Mmm, Heather

By Tamara R

Published on May 9, 2002



DISCLAIMER This story contains adult situations and a female/female relationship. Blah blah blah. If you are underage,etc. Stop readin' and go back. Rest of ya, enjoy.

Mmm, Heather

"How the hell does he expect me to complete an essay on the manipulation of genetics by Friday? This is so not going to be a good week!" Heather annouced.

Mmmm, Heather. This girl, I mean, woman is amazing. This Italian/Asian beauty stands 5'2", 125lbs, slightly athletic, medium length brown hair, brown eyes. She wears dark rimmed glasses and dresses kinda butchy but not over the top. Not only was she nice to look at, but she possesses so many things on my 'turn-ons' list. She has a couple tattoos and piercings. She speaks another language- Italian. Heather has this confidence and pride that I have the greatest respect for. Plus, she is a really nice, fun person. I could go on and on, but I won't.

"C'mon. This is Heather we are talking about. You are the queen of essays especially under pressure. I have faith in you. I'll be your cheerleader. ..and before you go imagining this, don't even think that I would wear the little outfits, ok?! But I will shake my pom poms and do a little cheer. Go Heather Go. heh heh" I said jokingly.

She giggled and hit me on the arm. "No outfit?! How disappointing! I guess I'll just picture you dressed in only your pom poms! Ha Ha Ha."

I dropped my jaw in mock shock. She just smiled and locked our arms together. "Let's get some lunch, relax, then you can get all focused on your essay."

I had been imagining this moment all my life. The day that I found the love of my life. I had no idea 6 months ago that I would be in a relationship with the girl of my dreams. Why? For a few reasons. When I first met her she was really nice and I was attracted to her immediately, but I was the new person in the group. I wanted to get a feel for the people and wanted to make a good impression so I didn't do anything hasty. Good thing too because she just started a relationship with someone. As I got better acquainted with everyone, it was easier to be myself. Heather and I became really good friends but it was hard to contain myself everytime we were alone. My crush on her had grown to emense proportions and just being her friend was hard. Plus, she started coming to me with problems about her and her girlfriend. Can you imagine how hard it was giving advice to keep them together when deep down inside I wish they would break up? Don't get me wrong. I would never do anything to jeopardize someone elses relationship. I am happy for her, when she is happy. It is when she comes to me complaining or commenting on something about her girlfriend, that I think of how much better I am for her if she could only see. Then it happened.

"If she doesn't call back, I think I'm going to give up on girls altogether!" said Heather. As usual, the lack of communication in her relationship is causing a problem.

"Oh, no. Don't give up on them altogether!" I defended. If she did that, then I would definately have no chance. "Why don't you call her again?"

She smirked, "I don't know."

"Do you see how you are just hurting yourself?" Why am I such a nice person? Why don't I just tell her to breakup with her girlfriend? 'Cause I have this thing called respect for others.

She remained quiet because she knew I was right. "But why do I always have to call? This feels so one sided."

"Give her one more chance. Talk to her, explain what you want, what she wants, if there is a future."

"Like an ultimatum?? Yeah, that's really good. That forces her to make a decision, one that will probably not make me happy."

"Hey, she has been taking things slow and easy with you long enough. Honestly, something should have changed by now. In my opinion, I think she is just not ready in be in a relationship with a woman. Or may be with anyone. The more I think about it, now, the more I think it would be better for you emotionally to walk away."

"Ugh. This is so not what I wanted. Fine. I'll talk her. If things don't go well, I will walk away."

"Stand strong, Heather. You know what you have to do."

"Yeah. Ah, shit. I have to get to class. I'll talk to later!" She gave me a hug, grabbed her backpack, and darted off to class. I just hope she doesn't get hurt.

ring, ring I run to the phone and recognize the number. "Roadkill Cafe. You kill it, we grill it. Serving our highways' finest. What can I scrap off for ya?"

"Heh heh, sniff. What the hell was that all about? You can always make me laugh though."

"Hey, Heather. How's it going? I take it, not very well. I heard that sniff." She got hurt. Damn it.

"Well, yeah. Things did not go well. She doesn't know what she wants. So I told her if she couldn't decide, then I couldn't wait. That's it. It's over. I don't even know if it ever really began."

"Aww. It is better this way in the long run, sweetie. Trust me, there are much better girls out there for you. Ones that won't take so much effort, ones that will make you happy."

"Thanks. Are you busy? I need to be with a friend right now."

"No, I'm not busy. And I'm never too busy for you. Come over whenever you would like."

"I'll be there shortly. Thanks. Thanks a lot." I could hear the sincerity in her voice. I could also sense her disappointment.

I hung up the phone. I decided that she needed a comfy welcoming space. So I got out my fuzzy kitty blanket, and over sized lounging pillow. I got out all the 'comfort' food. It is always smart to keep gummi bears on hand.

They are great to take anger out on. You can literally bite their heads off, then pretend it was someone else. I put water on to boil so that we could have hot chocolate (with mini marshmellows). I organized some videos to watch in case she just wanted to be distracted. And last, but not least, I put on mood setting music. Something mellow and slightly up beat, but not depressing or romantic. Just as I put on Tegan and Sara, I heard a knock at my door. I ran and opened the door, "Come here." I gave Heather a huge hug.

"Hey. Thanks for letting me come over. If I stayed alone I would analyze the whole conversation Alexis and I had, over and over."

WHEEEEEEEEEEE "Excuse me. That's the kettle. I'm making us hot chocolate. Take your shoes off, and get acquainted with my couch." I said smiling.

I poured out two mugs and carried them out to the living room. There she was, cute as ever. She had the large pillow propped behind her and the blanket wrapped around her right up to her chin. She looked like a little kid coming in from the cold. I sat beside her and hand her a mug. "You look comfy."

"Not yet." She sat up and turned so that she leaned against me instead. I had to move my arm which rested along the side of her body and the couch. This is what bothered me most. She is so close. Yet so far away. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her, tell her she will be ok, and that I love her. "There. Much better. Mmmm, this is good stuff. OH! and the little marshmellows. You thought of everything."

"Ah, yeah. Umm, do you want to talk or watch a movie or what? "

"Can I just sit here like this?"

"Yeah, of course. Here let me pull that blanket up." As I reached with my other arm to grab the blanket, my head lowered. Our lips were just inches away. I glanced in her eyes. I know we both felt it, but I also knew it wasn't the right time. I looked away and pulled the blanket up. "There ya go. All snuggly and warm." We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, just enjoying each others company until we fell asleep.

I awoke slowly in the morning. I forced my eyes open to find a face staring back at me. "Ahh!" I said with a jump.

"Morning sleepy head. I started making breakfast already. How do you like your eggs?"

"What?! Hey." Stupid sleep always makes me slow in the morning. Finally I caught on. "Umm, easy-over." I got up and trailed Heather into the kitchen.

There she was standing in front of the stove in a tank top and boxer shorts with her hair all scruffed. It was so cute. It took all I had to resist from coming up behind and wrapping my arms around her waist.

After breakfast, we showered. Seperately. In was Saturday so we didn't have school. I called out," Hey do you want to watch some cartoons??"

"Cartoons?! YEAH! I haven't watched them for ever." She came bounding out of my bedroom all excited for cartoons and landed on the couch beside me. She grabbed the blanket and drapped it across the two of us. "Get in closer. The blanket won't reach across us both." So I scooted closer to her. Hell, if I was any closer I would be on her.

Anyway, we sat and watched the tv. Then she put her arm under mine and rested her hand on my thigh. Her fingers then began to slowly trace pictures and designs on my leg. I wasn't sure if she knew what she was doing or if it was mindless doodling. Then I realized what she was drawing.

She would write my name followed by a heart. I glanced at her and she gazed back. I could see this wasn't the same Heather I saw last night. Her eyes told me what she wanted and that she was sure. I brushed the side of her face and asked in very quiet tone," Are you sure?" She answered with a kiss.

Yeah, so since that wonderful Saturday morning, Heather and I have been a couple. I will tell you that it is not bliss all the time, but I swear we fight just for the makeup sex. Back to the story...

We grabbed our food from the school food court and luckily found a table.

We sat across from each other. " So what else do you have to do today?" I asked. She smirked and looked at me. My eyes went wide. "Get your mind out of the gutter or don't. Just don't tease me like that."

"Ha ha ha. You should have seen your face. Ok, I have nothing else to do today, but I should probably get a good start on that essay. But how about I come over later?"

"That would be great!" I knew I wouldn't see much of her over the next few days because of her school work, so I already started to plan a naughty evening. Then I felt her foot run up my leg. I quickly glanced up and saw her staring at me. Slowly her foot was going further up my leg. She loved doing things like this in public. Finally I had had enough of her teasing. I got up and pulled her up with me. I hurriedly lead her to a more quiet area of the school. I spun around, took her wrists in my hands and raised them above her head slowly. She seductively smiled. She knows everytime she teases me like that, that it gets a very lustful, slightly aggressive reaction from me. I gazed into her eyes before I kissed her. I attacked her mouth, gently pushing her against the wall. I pressed myself against her. Slowly my hands drifted down her arms, down her sides to rest on her hips. I pulled her toward me, and left a trail of kisses down her neck and shoulder. I stopped, but still held her tightly against me. She brought her arms down and ran her fingers down my back. She whispered in my ear," Thanks for raising my heartbeat."

"Consider this only a tiny sample of what you are going receive tonight!"

Ha! Now I was teasing her! I smiled and kissed her gentler and more passionately. "I have to catch my bus, but I'll see you tonight!"

I started to dart away, when she replied," Later, sweetie!" I loved it when she called me that.


---> hey guys! Let me know if you liked the story. if I get a decent response I'll write a few more. Suggestions are welcome, too! Later dayz!

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