Mistress April


Published on Feb 11, 2005


This story contains graphic details of the sexual nature between consenting adults, if you don't like these kinds of stories or are too young to be here, please kick your back button and be on your way. If you like these kinds of stories and are old enough I sincerely hope you enjoy my effort. I would like to know, do you think Mistress April should continue and should she get even nastier, please send all thoughts and suggestions to x2432jn@msn.com I sincerely appreciate all who have written and look forward to hearing from you again plus all new readers or those who have thought about it but just haven't taken the time to write, please do!!!!! Many, many thanks!!!

Mistress April Chapter 11 (But really 10)

I gathered Mistress wasn't worried about me being alone in the backyard, not that I wanted to leave but where would I go with no clothes on. It was still raining and I felt blessed when it started raining pretty hard about the time I got outside, which made washing my hair pretty easy. But it ended up raining hard enough that the drops stung as they hit my battered skin. I quickly went about my task and after washing returned to the cover of the porch to dry off. Also it was March but as is norm in the south it wasn't freezing cold, still to a naked, wet, white girl it was certainly cold enough to make me shiver and goose bumps appear. I was thankful the towels were not wet with their piss, only certain spots were so I was able to dry myself pretty well.

When I got back inside, I took the towels to the wash area, returned to the den and decided to reattach my collar and leash and get on all four, hoping this would please Mistress who soon reappeared with Carla, I figured they too had taken a bath.

"Well now aren't we an obedient slut, or are you all excited about a dip in the ocean." Since returning inside the rain had started to slacken off, the sky was still overcast but once again all was par for the course in the south especially in a coastal region. It would rain hard one minute and the sun would shine the next. It didn't look like we would see a lot of sun today but the rain would come and go.

Mistress came over and began to examine my ass.

"Mainly bruised places no real welts on the ass," she came around and looked at my tits, "some nice welts on those saggy ass tits of yours. Okay, I know you took a good beating but taking you to the ocean like this is a waste of my time. Salt water might burn a little, especially those tits but all in all no big deal. I know you can take it, being the sorry piece of shit cunt you are so after lunch I'll get the whip. I won't use you up today whore, I know you want to be beat as much this weekend as you can but you are going to need a fresh whipping for the salt water to really burn."

"Lunch time," Carla sang out from the kitchen. Mistress had put my collar back on and attached the leash, she jerked it hard, her signal for me to crawl behind her. When she got to the table she instruct me to crawl under it and stay put, as I move under the table she gave my ass a swift kick. She hadn't let go of the leash go I turned around to face out from under the table and remained on all four listening to her and Carla chat and eat their lunch.

When they finished Carla had taken what remained of their sandwiches along with some lettuce and I guess all the leftovers and raked them into a bowl. Mistress slide her chair back as Carla placed the bowl on the floor in front of me.

"Okay, little doggy eat up." Once Mistress granted permission I did the best I could to retrieve my meal from the bowl and ate it all. When I finished Carla filled it up with water and placed it down for me.

"Listen to the bitch lapping up her water, dang makes me have to piss," she jerked my leashed pulling my head up from the bowl and yanked it sideways pulling me toward her. She spread her legs and I crawled in between them. Pulling the leash in one hand she grabbed a hand full of my hair in the other and pulled my face deep between her thighs.

"Get that mouth over my piss hole you pathetic toilet slut and drink every drop. Miss a drop and I swear I'll beat your ass till it bleeds and pour alcohol over it."

It was hard to get a tight fit over her piss hole with her sitting in the chair so I pushed my face even further in and the hot piss sprayed into my mouth. Desperately, I gulped swallowing her steady stream. Finally the stream slowed and I puckered my lips and sucked her urethra lapping up the remaining droplets. Then I swiped my tongue over it a few times. I heard something being poured. Mistress released me and told me to drink the rest of my water, when I did it tasted more of Listerine than water.

"Move it slut, time to try out a few more new toys," as I crawled out from under the table Mistress hit my ass with the cattle probe.

"Move it, you fat ass cow," zap the cattle probe stung my ass again and again as I quickly crawled before her into the den. When we reached the couch she hit me with it again, this time holding it there for several seconds.

"Damn I would love to ram this thing up that filthy cunt of yours and listen to it sizzle as you flopped all over the floor. I think the bastard over adjusted it and made it too damn tame for a piece of sorry ass white trash like you." Once again she shocked my ass with the probe which sent an electrical sting up me that stunned more than hurt.

She rammed her foot into my hip pushing me over.

"Lay on your back and spread those nasty fat thighs." I did as she ordered and she sat down on the floor between my legs.

She hit the inside of my thigh with the probe, one side and then the other causing my body to jump.

"That's right you filthy slut, flop your fat ass," she shouted at me as she continue her assault on my inner thighs with the probe. Finally she jolted my swollen pussy lips, I squealed as my body shook. She went back to work on my thighs and in between zapped my pussy three more times.

"Fuck, this is too cool watching you flopping all over the floor, guess this probe gives a nasty ting. Now let's get rid of some of that hair. Who knows I just might like a naked white pussy, then when I beat it I can see the red marks real good. Carla bring me the tweezers, both pair."

As Carla went to get the tweezers Mistress took out some rope that looked more like a clothesline.

"I'm gonna tie these fat tits up so they won't be drooping, then I can get to them better. All that blood will be trapped inside them and then the crop or the clamps will work even better on them."

Mistress went to work wrapping the cord around my chest and encircling each of my breast with it, then she pulled my tits tightly together and continued to wrap them with the cord and then secured it. My breast protruded out grossly from the binds and my nipples felt taunt and strained. She squeezed them both hard in her hands.

"Damn sorry ass tits are nice and firm now and up on your chest where the fuck they belong." She pinched each nipple in between her fingers and pulled them up with a yank, making them pop out and stand up. Then she took the leather slapper and spanked them with it. Each blow landed with a loud thud, due to the binding the pain was more intense. After about five swats to each nipple she got the short handed crop. She whistled it through the air and landed a perfect kiss of the lash on to the tip of one of my nipples and then the other. Three sharp stings to each nipple, the pain radiated through my constrained tits. Then came the clips, I wasn't sure if they were a different pair of if it was because of the binding but they bit sharply into my tender flesh and tears sprang from my eyes.

"I gotta give it to you slut, your hands were free but not once did you go to protect your tits from the beating. Don't know if its smarts or if you just really like the pain, then again I don`t really give a shit why. Mainly cause you and I both know this is what a white ass slut needs and deserves. Come on Carla lets do some hair pulling."

They both sat down between my spread legs and soon the attack began. They chatted, joked and teased each other as one by one they pulled my pubic hair from its roots. All the while I jerked and jumped causing my aching tits to sway and the binds to bite into them deeper. Each hair they caught in the tweezers' prongs pulled my skin up and when they yanked sharply the hair plucked free and it felt like I had been bitten, a quick sharp nip that stung.

After pulling out probably half of them they took a break.

"Damn for a white bitch you got one hairy pussy, damn fucker was ugly covered up but it is butt ugly half naked. This is starting to feel like work, I might make your ass finish pulling the rest out. Damn Carla we need the camera for that, a real Hallmark moment. Let me tenderize this thing a little bit and see if that helps."

She took the leather slapper and snapped it down on my fat pussy hood. She hollered at me to spread my legs wider and over and over slapped my pussy hard with the narrow leather strips. After a few minutes she and Carla went back to work, this time pulling more than one hair at a time which increased the pain going through me as did the whipping.

"Does it hurt bitch? I don't hear you whimpering. If I think you are enjoying this I'll find another punishment that I promise you won't enjoy." She hit my pussy again with the forgotten cattle probe and I jumped, my body flopping against the floor. I cried out and began to whimper.

"Yes Mistress, it hurts so bad", I muttered.

"Should it hurt slut?"

"Yes, Mistress." She and Carla continued pulling out my pussy hairs, every few minutes they stopped and Mistress either slapped my swollen cunt or hit it or my inner thighs with the cattle probe. I continue to jump and shutter from the reflexes, whimpering and now crying openly.

"Damn slut had enough hair to make somebody a pussy wig, hand me the Ben-gay", she said to Carla who did and Mistress applied a glob to my stinging pussy hood setting it on fire. Then for good measure I suppose she slapped it a couple more times with the leather, which felt like lighter fluid on an already blazing fire.

Taking the cattle probe she stood over me, punching it at me and catching me in various places as she hollered at me to roll over on my stomach, smashing my aching tits into the floor and scrapping my enflamed pussy across the carpet. I laid there obediently bracing myself as I assumed she would now attack my exposed ass. But instead I heard her and Carla moving around the room. Fear prevented me from looking up to see what they were doing. After several minutes I felt a blow to my thigh as Mistress kicked me harshly.

"Get up on your hand and knees cow." Once I did she reached under me and removed the clamps from my nipples, pain seared through them. She slapped my face.

"Look at me, you filthy white whore, I want to see the pain in your eyes." I lifted my head to look into her eyes, the pain still generating in my tits. She brought her face close to mine, reach under me and reattached the clamps. My face grimaced in pain. She chuckled as she continued looking into my eyes and once again removed the clamps. The new wave of pain caused me to cry out and Mistress to smile. Then she left me, I remained in position.

"Okay slut, crawl to your Superior Black Goddess." I turned to the couch and saw her laid back on it. She had a dildo strapped to both of her upper legs, the one on the left much larger than the one on the right.

"Crawl your slutty ass over here and raise up on your knees between my fine legs whore." I did as she commanded.

Once in position she slapped my tits with her open hands, as quickly as one hand laid a blow the other quickly followed. She bitch slapped my tender tits over and over and then pinched each nipple hard, pulling them out and twisting them. Then she bit each one with the nipple clips, these were attached together with a silver chain, she added a weight to the chain and it felt like my nipples were being pulled savagely from my tits. Then she turned her attention to Carla.

"Come on baby, get up on this cock of mine and let me fuck you, all nice and easy." Carla straddled the smaller strapped on cock and gently lowered herself onto it. I had a bird's eye view of it entering her wet pussy.

"Yeah, baby, ease down gentle on there." The cock slide slowly into Carla as she bent her knees and leaned forward, easing herself onto the couch. Mistress reached up for her and pulled her down, passionately kissing her. She reached her hands down and cupped Carla's ass gently pulling her ass cheeks apart.

"Lick her ass slut, and you damn well better lick it good, I want to hear my baby purring."

I leaned down and swiped my tongue down the inside of Carla's ass cheeks, I made several long swipes up and down and then tightened my tongue and probed her puckered hole. Gently I eased my tongue in and out of her. I swirled it around inside her and darted it quickly in and out. Mistress and she were still kissing and I could hear Carla softly murmuring. Mistress raised her leg up and eased the cock deeper into her. With her ass cheeks still in her hands and pulled slightly open she worked Carla up and down on her strapped on cock which pushed her ass on to face and away. I quickly adjusted to each change to keep contact with her asshole and continued to seduce it gently with my tongue.

The to and from motion made my tits sway and the weight swung pulling on my sensitive nipples and causing me to flinch in renewed pain. Carla swayed easily up and down on the cock. I could hear the two of them making out and at other times I could hear Mistress sucking Carla's tits. As their action and fevers increased Mistress let go of Carla's ass cheeks but I remained at my task. Soon I heard Carla's breathing increase and soon she was overcome by an orgasm. I pushed my face deep into her ass and tongued her hoping to increase the power of her orgasm. Her body tensed, she thrust her ass hard on my face, she moaned loudly all the while Mistress encouraged her to cum hard for her.

When her orgasm eased they started kissing again, tender, quick kisses. Mistress lifted Carla and her foot and shoved me back and out of the hold of Carla's firm beautiful ass cheeks. Carla settled down more completely on the cock, her arms wrapped around Mistress' shoulders, kissing her face and neck.

"Come on, cunt, get up on the couch, one foot on either side of my leg, standing over this big beautiful black cock of mine."

I did as instructed but it was hard to get and keep my balance, finally Mistress announced I could use the wall for leverage. Then I was told to squat down and aim the cock at my asshole. As I squatted I felt the tip of the cock press at my ass cheeks but it had a hard time passing through since I had little control over my balance. Mistress reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair in a tight grip.

"Reach back and pull those fat ass cheeks apart and get that dick in there."

Her firm hold on my hair kept me from swaying back and I quickly reached behind me and pulled my ass cheeks apart and squatted down hard on the head of her big black cock. Even after all the previous fucks it had tightened back up and the fear of falling off the couch made me tense up even more. Mistress' grip on my hair and my unsteadiness made it feel like my hair was being ripped from my scalp.

I tried as hard as I could but my asshole wasn't giving an inch and I couldn't seem to steady myself enough to push down harder on the cock. I could tell Mistress was getting impatient. She let go of my hair which caused me to sway back then slapped me across the face, hollering at me to get that dick up my ass. But instead I took a tumble off the couch and landed in a heap on the floor. Her eyes flared and she instructed me not to move. She pulled Carla closer to her and they started making love again, I laid on the floor feeling nothing but pain and fear. Once she brought Carla off again they cuddled for a few minutes and then Carla got up and removed the play toy from Mistress' leg. Then she readjusted what was to be my cock further down on Mistress' leg close to her knee.

She got off the couch swinging the crop, not taking aim just lashing me where ever it landed.

"You stupid fucking bitch, you will do as you are told or pay. Crawl your pathetic useless ass over to that wall, don't stop till your head bangs up against it."

I gathered myself up, the reins of the whip still landing down on me and crawled to the destination she had pointed out, making sure my head was up against the wall. She came up behind me and thrust my head down till it slammed on the floor.

"Reach back and spread that fat ass slut."

Being a big girl it wasn't an easy thing for me to do, but fear propelled me and I quickly did as she commanded. The second I pulled them apart I felt the air shift and the crop cut a lash through my tender insides. She had the short crop and was straddling my back, sitting on me as she whipped the inside of my ass cheeks. Several times the end of the lash caught me square on my puckered hole, making it contract and my body flinch. She showed no mercy and my arms ached as she whipped my tender insides over and over. My asshole was on fire and contracting hard against the attack. My sensitive breast scrapped against the roughness of the carpet and burned. For what had to be a solid five minutes she whipped me and trust me five minutes it a long time when blow after blow is being landed on your puckered and abused asshole. When she finally stopped I felt a sudden sensation of coldness followed by an intense burning sensation and knew she had squirted Ben-gay into me. Once again she swiftly kicked my ass.

"Back up on your hands, head against the wall cunt," I felt the head of her strapped on cock against my brutalized asshole and with one powerful blow she rammed her knee and plunged it into me. As hard as the force was it barely opened my now stubborn hole. My head banged hard into the wall as she pulled back and once again plunged her knee at my ass the strap on leading the charge.

She reached down, placed a hand on each of my cheeks, thrust forward slamming me again head first into the wall and rammed her knee up with brutal force. I felt my splinter tear and the head of the cock enter me. Once she had broken in she knee fucked me with unbridled fury. She slammed her knee back and forth and with each upward thrust bounced my head off the wall. Occasionally she would thrust it all the way in but her real mission was to bounce my head off the wall and brutally fuck my ass with her knee.

"Sorry fucking white cunt, it really pisses me off when you can't obey simple orders. Your ass is for my abuse and for taking my cock, how fucking dare you stupid ass slut deny my cock your ass. And this is the second time!"

She was fucking me so hard she was beginning to sweat and I could feel drops of it splashing against my back and ass. With each thrust of the cock up my ass she continued her verbal assault on me. She was driven by her anger and my ass was its target. After fucking me ruthlessly for what felt like hours to me she slowed and finally stopped. She leaned into me, resting against me, pushing me hard against the wall. She had worked the Ben-gay deep into my ass and my insides burned. The pain in my tits didn't let up and my head ached from being banged mercilessly against the wall. She finally pushed her self up and off of me, the cock slide from my ass and made a loud popping sound as it exited. She went over to the couch and laid down. Her legs spread out the dildo protruding up. No words were spoken as Carla came over, removed the dildo and attached the bigger one, from our first night at the beach.

"Crawl like the pathetic piece of shit you are over here and sit your ass down on this cock, and gad dammit you better make it all the way down the first fucking time whore."

I did as she ordered although every inch of me ached and each movement only brought on more pain. I climbed up onto the couch, it was easier having the width of the couch but still the softness of the cushions didn't lend itself to any form of stability. I straddled her leg and squatted to get the strapped on cock against my asshole, then took the plunge and dropped to my knees.

The huge cock ripped through my ass, what hadn't been previously torn felt shredded this time. I closed my eyes and grimaced as pain soar through me. Mistress reached up grabbed the weight attached to the nipple clamps and pulled harshly, I gasped from the pain and lunged forward barely catching myself.

"Sit up straight and don't you fucking move, I don't give a damn what I do to you slut you move it will be twice as hard on you." With that said she reach up and pulled on the chain that connected the nipple clips. The pain was almost unbearable as she tugged the chain harder and harder till finally she ripped them from my nipples. Fear was the only thing preventing me from looking to see if my nipples were still attached or hanging from the clips. Before I had time to react Carla was working on the binding releasing my tits from captivity. As the blood rushed back into them the pain resounded through me in waves. Mistress started slapping my tits with her open hand, not as harshly as before since she was laying down but since they were more sensitive than ever the pain was felt worse. I concentrated on keeping my position and not moving the cock deep in my ass now felt like an extended body part.

"Now give me a show whore, bounce that fat ass up and down on my cock, while I watch those fat red tits of yours swing."

It wasn't easy to do but this time the softness of the couch helped and I managed to get a steady rhythm going as I lifted myself up and down on the huge black cock buried entirely up my ass. As I did my titties swung back and forth and the blood was soon circulating through them. I managed a quick glance and noticed my nipples still there with deep red rudder marks.

"Carla come unstrap this thing, the bitch is starting to bore me, plus I think she likes it too much I can feel her filthy cunt juices on my leg." Once Carla had removed the straps from Mistress' leg she ordered me to stand straight up and take the cock with me. I tightened my ass muscles the best I could and lifted myself off her leg, thankful the cock came with me. Mistress sat up and instructed me to turn around. When I did she gripped the end of the cock thrust it forcefully deeper into my ass and then yanked it out. One swift shove from her foot landed me back in a heap on the floor. She sat up on the couch looking down at me.

"Okay whore here is the game plan, your gonna get that fat ass of yours up on that table and we are going to tie you to it, I have a surprise for you which I just know your slutty ass is going to love. Then Carla and I are gonna take a nap. When we get up, I am gonna whip you with some switches so you will have some nice cuts that will sting. You know the kind of whipping I like to give with switches, like my grandma use to give me. Where you dance all around while I lay them switches on your legs, back, ass, fucking every where. Then we are going to take our doggy for a crawl to the beach. Let that salt water tear those welts up, maybe even rub a little sand in them. Damn Carla that's a thought, put some sand in her pussy and ass before I fuck her. I can already see how excited you are."

She reached down roughly between my legs and plunged her hand into my naked and wet pussy, then smeared the juices all over my face.

"See you filthy cunt how excited you are, now get your worthless ass to the bathroom so you can wash this scum off my hand and get that pussy dry." She jumped from the couch, kicked me swiftly in the ass and charged behind me as I crawled to the bathroom with her kicking me all the way down the hallway.

I got a washcloth and ran some warm water, while she reached into the tub and turned the hot water on. By the time I had finished washing her hands off and cleaning up her pussy steamed filled the room from the hot water running in the tub. She made me get a squirt of soft soap and put it up my cunt then ordered me to step into the tub. The hot water that made a puddle in it burnt my feet. She grabbed the shower massager and turned it to a direct spray then plunged the nozzle between my legs. The hot water hit me like a freight train and I cried out. She made me turn and bend over and shot the spray up into my ass, the heat on the cold burned my insides. Once satisfied with my cleaning I was made to get out and dry off then crawl back to the den and get on the table on my back.

She and Carla worked in tandem securing my arms to the legs of the table. Once again they used the cord to pull my tits up onto my chest and secure them there. I wasn't sure what was up since the beating was already scheduled for later but feared the worse when she shoved a ball gag into my mouth and secured it around my head. Next my legs were pulled up and a pillow shoved under my ass then my legs were pulled wide apart and tied securely one to the leg of the couch and the other to the leg of heavy chair they had pulled around to the other side of the table. My ass was in the air and my legs spread wide and painfully in an awkward position.

"First book I ever read about BDSM was one I found hidden in my older sister's clothes drawer. I must of read that damn book 100 times. Anyway, there was a scene in it where they tied this girl to the bed, then smeared honey to her tits and inside her pussy," which I supposed is what Carla was doing as Mistress spoke. She had a cotton ball attached to a long stick and I felt the substances being applied to my nipples and then felt the cotton on my clit, followed by my entrance to my pussy then smeared around my asshole. It really felt soothing, which of course only caused me to fear it. Mistress retrieved a small jar and held it over my face. With one simple word I understood and my eyes flew open in fear, if not for the gag I would of screamed.

"Ants," Mistress shook the glass jar for me to see. It was hard to see how many there were but it didn't matter, I knew the effect they would have would feel like a thousand.

"Oh, I see my sorry ass white slut is all excited, damn cunt the fear in your eyes makes me all tingly inside. They are some hungry fuckers too. Don't worry I studied this, knew just how long to starve them so they will really enjoy their treat. I will watch for a little while then me and Carla will nap. Don't worry we will come back with bug spray you, just lay back and enjoy." Her and Carla both found great humor in my plight.

Mistress held the jar over my nipples and shook out some of the ants. Fear probably more than reality cause my whole body to tremble as I didn't feel much at first since the ants had the honey to eat. Then she was between my legs, she finished dispensing them and watch for a few minutes. Carla had smeared the honey thinly and soon I felt the bites on my tits followed by my clit, pussy and ass. I couldn't move for the ties that bound me but struggled to shift my body. One bite followed another, my whole pussy was on fire and it felt like thousands of ants were crawling all over me. Mistress and Carla watched with delight but soon left for their nap.

I could feel the ants crawling inside my cunt, biting the tender inner walls, each bite stung and burned. When they finished the honey on my nipples I could feel them spread out across my tits and sting me over and over as they bit at me in search of more food. Sobs blubbered there way out of me around the ball gag. I strained against the bins that held me as my clit came to life from their assault. Soon the quick bites began to stimulate my whole insides. Over and over they worked on my clit, pain raged a war against some perverse pleasure that seem to grow within me. I could feel them crawling around my hole, my sensitive insides coming to life under there constant attack.

My ass throbbed as they bite the inside rim of my asshole and along the inner walls of my ass cheeks soon if felt like they formed a line and were marching down inside my anal canal. The initial shock had worn off but the honey I was sure was also close to being gone and as much as the activity enhanced a mixture of sensations within me some places were feeling more pain than pleasure.

The ants that had crawled off my nipples and on to the fleshy mounds of my tits were biting into my flesh and I began to feel the sting of their bites more intensely. At the same time the ones who were nibbling at my clit and within my cunt were having a hard time getting the honey since I had juiced up and experienced an orgasm that was followed by another and yet another. My ass ached from Mistress April's abuse but as long as their was honey for the ants to get their attack on my ass was much more pleasurable.

As my orgasms overcame me and my cunt gushed out juices I figured I must of drown some of the ants. It was the ones on my poor abused tits that were doing the most damage and I worried about shifting around too much and knocking them off onto my stomach or down my side. I wasn't sure how much time had passed but I was wheeling from the constant nibs and stings of the ants bites. I felt like I had flooded the table with my cunt's juices from having multiple orgasms and could feel it sliding down to my asshole. I could only hope pussy juice was a part of an ant's diet and they would spend their time consuming it rather than venturing to other body parts in search of food. Soon both my tits and ass were feeling harsh bites and the pain overcame the pleasure. I began crying again and struggling to free myself from the torment. Then I heard Mistress and felt Carla sticking the nozzle to an enema bag up my ass and another one up my cunt.

Mistress began untying me as I felt the warm water fill my ass. Carla only flushed the water on to my cunt. Mistress took packing tape and pressed it onto my tits and pull the ants from their assault on them. Then she moved down between my legs, my whole body felt numb and spent.

"We watched you the whole time whore and fuck if you didn't get off having ants crawling up your stinking cunt, shit I counted what Carla, four, five orgasms. You are such a sorry piece of white trash that no matter how nasty the punishment is you enjoy it. Well fuck it, I will just have to come up with even nastier things to do to you. Keep every drop of that enema up your dirty ass and crawl into the bathroom, get rid of and then get in the tub."

Pain ceased me as I got off the table and I quickly fell to the floor. I could still feel the sting of the ants and my mouth ached as Mistress hadn't removed the ball gag. I sat down on the toilet and released then got into the tub on my hands and knees as I assumed Mistress would want me. When she came into the bathroom she ordered me to stand up then took down the shower massager again and sprayed me off with very hot water. I put one leg up on the side of the tub and squatted slightly while she shot the spray at my pussy and then into it. I turned around bent over and she shoot the water back up my ass. I was pretty much numb as this point so the washing was neither pleasurable or painful. Then she ordered me to dry off and crawl to the spare room and get on my hands and knees on the towel that had been placed there. As I did Carla entered the room and I noticed she had another large red enema bag that appeared very full hanging from a portable pole. She slide the nozzle into my ass and released the flow, my insides filled and my abdomen soon swelled, it seemed like the water would never stop. Soon I felt a wave of cramps.

"Come on bitch, get up and walk to the den, time for that switching, thought the enema would make it more interesting and maybe even a challenge for a stupid slut like you. You'll lick up every fucking drop you lose so you better keep that ass clenched tight."

Waves of cramps rolled through me as I walked gingerly to the den. The table had been removed and it left a big open space, I stood in the middle. I could hear the swish of the switch as Mistress began my beating. With fast furry she stung my legs, hollering at me the whole time to dance. I clenched my ass muscles and jumped from foot to foot. She grabbed my arm and jerked me around landing sting after sting across my back. She talked the whole time about her Grandmother and how she couldn't deliver a blow as harsh as hers. I fought the cramps and the strong desire to relieve myself as she landed the switch to my ass, the strikes cutting a welt as they landed. The pressure built in me and I was almost panicky that I was going to loose the enema from my overly stretched ass. She swung me around and lashed my stomach, leaving criss-cross marks on it. Then she swung at my upper legs and thighs. She ordered me to put my hands behind my back and stand up straight, she stood to my side and landed blow after blow across my enflamed tits, the red welts glowed around the redness from the ant's bites.

Then she went back to switching my legs and demanding I dance. The cramps returned with vengeance and rolled through me as I danced from one foot to the other, desperately trying to both please her and to escape the switch.

"Get down on the floor whore and spread those legs wide." I clinched my ass tight and slumped to the floor, my stomach was in knots from the cramps my asshole felt the pressure of needed relief. Mistress swung the switch and I curled up in pain as it sliced across my naked cunt.

"Damn that is one ugly looking naked cunt," she told me as she continued to switch me. Popping the switch sharply and stinging my hairless cunt with it. Each stroke caused me to tense up sending waves of cramps through me. Then she attacked the front of my legs, hollered at me to spread my legs wider and lashed the inside of my thighs and upper legs.

"Get up cunt, get on your hands and knees, Carla come put her collar and leash on." She continued her assault on me as I gingerly turned over, lifting myself so I wouldn't press my swollen stomach against the floor. I fought to keep my ass cheeks clenched together as the power to expel the enema overcame me. Carla snapped the collar tightly around my neck, Mistress sliced welts across my ass. When Carla attached the leash she handed it to Mistress and opened the sliding glass door to the outside.

I feared I wouldn't be able to make the crawl to the water and back without losing the enema. Mistress continued to switch my ass as she jerked the leash and pulled me toward the door. Once outside she yanked me down the stairs of the deck, my knees hit the wooden steps hard. The backyard was full of rain puddles and some spots were muddy as I crawled on my leash behind Mistress to the far corner of the yard. Remaining on all four she ordered me to expel the enema which I quickly did. Since I hadn't eaten much the whole weekend mainly water rain down between my ass checks. As soon as the flow stopped I was hit with a hard gush of water from the hose which was freezing cold. Carla came over and pulled my ass cheeks apart and Mistress rammed the in of the hose up into my cunt then pulled it out and rammed it at my asshole, flushing the enema's remains from me. She pulled my leash and led me down along the yard's outer fence and away from my dump.

She and Carla were both bundled up in jackets and Carla had a large umbrella opened over the both of them.

"Now whore, a special treat for you since we are at the beach, you are to remain behind Carla and I at all times. Understand I am only letting you walk to the beach incase there are any neighbors looking out their windows. Hopefully, it will be nice and quiet and you can crawl most of the way, but I don't want people giving my aunt a hard time and this is her place. You will thank me for this consideration later. Now does a piece of white trash slut like you deserve consideration?"

"No, Mistress I do not."

She was standing right in front of me and slapped me across the face and then back handed me, grabbing a handful of my hair she pulled my face close to hers.

"No, you filthy bitch you do not, but not to worry you will pay for it later, lets go." Carla threw a black towel around my shoulders.

"Another consideration I don't like giving, but since you are so fucking white and I didn't get all of you black and blue it will have to do to protect Auntie." She jerked the leash harshly and we walked out of the yard and headed to the ocean. She carried my leash in one hand, held Carla's in the other, then I noticed Carla carried a bucket and hand shovel in her other hand. Mistress looked all around as we reached the edge of the sand. I slide my hand up to hold the edge of the towel together as the winds were crisp off the ocean. It was dark and I could see no other figures on the beach. Looking around I noticed most of the house surrounding her Aunt's were dark. We stopped and Carla handed me the bucket and Mistress instructed me to fill it with sand and leave it there. As I did she surveyed the beach and surroundings, she must have been satisfied that no one was watching as she jerked the towel from me and told me to get on my hands and knees.

She walked behind me and took a handful of sand, roughly she worked it over the welts on my ass, it felt like sand paper scratching and tearing at my welts. She worked the sand over my back and then took a handful and rubbed it inside my cunt and through the crack of my ass. It stung and tore at my ravished skin. Then she jerked my leash and once again we moved to the water's edge. She and Carla remained holding hands and cuddled close to one another, their white bitch tagging along behind them.

When we got to the water, she took my leash off and instructed me to crawl into the surf, as I passed by her she reached out and gave my ass a swift kick. The sand was shifting across my welts as I crawled which relit the painful cuts left by my beating with the switch. The hard ocean floor scrapped at my sore knees and tender hands. The waves rippled in and began to wash over me, my legs felt the first stings then as I crawled in further they wash across my back and splashed up into my stomach and cunt burning every inch of me.

"Turn your ass around slut so I can see that sweet look of pain on your face." When I did I noticed she and Carla had put my towel down and were cuddled up on it. They made out under the moon on the beach while the ocean I had always love tormented my tortured body. Every once in a while they came up for air and Mistress would watch as I grimaced from the constant spray of salt water that stung me over and over. Soon she was hollering commands at me to sit in the water, roll over in the water and making me tell her how wonderful the salt felt to my wounds. At last the cold night air got to her and she ordered me to crawl out of the ocean. As I approached them she told me to spread my ass cheeks and sit in the dry sand.

I hadn't noticed that she had brought the crop with her. She began lashing me with it and told me to shift back and forth in the sand and get it all up in my ass. It felt like rough sand paper tearing my insides apart.

"Lean back and get a handful and rub it over that nasty fat cunt of yours, yeah, that's right whore, spread those legs and rub some sand inside that filthy cunt, push it up inside you, rub it on your clit, make yourself cum. Give us a show. Show us what a pitiful sorry slut you are and fuck yourself with the sand till you cum. More get more sand in there or I swear I will pack you full of it."

I took the sand and pushed it deep into my hole, I cupped handfuls of it and smeared it over my swollen and beaten pussy hood. Mistress came up to me, lashed my thighs with the crop and instructed me to spread my legs wider, and cover my clit with some sand. After I did she rammed her hand between my legs and snapped an alligator clip to my clit. I cried out in pain, she followed my agony with a deep chuckle. She rubbed sand roughly across my nipples and tits.

"Get those nasty fingers in that slutty hole and bring yourself off." She instructed me as she strummed the clip on my clit and pulled it to and fro.

Pain and pleasure over came me, my clit ached from the biting effect of the clamp. My tits were on fire from the rough rubbing of the sand. My finger moved the sand in and out of me tearing at my tender insides. I worked feverishly to try and quickly bring myself to an orgasm so the pain would subside.

Mistress had joined Carla back on the towel to watch my show.

"You look like a beached whale, digging in your smutty cunt, flopping all over the sand, feels good doesn't it whore, getting off on sand, fuck I bet you would get off just by rolling in a mud puddle you are such a trashy piece of white cunt."

The verbal attack only enhanced my efforts and soon I was shaking from the sensations and I could feel the orgasm building with me. I guess Mistress sensed its arrival too as she approached me again and ordered me to stop and move my hands, lay back and spread my legs.

"I'll finish bringing your slutty ass off, just how you like it, painfully slut." She reached in and grabbed the clip attached to my clit and with force pulled it back and forth, twisted and turned it. It felt like she was snatching it from my body. But the sensations were already to a breaking point and I felt them start to overflow with in me. My whole body shuddered as she continued her brutal attack on my clit. Right as my orgasm started to peak she released the clip from my clit and struck my swollen cunt the crop. Over and over she whipped my cunt as my orgasm flowed through me. My body jerked from both the sensation of the orgasm and the crack of her whip.

Finally I fell limp into the sand, Mistress snapped my pussy with the crop again and again but I couldn't move.

"Filthy pig get up, hand and knees, crawl behind us superior black woman and show us the respect we deserve. Let's get you to the house so I can make you pay for the dip in the ocean and letting you cum, move it whore or I'll whip that ass right here."

As fast I could move, which I worried wasn't fast enough I got up, Mistress jerking my leash the whole time. We paused only for Carla to get the bucket of sand and quickly made our way back through the yard to the house. Mistress tied my leash to pole light in the yard and she and Carla went inside. I could see them spreading towels on the floor inside the door.

Carla came back to get me, leading me over to a tree where she told me if I needed to go to the bathroom I should do it then. I asked for permission to squat and she agreed. The stream of piss burned as it trickled from me. Carla handed me a paper towel to wipe with, naturally along with the sand it made the experience rough and painful. Then she lead me up the wooden stairs and into the den. Mistress soon entered wearing her very large black strapped on cock. A chair was positioned at the end of the towel, Carla got in front of me on her hands and knees and backed her ass and pussy up to my face. I didn't dare reach out for her without Mistress first giving permission. She had come around in front of Carla and placed the chair close to her but not touching her.

Moving back behind me I felt Mistress shoving sand from the bucket into my already sandy cunt and asshole.

"Okay cunt I am fixing to fuck you, I'm gonna stick this big black cock up your sand filled nasty cunt and into your fat ass, you are going to suck out Carla's ass and eat her sweet pussy."

She slapped my ass with her open hand, one side and then the other.

"I am gonna fuck you hard, I am gonna get this beautiful black dick so far up that nasty asshole of yours that you are gonna feel it coming out your throat. You move one inch, you push Carla into that chair in front of her and your nasty white ass pays. You think I have given you some pain already, bitch you don't know pain if my girl moves one inch."

I braced myself the best I felt I could. I knew Mistress would fuck me harder than any man could and I was worried about the task before me, especially since I was already so weakened from the events of the whole weekend.

"Go on, you filthy pig get that tongue working on my baby." Mistress ordered me as she continued to slap my ass over and over.

I didn't reach up but extended my tongue and gave Carla's pussy long laps with it as soon as I felt the sweet wetness of her cunt Mistress plunged her cock straight up my sand filled cunt. I held myself firm. She invasion of her cock slide the sand to and fro inside me, the grittiness scrapped my insides. She pulled up and plunged it back into me, long and hard strokes.

I lapped at Carla's pussy, slide my tongue into her hole and swirled it around, she pushed it further back onto my face. Mistress' attack on my cunt was fast and furious. I am sure she didn't mean to but she grabbed my hips in a vice like hold and fucked me hard, slamming her cock into me and slapping my back side with her body.

"How you doing baby, this bitch eating my pussy good."

"Yeah, sweetie but I am so worked up it ain't gonna take me long to cum."

Mistress reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair snapping my head back then aiming it at Carla's ass and thrusting it into it. I quickly adjusted and started licking inside the crease of her ass, my tongue darting in and out of her puckered bum hole. Mistress never faltered in her fucking of my cunt. The sand scrapping and tearing my tender walls. She grunted and groaned loudly with each hard slam of her cock. Before me Carla wiggled her ass on my tongue and purred.

"I can't take this honey, I gotta cum". Carla called out to Mistress who began slapping my ass again.

"Work that filthy tongue of yours on my girl, cunt. Cum all over her nasty white face baby, thrust that pussy of yours into her and fuck her face hard.

I'm gonna hold my cock all the way in her and you hit her face with that fine ass and sweet pussy of yours. Hard baby, come one hit the slut hard and make her fuck my cock."

Carla did as Mistress suggested, she lurched back and covered my face with her ass cheeks. She lunched forward and came back with her pussy up and in my mouth. I eagerly lapped her up. Plunged my tongue in and out of her hole, licked my way up to her clit and strummed it with my tongue. Mistress held me tight her cock buried deep inside me.

Carla worked her ass and pussy on my face, thrusting hard and sending me back against Mistress her cock hitting my insides with an aching throb. Soon Carla was moaning loudly and juices gusted from her and filled my mouth. But as soon as her orgasm started she moved away from me and got up, she quickly pulled the hair over my head and I ducked so it wouldn't slam into my face. Sitting on the edge of the chair she spread herself over my back. Mistress pulled back slightly and plunged her face into Carla lapping up the juices from her gushing pussy. I could hear the slurping and sucking sounds as Mistress drank down her cummy juice and Carla moaned and groaned loudly. Soon she fell limp, her legs slide from my back and dangled toward the floor. Then Carla sat up on my back, Mistress plunged her cock back into me deeply and I heard them kissing. A few minutes later Carla got up and laid down on the couch.

Mistress started beating my ass with her open hands gain.

"You aren't worthy of drinking my baby's pussy juices you white trash whore." She pulled her cock from my pussy, then continued beating my ass, but now she had the paddle. She hollered at me to lay flat on the floor as she brought the paddle down again and again on my overly abused ass cheeks.

Then taking my ass cheeks one in each hand, she pushed them up roughly and pulled them apart, I only felt the tip of her cock on my asshole a second before she plunged it all the way up me. The sand ripped my insides and I cried out from the sharp pain.

"Yeah whore, cry, I'm gonna fuck this sand deep into your ass." She was straddling me and in that position she could ram her cock in and out of me. I slide on the floor each time she pulled back and charged back into my ass with her huge black cock. The floor naturally didn't give and inch and I was taking every inch of her cock as she brutally fucked my ass. She lifted her self up and would fall against me, ramming me hard. She pulled my hair to hold me and fucked my ass in and out with vengeance. She literally beat my ass by fucking it with her whole body and the huge cock she had strapped on it. It went on and on, her cock like a piston driving in and out of me, the sand doing its job to intensify the raging fury deep within my anal canal. For at least fifteen solid minutes she attacked my ass, amazingly the final thrust were the hardest. When she pulled out she began beating my ass with the paddle again and told me to roll over. When I did she squatted over me and like a wrestler doing a body slam she dropped her self down on my face hard my nose went straight up into her ass cheeks.

"Lick my ass whore, get that nasty tongue all up in there."

I couldn't breath but managed to slide my tongue into her asshole, she lifted her body and dropped it back down on my face. She picked up the crop and started lashing my pussy and upper legs, screaming at me to spread them wide. She slide her ass across my face and bounced on it fucking it as hard as she had fucked my face. I tasted juices that had escaped from her pussy and I knew she was getting off. She grinded her ass on my face and continued her whipping of my pussy, inner thighs and legs. I struggled beneath her trying to gasp for air, none came. She grounded herself down harder on face and continued lashing me with the crop till at last I felt her cum. She got on her hands and smeared her juices on my face the harness from her strapped on cock scrapping it roughly. She sat back on and slide her wet ass across my face then crawled to the couch and started making out with Carla.

I gasped for air, and my body shook. After a few minutes enjoying their afterglow they both joined me on the floor. Mistress had removed her cock and plunged it into my mouth.

"Lick my cock clean of your nasty white ass whore." She pulled it back out of my mouth and put it in my hand, hollering at me to remove my filth from it. Then she and Carla went to work on me. They tied my tits back up and together. Carla pulled my legs over my head and Mistress stuck the huge butt plug in my ass then took the paddle to shove it all the way in. Carla spread my pussy lips and Mistress attached the sharp clip to it. She took the dildo from me and plunged it back up my cunt.

They got up and pulled me up by my arms and sat me down hard on the seat of the chair. The butt plug pushed into me deeper as did the huge dildo felt like it was pressing into my stomach. The pulled my arms behind the chair and tied them together. Mistress attached the nipples clips that were attached together by the silver chain back on my nipples and applied not one but two weight to it. The tied my legs at both the knees and ankles to side and legs of the chair. Then Mistress took a smaller butt plug with straps and pushed it into my mouth, securing the straps around my head. Satisfied, they told their sorry piece of white trash slut good night and headed down the hallway.

Next: Chapter 11

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