Mister Perfect

By Ryan White

Published on Jan 29, 2023



It's Sunday so you know what that means LOL.

Ryan finally had some free time to write another chapter!

THANK YOU as always to those of you who send me feedback about my stories and always get in touch, it really means the world to us Nifty writers out there xx

As always, my email is still liciousryan@gmail.com if ya'll wanna get in touch.

I do love an online flirt haha.

Peace and love! Ryan


"Dude, are you totally sure this is gonna work?"

Jackson Fuller faintly resembled Olaf from Frozen, trying to stop melting bit by bit at that moment and time whilst Marco also was a little nervous if truth would to be told, but he knew that this was their only chance, this was literally the only way that they would have to try and get rid of these ridiculous accusations that Rachel Rice had made against Jackson a couple of days back.

Thanks to Marco, Jackson had been gainfully employed by Marco's own superior at work, Frank Rice, to become one of the new fitness instructors at one of the health facilities that the man had owned, and because of his wife Rachel's own PT suddenly and worryingly quitting to immigrate with his wife and kids, Jackson had also become the personal trainer for her at her personal request...

...but that didn't last long unfortunately as total disaster had struck after a few short weeks...

...she had viciously and purposefully tried to get into his pants at every opportunity that she got, and the moment that Jackson had her sat down and told her that he was very happily married and that it totally wasn't going to happen between them...she flipped, and she had cunningly and menacingly run to her husband and complained that Jackson had tried to fucking molest her.

She knew she had too much to lose, and if Jackson got talking, people might have believed him, or have casted severe doubt her way at the most, she had striked before he could say or do anything. He was fired on the spot, and was now facing criminal charges, all thanks to that pathetic gap tooth bitch.

Jackson of course, denied everything and of course Marco at once believed him...Jackson Fuller just was not that kind of guy. In all the months that they had gotten to know each other, he knew for a fact that the guy was honest as hell, he was kind, he was adventurous and he always, always had time for everyone who needed him...he wasn't perfect by any sort of means...

...but he was Marco's Mister Perfect.

The gap in Jackson and his wife Elise's marriage had gotten wider and wider the longer these accusations had hung over his head, as if being unemployed for several months before wasn't enough strain to handle...and Marco pitied the hell out of his best friend.

Every night...every single damn night since they had shared their first kiss in the Alden's kitchen several days ago, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the man.

The most beautiful, sexiest creature on two legs, with a heart of gold, that he had EVER laid eyes on. Marco did have a conscious however, and he hated what he was doing to his own wife, Sarah...who he was quite sure suspected nothing of the sheer sexual feelings that her own husband was feeling towards their neighbour.

The man...not the woman, at that.

But the stress of what Jackson was being accused of was getting to Marco in a whole other way as well...because Sarah was, and had always been, a vicious advocate for woman's rights and herself and Elise had gotten incredibly close as friends ever since the Fuller family had moved in next to them mere months ago. To make matter worse, she didn't believe Jackson...and Marco did. That in itself was a recipe for absolute disaster for a husband and wife on the opposite sides of a case like this. Sarah simply couldn't understand why Marco couldn't support the woman in all of this for once in his life, with Elise quite simply "broken" by what her husband was getting accused of.

Hey...it wasn't as if Marco could tell Sarah that himself and his best buddy had shared a fucking earth-shattering kiss, that had made his seven-inch cock harder than it had ever been in all the years that he had been fucking HER...just by merely kissing the man of his dreams...

Jackson sighed and stood up from where he had been sitting down on the Alden's couch, and came closer towards Marco, and placed his right arm around his best friend, and softly laid his cheek onto the latter's shoulder in the desperate need for some comfort in all of this.

Marco in turn, reached upwards and gently took Jackson's hand inside his own, and gave it the strongest of squeezes that he could possibly muster.

"This is gonna work, buddy, I'm sure of it. At the time, I didn't think much of her former trainer so suddenly leaving the country, but then I talked to Sarah, and her being a real estate agent, she told me that the wife had been incredibly desperate to sell their house just so that they can get away as fast as they could. So? What does that tell you? Nah...there has got to be more to this. That man had been working for her for what...five weeks, before he suddenly wanted to quit the hell outta that place and fly his family out of the country? Don't fucking believe it."

"I can't believe you actually convinced him to come around here. What if...what if he refuses to talk? Or what if we both are wrong as hell?" Jackson murmured, and Marco shuddered as he felt the man's warm breath dancing against his neck.

"We have to at least try, my dude..." he replied, more hope in his heart than anything else at this point.

They literally had nothing left to lose.

A little more than ten minutes later, the doorbell finally rang, and Jackson jumped upwards from where he was still holding onto Marco, suddenly ashamed, apparently, that they had been doing something so intimately, as if he was scared to shit that someone might see what they were up to.

Marco's eyes softened as he gave Jackson a quick hug, before he marched to the door and swiftly opened it.


"Are you sure about this? I mean it, man...I can't go to Frank Rice about something like this and everything you've JUST told us being a lie. This guy's whole fucking future is depending on this!" Marco said slowly and softly, with Jackson nodding as he spoke, both their eyes on the scared young man who was now sitting so meek and mild before them, his eyes as white as a cotton sheet.

Said young man looked upwards and nodded, gritting his teeth as he did so.

"I'm sure. She...that Rachel woman is an absolute bitch! I told my wife the second that she first came onto me, and that was way back in our FIRST ever session together, but then again, I had no proof. It was her word against mine, and she told both of us that, when my wife went over to the gym to tell her to stop harassing me."

Jackson raised his eyes as he heard this...

"She actually knew what Rachel was doing? She confronted her How the fuck did that go down?" he asked, his voice hoarse with stress and frustration.

The young personal trainer took a sip of coffee that Marco had made for him when he had arrived, and he took sudden another deep breath, before wiping some pent up sweat from his forehead.

"When Rachel realised that I had told my wife that she wanted to have sex with me, that someone other than myself knew what she was up to, it was like she did a complete one-eighty, right then and there. She threatened us that she would do anything in her power to get me fired and to have charges of sexual harassment laid against me, and that she would be able to convince her husband of anything she said...because who would believe her over me?"

Marco balled both his hands into sheer, solid fists, before he looked over at Jackson.

"That what she told you as well?" he asked, his eyes full of fire, blazing curses at just what this woman was able to have been getting away with for God knows how long.

Jackson sighed, before he stood up and ran his fingers through his jet-black hair in complete and utter frustration.

"She didn't threaten me, not as such, but the moment that I rejected her, the fucking moment she realised this wasn't going to happen, she got nasty ended up chasing me out of the house. The next thing I knew, is that people at work was giving me funny looks and then fat man Rice fired me on the spot for molesting his wife! I didn't fucking touch her!"

The young man also stood up and drank the last droplets of his coffee, before he took turns to look at both Marco and Jackson, before he shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips, and sadly at that.

"Nothing is gonna change...you guys. Frank Rice ain't gonna believe us over his own wife, and we have no proof either. Me and my wife have to move overseas because of this woman...she's gonna totally get away with this, isn't she?"

Marco's eyes darkened, to the point where Jackson actually felt freight inside his heart...

"No, she ain't. Not this time. This is the first and LAST time she messes with anyone I fucking care about..." he whispered, looking directly at Jackson as he spoke the last words of his sentence.


"Good evening, Mrs Rice! Are you well?"

Rachel Rice stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened as she saw the very...well...VERY handsome blond man that had been working for her husband for the past couple of months, smile and wave at her as she was walking out of his office on her way home to their mansion in Plattekloof estate.

Frank was away for business at the moment, and he would be for a few more days...so safe to say she was bored at hell from just sitting at home and spending his money. The guy that she had been ogling lately had completely rejected her when she had gone and done him the utter favour of offering herself on a silver platter, and she made quite sure that she got her revenge good and proper for that matter.

She almost snorted at the memory of him daring to say no to her.

Who the fuck was Jackson Fuller to reject her...like she even so much as cared that he was married with a kid!? Why would she? It was just SEX, for God's sake!

But...she knew what she had to do. The other fool that she had been courting behind her husband's back before Jackson had gone behind her back telling tales to his wife...and she couldn't have that again.

She'd rather get the fire started before it totally blew over against her. Poor guy...he really was a stunning piece of meat...but that's what you get for saying no to Rachel Rice.

That was just HOW things were.

Nothing personal.

Just business.

She smiled ever so sweety, on her best sultry behaviour, as the blond guy came closer to her, swinging his backpack over his shoulder, as he was seemingly done for the day. He clocked off at three in the afternoon...that she very well knew...and just a tad of a THRILL shot through her pussy as her eyes fell appreciatively over his powerful and muscular physique.

Marco in turn, was giving the fucking acting job of his fucking life...he couldn't have her suspecting anything. Jackson furiously protested against him doing this, but he didn't have another choice. That was all they could still do...offering himself up as bait in order to get the dirt on this vicious bitch and clear Jackson's name.

He'd do anything for Jackson...he didn't quite know why he felt that way...nor did he really care, he just knew that Jackson needed him and he was for fuck sake going to make sure that he was there for him. He cared about the guy way too much to have him suffer like this.

Way too much.

"Hey, Mrs Rice! Any idea when Mr Rice will be back?" he asked, his eyes full of mischief from the get go, which he hoped to God, Rachel couldn't and wouldn't be missing.

Rachel smiled as seductively as she could, before she ran his fingers through her red hair, and she stood a little closer to the blond stud before her. She licked her lips, all the while keeping a close look out at anyone who could possibly be seeing her with him...but so what...if the shit hit the fan, she could always just make up another story to Frank to get him fired as well, no fucking big deal.

"It's Maxwell, right?"

"Marco...Marco Alden."

"Oh, that's right! Marco...well...pretty sexy name for a pretty sexy man, I gotta say..."

Marco's eyes flickered over towards hers...the fucking woman literally had no fucking shame.

"Mrs Rice...are you flirting with me?"

Rachel smiled once more, her eyes all over the place, looking left and right as fast as she could...but there was very clearly no one else in the warehouse apart from the two of them.

Satisfied that this was indeed the case, she reached out and placed the palm of her hand firmly on Marco's torso...right in the middle of his abdomen...and she giggled as she heard Marco hiss and take in a sharp breath at her actions.

"What's wrong, Big Guy...you know my husband is away for a while...so why can't I have some fun...no one will know...just between you and me...come on...what do you say...let me rock your world for once in your life..." Rachel now positively meowed towards him, with Marco trying harder and harder to get into character, which was God damn near impossible with how much he despised this woman.

"Mrs Rice...I don't think you understand...I'm very, very happily married and so are you...come to think of it...Mr Rice has been very good to me...there is no way I can possibly do this to him..."

Rachel SNATCHED her arm away from Marco's lanky body, and her face immediately resembled that of an injured street cat, before she smirked and clutched her handbag even tighter than before.

"You know...I don't know what it is with you people? You idiots that Frank always employs? You're always married or always so into your fucking wives that you can never just have any...FUN!? That's three of you that has rejected me now...and here you are...I'm literally offering you a good time and all you can think about...no, screw this. I'm done. Fuck all of you!"

Rachel turned around and started to walk away, but it was like a sudden lightbulb was going off inside her brain halfway towards the exit, before she turned around and marched straight back up to Marco, her index finger nearly lodged up his nose, so angry she was.

"Oh, and by the way...you tell any of this...ANY of this to Frank...I'll slap you with a sexual harassment lawsuit so fast, your head will spin!" she hissed towards him, before turning away from him once more.

Only this time, Marco was more than ready for her.

"But Mrs Rice...you heard me saying no when you asked me to sleep with you...I didn't do anything! I haven't done anything to you! You can't do this to me!"

Rachel snorted out loud like a male dog in heat, before she threw her head backwards and cackled manically.

"PLEASE! Do you know who I am? One word to my husband and he'll make sure you'll never work in this town again! I've already gotten rid of two homo's who rejected me for their loving wives...so open that handsome gob of yours and SEE what will happen! TEST ME! I dare you!"

Marco smiled...before he turned around and called out to the back of the warehouse...

"You guys can all come out now!"

Rachel's eyes widened to the point where it resembled a UFO when she saw that not only did her former personal trainer and his wife suddenly and inexplicably appear out of wherever they had been hiding, but also the guy she had gotten rid of a couple of days before, as well as a woman that she clearly didn't recognise...

She stood still, very much like a stature in its own right, before she finally seemed to get a grip over her limbs and her vocal chords...

"What...what is all this? Marco...who are all these people and WHAT the hell are they doing here?" she shrieked, the last bit of colour finally seeming to disappear from her cheeks as she realised that obviously...every single person in this room must have heard...and seen what had just transpired.

Marco held out his hand as Sarah joined him at his side, the latter positively flickering daggers at Rachel Rice at the best way that she could.

"It's over, Mrs Rice. To think I actually felt sorry for you when I heard what you were accusing Jackson Fuller of! How I had to comfort and hold his wife in my arms because she thought her husband was cheating on her! You're a disgrace to each and every woman who this REALLY happens to!"

Rachel, white as a sheet by now, turned away from the rest of the pack, probably in the dire need to get the hell out of there, but what she didn't bargain on, was that her husband...the one and only Frank Rice...was right behind her when she did so.

"JESUS! Frank...I...look, I can explain...these people...I mean, all of them were after me! All of them want to destroy me, because of who I am! They wanna get to you through me! Frank, please...help me! They're telling lies, it's all lies!"

Frank Rice stood deadly still, before he walked over towards Jackson...staring him straight in the eyes...before he reached out and offered his hand to the younger man.

Jackson's eyes bulged at the gesture, and he looked up at Rice in total and utter confusion, before he slowly reached out and shook the man's hand.

"FRANK! What the hell are you doing! That...that monster MOLESTED me!" Rachel shouted on top of her voice, her eyes now totally crazy as well as fixated in her skull, as if she couldn't quite believe at what she was seeing...

Frank Rice turned around to face his wife, before he reached into his jacket pocket, and took out his expensive Huawei cell phone...it turns out that from the minute that Marco had approached Rachel several minutes ago, that everything that had transpired between them and EVERYTHING that had been said and done, and been LIVE STREAMED directly to his phone...

...Frank Rice now knew everything that his wife had done...she admitted it in ultra 4K sound and crystal-clear picture.

Rachel seemed as if she was struggling to stay upright as she finally seemed to realise just what has been happening, before she coughed twice...

"That...that is not...what it seems...everyone knows it's the easiest way to tamper with a recording! Frank...don't do this! Don't believe them over me! I'm your wife!"

Frank shook his head, and placed his phone away once more, before he wiped his cheeks, in complete and utter humiliation at what his wife had been able to get away with right before his very eyes...

"You are no wife of mine. Get the hell out of my life before I do something I'd REALLY regret!" he said as softly and as potently as he could, without making a scene, before he turned back towards Jackson.

"You will report back to duty as of tomorrow morning, you hear?" he hissed towards him.

Marco gave Jackson a slight shove as the latter didn't react whatsoever, before he suddenly seemed to register just what Frank was actually saying. Marco nodded and smile at his best friend, edging him on to accept.

Jackson could only nod at the man...there was no words needed.


"Where's Sarah gone?" Jackson asked as the two men were all alone in the warehouse after every one had since gone home, and the two of them were still busy figuring out how to get packing up of the hired steaming equipment without doing damage to it.

Marco smiled as he saw Jackson looking at least ten years younger after all of this had now been sorted out, before he placed his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

"She's gone home to see Elise. We did tell her to also be here...any idea why she didn't come?"

Jackson sighed, before he tiredly wiped his eyes.

"I dunno man...ever since this whole thing started, we've been fighting like cats and dogs. She just point blank refused to believe me and there was nothning I could do to change her mind. Hopefully Sarah has more luck, they've become good friends. At least there's that."

Marco was quiet for a while, before he nudged Jackson's foot with that of his own.

"And us? What about us?"

Jackson looked upwards at Marco, and he slowly smiled as he saw nothing but love, friendship and utter admiration inside the eyes of his best friend...as well as the same bloke who had seriously saved his ass in all of this. If he didn't come up with this plan to get Rachel to confess in what all that she had done, he might have still been looking at a sexual harassment charge hanging over his head.

Jackson stood up and shorted the distance that was between them in a heartbeat, until he was standing right next to Marco. He took a deep breath and took softly hold of his bestie's hand, and held it tightly within his very own.

"I dunno, dude...I dunno where we're going with this. All I do know is...I have never felt so close to anyone else...not even Elise. Not ever before. Not even anyone I've ever dated. This...us...this special friendship that we have created...I can't stop thinking of you. That's all I fucking ever do...tell me to stop if I'm freaking you out, but ever since we kissed the other day...I can't get you out of my head."

Marco tensed up as he saw a tear escape from Jackson's eye, and without even as much as remotely thinking about it, he reached forward and gently wiped the liquid away from rolling down further than it has already been.

Jackson closed his eyes and squeezed his hand tighter, before he pulled Marco to him in a viciously tight hug, holding the man to him, trying to feel as much of his body on his own as what was humanly possible.

Marco rested his head inside the crook of the taller man's neck, before he heard Jackson sigh with sexual relief...together both men stood still in total unison, enjoying the feel and the yearning...the need to BE with each other as much as what they could manage.

"We're both married...to women for God's sake. Dude, what the hell are we even doing?" Jackson whispered against his chest, holding Marco tighter towards him.

The latter responded with a gentle, yet fiercely determined kiss to Jackson's jet-black hair, before he reached over and caressed the back of the younger man's neck.

"I dunno...I really don't know, Jackson. All I do know is...I don't wanna lose this. Never! Jesus Christ...I don't wanna be without you even for one fucking more second."

Jackson sighed, before he reluctantly released himself from Marco's grasp, the look on his face clear for even a blind man to actually see. He reached out and cupped Marco's cheek inside the palm of his right hand, and he leaned forward and rested his forehead on his best friend's.

"You'll never lose me...not if I can help it...hey...look at me..."

Marco opened his eyes and seriously felt as if he had melted...literally...as he saw the love and devotion that was now positively salivating out of the younger man's eyes towards his own.

"Kiss me."

Marco smiled, before he did just that.

The two men groaned inwardly as they started off slowly, very slowly, but very quickly this whole shebang was turning into one passionate smooch fest. Clinging to each other, scared to shit that they might disappear from the other's grasp if they didn't, they continued to make out for as long and as hard as they could, before Marco finally broke things off in lieu of getting some much-needed air into his lungs.

Not expecting the sudden release, Jackson in turn fell forward, losing his balance, to which Marco quickly held him upright, and stopped him to hurting himself.

"I got you, I got you..." he whispered, before he heard Jackson giggling hysterically.

"Jesus dude... you imagine how shit is gonna go down when Sarah and Elise ever see this..." he spluttered out loud, before he placed his arms around Marco's neck, smiling for all the world to see.

"You saved me...you're my fucking hero...I owe you so much, Marco Alden..." he whispered, blatantly and cheekily placing a kiss on Marco's lips.

Marco didn't think it was possible ever being this happy.

He had all about giving up on ever being as fulfilled as he was now.

He loved his wife and his son...make no mistake, they meant the world to him, always have and always would.

But he always knew...there was something that was missing.

Something that Sarah just...just COULDN'T give him in his life, through no fault of her own.

He wanted...he wanted this! He wanted a man! He craved...YEARNED...CRIED out for a man's touch and finally...finally he had it.

"Jackson...Jackson, I..."

Jackson kissed Marco's neck, before he looked up at his best friend.

"That's my name, don't waste it..." he giggled before happily and energetically nudging his nose to Marco's.

There was so much...so much that Marco Alden wanted to say...wanted to fucking shout out to the rooftops, but he didn't dare...he couldn't...

...he was scared of all that he was feeling. All these new and strange emotions absolutely FLOODING his entire body.

He cheekily fluffed Jackson's hair, before he stood up and grabbed his keys and cell phone from where it had laid, discarded and completely forgotten.

"Yo, dude...don't leave me hanging, did you wanna tell me something?" Jackson asked as he followed Marco towards the exit of the warehouse, and patiently waited for the latter to lock up, before he saw his best friend finally face him.

"Just...just time to return to reality, my dude..." Marco said, clearing his throat.

He couldn't say it.

What he really wanted...what he so desperately wanted Jackson to know.

He just couldn't.

Not yet.


In the days that followed both men found time to see each other really few and far between.

Both Marco's son Henry and of course Jackson's son Nick were busy with immense amounts of homework, insane for being only in Grade one for both of them, and whenever Marco was in fact at home, Jackson was at the gym, for all the long hours they worked getting people fit and trained.

They managed to keep up with each other via WhatsApp of course, but that wasn't the same as seeing each other every day like they had used to when they were both gainfully unemployed.

More often than not, however, at times where Marco would be sitting outside late at night, after both Sarah and Henry had long fallen asleep, he would hear faint noises and words of how both Jackson and Elise were going back and forth attacking each other...

...and for the life of him he couldn't understand why.

Everything had been sorted, Jackson had been more than proven non-guilty of what Rachel had accused him off...and still it seemed, there was still problems between husband and wife on that side of the fence. Pun totally intended.

He didn't wanna straight up ask Jackson what was going on...he didn't wanna mess up what they had built up these past few months by totally going rogue on his ass.

Finally, at long last, it was the weekend, and both women had been going on and on about having a family gathering over at whoever's house, with both Marco and Jackson jumping at the chance to legit and honestly seeing each other.

Marco never in his life finished his work so damn fast to get home as he did that particular Friday...why he didn't fucking know...Jackson only finished at the gym at around six!

He hated himself for checking everything a million times, making sure the food and the drinks, aswell as the music was just right, as Jackson liked it...he didn't even give a second thought to what Elise would want. There was really no need for that.

Even Sarah asked his straight out what was going on...he was never this nervous whenever they had people over the past...but how could he tell her...how could he ever START to comprehend what his brain and his heart was feeling?

This wasn't just an ordinary visit...having the neighbours over for a barbeque and having a good time.

Oh no.

He hadn't physically seen the man he dreamt about every night in person for over a week...it really started to take its toll and how that they had entered this...new dawn in their friendships, he just didn't want there to be anything to mess that up.

Finally, at last, the doorbell rang, later that same evening.

From where he stood around the barbeque waiting to put the steaks on the grill, he flinched as he heard it go off...why, he didn't know. It was just Jackson. It was just normal, fun loving, his best buddy Jackson Fuller bringing his family over for a spot of dinner as they always did.

Only this time...only this time, things had changed.


Marco swore as he allowed the ice falling out of his hands as he started to prepare Sarah her favourite drink as he always knew how she enjoyed to have it. He quickly mopped up the spillage, before he turned around and reached into the mini bar fridge to get Jackson a beer.

Jesus! Why was he so damn nervous! It was just Jackson for fuck sake!

The moment that the two men saw each other...for the first time in nearly a week...

...that was it.

There was literally no one else in the room, at that moment.

No wives...no kids.

Just the two of them.

Jackson's eyes lit up as well as Marco's as he came around the corner of the kitchen to the outside area, complete with Nick holding his hand whilst the two women were making conversation. Jackson's smile slowly spread across his face and I swear, it was as wide and afar as the Kalahari Desert at that moment and time.

Marco, for all his nervousness and shaking hands and sweaty palms, couldn't keep the smile off his own dial, even if he tried, as his heart seemed to practise kickboxing inside of his chest as he saw the man he had come to care about, and so deeply at that.

Jackson was the first to hold out his hand towards Marco, who didn't waste any time taking it into his own, as a traditional shaking of hands was overshadowed completely over what was truly happening between them.

"Hey you..." Jackson softly whispered the mere moment that Nick had managed to spot Henry inside the living room loading up his Nintendo Switch, and once it seemed safe to do so.

"Hey yourself..." Marco said cunningly, his eyes full of mischief and pent-up emotion at the mere sight of his handsome, beautiful piece of human flesh right there before him.

The evening progressed swiftly, with Jackson and Marco attending to the meats and things that had to be grilled, whilst the women were all doing the salads and the extra's as per, and whilst there were times where they were left alone, they really couldn't DO anything...or say anything out of the ordinary. Just the two of them.

There was always the chance that either Sarah or Elise or even worse...Henry or Nick would walk in on them and start to ask questions that neither dude wanted to actually answer.

During the meal, Marco would find Jackson's eyes continuingly searching for and eventually finding his own, and both men would smile their hearts out as the two women would be engaging in their separate conversation...only this time, where it had troubled them the previous time they had felt so OUT of place from their wives...

...only this time they didn't seem to care.

Because...because they had each other.


"Over here, right now."

Jackson followed Marco's eyes as it once more blazed fire towards him, the two women outside discussing the details of getting Elise into Sarah's book club by the end of the week, and clearly having forgotten that their husbands were even there, as women tended to do, when ever they got talking over a drink or two.

The two boys were busy playing a game to their heart's content on the big screen TV in the living room, where Marco was quite sure they would be for quite a while yet, if the sheer level of noise and the excitement was anything to go by.

Jackson chased after Marco as quick as he could, before he saw Marco entering a room om the outskirts of the house, which clearly, when you saw it, had to be some sort of guest room.

It certainly looked as if it hadn't seen used in quite a while, before he almost immediately felt Marco's arms completely and utterly encircling his upper body, with his face buried inside the crook of his neck, as if it belonged there, and only there.

"Jesus Christ, I've missed you..." Jackson heard Marco moan softly, so that only he could hear, and he shivered throughout his entire body as he felt Marco's lips sneakingly pursed and placed on his bare flesh.

"Stop talking and fucking kiss me..." Jackson countered his ass off, before turning the whole scenario around on Marco, throwing himself at him and pinning him against the wall of the bedroom for good measure, and he grinned as he pushed the entirety of his lanky body onto that of his best friend.

"Fuck...you're so hot...I want you...I want you bad..." Jackson whispered as he kissed Marco with every fibre of his being that was inside him.

The two horny ass men seemed to touch and grope each other everywhere they fucking could manage to...shoulders, hips, stomach, muscles and face...kissing each other as if they were the last two people left on the face of this green earth.

Marco took the lead, pushing Jackson backwards towards the bed, and tossing the taller, younger man onto the rubbery mattress, before he sunk to his knees seeing Jackson laying on his back before him.

"What...what are you fucking doing?" Jackson hissed as his eyes seemed to adjust to the bad lighting inside of the guest room, as for obvious reasons they couldn't switch the lights on... not if they wanted to keep all of this a secret.

Marco was quite frankly delirious...he has never done this with anyone, any man before...he had always wanted to...but this was the first time and he hoped to God that he didn't disappoint...

"Just shut up and enjoy this...Jesus Christ pal, you're so fucking sexy..." he inwardly croaked out before he solidly placed the palm of his hand onto Jackson's ripped chest, and forced his body backwards.

As if in a dream, Jackson saw Marco's hands urgently rip at the seams of the jeans that he was wearing, to the actual point that Jackson actually had to lift his ass off from the bed in order to actually get them off.

With a passionate hunger on his face like he had never felt or endured before, Marco ripped the jeans with both of his hands downwards, almost to the point of shattering the fabric completely, before he stared down at the more than decent bulge that he saw hidden beneath the pesky boxers that Jackson was still wearing.

"Marco...buddy...are you sure about this?" Jackson's voice hissed over towards him, and a rattle sneaked through his brain and his heart.

Marco was silent...he felt that he was more than ready...he had wanted to do this since forever...and who better with, and the one man...the one man that he...

Fuck, he couldn't even say it!

He reached over and laid beside Jackson for just a few seconds, before he softly placed his lips on that of the latter man.

Jackson sighed softly, before he deepened said kiss, bringing both of his hands upwards and wrapping them around the entirety of Marco's face. Marco in turn wrapped his own hands around that of Jackson's slender waist as the two men continued to devour each other's faces just like the desperate mammals that they were.

"Stay there...I wanna do this...I've dreamt of this...just please let me do this..." Marco whispered softly as he released the kiss, only to lean forward once more...and Jackson hissed with emotion as he felt Marco kiss his eyes...his cheeks...finally down towards his blunt nose and back at his lips, where they swapped saliva like no one's business.

Jackson laid back once more, as Marco quickly snuck down towards the end of the bed, and with a vicious hurry, he pulled Jackson's boxer shorts down.

He knew his best mate would have a creature of beauty hidden inside of those drawers...everything else of Jackson Fuller was beautiful and perfect...why wouldn't his cock be the same.

Marco openly marvelled at the seven-and-a-half-inch fuck stick that was by now thundering its way out of the fabric, the heat and the aroma's emanating from the thick, meaty phallus almost dwarfing Marco's needs.

Knowing they had to hurry the fuck up, even though he didn't wanna get this just over and done with, he took hold of Jackson's penis inside his right hand, and he giggled as the man above him seemed to go absolutely ballistic with pure sexual need and pleasure.

How long...for how long has he wanted to do this and now it was right there before him?

Licking his lips, Marco winked at Jackson, knowing they were on a fucking timer here, before he gently leaned down and placed his lips around that of Jackson's flaring cockhead.

"Jesus!" Jackson groaned as softly as he could, and he responded by reaching downwards and grabbing hold of a tuft of Marco's hair, which he gripped like a vice inside his hand.

Marco smiled secretly around licking and tasting the delicious cock snot that he was now feasting on, amazed at how hard and warm Jackson's organ really was.

His wet, warm tongue continued to make circles around that thick steel hard pipe of his best friend, to the point where Jackson's knees was starting to shake rapidly and uncontrollably.

Marco doubled his efforts on the thick piece of meat, the evidence that Jackson was enjoying this just as much as he was quite clear, as the pre cummy juices seemed to flow from that flaring piss slit like nothing Marco had ever seen before.

Up...down...up...down...the longer and longer he was drawing this out, the more fucking chances that they would get caught...

...but suddenly Marco didn't care anymore.

Whether it was way too far gone in the sexual desire and desperate brain fog of finally being with a MAN the fucking way that nature had intended for homosexual men, he didn't know...all that he knew in his heart of hearts was that Elise and Sarah were as far from their minds as was humanly possible...

...and if either or both of them would to walk in here right now...he would proudly to the death, defend what himself and Jackson was doing.

"Dude...gonna cum...fucking hell, get off, I'm gonna blow any fucking minute..."

Marco spat out the dick inside his mouth, giving it a few more twirls and twists just for good measure, with Jackson's ripped stomach evident underneath the shirt that he was still wearing, his abs flexing a desperate thousand miles a minute underneath all that fabric as he tried to digest what Marco was doing to his penis.

Jackson hissed and his chest was getting more and more heavy, his entire body felt as if it was on fucking fire as Marco continued his oral assault on his genitals. His cock was as wet as it has ever been, slimed chock and block full to the brink full of Marco's saliva and spit...he didn't think he had ever...EVER been this hard in his entire fucking life!

A thrill as big as a fucking tsunami drilled through Jackson as his piss slit once more came under attack from Marco's urgent tongue, needy and by now so oh craving whatever was in Jackson's balls that he wanted to give his bestie.

Jackson's eyes slowly rolled back in their sockets, before he sat upwards with his back arched, and his mouth opened just a tad...but there was no sound escaping whatsoever...

A raw as deep and as silent as the day was long ripped through the course of his being...his soul...his fucking human spirit, as he unloaded and unloaded and once more UNLOADED his potent, virile, white ball juice right into the mouth of the person who had so badly wanted it the most in this entire world.

Marco didn't quite know what it had hit him...he kinda figured what, with all the fights that he always heard at night between Jackson and Elise that they weren't exactly having sex in the slightest, but he didn't for absolutely no fault of his own, EVER, expect this much sperm to be leaking out of that pouring cockhead.

Much like a hungry street cat, that hadn't been fed for weeks on end, he lapped at every nook and cranny, every bit of wetness he could possibly find, the smell and the taste once more RIVALLING anything he had ever had inside his mouth.

Knowing that it came from Jackson...it came straight from the most sacred place that a man could ever hope to possess...that life giving substance which was devoured as soon as it would flow from his source.

Smacking his lips with complete and utter intent, Marco saw that Jackson wasn't moving, and he worryingly looked upwards, and once more laid down next to the man that he...cared...for most of all.

"Jackson? You okay, bud?"

Jackson blinked his eyes and rolled his head slowly towards his best friend. He looked shattered...tired as hell...completely and utterly done with this world. The tears were rolling down his eyes like no man's business.

Marco leaned forward and kissed Jackson's forehead softly, before he took both of the younger man's hands inside his own, what realistically felt like the millionth time since they had started all of this.

"Did I hurt you? Did I do it wrong?" he whispered, careful not to upset Jackson any further.

Jackson took a few deep breaths, before he blinked once more and slowly shaking his head.

"No...no, you don't understand..."

Jackson swallowed, and slowly leaned his head on Marco's shoulder.

"I'm happy...I'm so fucking happy..."

Marco felt a sheer sense of warmth, combined with the sudden primal urge of old to always...but always, never mind what happens in the future, but to always be there for this guy...he FELT it inside his veins as he held the man, and he knew at once that he...that he...

...he still couldn't bare himself to say it because he didn't know if he was making a fool of himself.

He didn't know if Jackson felt the same.

And until he did...

...there was no way he was risking fucking destroying just they have just created.

Not a chance in hell.


"Jackson! Come on, we gotta get home, tomorrow is another big day for me!" Elise chimed along merrily as she and Sarah marvelled at the state of the Alden's Garden, with both men distinctly hearing the jealously inside her voice.

Dinner was done, and quite frankly so was Elise, who had a little more than her usual alcohol consumption. Whenever in the meal, Jackson would suggest, without being rude that she drank a little water, she would scowl at him with her eyes red and blurry...after which Sarah would make everything worse by openly saying that Elise deserved a little more for surviving everything, she had been these last couple of weeks.

Jackson rolled his eyes at his wife allowing Marco to giggle softly once more, as he knew what was waiting for the poor man when they would be getting home.

He didn't have the guts to ask Jackson about all the fights as well as the magnitude of loud arguments that he always heard them having, and quite frankly, he didn't know what the fuck was Elise's problem. Her husband was the sweetest, kindest man that she could ever meet, who genuinely loved his friends and family...and still all that she did was fight with him.

He was proven innocent from the Rachel debacle more than once and still...it was like she didn't even appreciate what she had.

Marco...keep your thoughts to yourself, this had nothing to do with you.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Marco whispered as the two ladies walked out in front of them, as they were currently full in complete conversation over where they wanted to go for their December holidays, clearly not bothering themselves at what their husbands were getting up to.

Jackson reassuringly winked at his best friend, before he smiled wickedly, and turned around towards the two women...

"Elise, Marco is just going to show me his new drill in the garage for a second, I'll be home soon, okay?"

"Okay, but please hurry up, it's getting cold! Would you believe that, Sarah? Boys and their toys, for God's sake..."

Marco was stunned as anything...he didn't even own a fucking drill to begin with...

...before his arm was laughingly and wholesomely pulled towards the kitchen by Jackson.

Inside the kitchen area itself, Jackson carefully looked around, fires dazzling inside his eyes.

"I just wanted to...I kinda just wanted to say good night to you, and not over a WhatsApp message this time..." he whispered, his hands gripping at the seams of Marco's t-shirt.

"You little shit..." Marco smiled happily before he leaned upwards and softly placed his lips on that of Jackson.

Both were so creeped out in what they were doing and WHERE they were doing it, and of course, the THRILL of it being forbidden...

...that they never saw or heard the tiny patter of feet ever fast approaching.

"Daddy...Mommy asks what's taking so long..."


Jackson ripped his lips apart from Marco's faster than you could say "busted".

The two men stood in unison, totally out of breath and totally out of words or anything to defend them as they stared into the eyes of Jackson's son Nick...himself a vision of complete and utter confusion over what he had just seen his father and his best friend do.

"Daddy?" was all that Nick had to whisper out, as softly as he could, before he balled up his little fists, and stormed out of the kitchen, as fast as his little legs could carry him.



Oh boy...I love a good cliff-hanger and I thought well, this is a GOOD as one as any haha!

What now?

Will Nick split on his dad and Marco? Will tell his mother? Or even worse, Henry?

Please let me know what you thought, and if you would wanna read some more!!


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