feel I owe you that much..."

It was while they were waiting for the waitress to return with their deserts that Meggido reached into the pocket of his vest and produced two dissimilar rings. Meggido inspected one ring and then the other. He then placed the slimmer of the two bands down beside the saucer upon which his coffee cup sat. The other ring, the much broader of the two bands, he extended towards Danielle. "Here, Danielle, please take this ring."

Danielle reached over and Meggido placed the Celtic crafted silver ring in the palm of her outstretched hand. "It is a pretty thing, is it not?" Meggido mused aloud.

Having taken a moment to inspect the striking latticework ring, Danielle replied, "Yes... Yes, it is."

"Well... Go ahead, my dear. Slip it on. It is a magic ring, so any finger will do, save for the ring finger of your left hand."

Though Danielle's first instinct was to slip the latticework band on the ring finger of her right hand, she thought better of it and instead, set it upon the index finger of her right hand. True to Meggido's assertion, it fit. Though snug, the ring fit comfortably, much the same as her heels had earlier. "Well I'll be!" she exclaimed with a girlish giggle. "It is magic, isn't it? So what does it do, besides re-size itself to fit any finger?"

Meggido, having confirmed that the ring was indeed invested with magic, continued on to explain that while it would take a good twelve hours to reach its full potential, the ring would allow her to function much as any woman might. That is to say that the ring would invest Danielle with both the knowledge and motor-skills needed to attend to the mundane things that the average American woman attends to on a day in day out basis. Meggido continued on to expound on the ring's magic, informing Danielle that the ring would allow her to fix her hair, put on makeup, do her nails, dress herself and other such sundry things without having to put a lot of thought to completing such mundane feminine tasks. Basically, as Meggido explained the matter, the latticework ring would negate all the impediments that Danielle would be facing when having to deal with things that were part and parcel of the feminine mystique.

Somewhat dubiously, Danielle felt compelled to ask what was to her a very crucial question, "This ring isn't going to make me start liking guys, is it? Because if it is, I'm taking the damn thing off"

"Heavens no, my dear." Meggido chuckled. "Trust me, Danielle. All the ring will do is to make functioning as a woman easier for you."

"So, what about that other ring that you've got over there? What sort of magic does it do?"

Picking up the previously discarded band, a band that Danielle now realized was clearly a white/gold diamond engagement ring, Meggido replied, "As far as magic goes, its magical potential is at best insignificant. However, rest assured that it will resize itself to fit your delicate ring finger. Now, while this second ring is no where near as magical as the ring which now encircles the index finger of your right hand, it should help you when faced with the ordeal of discouraging any would be suitors."

Having paused long enough to let his prior statement sink in, Meggido expounded upon the point he was endeavoring to convey. "Now, while it is not my intention to rub salt in your wounds, we both know that as matters now stand, the rest of the world will regard you as the beautiful young lady you appear to be. In other words, my dear, men are going to find you extremely attractive. And given the time frame that you will be occupying that beautiful new body, I think it is safe to assume that a few of those men who have an occasion to behold you will try to press their advantage."

"I take it what you're saying is that men are going to hit on me?" Danielle succinctly sought to clarify the point that Meggido had been laboring to make.

"Yes, my dear. I'm afraid so."

"Yeah... I kind of already figured as much. And, you think that this engagement ring ploy is going to stop 'em?"

"For the most part, yes. It should go a long way to discourage most of your would be suitors."

"Yeah... I guess it probably will at that. But then again, the world is full of assholes," Danielle mused aloud.

"While I would probably choose another word to describe the kind of men that we hope to discourage with this particular ring, you are quite correct, my dear. The world is indeed full of assholes." Meggido chuckled in agreement.

"Yeah... and it'll be just my luck to run into a whole slew of them."

"Hopefully, that will not be the case. But should you, I would suggest that you have a good cover story on hand to go along with that engagement ring. May I suggest that your bogus fiancée is member of an elite unit of the armed forces, such as the Navy Seals or the Army Special Forces? You can also imply that your bogus intended takes great umbrage when someone tires to, shall we say for the sake of argument, sweet talk his bride to be. You could go so far as to suggest that you are meeting your fiancée shortly and that it would be a wise course of action for the, as you so aptly put it - asshole, to desist and make a quick departure before your beau arrives on the scene."

Though Danielle was not looking forward to having to fend off a bunch of egotistical guys, guys who were full of themselves, the type of guys who thought they were God's gift to women, she thought Meggido's suggestion to be quite a good one. He was right. She would have to put her mind into coming up with a good cover story. Then, having accomplished that, she would have to rehearse it, repeating it aloud over and over so that if such a situation ever arose, her cover story would roll off her tongue naturally, thereby making it all the more convincing and therefore, all the more threatening

Though still a little dubious, not to mention scared shitless over the prospect of have to deal with guys coming on to her, Danielle thought that the engagement ring ploy might actually work. At least it was worth a try. If it worked -- great. If not, if the ring failed to dissuade the unwanted advances of some low-life SOB who wanted nothing more than to get his rocks off by sticking his gross, gnarled-up thing-a-ma-bob up inside her nice new honey pot, Danielle knew that she would have to come up with another ploy to fend off the bastard. Because there was no way in hell that Danielle was going to play a game of backside rules the navy with some over-sexed, egotistical son of a bitch.

However, if Danielle's would be suitor just happened to be another attractive young lady, that would be another matter altogether.

Prior to parting company, Meggido and Danielle exchanged cellphone numbers. Added to that, in the eventuality that she was unable to contact Meggido on his cellphone, Meggido handed Danielle his business card which listing several numbers where he or one of his cohorts could be reached in an emergency. In doing so, Meggido instructed Danielle to call him anytime she felt the need, even if it was to do nothing more than talk. For her part, Danielle appreciated Meggido's concern and told him as much. Meggido, playing the part of the elderly and charming gentleman to the hilt, escorted Danielle to her room. There, he bid her goodnight, but only after securing her promise to join him for dinner the following evening.

"Oh!" Meggido caught Danielle before she disappeared inside her hotel room. "I almost forgot to mention this. But, while you and I were having dinner, I had one of my cohorts enter your room and leave a small present for you. If my instructions were followed, you should find it on your bed, my dear..."

Upon entering her room, Danielle spied a small silver gift bag sitting centermost on the bed. Curious to see what the bag contained, Danielle placed her purse on the nightstand, and taking possession of the bag, began energetically plucking at the pastel colored tissue paper in order to see what the bag contained. Though she had never seen one up close and personal before, Danielle knew right off what the chrome rocket-like object was. It was a vibrator. The bag also contained a business card sized note, a note that bore Meggido's signature, a note that conveyed a one-word message, 'Enjoy'.

Though the gift of the vibrator could have had the opposite effect on Danielle than Meggido had intended, in that it could have royally pissed her off, it did no such thing. The truth was that Danielle was tickled pink with the vibrator, knowing fully well that she would make good use of it over the course of the next fourteen days. After all, while she did not want to be a woman, there was no getting around the fact that she was a woman. And since she was a woman, at least in a physical sense, Danielle figured that the best thing she could do under the circumstances was to try to make the best out of a bad situation. To that end, Danielle was savvy enough to realize that Meggido's gift would go a long way to help her achieve that goal. The way Danielle saw it, if being a woman had a silver lining, the vibrator was the key to unlocking its secrets. As a man, Danielle had always wondered what it would be like to be multi-orgasmic. Now that she was a woman, she had every intention of finding out. "Hmmm..." she curiously muttered, as she twisted the gnarled cap in order to turn the vibrator on. "Gee... I wonder how long the batteries will last. Well, I guess I'll find that out sooner or later." Then, in an after thought, she added, "I guess it would be a good idea for me to pick up a couple extra batteries just in case these die on me. I mean, if I learned anything from my time in the Boy Scouts, it was to be prepared..."

Though tempted to try out Meggido's gift right there and then, Danielle thought better of it. Owing to all the sleep she had gotten that afternoon, she was not the least bit tired. Added to that, given that she had dined with Meggido shortly after the restaurant had begun serving from its dinner menu, she had the whole evening ahead of her. Knowing that she would eventually get around to exploring how all her new erogenous zones worked, Danielle knew that she need to do something to keep herself occupied. However, she was not exactly sure what that something was.

Even though the network shows did not start until eight, Danielle knew that if she put her mind to it she could always find something to watch. But for the moment, watching TV did not appeal to her. Neither did reading a book. She gave thought to her laptop, thinking that she might be able to find something on the Internet to hold her interest. If not, she could always while away the evening by playing a few games of Spider or FreeCell.

As she lay across the bed, weighing her options, Danielle's gaze came upon her swim trunks, save that they were no long swim trunks, but rather a woman's standard issue nylon/lycra tank suit. Though she was in no way anxious to have to deal with the ignominy that would beset her were she to once again venture out of her room as a female, Danielle was quick to realize that a swim would do her a world of good. Aware that she was feeling about as hyper as hyper could be, Danielle knew all too well that she had to do something to drain away all the pent up energy that was threatening to drive her right up the figgin' wall.

Though she was not happy about the prospect of functioning out in the public eye as a woman, Danielle knew that it was inevitable that she do so. She knew that there was just no way she could avoid it. So, given that she was anything but a procrastinator, she generally liked to tackle the disagreeable tasks first and thereby get them out the way. Granted, she had three full days ahead of her in order to adjust to functioning as a female before she had to face a classroom of students come the following Monday morning, Danielle knew that it would be foolish for her not take full advantage of the time afforded her. Three days was not much time to make all the adjustments needed to feel comfortable functioning as a female, but three days was a hell of a lot better than no days at all.

Stripping out of the clothes she was wearing, Danielle gingerly stepped into the leg-holes of the slinky black tank suit and pulled it up and about her curvaceous new torso. Taking her time, she gently nestled first one and then the other of her ample mammaries into the suit's associated pockets. 'Damn!' the thought crossed her mind. 'They sure are a lot more sensitive now that I'm a woman! In fact, they're more sensitive than I ever imagined...'

Glancing up, Danielle beheld herself in the mirror that was mounted on the wall above the dresser. "Oh, shit!" she exclaimed, as she took in just how beautiful and down right sexy she appeared trussed up in the shimmering black tank suit. Then, acting as if on its own volition, her right hand began to grope her crotch, while her left hand opened a second front she began to knead and fondle her right breast.

"Stop it!" she irately groused, knowing that if she kept toying with her new attributes, she would never make it to the pool. Though she was loath to do so, Danielle, aware that she was just postponing the inevitable, forced herself back to the business of getting ready to go to the pool. Reclaiming the blouse that she had woken up to find herself wearing, the very same blouse that had begun life that morning as a man's dress shirt, Danielle drew it on. Though she assumed that the hotel would have a stack of towels for their guests located somewhere in the general vicinity of the pool and associated hot tub, in the off chance that they did not offer that amenity, Danielle prudently grabbed a towel off the rack in her bathroom. Danielle then remembered that she had prudently packed a pair of flip-flops to wear back and forth to the hotel's pool. That being the case, Danielle went to fetch them. Trouble was, her flip-flops had not been immune to the booby trap's magical manipulations. To her chagrin, Danielle's flip-flops had been transformed into a pair of stylish, high-heeled sandals.

Danielle did not have much of a choice. Though she could have probably made her way to the pool barefooted, she did not think that was a good idea. That meant that she would have to wear something on her feet. That being the case, though she suspected it would appear that she was openly inviting men to hit on her, she elected to go with the black stiletto heels she had worn earlier. Basically, her decision hinged on the fact that she could slip into and out of the pumps easily; thereby negating the time it would take her to strap on the scandals should a hasty retreat to her room become the advisable course of action.

Upon arriving poolside, Danielle, who was feeling as conspicuous as all get-out, quickly realized that she would not be getting in any laps that evening. Though there were only about a dozen people in the pool, ten of them were kids, ranging in age from preschoolers to snot-nosed teenagers. Prior experience had taught Danielle that a group of kids would find a way to utilize a whole pool, making it damn near impossible for anyone who wanted to swim laps to do so.

While lap swimming was out, Danielle decided that she still relished the notion of taking a dip. Stepping out of her pumps, she slipped off her blouse and strolled over to the steps that granted access to the pool's shallow end. The water felt wonderful and even though she had to maneuver around a child every now and again, Danielle thoroughly enjoyed the time she spent leisurely puttering around in the pool.

As a man, the only time Danielle had ever felt truly graceful had been on the occasions when she was fully immersed in water. Oddly enough, Danielle found that as a woman, her feelings of gracefulness had been amplified considerably.

Exiting the pool a half an hour later, an invigorated Danielle decided to treat herself to a muscle-soothing soak in the swirling, hundred degrees plus waters of the adjacent hot tub. As expected, the hot tub was already occupied by a smattering of hotel guests. As she approached, a wary and somewhat skittish Danielle began a hasty threat assessment. Though leery, Danielle decided that the threat level was minimal. Had she thought otherwise, Danielle probably would have chickened out, turned tail and scurried back to her room as if all the demons in hell were hell bent on playing a game of hide the salami with her.

"Herb," a plump, middle-aged woman prodded her husband. "Slide over a little so we can make room for this nice young lady to join us." Then, turning her head to address Danielle, the woman continued on to say, "Come on, deary. Don't be shy. There's plenty of room for you to join us." Danielle, knowing that the woman would keep a tight reign on her husband, descended the steps and parked her new heart-shaped derrière down on the stepped bench that ringed the hot tub's interior.

Seated obliquely across from Danielle was a ruddy-faced man who appeared to be in his mid to later forties. Try as she might, given that the man's hands were concealed from view by the froth that swirled upon the water's surface, Danielle was unable to ascertain whether or not the man was wearing a wedding ring. But, Danielle was no fool. She knew that a wedding ring proved nothing. Danielle figured that the man was probably in sales and therefore, spent a lot of time on the road. And if that were the case, all bets were off. Unfortunately, in far too many instances, marital fidelity was not a high priority for someone who spent a good deal of their life away from home. Given that, Danielle, employing caution as her watchword, recognized that the man posed a potential problem for her. She realized that should he get in his mind to make a move on her, she would have to shut him down fast; informing him in no uncertain terms that if he were interested in hooking up for a one night stand, he could look elsewhere for a amenable bedmate.

A second couple, who in Danielle's estimation appeared to bracket the medium age of thirty, also occupied the tub. While the guy looked to be somewhere around thirty-two or thirty-three, the woman seated next to him looked to be several years younger, perhaps a year or two older than Danielle's own apparent age. Danielle breathed a little easier when she took note of the fact that the couple was wearing matching wedding bands. The young woman, who Danielle thought to be quite attractive, must have taken note of the ladies divers watch encircling Danielle's left wrist, for she inquired, "Do you dive?"

Though many men wear diver's watches even though they are not divers, few women do. If a woman wears a diver's watch it generally means that she is not only a certified diver, but it is also reasonable to assume that she is a fairly active one as well.

Seeing no harm in doing so, Danielle cordially replied that she was indeed a scuba diver. With a pleasant smile, the young woman, who introduced herself as Debbie, informed Danielle that she and her husband, Tony, were avid divers as well, thereby establishing a common ground for conversation. As if old friends, the three of them began to expound upon their diving experiences. Ironically, though it had been six months apart, Danielle and the couple had stayed at the same resort in Cozumel, Mexico. And not only had they done that, but they had gone out on the very same dive boats, dove with the same dive masters and shared many of the same opinions concerning how the resort's dive operation measured up to others that they had the occasion to dive with.

While the three of them were exchanging humorous stories stemming out of their various diving experiences, the gentleman who Danielle presumed to be a salesman got up and exited the hot tub. A minute later, an athletic looking man, a man who appeared who to be in his mid thirties, entered the tub and sat down in the recently vacated space across from Danielle. Oddly enough, engrossed as she was in the avid conversation she was having with Tony and Debbie, the newcomer slipped under Danielle's threat-assessment radar. A few minutes after the newcomer's arrival, the middle-aged couple stood up and, telling everyone to have a pleasant evening, climbed the stairs and exited the tub.

It was only then that Danielle took note of the man who taken a seat directly across from her. Though she tried hard not to show it, his presence rattled her. While she did not find him threatening in a sexual sense, there was nevertheless something about him that she found disquieting. Try as she might, Danielle could not identify what that elusive something was. She just did not feel comfortable being in the man's presence. But, then again, save for Xavier Meggido, in her present condition, keenly aware that she was now a card-carrying member of the weaker sex, Danielle could have said pretty much the same thing about any man.

Then, to make matters worse, the man, having heard everything that passed between Danielle and the couple, inquired, "Have any of you been to Bonaire? Trust me, if you ever get the opportunity, go. You won't be sorry. The diving there is fantastic."

Danielle had been to Bonaire. In fact, she had been there several times. And the guy was right. The diving there was fantastic. But, though she had been to Bonaire, Danielle was not about to admit to it. Thinking it more advantageous for her to withhold such information, Danielle decided to remain mum.

It was Debbie who drew the newcomer into their conversation. "So, I take it that you're a diver too?"

The guy raised his left arm out of the water so as to display a Citizen Aqualand strapped about his wrist. "Yeah... I've been diving ever since I was a kid..."

Though she had been enjoying the conversation, Danielle decided that it was time for her to go. Bidding everyone a good night, she exited the tub, collected her things and with her high heels clicking and a-clacking, made a beeline for her room. There, she showered, taking the pains to both shampoo and condition her hair in order to safeguard it against the adverse affects of chlorine.

Her shower over, Danielle toweled off and dried her hair.

Though she was at best a social drinker, who had not had a drop of alcohol for several months, Danielle wanted a drink in the worst way. Added to that, the hotel's bar was just a hop, skip and a jump away. All she had to do was throw something on; walk to the end of the hallway; descend one fight of steps; pass through the hotel's entrance foyer; stroll down another short hallway and into the bar. Once there, she could order a drink to go and be back in her room in something under five minutes.

There was a problem however. There would probably be several men in the bar, men whose inhibitions had been lowered through the consumption of various alcoholic beverages. And, the mere thought of that terrified Danielle to no end. As much as she wanted a drink to help settle her frazzled nerves, Danielle was not about to enter that den of iniquity that night or any other night for that matter.

She next thought of the vending machines that were located at the opposite end of the hallway. However, as soon as Danielle thought of going there in order to get herself a few snacks and a soda or two, she knew that it was a bad idea. A man could be lurking there. He could grab her, overpower her, throw her to the floor and have his way with her.

Vowing to go to a grocery store and maybe even a liquor store on the following day, Danielle unwrapped one of the plastic cups that the hotel provided and filled it with tap water. Lifting it to her lips, she muttered, "Well, this certainly sucks..."

In an effort to try and make the best out of a bad situation, Danielle had planned to spend the remainder of the evening twiddling around with all those new erogenous zones that populated her stunning girlish physique. The problem was that her time spent at the hot tub had unnerved her. Though she made a half-hearted attempt at trying to arouse herself, she was feeling far too antsy to achieve the desired results.

Frustrated and more than a little pissed-off, Danielle scooped up the remote and switched on the TV, hoping that she could find something that would hold her interest. Having surfed through the channels a half-dozen times, she settled on watching the last fifteen minutes of the World War II farce, Kelly's Heroes, a movie she liked, but had seen numerous times. As the credits for Kelly Heroes began to role, an information bar appeared at the bottom of the screen, alerting viewers that the movie Goodbye Charlie was next on tap. Though Danielle had seen the comedy numerous times as well, she decided to watch it again just to see how her present reality compared to Hollywood portrayal of Charlie Sorrel's life as a man reincarnated as a woman.

Given her rather unique perspective, Danielle began to empathize with the character that Debbie Reynolds portrayed, with that character being the feminized version of one Charlie Sorrel. In fact, she found the initial scenes in which Charlie had to deal with the ignominy of having to face the rest of her life operating as a female to be painfully humorous and to a lesser degree, strangely provocative.

Though she was unaware of having done so, Danielle, using those long and well-manicured nails on her right hand, had begun to trace idyllic circles, spirals and elongated figure-eighths along the run of her inner right thigh. A moment or two after that, her left had joined the fray as it began to gently knead the ample and ever so sensitive mound of her right breast.

It was only a matter of minutes before a hot and bothered Danielle became oblivious to what was transpiring on the TV. As her middle finger twiddled about the elusive nub of her phenomenal new clitoris, Danielle threw caution to the wind as she abandoned herself to the wanton needs of her womanhood.

In the frenzy of the moment, in an effort to heighten the experience, Danielle, wishing to God that she was double-jointed, bent her head as far forward as it would go while concurrent heaving her breast upwards so as to allow her to suckle on her own teat. 'Damn!' she thought in one of the lucid moments afforded her. 'This feels wonderful...'

Danielle continued on to tweak, twiddle and tease herself into a state of sexual arousal the like of which she had never dreamed possible. Then, on the brink of unbearable pleasure, she climaxed and found herself amazed as one orgasm cascaded upon another in a diminishing daisy chain of unadulterated sexual ecstasy.

"Damn!" Pleasantly astonished, and feeling all warm and cuddly inside, Danielle idyllically murmured, "So, that's what it's like to be multi-organic. I mean, I knew women had it good, but I never knew they had this good..."

For a good while Danielle just lay there savoring the warm-fuzzes of post-orgasmic splendor. Though she still hated the fact that she had been turned into a woman, she had to admit that being female did have its moments. In fact, she very much wanted to experience another one of those moments. To that end, once she felt that she had reached a point where she was ready to have at herself again, Danielle did not waste any time getting back to the business at hand, with that hand being skillfully directed into her heavenly new honey pot.

As good as Danielle's initial string of orgasms had been, the second string was even better, in that the orgasms that she experienced were much stronger and there was a hell of a lot more of them.

Regardless of the fact that it was nearing midnight, Danielle was not sleepy, primarily due to the fact that she had slept the better part of the afternoon. Neither had she reached a point where she had tired of toying around with her new feminine attributes. Not only had she found that rubbing herself off was a whole lot more pleasurable than jerking-off ever had been, but that it was not a one shot deal, in that it could be repeated over and over and over again.

However, Danielle was no fool. Having found the silver lining of her imposed stint as a woman, the last thing she did want was to scrooch the pooch, so to speak. Danielle had to exercise extreme caution, lest she rub herself raw down there. Were she to do so, that would ruin everything.

As she lay there, pondering what to do and wanting nothing more than to enjoy the wild erotic thrill of another multi-orgasmic interlude before calling it a night, Danielle remember Xavier Meggido's gift. Grabbing the vibrator from the nightstand, Danielle twisted it on and gingerly maneuvered it into position. "Shit!" she giddily exclaimed as her hips shimmied in counterpoint. "This thing really works..."

Danielle managed to get about four hours of sound sleep. However, she woke the next morning feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Since there was nothing pressing, Danielle drew on her bathing suit and scampered off to swim some kid-unencumbered laps. Having gotten in a pretty good workout, Danielle returned to her room and hopped in the shower. Then, having made quick work of drying her hair, Danielle, without giving any real thought to what she was doing, selected a skirt and blouse ensemble and got dressed. 'Damn!' she thought as she checked herself out in the mirror. 'This ring Meggido gave me really works. I look great! My hair looks great! And I didn't even break a sweat doing it...'

Though still squeamish about venturing out in public as a female, though no where near as squeamish as she had felt the prior evening, Danielle departed her room and headed for the hotel's restaurant. After breakfast, she stopped at the front desk to see if the shipping boxes containing the two multiplexers she would be using for her course along with all the boxes containing the additional teaching paraphernalia and student materials she would need for the course had arrived. Danielle was pleased to hear that the Fedex man had just dropped everything off at the hotel's loading dock and that it would be moved into the conference room she would be using for her classroom later that day. Unfortunately, the hotel's assistant manager continued on to inform Danielle that the room was in use at the time and that she would not have access to it and the assortment of shipping containers in which her teaching supplies had been packed until the following morning. Since Danielle had other plans for the day, the news that the hotel's assistant manager imparted did not upset her one iota.

After stopping back in her room to freshen up and check her email, Danielle headed out to the hotel's parking lot where she climbed behind the wheel of her rental car. Stopping at a supermarket, Danielle purchased a random assortment of snacks and several 2-liter soda bottles that should last her through the better part of the following week. Next, she located a liquor store and picked a bottle of Jeremiah Weed, a hard-edged bourbon liqueur that an Air Force pilot friend of hers had turned her onto several years before. Having gotten directions from the guy behind the counter at the liquor store, Danielle made for the nearest mall.

While she felt a little funny about it at first, Danielle decided to take Meggido at his word. He had told her in no certain terms she had carte blanche when it came to the credit card he had given her. While she had never intended on going a shopping spree, that is exactly what she ended up doing. Given that she would be a woman for only a couple of weeks, Danielle was aware of the fact that she would only wear the clothing she purchased once or twice. Though she was rarely one to take advantage of a situation, Danielle figured that Meggido owed her big time. And, because he did, Danielle, having been forced to live an austere life due to the massive credit card bills her ex-wife had racked up prior to leaving her, decided it was high time to indulge herself.

Danielle bought all kinds of shit for herself. She bought blouses, skirts, slacks, pullovers, hosiery, bras, panties and various sorts of tease-to-please lingerie for herself; figuring that she would donate all of it to charity once her two week plus stint as a woman was over. Ducking into a women's upscale shoe and boot boutique, she purchased two pair of kick-ass boots, both black, both stilettos, with one pair being ankle-high demi-boots and the other pair being calf-high fashion boots. Exiting the shoe store, Danielle rode the escalator down to the mall's lower concourse and there, entered a jewelry store with the catchy name of Earth Treasures. Though she eyed their rather large selection of rings, she did not purchase any. However, when she exited the store the bag she carried contained a dozen different pairs of earrings, ranging from simple studs to moderately large hoops, along with nine necklaces, seven bracelets and a few rather unique brooches thrown in for good measure.

And that was just what she bought before lunching at the foot court.

After lunch, while strolling through one of the major department stores located at the mall, Danielle chanced to stop by the cosmetic counter. Two hours later, with her face looking absolutely fantastic and exuding the sensual fragrance of Shalimar, a thunderstruck Danielle could not believe that contained within the small bag she carried was over two thousand dollars worth of cosmetics. 'Well...' she tried consoling herself, "Meggido did say that I was to buy what I wanted. And that salesgirl was right. This shade of eye shadow really does flatter my eyes...'

As she was on her way out of the department store, while passing by the watch section of the jewelry counter, Danielle, telling herself that she was only window-shopping, stopped to inspect the ladies timepieces. "Can I help you?" a saleswoman, recognizing a potential sale when she saw one, pleasantly inquired. Though Danielle really liked the diver's watch she was wearing, she thought that something a little more elegant looking would better suit her present form.

'Meggido is going to kill me when he gets the bill for all this shit...'

But, Danielle was not finished. She had a few other purchases she wished to make and she had a pretty good idea where she was going to make them. It was a toss up. She could either go to the Target that was located just down the street from her hotel or dash across the street to a Best Buys. Thinking that either one would suit her needs; Danielle elected to try the Best Buys first.

Wishing to document her time as a female, Danielle purchased a 10.75 megapixel digital camera that could be controlled by a hand-held remote, several 1 meg SD cards, a tripod upon which to mount the camera, a pack of writeable CDs along with a pack of slim-line jewel cases, all five seasons DVD box sets of the hit TV show 24, and last but not least, a portable LCD DVD player to play them on.

Feeling as if she may have gone a little overboard with her purchases, Danielle climbed back into her rental car and headed back to her hotel. There, she unpacked what she could in the time allotted her. Then, having made prior arrangements to dine with Meggido again that evening, she changed into a sexy little black dress that had caught her eye that morning, the very same little black dress that had precipitated her day-long buying spree. Knowing that she was running a little late, Danielle scampered off to join Meggido at the restaurant.

Feeling that she was under obligation to do so, Danielle contritely appraised Meggido of how she had abused his generosity. Interesting enough, Meggido was not alarmed when she handed him the receipts for everything she had charged to his corporate account during the course of the day. In fact, he informed her that he was surprised that she had not bought more for herself.

Then, shocking the shit out of her all the more, Meggido did something that Danielle had never suspected he would do. He offered her a job with a starting salary of a million dollars a year. Then, to sweeten the deal, he told her that if she would come to work for him, she would receive another million dollars as a signing bonus, plus she would have liberal use of an expense account.

Taken aback by Meggido's more than generous job offer, Danielle was nevertheless intrigued by it as well. Knowing that her present employment was tenuous at best, given the rumors she heard suggesting that her company's teaching department was slated to be severely downsized by year's end, Danielle knew that there was a good chance that come January, she would be looking for a new job.

"So, if I accept your offer, what - exactly - would I be doing?"

Wishing to have a little fun at Danielle expense, Meggido impishly replied, "Oh, I suspect a little of this and a little of that."

"Do you think you could be a tad bit more specific? I mean, if I accept your offer, I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into." Then, even as she was saying that, a thought, both sick and disgusting, crossed her mind, causing her to rage indignantly, "Wait just a minute here! Please, tell me that this job offer has nothing to do with me remaining as I am now! Because, if it does, you can forget it! I'm not about to be yours and anybody else's mistress!"

Taking umbrage with his dinner mate's presumption that he would ever ask her to do something of that nature, Meggido sought to sooth her ruffled feathers. "Danielle," he began sternly, speaking much as a father might when admonishing a misbehaving child. "My job offer is completely aboveboard. Believe me, I would never ask you to do something of that nature. And I am offended that you should think so little of me to believe that I would ever contemplate such a repugnant notion as the one you just now alluded to. However, be that as it maybe, I do understand your concerns and I am sorry that I toyed with you as I did. Believe me, your reaction was completely justified. I was at fault. I was being vague when I should had been more forthright when addressing your question about the duties that would fall under your purview should you do me the honor of accepting my offer of employment."

At that point Meggido, having first explained that he had his people run a comprehensive background check on Danielle's male alter ego, began to outline what her job would entail should she chose to accept his job offer. Succinctly put, the job Meggido initially had in mind for Danielle was that of a high paid analyst slash logistician slash step-and-fetch-it. Meggido explained that his team needed a new coordinator and he saw Danielle as having the necessary prerequisites to fill the vacancy, given that she had demonstrated that she had: one, an analytical mind; and two, the ability to pick up things quickly. Added to that, Meggido pointed out that the manner in which she was handling her present situation clearly showed that she was flexible, in that she appeared to be adapting well to what had to be a most unusual and daunting situation.

Had Meggido surrendered the floor to her at that point in their rather one-sided conversation, Danielle would have gladly argued the point, owing to the fact that she held an opposing view, in that she did not feel that she was handling her present situation very well at all. Were she, Danielle held with the opinion that she would not feel so damn intimidated when it came to situations where she had to interact with men. As it was, with the exception of Meggido, just being in close proximity to a man gave her willies. Danielle did not delude herself. Her feelings of paranoia where men were concerned came within a hair's breath of incapacitating her.

As one might expect, Danielle had a lot a questions concerning Meggido's job offer, with the primary one being: were she to take the job, would she have to remain the woman she was?

"Heavens, no, my dear. I would neither expect nor require that of you. However, should you have a change of heart and decided that you would like to live your life as a woman, now or in the future, that can easily be arranged. Likewise, should you like to sojourn as a female every now and again, that too can be arranged.

"Okay..." Danielle replied thoughtfully. "From what little you told me last night, I gather that you head up a team whose main function is to acquire potentially dangerous magical artifacts, so as to prevent them falling into the wrong hands."

"Yes, my dear. In a nut shell, that is exactly what we do."

"And am I correct in assuming that if I accept this job, I will be functioning as a member of this acquisition team?"

"Yes, my dear. That is correct. You would be a member of my team."

"So, basically what you're saying is that if I agree to come and work for you, I will be expected to engage in criminal activities, because while you use the word 'acquire', what we're really talking about here is stealing?"

"In so many words, yes. You are indeed correct, my dear. Semantics aside, I am talking about stealing. What my team and I are engaged in does at times fall outside the law. But, though what we are doing can be technically classified as being illegal, I can assure you that what we do is not immoral."

After a pause in which Meggido gathered his thoughts, he continued. "Let me try and explain it this way. Were a group of terrorists to somehow come into possession of the presidential football that contains the launch codes to this country's strategic missile systems, would you think it wrong for someone else to try to abscond with it so as to insure that those launch codes could not be used to unleash Armageddon on an innocent and unsuspecting world? More to the point, my dear. Given the same scenario, were the opportunity presented to you to steal the launch codes out from under this hypothetical group of terrorists in order so to keep them from doing the unthinkable, what would you do? Would you hold with the notion that two wrongs do not make a right and do nothing? Or, would you commit larceny and abscond with codes?"

"Well... when you put it like that, I guess I wouldn't have much of choice, now would I?"

"No, being the kind of person that I know you to be, you would have no other choice. You would feel compelled to steal the launch codes in order to keep them safe. And that, my dear, is exactly what my team and I do. Though we operate outside the law, what we do is to safeguard mankind from the reckless, and at times, nefarious use of potentially dangerous magical items..."

Danielle was not about to quibble with Meggido. Having been the victim of a magical mistake, she knew only too well that magic was real and that it could do amazing things. Added to that, she knew if magic could turn her into a woman, she did not want to contemplate the harm that could result from its misuse. In the wrong, or even careless hands, Danielle knew that the misuse of magic could rain havoc down on the world. What Meggido and his team did, though illegal, was both needed and noble. Danielle admired Meguro and his team for what they did. She also felt both flattered and privileged to have been asked to join in the ongoing struggle to safeguard the world from the misuse of magical items. But even at that, having never run afoul of the law before in her life, save for a speeding ticket or two, Danielle had a big bugaboo with the criminal aspects that were part and parcel of the job Meggido had offered her. That being the case, Danielle politely informed Meggido that while she was indeed interested in the job offer, she would have to think about it.

Taking her for her word, Meggido did not press the issue. Instead, he turned their conversation to other matters and Danielle, for her part, was both pleased and relieved that he did.

A few minutes later, Danielle's curiosity got the best of her. "Last night you said that the reason you are here in Columbus is to acquire a magical artifact, correct?"

Meggido used his napkin to dab his lips. "Yes, my dear. That is correct. That is why I am here and unfortunately, due to an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, that is why you are as you are now."

Feeling as if she might be probing, Danielle nevertheless continued on to say, "Look, if it's none of my business, just say so. But, I'm dying to know what this artifact that you're here to collect is. And added to that, I'm curious to know just how you're going to go about acquiring it."

Expecting to be asked that very question, Meggido smiled and with an amused chuckle, gleefully replied. "Tell you what, my dear, instead of my trying to describe it to you, how would you like to see the item in question's kissing cousin?" Meggido continued, as he adroitly reached into the right side outer pocket of his handsomely tailored suite coat. "You see, my dear, I have been anticipating that you would eventually get around to asking me that very question and because I did, I reconsidered my stance on not telling you about the nuts and bolts of our operation. And, to that end, I have had the good sense to bring a duplicate of the item in question along with me, in order that you should see it for yourself."

Before Danielle could respond, Meggido placed a small crystal pyramid down on the table, situating it directly in front of her plate.

"Go ahead, my dear," he prompted. "Pick it up. I promise that it will not bite you."

Warily, Danielle reached out for it but checked herself before actually picking the pyramid up. "Is it magical?"

"No, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, it is a pretty thing, do you not agree?"

"Yes." Danielle said, as she picked up the crystal pyramid and, drawing it closer to her face, began to exam it in greater detail. "So," she continued thoughtfully, "I take it that you are planning to swap this one with the real deal."

"That is very astute of you, my dear. And, of course you are right. That is exactly what we are planning on doing."

"May I inquire as to where this swap-out is to occur?"

Meggido neither balked nor hesitated in providing Danielle with the answer she sought. "Not tomorrow, but two Saturdays hence, there is to be an after hours black tie affair which will be held at Columbus's dynamic hands-on science center, which is better known as COSI. The object in question will be on display, as it is part of a collection of rare and unusual items. My team and I will simply swap out the magical pyramid with the non-magical one you are now holding."

With a note of incredulity clearly conveyed in the timbre her voice, Danielle indignantly snapped, "You mean to tell me that you needed to change somebody on your team into a girl in order to make such a swap?"

"No," Meggido contritely replied. "Put like that, a woman was not essential to our plan. However, when one attends a black tie affair, it is always nice to be seen escorting an attractive young lady such as yourself. It tends to lend one an air of respectability..."

While there was a degree of logic in Meggido's explanation, Danielle was not buying it in its entirety. She had a sneaky suspicion that something crucial was missing and that Meggido was not as forthcoming as he gave the appearance of being. However, Danielle did not feel that the moment was right for her to press the issue. If she did decide to take him up on his job offer, Danielle figured that she could always make her acceptance contingent on an airing of all the details of the up-coming heist. Till then, she consoled herself to bid her time, knowing that Meggido might divulge other details in dribs and drabs in the days to come.

Prior to parting company, Meggido informed Danielle that he was very sorry, but that something important had come up that required his attention out of town. That being the case, Meggido informed Danielle that he would be unable to dine with her on either Saturday or Sunday evenings. However, he continued on to inform her that he would dearly love the pleasure of her company come Monday evening. Danielle, who found that she really enjoyed dining with the elderly gentleman, informed Meggido that she would not only miss his company, but that she was looking forward to dining with him again on Monday.

Back in her room with a whole evening ahead of her, Danielle logged onto the Internet and checked to see if she had any emails that required her attention. Finding none, she logged off and decided to play a few games of Spider Solitaire. Tiring of that, Danielle decided that a trip to the pool was in order.

As on the previous evening, a group of kids made lap swimming all but impossible. But that did not phase Danielle one iota. She had not gone to the pool to swim laps, but rather to just take a refreshing dip, figuring that she would hit the hot tub afterwards. After a full day of shopping, Danielle just wanted to relax and chill out and the pool and its associated hot tub seemed to be the perfect places for her to do just that.

Though she had to share the pool with about twenty other swimmers, most of whom where unruly children, upon relocating to the hot tub, Danielle was pleased to find it empty. Though she knew that she would probably not remain its sole occupant for very long, she was nevertheless relieved that at least for the time being she would not have to worry about having to share it with some lecherous bastard.

Once seated, Danielle realized that a full day of shopping had taken its toil on her. She was really tired. In fact, she was so tired that her eyes began to droop. A minute after that, just as she was on the verge of falling asleep, a voice softly intoned, "I see that Xavier has lent you Galeanna's Ring."

The voice, which was clearly that of a man, startled the shit out of Danielle, causing her whole body to reflexively jump.

"I'm sorry," the man said. "I didn't mean to startled you like that. Are you okay?"

Unnerved by the man's presence, Danielle irately snapped, "I'm fine! You just startled me that's all." Then, recalling that the man had said something or other about a ring, Danielle reflexively glanced at the Celtic band encircling the index finger of her right hand.

"That's it," the man said as he took a seat across from Danielle. "That's the ring that I was speaking of alright. By any chance did Xavier mention that it has a name when he gave it you?" Then, not giving Danielle a chance to respond, the man continued on to say, "It's called Galeanna's Ring or, as some have called it, the Ring of Femininity."

Though Danielle's mind had been playing a frantic game of catch-up, the implications of what the man had been saying finally impacted. With incredulity clearly conveyed in her voice, Danielle angrily demanded, "Are you saying that you know Xavier Meggido?"

The man, who Danielle now recognized the as the man who had injected himself into the conversation revolving around scuba diving that she had engaged in with that young couple on the previous evening, replied with a chuckle, "Yes. I know Meggido. He and I have been colleagues for quite some time." Then, after a brief pause, the man took up where he had left off. "Maybe it would be best if I were to introduce myself. My name is David, David Johnson."

The implications of what she had just been told hit Danielle like a ton of bricks. Flabbergasted, Danielle irately groused. "You mean to tell me that you're that David Johnson? The David Johnson whose room I am now occupying?"

"One and the same."

"By rights, you should be a girl right now, not me!"

"That's true. Had things gone the way they were suppose to, I would be a girl and you'd still be the man you were born to be. But, then again, if the guy at the front desk hadn't made a mistake and put you in the room I was supposed to have occupied, think of all the fun you would have missed out on."

"Fun!" Danielle raged. "You call this fun? For your information, I'm a girl right now, where by rights, I shouldn't be one!"

"Alright, already!" David Johnson chortled. "You win! You're not having fun - now..." Emphasizing the word 'now', David conceded Danielle's point. "But, I bet you enjoyed yourself last night. You see, Danielle, even though I put Meggido's name on the card, while the two of you were at the restaurant, I was the one who slipped into your room and put that present on your bed. And don't try and tell me that you didn't use what was in the bag, because we both know you did. Hell! Given the same set of circumstances, what guy wouldn't have done exactly what you did? I mean, it more or less goes with the territory..."

Though David did most of the talking, the two of them traded comments for another minute or so. "Look, here's the thing, Danielle. Meggido told me to look after you while he's out of town tying up some loose ends on an assignment that our team undertook a few weeks ago. So, since I figure that you have a lot of questions, who better to answer those questions than someone who has logged quite a bit of time operating as a member of the opposite sex himself? So, if you're amiable, what say we go back to our separate rooms, get dressed and head on over to the hotel's pub? Oh! Don't worry! I'm buying! And, if you're afraid that I might try and put a move on you, don't. I have no intention of doing anything untoward. The last thing I want to do right now is upset you. I promise. I'll be a good boy. Tell you what! For the here and now of it, I want you to think of me as your protector, your personal bodyguard so to speak. I promise that I won't let any harm come to you. Believe me! I really do know how to handle myself in a pinch. And if all else fails, I've got a bit of magic to back me up..."

Though she had nothing concrete to base it on, something told Danielle that she could trust David. That being the case, though still somewhat apprehensive, wishing to pursue the conversation with the hope of learning more about David, Meggido and their magical acquisition team, Danielle agreed to David's proposal.

Back in her room, Danielle quickly showered; dried her hair and selecting a pair of designer jeans; a shimmering, electric-blue, satin, spaghetti-strap camisole top, and quickly got dressed. Stepping into her navy blue stilettos, she dialed David's room and informed him that she was ready.

Taking a swig of the beer that David had just handed her, Danielle cheerfully quipped, "So, I take it that you don't mind spending time as a girl?"

"No... not really. I'll grant you that I did at first, but I guess you could say that I've gotten used to it. The truth is that I find it to be a refreshing change of pace. Plus, as you have come to find out for yourself, there's something to be said for the sexual aspects of spending time as a female."

"Hey!" Danielle objected. "I never once said that I did what you're implying I did."

"Bullshit! You can deny it all you want, Danielle, but we both know that your curiosity got the best of you. I mean, inside, where it counts, you're still a man. And any man worth his salt who found himself in a similar situation would have a hard time resisting the urge to dicker around with all those new girlish-gadgets of hers. Look, I'm not passing judgement on you. Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Come on!" David urged. "Admit it! You enjoyed playing with yourself, didn't you."

"Yes! Damn it!" Danielle blushed. "I enjoyed it a lot."

"And what about those orgasms? Weren't they something?"

Savoring the memory of what it had felt like to be multi-orgasmic, Danielle coyly replied, "Yes, I've got to admit that they were pretty fantastic."

"So, you're saying that you liked them?"

"That's an understatement. Of course I like 'em." Danielle bristled. "I mean, who wouldn't? They were wonderful."

"My point exactly!" Davis returned smugly. "Look, all I'm trying to say here is that there is an up-side to all of this. So, I guess what I'm trying to get across to you is that you need to just go with the flow and try to enjoy the experience of being a woman."

"Yeah..." Danielle disgustingly quipped. "Like I really have a choice..."

Having taken note that the pub's pool table was no longer in use, David suggested that he and Danielle pass the time by playing a game of eight ball. "Tell you what, Danielle. You rack 'em and I'll go get us a couple more brewskis."

Playing the part of the gentleman to the hilt, David let Danielle break. She did and pocketed both a both a striped ball and a solid one. Scanning the table, Danielle opted for the solid balls and sank two in quick succession. However, upon becoming aware that a guy at the bar was giving her the hairy-eyeball, she tensed, causing her to muff on her third shot and coming dangerously close to inadvertently knocking the eight ball into a corner pocket.

"Not too shabby." David offered as he easily sank the number eleven ball in the side pocket. "Tell me something, Danielle. By any chance did Meggido tell you what else that ring he gave you does?"

Taken aback by implications that were conveyed in David's inquiry, and with a note of concern evident in her voice, Danielle replied, "You mean it does other things besides giving me the knowledge to make myself look presentable?"

"Oh, yeah! Investing you with the knowledge to, as you say, make yourself presentable, is only one small aspect of its potential. Trust me. It can do a whole host of things, some of which are pretty impressive, even to a magic user such as myself."

"Oh!" Danielle smirked. "So, now you're a magic user as well as a part time girl."

"Add all around nice guy and that'll pretty much sum it up."

"Okay, smartass! Tell me. What else can this ring Meggido gave me do?"

"Plenty! But, I'm afraid if you want specifics you're going to have to ask Meggido the next time you see him. Since he lent you the ring, it's up to him to fill you in on what it does. But, I will tell you one thing: you need to be careful. For instance, were I you, I wouldn't tempt fate by making any emotionally fraught wishes while you're wearing it, especially when you're overly distraught about anything. I mean, the chance of you tapping into its metaphysical wherewithal is practically nil. But, then again, one can't be too careful..."

Though it took awhile for Danielle to make up her mind about David Johnson, by the time the two of them parted company that evening she had begun to regard him as a friend, a guy friend, but certainly not a boyfriend. Never a boyfriend. However, later that night, as she savored the warm-fuzzies of post-orgasmic bliss, having prevailed upon David to show her a picture of himself when resplendent in his female form, Danielle found herself wondering what it would be like to go one on one with David's absolutely gorgeous feminine alter ego.

Saturday morning Danielle woke up, donned her bathing suit, and headed for the pool. Seventy-two laps later, Danielle exited the pool only to find David sitting in a lounge chair poolside. "Now how am I suppose to keep an eye on you if you don't tell me where you're gong be?" he jokingly chided her.

"I'd say that's your problem," Danielle pleasantly smirked. "But, since you seem to have found me, I can't see where keeping tabs on me is going to pose much of a problem for you..."

"So, what's on tap for today?" David inquired.

"For starters - breakfast. And, you're buying."

"Sounds like a plan..."

Telling David to wait for her in the lobby, Danielle hurried back to her room, showered, dried her hair and selecting jeans and a halter-top, got dressed.

During breakfast Danielle informed David that she would be tied up for the better part of day turning one of the hotel's conference rooms into a makeshift classroom. David, saying he nothing better to do, offered to give her a hand. Being no fool, Danielle took David up on his offer.

Leaving the restaurant, Danielle, with David in tow, stopped at the front desk. There, she collected the key to the conference room that she would be using, along with a copy of the shipping invoice for the packing crates that contained the equipment modules and associated teaching material that was required for the course.

The first thing Danielle did was have David help her make a complete inventory of the shipping containers' contents. Pleased that everything was accounted for, the next thing she did was to erect the two-erector set-like bays upon which she would mount the fiber-ready multiplexers, the digital cross-connection unit and their associated power supplies. Since Danielle lacked her former manly strength, David proved to be real godsend when it came to assembling the two equipment bays and helping her mount the various units that each would house. Once the bull-work was behind them, Danielle had David help her position the five tables she had requested the hotel staff provide into a U formation. Then, while David placed two chairs at each of the five tables, Danielle powered up the bays. With that done, Danielle assigned David the task of unpacking and dispersing the various items that comprised each student's personal course material. David did as directed. Starting with the student handbook, he placed a highlighter, pen, pencil, sputter probe which the students would used to set DIP (direct in-line potentiometer) switches, grounding wrist straps that were used to protect against static discharge whenever handling circuit packs and a CD containing all of the documentation that the students would need to install, provision and maintain the multiplexer and associated miniaturized digital cross-connection unit at each position around the tables.

While David was attending to that chore, Danielle unpacked the four laptops she would be using throughout the course, two of which she plugged into the multiplexers. Another would serve as the front-end provisioning unit for the digital cross-connection circuitry. The last of the four, via an attached projection unit, Danielle would use throughout the course to provide the AV (audio/visual) presentations.

Informing David that she had nothing else for him to do and stressing the fact that it would take her another hour to prep and test the multiplexers so that they would be up and running for the class come Monday morning, Danielle presented him with two options. One, he could take a seat and wait for her. Or, if he would rather make better use of his time elsewhere, she would call him as soon as she was done. David, saying that he had nothing else to do, opted to wait. "That's fine by me," Danielle commented as she plopped a CD into the drawer of one of the laptops. "But, just so you know, this'll go a lot faster if I don't have to answer a lot of questions. So, if you want to catch the first showing of that movie you mentioned at breakfast, do me a favor. Let me work in peace."

"Don't worry," David said as he began to page through one of the student handbooks. "I'll be a good boy. So, you just go ahead and attend to whatever it is that you have to attend to so that we can get out of here and do something else..."

Grabbing a quick lunch at a nearby McDonalds, the two of them arrived at the theater complex just in time to catch the previews that preceded the action-packed adventure flick that they had mutually agreed upon over breakfast.

Danielle really appreciated the way David accorded her. He did not treat her as the girl she appeared to be, but more as the guy she still felt herself to be. While he played the part of the perfect gentleman to the hilt, opening doors for her and other such stuff as that, David never made Danielle feel threatened or uncomfortable. He never presumed upon the friendship they were in the process of building. Nor, did he ever invade her personal space or even try to hold her hand. Succinctly put, it was male bonding at its best.

After the movie, they hit a steakhouse for dinner and then, given that it was still early, on Danielle's suggestion, the two of them did a little window shopping at a nearby mall. As the two them were strolling along the upper concourse, David surreptitiously quipped, "Danielle! By any chance have you taken note of that redhead across the way? Tell you what: if you haven't already, you really need to check her out. I mean, while she isn't in your league in the looks department, I sure won't kick her out of bed..."

Later, on the drive back to their hotel, Danielle, feeling the need to address and hopefully allay a concern of hers, mused, "I have to say that you were right. That redhead really was something. I mean to tell you. She had a body that wouldn't quit."

"Didn't she, though..." David gleefully concurred.

"And you're right," Danielle tentatively continued. "I wouldn't kick her out of bed either." Then, on the heels of having said that and dreading the answer she might receive, Danielle felt compelled to ask, "So, knowing what you know, would you kick me out of bed?"

Blindsided, David groped for a way to express himself. "Danielle... you're not suggesting..."

"Heavens no!" Danielle harshly snapped. "I'm not suggesting THAT at all." Taking a moment to compose herself, she boorishly continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is: do you find me attractive?"

"Danielle, do you really think it's a good idea for us to be having this conversation?"

"No. You're right. It's not a good idea at all. But, I still want to know. Do you fine me attractive?"

"Of course I do. I mean, I'm a man, aren't I? Look, Danielle! Like it or not, you're a very beautiful young lady for the present. So, it's only natural that I would find you attractive."

"Do you ever fantasize about - well... you know?"

Answering Danielle question with a question of his own, David countered, "Don't you turn yourself on every time you take a look at yourself in the mirror? Hell! While you never came right out and said it, you've all but admitted to me that you're a narcissist."

Put on the defensive by David's rather pointed question, Danielle grudgingly stammered, "Yeah... I guess so... I mean, you're right. As egotistical as it might sound, I had to admit that as a girl, I am beautiful and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, I guess I am a narcissist."

"Yeah..." David endeavored to drive the point home. "You most certainly are. And you're not just beautiful, but given that built like a shithouse body, you're as sexy as all get out. Believe me! All you to do to make a guy cream in his jeans is to give him one of those adorably come hither smiles. So, Danielle, if you want to know if I have ever fantasized about getting it on with you, the answer is yes. I have and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but that's just how it is. But, you need to trust me. You have my word that I have no intentions of doing anything untoward in that regard. So, what'ya say we drop this and move onto something else, something on a much lighter vein..."

Arriving back at their hotel, Danielle, in an effort on her part to ease the tensions that their previous discussion had engendered, challenged David to a game of eight ball. Saying that he would whoop her ass, David eagerly accepted her challenge, suggesting as he did so that the looser buy the beers.

Danielle sunk the number two ball in a corner pocket. She then sidled up to David and coquettishly inquired, "So, have you given any thought to what we can do tomorrow?"

"Actually, I have. I thought that we could head out to Dayton and spend the day checking out the museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Danielle casually replied, as she used a banked shot to gently nudge the eight ball into the side pocket, winning yet another game as she did so.

Forgoing her morning swim so that they could get to the museum when it opened at 09:00 am, Danielle called David early and informed him that she was up, dressed and ready to go. Then, having said that, she gruffly told him to stop lollygagging and get his ass in gear. Somewhere west of Columbus, they stopped and ate breakfast, which of course David charged on a charge card that was a duplicate of the one that Meggido had given Danielle.

Though Danielle occasionally felt funny about being accorded as a female, she nevertheless had begun to enjoy the courtesies that David afforded her. "Thank you, kind sir," she complimented David for opening the car door for her.

Arriving at the museum just as it opened, Danielle and David checked the brochure to get a lay of the land. Knowing that it would be nigh impossible to see everything the museum had to offer in the time allotted them, David sought Danielle's preferences. Danielle had built many a model plane during her boyhood, and because she had, she informed David that her interest lay in the planes from World War II to the present. Agreeing to check out the Early Years Gallery if they had the time later in the day, the two made for the Air Power Gallery where the World War II era planes were on display. Of all the planes on exhibit, the plane that captivated Danielle's interest was the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, Bockscar, the plane that dropped the Fat Man atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. While every plane on display had its own place in history, Bockscar was history. The mission the B-29 flew effectively ended the war with Japan.

As she stood there gazing at the aircraft, Danielle found herself dealing with a whole raft of emotions, running the gambit from horror to pride to an eerie sort of unnerving sense of reverence. Though raised Catholic, Danielle was not a religious person so to speak. However, standing there, looking at the plane and a facsimile of the bomb it dropped, she found herself saying a silent prayer that such a destructive force would never be visited on the world again.

The two of them spent the better part of their morning checking out the planes and exhibits that dealt with World War II era aircraft. They then grabbed a quick and regrettably unappetizing lunch in the museum's 2nd floor café. Then, with their appetites appeased, they headed for the museum's second hanger-like building in which the Modern Flight Gallery was housed. There, Danielle and David spent the better part of an hour weaving their way about the various aircraft. Then, on Danielle's urgings they moved on to the Eugene W. Kettering Building that housed the museum's Cold War Gallery. Danielle was in her glory. Planes whose models had hung from her bedroom's ceiling as a boy surrounded her. Dominating the huge hanger-like building was the massive Convair B-36J Peacemaker and situated forward of the Peacemaker's right wing sat what Danielle thought to be the sleekest, sexiest warbird ever built, Boeing's swept-wing RB-47H Stratojet.

Around four, David toyed with the idea of suggesting that they ought to think about heading back to Columbus, but seeing how much Danielle was enjoying herself, thought better of it. When the announcement came over the museum's PA system announcing that the museum would close in another fifteen minutes, the two of them headed for the museum's gift shop. There, David used his corporate credit card to purchase Danielle a fairly comprehensive book on the museum that contained both pictures and write-ups on the aircraft and associated exhibits.

"So, what'ya think?" David asked as he climbed behind the wheel of his rental car.

"That was fantastic! I mean, I've been to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington a couple of times, and also out to its annex that's located near Dulles, but as nice as they both are, Wright-Patterson takes the cake. I mean, it boggles the mind to think of all those planes gathered in one place..."

"Are you by any chance starting to get hungry?" David, who had only eaten half of the hotdog he had purchased for lunch, prudently asked.

"Hungry! Are you kidding! I'm famished!"

"Good. So, do me a favor. Put that book down and find us a decent place to stop for dinner."

As they were nearing the outskirts of Columbus, in an attempt to assuage her curiosity, Danielle asked her companion a rather pointed question. "Tell me something, David. During those stints you've done as a female, did you ever have sex with a guy?"

Taken aback her unexpected question, David somewhat reluctantly replied, "Yeah... A couple of times... Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. I was just curious. That's all..." Danielle's voice trailed off into a cryptic silence.

Unable to restrain herself, Danielle asked a follow up question, "Did you like it?"

Though David knew exactly what Danielle was referring to, he decided that if she was going to ask him such intimate questions he was going extract his pound of flesh by toying with her. "Did I like what?" he asked.

Frustrated to the point of irritation at having to spell it out for him, Danielle bristled, "Did you like having some guy's pecker shoved up inside you?"

"No, not particularly," David nonchalantly replied. "I mean, it was alright, I guess. But, I tell you what I did like. I thoroughly enjoyed being on the receiving end of cunnilingus. You know, as in I really like it when the guys I was with went down on me and ate me out."

"Guys!" Danielle could not believe the implications of what she had just heard her companion freely admit to. "You mean to tell me there was more than one?"

"Actually, there were several."

"You're shitting me, right?"

"Not at all, Danielle. While I don't make a habit of sleeping around when I'm logging time as a female, I have, upon occasion, slept with a few of the guys I've met over the years."

"And you've liked it?" Danielle was shocked.

"For the most part, I'd have to say that I did. But, then again, I was lucky. All but one of the guys I consented to have sex with were better than average lovers, in that they attended to my needs before giving any thought to satisfying theirs."

Repulsed by what she was hearing, Danielle quipped, "But, wasn't it icky?"

"Icky... no. Sticky... yes." David chuckled. "Why? I mean, what's with all the questions? Tell me Danielle, have you had a change of heart and are now toying with the idea of letting a man have his way with you? Because, if you are, I know someone who might be willing to give you a hand with popping your cherry."

Aware that David was trying to get her goat, insinuating that he would be more than happy to make love to her, Danielle let him have it with both barrels. "Don't even think about it, smartass! I might be a girl, but you best believe that I'm not THAT kind of girl!"

"Then why all the questions?"

Unable to come up with a good answer, Danielle replied, "Beats me! I was just curious. That's all..."

"Well, a word to the wise, Danielle. Don't go getting too curious. May I remind you of that ring that Meggido gave you, the one your wearing on your right hand, the one that has invested you with the ability to attend to the everyday things that falls to a women's lot in life. You know, like fixing your hair, putting on makeup and that sort of stuff. Well, it's like I told you before: that ring can do a lot of other things besides that. So, do yourself a favor. If you don't want to end up doing the dirty with some egotistical son of bitch, rein in your curiosity. And for godsakes Danielle, don't go around making any frivolous wishes. I'll grant you that the chances of something like that happening is slim, but you don't want to tempt fate, do you?"

"No, I don't," Danielle replied, as she discreetly tried to remove the ring from off the index finger of her right hand. "Damn it!" she exclaimed in frustration.

"What's wrong?" David asked.

"The ring! I can't get it off! It won't budge."

"I was afraid that might happen," David murmured, more to himself than to Danielle.

"What's going on, David? Why can't I get this ring off my finger? I mean, I could earlier! But, I can't now!

"I'm afraid the ring has decided that you are now its new owner. And, if that's the case, which I tend to believe it is, the ring will never allow you to remove it."

"You mean to tell me that I'm going be stuck wearing it for the rest of my life?"

"Probably... unless Meggido knows something about it that I don't..."

"This is just great!" Danielle sarcastically smirked. "In two weeks I'll be a man again, save that I'll be a man who's stuck wearing a woman's ring for the rest of his life. Hell! I guess I'll just have the damn thing surgically removed."

"I hate to have to tell you this, Danielle. But, that's not going to work. If the ring has selected you as its new owner, it won't let you or anybody else remove it..."

Arriving back at their hotel, David, who was enjoying Danielle's company as much as she was enjoying his, suggested another evening spent playing pool, downing some brewskies, and shooting shit. Though Danielle would have liked nothing more than to have taken David up on his suggestion, aware that she had a big day ahead of her come the following morning, she reluctantly begged off. David replied that he understood perfectly and dutifully walked Danielle to her room. However, before parting company, David, having informed Danielle that Meggido would not be back until Tuesday, secured Danielle's promise to have dinner with him after she finished with her class on Monday. Danielle, for her part readily agreed, saying that she would look forward to it.

Once alone in her room, the apprehension of having to face ten seasoned and quite possibly extremely knowledgeable telephone technicians in the morning caused her stomach to lurch. On the heels of that, her stomach heaved, as a trace of acidic bile rose in her throat. Knowing that she did not have a second to lose, Danielle scampered into the bathroom, frantically flipped the toilet seat into the upright position, knelt and assuming the position of a commode-hugging drunk, retched up bits and pieces of her partially digested dinner.

Succinctly put, Danielle was scared shitless.

Though the immediacy of the problems stemming out of her new sexuality had pretty much overshadowed all of her other concerns, faced with the notion that come the morning she would be instructing a class full of technically savvy people unnerved her to no end. It was not that she did not have a firm grasp on the subject matter she would be imparting. She did. She knew the material backwards and forwards. On top of that, she was well acquainted with the job the central office technicians that comprised her upcoming class did on a day in day out basis. Prior to taking a buyout from one of the Baby Bells several years before, Danielle had been a central office technician herself. Added to that, she had been an ace troubleshooter, rated as one of the best network technicians in the locale from which she had originally hailed.

It was not her present sexual affiliation that was the problem. In the aftermath of the feminist movement of the Seventies, there were plenty of proficient women central office technicians. It was her apparent age that was the real bugaboo. Owing to the fact that she looked to be in her mid-twenties, simple logic would decree that even though she had a good grasp of the subject matter, she lacked experience to back it up.

Logic, coupled with a layman's insight into how the human ego functioned, suggested that some of Danielle's students might underestimate her. They might even try to baffle her with bullshit and dazzle her with nonsensical technical jargon as a means to intimidate her.

Under normal circumstances, Danielle would not put up with such nonsense. Back when she was a he, she would have used whatever tactic seemed appropriate to put pompous and egotistical jackasses in their place.

The trouble was that these were anything but normal circumstances. Danielle was well aware of the fact that she was operating under a serious handicap. For starters, her self-esteem was practically zilch. Added to that, with the exception of David and Xavier Meggido, men still had an unsettling affect on her, making her as paranoid as all get-out. Then there was the age factor. Danielle was well aware of the fact that she looked too young to have the experience necessary to give credence to her expertise.

Basically, Danielle knew that she faced an up hill battle. She also knew that she would have to convince her pupils that she did in fact know what she was talking about. That meant that right out of the starting gate she would have to exude an air of confidence. And that, in a nutshell, was Danielle's problem. She lacked confidence. Unfortunately, it had vanished along with her manhood.

Anxiety plagued Danielle all that evening and throughout the night. As a prelude to sleep, much as she had the previous three nights, Danielle endeavored to dicker around with those new feminine attributes of hers. However, try as she might, she failed to achieve the orgasmic release she so dearly sought. No matter how hard she tried, she could not rid herself of the dread of what faced her come morning. Frustrated and more than a little pissed-off, Danielle gave up and tried to get some sleep.

For a good hour and a half, sleep eluded her. When she finally managed to nod off, the sleep she did get was fretful at best. Her body twitched. She tossed. She turned, many times so violently that she woke herself up.

Then, to make matters worse, Danielle was deluged with a steady string of nightmares. On one occasion, she dreamed that she was teaching a class of central office technicians, only to become suddenly aware that the stylish clothes she had been wearing at the start of her dream had suddenly disappeared, leaving her standing there bare ass naked. In another, she saw herself once again devoid of clothes, desperately fleeing through a maze of seemingly endless corridors and eagerly pursued by a group of burley and disreputable men, each of whom sported a grotesquely huge, blood engorged penis. She dreamed of being ridiculed. She dreamed of being raped. In one dream, she beheld a gigantic billboard that was plastered with two pictures: one, as the man she used to be; and the other, of the woman she had become. To Danielle's horror, the billboard proclaimed that the woman pictured on the right had once been the man who was pictured on the left.

The magic ring that Meggido had given Danielle proved to be a godsend. Regardless of how rough her night had been, when she exited her room that Monday morning, Danielle, dressed as she was in a stylish skirted gray business suit and a shimmering blue silk cami, looked absolutely stunning, and smelled divine. Added to that, her hair and makeup were perfect, looking as if a seasoned Hollywood makeup artist had been working on her for hours. Succinctly put, Danielle, having taken the time to appraise herself in the mirror before venturing out of her room, new that she was a walking, talking contradiction. While she knew in her heart of hearts that she lacked any shred of confidence, she also knew that her appearance exuded it in spades.

"Good morning," David's voice drew Danielle's attention away from the menu she had been perusing. "I saw you sitting back here and I thought you might like some company..."

Forcing a smile onto her angelic face, Danielle, who was glad for the distraction, beckoned David to take the seat across the table from her. "You look great this morning."

"I don't feel great. The truth is, I feel like shit..." an exasperated Danielle continued on to fill David in on her troubled night. "...God! I wish there was someway I could get out of having to teach this class!"

"Danielle!" David voice cracked like a whip. "For goodness sakes, be careful. Remember what I told you about that ring. You've really got to watch yourself..."

To Danielle's relief, the class was not the unmitigated disaster that she feared it would be. Given the handicaps she was operating under, she did extremely well.

Her class consisted of ten students, three of which were women. Two of her students, a man and one of the women, were network supervisors, six were network techs, one equipment engineer and the other was a 2nd line manager, who was probably taking the course as an excuse for a mini-vacation. Danielle, having dealt with the type many times before, figured that if anyone were going present a problem for her, it would be the manager.

She was right. The man was full of himself and assumed that everyone, including Danielle, should kowtow to him. Though she did so nicely, Danielle, without any fuss or fanfare during their morning break, took the man aside. Once out of earshot of the others, she made it perfectly clear that she was running the class -- not him, suggesting in so many words that his comments and interruptions were disruptive and that if he did not change his ways, he was not welcomed in her class.

Interestingly enough, once chastised, the manager became a real pleasure to have in class.

Danielle covered everything that her first day's lesson plan called for. To the delight of her students, Danielle dismissed her class an hour early. David, who had been lounging around in the hallway, waited until the last of her pupils had exited the room before entering. "So, how'd it go? Was it as bad as you thought it would be?"

Pleased with the notion that David was concerned enough to be on hand at the conclusion of class, Danielle, with an energetic wave and a glowing smile broadening on her face, beckoned for David to join her in the front of the room. "Actually, all things considered, the day went pretty well."

"Good! I'm glad to hear that it did. Hungry?"

"No... Not yet... But, I soon will be."

"How's Italian sound?"

"Great! Let me tidy up here a little and we can be on our way. You're driving, right?"

On the drive to the restaurant, Danielle provided David with a broad-brush overview of how the class went.

"One day down, four to go," David offered. "So, what do you think? Are you going to be able to hack it for the rest of the week?"

"Yeah..." Danielle thoughtfully replied. "Having gotten through today, which pretty much fell on me, given the fact that it was pretty much all lecture, the rest of the week should be a piece of cake. From here on out, I won't be lecturing anywhere near as much as I did today. Basically, my students will be spending a good portion of their time doing the work assessment in their student handbooks or getting some hands on experience working with the actual equipment. For example, tomorrow I'll be covering the initial installation, power-up procedures and acceptance testing. Wednesday, we'll move on to provisioning the units. Thursday, we'll get into alarms, fault-locating, basic trouble-shooting techniques and service restoration procedures. Friday, they'll spend most of the day shooting troubles that I will introduce into the system..."

"Did the men in your class behave themselves?"

"For the most part - yes. I mean, while I know they were enjoying the scenery and probably entertaining some rather lewd fantasies revolving around what they would like to do to me, none of them were obvious about it. You know, as in I didn't catch any of them undressing me with their eyes, if that's what you mean?"

"You said you had three women in your class. Is that right?" David continued on to inquire.

"Yes!" Danielle, uncomfortable with the direction their conversation had taken, abrasively snapped.

"Whoa! Did I just hit a nerve, or something?"

"Sorry..." Danielle offered David an apology. "I'm afraid that I'm a little keyed up right now."

"There's no need for you to apologize, Danielle. I know it's been a trying day for you."

"No! You don't understand, David. That's not it at all. Look! I don't know if you got a good look at her or not when she came out of the conference room this afternoon, but one of the women, the youngest of three, is one fine looking lady in anybody's book."

"Let me guess. You found yourself attracted to her?"

"Oh yeah!" Danielle was quick to concur. "You could say that. However, if you did, it would be a gross understatement."

"Well, though I only caught a glimpse of her, I'd have to agree. She was rather nice looking."

"Nice looking!" Danielle, unable to restrain herself, raised an objection. "She's what we used to refer to as a Telco 10!"

"Okay... Simmer down, girl. Remember that I only caught a glimpse of her before she started down the hallway, while you spent practically the whole day with her. So, if you say she's pretty, I'll take your word for it. She's pretty. So, what's the problem? I mean, it goes without saying that you've been around a lot of pretty women before."

"You're right. I have. But, things were different then. I wasn't a woman myself. Now that I am, I find things to be very different, if not down right confusing. I know they shouldn't be different, but they are. Now that I know how much pleasure can be derived from fiddling around with all my new equipment, I found that I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what it would be like to go one on one with her."

"Danielle..." David, keenly aware that misery does indeed love company, interjected. "If it's any consolation, I know exactly what you're going through."

"You do?"

"Oh, yeah... I most certainly do. May I remind you that I've logged a considerable amount of time as a female myself and every time I do, I find that I have to deal with the very same sort of thing that you're dealing with now. Let's face it Danielle, as it stands right now you're both a narcissist and a lesbian. The problem is that when you're a man again, you will find that a part of you will still be the lesbian you are today. Now that you experienced some of the sexual perks of being fitted out with a woman's body, you will never find making love to a woman as satisfying as it was before. As sad as I am to have to tell you this, there will always be a part of you that will long to be a woman again."

"That sucks!" Danielle irately fumed.

"You're right. It does suck. But just be glad that you don't, if you catch my drift?"

Sickened by the implications of David's last remark, Danielle blanched. "I do and believe me, that's something that ain't never going to happen."

Unable to restrain himself, David teased, "Why? Afraid you might end up liking it too much?"

"David!" Danielle raged. "Knock it off! Just thinking about it is giving me the willies. So, do me a favor. Stop trying to freak me out..."

Later, as the two of them sat in the restaurant eating lasagna, David sought to assuage his curiosity, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be handling the 'girl thing' a lot better than you were. In fact, there are times when you appear to be really enjoying the experience."

Danielle took a protracted moment to assess her feelings. "Actually, you're right. I am starting to enjoy myself. In a kinky, perverted sort of way, being a girl isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be at first. I'll grant you that men still unnerve me from time to time. But, I have to confess that I get a perverse pleasure just knowing the kind of effect I'm having on men."

"So, I take it that you like being a piece of eye-candy?"

"Sometimes..." Danielle reluctantly admitted the truth of the matter.

After dinner, Danielle asked David if he would mind stopping at the mall. Though he informed her that he would be more than happy to oblige her in that regard, he nevertheless wanted to know why. At first Danielle evaded providing David with a sufficient answer to his inquiry. However, with his curiosity peaked, David relentlessly pursued the issue. Danielle, who was embarrassed beyond belief, relented in an unbridled huff. "If you must know, they have a Victoria's Secret there and I want to pick up a few things for myself."

"What kind of things?" David teasingly pressured.

"Just things!" Danielle bristled, hoping to put an end to the conversation. Then, fearing that she had not persuaded David to drop his line of questioning, a thoroughly exasperated Danielle bellowed, "If you must know, I want to pick up something sexy for myself!"

"Right!" David knowingly snickered. "You really are enjoying turning yourself on, aren't you?"

"If you must know, the answer is -- yes!" Danielle irately fumed. "I love turning myself on. Now, can we just drop this?"

"Danielle," David, realizing only too late that he had taken his teasing a bit too far, endeavored to placate her. "Look, I'm sorry if I upset you. I was wrong. And, I'll try not to do it in the future. Okay?"

"Yeah... Sure..." Danielle, who was still feeling a bit put off by the whole episode, weakly managed.

Aware that he had some fence mending to do, David tried a new approach. "Hey! Do you want to hear something funny?"

"Not really," Danielle sulked.

"You're not doing something that I haven't done already. Over the years, I've managed to compile a whole wardrobe of frilly and fancy stuff."

Astounded by David's confession, Danielle exclaimed, "You mean to tell me that when you're operating as a woman that you like to dress up in sexy outfits?"

"It more or less goes with the territory, don't you think? I mean, even though your body is about as female as female can be, from everything you've said, your libido is still very much a man's libido. And since that's the case, it's only natural for you to want to assuage those narcissist tendencies by dressing up in something sexy. So, what I'm saying is that you needn't be embarrassed. If anyone understands what you're contending with right now, it's me. Besides, you only got the remainder of this week and the next to enjoy that body. So, my suggestion is that you cram that embarrassment that you're feeling where the sun don't shine and go for the gusto while you still can..."

Aware that David's advice was not only sound, but also exactly what she wanted to hear, Danielle decided to take what he said to heart. Right then and there Danielle made up her mind to enjoy her time as a female to the fullest, That being the case, Danielle selected half a dozen tease-to-please outfits for herself at Victoria's Secret. She also allowed David to use his corporate charge card to pay for them.

"David, can I get you to do me a big favor?" she asked as the two of them made their way out to his car.


"Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow, can I get you to take some pictures of me dressed up in some of these outfits?"

"Yeah... Sure... I take it you want them as sort of a keepsakes?"

"That's the idea..."

"Do you have a camera, or do I need to bring mine?"

"Funny you should ask. I actually went out and bought myself one last Friday."

"That's great! Since it's a fairly safe bet that Meggido is going to be picking up the tab, I do hope you got yourself a good one."

"Oh, yeah! I got a good one all right."

"Good for you, girl." David chuckled.

"Girl?" Danielle raised an objection, and then through better of it. "Well, for the time being, I guess that I am a girl at that."

"Yes," David concurred. "And a very beautiful one..."

Danielle did not reply to David's last remark. Instead, she just smiled, knowing that David was right. She was beautiful. She also knew that she had made the right decision. Since she was stuck being a girl, she was bound and determined to make the most of it.

Arriving back at the hotel, David walked Danielle to her room where she dropped off her purchases. Then, the two of them made tracks for the hotel's bar to shoot a few games of pool and down some brewskies.

Around nine-thirty, Danielle informed David that she was going to make an early night of it. Still according himself as a proper gentleman, David walked Danielle back to her room and, saying that he would call her in the morning so that they could have breakfast together, he bid her goodnight.

Once safely secured in her room, Danielle did not waste any time at all scrambling out of her clothes and into one of the sexy outfits she had selected earlier in the evening. "Damn, girl!" she seductively purred as she stood gazing at herself in the mirror. "You really are something..."

Unlike the prior evening when she had failed miserably to tweak herself into a state of sexual frenzy, Danielle easily achieved her goal. Within minutes she lay sprawled across the bed, groping the shit out of herself and loving each and every jolt of carnal pleasure she was engendering within herself.

That night Danielle dreamed again, save that unlike the previous night, her dreams were not only extremely pleasurable but also, highly erotic. However vastly different in content, there was an element of her dreams that remained the same. In both sets of dreams, both the nightmares and the pleasurable ones, Danielle envisioned herself as the female she was rather than the man she used to be. Oddly enough, that fact no longer bothered her. In fact, she found it all very refreshing.

Danielle awoke on Tuesday with a new zest for life. Scampering out of bed, she donned her bathing suit and headed for the pool. Having chalked up her usual seventy-two laps, Danielle returned to her room where she immediately called David and informed him that she desired his company at breakfast. Hanging up the phone, Danielle showered, dried her hair and got dressed.

"Well," David beamed, "I must say that this new attitude is a refreshing change from yesterday."

"Yes! And, I owe it all to what you said last night." Danielle smiled a most pleasant smile.

"And I take it that you aren't nervous about having to teach today?"

"Not even a little bit..."

After class, David, who had once again been waiting in the hallway just outside the conference room, informed Danielle that Meggido had arrived back in town and wished to have dinner with the two of them. That suited Danielle just fine, owing to the fact that she had a few more questions to put to the elderly gentleman concerning his more than generous job offer.

During dinner, Danielle asked her questions and to her surprise, Meggido answered every one of them to her satisfaction. Then, shocking her dinner companions, Danielle asked if it might be possible for her to sit on some of the strategy sessions that revolved around the upcoming 'procurement' of the magical crystal. Though she never came right out and said it, Danielle implied that it might be beneficial in helping her make a decision about becoming a member of Meggido's acquisition team. For Meggido's part, he said something to the effect that he would have to think about it.

An hour later, as David was in the process of racking the balls for their second game of eight ball of the evening, he casually inquired, "So, I take it that you're seriously considering becoming a member of the team?"

"Oddly enough, yes..." Danielle replied. "You see, rumor has it that the outfit that I'm working for now plans on drastically downsizing its workforce. Which means that I'll probably be told that my services are no longer required before the year is out. Besides, I like to travel. Added to that, Meggido's offer is nothing to sneeze at..."

"That's true," David concurred. "Look, Danielle, maybe I shouldn't be saying this, because the last thing I want to do is to put any pressure on you, but it's my hope that you'll accept Xavier's offer and come to work with us. But, then again, I have to admit that I have a little bias were you're concerned."

"Bias..." Danielle playfully toyed with the word. "How so?"

"Well, the truth of the matter is that it's been a long time since I had the kind of relationship that you and I seemed to have going for us. I mean, in just a few days you and I have become pretty good friends, right?"

"Yeah... I guess we have at that." Danielle freely admitted, but though she did so, there was something in David's use of the word 'friend' that irked her. Though she had not been able to pigeonhole her feelings where David was concerned, Danielle thought of him as something more than just a friend. David was her protector, her knight in shining armor. But, there was something else there as well. Though Danielle examined and re-examined the farfetched possibility that there was something-sexual going on between the two of them, she quickly discounted that notion out of hand. While Danielle had to concede the fact that David might be sexually attracted to her, she knew that she was definitely not sexually attracted to him. Danielle was well aware of the fact that though a woman herself, she still was attracted to women. Were David to change into a woman, having entertained that very fantasy more times than she would have ever like to admit to, Danielle knew that would have been something else altogether. David was something akin to a brother, but not what one would perceive as a normal brother, but a brother who was a best friend, a brother who was a confident, a brother who could be entrusted with Danielle's deepest darkest secrets. In some respects, though she had yet to name him as such, were one to take the sexual aspects out of the equation, David was Danielle's soulmate.

"Hey!" David inquired. "Did you still want me to take some pictures of you in a couple of those outfits you picked up last night?"

"Yeah... Sure..." Danielle, not sure if she wanted to tempt fate by allowing David to see her in such provocative apparel, tentatively replied.

A few minutes later, as the two of them navigated the hallways that led to her room, Danielle sheepishly posed a question. "Tell me something, David. Are you going to be okay with this?"

"If what you're really asking is if I'm going to try to take advantage of the situation, the answer is no. I'm not. I promise that I'm going to behave myself. Okay?"

Though Danielle felt a little squeamish at first, dressed as brazenly as she was, with David's encouragement she eventually managed to loosen up, to the point where she actually began to enjoy playing fashion model. "That's the ticket, Danielle," David encouraged, as Danielle seductively repositioned herself on the bed.

Danielle posed for pictures wearing three of the tease-to-please outfits she had purchased for herself the prior evening. Then, aware that it was getting late, she asked David if he would mind taking some more pictures of her on another night later in the week. Informing her that he would be more than happy to oblige her, David bid Danielle a good night and headed for his own room.

Once alone, a hot and bothered Danielle wasted no time get down to the business at hand. Using the finger-flick method of clitoral stimulation, Danielle quickly engendered a gushing multi-orgasm release. A few minutes later, as she lay sprawled across the bed savoring the warm-fuzzies of post-orgasm bliss, Danielle began to fantasize about what it might feel like were she to be on the receiving end of the selfless act of cunnilingus. Idyllically, Danielle lay there imagining how fantastic it would feel to have someone's tongue, rather than her own middle finger, swirling about the extremely sensitive nub of her clitoris. Those thoughts, along with others, engendered a multitude of fantasies, fantasizes in which David often played a major supporting role.

In those fantasizes, Danielle fancied herself a mild mannered dominatrix as well as a benevolent sorceress, a sorceress who employed a variety of magical means to turn David into her gorgeous lesbian lover. Once female, Danielle would command an enamored David to service her carnal needs.

The next morning, as David and Danielle sat across the table from one another in the hotel's restaurant eating breakfast, David could not help but notice that Danielle looked as if she were the proverbial cat that ate the canary. "Okay! I give. What aren't you telling me, Danielle?"

Electing not to answer David's question, Danielle endeavored to change the subject by opening her own line of inquiry. "You wouldn't by any chance have any pictures of yourself as a female, would you?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Why?"

"I'd like to see them. I'd like to see how you look as a female. You wouldn't happen to have one handy?"

"Now that you mention it, I believe I do have one. I think I have one in my wallet. Would you like to see it?"

"Yes, David. I would love to see it."

Setting down his fork, David reached his left hand around and withdrew his wallet from his pants' back left pocket. Opening it, he quickly located the picture in question and passed it over so that Danielle could examine it.

"Oh, my! Dimples! If this is really you, I must say that you are one sexy looking woman."

"I'll take that as a compliment, Danielle." David replied drolly. "So, if I may be so bold, why the sudden interest?"

Aware that she owed David an explanation, Danielle demurely responded, "Well, if you must know, last night I got to playing around with all these new erogenous zones of mine. And, one thing sort of led to another and I started toying around with the idea of what it would be like to go one on one with another woman."

"Let me guess. Even though you had no idea how I looked as a female, you caste me as your lesbian lover, didn't you?"

Reluctantly, Danielle confessed, "Yes... I guess I did at that. Tell me. Does that upset you that I did something as crude as that?"

"No, not by a long shot, Danielle. In fact, I have a confession of my own to make. While you were in your room fantasizing about what it would be like to engage in a lesbian tryst with my feminine alter ego, I was entertaining similar fantasizes about turning you into a certified pillow eater. So, what do you say we call it even and leave it at that?"

Danielle, even as man, had never been one to socialize with any of the students she taught. As a general rule, she elected to remain aloof when not actually conducting classes. While she was both cordial and friendly with her students, she liked to remain professional and refrain from excessive fraternization when and wherever possible. To that end, she begged off invitations to lunch with her pupils, usually electing to eat her lunch alone. There was however an exception to that rule. On the last day of class, on Danielle's suggestion, her students would usually celebrate their week together with a luncheon at a nearby restaurant such as a T G. I. Friday, Outback, Chilies, or a local eatery along the lines of those fine establishments. However, given her peculiar circumstances, Danielle had been lunching with David all that week, something that had not escaped the notice of several of her students.

Returning to the hotel's conference room after lunch, before their afternoon session got underway, one of her female students blindsided Danielle with a personal question. Without mincing words, the middle-aged woman pointedly asked Danielle if the gentleman she had been seen lunching with was none other than her fiancée, with the unstated implication being that if the man was not Danielle's fiancée, their gorgeous instructor might well be engaging in a tawdry out of town affair.

Initially, coming out of left field as it did, the woman's question flummoxed Danielle. Though her personal life was none of her students business, once the probing question had been asked, Danielle knew that the question could not go unanswered. Danielle knew that she had to address the woman's question, and the more casually she did so, the better.

"Yes," Danielle, who hating lying and liars, forced a pleasant smile onto her angelic face even as her stomach lurched. "The man you saw me with at lunch today is indeed my fiancée. Owing to the fact that I have been out of town quite a bit here lately, we haven't been able to see each other as much as we'd like. So, since my boyfriend had some vacation time due him, rather than losing it, he decided to accompany me on this trip to Columbus. And, I must say, it's been sure nice having him around..."

Danielle knew that in the wake of the woman's question, preventive measures had to be taken. Having dismissed her class a half an hour early, and knowing fully well that David would be waiting outside in the hallway for her, Danielle exited the conference room; locked it, and then strode directly over to where David stood waiting for her. Knowing that several of her students were discretely observing her, Danielle took David in her arms and kissed him passionately on the lips. Then, as their lips parted, before David could react, Danielle quietly admonished, "They think you're my fiancée. So, do me a favor," Danielle said as she took David's hand in her own. "Just play along for now and I'll explain the whole thing once we're out of earshot..."

Not only did David understand the need for the ruse, but he also thought the whole thing to be fairly amusing. "So, now I've been upgraded to your fiancée?" he chuckled. "Hmmm..." he thoughtfully murmured. "So, tell me. By any chance have we set a date for the wedding?"

"Yeah!" Danielle smirked as she gave David's hand a friendly squeeze. "The Thirty-second of Nowonder."

"All kidding aside, Danielle. You and I need to come up with a cover story on the off chance one of your students corners me and starts in asking me a lot of questions about this bogus relationship of ours. Should something like that happen, our stories need to jive with one another's..."

As the two of them proceed down the corridor hand in hand, Danielle only half listened to what David was prattling on about. Her mind was engaged elsewhere, thinking hard and long about the kiss she and David had shared, as well as the strange emotions that the kiss had invoked within her. Though she struggled hard not to give David any indication that the kiss had had an unsettling effect on her, Danielle was quickly becoming distraught with herself. Added to that, she was also becoming increasingly horny, though in truth she would have vehemently denied it had David pressed her on the issue.

'What that shit is going on here?' Danielle demanded of herself. 'What the hell's wrong with me? This is crazy! I'm acting like a silly adolescent schoolgirl who had just been asked out on her first date. Okay, so what if I'm physically a woman! Inside, down deep where it counts, I'm still a guy at heart. And, guys aren't supposed to get turned-on kissing other guys. Please, God, don't let me change into a real woman. If it's all the same to you, I'm a man - at least I was -- and I'd really like to get back to being one again, and the sooner the better...'

Aware that the crotch of her pantyhose was quickly becoming moist as a direct result of that impassioned kiss, Danielle informed David that she needed to go to her room. In no uncertain terms Danielle informed that mock-fiancée of hers that she wanted to change into something else before the two of them headed off for the restaurant where they were slated to dine with Meggido.

"Why?" David asked. "As far as I'm concerned, you look fine dressed just the way you are. Besides, Xavier is probably starting to get a little concerned about what's keeping us. If I know Xavier, he's probably wondering if the two of us forgot that we were to be his guest for dinner again tonight."

"Well, I guess that's his problem!" Sounding harsher than she had meant to, Danielle irately snapped. "Besides, it won't take me long to change..."

'Damn!' Danielle silently groused, as she stripped off the love-juice-soiled pantyhose. 'If this keeps up, I'm going to have to pick up quite a few more pairs of pantyhose before Meggido eventually gets around to turning me back into a man again.'

"You about ready?" David, who was seated at the table in Danielle's hotel room playing a game of FreeCell on her laptop, called out to her.

Danielle, who was in the bathroom, working frantically to struggle into a pair of shimmering black lycra tights, breathlessly replied, "I'm almost done in here! I'll be with you in a sec!"

"Wow!" David exclaimed a few minutes later, as Danielle strode out of the bathroom looking as sexy and refined as all get out. "You look good enough to eat!"

"Hmmm..." Danielle seductively purred, as she took a moment to examine herself in the mirror mounted atop the dresser. "You better watch what you say mister, because who knows? One of these days, I just might take you up on your offer."

Without missing a beat, David teased, "That'd be fine by me. But, if you do happen to take me up on my offer, I'd appreciate a little advanced notice."

Confused, Danielle quipped, "What for? What's wrong with being spontaneous?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong. If we ever get around to doing what you suggest, I'd like to bring a can of whip cream, along with a few cherries."

"In your dreams, mister. In your dreams..."

Shortly after the restaurant's hostess had escorted David and Danielle back to the table where Meggido sat patiently awaiting their arrival, the elderly man dutifully informed Danielle that when she got back to her room it might be a good idea for her check her email account's inbox. When asked as to why she might want to do that, Meggido explained that Danielle would probably find a communiqué from the firm she worked for confirming the fact that her services were required in Columbus for an additional week. Meggido continued on to explain that the company that Danielle, or rather Daniel Johnson worked for, had been contracted to conduct another course on their fiber-ready multiplexer and accompanying miniaturized digital cross-connection unit. Since Danielle was already in the Columbus area, her manager, employing the logical and available man theory, as well as wishing to save the additional airfare needed to replace Danielle with another of his instructors, was requesting that Danielle remain in Columbus and teach this second, hastily commissioned course. Since the hardware was already in place, the email would also confirm the fact that the student course materials required for the second course were already en route, and should be arriving in the next day or so.

Initially, Danielle had planned on using her carryover vacation for a scuba diving trip to the Florida Keys. However, in lieu of her becoming a woman, she had scrubbed her plans for a Florida vacation, electing instead to use the remainder of her carryover vacation in order to remain in the Columbus area until Meggido could safely reverse the transsexualization spell. That being the case, Danielle was exceedingly pleased with the notion of remaining in Columbus to teach another course.

Seeing that Danielle was pleased with the news of the unexpected turn of events, Meggido continued, "I hope that you will not be too upset to learn that you will not actually be teaching anyone next week."

Taken aback by Meggido's last statement, a confused Danielle sought an explanation. "I won't? How come?"

Spreading his hands as if the answer to Danielle's questions was fairly obvious, if not self-explanatory, Meggido casually replied, "The reason you won't be teaching anyone next week, is due to the fact that there will be nary a student to teach. For you see, my dear, no one will be attending this second course of yours. In an effort on my part to extend your stay, while at the same time providing you with a cover story to keep you here, I had my people contact the company you work for and request that a course be conducted in the Columbus area as soon as possible. Once it was made clear that a rather lucrative contract hung in the balance, your firms' vice president in charge of sales moved heaven and earth to accede to my people's request. The rest, as they say, is water over the dam."

Oddly enough and somewhat out of character for her, Danielle was not perturbed in the least by Meggido's rather creative, albeit expensive deception. The truth was that since her present employment was tenuous at best, Danielle did not mind the fact that the company with whom she was currently employed would not be making a sale. Besides, the courses her company offered were not loss leaders, in that the courses netted a hefty chunk of change in and of themselves.

Having just dabbed his lips with his napkin, Meggido was quick to add a codicil. "I do have a favor to ask of you, my dear. Since my people are paying for this bogus course, I was hoping that my team and I could have the use of the conference room. That way we have a place to conduct a few strategy sessions for this upcoming acquisition we are planning for the weekend following this upcoming one. You are course are cordially invited to join the rest of us for the planning sessions, my dear..."

Danielle had no objections to Meggido proposition. As it worked out, that was all to the good, because just as they were finishing up their discussion of the matter, their pert and perky waitress arrived with a tray upon which sat their dinner selections.

As they ate, Meggido and David discussed the various logistics involved in getting their people in place for the forthcoming heist of the crystal pyramid. For her part, Danielle's mind drifted on to other matters due to the fact that on one hand she found Xavier and David's conversation to be exceedingly boring; and on the other, her mind kept returning to thoughts of that kiss, and the unsettling affect it had on her.

Though uneasy with such speculations, Danielle was plagued with the disturbing notion that she was becoming emotionally attached to David in ways that unnerved her sensibilities to no end. In an effort to ascertain the depth of those unsettling suspicions of hers, Danielle began surreptitiously glancing over at David in an effort to gauge exactly how she really felt about him. However, more times than not, when Danielle cast a speculative glance in David's direction, David's attention was elsewhere, in that he was busily scoping out their extremely cute and sassy waitress.

As far as Danielle was concerned, one appraising glance was not only fine, but was also perfectly acceptable. However, to Danielle's way of thinking, two glances was one glance too many, and David was racking up a whole slew of glances.

Having started out at a low burn, by the time little Miss Cute Sassy came by to take their desert order, Danielle was seething. 'What in hell does David see in her? Okay, I'll grant that she's spunky and cute. She's got a great smile and a nice body. And, there's no getting around the fact that she's pretty, in a girl next door sort of way that appeals to a lot of guys, with one of them being none other than myself. So, what if I would give my right nut to get her in the sack. That's no excuse for David to be gawking at her like he has been. I'll grant you she's pretty. But, she's nowhere near as pretty as I am. Let's face it, while she's pretty, I'm no holds bar gorgeous. Added to that, I'm built like a brick shithouse. So what if she's cute as a button. I fairly ooze with sex appeal. So, why the hell does David keep scoping her out? I mean, what does she have that I don't? More to the point, why is David attracted to her and not me? And, if my feeling like this means I'm jealous of that brazen little hussy, so be it! I'm jealous! And, I don't give a rat's ass who the hell knows it! No!' Danielle's mind rebelled and with a frenzied flip-flop of position, quickly offering up a mental retraction to the notion that she did not care who might learn that she was jealous of the overt amount of attention that David was according their waitress. 'That's not true! The last thing I want is for David to learn that I'm actually jealous of that girl. Should he have an inkling that I am, he might get the wrong impression. He might start thinking that I have feelings for him, and strong ones at that. And that,' she continued dogmatically, 'is something I most certainly don't have! Or...' she grudgingly found herself forced to entertain the dreadful possibility, '...maybe I do have feelings for him? And, if I do, what the hell does that mean? Am I some sort of latent homosexual? Or, am I becoming more of a woman than I ever thought I was? And, if I am, is that really a bad thing? What about the sexual aspects of this whole topsy-turvy mell of hess that I've gone and inadvertently landed myself in? That stupid kiss was one thing. But, can you really picture yourself allowing David to go all the way with you? And, what happens if you find that you like being on the receiving end of things? What the hell happens then...'

"Danielle?" David, the tone of his voice conveying a note of concern. "Are you alright?"

Startled by David's sudden intrusion, Danielle quickly refocused her thoughts. "Yes! I'm fine," she lamely stammered. "I guess my mind sort of wandered off and became preoccupied thinking about something stupid. But, as the two of you can see, I'm fine now."

"Is there anything that you would like to share with us my dear?' Meggido soothingly inquired, as he reached over and laid a consoling hand atop Danielle's forearm.

Averting her eyes downward, so that she only beheld the crumbs that were scattered haphazardly about her desert plate, Danielle demurely managed, "No... It was nothing important. Really, I'm perfectly fine now. However, if you two gentlemen will excuse me, I'm afraid that I have to use the ladies room..."

Having used her time in the ladies restroom to compose herself, Danielle, forcing a pleasant smile onto her beatific face, returned to the table where David and Meggido stood to greet her return.

Much as he had on previous occasions, upon exiting the restaurant proper, Meggido, saying that he had some things that required his attention, bid David and Danielle a gracious good evening. Left to their own devices, David politely asked Danielle if there was any thing in particular that she would like to do, or in lieu of that, any place she would like to go that evening. When she had nothing to offer in that regard, David suggested that the two of them go bowling. Though bowling was no longer Danielle's cup of tea, unable to come up with an alternative, after a little hemming and hawing, Danielle relented. "Oh, why the hell not. I haven't bowled for years. But, when I did, I wasn't too shabby. Tell you what! Best two out of three buys the beers." With that said, Danielle, somewhat curtly turned, and started off across the lobby at a brisk pace.

"You've got yourself a bet, young lady," David counter as he started after her. "Hey! Danielle!" He called out to her. "My car's the other way!"

"True!" Danielle called back over her shoulder. "But, my room's this way."

"Okay! I'll bite. I thought the two of us were going bowling."

"We are," Danielle replied.

"So, if we're going bowling, tell me why are we going to your room?"

"So, I can change, silly. I mean, you don't for one moment think I'm going to go dressed like I am now, do you?"

"I don't see why not. You look perfectly fine to me dressed just the way you are."

"Yeah! Right! Slinky black tights and frilly poet blouses are all the rage with the bowling crowd these days! I mean, I walk into a bowling alley dressed like I am now, and people are going to thinking that I some kind of thousand dollar a night call girl."

"So, what if they do. You and I know different. Besides, I like the way you're dressed."

Blindsided by David's admission, an incredulous Danielle sought conformation. "You really mean that? You actually like the way I'm dressed?"

"Of course I do. What man in his right mind wouldn't..."

Though she had tried, Danielle had yet to get past her earlier bout with jealousy. She was irked with herself, and highly perturbed with David. Truth was, Danielle blamed David for the way she was feeling, and because she did, throughout the ride to the bowling alley she was cool towards him, speaking rarely and only when placed in a position that forced her to do so. Added to that, when she did speak, her tone of voice was curt and abrasive.

For his part, David was quick to realize that Danielle was pissed-off and out of sorts about something. Thinking that their evening would be a total bust if things continued as they were, David decided to take the bull by the horns and get to the bottom of what was bothering Danielle. "Hey!" he gently prodded, as he placed his rental car in park and then turned off the ignition. "What gives, Danielle? Did I do something to offend you?"

"Yeah! You sure as hell did!" Danielle irately snapped.

"Look! I know that you're upset about something I either did, or didn't do. But, since I have no idea what that something might happen to be, would you mind enlightening me so we can get past whatever it is that has got you so upset? That way, we might be able to get past whatever it is that's bothering you, so we can spend some quality time together?"

Though she did so reluctantly, Danielle admitted that she was jealous of all the attention that David had lavished on their pert and perky waitress during their dinner with Meggido. Though not a stupid man, David made a huge mistake. Thinking the whole situation to be ludicrously absurd, he laughed, irking Danielle all the more.

"You, jealous? Now, that's rich!" David could not stop chuckling at the irony of what he was hearing. "I'll grant you that for the here and now of it, you're physically a woman, and an extremely sexy and beautiful one at that. But, we both know that it's only a temporary condition, and that in just over a week, you'll be back to being your old manly self again. So, how the hell can you be jealous?"

"I wish to God I knew!" Danielle vehemently spat. "But, the sad and awful truth of it is: I was, and still am jealous of that girl who waited on us!"

"Well, you have to admit that she was awfully cute."

"Of course she was!" Danielle was on the verge of losing it. "But, that didn't mean that you had to keep staring at her. Besides, you could have used a little restraint, especially since I was sitting there with you."

Knowing that he was not about to win Danielle over to his point of view by continuing on like he was, David did the intelligent thing. He switched tactics. "Hey! What can I say, Danielle; save to say that when you're right, you're right. My behavior at dinner was not only out of character for me, but totally unacceptable. I was way out of line. And, I sincerely apologize for that. Look, Danielle! I was wrong. I'm sorry. And, it won't happen again. I just hope you can forgive me so we can get past all of this."

After am introspective moment of silence in which he labored hard to collect his thoughts, David began anew. "But, having said that, Danielle, I find that I'm somewhat curious. Today, while we were having lunch together, wasn't it you who went out of her way to point out to me that good looking redhead, you know, that was sitting just a couple tables away from ours?"

Unable to make the connection, Danielle tentatively replied, "Yeah... Sure... But, what does that redhead this afternoon have to do with anything?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you weren't jealous then, were you? Nor, may I add, did you employ any restraint when it comes to that redhead. You were looking at her as much as I was, and perhaps even a little more than I was. And, don't you dare try and tell me you weren't, because we both know you were."

"No... You're right. I wasn't jealous at lunch. But, for some reason that I can't fathom, I sure am now. And, I find that to be odd." Danielle was beginning to get an inkling of where David was going with this.

"So what, may I ask, changed between lunch and dinner? You didn't by any chance inadvertently make a wish, something along the lines of: I wish I really was a woman? Because if you did, Galeanna's Ring might have granted your ill-conceived wish. Such a wish might have messed around with your psyche; in affect completing your feminization by reconditioning your male oriented mind and turning it, and your corresponding libido into that of a real woman's. I sorry to have to say this, Danielle, but, if that's what has happened, if you inadvertently made an off-handed wish, you may have scrouched the pooch, so to speak."

"Are you saying that I could be stuck as a woman forever?"

"Yes, if that is actually what occurred. But, let's not jump to conclusions. There very well might be some other explanation that we're overlooking."

"Like what?" a scared shitless Danielle ruefully demanded.

"To be honest with you, Danielle, I really don't know. But, how 'bout we try to eliminate the most egregious thing first. Do you by any chance remember making any sort of wish along the lines I just now suggested?"

"No..." Danielle replied nervously. "At least I don't remember making a wish like that. And, I've really been watching myself along those lines."

"Good. Then, I would dare to say that you probably didn't make such a life-altering wish." David began racking his brain in an effort to come up with something that would explain Danielle's jealousy. "Did you by any chance do something this afternoon that you wouldn't ordinarily do?"

"Other than kissing you, no."

In that instant in time, David experienced a Eureka moment. "Well that's got to be it then! If it wasn't a wish, then it surely must have been that kiss you planted on me! According to what you've told me, you didn't experience any pangs of jealousy prior to that kiss. But, by your own admission, you have since. So, I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that kiss of ours lies at the heart of these new and seemly feminine based emotions you're experiencing."

David's argument was a sound one, and Danielle did not require a whole lot of convincing to buy into it. "You're probably right about that, David. While I wasn't going to say anything about this, that kiss of ours really did a number on me. While it felt icky when I hauled off and kissed you, making me feel like I was some sort of pervert, those feelings quickly vanished, only to be replaced with a warm cozy feeling deep down inside of me. It was like someone threw a switch that turned off my feelings of revulsion, while at the same moment, igniting my passions. God help me, David! While I still find it hard to admit this, I thoroughly enjoyed that kiss, so much so that there's a part of me wouldn't mind kissing you again. And, that scares the shit out of me, because I think I'm starting to develop real feelings for you."

It was David's turn to bare his soul. "It's funny you should say that, Danielle, because I think I'm well on my way to falling in love with you. Truth is: that kiss of ours pretty much confirmed it for me. Oh, and speaking of restraint, I'll have you know that I've been exercising it since the first day I met you."

"You have?"

"Yes! And, for the record, it hasn't been easy."

Unsure as to whether or not she was pleased to hear what David had just said, or deeply troubled by it, Danielle, needing time to process her feelings, raised a question. "So, why haven't you told about how you felt before this?"

"Had I, would you have been receptive?"

"No, not in the least. Had you even hinted that you were attracted to me, or had begun to develop those intimate kinds of feelings before tonight, I would have hauled off and punched you right in the kisser. Now though, I guess there's a part of me that feels extremely flattered. However, there's another part of me that is scared to death about what happens next."

David countered by asking Danielle what he thought to be the obvious question. "And, exactly what would you like to have happen next?"

"Honestly, David... I don't know. I haven't a clue. To be honest, there's a big part of me that wants you to take me in your arms and have you kiss me again. However, there's another part of me that can't bear the thought of you, or for that matter, any other man, touching me."

"You're confused. And, you have every right to be. It's perfectly understandable, given the strange set of circumstances that you have become embroiled in. Trust me, Danielle. I'm not about to do anything that you don't want me to do. That's to say that I have no intentions of forcing myself on you now, or in the future..."

A few minutes later, David said something that gave Danielle a reason to hope. "Hmmm..." he speculated. "I just thought of something interesting. As screwed up as things appear to be, you haven't cried even once. And, because you haven't, I seriously doubt that you've gone all the way, you know, and become a full-fledged woman, mentally as well as physically. Think about it, Danielle. Of all the women that you ever had the pleasure of knowing, how many could have dealt with the kind emotional trauma that you have, and come through it without shedding at least a few tears?"

Realizing that David had a valid point, Danielle's mood began to brighten. "Not many," she admitted.

"Right you are!" David, hoping that the crises had passed, added cheerfully. Then, in a burlesque manner calculated to garnish a humorous response, David sarcastically quipped, "That's one problem resolved. Now, all we have to do is deal with this latent homosexuality issue that seems to have cropped up. Now, I know I'm still straight, because as far as I'm concerned, regardless of the fact that mentally speaking you're still a guy, when I look at you, I see the most gorgeous and down right sexiest woman I've ever beheld. Now you, on the other hand, given the fact that you still think of yourself as a man, appear to have a problem, due chiefly to the fact that your brain is sexually out of sync with that beautiful body. Therefore you, not me, are the one with the homosexual tendencies."

Though she did so with a chuckle, Danielle cautioned her companion. "Watch it there, buster. I warn you. You're treading on thin ice. I'll have you know that I'm every bit as heterosexual as you are."

"Maybe you are, and then again, maybe you aren't. Just remember who kissed who."

"Hey!" Danielle bristled, even as she raised an admonishing finger. "That is only because there were extenuating circumstances. I had to do something, and the only thing I could think of at the time was to kiss you."

"True," David conceded. "But, you also said that you enjoyed it."

"Well, so did you!"

"I'm not denying that I enjoyed it. Truth be told: you're a good kisser, and I enjoyed it a lot. Hell, just so you know, I even ended up with a hard-on as a result of that kiss."

That remark got Danielle's goat. Shifting about in her seat, Danielle turned her torso about, and in doing so, brought her face only inches from David's. "Damn you, David Johnson! You really are a son of bitch!"

"Never claimed otherwise. So, what's it going to be, Danielle. Slug me, or kiss me. It's your choice.

Danielle did hesitate. Throwing her arms about David's neck, she planted an impassioned lip-lock on him.

One kiss led to another, and another one after that. With moments, Danielle, unable to squelch her passions, was stretched across the console and the two of them were acting like a couple of teenagers going at it hot and heavy.

After a furious fifteen minutes of some of the heaviest petting every undertaken in a Toyota Prius, David managed, "Well, at least we confirmed one thing. You either need to give some serious thought to coming out of the closet, or you're a lot more of a woman than either one of us suspect."

To which Danielle replied "Do I get to pick?"

"Sure... Why the hell not?" David began nibbling away at Danielle's aristocratic neck.

"Okay then! If I have to chose one of or the other, I think I'll go with being a woman, since I certainly have the appropriate body for it."

"Yes," David concurred. "You most certainly do. Now, while I hate to be a spoilsport, you and I need to make a decision. While I'd be perfectly happy to head back to the hotel and spend the rest of evening necking with you, are we going to go bowling or not? Because, if we're going bowling, we need to go get a lane now..."

Though Danielle would have preferred the former, she did not trust herself from going all the way and so, she settled for later. "David, as much as I hate to say this, I think it's for the best if we go bowling."

It took Danielle the first eight frames of their first game of three to get back into the swing of things. But, once she had compensated for the lighter ball she was using, as well as the balance issue imposed upon her by the wider splay of her hips and the added weight of those rather substantial mammary glands of hers, she tore David a new one.

"You weren't kidding, were you, Danielle?" David said, after she had marked in the first five frames of their second game. "You really are one hell of a bowler."

"I told you so!" Danielle teasingly scoffed. "Once upon a time, in my former life, I actually toyed with the notion of going pro. Hey, what'ya say we up the ante? Loser not only buys the beers, but has to do what ever the winner wants for the remainder of the night?"

Having picked up his ball from the ball rack, David pondered Danielle's proposal as he lined up his first ball the frame. Keeping an admiring eye on his buttocks, Danielle looked on as David's ball sped swiftly down the lane, hooked into the one-three pocket, thereby knocking down all the pins for a strike. Danielle, knowing that the game was far from over, exclaimed, "Damn!" David, thinking that he had Danielle worried, turned toward her and jubilant quipped, "As far as that bet is concerned, I except your terms. "You win; I'll do anything you want just as long as it's legal, aboveboard and not overly perverted. I win and I get to call the shots. Agreed?"


Danielle squeaked out a victory on that second game, beating her sham of a fiancée by grand total of three pins. With a game each, they were tied going into their third and final game.

Their third game was the clincher, and they fought each other tooth and nail and pin for pin right up to the final frame. Though Danielle had seriously toyed with the notion of humiliating David in some nefarious fashion if she won the bet, in the instant just before releasing her first ball of the frame, she thought better of it. Her moment of indecision caused Danielle to release the ball a silly millisecond or two later in her delivery than was required. As a result, Danielle ended up lofting the ball a good way down the lane. Gravity eventually claimed her ball and it dropped with a sickening thud onto the lane's glossy and painstakingly cared for surface. Jinxing, Danielle's ball slid to the left, only to end up teetering on the gutter's lip until it reached a point just shy of the pins. There, it shimmed, before plunging off the lane and into the gutter.

Irritated at herself for having botched it, Danielle did herself proud with her second ball of the frame. Knocking down all the pins on her second attempt, Danielle managed a ten-pin spare, which in turn netted her a respectable score for their final game of the evening. The trouble was, as respectable as Danielle's final tally was; it was not good enough to beat David's impressive score. Unlike Danielle, David did not flub his first ball. It drove right for the pocket, and landed David a strike in his final frame.

On their way out to the car, anxious to learn what David would require of her, Danielle coquettishly inquired. "Okay! I lost and you won. So, since I've never reneged on a bet before, and have no plans of starting now, what's it going to be?"

Savoring the moment, and wishing to torment Danielle a little, David impishly teased, "Hmmm... I'm not exactly sure yet. However, a few ideas have come to mind. Say, you don't by any chance know where we might lay our hands on some satin sheets, do you? I know we pass by a Target on the way over here, but I doubt that they carry satin sheets. Now, if we could locate a nearby Bedding & Bath, they might have some..."

Danielle's voice conveyed a raw edge of fear. "David! You're not suggesting that the two of us fool-around are you? Because if you are, I'm not sure I'm ready for something like that. Kissing you is one thing. Fooling around is something else altogether!"

"That's a true statement if there ever was one," David chuckled. "I was merely trying to get your goat with the satin sheet business, and given the trepidation that I hear in your voice, I believe I have succeeding in doing just that. But, all kidding aside, you needn't worry about me, Danielle. As much as I would love to make love to you, and would eagerly jump at the chance to show you how all your girlish attributes work, I would never do something of that nature without securing your permission first. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to sex, you are the traffic cop. You get to say stop or go. In other words, when it comes to all things sexual, not only is the ball in your court, but it's your ball. You can take it and go home anytime it suits you, no harm, no foul, and no penalties assessed against you..."

On the drive back to their hotel, Danielle toyed with the idea of asking David to spend the night with her. However, though sorely tempted to do so, she could not bring herself to take the plunge and so move their budding relationship to the next level. That being the case, on Danielle's suggestion, they had a nightcap at the hotel's bar and made a relatively early night of it.

While at the bar, Danielle remembered what she had been meaning to ask David all evening. "David, tomorrow, the whole class is going out to lunch together, and since they now believe you to be my fiancée, they prevailed upon me to ask you if you would like to join us." David, having gained Danielle's assurance that she would not be put-off should he accept the invitation, informed her that it was her decision to make. Danielle replied that she really wanted him there. That being the case, David readily agreed.

Having finished their drinks, David escorted Danielle to her room. There, having used her key-card to unlock the door, Danielle turned around to face David. "I'd ask you in, but I'm not sure that that's such a good idea under the circumstances. I'm worried that one thing could lead to another, and the truth is that I really don't trust myself to say no."

"That's perfectly understandable, Danielle. In fact, I think it's for the best if I don't come in."

"Oh!" Danielle, who suddenly found herself reluctant to call it a night, exclaimed. "I forgot all about that stupid bet of ours. As I recall, I owe you a night of, I guess you could say, servitude."

"That's true." David agreed. "You do at that. Tell you what, Danielle, how 'bout I collect on that bet some other night?"

"All right..." Danielle purred seductively. "But, just you remember: I don't renege on bets. I owe you a night of servitude, and I fully intend on keep my part of the bargain."

"I never once doubted that you would."

"David," Danielle's voice conveyed a compelling sense of need. "Before you go, can you do me a big favor?"

"Sure thing, kiddo. What'ya need?"

"I could sure use another kiss right about now."

David did not hesitate. Moving in close, he took both of Danielle's hands in his and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Sounding as if she were put-off, Danielle chided, "I didn't mean that kind of kiss. I want a real kiss, along the lines of the ones you gave me in the car."

Enfolding Danielle in a loving embrace, David proceeded to kiss her with every ounce of passion he could muster.

"Now, that's what I call a kiss!" an exasperated and thoroughly turned-on Danielle managed once their lips parted. "As much as I'd like you to kiss me again, I think it for the best if we call it a night. So, goodnight, David, I'll see you in the morning..."

Silently cursing herself for the emotional quagmire she found herself in, as soon as the door was shut behind her, Danielle strode to the full-length mirror affixed to wall outside bathroom, and once there began to berate herself.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What in God's Name were you thinking asking him to kiss you like that? Though it goes without saying that your present body belies it, you're a guy, a guy who likes girls! But, what do you do? You go and let David make out with you! Hell, you went so far as to let him fondle your boobs!"

Distraught as she was, Danielle had a hard time not only getting to sleep, but staying asleep. To make matters worse, she was preoccupied with revolving and reoccurring thoughts of David on those numerous occasions when sleep eluded her, and haunted by dreams of her sexually interacting with him during those sporadic periods of sleep she did manage.

"Damn it!" she screeched into the darkness of her room. "I am not a woman! I'm a man!"

Though feeling bedraggled from her fretful night, due to the magic of Galeanna's Ring, Danielle looked chipper, self-assured and as radiant as ever early the next morning when David called on her so they could go eat breakfast together.

"Well, don't you look nice this morning." David beamed cheerfully.

"Yeah... I might look nice, but believe me. I feel like shit warmed over," Danielle grumbled, as she drew on her blazer.

"Bad night?"

"Yeah..." Danielle snipped. "You could say that. But, if you did, it would be an understatement."

"Oh... You had one of those nights, huh?"

"Yes!" Danielle was emphatic. "I had one of those nights."

"Something bothering you?"

"Yeah..." Danielle's reply rang with the raw edge of sarcasm. "Truth is, David: you're the one who's bothering me."

"Have I done something wrong? Because, if I have, you need to let me know what I did, so that I won't do it again."

"Oddly enough, you haven't done a damn thing wrong, with the exception of the way you were looking at our waitress last night at dinner. But, that's not what's bothering me. You're what's bothering me. And, do you know why?" Then, before David could even begin to formulate an answer, a brooding Danielle stormed on. "You're just too good to be true, and I for one, can't handle that. Last night, when we were making out, you could have easily gotten to third base. And, that's because I was so horny and turned-on that I seriously doubt that I would have done a damn thing to stop you. And, that's my problem in a nutshell. I'm a guy, damn it! And, guys shouldn't want other guys to play a game of stink-finger with their pussies! But, damn it to all hell and back, David, that's what I wanted then, and a big part of me still wants it now! You, you son of a bitch, have really done a number on me. That's to say that, at least where you're concerned, I'm starting to think like the woman I've become, and that troubles the shit out of me."

David, aware that Danielle needed some TLC, took both of her hands in his, and maneuvering her to the foot of her bed, drew her down beside him. "Danielle, what can I say, save to say I'm sorry? I should have handled things a whole better than I have. But, the truth is that you and I hit it off so well, and one thing sort of led to another, and all of a sudden I realized that I had feelings for you, and strong ones at that. Just the other night, I told you that I thought I was well on my way to falling in love with you. Well, when I said that, I was hedging my bets, because, to completely honest with you, I am head over heels in love with you. Now, I know that isn't what you want to hear right now. And, it'll probably freak you out more than you already are. But, it was something I had to get off my chest."

Danielle did not say a word, and so David continued. "Look, here's what I propose we do. After we get some breakfast and I drop you off at the conference room, I will take it upon myself to get in touch with Xavier. I will ask him to assign you another team member to, shall we say, act as your companion slash chaperon until he can get around to changing you back to your old self."

"You'll do nothing of the sort, David!" Danielle was adamant. "I don't want anyone else! I want you! So, don't you go telling Meggido that it might be a good idea to saddle me with someone else other than you. Because if you do, I swear that I'll find someway to pull the plug on this caper that you all are planning for next weekend. Okay! So what if you muffed your assignment. You were unprofessional, and did something stupid. You went and fell in love with me! Well, for your information, pal, you weren't the only one that foolishly fell in love! Besides, who says that I want to change back? I'll have you know that being a woman ain't that shabby."

David knew better than to interrupt Danielle and point out the fact that she had made it perfect clear, on numerous occasions, that she wanted to reclaim her manhood at the earliest possible moment. Being the intelligent man that he was, and knowing that he was weaving his way through an emotional minefield, David elected to remain mute.

As it turned out, David's judgement proved sound. Having allowed Danielle to speak her mind, David, employing a conciliatory tone of voice, a tone calculated to sooth her frayed emotions, began tenderly, "Okay, Danielle... I won't say anything to Xavier about what we've been discussing. However, you and I need to have a long heart to heart to iron things out between us. And, since we really don't have the time for such a talk this morning, my suggestion is that we do it this evening. In fact, if you want, we can talk all night, Alright?"

"Yeah... Sure..." Danielle dabbed at the hint of moisture that seeped from both of her eyes. "That's probably a good idea..."

Trying to sound a whole lot more positive than he felt, David replied in an upbeat tone of voice, "Good! It's a date then. So, how 'bout you go head into the bathroom and touch up your makeup? That way, the two of us can go and grab a bite to eat this morning. I don't know about you, but a cup of coffee and a couple of donuts should tide me over till lunch."

It was Friday, the last day of the course. It was therefore a relatively easy day for Danielle. Save for a few administrative tasks that were easily and quickly attended to, Danielle's main job was to be on hand to provide guidance, answer questions and check results. Her students, working in two man teams, would spend the day doing work assignments in which they would tackle both hardware and software troubles that Danielle would introduce into the systems they had been studying all week. That being the case, Danielle had time to try and get a handle on her jumbled emotions.

Taking a sheet of loose-leaf paper, Danielle picked up a pencil and drew a vertical line down the center of the paper, in affect, making two columns. The left column she labeled, pros and the right one, cons. Starting with the pros column, Danielle wrote: young, beautiful, sexy, self-contained narcissist, erogenous zones aplenty, multi-orgasmic, new start in life, endless possibilities, and lastly, ???David???. Moving to the cons column, Danielle began her second list: living as a female 24/7, men gawking incessantly, bras, dealing with condescending and egotistical men, makeup, perfume, sitting to take a leak, female hygiene, possible pregnancy, motherhood, menopause, menstruation and last but not least, potential rape victim.

Having compiled her lists, Danielle began a careful consideration of the items she had place under both columns. As she did so, she added high heels, skirts and pantyhose to the cons column. However, as soon as she had finished jotting the three items down, she silently chided herself for being so foolish; reconsidered, and vigorously crossed all three of the newly added items off the list. On the coattails of that, Danielle, finally admitting to herself that she got a kick out of being a dick-teaser, added dressing sexy and provocatively to the pros column. Next, after giving the matter a little more thought, she moved to the cons column and ran a line through bras, makeup and perfume, thereby striking the items from further consideration. Then, after some more reflection of the items contained on her two lists, she bracketed both 'pregnancy' and ' 'motherhood' with a trio of question marks to either side of each entry, much as she had when she had jotted down David's name.

Having made an early morning of it shortly after eleven, in a calculated effort to beat the normal lunch hour crowd, the whole class head over to a nearby T.G.I. Fridays to lunch together. David, acquiescing to Danielle's wishes, went as well. In fact, he drove, providing transportation for Danielle and two of her three female students. On the drive over to the restaurant, the two women technicians pummeled David with a whole slew of personal questions concerning how he and Danielle met, fell in love, and continued their questioning right up to and including the details of his and Danielle's wedding plans. Though irked that the two women techs would dare ask such probing questions, Danielle was both delighted and surprised at how well David handled the thinly veiled interrogation. "...since neither Danielle and I have a lot of family, the two of us decided that a small informal wedding would be best. So, after exploring all our options, we decided on getting married at one of those Caribbean resorts, something along the line of a Sandals Resort, you know, like the ones you see advertised on TV..."

Danielle was impressed with the way David stuck to the script they had previously worked out. Though she feared that he might misspeak himself, he did not contradict her once. Added to that, David gave a stellar performance playing the role of Danielle's fiancée. He neither under-played, nor over-played his part. He was convivial with her students, and attentive and affectionate whenever he had cause to interact with Danielle.

Arriving back at their hotel shortly after two that afternoon, Danielle, saying that she would be no more than a half an hour at the most, bid David accompany her and her students into the conference room. There, once all her students had taken their seats, she quickly summarized what they covered over the course week. She then proceeded to pass out the obligatory course-completion certificates that her company provided, and sent her students on their merry way, in effect giving them all an early start on their weekend.

Once all her students had departed, Danielle strolled over to where David was sitting in the back of the conference room, and said, "I must say, I'm impressed how well you handled yourself today. You done good, David, far better than I ever expected. Now, if you don't mind, your mock-fiancée could sure use a hug right about now."

Standing, David complied with Danielle's request.

"Thank you... Danielle murmured. "You don't think I could get a kiss while you're at it?"

"Oh..." David chuckled. "I think that could easily be arranged..."

Since they had a couple hours to kill, Danielle and David decided to change into their bathing suits and go for a swim in the hotel's indoor pool. They followed that up with a muscle-relaxing soak in the adjacent hot tub. After that, they headed for their separate rooms where they both changed for their pre-arranged dinner with Meggido.

Feeling a little frolicsome, Danielle threw caution to the wind, and selecting a little black dress that fairly oozed with sex appeal, along with a pair of shimmering, coffee hued pantyhose that showcased those long and lovely legs of hers, she quickly showered and got dressed. Stepping in front of the full-length mirror that was affixed to the wall just outside of the bathroom, Danielle mused aloud, "I can't wait to see David's expression when he gets a load of me looking like this..."

David did not disappoint Danielle when he stopped by to collect her. "Damn, girl! You look absolutely sensational! I must say, you do that dress proud..."

Hearing David say that pleased Danielle to no end.

To his credit, David did not lecherously glance at their extremely attractive waitress even once. However, Danielle did catch him gazing approvingly those new ample endowments of hers a half a dozen times or more. Oddly enough, Danielle was not offended by David's apparent fixation with her magnificent mammeries. She knew her breasts were perfection personified. That being the case, Danielle found herself not only flattered, but also strangely exhilarated with the attention David was according her.

Having given their waitress their order, Danielle used the intervening time to apprise Meggido of the fact that she was seriously considering his offer of employment, and that she only needed to get a few things qualified before making her final decision. That prompted Meggido to inquire as to what those few things were.

"Well, Xavier," Danielle began tentatively, "I guess what I need to know from you is if your hiring me is in any way contingent on my present sexual affiliation?"

Anticipating such a question, with the merest hint of humor conveyed in the intonations of his voice, Meggido jovially replied, "By no means, my dear. I want you on my team regardless of your sexual affiliation."

Though there was no ambiguity in Meggido's answer, Danielle nevertheless sought clarification. "So, if I was to decided to remain the woman I am presently, you would still hire me?"

"In a heartbeat, my dear." Meggido robustly declared. "Man or woman, I want you as part of my team." Then, in a somewhat more subdued and serious tone of voice, Meggido sought to assuage his curiosity. "So, I take it that you have found that being a woman is not nearly as dreadful and demeaning as you initially had assumed it would be?"

"Yes. That is a true statement. While I'm still not completely comfortable functioning as a female, I have to admit that being a woman has sort of grown on me. That's to say that like everything in life, being a woman does have its advantages. However, it also has its disadvantages as well. What I need to do now is to figure out which one outweighs the other."

"Yes," Meggido wholeheartedly agreed. "That would be the wise thing to do. However, I must warn you that should you elect to remain a woman, once you've been a female for a full twenty-eight days, you will begin menstruating. And, I am sorry to say that when that occurs, I will be unable to change you back into a man again should you experience a change of heart. So, I urge you to think carefully, my dear. It is not the sort of decision one should take lightly..."

David had withheld his comments on the matter of Danielle remaining female until the two of them had parted company with Meggido. "Well, I must say that you are full of surprises tonight. First, there's that ever so flattering tease-to-please dress you're wearing. And, then you go and drop that bombshell about how you're actually considering taking the plunge, and becoming a woman on a full-time, twenty-four/seven basis. Whatever provoked you into even considering something as life-altering as that, Danielle?"

"For starters - me!" Danielle emotionally vented. "I don't know if it's this ring Meggido lent me or what. But, God help me! The longer I am one, the more I find that I like being a woman! And, then there's you!"

"Me?" David was incredulous. "What in God's name do I have to do with you, and your wanting to remain a woman?"

"Everything! You said that you were falling in love with me, didn't you?"

"Yeah!" David balked. "I did! But..."

"But, nothing!" Danielle heatedly challenged. "Are you in love with me, or aren't you?"

"Yes, Danielle! I am in love with you. But, even though I am, I don't want you basing your decision to remain a woman on me."

"I'm not! At least I'm not basing it on you entirely. But, yes, as much as you might not want hear me say this, your feelings for me are a major factor in my decision."

Becoming suddenly aware that they were having this extremely personal debate smack dab in the middle of one of the hotel's hallways, a corridor that was just out of earshot of the hotel's lobby, David endeavored to apprise Danielle of the fact. "Danielle, I think it would be for the best if we finish this conversation somewhere that affords us a little more privacy than does this hallway."

Having been oblivious to their surroundings, Danielle, seeing the merit in David's proposal, readily agreed. "Yes. What can I say, David? But, when you're right, you're right. Since my room's the closer of the two, how 'bout we go there to finish this discussion?"

Having ushered David into her room, a frazzled Danielle closed the door behind her and strode over to where a somewhat bewildered David stood awaiting developments. Without any warning as to what she was up to, Danielle wrapped her arms around David's neck, and drawing him to her, kissed him in the wanton and needy way a woman kisses a man. When their lips finally parted, Danielle emphatically declared, "Well, that settles that!"

Unsure as to her meaning, David felt compelled to inquire, "That settles what?"

"That I love you," Danielle smugly replied. "Now, since we've established that we're in love with one another, I guess what I now need to know is to find out if I can get past my sexual hang-ups."

Taken aback by what he had just heard her say, a badly flummoxed David tentatively inquired, "Danielle, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Flashing David an impish smile, Danielle countered, "Well, if you think I'm saying that I want you to make love to me, then I'd say you are reading me five by five."

Still unsure if he was hearing her correctly, a squeamish David dubiously inquired. "So, when, may I ask, would you like to try and make love?"

"Well," Danielle teased, "since we've nothing planned for this evening, I was kind of hoping we might have a go at it now. So, if you're up for it, how 'bout we start with you giving me a hand getting out of this dress. But, please do be careful unzipping it, because I'd really like to wear it again another evening..."

As David went about the task of seductively disrobing her, Danielle outlined the ground rules that he was to adhere to throughout their forthcoming love making session. He was to take it slow, and if she said stop, he was to cease and desist immediately. David, aware of how skittish and apprehensive Danielle was, clearly understood how fragile the situation was, and how one wrong move on his part could ruin everything.

Once they were both nude and lying side by side facing one another on the bed, David admonished Danielle to try and relax and enjoy his ministrations. With that said, David reached over, and taking Danielle's hand in his own, drew the underside of her left wrist to his lips. So positioned, he began to tenderly kiss it. Surprised and delighted to find that the underside of her wrist was in fact one of the many erogenous zones that populated her gorgeous new body, Danielle reflexively quivered, as the fires of her ardor were set ablaze.

David next pulled Danielle into a lover's embrace and kissed her lightly on the lips. A second kiss, slightly more passionate than its predecessor, followed the first. A third kiss followed on the heels of the second, and so on, and so on, with each kiss progressively being more passionate than the preceding one. All of sudden, Danielle became aware that David's tongue had invaded her mouth. He was French Kissing her and to her astonishment, not only did it seem like the most normal thing in the world for him to be doing at that moment, but it was getting her all hot and bothered as well. Instinctively, she tried to return the favor, by forcibly inserting her tongue into his mouth. David though, was having none of it. Without saying a word, he pressed his advantage, making it perfectly clear to Danielle that he, rather than she, was in the driver's seat.

David mixed it up so as to keep Danielle sexually off-balance, while at the same time tonguing the living shit out of her. He began to intersperse his French Kisses with ear nuzzles, as well as a few neck nibbles. He also employed various sucking techniques that, if carried to the extreme, might well result in producing a hickey. For her part, in those fleeting moments of lucidity that her surging passions afforded her, Danielle began to wonder just how many erogenous zones her new body had.

Knowing that he had Danielle going six ways from Sunday, David opened a second front. Bringing his right hand into play, he began to knead and fondle first one, and then the other of her finely sculptured mammaries. For her part, Danielle was amazed at how sensitive those femininely enhanced tits had become.

"Oh, my God, David!" Danielle breathlessly gasped, as David's thumb circumnavigated the areola surmounting her left breast. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."

With numerous hours logged as a female himself over his long association with Meggido, David knew all too well how it felt to have one's breast expertly fondled. However, he also knew that now was not the time to quibble over something so trivial. There was no need to remind Danielle of the fact that he had spent time as a woman. Such conversation could well wait for a more appropriate time.

In order to bring his lips and tongue to bear on Danielle's left breast David shifted position. In doing so, he freed up his right hand. Once free, he dexterously slid it down past her lower abdomen in order to open up another front in between Danielle's long and lovely legs. Once David's hand was in position, his fingers began to trace lazy spirals, whorls and intricate curlicues along the inner run of Danielle's ever so tantalizing thighs.

Within moments, Danielle was writhing under David's deft-handed ministrations. She quivered with the sexual excitement that coursed within her. Her body bucked. It shimmied. It undulated. Danielle whimpered. She squealed. And, in those rare moments when she was not moaning and groaning, she would beseech the Almighty on High to grant her the sexual succor she so desperately sought.

Targeting first one breast and then the other with a whole arsenal of oral techniques, David cunningly worked Daniel into a sexual frenzy the like of which she had never experienced before. Teasingly, and fully aware of the enormous amounts of unadulterated sexual pleasure he was engendering, David began to slowly draw his swirling fingers ever closer to the nether portion of Danielle's vaginal crease. Anticipating what was to come, Danielle's legs reflexively splayed, as if to grant David's fingers access to her Holy of Holies.

Since he had as yet to reach third base, David was well aware of the fact that he had arrived at the first of several critical points. Danielle had been a willing, if not eager, albeit passive participant up to that point in the proceedings. That is to say that she had done nothing to forestall, or out right forbid David from upping the ante. But David was keenly aware that dickering around with first the exterior and then the interior of her vulva could prove disastrous. Should those manly-entrenched inhibitions of Danielle's rear their ugly little heads, things could get dicey, and quite possibly, put an abrupt end to things.

That said, David knew he had no other choice but to hope for the best, and continue doing what he was doing.

Using the tip of his middle finger, David moved it first to Danielle's taint (the isthmus of skin that t'aint asshole, t'aint vulva, but lays in-between the two). From that debarkation point, David slide his finger forward, drawing it lovingly across the outer crest of the multiple lip-folds of Danielle's exquisitely sculptured crevasse crease. For her part, Danielle responded with a choked-off gasp, followed by a deep-throat sigh, as her whole body shimmied and shook. Half expecting a cease and desist order to follow on the heels of that, David was pleasantly surprised when a thoroughly aroused Danielle exclaimed, "Oh, my God, David! That feels wonderful... Absolutely wonderful..."

David could have kicked himself for inadvertently doing what he did next. Unthinkingly, his concern and compassion for Danielle overrode his good sense, and before he could stop himself, the words just sort of wafted out of his mouth unbidden, "Danielle, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, if you want me to stop, I will."

"No!" Danielle's ear shattering retort conveyed a sense of urgency. "Please, David! I implore you. Don't you dare stop! What you're doing to me feels so, so gooood...."

Aware that he had had nearly scrooched the pooch, so to speak, David took the preemptive step of inserting his middle finger in-between the multiple lip-folds of Danielle's love-juice slick vulva. So positioned, David began to draw his probing finger slowly towards him. A second or so later, the tip of his middle finger brushed lightly across the crown of the elusive nub of Danielle's clitoris. Then, having located her clit, David began to gently caress it. It was at that exact moment in time that Danielle went from auditioning for the Pillow Eaters Club, to becoming a bona fide member of the aforementioned cadre of female screamers and squealers.

At that point in the proceedings, timing became David's chief concern.

Aware that Danielle was quickly approaching the event horizon of orgasmic release, and wishing to bring her to climax via the selfless act of cunnilingus, David used every trick in the book to keep her teetering on the brink of climaxing. Though he felt he might be rushing things, David, fearing that he may have overplayed his hand, moved to reposition himself. As if anticipating what David was about, Danielle reflexively spread her lower appendages into a wide 'V'. Moving as gracefully as a male ballet dancer, David lowered his body into the inviting splay of Danielle's legs. So positioned, and employing the insight he had garnished from having been a woman himself, David used that ever so talented tongue of his to continue to torque Danielle's arousal to excruciatingly pleasurable levels.

Tongue swirl followed tongue swirl, as David worked Danielle into a primeval frenzy of carnal delights the like of which Danielle had never come even close to engendering on her own, even when employing the vibrator that Meggido had supplied her. The vast amounts of carnal pleasure that billowed and surged within her caused Danielle to soar to a level that transcended excruciating. It was at that point where the damn broke within her, and Danielle entered a state of sexual Nirvana, as one massive orgasmic spasm followed closely upon the heels of its predecessor in a daisy chain of carnal delights.

David knew that his job was far from over. He knew all too well that Danielle needed him to be there for her and so repositioned himself once again beside her. As he did so, David took Danielle in his arms and cuddled her.

Though physically exhausted, a sexually enthralled Danielle idyllically languished in a state of post-orgasmic bliss. Taking comfort in the intimacy that David accorded her, Danielle savored the memory of every nuance of the sexual experience that she had just undergone.

A spasmodic shudder from one of the orgasmic aftershocks that Danielle was still experiencing caused David to break the prevailing silence. "Danielle, are you okay?"

Twisting about in her lover's arms so that she could gaze lovingly into David's eyes, Danielle dreamily murmured. "Yes... I'm fine... In fact, thanks to you, and to what you just did, I am better than fine. Truth is: right now, I'm terrific."

Though he knew it to be an unnecessary question, David felt compelled to ask it anyway, "So, I take it that you enjoyed it?"

"Oh, yes! I most certainly did! The truth is that words can't even begin to express how much I enjoyed what you just did to me. It was the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me! David, can we do it again? Soon?"

"Sure thing, kiddo," David had to chuckle. "I'd be more than happy to oblige, that is just as soon as you've fully recuperated from our last go-around. Remember that we've got all night. So there's absolutely no need for us to rush things." Then, still curious, David continued on with his craftily concocted debriefing. "Am I to take it that it didn't phase you when I went down on you, you know, and gave you a proper tongue lashing?"

"No... Not at all! In fact, being perfectly honest about it, irregardless of my reservations about letting you do something like that to me, you know, with me being a man and all, you know, on the inside, where it counts, I thoroughly loved it when you went down on me. I mean, I always knew women had it good. But, I never once thought that they had it that good. You know something? If men ever learned that woman had it head and shoulders over them when it comes to intensity of their respective orgasms, there's be hell to pay, you know, over the disparity."

"Yeah..." David conceded Danielle's point. "You're right about that." Then, having said that, he continued on to add, "Trouble is: few men are considerate enough to ensure that the women they fool around with get to enjoy it as much as they do."

"True..." Danielle sighed. "I guess women are right. Men are pigs."

Pretending to take offense, David groused, "I beg your pardon."

"Oh!" Danielle scrambled to clear up any misunderstanding. "I didn't mean to say that you're a pig, David. As a lover, you were everything I could have ever wished for. The truth is that you were fantastic! I mean, you damn near anticipated my every want, my every need."

"And did your manly inhibitions give you any trouble?"

"Hell, no!" Danielle replied rather emphatically. "Hmmm... Now that you mention it, no they didn't. And, I'm kind of puzzled that they didn't. I mean, there I was, afraid that they wouldn't let me go through with it, but, as it worked out, I'll be damned if those manly entrenched inhibitions of mine didn't bother me at all. Not once! David!" there was a hint of alarm in Danielle's voice. "Why do you think that is? Could I be turning into more of a woman than Meggido first told me that I would? I mean, I let you - A man! - go down on me, and I wasn't phased or put-off by it even a little bit?"

Rather than address Danielle's concerns, David pulled a bait and switch in effect, driving their conversation in a different direction. "So, I take it what you're saying is that you'd rather I not go down on you again?"

"No!" Danielle aggressively countered. "I'm not saying anything of the sort! In fact, if the truth be told, I can't wait for you to go down on me again!"

"Simmer down, Danielle. There's no need to get those new titties of yours in an uproar. Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours, because I'd be happy to give you another tongue lashing..."

Somewhat later in their conversation, Danielle inquired, "David! I've a question for you. How come you didn't... a... um..."

Aware that Danielle was having a hard time getting to the point, David took pity on her. "You want to know why I didn't engage in intercourse with you just now?"

"Yes... That's what I was wondering."

"Well, let's just say that I didn't want to rush things. Or, to put that another way, I didn't want to take advantage of you. And, we both know that I could have easily done so. You see, Danielle, I want to make doubly sure that's what you really want. So, I guess that begs the question. Do you want me to go all the way and engage in intercourse with you, or not? The ball is in your court. That means that you get to make the call. The next time out, do we, or don't we play a game of hide the salami?"

"We do. I know how crazy this is going to sound, but I want -- No! Make that need -- to feel you up inside of me, David! I just don't think I've gotten to a point where I can bring myself to touch it, much less fondle it."

David, aware that by 'it', Danielle was alluding to his Johnson arm, replied, "That's fine, Danielle. You don't have to touch it, or even look at it, not if you don't want to. That's not going to be a problem for me. So you needn't worry about it. I just want you to lay back and enjoy yourself. I'll take care of everything else."

Then, after a brief lapse in their conversation, David reached over, and cupping her left breast in his hand, began to knead, fondle and tenderly caress it, "Alright then, if you think you've recuperated enough to have another go at it, I'm up for it, if you are..."

Though he hoped and prayed that Danielle would remain ignorant of the fact, David shaved a little time off of each of his various foreplay techniques. He did that so as to forestall her from climaxing prematurely; his hope being to time it in such a way so as to have his penis nestled snugly up inside Danielle's vaginal canal when she came.

As it worked out, David's timing was impeccable. Though he and Danielle did not climax simultaneously, it was too close to quibble over the difference.

"Oh, my God, David!" Danielle triumphantly squealed as soon as she regained the wherewithal to do so. "That was wonderful! You were wonderful! And, I really mean that! While I freely admit that I'm new to be on the receiving end of things, I have to say that you are The Man!"

David, using his best southern accent, played the part of the humble country bumpkin to the hilt as he laid it on thick. "Aw, shucks, ma'am! T'wern't nothing..." Then, having said that, David became aware that his penis was just beginning to go flaccid, and so, without giving much thought to what he was doing, began to withdraw it.

Panic griped Danielle as soon as she realized what David was about. In a frantic, knee-jerk reaction, Danielle took her long and well-manicured nails and drove them hard into both cheeks of his buttock. "And, just what the hell do you think you're doing, mister? You leave that 'thingie' of yours right where it is. We both know it'll fall out in its own time, so there's no need to hurry it along. Besides, David, I like the way it feels nestled up inside me. And I want to savor that intimate feeling for as long as I can."

Though he thought it best to withhold comment on the matter, it nevertheless struck David as odd that Danielle would say something such as that. Though he, as a she, had been on the receiving end of things on numerous occasions in the past, David always had a hard time contending with the notion that once orgasm had been achieved, he had a man's grossly gnarled up pecker shoved up inside his prim little pussy. The very thought of having a man's penis up shoved up inside of her gave David a bad case of the heebie-jeebies. Danielle, on the other hand, seemed to relish having his manhood nestled snuggly up inside her.

"You know," Danielle dreamily murmured, "I've heard a lot about this so called G-Spot that some women claim to have. Well, guess what! Contrary to popular belief, there really is a G-Spot, and lucky me seems to have one!"

"Oh, really! Well, that's certainly nice to know. I'm really happy for you, Danielle. If anyone deserves one, you sure as hell do."

"David! Why are you being so sarcastic?"

"Sarcastic? Me? Never! I told you I was happy for you, and I am. Really!"

Frustrated, Danielle petulantly groused, "You don't understand!"

"I don't? All right! How 'bout you explain it to me?"

"Okay! I will! First off, women can experience two different types of orgasms, clitoral and vaginal. Clitoral orgasms, as you are already well aware of, are triggered by stimulating a woman's clitoris. Oh! And let me say for the record that you sure seem to be very proficient at doing that. Vaginal orgasms, on the other hand, are reported to be rare, and are triggered by stimulating an erogenous zone that is said to be located within a woman's vaginal wall, and that erogenous zone has been termed the G-Spot."

"And you've got one?"

"It would appear so, since I just had a whole slew of orgasms when you were up inside of me just now..."

"Damn!" a disgruntled Danielle squealed in disgust, as she became aware of the sticky droplets of semen that had begun leaking out of her. "David! Quick! Go into the bathroom and get me a towel and a moistened washcloth. Oh! And, while you're at it, you might want a get yourself a washcloth as well. I've got a steady stream of your semen pouring out of this new pussy of mine..."

A few minutes later, having sopped up the worst of the mess, Danielle ruefully quipped, "Thanks a bunch, pal. Now that I'm the girl, I guess I'm going to have to sleep on the wet spot."

"Oh!" David response was upbeat. "That reminds me! The other day, I got you a present, you know, on the off chance we ever got to the point where we did fool-around. In fact, I got you a couple of presents. They're in my room. So, why don't you take a shower, and clean yourself up, while I go get 'em? Or, if you prefer, we could just call it a night?"

Scowling, Danielle curtly countered. "Call it a night, my ass! I sure hope that was a joke, because if it wasn't, you are in big trouble, mister. As far as I'm concerned, the night's still early and you and I are just getting started. So, you can run over to your room and pick up whatever it is you got me. But you'd best be back here by the time I'm out of the shower, because, if you're not, I promise that there'll be hell to pay. Here, David, take my key card. You'll need it to get back in."

"Lord!" David scoffed as he zippered up his pants. "I think I've gone and created a monster."

"Monster... no..." Danielle teasingly sneered. "Nymphomaniac... probably..." Then, adding an afterthought, a somewhat petulant Danielle admonished. "David, please hurry."

"Yes, dear. I fully intend to..."

A minute later, as she pulled on one of the complimentary plastic shower caps that the hotel provided so as to prevent her hair from getting wet, Danielle toyed with the thought, 'Imagine that. He called me dear. He actually called me dear. I wonder if he really does love me. Well, why not? I mean, I am one fine looking piece of ass if ever there was one, even if I do say so myself...'

A few minutes later, as the water cascades over her built like a shithouse body, Danielle's elation began to subside. Concurrent with that, her thoughts took a downturn. 'I wonder if David enjoyed himself. Why the hell would he have? I certainly didn't do a damn thing to further his enjoyment. I just lay there like a lump, and let him do all the work. But, in my defense, that is what he told me to do. True... He did tell me that. But, I still feel like I should have done something...'

Even as she turned off the water and reached for the towel she had set out for herself, Danielle's mood further darkened. 'Well, one thing's for certain, I'm not the first girl that David's slept with. One doesn't become that proficient a lover without a hell of a lot of practice. And, there's no getting around the fact that he's good. No! That's not right! I'm a good lover, or at least I was when I was married and getting some semi-regularly. But, as good as I was, there's no getting around the fact that David puts me to shame. In fact, I'm willing to bet that he puts most of the guys I know to shame. Yeah... As a lover, David has to rate right up there with the best of the best. And, it goes without saying that he's slept with a whole shitload of women over the years. I just wonder how I measure up...'

While Danielle was still in the bathroom toweling off, she heard David call out, "Hey, Danielle! 'Tis I! I'm back! Look, I'm sorry that it took me a little longer than I had hoped. But, the reason that it took me longer was that I had to make a quick stop at the ice machine that's located in that little alcove at the end of your hall as I made my way back here to your room..."

True to his word, David did indeed have several surprises in store for Danielle.

With a smile blooming on her face, Danielle giddily said, "Champagne, as well as two champagne flutes, well, you really are a romantic, aren't you? But, what's with the wastebasket?"

"I needed something to put the ice in, in order to chill the champagne. So, lacking an ice bucket, I improvised. And, that's what took me so long. I had to stop on the way back and get some ice."

"Well, that certainly was awfully thoughtful of you," Danielle replied as she eyed the large plastic bag that David was holding in his other hand. "Is what's in the bag for me as well?"

"Yes. It took me the better part of a day to find a store that carried what I was looking for, but I thought that you might like to try them out. Here!" David held out the bag for Danielle to take possession of it. "See if you like 'em."

Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning, an excited Danielle reached into the bag and extracted the first of several rather large square clear plastic packages that the bag contained. "Wow!" Danielle was ecstatic. "Satin sheets! You actually went out and got us satin sheets!"

"Actually, I got you two sets, one black, the other red. So, are you game?"

"You bet your ass I am. How 'bout we start off with the red set?"

"Sure thing, kiddo. Here, toss 'em to me and I'll have 'em out in a jiff..."

They engaged in intercourse twice more that night. Though David performed cunnilingus on Danielle on both of those occasions prior to mounting her, he also went down on her and ate her out on three other occasions before the two, spent as they were from their love making, fell asleep entwined in one another's arms.

It was a baptism under fire for Danielle, and she absolutely adored every nuance of it. David, she knew, was a godsend, and she was ever so grateful for the tender intimacy he afforded her.

With a gentle kiss, David roused Danielle from her slumbers a little after nine the next morning. Once awake, Danielle informed David that she was not ready to get out of bed, claiming that she would only do so after he made love to her. More than happy to accede to Danielle's wish, David eagerly got down to the business at hand. Afterwards, they showered together and got dressed. Once dressed, they headed over to David's room so he could change into fresh clothes.

Piling into David's rental car, they headed over to a nearby Denny's for a late breakfast. While they were waiting for their waitress to bring their orders, Danielle giddily inquired, "While I know what I'd really like to be doing this afternoon, I think we both need a bit of breather. That said, be advised that we are going to be spending this evening much the way we spent last evening."

"We are?" David teased.

"Yes!" Danielle was emphatic. "We are! And, just so you know, I expect you to be at the top of your game, just like you were last night."

"So, I take it that you're saying that you liked what we did last night, and again this morning?"

"Like it?" Danielle countered with mock-incredulity. "I loved it! And, you know darn right well that I loved it!"

"Of course I do, Danielle." David decided to have a little fun at Danielle's expense. "I was just yanking your chain. But, I forgot. You no longer have a chain to yank, do you? All you have now is your cute little hideyhole."

"David!" Danielle nervously admonished, as her head turned this-away and then that-away, trying to ascertain if anyone seated in their vicinity had overheard their risqué conversation. "Please, David!" Danielle implored. "People will hear you."

Leaning forward, and speaking in a voice set a smidgen louder than a whisper, David aggressively countered. "So, what if they do? I happen to like your cute little hideyhole, and I don't give a rat's ass just who the hell knows it. In fact, after last night, I'd be willing to bet that you have a whole new appreciation for that new little inny of yours as well."

Though she wished that David would just shut up and move on to a less objectionable subject, Danielle could not find fault with anything he said, for she whole heartily agreed with him. Truth was, she adored that new hideyhole she was sporting as much as David did, and maybe a tad bit more. The vast amounts of carnal pleasure that Danielle derived from it had given her a whole new perspective. Being a girl was not just tolerable. It was wonderful.

"So, what do you propose we do today?" Danielle inquired, as she poured a generous amount of maple syrup over the stack of buttermilk pancakes she had ordered.

"Well, last night at dinner, Meggido did suggest that it might be beneficial for us to, as he put it, reconnoiter COSI (Columbus Ohio's Center of Science and Industry), you know, to get a lay of the land so to speak. And, since we've nothing else on tap for the day, I figure that we ought to give it a go..."

And, that is just what the two of them did. While COSI is geared to kids, both Danielle and David thoroughly enjoyed their day taking in the various exhibits. Danielle especially liked their Ocean Exhibit as well as their Gadget Exhibit.

On their way back to their hotel, they stopped at a family owned Italian Restaurant where they both ordered the house specialty, lasagna.

Returning to their hotel, they made a beeline for Danielle's room. There, they quickly disrobed, climbed into bed, and began making like a couple of bunnies, copulating their fannies off.

Though they took extensive breaks in order to regain their stamina, breaks in which they used the time to discuss any number of things, they managed to surpass the number of times they fooled-around on the previous night, upping the ante by two. However, as the evening progressed, Danielle began to harbor feelings of inadequacy. David was doing all the work. She, on the other hand, was doing nothing in return. And, that started bothering the shit out of her. David, she knew, deserved better. The trouble was, Danielle could not get past those manly inhibitions of hers. As much as Danielle wanted to, she could not bring herself to reach down and fondle David's manhood. The thought of it produced such a violent reaction that she came within a hair's breath of retching on several occasions.

'What the hell's wrong with you?' Danielle repeatedly asked herself the question. 'You know damn right well that you're in love with him. So, why the hell can't you get past these damnable hang-ups? Why can't you at least touch it? God knows that you sure didn't have trouble pounding your own pud whenever the mood struck you. Look, I'm not for one minute suggesting that you go down on him, though he'd probably love it if you did. All I'm saying is that you need to show him that you appreciate all he's done for you, you know, by returning the favor...'

Somewhere around eleven, David sensed that all was not well in Danielle's world. Though she hid it well, David picked up on the fact that something was troubling her.

"Danielle..." he tenderly inquired. "Have I done something wrong?"

In a knee jerk reaction that clearly conveyed a note of panic, Danielle nervously blurted, "No! Never! Why would you say something like that? Everything's fine!"

"No, Danielle. Everything isn't fine. Something is bothering you, and I want to know what that something is.

Though she did so reluctantly, a teary-eyed Danielle, after a lot of hemming and hawing, told David what her problem was. For his part, David listened with a sympathetic ear, as a sobbing and extremely distraught Danielle spilled her guts. Then, only after Danielle had had her say, did David endeavor to quell her fears.

"Danielle, believe me when I say this. You have nothing to feel bad about. I don't expect anything from you. I just want you to enjoy yourself. And, you are enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

"Yes..." Danielle boohooed. "But..."

"But, nothing!" David shot back with an uncustomary sternness. "Look, having spent numerous times as a woman myself, I know exactly what you're going though. Okay! While it's true I've touched more of my fair share of guys' dicks over the years, one thing has never changed. I never liked it. It always felt icky."

"Yeah..." Danielle dejectedly interjected. "But, you did it, didn't you? Where as, I can't. Just the thought of it makes me sick."

"Okay..." David scrambled to come up with a convincing argument that would placate Danielle. "So, don't think about it. Look, Danielle, I told you right up front that I didn't expect you to reciprocate in any way, shape or form. The only thing I asked was for you enjoy yourself, and, if you worried about me, don't. I get my jollies off just knowing that I am pleasuring you. Besides, have I ever once had trouble getting up?"

"No..." Danielle sniffled. "At least I don't think so."

"Well, just so you know, young lady, I don't have a problem with erections. And, since I don't, I don't need any help in that regard. Just being in the same bed with you is enough of a turn-on to get me hard."

"Really?" Danielle sounded dubious. "Just being with me turns you on?"

"Of course it does! Let's get real here, Danielle! I mean, by your own admission, all you have to do is look in the mirror to turn yourself on. Added to that, you are the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, much less sharing a bed with. I love you, Danielle, so much it hurts..."

'He loves me...' the thought pleased Danielle to no end. 'And, God help me. I love him, as much, if not more than he loves me. And, if that's really the case, why the hell can't I see my way clear to touch him down there? This really sucks...'

David thought that he had managed to talk some sense into Danielle. Exhausted, to the point where he was too pooped to pop and erroneously believing that Danielle was already asleep, David decided to call it a night and within a minute or two, was fast asleep.

Though she had done an excellent job of convincing David that she was no longer upset about her inability to take a more active role in their lovemaking, Danielle had been lying through her teeth. Though she agreed that David's arguments had merit, and that she believed him when he told her that he did not hold those manly inhibitions of hers against her, Danielle was still troubled by the notion that she was an inadequate lover. David, she knew, deserved better. Her problem was that no matter how hard she tried, she could not bring herself to touch him in the intimate manner a woman might elect to employ in order to excite and pleasure the man she loves.

Sleep eluded Danielle, for no matter what she did to get past her present dilemma, she was unable to quell her troubled mind. 'This is ridiculous!' she mentally chided herself for the umpteenth time that night. 'If you were a real woman, you wouldn't be having this problem. But, you're not a real woman, are you? True, you look like a woman. You talk like a woman. And, thanks to this ring Meggido lent you, you even act like a woman most of the time. But, when push comes to shove, you really aren't a woman. You're a man ensconced within a woman's body. And, that's the problem in a nutshell. Because, if you really were a woman, you be able to do what you can't bring yourself to do now...'

It was at that point in Danielle's musing that the solution to her problem presented itself. 'Galeanna's Ring! The Ring of Femininity! David did say that it was magical, and Meggido confirmed David's assertion. Added to that, David is always cautioning me to be careful not to make any frivolous wishes while I'm wearing it. So, maybe, just maybe, I can use this ring to get past these damnable and debilitating inhibitions of mine...'

Believing that she may have hit on a solution to her problem, Danielle spent the better part of the next half hour trying to figure out the best way to frame that wish of hers. For a good while, she thought that she could just wish those inhibitions of hers away, and was on the verge of doing just that when another thought struck her. Were she to word her wish in such a fashion as to just negate those manly inhibitions of hers, Danielle realized that she would still be a man enshrined within the bodacious body of a beautiful woman. That was not what Danielle wanted at all. Though the idea of being a woman in body, mind and soul would have been an anathema to her only a few days earlier, Danielle had come to realize that what she really wanted was to be a real woman, rather than a man masquerading as a woman. While Danielle knew there was no guarantee that were she to take the plunge, and become a woman in every respect, she and David might have a life together, she also knew that as things stood presently, forging a life with David was little more than a pipe dream.

Danielle was afraid that the ring's magic would not work unless she uttered the wish aloud. That being case and hoping that she would not awaken David, Danielle quietly murmured, "I wish I were a real woman, and that my love for David will allow me to love him with the reckless abandon that he so rightly deserves,"

Nothing! Danielle felt no different having made her wish than she had but a moment before. Thinking that she ought to see if those inhibitions still held sway, so as to disturb his slumbers, she gently placed her had on David's stomach. Taking a deep breath to embolden her resolve, she began to slowly slide her hand down over David's lower abdomen. However, as soon as her hand came in contact with the unruly mat of David's pubic hair, in a knee-jerk reaction, she yanked her hand away,

'Damn! My wish didn't work...'

Though upset and highly perturbed with herself, in a rather unexpected turn of events, within minutes of that failed experiment, Danielle slipped into an untroubled sleep.

A compelling need to empty her bladder caused Danielle to rouse from her slumbers a little after eight that Sunday morning. David, spooned tight up against her back with his left arm draped around her, proved to be an impediment, forcing Danielle to jostle him awake. "David!" she sweetly intoned. "I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom."

More asleep than awake, David mumbled. "So, go already. Nobody's stopping ya."

Pinned under his arm as she was, Danielle, fearing that she might not be able to hold it in much longer, somewhat gruffly countered "Actually, you are stopping me. Your arm! You've got me pinned! So, please, David! Lift your arm so I can get out of bed."

David did as Danielle requested. He then rolled unto his back and immediately fell back asleep. As for Danielle, as soon as David lifted his arm clear, she scampered out of bed and into the bathroom, where she quickly parked her delectably shaped derriere on the porcelain throne and relaxed those decidedly feminine hold-it-in muscles of hers.

Once finished, Danielle cleaned herself up and returned to bed with the hope of getting a little more shuteye. However, after several minutes of trying, it soon began apparent to Danielle that she had gotten all the sleep that she was going to get. That being the case, she fluffed up her pillows, sat up in the bed, and using the remote, turned on the television. Taking care that that the volume was turned down so that it would not disturb David, she began flipping through all the channels. She did so twice, and finding nothing in particular that grabbed her interest, Danielle, a news junkie at heart, decided to watch Fox & Friends on the Fox News Network, with the hope of catching up on the major stories she had missed during the week.

As she lay there watching TV, Danielle found herself occasionally glancing over at David. More times than not, those appraising glances of hers engendered warm, cuddly and contented thoughts, thoughts that led Danielle to form the conclusion that she was the luckiest and most fortunate woman alive to have found someone as sweet and dear to her as David. With the cockles of her heart playfully rekindled, and without a conscious thought as to what she was doing, Danielle reached over and drew the sheet covering her lover's lower abdomen and crotch aside.

'Damn!' Danielle thought as she gazed down at her lover's flaccid member. 'And, here I though it was going to be huge. I mean, it sure feels huge whenever it's up inside of me. I mean, the first time he entered me, I thought he was going to tear me a new one. But, I'll be darned if it doesn't look to be roughly the same size as the one I used to have. And, like me, David's been circumcised. But, that's not unusual. Most of the guys I went to high school with were...'

Throughout her rather prolonged and fairly comprehensive critique of David's genitalia, Danielle failed to note of the fact that she was not disturbed or put-off, but rather intrigued. 'All things considered, I'd say that my lover boy has got himself a cute little pecker, and it isn't anywhere near as gross and as gnarled-up as I thought it was going to be. Added to that, he's got a decent pair. Not too big... Not too small... I'd say they were keepers...'

The more Danielle looked, the more turned-on she became.

All of a sudden, and once again acting without any thought to the consequences what she was about, Danielle reached over and gently began to run the fingers of her right hand lightly over and about David's genitalia. One thing led to another, and with in moments Danielle, intent on getting a rise out David, found herself eagerly and aggressively fondling her lover's penis and testicles.

Within mere moments, Danielle was overjoyed to see that her endeavors were beginning to reap their rewards. David's penis was engorging blood, with the result being that his Johnson Arm was becoming hard and stiff.

Thrilled with the result she was obtaining, Danielle, compelled by her own soaring sense of unfettered horniness, moved in for the kill. Quickly repositioning herself, Danielle bent at the waist, thereby lowering her lips to David's groin, where, without a moment's hesitation, began to perform the selfless act of fellatio on the man she dearly loved.

Awakened from his slumbers by Danielle's deft handed and oral ministrations, a befuddled, albeit thoroughly delighted and fully aroused David excitedly exclaimed, "Danielle! What in God's name do you think you're doing?"

Unable to respond to David's inquiry, owing to the fact that her lips were encircled about the blood engorged shaft of his penis at that precise moment, Danielle could not help but entertain the notion that David's question had to be without a doubt the most asinine question that have ever been put to her.

Needing to feel David up insider her, Danielle, thinking that she had adequately primed the pump, so to speak, decided that it was time to move onto other things. Rising up and off of him, Danielle positioned herself in such a way that she knelt astride David's groin. Employing her hand as she began to slowly lower herself, Danielle skillfully guided the head of David's throbbing member into the sanctum sanctorum of her womanhood.

Though thoroughly enjoying the moment, David nevertheless felt compelled to inquire, "Danielle! I thought that you couldn't bring yourself to... a... well, you know?"

"Yes," Danielle smiled, as she continued to slide her body up and down on David's manly shaft. "I know. But, I guess you could say that I've experienced a change of heart in that regard."

"Danielle! You didn't by any chance..."

Knowing fully well where David was going with his inquiry, Danielle cut him off in mid sentence. "Yes, David. I did. I made a wish on the strength of Galeanna's Ring. I wished to become the woman that I appear to be. And, I must say, I do believe that Galeanna's Ring has granted my wish."

"I'll say..."

"So," Danielle sought to assuage her curiosity, even as she felt some of David's semen begin to ooze out of her. "How'd I do?"

"You did great, kiddo. Truth is: you were fantastic, and I loved ever minute of it."

"So, am I a keeper or what?"

"Yes..." David replied thoughtfully. "You definitely are a keeper."

It was Sunday, and since they had not made any plans for the day, as they were getting dressed, David suggested that they could either go to the Columbus Zoo, or make a day of it and drive down to the Great Serpent Mound. Having never heard of such a place, an intrigued Danielle asked David to provide a little bit more information in order to help her make her decision. To wit, David explained that Ohio's Great Serpent Mound was a 1,330-foot-long prehistoric effigy located on a plateau that rose alongside of Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio.

As David suspected, Danielle selected Ohio's Great Serpent Mound, suggesting that they could check out the zoo later in the week.

Though it was only a 180-mile round trip, on David's suggestion, they both packed an overnight bag.

After viewing the Great Serpent Mounds and several of the conical burial mounds located within a stone's throw of the prehistoric effigy, the couple checked into the Murhin Ridge Inn, though in truth they could have easily made the drive back to Columbus. As it was, David had left the decision up to Danielle, and Danielle, the minx that she had become via her wish, opted for the closest bed available.

As the two of them ate dinner that evening, David, having taken note of the fact that Danielle was wolfing down her food, felt compelled to offer a comment, "Hey, kiddo! I thought that you wanted to make a leisurely night of it. So, what's the rush? The food's good here. So, come on. How 'bout you slow down and enjoy your meal?"

"Sorry!" a slightly embarrassed Danielle offered. "I didn't realize that I was rushing. I guess I'm just anxious to get to our room, you know, so we can fool around."

"You're not going to tell me that you're horny again, are you?"

"David!" there was more than a hint of impatience in Danielle's rebuttal. "I'll have you know that I'm horny pretty much all the time, and I've got you, and Meggido, and I suppose Galeanna's Ring to thank for that. And, guess what! It's even worse now, you know, after I made that wish of mine to become a woman through and through."

"I'm sorry about that, Danielle. I truly am."

"Don't be. For your information, I kind of like being a nymphomaniac, as well as a narcissist on the side. It makes one appreciate being a woman."

"It does, does it?"

"Yeah..." Danielle smirked. "It most certainly does. However, it's probably a little rough on you."

"How so?" David inquired.

"Well, as you no doubt are aware already, I'm what you call a high maintenance girl."

Pretending to be fatigued, David heaved a weary sigh "No truer words were ever spoken. I take it that you expect me to service your insatiable needs again tonight?"

"I most certainly do, if that is, you think you're up for it? I mean, the last thing I want to do is to over tax you, you poor thing you."

David and Danielle agreed that they would make an early night of it, having agreed to get an early start in the morning for the drive back to Columbus. That being the case, they climbed into bed with the expressed purpose of fooling around at a quarter past six that evening.

Though David tried to take charge of the proceedings, Danielle was having none of it. "David, since I am no longer plagued by those manly inhibitions of mine, I think it only fair that I make up for lost time."

Aware that it was an argument that he could not win, David relented. "Okay, Danielle! Have it your way. I'll just lay back and enjoy the ride."

And, enjoy it, David did.

Though new to the active role of the instigator of the selfless act of fellatio, rather than the passive role of the recipient, Danielle approached her oral ministrations with the wanton gusto of a seasoned seductress. David, who had repeatedly demonstrated a remarkable staying power when it came to coupling, was flabbergasted to find that his self-control was lacking when it came to Danielle, and her sucking him off as she was. "Danielle! Enough already! I can't hold back much longer. So, unless you want me to come in your mouth, we need to make a few adjustments here..."

Oddly enough, it would not have bothered Danielle one iota if David had come in her mouth. However, the panic in David's voice caused her to relent. Shifting positions, Danielle lay down on her back, spread her legs wide, and gasped in anticipation of what was to come as David entered her.

It was on the drive back to Columbus the following morning when, out of the clear blue, Danielle initiated a potentially hazardous line of conversation. "David, I know that you told me a half a dozen times or more that you love me. But, what I need to know now is: do you really love me? Or, are you just saying that because you think that's what I want to hear?"

Blindsided by the question, David incredulously countered, "Danielle! I can't believe you asked me that! You know darn right well that I love you!"

"Good! Because, I love you too! So, I guess that brings me to my next question. Do you love me enough to make an honest woman out of me? Or, are you going to be pigheaded about this, and force me to ask you for your hand in marriage?"

"Danielle," David stammered in an effort to try to find the right words. "I would have asked you to marry me long before this had I but known that you were even considering becoming a real woman. But, are you really sure about this? I mean, you heard what Meggido said about the twenty-eight day business? There's no turning back after that. Once that benchmark is behind you, you'll be stuck as a woman forever. And, what happens if this love we have for one another fizzles, and our marriage ends up on the rocks?"

"That's not going to happen, David. Because I - No! Make that we! - aren't going to let something like that happen."

"I'd like to believe that, Danielle. I really, truly would. But, come on! We've only known each other for a little over a week, and I'm scared to death that you're going to have a change of heart and demand that Meggido change you back into a man again."

"True..." Danielle conceded David's point. "There is always that possibility. But, know this Mr. David Johnson. I'm a woman now. I like being a woman. And, I have no intentions now, or in the future, of asking Meggido to change me back into a man again. Furthermore, I love you. You claim to love me. So, I ask you. What's the problem? Besides, I'm a woman now, so by rights, you ought to be asking me to marry you, rather than the other way around."

"Danielle!" David snapped. "Would you please just shut-up for a second so that I can get a word in edgewise? Look, my overnight bag's in the backseat. So, do me a favor. If you can get to it, open it up and see if you can locate a small plastic bag."

"What's in it?"

"Something that I think you're going to like."

Danielle, her curiosity peaked, did as David requested.

"I found it!" Danielle giddily exclaimed, as she turned about so that she once again faced forward.

"Well, go ahead. Open it."

Danielle did so, only to extract a red velvet jewelry box nestled inside a protective cardboard sleeve. "David, is this what I think it is?"

"Well, if you're thinking it might be an engagement ring, then I would have to say you're right. Look, I planned on giving it to you last night, but one thing sort of led to another, and well you know how it goes?"

"Yes, we were going at it kind of hot and heavy there for awhile."

"Try four and a half hours!" David, scanning the road ahead as he did so, chuckled. "So, are you going to open it?"

Coyly, her voice full of excitement, Danielle teased, "Only if you're sure you want me to?"

"I want you to, but only if you'll consent to be my wife?"

"Oh, David!" Danielle beamed. "I could kiss you!"

"Alright, but I think you better let me find a place to pull over first. You know, because the way things have been going with us, one kiss is never enough, and I don't think either one of us wants me to have an accident..."

After a quick stop in Danielle's room to drop off their overnight bags and freshen up, the happy couple headed directly for the conference room. Meggido was already there awaiting their arrival, which was a surprise for Danielle.

"Good morning!" Meggido greeted them pleasantly. "I trust the two of you had an enjoyable weekend?"

Though David returned Meggido's friendly greeting, Danielle, suddenly becoming aware that she had forgotten all about the telecommunications equipment that she was responsible for, began to castigate herself. "Shoot! I'll be damned if I didn't forgot all about this stuff in here. Well, I know what I'm doing the first thing tomorrow morning. I've got come in here and break down these equipment bays, pack up the units and see about getting them shipped back to the company."

"I beg to differ, young lady." It was Meggido. "You will do nothing of the sort. As far as that outfit you work for is concerned, you are teaching another course here in Columbus all this week. Therefore, this equipment cannot be shipped back to them before Saturday afternoon at the earliest."

"True..." Danielle countered. "But, since they don't know that I'm not actually teaching a course, I don't see any harm in breaking everything down and getting it ready to be shipped out."

"Well, I do, Danielle." Meggido countered. "While it might seem a bit over the top to you, my dear, when and wherever possible, I find it best to maintain one's cover story to the best of one's ability. And, since this hotel has a cleaning staff, it goes without saying that every evening they come in here to vacuum and empty the wastebaskets. And, since they do, they need to see a classroom, rather than a bunch of shipping containers. They also need to see, books, pencils, pens, highlights, notes, along with doodles and the normal kind of stuff one would expect to see in a classroom. In fact, since my people have forked out a tidy sum for this bogus course, how about the three of us unpack those two boxes of student materials that your company sent you for the second course, the very one you will not be teaching?"

As the three of them began unpacking the student material, Danielle became curious to know how Meggido had gained access to the room, as well as the extremely pricey telecommunications equipment that she was responsible for. "Xavier, how did you get in here? Did someone on the hotel's staff let you in?"

"No, my dear. As it was, I let myself in."

"How was that possible? How'ya come by a key?"

"Oh!" Meggido, finding Danielle's befuddlement to be rather amusing, chuckled, as he flourished his hand in the air before him, causing the fiber-ready multiplexers and miniaturized digital cross-connection units to power up on their own accord. "You see, my dear, I find that keys are no longer necessary, especially for someone in my chosen field of endeavors."

"Magic!" Danielle was both impressed and delighted. "Oh, that's rich! Tell me. What else can you do?"

"Well, besides turning men into women, I can do a great number of things..."

About a half an hour after that, two men, accompanied by one woman, entered the conference room. "Ah!" Meggido beamed. "My little troop of thieves and scalawags has finally arrived. Danielle! Please, let me introduce you to the rest of my little band of gypsies, tramps and thieves. The tall, ungainly scarecrow on the right is Mr. Chad Deavers. He is what you might call our resident techno-geek. That is to say that he is nominally in charge of all of our communications and cyber-information systems."

In an effort to clarify, David inserted himself into the conversation, earning for himself a reproachful look from Meggido. "What Xavier is so ineptly trying to say is that during a heist, excuse me, acquisition, Chad here sits in the back of our headquarters on wheels, i.e., our electronically tricked-out step van, trying his best to coordinate our efforts, and keep us from screwing-up royally."

With a perfunctory, "Thank, you David," Meggido continued. "The other gentleman is Mr. Gordon Amherst, who, much like our David here, is a Jack of all trades, in that he is accomplished in many fields, the art of misdirection being numbered foremost among them. Is that not so, Gordo?"

"If you say so, sir," Gordon Amherst replied smartly. "I am very pleased to met you, Danielle. And lest I forget, welcome to our little family. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

Picking up where he left off, Meggido continued on with his introductions, "Standing to Chad's right is our rose among thorns, Mrs. Angelica Medathol. And, you will be surprised to learn that like you, Danielle, Angelica was once a man herself."

"Yes," Angelica piped up, her voice, husky and seductive and conveying a hint of Slavic ancestry. "Xavier is correct, I was indeed a man. But, that was such a long, long time ago that I sometimes find it hard to remember that I ever was a man."

Seeking reassurance from Angelica, Danielle heard herself ask, "And, do you ever regret your decision to remain a woman?"

"No! Not at all! And I am sure that you won't either. In fact, Danielle, I am confident that you are going to absolutely love being both a woman, and a witch."

Angelica's trailing comment threw a monkey wrench into the proceedings.

"Witch!" a stunned Danielle lamely stammered. "What in God's name are you talking about, Angelica? I'm a woman, not a witch!"

Only too late Angelica realized that she had spoken out of turn and in doing so had let the cat out of the bag. Angelica turned to face Meggido, offering him, rather than Danielle, an apology. "I'm sorry, Xavier! I'm afraid I made a mistake. I just assumed that you had already told her."

"Told me what?" Danielle demanded of the elderly gentleman. "That I'm some kind of witch now?"

"Yes, my dear." There was an underlying sense of regret in Meggido's reply. "While I know it has come as a shock, you have indeed become what some would term a witch, and by all indications, a most powerful one at that, perhaps even the most powerful magic wielder to have come along in centuries."

"And," Danielle was quickly becoming vexed. "You were going to share this rather unsettling bit of news with me -- when?"

An unperturbed Meggido cleared his throat as a precursor to answering Danielle's question. "Actually, my dear, I was planning on telling you this evening at dinner. Now, while I deeply regret this, we do not have the time at present to address this particular concern, owing to the fact that we have quite a few items on our agenda to get to this afternoon. However, I will tell you this. But, I am afraid that it will have to suffice for now. Being a witch has absolutely nothing to do with being in league with the devil. So, you need not concern yourself with that absurd notion that witches and Satanism have anything in common. That is all nothing but a lot of hogwash that has been used to cast aspersions on those who have learned to manipulate the natural order of things through various metaphysical means. Therefore, being a witch is neither good nor bad. However, how a witch chooses to use her powers, well, that is something else altogether. Having said that, I am confident that you, my dear, will use your powers for the benefit of mankind, and therefore, you will be a good witch, and quite possible, the best of the best..."

Meggido finished his spiel. Keenly aware that Danielle was far from satisfied with his truncated explanation, Meggido, after checking his watch, moved on to brief his team on the upcoming heist. Using a detailed floor plan of the COSI building that he had taped to Danielle's whiteboard, Meggido started off his briefing with an orientation. In doing, he provided his crew with a thorough orientation of the building in which COSI was housed, paying particular attention to the areas in which various members of his team would be carrying out their individual assignments. With that accomplished, Meggido proceeded to outline the schedule of events for the black tie fundraiser that COIS would be playing host to come Saturday evening. Personal assignments followed that. As stated earlier, Chad would be in the van, playing the team's guardian angel by coordinating the efforts of the various team members. Angelica, having already secured a job with the catering service that had been hired to cater the event, would, at the appropriate time, create the primary diversion. It would be her job to conjure up a freak thunderstorm that would in turn, cause a very brief power failure. Gordon, in his role as a security guard, would at a prearranged time that was yet to be decided, make his way down to the basement. There, he would gain entry to the building's electrical room, and should the need arise, trip the building's main breaker. The results would be the same in either case. The building would be plunged into total darkness for a few seconds before the emergency lighting kicked in. In those few seconds of darkness, Meggido would swap out real the real crystal pyramid, and replace it with the reasonable facsimile that he had shown Danielle during dinner on her first evening in the hotel's restaurant.

"Excuse me, Xavier," Danielle piped up when Meggido concluded his briefing. "What exactly will David and I be doing while the rest of you are busy pulling off this switcheroo?"

Meggido flashed Danielle a most pleasant and unexpected smile, "That, my dear, is a very good question. Succinctly put my dear, you and David will be my guest at the affair. If all goes well, my hope is that neither you, nor David's services will be necessary. However, you should know that whenever we plan an acquisition of this nature, we like to take Mr. Murphy's rather pesky and persistent law into account. That is to say that we understand that anything that can go wrong, probably will go wrong, and at the worst possible moment. And that, my dear, is being optimistic. But, I want you and David on hand to serve as a contingency plan, so to speak. For the here and now of it, I have to confess that I have not given a lot of thought to how that contingency plan might work. But, fear not, my dear, for right after dinner tonight, I plan to lock myself in my room and devote the remainder of my evening trying to decide how I might best use the two of you. And, I guarantee that I will come up with something. However, if everything goes as planned, which I hope and pray it does, you and David will have nothing to do, other than to partake of the refreshments and enjoy yourselves. That said, I nevertheless want the two you there, if for no other reason than to observe how we work. Besides, I am in hopes that we may find a job for the two of you yet. In many ways, we like to emulate the Boy Scouts, in that we, like they, like to be prepared."

Before dismissing his crew, Meggido enlisted everyone's help in making the room appear like a classroom. Having placed student packets at all the tables, Meggido turned the meeting over to Danielle. Knowing fully well what Meggido wanted, Danielle instructed Chad, Gordon, David, Angelica, as well as Meggido, to open the packets and find the student handbooks that were contained within. She then instructed them to turn to the first work assignment and began telling them how to fill in the blanks, so as to make it seem that there had actually been students in attendance.

As promised, Meggido did address the witch business over dinner. He started by rehashing what he had said about it earlier that afternoon. Then, aware that Danielle wanted all the gory details, Meggido endeavored to satisfy her curiosity, while at the same time reassuring her that being a witch was not a bad thing. "I know the idea of being a witch does not sit well with you, my dear. But know this. The term 'witch' has been maligned and misconstrued over the long march of time. In truth, you are not a witch, but rather a sorceress, for in time, with training and guidance, you will have the power to magically alter things by the mere force of will alone. You see, Danielle, upon becoming a woman, you gained access to the metaphysical wherewithal that allows one with abilities such as you now possess to, shall we say, subvert the natural order of things in order to bring about miraculous and marvelous changes."

Danielle sought conformation, "You mean, I will be able to do the sort of things I've seen you do, you know, like unlocking the door to the conference room and turning on my telecommunications equipment by merely waving your hand in the air, and flexing your will?"

"Oh, my dear. By this time next year, if you apply yourself, you will be able to do what I can do, and so much more. You see, Danielle, while normal men and women can indeed become magic users, our strengths are limited and our abilities pale in comparison to those of the exulted once-men."

"Once-men?" Danielle was confused by the cumbersome term that Meggido had chosen to use.

"Ah!" Meggido said cheerfully. "The term 'once-men' is unknown to you. Well, that is as it should be. You see, my dear, once-men are simply women, such as Angelica and yourself, who were born male, and blessed with a latent potential for magic of the First Water. For some unknown reason, the very act of being transformed into a female awakens that dormant potential, thus the term once-men."

Seeking clarification, Danielle hesitantly inquired, "So, if I'm to believe you, I'm not a really a witch, but rather a once-man?"

"In truth, Danielle, it is all nothing more than a matter of semantics. You are what you are, nothing more, nothing less. And, if you would do me the singular honor of allowing me to train you in the use of this magical potential that you are now privy to as a 'once-man', I would be most grateful. However, if you prefer another mentor other than myself, I am sure that Angelica would be happy to take you on as her protegee..."

Somewhat later in their on going conversations, as three of them were partaking of their respective desert selections, Danielle remembered that she had something of Meggido's, something she no longer needed, and therefore, wished to return to him. After a somewhat frustrating search of the contents of her handbag, Danielle located the item she had been looking for. "Here, Xavier. I believe this ring belongs to you." And, with that said, Danielle placed the engagement ring that Meggido had given her down on the table directly in front of the elderly gentleman."

Picking the ring up, Meggido gave it an appraising look. Then, even as he was in the process of slipping the bogus engagement ring into his coat pocket, Meggido glanced over and took note of the white-gold diamond ring that graced the ring finger of Danielle's left hand. "I see that congratulations are in order, my dear? By any chance, have the two of you set a date for the wedding as yet? Oh, and Danielle, should you need a fatherly figure to give the bride away, I would deem it an honor to be considered to fill that venerated role..."

A short while later, as the couple made a beeline for Danielle's room and the bed that awaited them, David felt compelled to inquire, "So, I take it that you're no longer upset about the witch business?"

"No... Not at all... I mean, while I was at first, once Xavier explained it to me, I have to say that I'm kind of intrigued with the whole idea. Imagine me, a once-man. Oh! And, while we're on the subject, once I get the hang of how to use these powers of mine, you better watch your Ps & Qs, buster. Because, if I ever catch you cheating on me, or so much as looking at another woman with lust in your heart, I promise you that you'll rue the day."

With a chuckle infesting his voice, David teasingly quipped, "So, what are you going to do to if I do develop a wandering eye? Punish me? Possibly go so far as to turn me into some kind of freak?"

"No..." Danielle began to ponder the matter. "I think I'd tailor the punishment to fit the crime."

"Yeah! And, what, exactly, does that mean?"

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe, I'll just turn you into a stacked and packed member in good standing of the fairer sex. That ought to teach you a lesson."

"Actually, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun. In fact, were you to do that to me, you and I could be lesbian lovers."

"Yeah..." Danielle mused aloud. "We could at that. But, then again, what fun would that be? Instead of punishing you, I'd be punishing me, you know, because I've come to like feeling you nestled up inside of me..."

While Danielle and David were eating a late breakfast in the hotel's restaurant that Tuesday morning, Meggido approached them, and politely inquired as to if he might be permitted to join them. Since he had already eaten breakfast, Meggido asked their waitress if he could please have a cup of coffee, informing the waitress as he did so that she need not bring him any cream, owing to the fact that he drank his coffee black.

"Danielle," Meggido inquired once the waitress had gone off to fetch him his coffee. "By any chance have you notified your immediate superior of your intentions to terminate your employment?"

"Yes," she replied somewhat dourly. "I sent my boss an e-mail last Friday afternoon to that effect. I told him that since I wasn't scheduled to teach anymore classes, starting next week, I would be taking the three weeks of paid vacation that's due me, and once all my vacation days are all used up, I would be terminating my employment. I kind of feel bad, you know, because I really should have called my boss and clue him in on what was going on. The truth of the matter is that my immediate supervisor is probably relieved to hear that I found another job, owing to the fact that I, along with pretty much all of the instructional staff, were slated to be let go at the end of the quarter. That said, I still feel like I should have done the decent thing and called him. All things considered, he and I, while not really friends, had a good working relationship. I just feel like I owed him a heads-up. But, given the rather convoluted circumstances that I find myself in, you know, with me being a woman and all now, I couldn't really do that, now could I?"

"No, my dear," Meggido concurred, "It would not have been advisable for you to have called him under the circumstances. As it was, you had no choice in the matter. You had to resort to e-mail in order to notify him. However, if you would still like to call your boss, I can arrange it for you. Do you by any chance have your cellphone with you?"

Even as her face scrunched up into a quizzical scowl, Danielle replied that she did indeed have her cellphone with her. It was in her pocketbook.

"May I please see it a moment, my dear?" Meggido held out his left hand, indicting that Danielle should pass her phone over to him. "Fear not, Danielle, I will return your phone to you momentarily."

Holding Danielle's cellphone in his left hand, Meggido swept his right hand over it. "That should do it." He then held her phone out so that Danielle could take possession of it.

"Xavier," said David. "Don't you think that you ought to tell Danielle what you just did, and why you did it?"

"By all means, my boy. You are indeed correct. I have been remiss in that regard." Then, turning his head to address Danielle directly, Meggido explained that he had magically tinkered with her phone so that she could call her boss, or for that matter, anyone she had ever known.

"Xavier," a dubious Danielle sought an explanation. "How can that be? I don't sound anything like the man I used to be."

"That is a true statement, my dear" Meggido readily agreed with Danielle's assertion. "You no longer sound anything like the man you once were. However, should you call anyone you knew prior to becoming female with your cellphone, they will hear your old manly baritone on their end, rather than this new, sultry and unmistakably feminine voice you now possess..."

"Oh!" Danielle face broadened into an appreciative smile. "Thank you! You're a lifesaver, Xavier..."

Meggido had a second subject that he wished to discuss with David and Danielle. "As promised, I gave a lot of thought to how we might use the two of you to our best advantage come Saturday night. Now, while I know David's capabilities, both his strengths and his weaknesses, the latter of which are few and far between, you, my dear, are as yet an unknown quantity. While I truly believe that you will become an essential member of the team, I can not in good faith ask you to do something that you are neither trained nor comfortable with doing. That would be very foolish of me to put that kind of pressure on you. So, until I have time to work with you, all I want you to do for the time being is be on hand to observe. That, in and of itself, will put you in good stead for operations that we will no doubt be undertaking in the future..."

For her part, Danielle was relieved to hear Meggido say that and she was quick to inform David of her feelings once the elderly gentleman had taken his leave of them.

Promptly at one that afternoon, the whole team assembled in the conference room for another briefing and planning session. Drawing everyone's attention to the detailed floor plan that was once again taped to Danielle's whiteboard, Meggido informed his team that he had received word that there had been some changes, and that the ancient artifact display had been moved from the Traveling Exhibits Area and into the Founders Atrium. While Meggido did not think that the move would help or hinder them, it nevertheless merited their attention. Contingencies were discussed and debated, as each member of Meggido's team took their turn at playing devil's advocate.

"Danielle!" Angelica, somewhat tentatively, inquired. "While I know Meggido only wants you there as an observer, would you be adverse where we to use you as, shall we say, a minor diversion, should the need arise, which, in this instance, I seriously doubt that it will?" Then, before Danielle could respond, Angelica commandingly snapped, "Wait! Before you answer, Danielle, hear me out! This thing at COSI is a black tie affair, which means you will be wearing an evening gown. And, that got me to thinking. What if the evening gown you are wearing just happens to be strapless? And, what if - Poof! - its zipper malfunctions, and suddenly unzips itself, exposing your rather noteworthy endowments in the process? Were that to happen, you might shriek from the embarrassment of it all. People, being people, would look. And, while they were looking at you, they wouldn't be looking at Meggido. He then takes full advantage of the situation; switches out the crystal pyramid, and when the night is over, we all go our merry way without anyone becoming the wiser."

Having laid it all out, Angelica put the question to Danielle. "So, what do you say? Do you think that you could handle something like that? I know it's asking a lot, to expose yourself like that, but when push comes to shove, can you take one for the team?" Then, by way of an experiment, Angelica flourished her hand in the air, causing the both the blouse and bra Danielle was wearing to disappear.

Instinctively, in a knee-jerk reaction, Danielle reached up, and using her hands, cupped her breast in an effort to conceal them.

"That's exactly the reaction I was looking for!" Angelica giddily exclaimed. "So, Danielle, in a pinch, can you do it?"

Petulantly, Danielle responded, "Have I got a choice in the matter?"

"Of course you do, Danielle." David chimed in. "Angelica!" He was gruff. "Give Danielle her clothes back."

"Okay!" It was Angelica's turn to sound petulant, even as Danielle found herself fully clothed once again. "I was only trying to prove a point."

"Well, Danielle..." Gordon entered the fray. "What do you say? Can you do it, or can't you? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

With a great deal of reluctance, Danielle guardedly replied, "I may not like it, but if it becomes necessary, sure... why the hell not! After all, I've got a great body, so why not flaunt it? If I've got to pull a Lady Godiva every now again, I think I can live with it." Then, Danielle's tone of voice took on a brazen quality, as she said, "Tell you what, Angelica. Just to prove a point, how 'bout I give these guys here a real thrill. How 'bout you birthday suit me?"

Before David could forestall his cohort from acting, Angelica had complied with Danielle's unexpected request. One moment Danielle was fully clothed, the next, save for the high heels that adorned her feet, Danielle stood there as nude as a jaybird.

Chad's jaw dropped, as he stood transfixed, shamelessly gawking at the personification of feminine beauty that the former Daniel Johnson had become. Gordon, a shit-eating grin spreading on his face, unashamedly admired the femme fatale that stood resplendently in their midst. As for Meggido, he just stood there, wagging his head in a display of disgust. "Alright, Angelica..." the elder man heaved a disgruntle sigh. "I think we have all seen enough. So, if you would be so kind, I'd really like to put this little sideshow behind us, and get back to the business at hand..."

At the completion of the meeting, much as they had the day before, everyone pitched in, and following Danielle's directions, gave the conference room the appearance of a functioning classroom. Angelica went so far as to use her magical wherewithal to populate the bogus classroom's trashcans with several empty soda cans, a pair of coffee stained Styrofoam cups, along with a smattering of candy and cellophane snack wrappers.

Though they had been invited to dine with the rest of the members of the team, Dave, wishing to spend an intimate evening with Danielle, begged off.

"What gives, David?" Danielle inquired once the two of them were out of earshot from the others. "Why didn't you want go out to eat with the rest of them? I mean, being the new kid on the block, so to speak, the last thing I need right now is to alienate any of them. Right now, save for yourself, and perhaps Meggido, your cohorts are the closest things to friends I have. Besides, I'm not at all sure if any of them like me or not. Tell me, did I by any chance embarrass you when I encouraged Angelica to magically disrobe me?"

"Embarrass me, no..." David chuckled. "You didn't embarrass me at all. Believe it or not, Danielle, when you egged Angelica on like you did, I was extremely proud of you. You showed all of them, including yours truly, that you've got what it takes. I don't know whether you are aware of this or not, but you've earned their respect. You showed them that when push comes to shove they can depend on you. And, that's important. But, I can tell you one thing. That little stunt of yours has me worried."

"How so?"

"Well, by your own admission, you are both a nymphomaniac and a narcissist."

"Yeah... So?" Danielle had her hackles up, and was ready to pounce.

"So, I think we can add something else to that short list."

"Such as?" Danielle prompted.

"Such as, exhibitionist. I saw the glint in your eye when you where prancing around the conference room in the altogether. You were enjoying the hell out of it. And, don't you dare deny it, 'cause we both know you were."

"Yeah..." Danielle impishly smirked. "I guess I was at that. By any chance, did you get a good look at Chad's face when I was standing there without a stitch on? The way he was gawking, you'da though he had never seen a woman nude before."

"I don't want to burst your bubble, Danielle, but I doubt that Chad has ever seen a woman nude, especially one that's got a body anywhere even near as easy on the eyes as yours."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"That's good. Because that's how it was meant."

Changing the subject, Danielle inquired, "So, where are you planning on taking me for dinner?"

"Oh, I don't know. I haven't given it a lot of thought. How's a nice juicy steak sound?"

"Sound's like a plan to me..."

Wednesday morning, right after breakfast, Meggido held a rather truncated briefing in which he informed the members of his acquisition team that he had gotten word that there had been some more changes made. One of COSI's major benefactors, a woman who Meggido describes as a cantankerous foul-mouthed old biddy, had objected to the crystal display being moved into the Founders Atrium. And, because she had, the crystal display was being moved back to its original location in the Traveling Exhibits Area.

Logistics were discussed. Then, with their business finished, Angelica, using her magic, replenished the trashcans with rubbish and used soda cans, as the others turned to and rearranged the organized clutter on the students' desks.

Clapping his hands to gain everyone's attention, Meggido said, "Alright, children. I'll see you all back here tomorrow morning at, shall we say, nine? Until then, behave yourselves. Chad, my boy! If you have a minute, I'd like a word with you..."

Though a little on the cool side, the day was sunny, and so, on David's suggestion, he and Danielle decided to spend the remainder of their day seeing the sights at the Columbus Zoo. As it was, most of the animals were not only out and about, but were fairly active due to the cooler weather.

While they were at the zoo, David received a text-message from Chad, informing the couple that Meggido wished to talk with them, and therefore, hoped that they would do him the honor of joining him for dinner at their hotel. David, having let Danielle read the contents of Chad's text-message, texted Chad back, instructing him to relay the message to Xavier that he and Danielle would be delighted to have dinner with the elderly gentleman.

Basically, what Meggido wanted was to encourage Danielle to go online at her earliest convenience, and once logged on, see if she could locate an evening gown that tickled her fancy, as well as all the accouterments that she would need to complete her ensemble. Once her selections were made, Meggido told Danielle to have David e-mail them to Chad, who, in turn, would forward them to Angelica, who would then use her magical wherewithal to procure the various items of apparel for Danielle.

As soon as David and Danielle got back to her room, Danielle powered up her laptop, went on line, and with David's help, began her search.

After an hour of browsing one site of women's apparel after another, David teasingly groused, "Geesh, Danielle! How many dresses are you going to look at before you make your final selection? I mean, I was under the impression that you wanted to fool around tonight."

"I do want to fool around, but I need to check out a few more sites before I make my final decision. However, you'll be happy to hear that unless I run across something else that I like better than what I've already seen, I've managed to narrow my choices down to a grand total of seven."

"That's good, Danielle. So, after you've made your selection, you and I can make love?"

"No silly!" Danielle chortled. "After I finished picking out my evening gown, I need to look for some shoes. And, after that, I'm going to need a clutch purse and some jewelry..."

David, who was quickly becoming bored, was not a happy camper. But, though he was not, he knew better than to put up a fuss.

It was shortly after eleven when David's patience finally wore out. Getting up from the bed where he spent the better part of the evening watching television, he walked over to where Danielle sat at the table looking at the images that were displayed on her laptop's screen. Leaning in over her back, David casually inquired, how's it going?'

"All things considered, I'd say pretty good. So far, I've picked out my gown, shoes, as well as a handbag. However, I'm still not sure exactly what sort of jewelry I want to go with though..."

David, wishing to ascertain something he deemed important, interjected, "Tell me that you've been saving the links so that we can forward them to Chad?"

"I most certainly have. What you think: I'm an imbecile or something? Of course I saved the links."

"Good!" David said as he reached around her, and taken possession of her wireless mouse, clicked on the 'Start' menu. As soon as the menu appeared, he clicked on the 'Turn Off Computer' icon.

"And, just what do you think you doing, David. I haven't quite finished yet."

"Yes darling, you have. Like it or not, you, my love, are coming to bed with me." And, with that said, he picked Danielle up; carried her around to her side of the bed, and there, unceremoniously dropped her onto it.

Thursday, the team spent most of the morning and practically all of the afternoon in the conference room firming up their plans. After dinner that evening, Danielle and David decided to go for a leisurely dip in the hotel's pool. After that, they showered, changed, and then headed over to the pub and shot a few games of pool. As she usually did, Danielle whooped David's ass.

The day Friday was pretty much a repeat of Thursday, save that Meggido started off the day by informing his crew that COSI's Managing Director, upon being made aware that someone had undermined his authority, had belligerently ordered the ancient artifact display moved back into the Founders Atrium. Though the move did not pose any great problem for Meggido's team, it did necessitate some discussions in order to compensate for the change.

It was at that point in the proceedings that Gordon caused a bit of a stir. "I hate to mention this, sir, but the other day, when Angelica and I were over at COSI getting a lay of the land, while I cannot be a hundred percent certain, I think I may have spotted Rancor Cattilion out of the corner of my eye."

Everybody, save for Danielle, appeared to understand the implication of Gordon's possible sighting. "Who," she heard herself inquire, "may I ask is Rancor Cattilion and what's he got to do with anything?"

Before Meggido could supply Danielle with an answer to her question, Chad piped up. "Simply put, he's the opposition, in that he's Xavier's opposite number."

Danielle could not believe what she was hearing. "You mean to tell me that there's another group out there that wants to get their hands on the very same crystal pyramid that you all are here to steal?"

"Yes." Meggido replied dryly. "I am sorry to have to tell you this, my dear, but if Gordo here did in fact see the gentleman he thinks he saw, it means that we are not the only ones who are seeking to abscond with the crystal pyramid. And, as much as I hate to say this, it would not bode well for anyone should the 'others' manage to acquire it."

"You mean to tell me that there are 'others'? Danielle demanded.

"Yes, my dear." Meggido sorrowfully sighed. "I'm sorry to say that there are indeed 'others'. And unlike us, they do not have an altruistic motive. Should they acquire the pyramid, they will no doubt use it for their nefarious purposes."

Danielle, not at all happy about not being clued in on the existence of such a group prior to this, was incensed. "And, you haven't felt it necessary to tell me about them before this - because?"

"Because, my dear, I did not want to frighten you. I now see that it was wrong of me to withhold such a crucial piece of information from you. All I can say is that I am sorry, and that I will not make such an obvious mistake again..."

Meggido continue on to explain to Danielle that there were two groups of dedicated individuals who have vied with each other throughout the long march of time. Meggido's group, the one that had invited Danielle to join their ranks, called themselves simply, 'The Stewards of Humanity' for they wished to prevent the other group, 'The Vexthelogians' as Meggido named them, from gaining ascendancy over humankind. The crystal pyramid was but one of the many magical tools that had been created that could give the Vexthelogians an edge in their unrelenting struggle to gain dominance. "And that, Danielle, is why we do what we do. We cannot allow the Vexthelogians to get hold of the crystal pyramid. They not only could, but no doubt would, use it to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting world. And that is why it is so troubling to hear that Rancor Cattilion may well be here in Columbus. And if he is here, his team of cutthroats and purloiners are no doubt here as well. Which means we will have to proceed as if he and his team are here..."

The six of them discussed the matter for quite some time, exploring and expanding their contingency plans as they did so. Vigilance, they all agreed, was the key to thwarting Rancor Cattilion and his acquisition team of unscrupulous Vexthelogians.

After that aspect of their daily discussion was talked to death, Chad, the team's electronics expert, had the whole lot of them, including Meggido, test out the various communication gear that they would be using as a means to coordinate their efforts come Saturday evening.

For Danielle's part, she was both surprised and delighted when Angelica handed her a pair of earrings, as well as a matching necklace. One of the earrings contained a receiver, while the necklace concealed a voice-activated transmitter. "What, no shoe phones?" Danielle sarcastically quipped, as she held the necklace out so David could secure it about her neck.

"No," David smirked. "We found using those to be a little cumbersome..."

Beside the earrings and necklace, Angelica also presented Danielle with a matching bracelet, as well a long plastic garment bag that contained the stylish evening gown that Danielle had selected for herself on-line. Angelica also passed Danielle a shoebox that contained a pair of metallic silver stiletto heel sandals. Angelica was far from finished, for she next supplied Danielle with a matching metallic silver clutch purse. Completing the exchange, the senior once-man presented Danielle with a large plastic shopping bag that was filled with a whole gaggle of items that Danielle was going to need in preparing herself to attend the formal shindig that COSI was hosting.

The meeting broke up shortly after two, prompting Danielle to ask Meggido if it was okay for her to start breaking down the equipment bays and packing-up the various electronic components so that they would be ready to be shipped back to her company come Monday. Meggido not only gave his permission, but graciously offered Chad, Gordon and David's assistance in breaking down the bays, suggesting that he and Angelica would attend to boxing up the student materials that littered all the desk. Danielle, being no fool, gladly accepted Meggido's offer of help.

"Xavier," Danielle raised a question. "What are we going to with all the student workbooks, as well as the technical CDs that are included in the student packets? I mean, we're not going to just toss them in the dumpster along with the rest of the stuff, are we?"

Heaving a sigh, Meggido replied, "I am afraid that we are going have to do just that, my dear. However, we are not going to dispose of them in the hotel's dumpsters. That would not do at all. Given the persnickety way that law of Mr. Murphy's works, someone might chance to see them, and that could lead to someone asking some very embarrassing questions, questions no doubt that you, my dear, would have to deal with. So, what I propose we do is to cart them out to Chad's van, so that he can discreetly dispose of them in various places over the next several days..."

That evening Danielle tried to relax and enjoy herself. And, for the most part, she did just that. However, every now and again, her mind would stray, dredging up ominous thoughts of this mysterious group that Meggido had named 'The Vexthelogians'.

"David, tell me something. Are these Vexthelogians as bad as Meggido made them out to be?"

"Actually, they're worse than Xavier made them out to be. Trust me, Danielle. The Vexthelogians are not what you or I might call nice people. Angelica claims that they're evil incarnate, and she should know, given how long she's been contending with them. But, you needn't worry your pretty little head about them, Danielle. We've crossed swords with them on numerous occasions, both singularly and as a group, and we've always managed to come out on top."

"Yeah... But, there's always a first time."

"True enough... But, as long as we've got Xavier on our side, there's absolutely nothing to worry about."

"But, when it comes to magic, I thought that Angelica was a lot more powerful than Xavier."

"That's true. She is. In fact, Angelica is head and shoulders more powerful when it comes to the magical arts than Xavier is. But, that old man is the most cunning man I've ever known. Plus, he knows how to fight dirty, dirtier than even Rancor Cattilion."

"Okay! So, Xavier can handle himself in a fight. What about you? Can you say the same for yourself? I mean, what do you suppose would happen if you had to deal with this Rancor Cattilion fellow?"

"Oh, that's an easy one! Rest assured, I'd whoop his ass good."

"How in the world can you say something like that, David, especially since I've never seen you do anything even remotely magical?"

"Oh! So, I'm going to marry a skeptic, am I? Well, for your information, just because you haven't seen me do anything magical, doesn't for one moment mean that I can't." and with that said, David raised his right hand and spreading his fingers slightly, flourished it the air before him. Danielle, who had been dressed casually in jeans, a fisherman's white bulky-knit turtleneck sweater, and a pair of black kidskin high heels, suddenly found herself wearing only a slinky pink camisole and a matching pair of glossy pink stiletto heel pumps.

"David!" Danielle giddily exclaimed. "I had no idea you could do anything like this!"

"Well, now you do. And, if Rancor Cattilion dares to shows his face, you haven't a thing to worry about, because I'll whip some magic on him and, slam, bam, thank you ma'am, he'll end up dressed the same way you are now!"

"And, you think that'll teach him a lesson?" Danielle couldn't stop giggling.

"No! But, it'll sure embarrass the hell out of him..."

Early Saturday morning, shortly after the whole team ate breakfast together at nearby Denny's, Meggido conducted a very short meeting in the conference room that had ostensibly served as Danielle's classroom. Having not heard of any new changes occurring in the black tie affairs' itinerary, everything seemed to be a go. Added to that, there had been no further sightings of Rancor Cattilion or any of his cronies, which was another good sign.

Starting with Chad, Meggido had each team member state his or her individual assignments for the evening. Then, after a quick recap of how the snatch and grab was to go down, Meggido dismissed everybody, but only after he admonished them to relax and get some rest, owing to the fact that he wanted all of them functioning at the top of their game that evening.

Having tarried long enough to allow Chad, Gordon and Angelica to take their leave of the conference room, Meggido casually inquired, "Danielle, did you by any chance call your boss?"

"Yes. I called him late yesterday afternoon."

"Did everything go alright?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it went quite well. In fact, given how much he's dreading having to let almost all of his reporting people go, he was happy to hear that I found another job."

"That is most gratifying to learn, Danielle. I take it that my spell worked as advertised, and your boss never once became suspicious, or picked up on the fact that you are no longer a man?"

"No, not that I'm aware of. However," Danielle tried hard to suppress a giggle, "I had a hell of a hard time dealing with the fact that he kept calling me Daniel. And, that's because I don't think of myself as a Dan or Daniel anymore. I'm Danielle, and it kind of threw me for loop when my boss kept addressing me as Daniel."

"That is as it should be, Danielle," Meggido replied. "You do realize that you've been a woman for sixteen days."

"Yes," Danielle's tone was guarded. "I'm aware of that."

"That means, if you wish me to do so, I can change you back first thing tomorrow."

"Thank you for offering, Xavier. But, I've made my decision. I'm a woman now, and I'd like to remain one."

"As you wish, my dear... As you wish..."

With nothing special on tap for the day, David and Danielle headed over to the nearest mall and spent the remainder of the morning and half of the afternoon window-shopping. They would have remained at the mall for another hour or so were it not for the fact that David received a call from Meggido in which the elder gentleman informed David that something had come up, and that he wished to meet with David ASAP.

"Is it Rancor Cattilion? Did someone on the team see him or one of his colleagues?" Danielle demanded, as soon as David severed the connection, and was in the process of slipping his cellphone back into his pants' pocket.

"Xavier didn't say."

"So, what did he say?" Danielle's curiosity was pegged on high.

"That he wanted to see me as soon as possible."

"And, that's all he said."

"Yes, that is all he said."

"So, why, when you were on the phone with him, didn't you ask him what he wanted to see you about?" Danielle pressed.

"Because, if Xavier want to tell me over the phone, he would have done so."

"But, aren't you curious?"

"Of course I'm curious. But, knowing Xavier as I do, I know that it doesn't do a bit of good to press him. Xavier will tell me when he's good and ready to tell me, and not a moment before."

As David pulled into their hotel's parking lot, he said, "Look, I have no idea how long my meeting with Xavier is going to take, so my suggestion to you is, get yourself a snack to tide you over. And if I'm not back when you've finished eating, you really ought to take a shower and starting getting yourself ready for this evening. If for some reason or another, I am unable to touch base with you before six, since I've got to get dressed as well, rest assured that I will be around to your room to collect you by seven at the latest. So, just be sure you're ready to hit the road by seven. Oh! And, just so you know. Xavier doesn't like to be kept waiting, and since we're going in the limo with him, you need to make doubly sure that you're ready to go when he is. Otherwise, there'll be hell to pay."

As it was, David did not touch base with Danielle before six. Though half-tempted to call Meggido and demanded to know where David was, Danielle, thinking that if there was a problem someone would no doubt get in touch with her, restrained herself.

At a quarter to seven, Danielle heard a knock on her door. "David!" she called out expectantly, as she started for the door that opened onto the hallway. "Is that you?"

"No, my dear. I am afraid that it is I, Xavier."

Opening the door to allow Meggido to enter her room, a somewhat agitated and perturbed Danielle quickly demanded. "Where's David?"

"I'm sorry, my dear, but there has been a slight change of plans," Meggido, aware that Danielle was not a happy camper, offered her an explanation. "Unforeseen circumstances demanded that Angelica's presence be elsewhere this evening. That being the case, since we are a team member short this evening, circumstances have forced us to fall back on one of our contingency plans. Instead of going with the freak thunderstorm that Angelica was to have conjured up for us, Gordon will have to trip COSI's main breaker."

"That makes sense, but you still haven't answered my questions. Where's David? Why isn't he here?"

"He isn't here to escort you, because he has to backfill for Angelica. Now, I know you wish things were different, and that David, rather than I, was going to serve as your escort this evening. But, I am afraid that in this line of work, we all have sacrifices to make every now and again, my dear. So, while I know fully well that it'll be a case of grin and bear it for you to be seen with an old decrepit fuddy-duddy like yours truly, I would deem it a great honor if you will allow me to function as your escort this evening. I promise to do everything in my power to see that you have an enjoyable evening. Oh! And, lest I forget my manners, fair lady, let me start off by saying that you look absolutely fetching tonight..."

A white stretch limo was waiting outside the hotel's lobby door to transport Danielle and Meggido to COSI. Danielle, having never seen such opulence in an automobile before, was impressed. "Danielle, would you perhaps like a glass of champagne?" Meggido pleasantly inquired once they comfortably seated in the limo's cavernous passenger compartment.

"Yes. Come to think of it, I would at that."

A few minutes later, Danielle sought confirmation; "David is going be there, isn't he?"

"Yes, my dear." Meggido pulled his cuff back and glanced at his watch. "In fact, he should already be there."

"Good!" Danielle sounded pleased. "Because, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets a load of me in this gorgeous gown I'm wearing."

"I do not mean to argumentative, my dear. But, it is not that gown that you are wearing that is gorgeous, rather it is you who are gorgeous..."

Looping both her arms about Meggido's right arm, Danielle gave the elderly gentleman a little hug. "Thank you for saying that, Xavier."

"I only spoke the truth, Danielle. With the exception of my dear departed wife, you, my dear, are one of the loveliest creatures I have ever had the pleasure of beholding, and I deem it a rare honor to be escorting you this evening..."

Having just been helped out of the limo by the vehicle's extremely courteous chauffeur, Danielle heard Chad's disembodied voice, "This is a radio check, Danielle. Please, acknowledge so that I know that both your receiver and transmitter are working."

"I can hear you just fine, Chad. Where are you?"

"I'm parked around the back. Xavier, it's your turn. How are you reading me?"

Raising his hand to conceal his lips, Meggido responded, "I am receiving you just fine, Chad. Are David and Gordon on the com-channel as well?"

"Here, sir!" Danielle recognized Gordon's voice. Then, after a few seconds had elapsed with no acknowledgement from David, a worried Danielle fretfully inquired. "Where's David? Why hasn't he responded?"

It was Chad who responded. "Not to worry, Danielle. David's here. Right now he's in the Founders' Atrium. I see him clearly in both monitor number two and also on five. He just isn't in a situation where he can reply right now. However, I can assure you that he can hear you just fine, so if you want to tell him that you love him, be my guest."

"Chad!" Meggido voice gruffly admonished. "That is quite enough of your tomfoolery, understand?"

Knowing that he had breached protocol, a chastised Chad contritely replied, "Yes, sir! I got your message loud and clear. I promise, it won't happen again."

"See that it does not, Chad. See that it does not..."

Proffering his left forearm to Danielle, Meggido formally declared, "We have tarried out here long enough, my dear. It is high time for the two of us to proceed inside."

Entering the building, Meggido led Danielle over to the tail end of the queue of the roped-off receiving line. Ten minutes later, having been introduced to the COSI director, as well as of a smattering of the museum's more active and influential patrons, Meggido, having spied an old acquaintance in the milling crowd, walked over and introduced Danielle to the man and his elegantly attired wife. Having done so, Meggido continued on to engage the elderly couple in some inconsequential chitchat that Danielle found to be on the lame side of boring. As for Danielle, knowing fully well what was expected of her, she smiled and nodded at the appropriate times, keeping up the appearance that she was interested in the conversation when she was anything but engaged in what was being said.

Finished with that conversation, Meggido, saying that he would touch base with the couple somewhat later in the evening, excused himself and proceeded to guide Danielle over to where three couples were busily engaged in exchanging pleasantries with one another. "William! Martha! Professor Chadwick! Helen! And, I'm sorry," Meggido said, as he addressed the third couple, "I do not believe I have had the pleasure..."

With that said, the bald headed gentleman who Meggido had addressed as William took over, and introduced the third couple to both Danielle and Xavier. "Brian! Amanda!" Meggido laid it on thick. "Having heard William talk so highly about the two of you, I must say it is both an honor and a pleasure to finally meet the two of you. Now, if I might, may I have the distinct pleasure of introducing you to my son's fiancée."

"Oh!" the woman, who Meggido had identified as Helen, chimed in at that point. "And, just how is your son, David, doing?"

Though she been only half-listening to the conversation, the last exchange threw Danielle for a loop. 'David's Xavier's son?' she quizzically put the question to herself. 'How come I'm just hearing about this now? I mean, I would have thought that someone would have told me about that rather significant little detail long before this...'

Talk about somebody being hot under the collar. Danielle was ready to lambaste somebody, up one side and down the other. Her problem was that she was not exactly sure who that somebody was going to be. David? Meggido? Maybe even Chad, if the other two were not available, since he was technically the team's information-guru.

'And, just where the hell is that David of mine?' Danielle had been clandestinely scanning the crowd trying to see if she could locate him ever since she had first entered the complex on Meggido's arm. 'Chad said he was here somewhere! But, I'll be damned if I've seen him...'

Just then, one of the catering service's waitresses intruded on Danielle's musings, "Excuse me, but would mademoiselle like a glass of champagne?"

"Yes. Thank you, I would," Danielle nonchalantly replied, as she reached over and lifted a glass of champagne off of the tray that the waitress adroitly carried on the splayed fingertips of her right hand.

Hefting the glass of champagne clear, Danielle seized the opportunity that the waitress presented her with. Quickly reading the name printed on the waitress's nametag, Danielle seized the moment as she inquired, "Dana, have you by any chance seen a ruggedly handsome man in his mid to late thirties? He has blue eyes, a strong chin, dimples, and curly brown hair that's starting to go gray at the temples. Oh! And, he stands just a smidgen over six feet tall, and looks to be fit."

"I've seen several men here that fit that description, ma'am. Could you be a little more specific? Does he perhaps wear glasses?" the waitress was endeavoring to be helpful.

"No, he doesn't wear glasses. And, no, I'm afraid I can't be anymore specific than I have been. But, I do have another idea that might help to identify him. Were any of these men here alone?"

"Not that I recall, ma'am..." the waitress thoughtfully replied. "No... The more I think about it, I do believe that they all were accompanied by female companions."

"Oh, well... It was worth a try," Danielle muttered under her breath. Then, in a slightly louder voice, Danielle asked if the waitress could do her a favor and keep an eye out for an unaccompanied man who fit the description she had previously provided. The waitress said she would be happy to do so for Danielle. Then, in an afterthought, the waitress, who was beginning to look a little edgy, informed Danielle that she did not want to appear rude or discourteous, but that she really could not tarry longer. If her supervisor saw her doing so, it might appear that she was shirking her duties.

Replying that she understood, Danielle, who found herself quite taken with the waitress's striking appearance, allowed the woman to continue making her rounds. 'Hmm..." Danielle though as she admired the way the waitress' hips seductively gyrated as the woman disappeared into the milling crowd. 'Now, that's something to behold? What a great ass! There's no two ways about it! I'm either still more of a man than I thought I was or, as a woman, I'd have to say that I'm bisexual...'

For the next thirty minutes or so, Danielle began to scan the crowd, hoping that she might catch sight of David.

Unable to contain herself any longer, an anxious and apprehensive Danielle, pretending to take a sip of champagne, surreptitiously queried, "Chad! Are you sure David's here, because I have yet to catch even a glimpse of him?"

Though there was a slight delay, Chad, having checked his monitors, replied, "Yes, I'm sure. David has just passed through the lobby and is now headed into the Founders' Atrium."

"Chad!" Meggido intruded. "Have you seen any sign of Rancor Cattilion or any of his minions?"

"No, sir! I haven't seen hide nor hair of any of them in any of my monitors. Added to that, the face-recognition program that I've got running has yet to get a hit. So if there are any Vexthelogians inside, which I seriously doubt, they're holed up somewhere."

"That is comforting to hear." Meggido mused aloud. "Just keep us posted if there are any changes."

"Will do, boss." Chad replied cavalierly. "You can count on me."

Fifteen minutes after Meggido's exchange with Chad, Danielle, using the excuse that she needed to avail herself of the Ladies Room, set off to conduct her own search for David. Ten minutes later, an extremely frustrated Danielle returned to stand by Meggido's side. "I take it that you were unable to locate your young man?"

"If you are referring to your son, then you are correct," an irked Danielle groused. "I couldn't find him anywhere."

"Oh!" Meggido chortled. "You picked up on the fact that David is my son, did you? And, to assuage your curiosity, my dear, it is true. David is indeed my son, which means, you shall soon be my daughter-in-law. Now, as to where that son of mine is, let me assure you that he is here. In fact, while you are unaware of this, the two of you engaged one another in, shall we say, a truncated and somewhat lopsided conversation."

Incredulously, Danielle rounded on her elderly escort. "I've done nothing of the sort, Xavier. In fact, I've hardly said more than a dozen words to anybody, save for yourself, since we've been here."

"Not to be argumentative, my dear, but if you take a moment to think about it, you have indeed engaged in a conversation with someone that is here at COSI tonight."

"Oh, yeah!" Danielle realized that Meggido's assertion was correct. "You're right, Xavier. I did speak to that ever so attractive waitress who was carting around the champagne."

"Yes, my dear. You did at that."

"Holy shit!" Danielle giddily exclaimed, as her mind grasped the only logical conclusion that made any sense to her. "Xavier, is this your way of telling me that that waitress really is my David?"

"What do you think, Danielle? The proof, they say, is in the pudding, and I take it that you were sexually attracted to the young woman who was carting around the champagne, were you not?"

"Yes! Yes, I was!" Danielle's excitement was growing by leaps and bounds. "And that's strange, because ever since I made that wish that turned me into a real honest to goodness woman, I haven't felt that way about another woman. That's to say that, while I still find women to be extremely attractive, they don't turn me like they once did. But, come to think of it, that waitress, and that ever so cute little derriere of hers, really started to get my juices flowing."

"Hey everybody! We got us a full blown lesbo alert!" Chad's sarcastic intonations resonated in Danielle's ear.

"Chad!" Meggido's voice was as stern as Danielle had ever heard it. "Knock it off! My future daughter-in-law does not need to hear that sort of rubbish from the likes of you."

"Yes, sir!" Chad glibly replied. "Knocking it off now, sir!"

Just then, Danielle felt a presence drawing up close behind her. Turning, she saw that it was Dana, the waitress she had been talking to earlier. "David, is that really you in there?"

"Yes," Dana replied cheerfully, "'Tis I." Then, drawing in close, and speaking in voice set just a few decibels above that of a whisper, Dana, aware that Chad, Gordon, as well as her father could also hear what she was about to say, Dana nevertheless continued. "Just so you know, Danielle, I think you look absolutely fantastic tonight. I just wish things had worked out as planned, and that Angelica hadn't been called away at the last moment. I promise, I'll make this up to you."

"You do realize that that is a promise I'm going hold you to." Danielle smugly countered. "But, be that as it may, David - Excuse me, Dana! - I have to admit that you do make a pretty good-looking girl. I mean, you aren't up to my caliber in the looks department,' Danielle, wishing to have a little fun at David's expense, told a fib, "but then again, I wouldn't kick you out of bed."

"Ladies!" Meggido's voice rang with a note of impatience. "May I remind you that we are here to do a job. So, may I suggest that we can the idle chatter, and get down to the business at hand. Gordon, where, may I ask, are you now?"

Speaking in a very business like tone of voice, Gordon reported in. "I'm in the sub-basement, on my way to the electrical room."

"Good. Danielle and I will begin to make our way into the Founders' Atrium. As soon as we are in place, Chad will let you know."

The actual heist was anticlimactic at best. The crystal pyramid, while part of the display of recently discovered ancient Mesopotamian artifacts, was far from being one of the featured items in the privately owned collection that was on display that evening in COSI's Founders' Atrium. At best, the crystal pyramid played a subordinate role, and a very insignificant one at that. And, owing to the fact that the pyramid was not one of the more highly touted items on display, it sat on one of the exhibit's two flanking tables, situated between a small vase and what appeared to be some sort of multiple-pipe pan-flute.

The exhibit's curator, who was nominally in charge of the private collection of ancient oddities that was on loan to COSI, upon catching sight of Meggido, beckoned him forward. "I did not expect to see you here tonight, Xavier, my old friend. But, I am nevertheless extremely pleased that you chose to honor us with your presence this evening." Then, aware that Meggido was an acclaimed and accredited archeologist, the exhibit's curator, pulling a pair of white cotton gloves out of the coat pocket of his tuxedo as he did so, politely inquired if Meggido would like to take a closer look at the collection. Meggido, hoping that he would be allowed to handle the items on display so that he could better inspect them, cordially accepted the curator's most generous offer, as well as the pair of cotton gloves that the curator had extracted from his tux's pocket. Then, even as Meggido was in the process of donning the gloves, the curator, one Professor Albert Leonard Carrackus, unsnapped the red velvet rope from its stanchion, thereby allowing Meggido entry into the cordoned-off exhibit.

"Gordon!" Danielle heard Chad's voice in her ear. "Have you gained access to the electrical room?"

"Yes!" Gordon responded. "I'm standing here, ready to throw the main breaker on your order."

Having already inspected several of the items in the display, Meggido allowed his hand to teasingly pass over the pan-flute. "Ah!" he exclaimed enthusiastically as his hand drifted down to loving caress the translucent pyramid. "Now, what do we have here, Albert? A crystal pyramid, something quite similar to the one I unearthed west of Baghdad thirty-some odd years ago, save that the one I came across was a quite a bit larger."

"Yes," Professor Carrackus readily agreed. "In fact, when I first saw this pyramid, I naturally thought of the one you unearthed."

"May I?" Meggido asked, his implication being that he wished to pick up the translucent crystal so that he could better inspect it.

"By all means, Xavier..." Carrackus encouraged.

"Gordon! Get ready to trip the breaker." It was Chad again.

Meggido picked up the pyramid, and as he brought it up to eye-level, Chad, who was out in the van, keenly following the proceedings on his bank of monitors, gave Gordon the go ahead. A second later, the lights winked out, plunging all of COSI into a stygian darkness that lasted for only the briefest of moments ere the emergency lighting flickered on. However, during that brief period that was bereft of illumination, Meggido adroitly swapped the real crystal pyramid out, replacing it with the fake one that that had been nestled away snuggly in a specially designed pocket located along the left side of his tuxedo's cummerbund.

"One... two... three..." Chad's voice counted off the seconds. "Okay, Gordon! It's time for you to restore the power and get the hell out of there."

Once the lights were back on, Meggido, accompanied by his friend, Professor Carrackus, unhurriedly continued his inspection of the items on display.

Danielle having been left in the lurch, so to speak, decided that it behooved her to re-locate to the other end of the exhibit's cordoned-off area, and once there, wait for Meggido to rejoin her. Casually, Danielle made her way through the milling crowd. As she did so, Danielle amused herself by entertaining the humorous notion that there were times when human beings acted like a herd of cattle, and that all that was missing was the incessant mooing.

Given that Danielle was keeping an eye on Meggido's progress, she was not aware of the fact that a strange man who looked to be in his early thirties was headed in her direction. "Danielle!" Chad voice crackled in her right ear. "Don't look now, but there's a gentleman approaching at your seven o'clock."

"Is he a Vexthelogian?" Danielle inquired over the com-link.

"No, not to my knowledge. And, just so you know, my facial recognition software hasn't come up with a match."

"Good evening!" the man's voice clearly denoted him as hailing from England, sounded just over Danielle's left shoulder. "I see that your elder escort has found something else to occupy his interest. Now, as to why that old fuddy-duddy would leave such a beautiful young woman to fend for herself is beyond me. Were you my date for the evening, I could not see my way clear to leaving you unattended for any longer than was absolutely necessary..."

'The nerve of this conceited jerk!' Danielle, aware that the guy was trying to chat her up, fumed internally. Unnerved by the guy's efforts to come-on to her, and deathly afraid that she might lose her composure, and give the oafish bastard a good piece of her mind, Danielle turn about and lamely stammered, "I'll have you know that that old fuddy-duddy is my future father-in-law."

"Father-in-law, eh? More's the pity," the arrogant bastard insolently quipped, "But, since you're still an unmarried young lady, and it's like they say: all's fair in love and war; what do you say that we blow this joint, hail a cab, and make for the nearest hotel?"

Just then, just as Danielle was about to haul off and slap the egotistical son of bitch; a strange, awkward, and unfathomable look appeared on the guys' face as he abruptly turned, and without so much as uttering another word, made a hasty retreat.

Even as she watched the bastard disappear into the milling crowd, Danielle heard a woman trying somewhat ineptly to stifle a giggle. Turning about to see just who the woman might be, Danielle was both surprised and delighted to see that the woman was none other than Dana. "I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but a premature ejaculation tends to weaken the resolve of most of the egotistical, God's Gift to Women types that I ever had the dubious pleasure of running across."

"You didn't?" Danielle began to giggle as well.

"I most certainly did,' Dana snickered. "Besides, he had it coming. Nobody messes with the woman I'm going to marry, and gets away with it." And, with that said, Dana continued on to suggest, "Here, you look a little unnerved. So, do yourself a favor, and have another glass of champagne..."

Just then, Chad keyed his mic and cavalierly chirruped, "Hey, Gordo! We've got us another lesbian alert! It appears as if these two lovebirds of ours are ready to jump each other's bones!"

"Chad!" Gordon sternly admonished. "You are really tempting fate. Were I you, I'd knock it off..."

Though he had made the exchange, Meggido, moving at a leisurely pace, continued to inspect the rest of the items that were on display. He then thanked Professor Carrackus for the professional courtesy that he had been shown, and locating Danielle in the crowd, Xavier returned to stand by her side. "I hear they have some finger-foods set out in the Atomicafe, my dear. So, if I might, I would suggest that we head on over there and see for ourselves just what kind of spread they have provided for us..."

Danielle, having assumed that Meggido would want to leave shortly after he had purloined the crystal pyramid, was surprised when they did not. "Danielle, you really must try the caviar," Meggido encouraged as he spooned some more of the delicacy onto his plate. "It is absolutely delicious..."

After another hour had passed, Danielle became aware that the crowd was beginning to thin out. Meggido must have taken note of that as well, for he said, "Well, my dear, I do believe it is time for us to be on our merry way." Plucking his cellphone out of his pocket, Meggido informed their chauffeur that he and Danielle were ready to leave and that their driver was to pick them up outside of COSI's main entrance in ten minutes.

The Vexthelogians hit the limo as it made its way back to the hotel.

Four large Hummer H2s seemingly came out of nowhere and boxed the limousine in as it turned onto the access road upon which the hotel was situated. Aware of the danger they faced, Meggido curtly informed Danielle to remain where she was even as he threw the door open and spryly stepped out to face his assailants. Concurrently, the SUVs began to disgorge their four-man assault teams. As they did so, Danielle took note that all but one of sixteen Vexthelogians that surrounded the limo were dressed in camouflage fatigues and had the take-no-prisoners looks of battle-hardened mercenaries. The massive firepower they brandished only served to validate Danielle's hastily arrived at assumption.

The dapperly-dressed middle-age man that did not fit he mold of his firearm-bearing companions, casually addressed Meggido, "Ah, Xavier! I commend you and your team. As always, your performance this evening was impeccable. However, I believe you have something my people desire. So, since I abhor violence as much you do, why not do the smart thing and hand over the crystal pyramid? That will conclude our business for the evening and we can both go our separate ways?"

"Ah, Rancor," Meggido convivially replied as he reached down and began to pull his tux's cummerbund around in order to gain easy access to the specially designed pocket in which he had clandestinely stashed the crystal pyramid. "I was wondering when you were going to put in an appearance."

'Damn!' Danielle dismally thought as she peered out the limo's heavy tinted windows. 'So, that's Rancor Cattilion...'

Just then, Danielle realized that the window that separated the limousine's rear section from the driver's seat was in the process of being lowered. "Danielle!" the bald and burly chauffeur called back to her. "Fear not. It's me! Angelica! Remember? Contingency plans? Xavier thought something like this might happen. Now, you and I are going to create a little diversion." Angelica's voice modulated, going from unquestionable male, to ever so sultry female. "I'm going to open the moon roof and when I do, I want you to stand up in it. Trust me! I'll take care of everything else.

Meggido was in the process of drawing the crystal pyramid out of his cummerbund when shit hit the fan. As soon as the moon roof had fully retracted, Danielle's head, followed immediately by her upper torso appeared above the limousine, in effect draw the immediate attention of Rancor Cattilion's MP5 totting thugs. Several of the Vexthelogians thugs proved to be trigger-happy and taken by surprise as they were, loose a barrage of lead in Danielle's direction. Before Danielle had the presence of mind to flinch, thanks to Angelica magic, she was pummeled by two dozen-cotton balls.

But that was the least of Danielle's concerns, for she quickly realized that the ground appeared to be dropping out from under her at an alarming rate. Added to that, she also became aware that she was no longer standing in the limousine. Rather she was straddling it. 'Oh. My God!' Danielle's mind reeled as she grasped the truth of what was happening. 'I'm growing! Angelica is turning me into giantess! I'm like Alice in Wonderland and The Attack of the 50ft Woman all rolled into one!'

In the next second, Danielle, looking down upon the scene from high above, suddenly came to the realization that Angelica had the situation well in hand. All of the MP5s carried by the Vexthelogians had orange barrels. Added to that, the plastic toy guns were being held by a bunch of rather bewildered and terrified eight-year-old boys.

Rancor Cattilion, aware that Meggido had turned the tables on him, beat a hasty retreat in the direction of the closest H2. "Danielle!" Xavier called up to her even as the Rancor Cattilion was in the process of slamming the SUV's driver's side door behind him. "Would you be so kind to detain Rancor for me?"

Danielle needed no more encouragement than that. She reached down and adroitly lifted the SUV containing Rancor Cattilion off the macadam road.

Meggido titled his head upward, cupped his hand to his mouth and called up to Danielle. "Thank you, my dear! Your services tonight are greatly appreciated." Then, turning his head to address the lovely woman who was smartly dressed in a stylish chauffeur's uniform. "Angelica! Since I believe that you have adequately instilled the fear of God in these Vexthelogian waifs, I do believe that you can return Danielle to her normal size. And after you attend to that, since playing with guns is frowned on in this day and age, I think that it behooves us to find something else for these young lads to play with. Oh, I know! Angelica, how about you change their toy guns into Barbie Dolls. Oh, and while you are at it, since Barbies are more of a girl's toy, you might just as well change all of them into pre-adolescent girls for the time being.

Even as Danielle felt herself begin to shrink back to her normal size, she heard Meggido address the terror stricken Vexthelogian mercenaries. "Now, I hope you young ladies have all learned a valuable lesson tonight. If you choose to associate with nefarious people, bad things may come your way. Were I you, I would count my blessings. While I have half a mind to change the lot of you into a bunch of skuzzy, over-the-hill, dope addicted streetwalkers, I'm sure if I put my mind to it I can come up with a much better solution as to how I should deal with you. But for the here and now of it, I have a bigger fish to fry. So for the time being, I suggest that you keep yourselves occupied by playing with your dollies."

Once Danielle had shrunk back to her normal size, Meggido waved both her and Angelica over to where he was standing. "Danielle, if you please," Meggido said as he held out his hand so that he could take possession of the Matchbox sized SUV that contained the miniscule-sized Rancor Cattilion.

Once in possession of the tiny, Hot Wheel sized Hummer H2; Meggido raised it to eye level and peered into it. Angelica, if you would, please extricate Rancor from this teeny-weeny vehicle. And while you're at it, could you please restore him to his normal size. But just to be on the safe side, please continue to keep our Mr. Cattilion cordoned off from his source of metaphysical energy. We certainly do not wish to have to put up with anymore of his tomfoolery tonight."

"Will do boss." Angelica replied, even as she drew on her own metaphysical powers.

A second later, the well-dressed middle-age man that Danielle had played a part in apprehending stood before them.

"Well played, Xavier," Rancor Cattilion began graciously. "And here I thought that I had you at a disadvantage. I was under the impression that our dear Angelica had been called away. I should have known that you had an ace up your sleeve."

"I always do, Rancor. I always do..." Meggido replied smugly. "I would have thought that you had learned that lesson by now."

"Yes..." Rancor, playing the pert of the courtly gentleman to the hilt, casually countered. "But I guess some of us are just perennial optimists. That, or knuckle-dragging hardheads."

"You are many things, Rancor. But you are anything but a knuckle-dragging hardhead."

"So Xavier, while I have crossed swords with Angelica a time or two, I have not had the pleasure of being acquainted with your other lovely companion. Would you be so kind as to introduce the two us?"

"It would be my pleasure," Meggido dapperly replied. "Mr. Rancor Cattilion may I have the honor of introducing you to my future daughter-in-law, Miss Danielle Johnson."

"Ah!" Rancor graciously beamed. "May I say it is honor to meet you, Miss Johnson. May I also say that David is lucky man to have found someone as lovely as you are, my dear?"

"That is quite enough, Rancor!" Meggido testily snapped. "We have dilly-dallied long enough! Now, I have to figure out what I am to do about you."

"Well, as I recall that the last time you bested me, I spent the better part of a year on a pig farm, eating swill out of a trough before I managed regain my abilities and reverse the spell that you used to turn me into a hog. And the time before that, I spent a good four months traveling with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus as one of their performing pachyderms."

"Oh!" Meggido chortled. "That is right, isn't it. I did have Angelica turn you into an elephant several years ago. So, tell me. How was it?"

"It was nowhere near as bad as you might think. That is to say, they fed me well. But it's analogous to what they say about dogsled teams. If you're not the lead elephant, the view remains the same." Then, after a pause, Rancor inquired, "So, since the code prevents you from harming me, or locking me away for the rest of eternity, what's it going to be, Xavier? What kind of animal are you going to have Angelica turn me into this time?"

"I told these hired guns of yours that I was sorely tempted to change the lot of them into a bunch of skuzzy, over-the-hill, dope addicted streetwalkers. But I am now inclined to think that it might do you a world of good were you to get a taste of how the other half lives."

"You would turn me into a woman and in doing so, run the risk of turning me into a once-man?" Rancor contemptuously countered. "I think not. You're not that foolish, Xavier."

"You are indeed correct, Rancor" Meggido concurred, as he brought the crystal pyramid up to eye level. "I have no intention of instructing Angelica to turn you into a woman. Though I serious doubt that you were born with the potential of becoming a once-man, that is a risk I would rather not take. However, what I intent on doing, I will do myself. And I will do so using this fancy little bauble that you were intent on acquiring from me." With that said, Meggido flexed his will and, accessing his metaphysical potential, focused his magical prowess through the prism of the crystal pyramid. As he did so, a shimmering column of variegated light engulfed Rancor Cattilion's body from head to toe.

After a three count, the column of variegated light winked out, leaving what appeared to be an extremely attractive and smartly dressed young femme fatale in her mid-twenties standing there before them.

Taking a moment to access the damage, Rancor Cattilion, with a voice that gushed with a raw sensuality, sardonically cackled, "What kind of imbecile are you? You have made a huge mistake, Xavier! Once I regain my powers -- something that is inevitable - if I chose to remain as I am, which I just might, I may well become a once-man. And, should that happen. I will be more powerful than you. And since I have a personal score to settle with you, you can bet that I will come gunning for you. In other words, Xavier, given that I fully intend on making you pay for all the ignominy I have suffered at your hands, be advised: I fully intend on getting my comeuppance."

Having heard enough, Meggido interjected, "I am afraid that you are suffering from a misconception, Rancor. While you do appear to be a woman, if you would take a moment to compete a thorough examination of your primary sexual equipment, you will find that you are not the woman you appear to be. Though you body belies it, a DNA test will verify the fact that you are still very much a man."

"You son of bitch!" Rancor vehemently spat as his hands verified the fact that he still had male genitalia. "You've turn me into a freak!"

"Not to be a contrarian, but I believe the word is shemale," Meggido chuckled. "My suggestion to you, for what it is worth, is to take full advantage of this new lease on life that I have granted you. You will also find that being a shemale is nowhere near as bad as you might think. Now, you will find several hundred dollars in your purse as well as a driver license, a bank debt card and several other forms of identification establishing you in your new life as a shemale. You will also be happy to learn that you are booked in a room at this very hotel, at least for tonight. So, unless there is something further you wish to discuss, I would suggest that you go get yourself a pina colada at the hotel's bar. Trust me. A little alcohol will do you a world of good right about now. It should go a long way in helping to sooth your ruffled nerves. Oh! And you need not worry. I took pity on you. I made it so that you will not be plagued by the sexual compulsions that I have saddled you with until tomorrow night. However, be warned, starting tomorrow they will begin rearing their ugly, and if I may say so, perverted little heads. Oh, and a word about the compulsions you are going to be dealing with, Rancor. Rest assured they are some real humdingers. Oh, and just so you know, it was not by chance that I chose the word 'humdinger' just now. You see, Rancor, as a shemale, you will find that you are addicted to cum, so much so that you are going to need your daily fix or suffer the consequences. And that means you are going to be administering a lot of hum-jobs over the next few months. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to do something about the people you duped into helping you waylay me tonight. So Rancor, you need not tarry a moment longer. The hotel bar awaits. So, as we used to say back in the good old days, get ye gone!" With that said, Meggido waved a dismissive hand in the direction of the hotel.

Meggido, Angelica and Danielle looked on as the stunning and amply endowed shemale began to unsteadily make his way along the access road.

With the hint a giggle infesting her voice, Danielle quipped, "I would say that Rancor Cattilion seems to be having a bit of trouble with those heels you fitted him out with, Xavier."

Before Meggido could respond to Danielle, Angelica chimed in with a comment of her own, "Yes, those heels do seem to giving the him a fit. But, there's no need for you to be concerned about it, Danielle. If I know Xavier, it will be only a matter of a few more steps before Rancor becomes fully acclimated to them. Look, Danielle! You can see for yourself that Rancor's already made a good deal of progress adapting to his stilettos, which leads me to believe that by the time he - or should that be she? -- gets to the hotel, she/he will have pretty much mastered getting around in them..."

"Alright ladies!" Meggido intruded. "If the two of you are quite finished with your running commentary, it is high time we deal with these unfortunate waifs that Rancor duped into helping him waylay us tonight.

Somewhat confused by Meggido last statement, Danielle possessed a question. "Xavier, aren't those little girls Vexthelogians too?"

"Yes... and no..." Meggido, hedging his bets, vacillated. "Yes, because technically speaking, they are on the Vexthelogian payroll. And no, because, they are so far down the food chain from those that comprise the Vexthelogian hierarchy, they have little or no knowledge of the inner workings of that nefarious order. Basically, they are little more that hired guns. No more! No less! In fact, were I betting man, I would wager that they believe that they have aligned themselves with the righteous side in this ongoing struggle and that we three, not the Vexthelogians, are the villains. Tell you what, Danielle. Let me try a little experiment to prove my point."

"Children!' Meggido called out to the cowering and petulant group of eight-year old girls. "Before I decide what we are going to do with you, I have a few questions. By a show of hands, how many of you have served in the military?"

Though some of the little girls were somewhat reticent to respond, after a little verbal prodding by Meggido along with a very intimidating scowl from Angelica, all fifteen girls reluctantly raised their hands.

"Good!" Meggido cheerfully replied. "Now, how many of you have seen combat, in either Iraq or Afghanistan?"

As before, all of the eight-year-olds held their hands in the air.

"Hmmm..." Meggido mused allowed. "It is as I anticipated. All right, once again by a show of hands how many of you believe that you are on the side of the angels and that I and my two lovely companions are the bad guys?"

There was no hesitation as fifteen tiny hands thrust upward.

Meggido took a protracted moment to marshal his thoughts. "While I doubt that any of you young ladies will believe me, I am afraid that you all have been deceived by whomever enlisted you. The Vexthelogians are not the altruistic paragons they pretend to be. Though they hide it well, they are evil personified and their ultimate goal is world domination through the use of the magical artifacts they are endeavoring to collect..."

With a deep sense of regret, Meggido believing hat he had failed to convince the majority of Rancor's goon squad that they had been duped into aligning themselves with the wrong side, decided that it was time to move on. "I wish that I could find it in my heart to simply have my cohort restore you to your former selves and send you on your merry way. But, I am afraid I cannot in good conscious do that. As much as I wish I could, I cannot just let bygones be bygones. Now, since you all have paramilitary backgrounds and appear to like playing soldier, I think it only fitting that you all continue on in that vein. However, instead of taking lives, I was thinking that it would be fitting for all of you to lend a hand in saving lives."

With that said, Meggido once again raised the crystal pyramid to eye level. A second later, fifteen shimmering columns of variegated light engulfed the sniveling eight-year old girls. Three seconds after that, fifteen young women, each dressed in the camouflage fatigues of an Air Force Flight Nurse, stood there perplexed, questioning their sanity and wondering what was going to happen next.

"Angelica!" Meggido said. "How about changing those Hummer H2s into Air Force Humvees for me?"

Angelica did as Meggido requested. As she did so, Meggido scanned the group of newly made flight nurses. "You! You! You! And you!" Meggido said, as he arbitrarily pointed to a blonde, a red head, brunette and a woman with raven black hair. "The four of you! Come over here!"

To their credit, none of the four who had been singled out by Meggido displayed signs of apprehension as they boldly, if not defiantly strode over to stand at attention directly in front of Meggido, Angelica and Danielle.

"As Air Force Flight Nurses, you all are commissioned officers. If my memory serves, flight nurses' start out as 2nd Lieutenants. However, this new unit of yours cannot all be of the same rank. So, I need to promote of few you. And that is why I selected the four of you. Let me see..." Meggido pondered the matter for a moment. With his mind made up, he then pointed to the blonde and the red head. "I am going to have Angelica make the two of you 1st Lieutenants. All right, now we need an executive officer for this unit. Angelica, I do believe that the woman with the black hair will make a superb executive officer so, if you would be so kind to make her a Captain. And, that just leaves the brunette as the head honcho for this detachment. So, how about you make her a Major?"

Angelica quickly complied with Meggido's directives. Once the magical promotions had been taken care of. Meggido took the Major aside. As he did so, he magically plucked an envelope out of thin air and presented it to the brunette. "Here are your orders, Major. Succinctly put, they require you to be at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base at or before 08:00 Monday, which, giving that it is after midnight already, is later today. There, you and your people are to board a C130 for the first leg of your unit's deployment to Afghanistan..."

Once back at their hotel, Meggido walked Danielle to her room. Reaching the door to her room, Meggido informed Danielle that after a successful acquisition, the team liked to get to get together and celebrate their achievement. "Earlier this evening, Gordon suggested we all go to the Denny's across the way. However, since both he and David, or should I say, Dana, will be tied up at COSI for a couple more hours, it will be sometime before we can all head over there together. So, since we do not like to attract any undue attention to ourselves, I would urge you to change into something a little less flamboyant. As lovely as that gown is, it is far too conspicuous..."

Though she was reluctant to change out of that fetching gown of hers, once alone in her room Danielle reluctantly did as Meggido suggested. Then, with time on her hands, she powered up her laptop and killed time by playing Spider Solitaire followed by FreeCell.

It was just coming up on one in the morning when Dana called and informed Danielle that she was coming around to collect her. A minute later, a subdued rap on her door informed Danielle that Dana had arrived on the scene. Though she had removed her nametag, Dana was still smartly dressed in the same black skirt and white blouse she had been wearing at COSI. "Damn, girl!" Danielle enthusiastically exclaimed as she opened the door. "You look good enough to eat."

With a snicker infesting her voice, Dana impishly replied, "We can talk about that later. As for now, I'm famished. Besides, Xavier, Angelica, Chad and Gordo are waiting for us to join them. So, sweetie, how 'bout you grab your purse, so that we can be on our way..."

As the two of them stepped into the hallway, Dana reached over and enfolded Danielle's hand in hers, much as she had been doing right along as David. For her part, Danielle was not phased one iota by Dana's overt act of affection. Instead of being put-off by the fact that David was as much of a woman as she was, at least in a physical sense, Danielle found that she was not only intrigued by the possibilities that Dana presented, by also turned-on by them as well.

The whole time they were at Denny's, Danielle, captivated by the ravishing beauty that her fiancée had become, had a hard time keeping her hands to herself. That being the case, upon arriving back at their hotel, Danielle took Dana aside and made it quite clear that Dana would be spending the night with her. "Danielle," Dana sought clarification. "Are you sure about this? I mean, as much as I hate to point out the obvious, we are both women."

"Yes, I am well aware of the fact that we're both women!" Danielle countered emphatically. "And, yes, I'm sure! Do you have any idea how horny I am right now, Dana? I know how crazy this is going to sound, you know, with the two of us being the same sex, but God help me: I want to jump your bones so bad right now it almost hurts! Besides, I want to see if you're as much of a pillow-eater as I am! In other words, I can't wait to make you squeal and squirm, much the way you do me..."

As it worked out, neither one of them got much sleep that night. Playing an ongoing game of tit for tat, they seesawed back and forth, in a you do me, then I'll do you kind of fashion that they both found to be sexually gratifying and ever so enjoyable.

"So," Danielle dreamily mused just as the sun was coming up on that Sunday morning. "I guess this is how it's going to be for the next two weeks? I mean, while I won't say that I'm not going to miss feeling you up inside of me, because there's no getting around the fact that I definitely will, this lesbian thing that we've got going for us does have its advantages. For one thing, as a woman, you'll never reach a point where you're too pooped to pop."

"That's true," Dana chuckled. "Added to that, I kind of like having all these rather nifty erogenous zones. But, just so you know, Danielle, you don't have to wait two weeks before we can engage in intercourse again."

"I won't?" Danielle was puzzled. "How come? I mean, I was under the impression that you would have to wait fourteen days, and maybe a few more after that, before you could safely change back into a man again."

Realizing that she inadvertently said the wrong thing, Dana tried to smooth things over. "Well, while that's true in your particular case, the same time constraints do not apply to me. In fact, should you wish to do so, we can engage in heterosexual intercourse tonight if you'd like."

Feeling as if she was the victim of a cruel joke, an agitated Danielle angrily rounded on Dana. "What the shit's going on here, David? Your father told me that he couldn't turn me back into a man again for at least two weeks at the minimum, and here you're saying that you can be a man again as early as tonight! What gives here? Tell me! Who's been lying to whom?"

Knowing that she had a lot of explaining to do, Dana heaved a labored sigh, and taking Danielle's hands in her own, somewhat reluctantly began. "The truth of the matter is that in this particular instance, no one is lying, because the spell that turned you into woman, is not the same spell I used to turn myself into a woman. Though the results are basically the same, the two spells are inherently different. The spell that my father booby trapped this room with really does require a fourteen day holdover before it can be safely reversed, where as the spell I used to turn myself into a female can be undone after twenty four hours."

While she was confident that Dana was telling her the truth, Danielle's mind still grappled with a disturbing incongruity. "Well, if what you're telling me is true, and you possess the ability to turn yourself into a woman, why then did your father need to magically booby trap this room in the first place, unless..."

Danielle's logic had hit upon the truth of the matter. "...Unless your father was lying to me, and it wasn't, as he first told me, a case of mistaken identity. Tell me the truth, Dana. I was supposed to be assigned this room right from the get-go, wasn't I?"

"Yes, Danielle, you were. And, you're right. My father flat out lied to you that first night."

"Why?" a thoroughly confused and enraged Danielle irately demanded. "Why on earth would he do something like that, Dana? Why did your father deceive me?"

"Because, Danielle, what you have yet to understand is that you, not the crystal pyramid, were the real target of this clandestine acquisition of ours. The crystal pyramid never was anything more than a secondary target. We, meaning my father and I, came here to Columbus to enlist you into our cause. The pyramid was nothing more than a bonus, as in it was nothing more than the icing on the cake if you will."

"Oh!" Danielle ruefully scoffed, as a wealth of tears began to freely flow down her cheeks. "I get it. Your father turns me into girl, and then it was your job to come along to close the deal by sweeping me off my feet, thereby making me want to become a real woman. And, the worst part of it all is, I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. I'm a woman now, and I've only got myself to blame!"

"Danielle!" it was Dana's turn to become vexed. "Just so you know, it was never part of the plan for me to fall in love with you. I did that all on my own."

"Yeah! Right!" Danielle whimpered, as she tried to remove the engagement ring that David had given her. "And, you expect me to believe that crap?"

"Yes!" Dana harshly countered. "I do! And, the reason I do is because it's the truth! I do love you, and I want to marry you!"

Shocked, an incredulous Danielle, in an all out effort on her part to salvage the situation, sought confirmation. "You do? You're not just saying that?"

"No, Danielle! I'm not! I love you! I really, truly do! And, yes, I want you to be my wife? And, I'm truly sorry that my father and I deceived you. But, just so you know, I'm not sorry for the way things have worked out. I love you, and if you're honest with yourself, you know in your heart of hearts that you love me, even if I happen to be the same sex as you are at the moment."

Aware that what Dana had said was true, and that they were both in love with one another, Danielle, her face breaking into a sorrowful smile, whimpered and sobbed. "Well... I guess leaves just one other thing that we have to resolve."

"And what, pray tell, is that?"

"Please tell me that I am going to be the only one of us who is going to be wearing a wedding gown when we get married."

"Oh, that's a definite!" Dana laughed as she took Danielle in her emasculated arms. "I wouldn't have it any other way. As far as I'm concerned, after today, you'll never have to put up with me being Dana ever again."

"Hey, let's not be hasty here," Danielle offered a quick rejoinder. "It's like they say: we needn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Besides, in just a few short hours I've grown kind of fond of your feminine alter ego. So, I tend to think that a lesbian tryst every now and again could really spice up our love life. In fact, while I really can't see my way clear to spending my wedding night with you all femmed out to the max like you are now, I don't think I mind it one iota were Dana to put in an appearance while the two of us are on our honeymoon..."

Somewhat later in the conversation, as the two lay nestled in one another's arms, Dana broached a subject that she would rather have avoided. "Danielle, you do realized that's it not to late."

Puzzled by Dana's remark, Danielle sought clarification. "It's not too late for what?"

"To ask Xavier to change you back into a man again."

"And, you really think he would do it?"

"Yes," Dana, with her heart sinking, reluctantly replied, "He would not want to do it, but he nevertheless would."

"And, what about you? How would you feel were I to ask your father to reverse the spell?"

"Honestly, Danielle, I'd feel awful. I love you. I want to marry you. And, because I do, I don't want you to turn back into a man again. But, if that's what you really want, I guess I will have to respect your decision. I don't have to like it, and you best believe that I won't, but if that's what you decide, who am I to stop you?" Then, after a pregnant pause, a pause in which her apprehension soared to unbearable levels, a panicked Dana felt the need to ask Danielle the crucial question, "So, is that what you are going do? Ask my father to turn you back into a man again?"

"No, silly!" Danielle chortled. "I like things just the way they are. I just wanted to see your reaction..."

Though they did not get out of bed until one that afternoon, on Danielle's insistence, Dana called her father, and after she filled him in on what had transpired, arranged for a meeting for the three of them in the hotel's restaurant at two.

As Dana and Danielle were in the process of getting ready, Dana, who had been first out of the shower, turned on the room's television and after scanning of the menu, opted for the Fox News Channel. "Danielle!" Dana called out to her fiancée attention. "You really need to see this! So, stop whatever you're doing and get out here quick!"

"Shit!" Danielle quipped as she caught the tail end of a video of herself as the giantess of the night before, straddling the stretch limo. "It looks like somebody had their cellphone handy and managed to catch the attack of the 50ft me. And here I thought you guys tried to operate under the radar. Shit's going to hit the fan when your father hears about this. I mean, I can see the headlines now. Giant woman invades Columbus, Ohio."

"You needn't worry. My father already knows all about this particular video, as well as a handful of reports that were phoned into the local 911 Bureau."

"He does?" Danielle was dubious. "So, does he intend on doing anything about it?"

"He already has done everything he could to minimize the fallout."

"And what, pray tell, is that?"

"Weren't you listening to what the reporter covering the story just said?"

"No!" Danielle was clearly distraught. "I was far to upset to make any sense out of anything that woman reporter was saying."

"Well, had you listened, you would have heard the reporter say that the aberration of a giant woman seen wandering around in the general vicinity of the Columbus Airport was nothing more than a holographic image. The reporter went on to say the holographic image of a female colossus decked out in an evening gown had been accidentally triggered by a secret military unit that had been seen passing through Columbus late last night en route to an unspecified destination."

Even after Dana's explanation, Danielle was still dubious. "And do you really think that anybody's going to believe that crap? I mean, it sounds kind of farfetched to me."

"Some will. Others won't. But there is an upside to all of this, sweetums."

"There is?"

"Yes! As a result of what happened last night, you are well on your way to becoming an urban legend."

"Imagine that. Me, an urban legend..."

Urged by Dana, Meggido sincerely apologized for the underhanded way he had gone about enlisting Danielle to his cause. "You do realize that this is it." Danielle sternly declared having heard the elderly man out. "I'll tolerate no more lies or deceptions. From here on out, it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No more deceit! No more evasions! Is that understood?"

"Yes, my dear," Meggido contritely replied.

Danielle was confident that Meggido was telling her the honest to goodness truth. Though still a little hot under the collar, she also was aware that it would be counter productive to continue to lambaste the elderly gentleman and so, elected to simply change the subject. "So, where, may I ask, are Angelica, Chad and Gordon? Still asleep?

"Heavens no, my dear. Though I'm only hazarding a guess, I'd say that the three of them are probably somewhere west of Dayton by now. You see, Danielle, what they say is true: there is little rest for the weary. Angelica needs Chad and Gordon's help for an acquisition that her team is planning on undertaking out in Denver the week after next."

"Angelica has her own team?" That was news to Danielle. "But, here I thought she was part of your team."

"Yes, she was," Meggido freely admitted. "However, several months ago she was promoted, and now she will be heading up her own team of talented scalawags. In fact, once we get you up to your full potential, and you get a good feel for how field operations work, I think it is reasonable to assume that you and my son will jointly assume responsibility for leading this old team of mine. You see, my dear, though it has been some while since we had a married couple on one of our acquisition teams, upper management tends to like husband and wives working together."

Taken aback by her father's unexpected pronouncement, Dana, employing a familiarity that she had not used in Danielle's presence before, breathlessly interjected herself into the conversation, "Dad! Did I hear you correctly? Are you really saying that you are thinking about giving up fieldwork?"

"Yes, Dana, you heard me correctly. I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I've come to realize that Ecclesiastics was right. My time for fieldwork is coming to an end. Once we get Danielle here up to snuff, my job will be done, and I can move on to greener pastures."

"Such as?" Dana, curious to know what her father had in mind, prompted.

"Such as, the oversight committee is in desperate need of new blood. But, if either of you share that opinion of mine with anyone else, be advised that I will vehemently deny that I ever said anything of the sort..."

Somewhat later in the conversation, Danielle's curiosity got the best of her. "Just this morning, during our brouhaha, Dana let it slip that I was the main reason that you all were here in Columbus, and that the crystal pyramid was only a secondary concern."

"That is true, my dear," Meggido confirmed what Dana had told Danielle earlier. "The primary reason for our being here in Columbus was indeed to enlist you in our cause."

"Because of my latent potential for magic?" Danielle tentatively inquired.

"Exactly, my dear!" Meggido replied cheerfully.

"Well, if that's the case, Xavier, how did you come to learn of my so called latent magical abilities in the first place?"

"Now, that is a very good question, and I applaud you for asking it," Meggido, feeling entirely vindicated for pressuring his esteemed colleagues on the oversight board of the Stewards of Humanity to have a go at enlisting one Mr. David Johnson in their noble cause, energetically responded. "Danielle, have you ever heard of either one, or the other, or both of these terms before: divination or scrying?"

"Yes..." Danielle's rather lackluster reply was anything but positive. "I think so, but to be perfect honest, I'm not really sure. Do they have something to do with fortune telling?"

"Yes. Those terms are often associated with those frauds and fakers that practice various forms of prognostication. However, we, the Stewards of Humanity, employ the magical art of scrying for two distinct purposes, with one of those being to locate magical objects, objects that need the special care and safeguarding that only we can afford them."

"Okay!" Danielle prompted. "That's one. So, what's the other?"

"Have a little patience, Danielle," Meggido graciously admonished his future daughter-in-law. "Remember, all good things come to those who wait. Now, where was I? Oh! Right! The second way we Stewards of Humanity employ the art of scrying! Basically, we use it to find prospective candidates, such as yourself, to enlist into our ranks. In fact, Danielle, we have a small select group within our society who do nothing but scrying for the kind of talent that you possess."

Danielle felt compelled to ask a follow-up question, "So, just how long have you and the Stewards of Humanity known about me and these latent abilities of mine?"

"Actually, my dear, we have been keeping an eye on you since the day you were born..."

Still even later in their conversation, Danielle desired to know what the purloined crystal pyramid actually did. Having wondered when Danielle would finally get around to asking that particular, if not pertinent question, Meggido graciously provided her with an answer. "The crystal pyramid is nothing more than an amplifier. Through its use, magical practitioners such as Gordon, Chad, this ornery and occasionally female son of mine, as well as myself, can perform feats of magic that would be well beyond our normal abilities. For instance, were I to cast a spell through the crystal pyramid, I can achieve results which only once-men are capable of achieving. However, were a once-man, like Angelica or yourself, to cast a spell through the magical prism of the crystal pyramid, there is no telling what could be achieved. Fortunately for mankind, the Vexthelogians no longer have any once-men in their ranks. The last one was vanquished several centuries ago, and that is why it was so important for us to get to you before they did..."

That evening, after taking in a movie at a nearby multiplex, Dana and Danielle returned to the hotel, and once sequestered in Danielle's room, enjoyed a mutually satisfying lesbian romp in the hay. Then, even as Dana was savoring the last vestiges of the warm-fuzzies of post-orgasm bliss, she accessed her magical wherewithal and so, began to morph back into David.

Having never seen anyone undergo a spontaneous sex change, Danielle was awestruck, as well as extremely turned-on by the amazing spectacle of Dana fluidly transforming back into the ruggedly handsome man she loved in something just under a minute. "Oh, my God! Dana! I mean David! That was amazing! Simply amazing, watching you change like that..."

The next day, right after Meggido, David and Danielle ate breakfast together in the hotel's restaurant, the three of them relocated to Meggido's suite. Once there, David's father proceeded to instruct Danielle in a form of meditation that would help her achieve a mental state that would in turn, allow her to access her magical potential. Afterward Danielle practiced the procedure a few times before a very pleased and satisfied Meggido informed her that David was more than capable of continuing her instruction in the magical arts. However, Meggido also said that he would check from time to time to insure that Danielle was progressing at an acceptable pace. That prompted Danielle to inquire, "Xavier, are you planning on going somewhere?"

"Yes, dear. I am. But, so too are the both of you. Duty calls, and I must deliver the crystal pyramid to one of our secure repositories. You and this wayward son of mine, will also be bidding Columbus a fond adieu."

"We will?"

"Yes. As I understand it, both you and my son here are avid scuba divers. So, since the Stewards have a 57' Grand Banks Motor Yacht docked out at Walkers Cay in the Abaco Islands in the northern extent of the Bahamas. And since it is not being used by any of our associates at the moment, I thought that the two of you might like to avail yourselves of it. Tomorrow, after the two of you see me off, you can fly down to Ft. Lauderdale. Once there, a seaplane will convey you out to Walkers Cay. But, Danielle, you must promise me something. You must promise me that you will set aside some time everyday to practice your meditation."

"You needn't worry about that, father," David said. "I'll make sure she practices everyday."

"Just my luck!" Danielle sarcastically quipped. "My fiancée is a slave driver. Oh! I almost forgot! As much as I'd like to spend some quality time alone with David in the Bahamas, I really have got to take care of tidying things up back home, you know, so that I start off fresh."

"You need not concern yourself with that, Danielle. We have people who will attend to all of that for you."

"What about my personal items? I mean, while I don't have a lot left, owing to the fact that my ex pretty much got rid of my stuff during the divorce, there are a few things I'd like to hold onto."

"And, well you should, my dear. But, I assure you; we will box everything up for you. That way, you can go through everything at your leisure."

"But, what about work? I'm not sure what exactly. But, I assume there'll be a bunch of forms that I'm going to have to fill out."

"There probably will be," Meggido concurred. "But, we have people who will address all of that. Besides, Danielle, you cannot very well put in an appearance looking like you do now. No one will recognize you. Added to that, no one will believe you if you try to explain to them who you once were. Believe me. It is better for everyone concerned if you let us handle everything. Besides, it is not like we have never done this sort of thing before. Added to that, we are good at it. And, I assure you that we do not leave any loose ends."

David and Danielle spent the better part of a month at Walkers Cay. Within two weeks of their arrival, David had Danielle to the point where she could conjure a ball of handfire with ease. And, by the time they climbed aboard the seaplane for their flight back to Lauderdale, Danielle could do everything magically that David could do and then some. In fact, the last few days of their stay in the Bahamas, Danielle fixed it so that she and David could spend the better part of each day underwater sans the use of scuba. She did this by using her magical wherewithal to first change David into Dana, and then the two of them into mermaids.

Upon hearing news of this extraordinary feat of Danielle's from his son, Meggido was greatly impressed; so much so that he requested a demonstration of her new found abilities. Danielle was quick to oblige. It was midsummer's eve, and Danielle, feeling a bit frolicsome, decided that it was high time to give her future father-in-law a little taste of what it's like to have a full-blown case of femininity shoved up his butt. Impishly, and without a word as to what she was about, Danielle engaged her magic and changed Meggido, David and herself into adorable little pixie maidens, each one fitted out with the loveliest translucent wings imaginable. They flitted about for an hour or so before Danielle decided that it was high time to return the three of them to human form. However, while she turned Dana back into David, she left Meggido as a redheaded, and every so shapely twenty-something femme fatale.

"Danielle!" Meggido was quick to register a complaint. "What's the meaning of this? Being a four-inch tall pixie was, to say the least, not only tolerable, but also instructive, in a pleasant sort of way that I rather enjoyed. But, I demand you change me back to my old self this instant."

"No..." Danielle was thoroughly enjoying the moment. For his part, David, watching his father's apparent uneasiness, could not stop himself from laughing. "I think that this new look kind of suits you, Xaviera."

In an unbridled huff, Meggido, her voice a husky contralto, yet seductively feminine, demanded an explanation. "Xaviera! Did you just call me Xaviera?"

"Would you prefer, Xaviere, or perhaps Xena?" Danielle snickered.

"I would prefer, Xavier! And I would like my old body back, if you please."

"David," Danielle snickered. "What do you think? Should I do as your father requests? Or, should I leave him like she is now for... shall we say, the next fourteen days, you know, just to teach him how it feels to be a woman?"

"That sure sounds like a plan to me," David, playing along with Danielle's jest, teasingly replied. "However, there is the real danger that he might come to like being a woman, much the way you did."

"David!" an alarmed Xaviera tried her damnedest to enlist her son's help.

Ignoring his father, David, who was snickering away to beat the band, continued, "I hate to have to say this Danielle, but I don't think my father could handle functioning as a woman the way you have. So, as much as I'm enjoying seeing him, or should that be her, hoisted on her own petard, I think it might be for the best were you change her back into a man again."

"Please, Danielle!" Xaviera, on the verge of tears, vigorously pleaded. "I beg you! Change me back!"

"Alright..." Danielle, with a casual flourish of her hand, restored Meggido's manhood.

"Thank you, Danielle," Meggido was noticeably relieved to be a man once again. "I know you were only having a little fun at my expense, but you have no idea how hard that was for me. You see, this is far from the first time that I have functioned as a female. Truth be told: I logged my fair share of time as a woman, much like my son has. In fact, I spent so much time as a woman that I became addicted to it, and it took everything I had to break free of my addiction."

"Oh!" Danielle felt like a fool. "I'm so sorry, Xavier. Had I known, I never would have done that you."

"There is no need to apologize, my dear. You had no way of knowing, since I never even told David about that rather disreputable stage of my life. But, be that as it may, some good did come of it. You see, that is how I met and fell in love with David's mother, who was the first once-man I ever met."

Shocked to the depth of his being by his father's revelation, David quipped, "My mother was a once-man?"

"Yes, David she was. She was also the finest woman I have ever known. However, while she was more powerful than Angelica, she was not nearly as powerful as your Danielle here. And, you will no doubt be surprised to learn that it was I who recruited her. But, that is neither here nor there. Someday, my boy, you and I will sit down over snifters of brandy and I will tell you how your mother and I met, fell in love, and married..."

      • Epilogue + + +

Six months later, David and Danielle became husband and wife in a simple ceremony held on a secluded beach somewhere in the Bahamas. There were only a few attendees. Meggido gave the bride away. Angelica stood as Danielle's maid of honor. Gordon was David's best man. And, Chad, much to his dismay, as well as a touch of Danielle's magical prowess, was a most adorable, albeit petulant, flower girl to ever be part of a wedding party.

Dana did not put in an appearance until the fourth night of their honeymoon. However, it should be noted that after their honeymoon was over, on Danielle's insistence, Dana continued to frequently share the newlywed's bed.

      • The End + + +

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