Mistress April


Published on Jun 29, 2004


This story contains graphic details of a sexual encounter between two consenting women. If this offends you are you are to young to be here simply close this page.

To conclude my first adventure let me say that perhaps if I had this experience later on in my escapades I might of entertained the notion of seeing her again. But besides leaving me extremely sore, it also left me with my same desires unfulfilled. Although I had previously enjoyed the sweet taste of a pussy, it had been in a mutual and very tame environment, the spanking I had received greatly lacked the gusto I longed for, this adventured had not featured either of them and so my quest continued.

And who I found was Mistress April, we didn't that close to each other but we did both live off the same interstate and I was thrilled by the fact that she agreed me to meet me half way. Mistress April was much younger than me, 28 and very rough minded. The fact she was younger appealed to me a lot because I knew women today felt freer and were more relaxed about their sexuality. She lived in a larger town than me and through our emails I knew she had a circle of friends whom she controlled. She wasn't really looking and if she had been I don't think a white girl would have been her first choice but I was relentless in my pursuit.

She had a young daughter and I have a son, on the morning selected she dropped hers off at day care, I dropped mine off at school and hit the interstate. An hour and a half later I arrived at the selected hotel right off exit 33. She had gotten the room already and so I located her car and knocked on the door in front of it. When it opened there she stood, slightly shorter than me, not large but solid and she had her game plan all figured out.

"Well don't just stand there cunt, get your ass in here and strip, now!" Then she reached out grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me inside.

"Well you are white and you certainly are fat, but you know what that means cunt? More ass to whop up on and hair easier to grab, guess it is lucky for you I like both those things. But unless you want me to kick your worthless ass and shove you back out that door I advise you get out of those clothes now."

And so I did and quickly, she leaned over and picked up the trash can, indicating I could store them there. Then she told me to turn around. I felt her come up behind me and her hand caress my ass.

"I love watching an ass jiggle when I beat it and I plan to make yours dance like Jell-O and wow a white ass, I can see my handy work." She got right at my ear. "And then when you leave here and for days to come, you can look at your sorry white ass and see where Mistress April has been, your gonna like that, aren't you?"

"Sure", I mumbled.

Suddenly she yanked a handful of my hair and jerked my head back sharply.

"Answer me correctly cunt or I'll pull it all out."

And very quickly I said, "Yes, ma'am."

The next thing I felt was something slipping around my neck and I knew it was a collar.

"Turn around whore, for the time we are here I own you, a piece of worthless white cunt, all mine and I will do to you what I want, not only will you let me, you will love it, you will beg for it and you will be thankful."

With that she reached down and grabbed a handful of my pubic hair and pulled it so hard it brought me closer to her. Then she firmly squeezed my whole cunt.

"You do have a fat pussy hood, I am going to love spanking that, and your big fat ass and sorry tits." As she spoke she reached up and attached a leash to my collar and then gave it a firm yank.

"On your knees cunt, remove my pants."

As I slide her jeans down over her hips, her glorious pussy appeared before me, right at eye level. I couldn't help myself, I leaned it, my mouth watered, I wanted to taste it so bad. But she was quick to jerk on my collar.

"You have to earn the right whore, but you can smell it."

With that said she grabbed my face and pulled it into her pussy only allowing my nose between the folds.

"Inhale deep cunt, smell the prize, I kept it all nice and nasty for you, prove yourself worthy and maybe after you lick it clean, I'll let you taste it again, now crawl your ass over to that bed and lay flat on your stomach." I obeyed.

Next I felt a sharp sting on the back of my legs.

"Spread those legs wide, and keep them spread". she ordered me, all the while raining the crop down on them and no matter how wide I stretched she continued to sting them and order them wider.

Then without introduction, she started spanking my ass with her open hand.

"Oh fuck yeah, you got a nice jiggle whore and I gotta tell you, my hands makes a nice pattern on this fat white ass." It was all merely uncomfortable at first but it quickly started to feel good, my ass was made for spanking and Mistress April knew just how to make it dance. I couldn't help but grind my pussy into the mattress as it began to juice up.

But Mistress April was quick to let me know this was not about my pleasure, but hers and hers was to inflict pain. So soon the hand contained a paddle and my pleasure met up with some pain. Till it got to a point where I wasn't sure I could take anymore, but that appeared to be where Mistress April wanted me, crying and begging her to have mercy.

"That's right cunt, beg, cause begging to me just means you want more, but not to worry there is more to come, when I get this ass nice and read and hot to the touch, then I am going to fuck it."

Now she brought the paddle down in fury of blows, till suddenly I wasn't begging just crying for mercy and then it stopped. She was lifting my head up by my hair and pulling me off the bed. She grabbed my leash yanked it and I felt the crop sting my legs.

"Get over there against the wall."

The room we had was on the end and being early morning the hotel was about empty. I suddenly remember an email where she said she wanted to fuck me up against the wall, or better yet bang me up against the wall. Once at the wall she flung me around.

"Like my cock?" she had a strapped on black cock and it was huge. Before I could respond she flung me back against the wall, my face pressed against it.

"Reach back and pull your fat ass cheeks apart."

"Please no, not my ass, please not first." > > "First, again, last when ever I please cunt and you will take it all, want it black whore, well you are fixing to get it, you can help yourself by spreading them or we can make this more difficult, answer NOW!"

"Please", I started to beg but barely got the word out when she flung me face down back onto the bed and sat down hard on my back, once again the paddled danced on my ass.

"Please", I begged, "okay, okay".

"Sorry cunt no second chances." At that the paddling ceased and I could hear her doing something. She pulled my ass cheek back and suddenly I felt something hot and intense.

"Candle wax, I am gonna seal your sorry ass up and then my cock is gonna unseal it, then maybe next time I tell you to do something you will remember whose the boss and do what your sorry white trash ass is suppose to, obey me!"

I wasn't sure which heat was the hottest, my blistered ass or the droplets of wax. Her fingernail scrapped my asshole as she pulled on it, I could tell the candle was close and each drop fell in building yet another wall. I feared she was going to let the whole candle burn down till suddenly she let my ass check go and allowed to wax to drop on my flaming cheeks. I squirmed beneath her, the heat on my already flaming ass was so intense.

"I am sorry Mistress, please, fuck my ass I will open it for you, please stop this the pain .

"That's right cunt beg, beg your Mistress to fuck your sorry ass, are you a worthless piece of cunt?"

"Yes Mistress, yes!"

"What does a piece of trash deserve?"

"Her ass fucked Mistress, please I promise I will obey, please it hurts so bad." With that she plunged the candle into my ass, which although burnt like hell only lasted a second as the flame went out. She jerked my leash and I flew off the bed and then she slammed me into the wall. Before I could react, her plastic cock was pressed into my ass, I went to reach back and she grabbed my hair and smashed my face into the wall.

"Put your hands on the wall cunt, you had your chance, my cock will do the work now and you will pay."

She pushed the strapped on cock with such force I could feel the wax shift with in and the assault started. The beating had left my ass hot, sore and sensitive, each time she thrust against me it started the fire all over again. She plunged her cock in to me with force, over and over, banging my head against the wall. It felt like she was tearing my insides apart, the cock felt huge deep within me. She continue the assault for what felt like forever. Slinging names at me the whole time, telling me how I lived to please her and I would please her. I had begged for this and I was going to get it. And got it I did, I don't know how long it lasted but it certainly felt like forever.

When she finally pulled out, she pressed herself hard against me.

"So how did my fat white whore like my black cock up her ass, your nice red fat ass, that jiggled so nicely under my blows, yeah bitch, I got off beating that ass, and it is so nice and red, it was pink for awhile, but we know pink is for sissy girls, your fat ass was made to wear red."

She rubbed her hands over my swollen ass cheeks, popped each cheek again with her open hand.

"On your knees, crawl to the sink." She pulled on the leash and then I realized it wasn't a collar at all but a chock collar and when she pulled it taunt it tighten around my neck, so I made haste to get to the sink. Where she yanked it again and told me to get up and turn around, she wanted me to see her art work. Again her black hands roamed across my once white now bright red ass.

"Not a very deep shade of red is it, the color seems to be fading some, not to worry whore I will paint it again before you leave, yeah a piece of my art work for you to have to remember your black Goddess by, won't last forever though so I'll guess we will have to keep doing this. Matter or fact before me you spanked your own ass, didn't you? Yeah I remember those emails, begging a real black woman to save you from having to spank yourself, and it wasn't just your ass you were spanking was it, whore?? WAS IT?" she shouted and jerked me by my hair. "What else did your pitiful piece of white shit have to spank to feel good and dream about her black Goddess, tell me or I'll beat you from head to toe and invite some friends to watch, tell me cunt." She pulled harder on my hair till my face was against hers.

"My pussy and titties, Mistress."

"What did you use cunt, your hand, a paddle?" she continue to pull on my hair.

" I had a narrow wooden back scratcher, sometimes a wooden spoon, a belt." >

She grabbed my pussy in her hand and squeezed it hard.

"When you answer me, you use a title of respect, matter or fact, a different one every time, and never the same one twice, lets see how good of a slave you can really be, you want me to want to see you again, don't you, cunt?"

"Yes, Mistress I do." She twisted my pussy in her grip.

"Wrong again whore, used it before, think fast." And she twisted my pussy even harder.

"Yes, my Queen, I do." At that she pushed me face down onto the bed and the paddle reined down on ass, I was already so sore and tender I immediately cried out.

"Does it hurt your spongy white ass cunt?"

"Yes, Goddess."

"And why are you going to take?"

"Because I want to please my Black Madam."

"Get your knees." As I did she slide under me. "Not red enough but it still has some heat, lower your ass onto my cock, I want to shove that wax into next week's shit, and you better get all my cock in there slave, or we will fill it back up with wax and then of course my cock."

I lowered my ass and felt her cock press against it. She grabbed my hair and jerked my head back.

"Don't waste time, there's plenty more things I need to use you for." At that I literally took the plunge and sat down hard on her cock, it almost knocked the breath out of me. She then shoved me down flat on the bed and began to fuck my ass with vengeance. With each plunge she pulled my hair harder and my eyes filled with tears and rolled down my cheeks. Then she stopped, let go of my hair and my face fell onto the bed. She pulled out and I could tell she was removing her strap on.

"Get up!" It was hard for me to lift my body off the bed, but I stood on shaky legs. She took a thin mat out of her bag and placed it on the bed.

"Get on the bed with your ass on that mat, it is nice and rough and scratchy, should help keep the sting in your ass, you wouldn't want me to have to start all over to get the color red I want, would you slut?"

"No, your Highness." I was constantly searching my brain for more adjectives as I knew she would enjoy throwing questions at me till I fucked up.

"I have to get some relief, so you need to get that disgusting face up in this pussy, you will keep your face in my pussy, don't touch me with anything else, no hands, I don't want you to breath anything but me, and it should smell ripe, a sorry white piece of trash like you hasn't earned the right to feast on my pussy clean, so I didn't bother to wash, or wipe after I pissed, after all that is what you have been living for, the taste and full flavor of my pussy and whore you better suck and lick for all you are worth, because if you don't please my pussy I will beat yours till it is hairless, do we have an understanding, you worthless cunt?"

"Yes, my Lady, I understand, I will work hard to please you, I promise."

She swung her leg over my face. "Lady, doesn't work for me cunt, I mean would a lady piss on your face, I don't think so." And with that said she let it go, her piss splashed all over my face, I hadn't been quick enough to close my eyes and they stung. > > She pushed her pussy onto my mouth.

"Don't waste it you sorry excuse of a slave, open your mouth, I am your superior and you want all of me, so drink up, or next you will be eating my shit."

That was something I never wanted to do and my attitude toward her piss flow changed quickly, I not only opened my mouth my suck her flow into it. The smell was overwhelming, but I had begged for this and I was determined to experience it all.

Plus at long last here it was, I had dreamed of a black pussy on my face, hell I had dreamed of getting me ass both spanked and fucked. Yes, she had been rough, but she had come through on my dreams and so I ate her pussy up. I sucked on her clit, pulled it deep into my mouth, back and forth like it was a penis getting sucked and I could tell she was enjoying my efforts. She pulled up and put her hole onto the tip of my tongue.

"I want that tongue up me deep whore, so I can fuck it hard, my pussy is gonna fuck your face like it's a dick."

She came down hard on my face and I plunged my tongue deep into her, I couldn't pull back so I swirled it around, I sucked and swallowed her juices. She stayed tight on face soon I was having some trouble breathing but as soon as I started to squirm she lifted up and then she bounced her pussy off my face and tongue. She slammed it down hard and it really jarred me but I continued to suck and tongue her smelly black pussy with all my might. I wanted her to know I had meant all I said, I wanted to be her white sex slave to use and abuse for her pleasure and I would work hard to please her.

She settled again down on my face, I plunge my tongue into her and she stayed down tight, I sucked and swirled my tongue deep within her. For a while she stayed like that and very soon I found myself once again struggling to catch my breath. But I found this was what she wanted, this would trigger her orgasm.

"That's right slut, breath nothing but me, come on, I want to feel you struggling under me to breath, but forget my pussy's pleasure and yours suffers."

It was getting hard to do both, and I could not help but struggle beneath her to get some air. She reached back and grabbed a handful of pussy's hair and pulled so hard I know some came out and even though I couldn't hardly breath, I plunged my tongue deeper into her cunt, she let go of my pussy and her weight was again entirely on my face, I struggled harder but continue to swirl my tongue and plunge it deep inside the walls of her cunt. I feared I wouldn't be able to take anymore when at that moment she lifted up and came down hard on my face. To quick for me to catch my breath, but her orgasm was coming and so she lifted again and I inhaled deeply, she was right all I could breath or smell was her. I caught my breath finally and worked for all I was worth to bring her off.

And she did. Her pussy exploded on my face, she smeared it all over my face and I worked to grab her clit and sucked it into my mouth, as her orgasm came and the juices flowed she continued to grind down on face.

Then she slide back and pulled my breast up between us, sitting on my rib cage. She pinched my nipples, twisted them between her fingers. Never saying a word she worked my breast over, pinching hard, lifting them up by the nipples and shaking them. Holding on to my nipples with a pinch grip she leaned back and pulled on them. Then she reached back and plunged her hand into my pussy, scooped up some of my juices and brought her fingers to my lips.

"White pussy slime, suck my fingers and tell me how sorry white trash pussy slime taste compared to the cream of a black superior pussy, cunt."

I sucked her fingers, licked all my juices from them, when she removed them I answered it.

"It is disgusting, vile nothing compared to the rich cream of my Superior's sweet, tasty, thick cream."

She got off the bed and instructed me to put my hands under me and then left to go to the bathroom. When she came back she pulled one of my legs off the side of the bed and secured it to the bed's leg, then she did the other one. It was a large bed so I was spread open pretty wide. She lean down and looked into my pussy. Then walked to the head of the bed and tighten the choke collar on my neck, not too tight but I certainly felt it bite into my skin.

"Should you take your hands from under you, I will tighten the collar, every time you remove them I will tighten it tighter. It's all about red cunt and your titties are nothing but white, your pussy pink and we just can't have that can we, if you want it black then I gotta have red."

With that said she produced a narrow leather strap, she jumped up on my stomach and started flaring it on my breast. She pinched my nipple hard and twisted it, then kissed it with strap, how it stung, then she did the other nipple, they were so hard I didn't know what hurt more their hardness or her brutal attack on them. Then she got the crop and left criss-crosses of red all over both my tits. After what seem like forever, she return with the strap and continued assaulting my breast. Tears rolled down my face. She never took notice, she was on a mission. When she stopped beating on them she mauled them in her hands. Slapped them with her open hand over and over.

She got off the bed, giving her the ability to add more force and lashed them over and over with the crop. My tears turned to crying. When suddenly she brought the crop down with a whistling force onto my pussy. It lifted me off the bed and my hands came out to support me, she lashed my pussy again and yanked on the choke collar. I quickly put my hands back under me. She returned to the leather strap, tearing at my breast flesh and then pop, pop down on my pussy.

I wanted to beg her to stop, but decided if I stayed quiet it might end sooner and it did, at least it did for my tits.

Once again she grabbed them in her hands and mauled them, they were so sore and sensitive that her manhandling of them was as brutal as the whipping.

"Now my slutty white whore's breast are red, but that stanky pussy is still pink."

She brought the crop down on my pussy's fat hood, then grabbed it in her hand and mauled it with more force than she had used on my tits. With a handful of its hair she lifted the tender flesh up and twisted it then spanked it with her open flat palm. Picking the crop back up, she lashed a kiss on my enflamed pussy's hood, I was crying and moaning louder, pleases and it hurts so bad.

But once again she was on a mission, this time the crop's lash landed on the inside wall of my pussy, the sting burnt like hell and she repeated it over and over, the pain was getting to me more than I could take or wanted. The crop turned into the strap and the hand and the crop and the strap again and the hand. I continued to beg and plead and cry but I was beginning to think this was a big a reward for her as my flesh flaming red. Then she stopped and appeared at my face, I hadn't moved my hands from under me but she tighten the choke collar any way.

"Why did you take that beating, cunt, why did you lay there and let me beat the shit out of your titties?" As she said that she reached back and pinched my nipples and twisted them.

"They are a pretty red, and your pitiful pussy, why did you take the whipping, turning it a sissy pink to a flaming red, why you disgusting piece of white trash, did you let me beat you, like one would an animal, lash your pussy with a leather strap, like slaves were beaten, why you worthless white slut did you take such a beating."

"To please you, to make you happy, to give you pleasure, to show my worth to you, in the hopes that I might be able to serve you again Mistress."

She slapped me across the face, "Oops, used that one before."

"I am sorry Master."

She loosen the choke collar and left me there while she went and took a shower. When she came out she instructed me to go and take a bath too. It was hard as hell to pull my body off the bed but I knew better than to disobey and although it stung I did as she instructed. No sooner had I gotten into the shower when the curtain went back, she reached in and turned the cold water off and left. I bathed away from the water but rinsed under it quickly, assuming she would want to see my flesh red.

When I came out of the bathroom she was relaxing on the bed.

"I will never beat you again as I did today, although I will beat you again and again and as often as I please. This was more a test than done for my pleasure. I love nothing more than beating a sorry piece of cunt, I needed to know how sincere you were about serving a superior black one, such as myself. I will give it to you whore, you took it well. Now I am going to rest for 30 minutes, go stand in that corner and don't move till I allow you to."

After the 30 minutes or maybe longer, how did I know, I hear her moving around the room. Then I heard her say, come here cunt.

When I turned she was sitting on the side of the bed, her strapped on cock sticking up between her legs.

"Get that fat ass over here and lay across my lap."

Once I was over her lap she started caressing my ass checks, they were still sore but not as sensitive. I felt her hand move between my legs and she rubbed my pussy which was still very sore and sensitive, I flinched.

"Pretty sore I bet, it will heal before I see you again, but this ass is barely red any more, so I have to give it another spanking before I go, no doubt I like whippin up on this fat white ass, I'll expect you to come to me for an ass whipping several times a month. Matter or fact next week I will expect you to met me at the next exit, there is a rest area there, woods are a great place to give a sore white piece of trash a good ass beating. We will get back on the details. Right now, I am going to beat my ass, which is what your ass is, mine one more time, then fuck your cunt with my cock."

She started the beating with her hand, her blows landed all over both my ass cheeks. Then she picked up the paddle, she used it to concentrate on the lower part of my ass, right above my legs. She brought the paddle up and landed each blow firmly on one cheek and then another, she said she like the way it made my whole ass jiggle. She ran her hands over my ass and shook my cheeks and then used her hand again she spank her ass, I squirmed on her lap. My ass was so sore but even at that my pussy was oozing juices, I could feel the heat rising in my ass.

"Now I am going to beat your ass nice and hard, I want it bright red and on fire, then I want you on your knees so I can fuck you from the back."

And with that said she started beating my ass again, first with her hand, she didn't miss an inch of my ass and her blows were hard and came in a flurry, then came the paddle. I was really squirming now, it was painful on an already sore ass, but I tried to control the squirming as I knew she enjoyed it. She could swing that paddle and the blows filled the air with loud whacks.

When she stopped she merely pushed me off her lap and I fell to the floor, but I quickly got up and knelt on the bed. She plunged her cock into the second I hit the bed, my pussy was so sore I cried out in pain, but she showed no mercy. She pulled back far and thrust in with force, every plunge she took jarred me. She fucked me harder than any man ever had and her cock was bigger than any man's I had ever had.

Her body hit my sore ass every time she plowed her cock into me, I couldn't help but slide up on the bed, till I felt my head bum the head board. She worked hard back there and my pussy was filled with her black cock. All the soreness was turning to pleasure and I was thrilled to have this young black goddess plowing her strapped on huge black cock into my pussy and against my ass both of which she had tenderized with both a wonderful beating and a brutal whipping. I could tell she was a bout to come, I tried hard to hold my place, but as her orgasm built she grabbed my hair and pulled me back hard and when I thought she couldn't get in any deeper, she plunged in further and deeper.

Without me realizing it she had undone her strap on, leaving it deep in my pussy, she fell back on the bed. With her foot she kicked my ass.

"Get that tongue in my pussy cunt, eat my black pussy and drink all my juices."

I dove into her pussy, sucking her clit, plunging my tongue up her hole. I pulled her clit into my mouth and sucked it hard, swirled my tongue across it, I could feel her orgasm building, I pushed my face deep into the walls of her cunt, when she came I sucked her cream from her, she gushed and gushed, it filled my mouth, ran down my chin, I stayed attached to her pussy as she grind it down on my face cumming hard. I sucked her dry, I wanted to stay there and suck her wet again, but she pulled my face out of her pussy by my hair.

"Lay down on your back." As I did she pulled her cock from my pussy and to my surprise plunged it into my ass, I gasped from the pain. Then she sat on my face.

"Open your mouth wide." I can have my moments of stupidity as I thought I was going to taste her pussy again. But instead, she let out a stream of piss, with my mouth I formed a seal over her cunt and drank every drop, then licked her clean.

She got up, yanked the cock from my ass, threw my clothes on the bed and told me to get dressed. Once dressed she thanked me for the day and told me to wait for an email from her on our further plans. All the while leading me to the door. Once there she opened it and pushed me out before I could turn it was closed. The sun almost blinded me but I adjusted, got in my car and headed home, and I have to admit I was hoping when I got there I would have an email waiting for me.

Please send all suggestions, dirty letters or thoughts to Jaycie24 x2432jn@msn.com

Next: Chapter 2

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