Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 21, 2023


Bentley was waiting for Soderquist when he came into the office the next day. "Good morning Sir. I trust you spent a pleasant night." Bentley had been with Soderquist for well over 15 years, and he had never seen him smile as broadly as he did . "Bentley. If I do say so myself, I have never enjoyed a night with a man the way I did last night. " He paused and kept smiling. "I feel that I owe an obligation to try my other models, but I am sorely tempted to bring jared to my bed again. And again. And again." "If I may Sir, you do not have to answer to anyone for your choices. " He smiled. "You may find resistance from Terex, but beyond that, what is it of anyone's business if you choose the same model 2 nights, ten nights, or 100 nights? There was silence and then "Bentley, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. This is why I value your counsel. I WILL call for jared again tonight. Now, where are we in terms of business?" Soderquist pulled up a chair and looked at the electronic dossiers on Cassidy and Arun that Bentley had prepared. Cassidy first. "Yes. Yes. VERY nice. VERY VERY nice. A born bottom I would say, ho ho ho. He will appeal to the crowd who wants a California beach boy. Now, let's move on." He looked at the photos of Arun. "Oh. My. Is that a man or a mountain? He is almost terrifying. It would take a strong man to get that one to bottom." Bentley grinned. "Issuing yourself a challenge Sir?" "Ha ha. Indeed I am. So, what is the plan for them? We take cassidy today, and arun tomorrow?" "That is the plan Sir. If I may, I think you should follow up with the Japanese on carlos. The longer he's here, the more risk we assume. " "Agreed. Let me just see the bookings for tonight. OH. Word is getting out," Soderquist saw that Bentley had anticipated this discussion by blocking jared's appointment log for the next 3 days. He also saw that there was a request for gary, one for the new model gus, and rusty's popularity was off the charts. "Hmm. So far, nothing for our old timers. Perhaps they can enjoy themselves, and provide us with entertainment in the future. " Soderquist got up. "Thank you Bentley. If you have had the van set up, we can leave shortly. I will simply go and check in on the models.

In the common area, jared was sitting, almost in a daze, talking to the others. "I don't know what happened. I went in, planning to fight him tooth and nail, and that's how I started, but .... that man has a way of opening up EVERY weakness and just... well. I think I'm getting hard thinking about it. jim nodded in agreement. "I remember my first time with him very well. I felt the same way." "So did I," added gary. He has a way of getting to you. "Does he have a cock made of gold or something dudes?" young rusty asked. It was not likely that Soderquist would take him - he didn't favor the young - but it was clear that his clientele did. matt laughed. "Let's just say he's very good at what he does. Like someone else I know very well." He looked at jim, who winked back at him. The others had no way of knowing that they had a plan to have their way with gary a bit later. Even gary didn't know. "GOOD DAY GENTLEMEN." Soderquist came into the area. "I assume you have been enjoying the day. And that you DID enjoy the night. The reviews are very favorable for ALL of you, and I am pleased to say that we will be busy tonight. " He smiled. "jared, you will be busy with me. You will wear a dark pink shirt and black jeans tonight, and I will come to fetch you myself. " He grinned. "I will be on the road today, with Bentley, so the estate will be in lockdown mode until we return. Are there any questions? "No sir, " came one answer and then the others agreed. "Very well then. I will see you all shortly. "

After he was gone, jared was whispering "He wants me again! I pleased him. He wants me again!" "Relief for some of the rest of us. " jim spoke to gus. "At some point, he's going to take you to bed gus, just know that. " "Do I have any choice in the matter?" matt laughed "to fight it, or not to. But he always wins. ALWAYS. " "Dark pink and black jeans. Do I have those?" "If he picks an outfit, it's in your closet jared. You have plenty of time. I think they're out on a hunting expedition. Expect someone else to be with us tonight." "Hey, has anyone ever tried to get into his office? Neither one of them are here" Gus asked. gary, jim and matt looked at each other. "He keeps it in super electronic lockdown. If you get within ten feet of it, the collar will activate, you'll get a shock, and then the approach will be recorded. There'll be more punishment later ," "What kind of punishment?" gus asked. jim looked at him. "You're a hairy guy. Ever wonder what a full body shave with a razor could be like?" "Or a pinwheel all over your body " jared smiled. "God, that was GREAT. I felt like every nerve ending was energized." matt and jim looked at each other. It was time to carry out their plan

On the road, Soderquist told Bentley about the negotiations with the Japanese. "So, we have a deal. They will pay 400,000 for him. We can expect them in three days. It's a risk, keeping carlos, but the payoff is a good one Bentley." "If I may Sir, I do not have good feelings about this transaction. You know how sometimes you just, well, feel the hair go up on your back?" "I'm afraid that is something I will never feel, Bentley." (Soderquist's Russian Master had had his body treated to prevent hair growth, before he reached puberty. He was totally hairless. "An eastern European chihuahua" he would joke, somewhat dryly. "I mean, well, it makes me uneasy Sir. That and Terex' obsession with jared. "Oh, I imagine I will outgrow my thing for jared. gus is quite attractive, as is gary. And he was wonderful in bed. And the couple: jim and matt: so totally loyal to each other and SUCH GOOD FUCKS. And soon, this monster Arun... hmmm. I probably should have the supercharger for him. I'm certain we'll also need an extra large collar. " They drove to the site where the model Cassidy was working that day. "Oh, Bentley. He IS a beautiful specimen. Look at him." They saw the blond, sullen lad, shirtless, posing for a series of photos with young women who looked as bored as he did. Soderquist whispered "he will look BEAUTIFUL with a collar on." Their plan was relatively simple. Since Bentley looked more "normal," he waited until there was a break and approached Cassidy. "My apologies young man. I would like to introduce myself. I'm Bentley Brooks, and I work for Soderquist Talent. " He handed Cassidy a card. "Mr Soderquist is very fond of your work. He wondered if you might have a bit of time to chat with him about a large project for which he's casting. It may lead to a feature length film. " "Feature length film." It hooked them every time. Cassidy grabbed a shirt, and went off to talk. And within an hour, he was bound, gagged and under a blanket in the back of the van, on his way to the Soderquist Brothel.

While that was happening, matt and jim began their plan. gary, being straight, but a model, had a little bit of experience with men flirting with him. Still, to have an icon like Jim Hammer smile at him and talk about the muscles in his torso, was extremely intoxicating. "I've never been able to develop that depth of musculature, and our physiques are similar. I wonder if you could show me how you work out in the gym." "Well, thank you jim. I'm flattered. Is matt going to mind? I don't want to..." jim laughed. "it's just exercise gary. I'm not asking for anything more than that. " "Well, ok, if you say it's alright." As they went off to the gym, jared was asking rusty for help in choosing his clothes. He DID have a dark pink shirt. He had SEVERAL pink shirts in his closet. "Which one? I want him to be pleased." "Dude, the way you were talking, you should probably pick the one that's tightest. He seems to like you that way, and you have the body to pull it off." "You think so?" "Dude, I'd do you if we could." jared smiled. "Well, we could." rusty laughed. "I think if anyone touched YOU without Soderquist's permission, he'd be in trouble. I like spanking but beyond that. " After he had left jared, gus was standing there, blocking his path. "So, you like spanking young man, huh? " rusty took a breath before he answered. "Yes daddy." rusty was used to older men using some sort of physical abuse on him . He had a bubble ass. And that smug face. Before he began modeling, he had worked as an "escort," so this new "gig" as he called it, was nothing new. Men seemed to love to punish his ass and, once he got used to it, rusty enjoyed the punishment. As Gus whacked him, he could feel his cock growing. His sounds of distress switched to sounds of pleasure, as his cock rubbed up against the jeans he was wearing. Gus noticed it and stopped. "GET ON YOUR KNEES RED. MY COCK NEEDS WORKING." rusty smiled. "YES DADDY YES." So while jared was napping, thinking about what Soderquist might be doing to him later, Gus and rusty were going at it in Gus' room. matt was waiting for when gary and jim came into the weight room. He licked his lips when he saw gary's strong back, his thick neck, and his arms. He couldn't wait. jim led gary in: gary hadn't been in the room before. As he was showing gary the exercise equipment, matt struck. He wasn't incredibly strong, but he knew he could immobilize gary long enough for jim to help him. After he grabbed him, he was astounded that gary didn't fight. "Hey guys, if that's what you wanted, that's cool. I've never done a three way before, but hell, you guys are hot. Let's do it." "tie him up anyway, jim. It'll be hot. "Damn right it will be," gary said. Who's gonna do what to me?" When they got to matt and jim's bedroom, he learned that they were BOTH gonna do EVERYTHING. He wound up taking two loads in his ass, and cleaning two cocks by the time they were finished. "Hope your client tonight isn't too big, stud?" jim smiled, as he kissed gary at the end. gary made a joke. "Don't worry. I think something was in my ass, but it was so small, it barely registered."

Just as they finished, they heard the car pull up, and they saw a very frightened young blond man get pulled into the house. "CASSIDY? IS THAT YOU?" seems that rusty and cassidy knew each other from... somewhere (neither one would ever admit it). "AH. I wondered when something like this would happen. So you know each other. EXCELLENT. rusty, you can lead cassidy through his new duties. AFTER you have applied his collar, young man." He tossed one to rusty, who "caught it like a girl." "Dude, we all gotta wear these. Keeps us in line. Once I lock it, he'll untie you. Promise." As they were finishing this up, Bentley came to the room. "Excuse me Sir, but Mr. Terex is at the door. " Soderquist rolled his eyes, and he looked at jared. "You are extremely popular jared. It clearly must be the quality of your ass. " He went to the door. "Mr. Terex. How nice to see you. How can I help you?" Terex looked quite distressed. "Hi Mr. Soderquist. I'm really sorry to bother you, but... have you had a chance to entertain my offer?" "You mean to purchase jared? Mr. Terex, I hope you realize that selling humans is illegal. It is engaging in slavery. What we do here is offer entertainment, and companionship. " He smiled. "In some cases, we might accept a matchmaker's fee if someone were to marry one of our models, but I'm afraid that I am not willing to entertain that for jared yet." "Well... could I... .could I.. could I maybe see him for an evening?" "CERTAINLY. Our website is available. Simply book him there." "Well, I tried. But there's nothing available for the next week."

"Is he that popular Mr. Terex? I'm afraid that I'm kept so busy with the other administrative tasks, I only check from day to day, and I can confirm that jared IS in fact booked for tonight. Two of our models are available. Would you care to spend some time with them? " Terex looked like a child who's toy had been taken from him "I WANT JARED." Soderquist shook his head in acknowledgement. "I understand your frustration Sir. I favor jared myself, but the market is what it is." He had a moment of sympathy for Terex "I will keep the calendars of jim and matt free for the night. If you would like, I can offer you the use of both of them , for the price of one of them. Would you like that?" Terex' mind began to wheedle. Maybe if he were in the house, he could see jared. "A 2 for 1 deal? I could deal with that. Thank you for your kindness. May I come back in an hour." "That would be perfect. We will see you then. " Just as Soderquist said that, jared walked through the house. "JARED! JARED! IT'S ME. I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" Soderquist firmly closed the door. He composed himself, and went to the office where Bentley was looking at schedules. "Arun's plane takes off tomorrow at 7pm, so we should plan on being at the airport at 5, at the latest. He will be easy to spot. " Soderquist smiled. His plan was to dress as a medic. Bentley would bump into Arun, and inject a tranquilizer, which would make him woozy enough for Soderquist to justify taking him "to the ambulance." The plan should work. Now...

He went to jared's bedroom. "Come, my handsome." "yes sir." jared stood up straight. He put his wrists behind his back and pointed out his chest. The shirt was very, very snug, and it strained. Soderquist rubbed his thumbs over his nipples. "You are looking very HOT tonight jared. VERY hot. " He forced his tongue into jared's mouth, and while he kissed him, slipped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists. "Let's go. I have a very interesting evening planned for tonight." Soderquist was still debating: cut the hair or not? Now that Cassidy was here, he DID have a short haired blond, and it WAS easier to control jared, by grabbing his hair. "Not tonight, " he decided. His hands were entwined in jared's hair, as he ordered him to his knees. "LICK, but DO NOT SUCK. WASH MY BALLS. MAKE THEM SPOTLESS." jared gulped. "Yes sir. " His tongue moved over Soderquist's crotch, and every now and then, Soderquist pushed jared's head forward. jared's nostrils were filled with the sharp , almost metallic scent that Soderquist had. When he had washed Soderquist's cock and balls , he was pulled to his feet. Soderquist began tormenting his nipples through the shirt. "I feel like I should use the pinwheel again. Should I do that, jared?" "You are in charge Sir. You can do whatever you want." Soderquist smiled. jared was bound to the bed again, but this time, no pinwheel: but his laughs permeated the house, as Soderquist used his long nails to tickle jared, top to bottom, before he dug his teeth into jared's ear and neck. His lack of facial hair made scruffing imposible , but jared would show a love bite for the next 3 days. The frog tie Soderquist had used on him was so successful, that he did it again. And jared took cock again, begging for more, and harder. When he was done, Soderquist left jared tied to the bed. He went to the office to catch up on paperwork, before he came back to the bedroom, two more times, and fucked jared both times. The third time, he used a dildo.

While Soderquist was in his bedroom for his third screwing of jared, Mr. Terex showed up. Bentley greeted him. "Welcome Sir. Your dates are in the library. Please come this way. As he did, Terex feigned a limp. "Did you injure yourself today, Mr. Terex? I am very sorry about that." "Oh, it's nothing. Just a misstep when I got out of the car. " In fact, he was trying to lag behind, to get a better sense of the house. He would find jared, damn it, and if he had to, he'd drag him out of here. matt and jim were waiting for him. "Good evening Sir." matt poured him some champagne , and they introduced themselves. "We understand that you were hoping for an evening with jared. I hope you find us sufficient. " In fact, as he was fucking matt later, after he had fucked jim's face, Terex had to admit the sex was great. It just wasn't ... jared. As a former EMR, he knew that the blood vessels in the anus took up drugs faster than any other part of the body. That's why he rubbed a bit of the sedative on his cockhead, right before he entered matt. It was the same sedative that he had put itnto jim's mouth before that. Now they were both sleeping soundly. Terex gathered his clothes, and snuck out of the room. Time to do reconaissance. That's how he got into the basement, and found Carlos in his cell. "HOLY SHIT" he thought, not knowing what to do.

Next: Chapter 14

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