Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 2, 2023


Soderquist came into the living area with Jared that morning. Jared looked a bit tired - he always did after his nights with Soderquist - and took a nap later in the day so he'd be ready for when he was called. The rest of the models/escorts had mixed feelings about Soderquist's obsession with jared: on the one hand, it freed them from his demands and insatiable appetites. On the other hand, there was a certain amount of jealousy because Jared was getting ALL of him, ALL the time.

Soderquist saw a busy day in front of him, and he looked for Bentley so that they could discuss what needed to be done. The influencer, "Link" , was supposed to be delivered that morning. They also had to make a decision on the entertainment the other night. Soderquist had his thoughts, and he had also solicited Jared's comments. He didn't find Bentley in the office nook; however, he heard Bentley's voice: very low, and very commanding, and he heard laughter from a new voice. He followed it. The door to the room it was coming from was locked, but Soderquist, of course, had a pass key.

He opened the door. There was Bentley, with a man of color, probably in his late 20s, bound to a table top, shirt opened, with Bentley tickling him mercilessly. Soderquist smiled. "BENTLEY. HE'S BEAUTIFUL. " Bentley stopped and looked up as the young man caught his breath. "Sir, my apologies. I didn't want to disturb you. Given how busy we are, I thought I would bring in kevin myself." "AH. So this is the new model? " He smiled. "Have you broken him in?" "OH NO SIR. I would not do that. I couldn't help myself with tickling him, but the prize of his ass... that goes to you." "WHAT? The prize of my ass? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? " kevin cried out from his bound position "SHUT UP. You're property now." Bentley went back to tickling him, and the young man was helpless. He just kept on laughing and begging for Bentley to stop. Again, Soderquist smiled. "Bentley, if I'm not mistaken, this is your first solo capture." "It is Sir. It was fun." "It always is. Given the situation, I think that, if you wished to break him in, you should have that honor. Just not this morning. We are busy." Bentley looked up. "You would do that Sir? You would let me take him?" "Indeed I would. In fact, I think it is time you started developing some Master skills. You will be in charge of his training. His clothing choices. His rewards. His punishments. " He paused. "I may switch some of the younger escort models to your charge too. cassidy and rusty might do well to have you in charge of them." "THANK YOU SIR. I assure you, you will NOT regret it. If I may, I will call rusty and cassidy in to discuss kevin's new duties with him." "That would be fine. I will go and check a few things. Ten more minutes with this handsome young man. Then, to business for a while.

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A smiling Bentley came to the office, about fifteen minutes later. "Sir, he's just PERFECT. JUST JUST PERFECT." "Ah, I am glad you are happy Bentley. You work so hard, you deserve SOME gratitude. I believe that we can spare kevin one night a week, at the least. If he is not committed, he will be committed to you. And he will share your bed when the workday is over." "Sir Soderquist, I'm overwhelmed! I did not count on this!" "Well, try not to be overwhelmed for the moment. We have to decide on a winner from the other night, and then... hmmm. The last report says that our southern boy is due in about 20 minutes. Then we'll develop a plan for aaron. Now... the entertainment. jared has voiced very strong support for gus. He said to me - and regretted it- that he wouldn't mind having gus on top of him." "I agree with jared, sir. Gus performed admirably. I would say that we might change the award a bit." "And what would you change Bentley?" "After he picks his prize, they should perform in front of you." "In front of US, Bentley." Bentley smiled. "That's how it will be. So, is the winning couple gary and gus, and gus is the overall winner? "I believe so Sir. Would you agree? " Soderquist smiled. "I will always have a soft spot in my heart for jim. But I will gratify that craving at another time. " He checked his phone. "AH. We should get ready. link will be joining us readily.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "WAIT. LET ME SEE IF I UNDERSTAND THIS SHIT. This is a gay brothel and I'm one of the workers now? FUCK THAT SHIT. I AM OUTTA HERE." "kevin, don't." cassidy spoke gently. Bentley and Soderquist both carry stun guns, the doors are electrified, you won't get out. You'll just get hurt. "I'll see about that." He strode off, out the room and toward the front door. "You warned him.... rusty said to cassidy." "Yeah, I did. " He sighed, as kevin grabbed the doorknob and felt the electricity go through him. He fell back on his ass, stunned. "You can try it again if you want. The result will be the same." rusty spoke to him this time. kevin looked at him, incredulous. "Look, we all tried it. The windows too kevin. Listen, it's really not all that bad. You have sex with one, maybe two guys a night, you play Sir Soderquist's games, you work out, you relax, you hang with the other guys, you don't have to worry about anything." kevin looked at them. "I WANNA GO HOME TO MY BOYFRIEND." Now cassidy smiled. "How did Bentley pick you up?" kevin looked away. "I was hustling." cassidy gave him a hand to lift him up from the floor. "Relax brother. No one here judges anything. Now, come along, we're gonna show you your bedroom, and your wardrobe." kevin's eyes got wider. "Yeah, Soderquist is big on clothes. We each have a wardrobe, based on what he knew about us. Gotta be honest, his taste is good. " cassidy was in a very snug, white t shirt and jeans. rusty had on a tight polo shirt in dark pink, and chinos. "It'll be fine. Just stand still. See these things ?" He held up his head and showed kevin the collar. rusty did the same. "Yeah?" "You have to wear one too. Hold on." "I'M NOT PUTTING THAT ON." cassidy looked at him. "kevin... you can let us do it, or Bentley will tickle you into begging for it, or Soderquist will just work on you until you beg to wear it." "No choice then, huh?" "None." "Ok... He stood still while cassidy locked it. He smiled "For what it's worth brother, next coupling game, I hope I get paired with you." "Coupling game?" "Let's go. We'll explain it to you."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In another section of the house, the contractor was walking in, with a bound, gagged, tranquilized man over his shoulder, wearing a flattering plaid shirt, very faded jeans, and sneakers. "He was a fighter Sir. FOUGHT LIKE HELL, that's why he's tranquilized." "Ah. But he is BEAUTIFUL. You can put him in the chair. I'll wake him up shortly." "For what it's worth Sir, he's a firebush." "Firebush?" Bentley leaned over and explained that it meant his pubic hair was as red as the hair on his head and in his beard. "I SEE. I guess that's a desirable thing for American customers?" "It is sir." Bentley added. "There has been more than one customer for rusty, who did not come back because the boy's hair was not, well.. what they expected (rusty was very smooth). "Let us pay the man, Bentley, and then.... " He smiled. "Perhaps I will play with Lincoln's log." Bentley handed the contractor three large packets of cash. "You're more than welcome to count it if you like. I have to thank you for your professionalism with this. " "Nah, it was fun. I almost took his boyfriend too. Nice blond southern boy. Little chubby, but..." Bentley cocked his head. "Boyfriend?" "Actually, his husband. Here's the ring." "Thank you. I will be in touch. We may have to ask you to bring him to us too."

Off in the room where lincoln was tied up, Soderquist prepared a very small injection, and pushed the needle through lincoln's shirt, into his shoulder. The effect was immediate. "WHAT? WHAT? WHERE AM I? WHO ARE YOU ? WHERE'S BEN? " He began to squirm and Soderquist smiled. "Welcome to our little family linc. My name is Soderquist. You may call me Sir, or Master. I will introduce you to Mister Bentley, and after we have gotten better acquainted, we'll introduce you to your brothers. "LET ME GO. I REMEMBER THAT BRUTE COVERING MY MOUTH AND THEN.. NOTHING." "Indeed, that's how it goes, linc. " Soderquist smiled as he reached his hand down to linc's crotch, and squeezed. "Please move your head back. I need to put this on you." He showed linc the collar. "FUCK YOU. I'M NO ONE'S DOG." Soderquist smiled. "Actually, the thought of leading you around on a leash is very appealing. NOW MOVE YOUR HEAD BACK." He squeezed harder. "OK. OK. GEEZ. Don't fucking GELD ME." He heard the collar clink shut. "Now, this is just to let you know what the collar is for, linc." Soderquist gave him a very light jolt. "SHIT. HOLEEEEEEE. THIS IS LIKE THOSE THINGS ON THE STAR TREK EPISODE." Soderquist smiled. "Ah, I did not know you were a Star Trek fan. We will have something to talk about. " He looked at his watch. "For now, though, I have to return to work, and we will introduce you to your brothers. Let us go." He untied linc, but kept a very firm grip on his forearm. "linc, in this house, it is expected, when a brother walks with me, his hands are behind his back and his head is bowed. " Soderquist hit the charge for second level, and he saw linc recoil. "Ok, ok. I get it. I get it. " He bowed his head and put his hands behind his back, as Soderquist led him to the common area. When he returned , Bentley was waiting for him. "So... are we on the road to fetch aaron?" "We are Sir, but first, we need to discuss something. I'm afraid we were misinformed about linc." "Misinformed? How so?" "It appears that linc is married to another man." "ACH! Separating boyfriends is one thing: they just assume the one broke up and ghosted. But HUSBANDS? Why were we not informed?" "I can't explain that Sir, but I think you know what this means." "Indeed. " He sighed. "I assume we will need to bring his husband to see him. Shall we re-engage the contractor? "We COULD Sir... but I think we have a better way..." He conferred with Soderquist and Soderquist smiled. "GENIUS BENTLEY! Not only have you solved the problem, but you have saved us money. linc will be "persuaded" to ask his husband - Ben, right? To rescue him. And then we will have two. I DO hope he's attractive." "This way Sir. I had time to do the research." Photos of the husband were on the computer. Soderquist shrugged his shoulders. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess." "Sir, again, it is perhaps an American thing: a plump blond country boy will please many customers. " "Very well. I still have to learn my new market. Now, off to our quarry."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx aaron, the final piece they had planned to put into the brothel, WAS a single guy. Obsessed with the gym, he went twice a day, and it showed. He had to order all of his shirts by custom order, because finding a shirt that could cover his arms and chest was not possible otherwise. Had he taken steroids to build up to where he was? Perhaps. Perhaps genetics had cheated him on his penis, who knew? The fact was, "power bottom," and "studly bottom" were good words to describe aaron: 5'10" , 250 pounds of solid muscle, a shaved head, hazel eyes, and a bright smile. And a secret weakness which Bentley had found out easily: however strong he was, if you got hold of his nipples, you could do anything you wanted to him. They found him as he was leaving his regular job as a communications director. "Excuse me, aaron?" Benley went up to him, and aaron eyed him suspiciously. "Yes. That's me. Who are you? " "My apologies. I'm Bentley Jones. I work as a talent scout for a modeling agency: Sodequist and Associates. Mr. Soderquist is in the car." He pointed to a black limousine, where Soderquist was sitting, as he handed aaron his card. "We are shooting a clip for a new piece of physical fitness equipment, and both of us thought you would be perfect as the model to demonstrate the equipment. aaron looked at the card. He studied it for a while. Then he handed it back. "I'm flattered, but I'm not interested." Bentley smiled. "That is a shame. Mr. Soderquist does not like to be disappointed." "Well, being an adult means not getting everything you want. Excuse me. " aaron tried to get past Bentley. That's when he saw the barrel of the stun gun. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. Mr. Soderquist does not like to be disappointed. Move toward the car. Quietly." "Ok, ok. I understand." Bentley opened the door, so that aaron could get into the backseat where Soderquist was sitting. "aaron! So glad you could join us!" "I wasn't given much of a choice." "Very few of us are, young man. " Bentley got into the front to drive. "Mr. Bentley has just sealed the doors aaron, so do not try any stuntman tricks. Nor will the windows open. In fact, Bentley.." "On it Sir." the windows darkened. Bentley could see out of the rear window, but the side views were obscured. "I'm sure you will enjoy our time with us. "

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linc listened to everything that the others told him, half unbelieving. "You mean, they want me to work as a whore." rusty laughed. "I love the way you talk" linc snorted. "It's how we all talk at home. When my husband finds out about this..." matt looked at jim. "You're married" "Damn right I am. For a year. He ain't gonna like this." They looked at each other. "You better not let Bentley or Soderquist know. They'll snatch him too." "WHAT? " "They don't like to break up couples. Say that one left behind tears apart the country looking for his man." linc laughed. "Well that's my Ben." "linc, I'm serious. You're not getting out, and if you want Ben to stay free, you better hope they don't learn about him." linc shook his head. "Too late. I said something when they put the collar on me." "YES, and now we'll have to move you to a larger room linc. AFTER tonight. Tonight." Soderquist smiled. "You will spend with me. There is time for that. But two things, boys. First, I would like to introduce you to your latest brother, aaron." They led in aaron. There was a bruise on the side of his face, and he was still tied up. His shirt was ripped, and the marks from a pair of clamps were visible. "You WILL behave now aaron, will you not?" He grunted but... after a short shock from Soderquist answered, through gritted teeth. "Yes sir." Soderquist laughed. "He's so big and so muscular. I had to upgrade the charges for him. That means the REST of you should rethink resistance.

Now... Mr. Bentley and I have discussed the scenes from the other night, and we have a winning couple, and a winning man. gary and gus, you are our winners, this time, and gus, you have the prize for best performer. Soooooooooo...... gary, you will have a night off. Unfortunately you are booked tonight, and we'd rather not cancel that engagement, so we will pick a day next week. To the same end, gus... you may choose any of the other members as your bedmate. He will be yours for the night. You may do anything you like." "That's not difficult." He grinned and looked at cassidy. "I want this blond. Underneath me." "EXCELLENT CHOICE GUS. YOU WILL PERFORM IN FRONT OF BENTLEY AND I NEXT WEEK AS WELL. Now, for tonight, Mr. Bentley will make sure you are all ready for your appointments. kevin, aaron, as newbies, we have not put your profiles or photos up yet, so you will have the night free - at least aaron will, as I'm sure Mr Bentley has plans for you tonight. " Then he smiled. "linc, you will accompany me tonight." "HEY. What about..." jared got up, looking extremely disappointed. "Your turn shall come back jared. Tonight, however, you will be entertaining a Mr. Johnston, and then a Mr. Wilson. Both wish to top." He smiled. "And you are MORE than experienced at taking dick twice during the night. " He turned to linc and smiled. "In your bedroom you will find instructions on dressing. Kindly follow them, and ring the bell at the side of your bed when you are ready. I will come to bring you to my quarters. "

linc couldn't really think of anything he could do. He was fitted with the shock collar, and in the time that Soderquist and Bentley had spent picking up aaron, the other guys had told him more than enough about this place. The note was clear: no underwear. No socks. Loafers. The yellow plaid shirt I have out. Roll the sleeves. The pale jeans." "Not bad." linc thought. "It's like something I'd wear if I were trying to seduce Ben." He changed, and then he ran the bell. In about 15 minutes, Soderquist was at the door. "Normally, Bentley would bring you to my rooms, but he's busy so I have come myself." He walked up to linc, who stood firm. Soderquist smiled, and began rubbing his thumb on linc's nipples. "I will introduce you to things you have never esperienced tonight linc.

Including... JUST how much pleasure can be gained from your nipples." As Soderquist rubbed, his eyes bored into linc, and without even considering it, linc put his hands behind his back. The pleasure in his nipples was growing and he started to breathe, hard. Soderquist laughed. "Let us continue this. And I need to see this... 'firebush' of yours." linc blushed. "I DO have one." "Then I will see it." linc had studied architectural history, so he was a bit in awe of the bedroom where Soderquist "slept." As he was staring, he felt Soderquist's long fingers on his shoulders. "Do you like what you see, linc?" "I'm kind of amazed. And yes, I do like it." Then he felt Soderquist's lips on his neck. "I like what I see too, linc. And I want to see more." He felt a hand drop down to his ass. "But I also want to feel your lips wrapped around my cock." He ran his chin up linc's right ear. "Will you do that for me?" linc closed his eyes, trying to prevent being seduced, but it wasn't working. "Do I have any choice?" "No... but the choice is wanting to or not." Now, Sodequist's second hand went down linc's shirt and found a nipple. "Do you want it? In your mouth. Back and forth. MMMMMM." "I do. I do want it. " "sir" It came out of linc softly. The others had told him it was expected, and he balked. But Soderquist's hands were so experienced, and so skillful, he was finding it impossible to resist. "Get on your knees linc. Suck me the way Ben sucks you." Their research had told them that linc identified as a top, but it didn't tell them about Ben. Soderquist just assumed that linc continued to be the topman in the relationship. That assumption was wrong. He had flipped because he loved Ben so much, and Ben had "drilled" proper blow job technique into him. He closed his eyes, and thought of Ben's cock. And then he realized. This one was better. Longer. Fatter. More skilled. Soderquist had tied his hands behind him, so linc couldn't grip him around the middle, but Soderquist found a handful of his hair, and pushed linc's head forward. He nearly choked on the cock in his mouth, but wanted more. MUCH more. He sucked, and slurped, and worked his tongue over Soderquists's slit. "MMMMM. We will have to stress your oral skills in your bio, linc. For now... we will explore some of your 'other' talents. Soderquist untied him. Undress please." linc instinctively covered his pubes with his hands, and received a shock. "Behind your back, big red? Soderquist smiled. "YES. It reminds me of a plant back home. Bushy, and dark red. And OH, MY GOD. Look at that chest hair! There is so much of it. Normally, I would shave you but no.... no... not a beauty like you.." linc felt Soderquist's arms around him. He wanted to hold him, but he felt himself being lifted onto the bed. "Have you ever been tied up during sex, linc?" He blushed. "yes sir. I like it." "GOOD. Then you will like this." He closed the cuffs on linc's wrists, and then he began to play with his crotch, and his cock, which grew, bigger and bigger. "So do you use this to fuck Ben?" "No sir. Ben is the top. I was a top when I was single, but... Ben is in charge in bed." "HA HA. You flipped for love. How sweet. " He whispered into linc's ear. "Do you ever get to fuck Ben?" "No sir." "Would you like to?" linc wet his lips, as Soderquist continued his crotch play. "Ben isnt here. You can tell the truth." "yes sir. I would." "If you behave, perhaps when he is here, you will get to do just that." "How is he going to get here, Sir." "You're going to tell him how" That broke the spell. "NO. FUCK NO. I'M NOT. YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOUR HANDS ON BEN." Soderquist was ready. "And you'd give up ever seeing him again? You'd give up the chance of finally having his HOT BLOND ASS? " Then he whispered. "You have played with nipple clamps, have you not?" Another blush but "yes sir." "I bet you have never had clamps applied to your cock" linc gulped. "No Sir. NEVER." "You will have two choices. You will do what I ask about Ben, or you will wear clamps on your dick for a minimum of three hours a day. jarred will be more than happy to let you know how it feels. So, consider it. Now..." linc felt his legs being raised. The long cock that had filled his mouth now filled his ass. It had taken him some time to get used to Ben fucking him - usually an orderly 3 times a week - but now, he could take cock. He just didn't know if he could take one as long as Soderquist's. Soderquist was patient. And little by little, he put his entire member into our redhead. "OH DAMN THAT FEELS GOOD." "Ah. You like it. " Soderquist almost asked if it felt as good as Ben's did, but he held that back for later. Instead , he very slowly took the measure of linc, fucking him so thoroughly and so completely, linc felt like he had never been truly "fucked" until Soderquist had done him. While he was pounding this new boy, Soderquist was thinking "I like this one. That trip coming up: who will I take? This one, or Jarred? Decisions, decisions." "OH YES. OH YES. FILL ME SIR. FILL ME. " Soderquist had just exploded in linc's ass. He gently bit linc's lower lip, before whispering "jared will not want to speak with you. He is used to sharing my bed. He will share it tomorrow, unless.... you are willing to do what Bentley and I ask to get Ben here. " "I will do it Sir."

Next: Chapter 16

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