Mixed Blessings

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Sep 13, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Mixed Blessings" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay" which is available for the Kindle on Amazon.

This is Part 1 of "Mixed Blessings". I will post some more stories on Nifty, especially if people tell me they want to read more.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at: RichardPetersBooks@yahoo.co.uk

My Amazon author page is: amazon.com/author/richardpeters

Mixed Blessings - Part 1 - A Helping Hand

I quietly watched TV, next to Linda on the sofa. I was staring at the screen, but all the time I kept thinking about my session with Mick that afternoon. I'd always wondered what guys did together and now I had tried it!

I couldn't stop imagining Mick screwing my wife, and wondering how I could set it up. My cock was rock hard inside my trousers and thinking about it made me want to get Linda upstairs and to screw her.

I had to admit our sex life had already gone stale. We married two years ago when I was 19 and she was 18 and we were both were pretty inexperienced. I'd had two girlfriends previously who I had fucked, but Linda had been a virgin when I started going out with her.

She was a really nice girl and I'd fancied her a lot. She had let me have heavy petting sessions with her while we were going out and once we got engaged she had let me play with her fanny while she wanked me off. But she was rather old-fashioned and had made me wait until our wedding night before letting me go "all the way".

Our first few sessions on the honeymoon had been a bit disappointing for me. Linda had done her best, but she was too inhibited to really let herself go. I hadn't managed to bring her to an orgasm and by the end of the honeymoon we had already settled into a routine of nightly sex where she lay back and I fucked her until I came.

For the first year of marriage things had more or less carried on that way. On one occasion she had got more excited than usual. So I had really made an effort to get her to come. I'd spent about an hour humping away and resting when I got too close to coming. Actually I'd really enjoyed lying there with my cock inside her on the verge of an orgasm and lying perfectly still until my passion subsided. And a couple of times she'd started sighing and I'd thought something was happening with her, but nothing did.

After an hour of this I had started to feel rather foolish, lying on her with my cock still penetrating her. And I found myself starting to think about football and work!

Eventually, when I tried to stop and let my cock subside again, it didn't, and I ejaculated. I lay there trying not to move, but my cock just pumped its load while I was motionless. It was quite a sexy feeling, but I felt a complete failure. Linda had just said it didn't matter.

I'd never brought a girl to an orgasm, my two earlier girlfriends had just let me screw them and I didn't really know how you were supposed to bring women to this all important climax that magazines were always talking about!

Since then I'd screwed her half-heartedly, a couple of times a week and tried to wait for her to have an orgasm, but it always resulted in me ejaculating and saying "sorry!" to her. She said it didn't matter, but to me it did. These days you don't feel like a real man if you can't make a woman come!

One night, in bed, about six months ago, I was about to get on top of her and she reached for something from her bedside cupboard. It was an Anne Summers catalogue that our next-door neighbour Angie had lent her. "Stephen, maybe there is something in there that would help me, you know..." she said.

I looked through the catalogue of sex aids. My mind reeled at the possibilities, and my cock was rock hard against the front of my pyjamas. When I got to the page with vibrators on them I asked her if that was the sort of thing she had in mind and without showing too much interest she said maybe one would help. We picked a ten-inch vibrating and rotating monster. Linda said she would order one from Angie tomorrow and she turned over to go to sleep.

"You haven't discussed our problem with Angie have you?" I felt like I would die if people knew about my difficulty!

"No!" she replied. "She just said she had a catalogue of stuff that she and Tim used to spice up their love life. That's all"

I wouldn't have been able to face Tim if he knew! The four of us sometimes went out together and Tim was everything that I wasn't. He had black hair with a moustache and a hairy chest that he liked to expose by undoing his top buttons and he flaunted his sexuality with his wife Angie. Kissing her in public and squeezing her waist - that sort of thing.

I was just the opposite. I had brown hair, a smooth, hairless body and was shy about my sexuality in public! I thought Tim would probably have a huge cock too! I'd seen other guys in the showers and knew some guys dwarfed my modest penis.

Linda went to sleep, leaving me to leaf through the catalogue. I kept looking at the pages of women wearing scanty underclothes and nighties while my wife snored next to me. 'Why couldn't she be more like these women!' I thought as I started to play with my cock.

I turned away from her onto my side and grabbed a couple of tissues. Wrapping them round my circumcised knob I quietly wanked myself looking at the pictures and imagining being in bed with these women.

A few days later, we were both sat up in bed, while Linda excitedly opened the Jiffy envelope and took out the box. We both laughed and giggled as she took out the monstrous pink implement. She asked me to put the batteries in the compartment and as I was doing so I examined the thing.

It was solid for most of its length sheathed in soft rubber. The huge knob-end was softer, with some sort of movement device covered in ribbed rubber between it and the solid part. I wished my 6-inch cock were as long and thick as this was!

I switched it on to the first setting and the whole thing vibrated in my hand. We both laughed. Then I turned it to the next setting and the end started to rotate in circular motions while it whirred in my hand. Linda gasped as she looked at the huge phallus, gyrating and we both fell back laughing.

"Time to try "Fred" out!" I said, as I put it back to the first setting and pushed the duvet down over my wife's body, down below her feet. She was wearing a nice silky green nightie and her breasts were wobbling inside as she laughed. I was only wearing my pyjama bottoms and my cock was already trying to find its way out of the front of them.

The vibrating thing in my hand gave me a feeling of power over my wife, who was clearly affected by the phallus I was wielding. I touched it to her chest and moved it in circular motions around her left breast, making the circles smaller until the end of the vibrating dildo was touching her nipple.

Linda watched it with fascination as I continued to move it over her breasts. Then I poked it down the front of her nightie until the rubber made contact with her nipple. She moaned and I watched fascinated as her breast shook and vibrated in unison.

With my other hand I reached down and pushed up the front of her nightie and rubbed my fingers through her thatch of brown hair. She was clearly enjoying the whole thing, so I placed the vibrator against the side of her neck on the pillow while I lifted up her nightie and slipped it over her head.

She lay back on the pillow and she was clutching the mock penis to the side of her cheek, with her eyes closed. "Like it?" I asked.

She replied "Mmm "Fred's" lovely!"

I lay on my side propping my head up with my hand and watched my wife play the vibrator over her breasts and stomach. She had a great figure! Smooth pale skin, full breasts with lovely nipples and a milky white, flat stomach. Her hips curved out amply and she had smooth thighs and shapely legs. I wanted to rub my cock all over her body just like she was doing with "Fred"! I put my hand back onto the mound between her legs and ran my finger around the lips of her moist vagina.

Linda was moaning as she pushed the dildo down her stomach towards my hand and I wondered what it felt like to have the monster rubbing you like that.

The vibrating end touched my hand and again, the power of the thing moved me. I took it off my wife and made circles of it around her pubic hair. Linda put both hands behind her head, signalling that it was up to me and "Fred" to see to her now!

I pushed the throbbing machine between the top of her thighs and she parted them and then gripped the end tightly between them. I pushed and probed, as "Fred" seemed to make her whole body vibrate!

With my free hand I managed to worm my way out of my pyjamas and I knelt across my wife looking down at her naked body. Holding the dildo, still thrust between her thighs, in one hand I stroked my own cock with the other, while Linda lay there with her eyes closed. I moved down over my wife and parted my legs around the other end of the shaft and then the vibrations hit me!

It felt fantastic! I groaned as the energy pulsated between my legs and my six inches slid down the side of "Fred". My dripping head buried itself in Linda's pubes as I pressed my chest against her stiff nipples and kissed her on the mouth.

She opened her mouth and kissed me with a rare passion and we remained like that, locked together by "Fred", throbbing away. Both our bodies vibrated with a new rhythm and we were transported to new heights!

Eventually the kiss stopped and I looked into Linda's eyes. "Want me to get him to fuck you now?"

"Oh yes, please" she whispered. So I lifted myself off her and "Fred" and reached down to the control. I moved it to the next position and "Fred" started to make a growling noise as the end still trapped between her thighs ground away with its circular motions. Linda gave a shocked "Oh!" as the machine pummelled away at the spot between her vagina and her arse.

I got hold of the thing and Linda parted her legs for me. The rotating head seemed to know what to do as I held it to the entrance to her vagina and it vibrated and twisted as it parted her lips and drilled its way into her! I pulled it back slightly and pushed it in deeper as Linda moaned in ecstasy.

Soon her hole had swallowed two thirds of the monster and her hips were gyrating frantically around it. I moved my body alongside her and slid up the bed, until my cock was alongside her breasts. I pushed myself against her and holding my cock, I drew circular motions with it on her breast, like I had done with "Fred".

My moaning wife wrapped her arms around the smooth cheeks of my arse and pressed my cock against her chest. I gyrated my pelvis, and my penis pressed into her breast.

"Oh Stephen!" she moaned and I lifted my cock up towards her mouth. Still clutching my buttocks, she took my wet cock into her mouth and slid her tongue around the slippery knob. I lay there in ecstasy! She had never done this for me before.

Despite the delight of the sensations, I wanted to save myself so I withdrew my penis and slid down alongside my wife while she gasped for breath! "How's Fred doing down there?" I whispered.

I got hold of the dildo, which was still grinding away inside her fanny and pulled it out of her by about four inches, before plunging it back into her. Linda gasped "Oh more!" So I started to move the implement in and out of my wife's vagina while she squirmed!

Faster and faster I plunged it in and out of her until she was moaning. Suddenly she said "Now, Stephen, now!" So I pulled "Fred" out and quickly climbed on top of her, plunging my own phallus into her. I lifted my chest off her and supported my weight with my arms.

She was very moist and my cock was soon lubricated and plunging in and out of her like "Fred" had done. I gazed down at the wonderful breasts as I pumped my arse backwards and forwards in a rhythmic rocking motion. Linda suddenly gasped and her body heaved under me.

The muscles of her fanny pulsated over my cock in a way that I had never felt before, her juicy cunt alternately almost pushing my rock hard muscle out before grabbing it and sucking it in! Linda was moaning uncontrollably as I felt it well up from deep within my groin and my cum thrust into her in a great spasm.

I thrust and thrust into her as her fanny sucked and eagerly accepted my sperm. I ground my pelvis into her wanting the sensation to last forever. Eventually we collapsed into a sweaty heap and noticed that "Fred" was still pounding away beside us!

"Fred" livened up our sex life for quite a few weeks and I enjoyed climaxing inside her at the same time as Linda on several occasions. But this new found passion eventually levelled off into a routine of using "Fred" as a warm-up act before I mounted her for my lonely orgasm while Linda just lay there.

I suspected that Linda was using "Fred" while I was out at work and my confidence and self-esteem once again reached a low ebb.

Sometimes when I was in the house alone, I would play with "Fred". I loved to push the vibrating phallus against my cock, or rub it over my scrotum and down between my legs. I liked to imagine I was with a guy with a big cock and we were pressing our cocks together.

Other times I would imagine another guy was screwing my wife while I watched.

"Did you see that? Linda asked digging me in the ribs and pointing to the TV as I woke out of my daydream. "Er, no I was miles away!"

So here we were, two years into the marriage and sexually bored with each other! Again my mind wandered to the young guy who had picked me up at the gym. Mick had said he would screw my wife while I watched and the plan tonight was to get her to agree to it!

My cock was pushing against the front of my trousers as I said. "I'm going to bed, you coming?" "In a few minutes" she replied. She didn't seem to notice my hard-on as I got up and went upstairs.

I went into the bedroom and surveyed the scene of the afternoon's escapade. I'd taken the pillow, that Mick had stained, off the bed and I knew that was my method of introducing to Linda, the idea of sharing her with another guy. But would she go for it? My cock seemed bigger than it had ever done before as I thought about Mick screwing Linda.

I quickly showered and put a pair of briefs on. As it was a warm summer's night Linda wouldn't think there was anything odd about me not wearing pyjamas. Although, she didn't seem to like me being completely naked in bed, she didn't mind if I only wore briefs. Thinking about my plan, I got an erection again as I dried my hair with the towel. Then I climbed into bed and read my book.

Half an hour later, Linda came in having taken a shower and got herself ready for bed. She dried her hair, while sitting on the edge of the bed in only her nightie. I watched, as her nipples poked against the material and her breasts moved up and down, as she waved the dryer around her head.

She finished and put the dryer away. "There's a pillow missing!" she said.

"I er, had an accident with it!" I said as she got into bed beside me. "I er, got a bit excited, this afternoon, you know, thinking about you, and er, while I was lying on it, er, I came!" I said as my hand stroked her thigh.

"Oh for goodness sake, Stephen! Have you no control!"

I explained how I'd suddenly been seized with the idea of another guy screwing her. Linda was shocked but didn't object as my hand wandered up her thigh and under her nightie. I asked her if she ever imagined having sex with anyone else and she said she did.

I asked her what the guy would be like as my finger drew a circle around her fanny. I was surprised to hear her describe in great detail what the guy in her imagination was like. He was young and athletic and my cock grew rock hard as I thought about Mick.

I told her I'd met this young guy at the gym and it had been him that I had been imagining screwing her this afternoon. I reached to the drawer and got out "Fred", our vibrator, and turned it on. I started to describe Mick's muscular blond body as I slipped "Fred" inside her. She lay back with her eyes closed as I told her to imagine the young stud entering her.

When she had got excited, I described how the guy shoots his spunk inside her and then rolls over off her. I took "Fred" out of her and pushed myself in. Linda wrapped her legs around my arse as I pumped into her. Quickly we both came and Linda violently squeezed and held on to me as she had a huge orgasm.

Afterwards we laughed about it and Linda said it was a great fantasy, but things like that never happen in real life. I said that I would see the kid on Saturday at the gym and I'd see if I could think of a way of inviting him over to the house. Linda laughed and told me not to be silly and went to sleep.

On Saturday, while I was still at work, I phoned Mick. I'd arranged to ring him when his parents were out and when he answered I told him it was all set for that evening. I arranged to meet him outside the leisure centre and we could pretend he was coming to my house to look at my coin collection, after a session at the gym.

I was rock hard while hearing Mick's voice and imagining what he was going to do to my wife with his enormous penis!

I found it very hard to concentrate on work for the rest of the day! I hated working on Saturdays anyway, but at least it gave me a day off during the week.

When I finished work I hurried to the leisure centre and Mick was waiting for me outside. God he was a beautiful looking boy! Only eighteen, but he looked older with his muscular physique. His blond hair, blue eyes, white teeth and golden bronze skin made you just want to grab him! Linda would go weak at the knees when she saw him!

On the way home I explained to Mick that my wife was interested in doing it with another guy, but it would have to look natural and not as if Mick knew that it had been set up. I also said that she mustn't know about our session together last Thursday. Mick smiled at me and told me not to worry and he hoped we could have another session soon!

When we got home Linda wasn't in, so I made Mick a coffee and got my coin collection out on the dining room table. While I was showing him my coins, Mick moved his leg under the table so that his knee pressed against my thigh. This kid was incredible! Here he was being set up to screw my wife, not only did he not seem nervous about it, but he was flirting with me too!

Well, I wasn't going to let this opportunity go by and I still wanted to know more about, and experience more, gay sex. So I planted my hand on Mick's thigh and boldly moved it up his leg until my hand was feeling the bulge in Mick's trousers. I felt the outline of his cock pressed up against his belly.

Mick moved his face towards mine and parted his lips. I pressed my mouth to him and Mick's tongue sought mine in a passionate kiss. Suddenly the back door opened and we quickly went back to looking at the coins.

Linda came in and her gaze fixed upon the young, blond Adonis, as I introduced Mick to her. Mick got up from the table and shook Linda's hand, smiling broadly at her with his pearly white teeth. Linda flushed and made a hasty retreat into the kitchen. Mick and I smiled at each other.

I organised for us all to go to the pub for a drink. Although Mick was only just eighteen I knew there would be no problem about getting served, as he looked more like nineteen. So off we all went to the pub. I got them sat in the corner with Mick up close to Linda while I went to get the drinks.

In no time at all Mick was flirting with Linda and she was giggling at his compliments. I was fascinated to watch this kid, basically picking up my wife in front of my own eyes!

After a few drinks, Mick had his thigh pressed up against Linda's leg and his arm was stretching over the back of Linda's chair as he gave her his full attention. We walked back home, with us on either side of Linda who had an arm round each of our waists.

Once inside Mick went straight to work. "God, you're a lucky man, Stephen to have such a beautiful wife. If she were mine I'd never let her out of the bedroom!" Linda giggled and Mick put his hands on her waist and said, "I'm sorry Stephen, but I can't resist her!" and he pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips. Linda collapsed into his arms and responded with passionate French kisses.

I said, "Er, can I join in?" and came over to the couple. I stood behind my wife and pressed my pelvis against her bum and rubbed myself against her. I reached my hand around the couple and felt Mick's arse through the tight material of his trousers.

Linda was busy planting kisses all over Mick's adorable face, while her hands were frantically undoing his shirt buttons. Soon her hand was stroking the pectoral muscles of his smooth bronzed chest and rubbing her fingers over his nipples. She grabbed for the top of his trousers and opened his button and undid his zip.

Mick's mouth went back to hers as she put her hand inside his trousers and felt his enormous erection. Soon she had his trousers pulled down around his ankles and she was staring down at the huge bulge in the front of his white Y-fronts.

I lifted up her dress from behind and lifted it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra; just skimpy knickers and her milky white breasts were exposed for Mick to see. He lovingly cupped one in each hand as he bent down and kissed her left nipple. He wrapped his tongue around it and sucked her breast.

Then he stood back, with the two of them now only wearing Y-fronts and knickers. He said, "We better not forget Stephen!" and he reached for me and started undoing the buttons of my shirt. His blue eyes looked tenderly straight into mine as he undid the buttons, one by one, and Linda undid my trousers and pulled them down as Mick stripped off my shirt.

All in our underclothes now, Mick pulled Linda to him again and his cock pressed against the damp front of her knickers as he kissed her once more. I rubbed my erection against her backside and kissed the back of her neck. Mick's hands moved down over my arse and he slipped his hands inside my briefs and pressed my arse, pushing me against my wife.

I reached round and got my hands inside the back of Mick's Y-fronts and stroked his cheeks, while Mick ground himself against Linda. Linda groaned between the embrace of the two of us.

Mick stepped back away from us, showing both of us his penis, which was pushing forwards against the front of his Y-fronts. I moved round and stepped behind him, pulling Mick's underpants down. As they came down, they pulled his penis downwards then his cock escaped its confines and bounced upwards. Linda stared at the thick eight-inch uncut staff as it bobbed up and down in front of her.

I pulled the underpants down to Mick's ankles and said. "You take her first Mick then I will!" and Mick moved forwards and roughly pulled Linda's knickers down. Holding Linda by the hand, he lay down on the carpet and pulled her naked body down on top of him. She squirmed about on top of his muscular body while he stroked his hands through her hair.

I stood amazed as I watched the naked bodies writhing about. I crouched down on the carpet next to them and stroked my wife's back as she hungrily kissed the young guy under her.

Mick gently rolled her over on to her back and I watched as he got hold of his penis and rubbed the end of it against the entrance to my wife's fanny. He made sure I got a clear view of it all! Then holding himself above her, he gently pushed and I saw Mick's huge cock slide into her.

Linda gave a moan as Mick started his up and down motion. He kept himself off her with his strong arms supporting his weight so that I could watch the length of his shaft move in and out of her vagina.

I reached forward and massaged Linda's breasts, her nipples hard and erect. Linda looked into my eyes as Mick fucked her. His action getting more and more powerful as he thrust in and out of her.

I took my hand of Linda's breast as Mick let his chest fall onto her as his motion got more frantic. I watched Mick's arse as his cheeks clenched and relaxed with his pumping action. I reached forwards and placed my hand on the boy's arse and felt the kid thrusting into my wife.

I then cocked my leg over Mick's backside and knelt over him, to allow my cock and balls to be bashed by Mick's arse, every time he pulled back before pounding down again into Linda. Mick's body tensed and he groaned as he shot his semen into Linda. I pressed my hands against Mick's arse and felt the thrusts as he pumped into my wife.

Linda was moaning softly as she took his seed. As soon as he had finished he pulled his still half-stiff penis out of her and rolled over onto his back, allowing me to get on top of her. Her face was flushed and a different aroma than usual was coming from her pussy as I pushed my circumcised throbbing penis in where Mick's member had just been.

My cock slipped easily into her juicy passage as I felt my knob slither through her juices and Mick's sperm. Linda gasped as the second cock entered her and she thrust her pelvis upward in wild delight as I held her, impaled on my cock.

I remained motionless kneeling between her legs and holding my chest at full arms-length above her. My wife continued to thrust upwards at me fucking herself against my rigid pole, until the breath hissed out of her, between her clenched teeth, and she shouted "Oh my God!" I then pounded my shaft in and out of her as we reached our orgasmic climax together and I collapsed on top of her.

I came out of my exhausted reverie to find myself still on top of Linda with Mick tracing circles with his finger over my back and arse and my wife gently dozing beneath me.

I gently lifted myself off her and placed my shirt over her naked body. We two naked men went to the kitchen and I got two cans of beer out of the fridge, saying "Wow!"

As I turned to face Mick, Mick moved forward and planted a deep passionate kiss on my mouth and I just managed to put the cans down before Mick grabbed me. We wrapped our arms around each other and hugged.

It had been an interesting evening and it looked like it wasn't over yet!

Next: Chapter 2

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