Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 28, 2023


Soderquist and Bentley were behind the closed doors of the office, assessing the situation after what COULD have been a disaster with Terex, Carlos, and the ugly situation. They were lucky that Terex was a bid "deranged" about seeing Jared. Finding Carlos locked up in the cell in the basement had pretty much put him over the edge. The electric shocks that went through the bars of the cell didn't stop him from trying to rip them out, and the burns on his hands had been severe. The noise had eventually percolated up to the office where Soderquist and Bentley had been planning the taking of that large model, Arun.

"This is not good Bentley. Get the BIG tazers. The ones with "KILL" capacity." The two of them went to the basement, and saw Terex in operation. "TEREX. BACK OFF. DO NOT INTERFERE WHERE YOU DON'T BELONG" "I BELONG WITH JARED. JARED BELONGS WITH ME. PLEASE LET ME HAVE JARED. PLEASE." He was sobbing, as he advanced on Soderquist. "Terex... I am warning you one. more. time." Terex continued to advance. He took a shot to his chest from Soderquist, and one to his back from Bentley. He went down, hard. They looked at each other. "This is something new. We need to figure out how to fix this. " Soderquist got up and stared at Carlos in his cell. "You were right Bentley. This is too risky. Call the Japanese. Tell them if they're not here by tomorrow, the deal is off." "Yes sir." Soderquist went about binding Terex as tightly as he could. The stun gun shots would keep him quiet for a while. Once he had him tied, and gagged, he dragged him to a corner, trying to figure out what to do next. He went back upstairs where Bentley was finishing up a call with the Japanese. "Tomorrow. 8 am." "EXCELLENT. Unfortunately it means we'll have to give up our chance to snatch that model Arun." "There will be more big, muscular models, Sir. Please take a look"

Bentley had pulled up a page on social media. "MEIN GOTT. One monster after the other. Yes, Bentley, you are right. So many options. Finding the right one for the house, and then two more, and then... we are DONE." He smiled. "What should we call the place? The dirty dozen? The gang of 12? Hard to tell." "I think the place may name itself Sir. For now, let's put our heads together and figure out what to do with Terex. By the way, Sir... you were in the midst of a night with jared. Do you want to return.?" Soderquist smiled. "I do. But leaving him bound, naked on my bed for a while, can only help his demeanor even more. " He sighed. "Ah, jared. So arrogant. So demanding. And now... so totally broken. If this situation hadn't unnerved me, I'd need to plug him immediately. But, seriously, assuming the Japanese are here tomorrow, what do we do with Terex? " It didn't take long to figure out what to do. The house was legal, and Terex had broken in. A call to the police, complaining about a man who appeared to be crazy, running about the premises, did the trick. Two hours later, five police had converged and, unfortunately for Terex, he had resisted.

"Such is how things are," said Soderquist, as he returned to his suite. jared was there, spread out, gagged on his bed. Soderquist smiled. He dropped his clothes, and climbed on top of the man. He found his neck and began scruffing. jared began to whimper, and it only got Soderquist more excited. He dropped his hand, and whispered to jared "I want your man pussy." Gagged, jared couldn't say anything out loud. He just shook his head as he felt Soderquist's thumb on it. His legs were spread wide and Soderquist easily took possession of what he felt was his. Before long, he was completely in jared, with jared's legs in the air and bent. Soderquist smiled as he shot. "AH, that was very relaxing. He ripped the gag from jared's face. "YOU NEED TO SHAVE BETTER IN THE MORNING, BITCH. I WANT EVERY BIT OF YOU SMOOTH. " "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. " Soderquist smiled. "I may have to employ hot wax to do it next time." jared gulped.


Soderquist was looking at his roster: matt, jim, gary, rusty, gus, cassidy. He didn't include jared in the list because, well, he continued to think about making jared his permanent sub. He would sample others, from time to time, but he'd call for jared far and away the most. Then he sat down and looked at the plan. With Arun having gotten away because of their "incident," which is all he would call it, he needed to find a new, big man to fill the role Arun would have. Bentley had suggested that they needed a man of color. Soderquist smiled at that, because he knew what Bentley liked, and no one worked harder. They would look for a man of color, preferably on the young side. He had also seen an "influencer" doing work for a Southern company. Red haired, bearded, hairy - well the hairy could go . Big smile. Seemed intelligent. What was his name? Link? Lincoln? Didn't matter: he could give him any name he wanted once he was in the house. "Do you think that's sufficient for the house, Bentley? Or do we need two more?" "Well, Sir, for now I think it's fine. My opinion is that if we have ten, that's a good number, and we can relax in terms of finding two more, if we choose to do that." "I agree. Let's just get our plans in place for filling out the assortment. We're closing the house for tonight, so we should have some time. Bentley smiled. "The house is closed Sir, but if I may, I had an idea for an entertainment. The models DO need to keep active. Soderquist was intrigued. "OH? An entertainment? Please. Proceed."

As Bentley described it, Soderquist smiled, more and more. I LOVE IT. It will be extremely fun. "


All of the models were given an hour to "dress for seduction" and then ordered to appear in the library. When they did, Soderquist smiled.

"Gentlemen. Given the unpleasantries that have occurred, the house is closed tonight." He had jared next to him, wrists bound behind him, and Soderquist's hand on his very sore ass. "Tonight, however, we will have an internal entertainment." He walked about, with a bowl, that contained six cards, face down. "Three of these cards have the letter "B" and three "T", to stand, appropriately, for "bottom" and "top." Each is also color coded, so each of you will be able to find your pairing for the entertainment. Once you are paired, you will have twenty minutes to decide on your 'scene' to entertain Bentley, myself, and the other models. Bentley and I will then choose a winning couple and a winner within the couple. The winning couple will receive another evening off when we reopen. " He grinned. "The ultimate winner will be entitled to a night with whomever he wishes, to do whatever he wishes." The models looked at their cards. cassidy, rusty, and gary had all drawn "B" while matt, jim and gus had "T's". The colors paired cassidy with jim, rusty with matt, and gary with gus. "The coupling of gary and gus most intrigues me Bentley. Now, while they plan their scenes, let's you and I plan the actions for tomorrow."

While the couples were planning, Bentley and Soderquist conferred. They decided to hire an independent contractor to take Lincoln, because they'd both be busy. They scanned available models, and now, "social media influencers" and Soderquist heard Bentley suck in his breath as he saw a youngish model for youthful clothes. "I think that's him Sir." "And an excellent choice Bentley. Let's get to work finding out who he is." They did more searching. Soderquist found another very big, muscular model with a shaved head. "LOOK at how he bursts out of his shirt. Those nipples are begging for a man to ... train them" he laughed. The model's name was Aaron, while the one that Bentley chose, was named Kevin. The next morning, they would begin their strategy.

The first couple to appear were cassidy and jim. jim had dressed cassidy in a bright red, form fitting t shirt and a pair of tight 501 jeans. He had cassidy's hands tied behind him, a ball gag in his mouth, and a leash through his collar. He dragged him into the play room. "Now you know what happens when thieves break into my house, cur. ON YOUR KNEES." jim pulled the leash and forced cassidy down. cassidy felt his cock growing in his pants. He loved pup play, but he knew jim had something else in mind. Indeed he did. "BOW YOUR HEAD YOU BLOND BITCH!" he yelled at cassidy, who muttered "yes sir," before bowing. jim stood behind him and produced a small flogging whip. He WHACKED it against cassidy's butt, and he got a grunt out of the young man. He did it again, and the grunt was louder. He increased the frequency and the strength of the flogging. "damn I wish that were me," matt muttered." jim's flogging was so intensive, that cassidy's jeans split. "AH. Just like a ripe melon. Let me taste." jim got down on the floor and dug his tongue into cassidy's ass. The drool began falling from cassidy's mouth as he pushed back into the expert tongue work. jim reached up and ripped the ball gag out. "What do you want, BITCH BOI?" Huffing and puffing, cassidy answered "I want your cock Sir. I want it. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR BLOND BOI." jim gave an evil laugh. "You think you deserve it? " "Yes sir. I do. And I want it. " "Nah. to get my cock, you're gonna have to do more." "What's that Sir?" "Mr Soderquist can use a blow job. GET YOUR MOUTH AROUND HIS COCK." "AH. WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA. " Soderquist was surprised, and horny. He came forward and shoved his cock into cassidy's mouth, as jim took him from behind. If we wrote that cassidy was in pig heaven, that would understate the case. He loved it. Soderquist had more control than jim did, so jim's juice filled cassidy's ass before Soderquist exploded in his mouth. "THAT WAS EXCELLENT jim and cassidy. EXCELLENT." He turned to jared. "Do not think for a MOMENT I will not be ready for you, my handsome prince. " He grinned. "I have had candles brought to the bedroom. Just so you know what's happening. "fuck..." jared whispered under his breath. He didn't know if he was ready for that. "cassidy, you should go and change your pants. Then come out here and rejoin your topman. "yes sir. " He was gone for a minute, then took a seat with jim, who put his arm around him, kissing his ear. "You were superb, handsome." cassidy put his hand on jim's crotch. "I want more of that."

"NOW... Hmm. gary has been learning to bottom, and I am eager to see how gus works his cock. Gentlemen, the floor is yours. " gus had decided they would act out a scene from an old porn movie he had seen when he was a very young man. The two of them, dressed as business executives, dropped their shirts and ties, and took seats at a small table. gus looked at gary. "Now remember. Winner takes all." They locked up in a wrist wrestling match. Everyone watching knew that the end result had been predetermined, but it didn't make the two men any less sexy as their muscles pushed and strained, their faces contorted, and they fought, back and forth. Little by little, gary's wrist moved down to the table. He fought. He fought HARD. He whined. You could tell that he wasn't used to losing, but when he did, gus looked at him with a gleeful face. "Up. Hands behind your back. "Yes sir. You won. Fair and square. " Soon, gus had gary's face shoved into his crotch. As gary sucked, gus produced a pair of nipple clamps. This had NOT been in their script, and gary HOWLED when they were added. "HEY. You didn't.." "SHUT UP AND SUCK FUCKTOI." He pushed gary's head back to his crotch. "DO A GOOD JOB OR I'LL RIP THESE GUYS OFF." gary knew what was next, and however big jim's cock had been, gus was bigger. He hoped he might bring gus off, and avoid that. No chance. gus knew what was happening and threw him back. He pinned him down on the floor, and pulled the chain. "I'm just gonna keep pulling until I hear you beg to get fucked. " gary groaned. He begged. He did everything he could, but the pain and the sensation got to him. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME HARD. NOW..." gus had gary on his back and he pushed his legs in the air. He spread them, and , before he did anything else, looked at Soderquist and Bentley, and then... before he plunged into gary, he took out a dildo. "Let's get you ready big man..." He slide the dildo in, starting gently, before he RAMMED it. He twisted it at its base. "You're gonna get fucked TWICE tonight." "yes sir. Yes sir. PLEASE..." The dildo came out with a sucking sound, and then, gus wasted no time in shoving his 9.5 inches in. "OH SHIT YES SIR. YES. TAKE THIS STRAIGHT ASS. MAKE ME A BITCH. MAKE ME YOUR BITCH. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN." gus shot into gary, and he pulled out and shot a stream across his chest too, just for fun. "Very hot Sir" Bentley whispered to Soderquist. "It's going to be hard to choose." "Indeed. yes indeed. I'm very intrigued by matt and rusty. matt is NOT a fan of the young, but let's see. "

Soderquist was right about that. matt preferred his men older, like jim. Or gary. or gus. or Soderquist. But he had this thin, wiry, young red head he needed to top. His approach was a scene where rusty came on to HIM, draping his arm around his middle and whispering , but loud enough for everyone to hear "I want you Daddy. I want you to make me know I've been naughty." matt turned to him. "You've been naughty, rusty?" "Yes sir." "You know what that means don't you?" "No Sir... does that mean spanking?" "Ha ha. You should be so luck. It means.... TICKLE WORK." matt grabbed rusty and dug his fingers into his ribs, his pits. rusty's high pitched laughter was a turn on for everyone "I'd fuck that" jared muttered, as the onslaught brought him down to the floor, and matt straddled him, continuing the torture. "You gonna behave from now on, runt?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes sir. Yes sir... Yes, please.. Please. I'll be good. I need.. discipline. " "Yes, boi, you do. Your disciplines starts... NOW... " He stood over rusty. "pull down your pants. Start jerking." "Hmmm. Interesting approach." Soderquist turned to Bentley. "We may have just identified some management material." When rusty looked like he would bust, matt put his foot on his balls. "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO CUM? I SAID YOU COULD JERK, NOT CUM." "Uh, sorry Sir. I thought." "YOU DON'T THINK AROUND ME BOI YOU FOLLOW ORDERS. START AGAIN." "yes sir. " He made Rusty edge himself three times, before he pushed away rusty's hands and began to fuck him. rusty was so hard, he began to leak. matt grabbed his balls and squeezed. The moan that came out of rusty was huge. "PUT YOUR HANDS OVER YOUR HEAD. I DON'T WANT THEM NEAR YOUR PRIVATE PARTS." "Yes sir. I understand." matt was still not all that experienced in topping, but he got the job done. He sighed as his jizz filled rusty. He looked at him. "Finish yourself off boi." "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR." It didn't take long, and it was the one of the three sets where both came. " Soderquist rose and clapped his hands. "I want to thank you ALL for an excellent evening of entertainment. I will announce the winners as quickly as possible (NOTE TO READERS. YOU VOTE. I WILL ANNOUNCE THE WINNERS WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER.). "All of you should enjoy the rest of your free evening as you see fit. Work will begin again tomorrow. For now, " he smiled and turned to jared. "Let us go, my handsome bitch. I shall be your 'barber' tonight."


Soderquist had tied jared to his bed, and he was beginning to open up the cream colored shirt he had told jared to wear that night. jared was almost tearful, as he saw the half dozen candles burning on the side table. "Please Sir. I don't know if I'm ready for that." Soderquist smiled, and stroked jared's torso. "jared, my pretty man. You have not been correct about anything you've been ready for. And in any event.." He smiled and twisted jared's left nipple. "I'm ready for it, and that's all that matters." jared winced. He tried to hold back tears as he answered "Yes sir." Soderquist smiled. "I am experienced at this jared... at both ends. It WILL hurt, there is no question about that, and you will scream, so...." He applied a large piece of tape to jared's lips, before he picked up the first candle. "The mistake many do, is to not do it gradually. Almost drop by drop. " He raised the candle, and began to dribble it on jared's chest. He had been right, and jared screamed. It hurt. It hurt big time. But then it changed to an almost warm bath as the wax melted further. "Are you ok, my handsome jared?" Soderquist smiled and, after a brief hesitation, jared shook his head yes. Soderquist bent down and kissed his nose. "You are doing superb. He continued to dribble the wax, until jared's entire torso was covered with it. "Now relax jared. I am not going to use wax for your armpits, or your pubes. That is too dangerous, even for me. However, look at your body, nearly encased in the wax." He sneered. "Had you continued to misbehave I would now remove it by peeling it way, in large chunks. You will get a reprieve, my dear. " Soderquist took out a flogging whip. "One strike and the wax will break. We will brush it away, and you will be smooth. " He laughed. "And the hot wax will have improved your skin. Trust me, jared, you will appreciate this more than the razor when I clear away the rest of that forest." He stepped back and used the lash. jared screamed, and the wax went everywhere. "Look at your chest. Look at your torso, jared." Indeed, every hair was gone. Soderquist picked up a clipper, and a razor. "Clipper for your armpits jared, razor for your pubes. " After his arm pits, Soderquist held jared's cock while he shaved the pubes. The sensation was intense, and jared wanted to squirm. He knew better. Soderequist smiled. "You are learning this SO well, jared. I am so pleased that I took the chance on you." When he was finished, he looked at jared. "A blow job is all fine and good, but nothing beats fucking a handsome man's ass. " jared was overflowing from the stimulation of the shaving, and he didn't even much notice he was being fucked. Until Soderquist began driving, and pushing his chin into his neck. "My little fuck toi. THE LITTLE FUCK TOI WHO COULD" Soderquist screamed as he shot into jared. When he was finished, he lay next to him. "I am lacking the words. You are my sub, but more. Not my boyfriend. My lover perhaps? My courtesan? What should I call you? jared couldn't answer. He was in a "head space" where he couldn't be reached. His pleasure zones were overloaded. All he wanted was sleep.


As Soderquist slept with jared, and the others had fallen asleep as well, Bentley planned out the next few days. He had already engaged his favorite contractor to bring in Lincoln. The model of color he had identified was named Kevin. And he found a big, BIG man whom he knew Soderquist would like. Aaron. He smiled. He might have to identify a second model of color. Kevin could very well become his own jared, and it had been a long time between "relationships" for him. They would use, on successive days, their routine of being an agent and the head of a modeling agency, with work for Kevin and for Aaron. It worked before, it would work again. He smiled. The house would be full . When that was done, he could move on to.... And gentle reader, you will have to wait to know that.

Next: Chapter 15

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