Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 10, 2023


Soderquist was elated. His little scheme for doing "elite escort work" as he put it seemed to be working. Both matt and jim had assignments that night. jim's assignment was rather "classic": one of the local townspeople , requesting anonymity, had paid three hours for jim's "companionship." matt had a less traditional assignment. A trucker was in town, had seen the ad, and wanted a night out on the town: drinks, dinner, some romance. They both paid in advance. matt's date arrived first. He was ruggedly handsome in the way you'd expect a trucker in his 40s/50s to be. He smiled, and was very polite to matt. He did say, right at the start "Let's just understand. I'm in charge tonight. If I ask you anything, it's to be polite, not because I want your approval." jim adjusted the collar on his pale green shirt and answered "I understand Sir." He and jim gave each other one long look. Then they were gone. jim's "date" or "assignment" was arriving in about half an hour. He was one of the local businessmen: very successful, and very closeted. When he had called for the appointment, he had told Soderquist that he didn't use escort services because the men were "girly." jim didn't seem girly. Soderquist had sugggested that they wrist wrestle to prove that jim was NOT "girly." The guy took him up on it, and when jim beat him in three heats, he smiled. "Fucking you is gonna be GREAT", and it was. As he left, passing by Soderquist, who was working in his office, he smiled. "Worth every penny. I'll be back." Soderquist stood. "I'm so glad you were satisfied Mr. Miller. I hope to have a wider selection of models for your selection soon, but I will always make sure that jim is available for you." In the bedroom, jim was now cleaning up. Miller had fucked him thoroughly, but not with half the passion that Soderquist used. It had been an easy fuck, but not a sastisfying one. Miller didn't seem to have cared whether he got hard or not, so the fact that he didn't, was irrelevant. He sighed. And then he realized that he wished he had been in bed with either matt.... or Soderquist. When an internal voice asked him "which one did you want more,?" he pushed it away. matt's truckdriver was delightfully pleasant. When they were driving to the restaurant, he asked "matt, the cab can get cold. You need a jacket? I don't have anything good enough for you, but they're warm. "I'm ok Sir, but thank you. My sweater is plenty." "It's a nice one. Can I ask the manufacturer?" matt gave him the information and he smiled. "I cart their stuff sometimes. Maybe a few will 'fall off the truck' next time. Never know. matt was actually very touched by the unusual offer of a gift. They went to a fairly nice restaurant and then back to the trucker's hotel room, where they necked, kissed, and eventually, did mutual masturbation alongside of each other. "Maybe something more serious the next time matt man. It was a pleasure to be seen with such a handsome man." matt smiled. "I enjoyed myself too Sir. Perhaps next time.... uh, do you have any handcuffs, or other toys?" The trucker, Stu West , smiled. "I have a box of old, second hand neckties. They're my favorite. Work for everything. Next time, handsome. I promise." He, too, told Soderquist how much fun he had had , and he'd spread the word. It was late, but Soderquist called jim and matt into the library for a drink.

"So, you both did well tonight, and I am pleased. While every assignment will not be that easy, I hope most of them are." "Tomorrow, I will be away from the house for a while." He smiled. "Let us just say that I am bringing back some new 'merchandise' for my venture. The two of you will have the run of the house, the pool, anything you want. BUT... I will remind you. Your collars will be on, as will the repellant fence. You will NOT get away, so do not think of it." He smiled. "I will confess that I am considering a game in the future where I WILL release one of you, and attempt to recapture you. but that is off in the future. For now, have a pleasant night gentlemen. I will probably be away when you waken. I will be back in the early evening. "

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matt and jim had gotten to bed late: as they were now, essentially on the "night shift," their "clocks" were going to have to move to starting later, and ending later. There didn't seem to be any time pieces in Soderquist's house, so there was never any way of knowing if it was 10 o'clock, or 2 o'clock, etc. Morning, afternoon, evening, was about as well as you could do. So it was late morning/early afternoon when they woke. For each of them, having had sex with another man (besides Soderquist), made them more aware of how they felt about the other. That, and jim's reawakening as a switch, leaning toward bottom, explains why, early that afternoon, he was on his back in bed, matt on top of him, holding his legs in the air and ramming his cock into him. "I'LL SHOW YOU HOW FUCKING IS DONE YOU WHORE!" He yelled at jim. One might have thought he was playing. He was not. It pissed matt off royally that jim seemed to enjoy this new life style so much, and while he wasn't "trying" to hurt jim during the fuck, if he did, he didn't care. "OH YES. SHOW ME SIR. SHOW YOUR BITCH WHAT HE DESERVES" matt's plan seemed to be backfiring. jim wanted more, and more. He got it. matt began to let go of his frustrations, his sense of helplessnes, using some of the lower body strength he had to push so far into jim that jim's body began to feel, well, foreign. He saw jim's head rolling back and forth and he heard the fast, desperate breathing coming out of him. "PLEASE SIR! NO MORE. NO MORE. I GIVE. I GIVE. TAKE CONTROL. TAKE ME. MAKE ME YOUR WHORE. ONLY YOURS...." "YOU ARE MY WHORE YOU HANDSOME FUCKING STUD.... MINE!!!!!" and matt unloaded inside of jim. He tried to control it, but he couldn't: once he exploded in his lover, he couldn't stop. When he finished, he took a breath and grabbed jim close to him "I'm sorry honey. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." jim laughed a little. "Big red, I'm not. OH, was that GOOD. OH, I want it again. Right now." Now it was matt's turn to laugh. "Well, I hope there's someone else around to do it, because I won't have that kind of load for a while." They were silent, cuddling, when matt looked up. "Does that sound like the van? Or the car?' "It does. Soderquist must be back. We'd best at least look decent." They threw on some casual clothes and went out to the front of the house. Someone who looked familiar, was opening the door in front of Soderquist, and two other men. "Bentley thank you. Gentlemen, you may recall Bentley. You knew him as G-4 previously. He will be joining us. " He then turned to the other two men, both of whom were bound and gagged. "As will be gary," he indicated a man who could have been jim's bigger, more muscular brother. "And jared." jared was thinner, and wiry and had the long blond hair that seemed to be favored by younger fashionistas. gay seemed to have accepted that he wasn't getting away . He was quiet, and looked scared. Jared, on the other hand, was squirming and trying to scream in a way that suggested he needed tranquilizers. Soderquist came over and administered HIS type of tranquilizer. He stared at jared. When their eyes locked, his hand shot out and grabbed jared's balls. matt and jim saw the look of pain go over jared's face. "jared..." the moans got louder as Soderquist seemed to squeeze harder. "I hope you realize , I have no need for these anymore, so I will have no need in causing you pain, and damage if need be." He squeezed harder, and an animal scream seemed to come out of jared's gag = a silk necktie that seemed to have been ripped from the french blue shirt he was wearing. "You will calm down now, yes? " jared stopped, and shook his head yes. "Ha ha. Very good. Excellent. " He turned to matt and jim and handed them two collars. "Gents, you will be orienting our newest members. Begin by putting on their collars and explaining how they work. " matt and jim looked at each other. Did they have any choice? Not really. They locked the collars and, after a brief explanation, Soderquist began. "Your gags will now come off, gary, jared, and you will have to understand the house rules. jim and matt will explain them to you. " He paused. "Keep in mind, jared, that I already have an assignment for you tonight. " He turned to gary: "you, my lovely man, shall be assigned to MY bed tonight. Both of you must be initiated, and since jared is a 'special order' as they say, his orientation will come later. Tonight, however, gary, you will learn about your new duties." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"What's this place all about?" gary asked after he and jared had made the standard introductions to matt and jim. jared was NOT having an easy time of it: he kept on pulling at his collar, and getting frustrated by it. If models are taught "never let them see you sweat," he was not being a good model. There was a huge sweat stain under each of his arms from his struggles. "HE CAN'T FUCKING DO THIS TO US! " He screamed. matt looked at him. "Don't be surprised if you get a jolt any second now. " He did. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." "Understand. He's got cameras all over the place. And so far, he HAS gotten away with it. I don't know how, but he has. At least twice." "Twice?" Gary looked puzzled, and then he got the whole story. "But.. he only takes couples? We're not a couple." He looked at jared. "We weren't even working on the same site. I had gone to an audition, and he asked me to stay to do more shots. That's when he grabbed me. I'm pretty strong, but, GOD. I don't know what he did, he just put me out and, next thing, I was in his car. We stopped, and I was there for a while, and when he came back, he had jared over his shoulder. "THE FUCK SNATCHED ME RIGHT AS I LEFT THE GYM. He said some shit about how someone wanted me real bad." jared threw back his hair "Not that he's the only one, but.. FUCK." matt looked at them. "Gary, I think I've seen you in some spreads... didn't I see you with a .. " "girlfriend? Yeah, you did. I'm not gay. She and I broke up, and I wasn't seeing anyone, but no, I've never done any gay stuff." "jared, I'm sorry, but I don't think I've seen your work." He laughed. "I do high fashion, mostly for a young crowd: stuff they could never afford. This shirt - the one I'm wearing - it retails for 550.00. "Perhaps that should be your hourly rate." They heard Soderquist's voice . jared got up and charged him "YOU FUCK. YOU GODDAMN BASTARD. LET US GO." Soderquist smiled and pushed one of the buttons on his wrist bracelet. jared went down, screaming. "PLEASE. PLEASE. STOP IT. STOP IT. " "Very well jared. But just understand, if you act up again, it will not just be you who pays the price. " He smiled and touched another button, and gary began to moan. "You two are linked as partners in the hierarchy here. One suffers for what the other does. It is that simple. " "BENTLEY. Please let Mr. Terex know that jared is here, and he can come and get him anytime he wants. "Yes Mr. Soderquist." "WAIT... what the..." "Mr Terex is your client for the night, jared. He has booked you for four hours of time . " He smiled. "I will give you some advice. Mr. Terex is a disciplinarian, and he is also very, VERY rough. If I were you, I'd get my head around the idea that you're in for a challenging evening." He smiled. "As are you gary. Losing one's cherry is always traumatic. I'm sure matt and jim will do what they can to make you realize what an honor you are getting, by having me be the one to introduce you to this lifestyle." He looked at the four of them. "jim, matt, please show jared and gary their rooms. They are the bedrooms closest to your own. Introduce them to their closets. I want them BOTH looking sharp tonight." He looked at jared "A soiled 550 dollar shirt is just a rag. Leave that. It will be tended to." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jim put a hand on jared's shoulder. "Listen stud. You're pissed. You're upset. And you're at his mercy, like all of us. matt and I - he kidnapped us twice. He's kind of an evil genius. If you fight him, you'll hurt." He paused. "We were his captives at another location. We all had to watch one day as he tied one of us up, took off his shoes, and beat them with a wooden spoon for a half hour, because he tried to get away. It won't work. It just won't. " jared sighed. "What does he WANT with us?" "I think he's trying to create a male brothel, where all the escorts are models," matt ventured. "He was a model in Europe many years ago, and some rich Russian snatched him. I think his mind, may have snapped, or changed, when he was the guy's slave. Eventually, he got away, but... well, " he stopped. "I think you should figure out what to wear tonight. He didn't give you instructions, so he's testing how you choose your look." "He picks our clothes TOO?" gary asked, incredulously. "Sometimes. He may send instructions to you since he's taking you tonight. " gary had forgotten that, and went silent. "What's he going to make me do?" "It's hard to say. It may be a blow job, it may be anal sex, maybe just tickling and playing, he may shave you, you can never predict." Bentley was at the door. "Excuse me gentlemen. Mr. jared, your date will be here in half an hour. You should get ready. Mr. gary, Master Soderquist has requested that you dress in business casual, and in something that shows off your magnificent arms." He smiled. "You may summon me when you're ready." He left. jared looked like he was going to cry. matt went over to him. "It'll be ok. Let's find something that makes you look really sexy." He went through jared's closet, and he found a dark red shirt - sort of like what jared was wearing, only red. "Try this on." It fit jared tightly. "GOOD. Now, white pants. It's exaggerated, but the way he described this guy... try it." jared gulped and got dressed. jim was working with gary. "We kind of have the same look, only you're in better shape. This is what I'd wear." He pulled out a striped buttondown shirt, thin cotton, that would show off gary's hairy body. "He wants you to roll up the sleeves. And just some simple navy slacks. Pretend you're doing catalog." When they had both dressed, matt rang for Bentley. He was smiling. "EXCELLENT. Master Soderquist and Mr. Terex are waiting. " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bentley led gary and jared to the library. Mr. Terex was sitting with a drink, he smiled. "AH. My new jewels are quite polished aren't they Mr. Terex?" "Indeed they are. " He got up and walked over to jared. "model jared. I've fantasized about this moment for years. He moved in. "kiss me" "FUCK YOU" jared yelled. That got him a jolt from Soderquist, and a SMACK across the face from Terex. As soon as it happened, Bentley moved in and pinned gary's arms behind him. It took jared a minute to recover. "WOULD YOU LIKE ANOTHER ONE MANCUNT?" Terex yelled. Beaten, jared replied. "No sir. I'm sorry." He formed his mouth for a kiss. Terex took his cheeks in his hand, and forced jared's mouth open. He spat in his mouth. "SWALLOW IT BITCH" jared became aware of the bulge in his white pants, as did Terex, who smiled. "So the pretty boi likes it rough. I'll keep that in mind. " He held out a pair of handcuffs. "Behind you. Let's go." He smiled at Soderquist. "Thank you for making this possible. We'll be back in a few hours." "Witching hour is midnight, Mr. Terex. At that hour... we'll have to charge double." He laughed. "it may be worth it." He led jared off. Soderquist turned to gary. "Well gary.. Better late than never to be introduced to your first gay sex. " He signalled to Bentley, who put pressure on gary's shoulders, forcing him to his knees. His hand stayed on gary's neck. Soderquist opened his slacks, and his hard cock stuck out. "I'm sure you've had women do it to you gary. Tonight, you will take their role. GET TO WORK" gary felt Bentley's tight grip on his neck. He thought better of trying something like biting Soderquist's cock. matt and jim seemed pretty smart and they clearly hadn't tried it. Hesitantly, he put his mouth on Soderquist's cockhead. He saw Soderquist make a gesture, and Bentley shoved his head forward. "ALL OF IT gary. ALL OF IT. " gary gagged, and struggled, but Soderquist's whole cock was now down his throat. He felt Bentley pulling his hair back and then pushing his head forward. Soderquist laughed. "I love how little you straight guys actually know about sex. You're so used to being in charge... HA HA HA HA HA. " Then he was silent, as Bentley "encouraged" gary to suck his Master. "That is sufficient Bentley. I will lead gary to my chambers now. "When you walk with Master Soderquist, your hands go behind you slave gary." gary sighed and did what he was told. He saw Soderquist's bed, equipped with restraints that appeared to be made of neckties. "Yes gary, designer neckties. The type you used in your last spread for... was it Brooks Brothers or Paul Stuard?" "Brooks Brothers.... Sir." (He had no idea where the Sir came from." "I will take you face up, so you can see what I'm doing, and I can see your face. "So I'm going to be fucked," gary thought. he sighed. He had heard other models talking about it, but always about getting fucked BY him. "Next time, we will discover your hot spots, gary . Tonight though, it is best to get the preliminaries out of the way immediately." He began undressing gary, pulling off his slacks and briefs, and opening his shirt. He smiled and began manipulating gary's nipples. "FUCK... " thought gary, as he moaned. No one had ever done that to him. DAMN it felt good. His moans just got louder and he saw Soderquist's cock getting bigger. So was his. "I LOVE seeing straight guys react when they feel these things for the first time.. Now, you will feel something very different.." He saw Soderquist smear a lubricant over his cock. Then he lifted gary's legs off the bed. gary didn't even struggle. He knew better already. "OH MY. This is a tight virgin ass. A hairy one, but tight.." Soderquist went back to gary's nipples. The sensation that caused, opened gary just enough, and Soderquist began to snake his cock in. "Many people break in virgins with sex toys of increasing size. That is RUBBISH in my opinion. Life is too short." gary was conflicted. The nipple play was exciting, but getting fucked was, well, painful. Soderquist was showing no mercy. "It is said that the first man to put his seed in you, will always have a claim to you gary. I claim you tonight.." He pushed harder, and gary moaned, and again, he didn't understand where it came from, but he answered. "Yes sir." Soderquist began to pump faster, and faster, and then, he climaxed. gary found the cool of his jizz a relief after the assault on his ass. He took a deep breath, and felt Soderquist's hand around his cock. "Do you need relief gary?" "Yes sir. I do. " "Have I claimed you here tonight?" "Yes sir." "Then you are mine." "I am Sir... OOOOOOOOOOOOOH.... gary exploded. He couldn't remember ever having had an orgasm this big with a woman. Soderquist smiled. "You will spend the night with me gary. For now, you will remain here. I will be back after jared is back." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx While Soderquist was having his way with gary, Mr. Terex was smiling as he watched jared struggle on the St Andrew's cross to which he had tied him. That beautiful red shirt was wide open, and Terex had just attached nipple clamps to jared's shaved body. There was a large wad of cloth in his mouth, held there by a wide strip of silver duct tape. "DAMN you look hot like this, boi." Terex pulled on the clamps slightly, and grinned as jared moaned. "I wonder... I just wonder, if Soderquist would part with you." jared looked at him puzzled. "I mean if he'd SELL you to me. Then we could do this every night. " "MMMPH MMMMPH" jared shook his head back and forth and Terex laughed. "Oh, you think you'll get any better from him?" He pulled the clamps and jared screamed through his gag. "Well, maybe you would. But you also probably wouldn't get as hard as you are now, boi." jared DID have a huge hard on. What was it from? Was it that second "kiss," when Terex had spat into his mouth again, or was it the tit clamps, or the nipple work he had given to jared before the clamps? Whatever it was, his cock was SCREAMING for release, and relief. Terex didn't seem interested in either. "You wanna get fucked boi? Cause that's what it's gonna take for you to cum, and I KNOW you wanna cum?" jared whined. He DID want to jerk off. He had been planning to since the start of his day on the set, before Soerquist had grabbed him. He had spent the day thinking about another model on the set: a new guy, a red head, who didn't know about jared's reputation as the "brutal top" of the group. Now, getting his rocks off depended on getting fucked. "You want that boi?" Terex pulled the clamps and jared screamed again. "Wanna tell me something? " jared shook his head yes. "Ok boi. I'm gonna take the gag out, and you're gonna tell me something good. " He ripped away the tape, not gently, and took the now soaked gag out of jared's mouth. "Whatcha got to say blondie?" jared fought to get his breath. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCK MY ASS. FUCK ME. PLEASE!!!!!" "Are you saying that just because you wanna jizz?" "NO SIR. I WANT YOUR COCK I DO I DO. OOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

Terex had pulled the clamps so hard, jared thought his nipple was gonna rip off.' "Don't lie to me fuckhead. I don't care WHY you want me to fuck you. I just wanna fuck you. And I don't have to ask you." "No sir. No, no you don't. And you're right. I lied. I don't usually get fucked. I can't remember the last time I did, but... if you'll let me cum after you fuck me... I'd be so grateful to you." Terex smiled. "Grateful enough to tell your Master you want him to sell you to me?" jared hesitated before he said "yes sir," and Terex laughed. "You'll change your mind after the first five or six guys fuck you. Then you'll be DESPERATE for a guy like me, cause most of them, blondie... they're not gonna let you cum. You look too good in desperation ." He took jared down from the cross. "BEDROOM IS THAT WAY. GET NAKED. ON MY BED. ASS IN THE AIR. ON ALL FOURS." "Yes sir." jared DID remember the last time he was fucked: it was early in college. But he had never been taken on all fours. He HAD fucked guys this way before, so he knew what was happening - at least he THOUGHT he did. He felt Terex' finger pushing in, and he whined. "SHUT UP MANCUNT. OR I'LL GAG YOUR FUCKING SPIT EATING MOUTH AGAIN." "yes sir," jared almost whispered, biting his tongue as he felt a second finger go inside of him. Then a third. Then he began to moan. "OH YES SIR. YES MR TEREX YES. TAKE MY WORTHLESS BLOND ASS. TAKE IT.." He was repeating what he had heard bottoms say to him, only substituting Terex' name. "Why am I so goddamn hard? " he thought, as he felt Terex' cockhead at his ass. "Why did I just do that?" as he pushed back to take more of it. "OH YES. OH GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD SIR." And it did. He was loving it. He was loving the pounding Mr. Terex was giving him. When he grabbed jared's long hair and pulled his head back, it felt even better. "Open your mouth again, boi." "AGGGGGGH. YES SIR" Instead of spitting, Terex stuck in the fingers he had just had in jared's ass. jared tried not to gag as he got used to his own body taste, and his cock reacted by getting even harder. "Heh heh. I better shoot, because this boy is in desperate straits." Terex pushed, and shot deeply into jared. As he finished, he wrapped a hand around jared's cock and brought him off. jared couldn't believe the strength of the orgasm, or how eagerly he licked up his own cum when Terex shoved it in front of his face. "Boi, you are EVERYTHING I fucking dreamed you would be. I gotta have you again." He looked at his watch. "But I got JUST enough time to get you back to Soderquist. " He smiled. "I'm gonna rent you a few more times, boi, and then... let's see if your boss is willing to part with you. I know he's not finished building up the stable, but I'm not sure he'd be willing to give up a prize like you." He had jared get dressed, then he re-cuffed him and got him into his car. He called Soderquist. " "Hey Grant. Terex here. GREAT evening. GREAT. I'll spread the word around. We're on our way back." ' "I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Terex. I hope you'll come back and try our other models. We shall be expanding soon." Indeed, as he spoke , Soderquist had a bare foot in gary's mouth. gary was tied up and on the floor, while Soderquist was perusing a website entitled "" It was NOT a site that sent out models for jobs.

He had focused on that red head jared had in mind "Rusty." what a perfect name. He was also interested in a strong, wiry looking guy with salt and pepper hair named Gus.

Next: Chapter 12

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