Mister Perfect

By Ryan White

Published on Jan 22, 2023



It's Sunday so you know what that means LOL.

Ryan finally had some free time to write another chapter!

THANK YOU as always to those of you who send me feedback about my stories and always get in touch, it really means the world to us Nifty writers out there xx

As always, my email is still liciousryan@gmail.com if ya'll wanna get in touch.

I do love an online flirt haha.

Peace and love! Ryan


Naked as the day that he was born, Marco Alden got out of the shower the very moment as he heard his phone, which he had so securely placed on top of the washing machine inside the bathroom just in case either Henry or indeed his wife Sarah, needed to get in touch with him whilst he was taking his much-needed shower, play it's classic ring tone.

He had recently downloaded Ed Sheeran's brand new single that he had especially written for the popular Pokemon franchise, called Celestial, onto his phone and had proceeded to immediately set it as his ringtone, and he'd fucking recognise that song from anywhere...it was really, utterly beautiful.

Placing a towel around his naked waist, his eyes lit up and so did his dick, to a matter of speaking, as he saw that it wasn't his wife calling him...it was Jackson.

Jackson Fuller. His neighbour. His best friend. His buddy. His pal.

The fucking guy who he was beginning to feel much more than just genuine friendship for, as the days progressed.

The guy who had about two days ago, more or less confessed in him that he had a history of fooling around with other men...Jesus Christ.

Marco shot back into the present as he swiped the green button on the LED screen of his phone and proceeded to answer.

"Hey! What up, man?"

He could hear Jackson's heavy breathing on the other side of the call, and swiftly wondered if anything out of the ordinary had happened...

...this was very late at night, approximately past eleven in the evening, and only then it hit him that Sarah and Henry was still not back from their visit to his in-laws.

Never mind that now...as guilty and as torn as Marco always felt when thinking about his friend in a way that no married straight man ever should, this was Jackson's time now.

"Jackson? You there, dude?"

He heard Jackson clear his throat on the other side, before the latter finally seemed to regain clarity over his vocal chords.

"Marco...did you...did you really give out my name and contact details to someone who works in some gym by any chance?"

Marco closed his eyes and took a deep breath...

...yes, he did, it was yesterday, later afternoon to be precise...he was just busy finishing up in the warehouse where he worked, and was doing overtime in the process, when he had heard his boss talking on the phone to his wife, when she stated that her personal trainer that she had employed was suddenly moving overseas with his wife and children, as they were worried about raising kids in the severe crime that was South Africa, unfortunately, in this day and age.

Seeing an excellent opportunity for his buddy boy, Marco stepped in and asked his boss whether he would mind if he suggested someone that would take over the duties of his wife's gym routine, knowing that Jackson was a fully qualified fitness instructor.

He totally didn't know whether it was the right thing to do, giving Jackson's personal details out to a stranger...

...but Jesus man, the poor guy was desperate for work...he knew from personal experience of being unemployed for months himself, that it was starting to be a thing in his personal life, that it had messed with his marriage, at not being able to provide for his family as a man should...

Was Jackson angry? Fucking hell, he hoped not.

Jackson had become so important to him, not having that many friends for either of them...he didn't wanna lose him. Not at all.

"Jackson...look, before you castrate me..."

"DUDE! What the hell are you on about? You have literally saved my life!"

Marco frowned, the towel dropping from his narrow, naked waist in the process, but he didn't even worry about it, being all alone in his home. He gripped the phone inside the palm of his hand, before he replied...

"I just gave out your name to my boss at work when his wife's personal trainer..."

Jackson suddenly laughed out loudly at the other end, and the corners of Marco's mouth threatened to totally do the same, as was the infectious way that Jackson had with people. When he smiled...when he was happy, it felt that the entire world was. That's just who Jackson was...and what he stood for.

"Marco...are you kidding me? I'm so fucking happy, my dude! I fucking immediately phoned you now after the guy had called. This guy, I think his last name is Riley or something..."

"Rice. Mister Frank Rice, that's my boss at work."

"Whatever...anyway he said that I should send him my papers and if things check out, he might have a job for me at one of the gyms that he has a stake in! Dude! I might be working again soon and it's all fucking thanks to you!"

Marco smiled...he couldn't help but.

Hearing Jackson being so happy...so incredibly joyous and carefree, brought joy and so much utter happiness to his heart, that was way beyond any sort of belief. His chest was warm and full, the blood was PULSING through his veins, his fingers were shaking so much that he was afraid that he would end up dropping his phone...HE FELT SO ALIVE!

"So, you're gonna be Mr Rice's wife's personal trainer? As well as perhaps joining one of the gyms he owns?" he asked, just for clarity, and just...just to hear the man speak.

God...he would have been happy with hearing the man fart, he was so incredibly attracted to him.

"For real, man! If it wasn't so damn late and if I didn't now need to prepare the fuck out for the interview I have with your boss tomorrow, I would have come over and brought beer for us to celebrate!"

Something that Jackson had said earlier snapped into Marco's train of thought, and before he knew what he had done, it had totally slipped out into solid words...

"You really told me, before you told Elise and Nick? You kidding me?"


Total and utter silence.

Marco had just about started to wonder if Jackson had ended the call or something, when he heard the object of his desire sigh on the other end of the call.

"Yeah...no, I wasn't kidding or nothing. She's asleep, she's had a hard day at the office, you know, the corporates and all the shit that they go through every day. I'd rather not wake her now; tomorrow is just as good a time as any."

Marco made some more small talk with Jackson before he ended the call, and realised that he was still naked and still wet from his shower. Bending over, he grabbed the towel from where it had thundered downwards earlier, and walked from the bathroom, into his and Sarah's bedroom, still very much thinking of his neighbour.

He sat down on the bed, before he grabbed his phone once more and logged into WhatsApp.

With shaking hands, he manoeuvred his way to the message that Jackson had sent him two days before...

They were in a grocery store that day...and a woman that Jackson had bumped into with their trolley, mistakenly thought that himself and Jackson was married.

If that wasn't awkward enough, Marco had somehow, in his wildest dreams, found the guts and the courage to ask Jackson if he had ever, had indeed fooled around with another guy, as he thought there was no better time that the present to actually ask that, AND to get away with it.

It's just...God damnit, he HAD to know!

Jackson had been quiet the whole fucking way home, and he didn't answer the question for shit, and Marco had literally just started to think that he had now totally and utterly fucked up the best friendship that he had ever had...before THAT message had come through, later that same evening.

Only three measly words...but it had meant the world to Marco, and he knew that it was the answer to the question that he craved more than anything else.


He caressed the screen of the phone, on the exact spot where the word was written, before he sighed and rolled over onto his back, still with his phone in his hand.

Jackson...somewhere and somehow, had a history of being with a guy...in whatever shape or form.

Okay, but did that mean...

He kissed a guy? He had sex with a guy?

He was in love with a guy?

Marco smiled as the image of Jackson came front and centre before his mind's eye...he shuddered as he recalled the ripped stomach muscles of the pretty boy, his jet-black hair, always styled and gelled to fucking perfection, his powerful chest and biceps...

...his strong legs that was positively fluttered from hair all over the place...his hazelnut-coloured eyes, that was always, ALWAYS so full of life and adventure...

...and that beautiful, shit-eating smile that could melt the deepest, darkest layers of chocolate.

Mister Perfect.

In more ways than one.

Without even thinking of what he was doing, Marco reached down and touched his flaccid cock. The organ appeared to stiffen immediately, before he groaned inwardly at the feelings that was now suddenly rushing through him like a hot knife through farm butter.

Jackson...Jesus Christ, he was the sexiest man Marco had ever laid his eyes on.

Marco's eyes rolled back in their sockets as his cock, regained its stiffness second by second, until it was reached fever pitch, the red, hard, powerful male organ now reaching its full seven- and half-inch potential.

He thought back at when they were watching the Man United game together a couple of weeks ago...how energetic his buddy was when they scored, his lanky body almost dwarfing his very own, the huge ass smile on his face as they ended up on the winning side...

His cock stiffened even more.

Marco closed his eyes.

Gently starting the rhythmical up and down movements that was so well known to every male on this earth, Marco sighed deeply as the palm of his right hand fully encircled his fuck machine, to the point where he thought the organ would fucking burst if it was pumped even more of blood.

He was taken back to that moment where Jackson's wife Elise had literally lost it to him on the phone, that afternoon where he had so innocently given her a call, just to find out if he could order her a slice of pizza as well...and she literally shat on him just because he had interrupted her giving a presentation at work...how the fuck was Jackson supposed to even know that?

He had placed his hand on Jackson's shoulder that afternoon, his heart yearning and crying out for more...way more than just pure platonic friendship between them, that it was driving him fucking crazy.

Up and down...up and down...fascinated by his own foreskin slipping back and forth and over his flaring cockhead, dripping with pre cum by now, Marco saw Jackson's before him, that beautiful, sexy mountain of a man right before him on this bed, that he shared with his wife, but at least for now and in his dreams, it was just the two of them.

His hand slowly but surely became a complete and utter blur on his hard cock, the organ angry and red as it had ever been, the wanting of more...the need and incessant urges of being with another MAN...JACKSON!

He saw himself, in his imagination, still his hand never leaving the dripping, drooling seven incher that he had possessed, laying next to Jackson on the bed, and them looking deep into the eyes of each other.

Jackson leaned forward, his eyes glimmering with nothing but laughter and joy, and he came ever closer...he placed his right hand behind Marco's neck and solemnly and slowly pulled him closer...their lips were almost touching...their sweaty male bodies were grinding together like only two men ever really could, desperate for each other's touches, their strong, hard caresses...like two males who were fighting for complete dominance, and neither willing to give even as much as an inch away in doing so.

Marco's mouth was open...a little spout of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth, his breathing was heavy, his chest was warm and hot and TIGHT...his hand jacking off his needy, leaking cock like he hadn't even done before when he was a teenager. Jackson...Jesus Christ...Jackson...

The name of his best friend was on his lips, the moment that he climaxed in sheer, and utter ecstasy.

The pent-up sperm that he had been saving ever since Sarah had turned into a literal ice princess over the last few months were suddenly and unquiveringly released into the outside world. The white, cummy, protein was all over the place, wetness everywhere you looked, the metallic smell of the acidic watery goodness splattered across the majority of his own ripped abdomen.

As if in absolute awe, he arched his back, deeper into the mattress, before his right arm had finally had enough, and it slumped tiredly next to him, its job done, and nothing left inside of it, but erotic exhaustion.

With his left hand, after taking a few deep breaths, he leaned upwards, and slowly, as if he was still dreaming, he ran his fingers through the rapidly cooling sperm that was by now cooked onto his tummy.

Wow...just imagine...for even a second, that this...all of this...that it wasn't his own.

That it had belonged to Jackson himself.

How would his sperm look and taste? How would be feel between his own rough fingers...

...how would it feel when the man would cum inside his mouth, the warm globs and more globs of Jackson's ball essence completely coating his taste buds...

...he wouldn't let a single fucking drop go to waste, that he perfectly knew.

After a few seconds of quiet contemplation, and without the need to hurry to get dressed, his phone beeped. Tired as hell, he reached over to where he had tossed it further down onto the bed, and grabbed hold, before he flicked the screen a couple of times, and saw that it was finally some or another message sent from his wife.

Wow...it took her until almost midnight to tell him where she and Henry was? Far out, man...

He sighed and got reading.

"Hey Hon, look, Mom isn't feeling too good and Dad isn't up to looking after her like he used to...I'm staying over and so is Henry. Will be back tomorrow to drop him off, and then I'm staying until she is better."


No, I love you, Marco? No, hugs and kisses? No, I hope you are doing well?

Marco sighed and still with his phone in his hand, he switched to his gallery, where all the photos on his phone was stored. His eyes fell on a picture that was taken last week. Himself and Jackson were at a local pub where Marco had decided to treat his best bud for a few Black Label beers. Jackson, of course, being the clown that he was, asked the bar lady to take a picture of the two of them, which she did once Jackson had so much as winked at her.

It literally paid to be a handsome devil like Jackson.

The smile on their faces told you everything you need to know...

This was two men...strangers until as little as three months ago, who had found a genuine friend in the eyes of the other...and who had bonded so fast and so quickly that it felt that their friendship was literally unbreakable.

"Jackson..." Marco whispered, as he held the phone against his chest, as his eyes closed slowly, and falling asleep...with the picture of a handsome beautiful man, as well as his name dancing across his lips, the last thing that he remembered.


In the weeks that followed, Jackson had managed to impress Frank Rice to the point where he wasn't just his wife's own personal trainer, but he also had employed Jackson at one of the local gyms in the area where they lived. Again, not nearly the salary that Jackson's wife, Elise was bringing home, but at least he could once more provide for his family.

Both men celebrated that afternoon with pizza and beer, just about enough not to get them sloshed as hell, with knowing their wives and children would be home soon, but that only further strengthened their ever-growing bond. After that first month in his new job, Jackson Fuller became a whole other person. He was more out-going, he laughed more, he was just...fun to be around, and everyone could see that.

The two men didn't realise it...but it got to the point where they actually started to spend more time with each other, than they did with their respective wives. When something major would be happening in Marco's life, his first and foremost instinct at first, was to tell Jackson about it, and the latter found, that he felt the exact same way.

Loads of times that Marco would be in the office, and someone would tell a funny joke, or he heard something that you would normally tell your wife after work...Jackson was the first person he would message.

Jackson was just the same as well to be honest, each and every day after he was done with his clients, drilling the fat out of them, as per, Marco would see that there would be a message from his buddy, asking what he was doing, and if he had time to meet up over lunch...or they would just talk about any, and everything under the God's burning sun.

There was this one time...that Marco even ended up cancelling a meeting he had at work, because he couldn't bear to quit the conversation, he was having with Jackson over WhatsApp...he had to call Mr Rice and tell him that he had a sudden bout of the shits, the running kind, of course...

...he just didn't wanna go back to a boring meeting when he could have been chatting to his best friend.

"What the hell do you get someone like you for his fucking birthday?" Jackson moaned towards Marco as they were chilling one later afternoon at the swimming pool of the Fuller residence, both with a beer in their hands, and with both Henry and Nick doing homework inside of the house...

...or at the very least, they HOPED it was homework...you never know when they might sneak a Nintendo Switch cable into the big screen TV and completely forget about the former.

Boys will be boys.

Marco yawned lazily, as he glanced at Jackson...man, he looked good.

As a member of the gym's personnel, Jackson had complete and free access to the gym equipment itself, and he knew for a fact that every moment that Jackson had, he took advantage of that offer...the guy looked pretty spectacular, if he didn't already before.

Jackson was a walking wet dream, a classic pretty boy next door South African that you would stop and take a second look at...straight or gay, or even bisexual. There was no way that you could not.

"How...I didn't even tell you about my birthday...at least I don't think so..." he replied, his feet dangling in the lukewarm water of the swimming pool.

Jackson cackled softly, before he laid back, his lanky body stretching about next to Marco.

"You think I'd forget my best friend's birthday? Turning what...seventy this year, old man? Here's an idea...perhaps one of those wheely things that people your age uses to walk with, will come in fucking handy..."

Marco nastily rolled his eyes and reached forward, only to launch an entire splash of water onto Jackson, who totally wasn't expecting it, and proceeded to completely and utterly resemble a centipede curled up in sheer pain, as he giggled profusely.

It kinda hurt Marco just a tad that Jackson was three years younger than him, and make no mistake, the little shit totally knew that.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're ancient!" Jackson laughed, all while getting up and swiftly taking off his wet t-shirt that he had been wearing.

Marco's eyes unashamedly riveted over the rips of abs that Jackson had...the beautiful six layers of absolute muscle and perfection just seemed to stunningly glimmer in the afternoon sunshine. Jackson wiped his wet torso with the dry bit of his shirt, before he smiled back at Marco.

"Oh...like what you see, do you?"

Marco froze, immediately.

Okay...Jackson was kidding. He had to be; he knew what a goofball the guy was by now. But Jesus...just the mere notion that Jackson had any...but ANY idea of how he really felt about him, made his body nearly break out in hives.

"Please...you call that a body? I've seen better in high school locker rooms," he replied, earning a snot-eating grin from his best friend.

Things were quiet between the two men for a while, before Marco saw that Jackson was making his way over towards him, and once more, joined him at the pool area, as the two men seemed to bask in the silence.

"Look...I suppose I owe you some sort of...explanation."

Marco looked at Jackson, holding up his hand to block the rays of sunlight out of his face.

"What about now?"

Jackson pursed his lips and turned towards Marco directly. He looked down at his legs, before he spoke softly...

"That day...that day in the grocery store where the blond girl thought me and you were married and a couple."

Marco swallowed.


Very slowly.

"What about that day?"

Jackson suddenly looked up and shot Marco a semi-irritated look on his gorgeous features.

"Don't do that, okay? Don't fucking do this, it's hard enough to get up the fucking guts to talk to you about this, please...just listen, yeah? Just fucking listen before I lose my nerve..."

Marco slowly nodded, before he folded both his hands into a solid shaking fist, and with a heart now beating with the rapid speed that rebelled that of a Siberian hamster, he placed them gently on his knees.

Jackson took a deep breath, before he cleared his throat.

"You asked me that afternoon if I had ever had anything with...with another dude. I know I totally freaked you out because that was the last question I expected you to ever ask me. I gotta be honest, dude...you're literally my best friend...don't ask me how that happened, it just did."

Jackson held his gaze as he looked deep into Marco's eyes...it felt to the latter as if Jackson was staring into his very soul...the untold story and meaning behind Jackson's eyes was devastating.

"Truth is, Marco...there was a time in my life, like way back, where I was scared shitless that I was...you know...into other guys. Gay. And I was like...I dunno why the fuck this is even happening, because I shouldn't be feeling this way. I come from a very conservative family, my dude. One that will surely...fuck that, definitely not accept anything other from me than getting married and popping out some kids."

Jackson took some much-needed air into his lungs, before he blinked his eyes a few times, in trying to compose himself. As Jackson told his story, Marco's heart just...wept for the man before him. It was like what he was now being told, was a literal copy and paste out of his own god damn life.

Just like Jackson...he was from a generation of families that didn't accept anything out of the norm...that a man should marry a woman and have kids, with the complete and classic white picket fence house and cushy job to boot.

What they didn't bother to even acknowledge, was that there was always the change that a man, a woman...wanted something...different to what the norm suggested.

Jackson swallowed slowly, before he gently smiled up at Marco.

"I can't tell you how much I fucking lambasted myself, my friend. I didn't WANT to feel this way. I kinda met this guy in high school and for a while there I was convinced that I had genuine feelings for him...me...fucking Jackson Fuller! Son of the power couple Ted and Joyce Fuller that EVERY one knew in the small town I grew up in...I mean...what...why...how would their SON of ALL people even START to feel this way about another boy? Another man? I just...it didn't seem possible! Why me?"

Marco reached out without even thinking, and once more, placed his hand solidly on Jackson's shoulder, the latter shivering with pent up emotion and memories. Jackson shook his head and forced his unshed tears away, with immense amounts of will and determination...

"You don't owe me any explanation, buddy...don't do this to yourself," Marco said, before Jackson looked at him, straight in his eyes.

"I dunno what I felt, Marco. I dunno if I was in love or whatever, but I ended it. I ended us. It crushed me and I still...sometimes I think about how it felt...how it would feel...you know...being with a guy instead with a girl."

Marco didn't know what to fucking say.

He had no words.

At all.

This was a dude who loved his wife and his young little boy, he knew it, for God's sake, he saw it every day ever since they had met.

To realise, that deep inside Jackson Fuller, was nothing but a scared teenage boy who still often yearned from something he wasn't allowed to have...something that people thought was sick and disgusting...something that his family would literally disown him for...

...a carbon copy of his own.


The latter looked upwards at the sound of his name.

"What? You're gonna end this? Our friendship? Yeah...I wouldn't even blame you...who wants to be friends with a fucking faggot anyway..."

That was it.

That was IT!

Something inside Marco...after these weeks, and months of being near Jackson...yearning for him, his heart and soul crying out for the man of his dreams...becoming so close to him that he felt he needed, wanted him way more than his own wife...

...something just snapped.


He leaned in, with the speed and the grace of a ninja...

...and he softly kissed Jackson.


It literally felt like ages...like a fucking eternity of stars and universes had collided from the very moment that their lips touched...

...when in sheer morbid reality, it was just a couple of seconds.

Jackson sighed as their kiss broke off, and his eyes widened as he realised just what they had just finished doing.

Both men were silent as silent could be, before Marco bit his bottom lip...and Jesus Christ, he could still taste his best friend...and he stood up, placing both his hands in the sides of his pockets.

"I...I better be going. Jackson...know what...forget it. Okay? Just forget this...whatever this even was...forget it ever happened."

Jackson shook his head and stood up as well, before he walked closer and closer to the very spot that Marco was standing. He looked his best friend straight in the eye, without ever so much as wavering from his deep blue eyes.

"What if I don't wanna forget this? What then? Huh? You got an answer for that as well, Wise Guy?" he challenged Marco, the fire inside his voice and in his chest evident for all to see.

Marco sadly turned away, before he walked out of the backyard and back into the main house as quickly as possible.

Calling out...more like barking orders to Henry to get his bags packed so that they can go home was done swiftly as could be, before he walked out and waited outside for his son. He hoped to God that whatever Jackson did, he didn't fucking follow him...


Marco reached upwards inside total and utter frustration and ran his fingers through his hair, before leaning against the side of the house as he waited for Henry...


Did that story of Jackson fucking turn him on THAT much, that he had lost all sense of reality and who he really was...and for God's sake...who JACKSON was...both of them married men with CHILDREN for good measure?

He has probably now fucked up the best friendship that he had ever had!

Marco's tears were rolling down his eyes quicker than what he could do to stop it. He just stood there...the streams of sadness cascading down his face without any amount of shame.

He heard Henry shouting goodbye to Nick and to "Uncle Jackson" as well before he heard the rapidly approaching feet of an eight-year-old as his son made his way towards him.

Jesus...what was he going to hell Henry if Jackson and Elise now refused to have Nick and Henry see each other anymore? God knows, Jackson was so fucking devoted to his wife, as he should be...he would surely tell her! FUCK!

And oh...my God...

How was Sarah going to handle all of this...he had never even ONCE thought of how this was going to affect her!

"Daddy? Are we going home now?"

Marco quickly wiped his tears from his eyes before he turned around and faced his son. He smiled slightly, and pulled Henry towards him in a fatherly hug, kneeling down to kiss his son on his cheek, before he patted his back, lovingly and reassuringly.

"Yeah buddy...we going home..." he whispered.


"Alden...in my office...now!"

Marco didn't even have time to actually look upwards at his boss barking out his orders, before the older man was gone, and all that he heard was the footsteps of an angry as hell man walking away.

Marco frowned, and looked around his desk at anything that he might have done to have earned to be spoken to like THAT...he couldn't think of a single fucking thing...to be honest, his work was on time, his job was nearly done, he still needed to do some stock take, but even that wasn't an urgent issue, only this morning Mr Rice had more than assured him that he could take his time...

...so what the hell was going on?

Marco checked out his reflection inside the full-length mirror hanging outside Frank Rice's office, and after a quick nod towards himself, he knocked twice on the door, before he entered said office.

"Mr Rice, you wanted to see me?" he dared to ask, as he stood to one side, not having been told or even asked to sit down.

Frank Rice looked as if he had just been mauled to death by hungry leopards. He was clearly pissed off as anything, but Marco seriously had no fucking idea why.

"Alden...tell me, how long have you known that friend of yours?"

Marco shook his head, not understanding what the man was actually saying...

"Friend, Mr Rice?"

Frank rolled his eyes and slammed his fist on top of his desk, and HARD at that, the veins inside the crook of his next was actually THROBBING with intense anger, before he walked over towards Marco and sneered at him.

"YES! Your fucking friend...what's his name now...Jack...Jason...?"

Marco nodded, his eyes lightening up as he did so.

"Oh, you mean Jackson. Jackson Fuller."

Frank Rice spat on the floor, his big ball of saliva crash landing a mere centimetres away from where Marco's shoes were currently located...

...Marco balled his fists.

He needed this job. He fucking needed it.

But he wasn't going to be pushed around either.

Not by fucking Frank Rice all of bloody people.

Only the fat idiot wasn't done either...

"Yes...that cocky bastard! You can tell him that he has been fired! I don't tolerate traitors in any of my businesses! And you would do well to remember that as well! Why did you recommend him in the first place? Didn't you know who and what he is?"

Now Marco was totally confused...more and more by the second as things were.

Clearly Jackson had done something to offend his boss, but he had no idea what the man was going on about? He hadn't seen Jackson in about two weeks...the times when Henry needed to be dropped off next door to play with Nick, he usually waited until Henry had rung the doorbell, and then made sure he wasn't there when the door was opened...

...to be honest, he didn't have the guts to actually face Jackson after what had happened between them and now this?

Marco cleared his throat and stared at Frank Rice as calmly as his demeanour possibly could.

"Mr Rice, I'm afraid I have no idea just what you're saying. Did Jackson cross some line at work, did he do something to anger you?"

Frank Rice looked like he could literally murder Marco right then and there...



It can't be.

No...that was not like Jackson.


He knew Jackson pretty well...no!

Just no!

He didn't believe it for even a second!

Jackson had been so happy...so proud to have gotten this job in the first place, why the hell would he fuck everything up that he had managed to work so damn hard for by messing with Frank Rice's wife against her will!?

Marco parked his car in front of his house, and his heart was beating faster than it had ever had. This was serious...this wasn't some sort of game or twisted reality, this was the real thing.

And Frank Rice believed that Jackson Fuller...his best friend, Jackson Fuller, who he had fucking KISSED a mere two weeks ago, had now had unreciprocated sex with his wife.

Marco shook his head, before he switched off the engine of his car, and getting out. He left his belongings laying inside...he didn't even so much as care what happened to them.

He needed answers.

If not for Jackson, then for himself. He was the one who had recommended Jackson for the fitness instructor position in the first place...if this was true...Frank Rice wouldn't think twice about sacking him as well, just for the hell of it, and just because he could. That was just the type of person that he was.

He walked to the Fuller's home, and ended up on the front porch quicker than he thought he would have. He took a deep breath, before he reached up his hand to ring the doorbell, but before he could get the chance...


As fast as his legs could carry him, Marco sped around the front of the house and around the garage, where he hid, just anything to get away from the immediate front door, before the chaos continued...


"Elise, for God's sake, just LISTEN to me! I didn't do it! I didn't go near her..."


"I don't know! Elise, I swear, I have never, ever cheated on you!"

Marco grimaced. He knew...he knew that wasn't exactly true.

Then again, HE was the one who initiated the kiss with Jackson.

But then again, Jackson HAD kissed him back.

He didn't even TRY and stop him.

Or pull away from it.

There was a couple of minutes of silence, before...

"I'm telling you now, Jackson Fuller! I will leave you! I will God damn leave you and your cheating ass and then you can go to your new woman...I don't care what you do to her, but you leave me and MY SON alone!"

"Elise, please!"

Marco closed his eyes and groaned, before he made his way back towards his own house as quickly as he could.


Jesus Christ!

What the hell happened at that gym?

He knew Rachel Rice pretty well. They had dealings in the past, and in the short while that he had worked for her husband, she seemed like a perfectly decent woman as far as he could see.

Why...why on earth would she lie about this? Something that could and probably WOULD destroy Jackson Fuller in his entirety?


The following morning, Marco had called in to work and took the day off, vowing to put a day's leave in to get his work up to date, which Frank Rice reluctantly agreed to.

There was no way...no way, no how, that Marco would get a single bloody stitch of work done even if he did go in to the warehouse. He didn't have a single minute of sleep either. He wouldn't have lasted until mid-day, even.

And all that kept going around and around in his mind was...Jackson had to be innocent. He had to be.

It was one of the rare days that Sarah was going to be home as well, as she had no houses to show or clients to meet, so in lieu of that, she offered to take Henry to school, so that Marco could have a well-earned break from the morning run.

Marco had just finished making some filter coffee in their machine, when the doorbell rang, one...two...three...fucking four times in quick succession.

Angrily placing his empty coffee cup down on the kitchen table, he ran his fingers through his hair, and still shirtless, and in his boxers' shorts, he ran upwards towards the front door and quickly opened it.

He had a hunch who it could be.

And he was right.

"Dude...dude, I'm in so much fucking trouble right now..."

Marco nodded, and stood aside to allow Jackson into the house. He closed the front door and turned around, and immediately tensed up. He had never, ever seen Jackson in the state as he was now. It seemed as if all the colour had been completely drained from his entire face. He obviously hadn't slept a wink either.


"Don't Marco...don't look at me like that, please, I'm fucking begging you. I know Frank Rice is your boss and you probably know all about this by now, but I swear...I swear on our friendship and everything that it stands for, that I did not TOUCH Rachel Rice! Not once!"

Marco stood still for a couple of seconds...Jackson was so angry...and probably scared shitless at what all of this would mean for his life and his career...

...and in that precise moment he didn't hesitate.

Not this time.

Not again.

He slowly walked up towards Jackson, and placed both of his hands solemnly and carefully on the younger man's shoulders. Jackson visibly sighed as he did so, and the latter's eyes were full of unshed tears and total and utter confusion.

"It's okay...I got you. You hear me? I got you; I believe you. I know you wouldn't do this. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be just fine. I'm here...if that means anything. Just know that, yeah?"

Jackson nodded slowly...before he leaned forward...

...and hugged Marco towards him.

Together both men stood inside the Alden's livingroom...united and joined as one solid person.

Marco leaned his forehead on Jackson's shoulder, and held him even tighter than before.

"I got you...I got you..." he whispered once more, with Jackson shivering as he did so.


"Coffee? Just made some before you came and it fucking looks like you need it."


Marco made the coffee just as he knew how Jackson preferred it, before he placed it before him, and gave his buddy another pat on the back for good measure.

"I wanna help you...right now I think I'm the only person who actually can. I work for Frank Rice...I might be able to find out something about Rachel, but I need more info, dude. What the fuck happened?"

Jackson took two sips of his coffee, before burying his face inside both the palms of his hands, and looking up miserably at Marco.

"Oldest fucking trick in the book, dude. She wanted to have sex with me, during literally all of our sessions since I started working for her. And when I flat out refused two days ago, the next thing I hear is that I forced myself onto her!"

Jesus! That...that bitch!

Marco balled his fists just at the thought of what she had done...just because she couldn't get what she wanted, she goes and cooks up a pack of lies that has destroyed one of the kindest men he had ever met...

Marco shook his head, and looked straight at Jackson.

"She's not gonna get away with this. I don't care who she thinks she is, she ain't gonna fucking win. I promise you. On my fucking life, Jackson. I'll get you out of this. I promise you."

Jackson looked down...at his half drunken cup of coffee, before he looked back at Marco.

There was about a minute of silence between them, before Jackson smiled sadly.

"You know what is fucking raw, dude? What feels like I've been fucking stabbed by a blunt ass knife? Even worse than what that woman is saying about me?"

Jackson stood up, and we slowly walked towards Marco. Both men were stiff as boards. It was like both knew...in their heart of hearts, that something in their relationship and now most definitely changed.

Jackson stopped...just as he reached Marco.

"You know...my own wife doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm cheating on her. Fuck, she even said that I'm after the Rice fortune, by me doing this. Dude...what the fuck...in what world does my best friend believe me, and even wanna stick out his neck for me, but my own wife can't be fucking bothered..."

Marco swallowed slowly...Jackson...even in his dishevelled state...even without a night of sleep and severe worry completely etched on his face...

...he was still...immensely beautiful.

Marco's lips parted slightly, before he dared...before he dared reached upwards and softly...careful, as if he was afraid that Jackson might break into a million pieces, the palm of his hand on Jackson's cheek.

Jackson closed his eyes as the feeling of warmth and friendship seemed to completely RIP through him. Marco's eyes were full of acceptance and emotion, and even though he tried his best to stop it, the tears were flowing out of his eyes before he could do anything about it.

"You're crying...dude..." Jackson whispered, before Marco smiled and shook his head.

"You're the one in pain, my friend. I can't stand it. I...I care too much about you," he whispered back, his thumb now slightly caressing the side of Jackson's cheek.

Marco hissed as he felt Jackson's arms ever so slowly encircle his lower body, eventually reaching around his back. His face came ever closer, and he could see the sadness and the hope...stashed somewhere deep inside those precious hazelnut-coloured eyes of the latter.

Both men were now so in close proximity that they could literally feel the warm breath of the latter.

"I...I wanted to tell you this for a while now...but I've never...I didn't fucking know how..." Marco whispered, his voice breaking slightly before he could finish his sentence.

Jackson smiled, before he gently nudged his nose against Marco's.

"And what would that be?" he asked hoarsely.

Marco swallowed, before he leaned in...

"How fucking beautiful you are..."

And with THAT...

...Jackson launched himself at Marco with everything that the broken man had inside of him.

Together both men tried their level best to touch and reach each other just about everywhere they fucking could, arms, hands, legs, limbs were caressed and appreciated, several sighs were turned swiftly onto urgent moans as the two best friends continued to devour each other like hungry lions after a piece of raw meat that he been thrown to them.

Marco was the first to break things off for some much-needed air, and even Jackson, red as in his face, as Marco had ever seen him, had to hold on to one of the kitchen chairs in order to regain his balance.

Marco gulped some oxygen down his windpipe, before he took Jackson's hand, and held it inside his very own. The latter's eyes widened at the incredibly powerful and gentle gesture, before he squeezed Marco's fingers back as hard as he could.

"Marco...dude...I just..."

Marco smiled, and shook his head, quickly reaching out and placing his index finger on Jackson's lips, nudging him to be quiet.

"Don't...don't say anything. Not now...and definitely not here. Sarah will be back any moment."

Jackson nodded and this time it was his turn to lay his head inside the crook of Marco's neck.

Some seconds passed, before Marco softly kissed Jackson's temple, and squeezed his hand one more time.

"But first, we gotta get you the hell out of this whole fucking mess. Trust me, Rachel Rice has no idea what's gonna hit her."

Jackson sniffed slightly, before he shivered one more time.

"I've literally never been freaked out this much in my life, ever...I swear man, not even the day that my son was born...what if I go to jail, Marco? Seriously, think about it...she's fucking accusing me of sexual harassment!"

Marco pursed his lips and stood aside, allowing Jackson to move freely and away from him, whilst he placed both his hands on his hips.

"That ain't happening. Look, I've been thinking ever since Frank Rice told me about all of this...it's not only your ass in the firing line, if this goes further, I'm gonna set fired for suggesting he hires you."

Jackson groaned out loud...

"Oh, my good God, I totally forgot about that...Jesus, man, what are we gonna do?"

Marco blinked, his eyes a fiery red.

"I have a plan...but it's crazy. It's fucking whack, to say the least."

Jackson frowned and narrowed his own eyes just a tad.

"What are you gonna do, dude?" he asked, nervous as hell.

Marco winked at Jackson and reached for his phone.

"I'm gonna fucking play her at her own damn game..." he said, before quickly and swiftly, dialling a number.



They kissed! They FINALLY kissed!

But now...how will Jackson manage his way out of this lie created by Rachel?

And just WHAT does Marco have up his sleeve?

Please let me know what you thought, and if you would wanna read some more!!


Next: Chapter 4

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