Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 14, 2023


To recap, our models:

  1. Matt Windsor: dirty blond, in his early 40s. Very hairy when he's not shaved. Once a high end fashion model, he worked doing catalog modeling and that kind of thing before he was taken. Partnered to Jim Hammer , for whom he bottomed. 2. Jim Hammer: black hair, brown eyes, very classic "matinee idol" looks. Also hairy if he's not shaved, also in his early 40s. Took the "top bunk" with Matt because Matt was so resolutely a bottom, but really wanted a relationship where things were , at most 60/40, with him topping 60% of the time. 3. Gary: could be Jim's younger, bigger brother. Same coloring, same hairiness. Very pleasant man, and the only one of the models who is straight. 4. Jared: late 20s/early 30s, a classic fashionista and known model. Thin, wiry, very muscular and low body fat. Long blond hair, a small beard. Drugs took their toll, and he's a little unstable. A VERY big favorite of the their captor, Soderquist 5. Rusty: a very cute redheaded "pocket gay." Maybe 24 years old, looks younger . Red hair, naturally smooth, gives off the air of a college freshman or sophomore. 6. Gus: the oldest one of the models, in his late 40s, maybe even early 50s. Scholarly studly look: gray hair, blue eyes, normally wears glasses. Gets asked about his resemblance to Anderson Cooper a lot. Always topped. Has no desire to bottom. 7. Cassidy: the "poster boy" for twinks in porn. Solid body, not too tall, light blond hair, blue eyes, perfect ass (How much was natural and how much was fake, was never decided). Friend of Rusty's, but they hadn't seen each other for years before they were kidnapped. 8. Kevin: thin, athletic, big smile. About 25, man of color "cafe' au lait" skin. Considers himself "non-binary" rather than gay or straight, Bentley, Soerquist's assistant, has a real thing for him and discovered how ticklish he is. 9. Link: southern boy, 35 years old, and a "firebush." Dark red hair, thick, and a beard, almost turquoise eyes, deep southern accent. Known as a "social influencer" before being kidnapped . Married to Ben, who has not made an appareance before this chapter. 10. Aaron: HUGE. Maybe mid 40s. Shaved head, permanent facial scruff, moderately hairy. His muscles have muscles. To control him, Soderquist needs super versions of all of his weapons. 11. Ben: Link's husband. Also 35. Also a southern boy. Blond, chunky body. Works out by working, rather than going to the gym, tending toward a thick, almost beer belly. Big smile, totally head over heels for Link, who he tops relentlessly, to Link's delight.

Bentley was in a foul mood. Every single one of the models could see that. No one could ever accuse him of smiling too much, but he had a placid, "business as usual" air about him that changed when he was around kevin. kevin was the reason he was in a foul mood. To be more specific, Soderquist had barred Bentley from spending any time with kevin anymore.

"Have you seen the number of clients interested in him Bentley? We cannot just give up that revenue stream."

"BUT SIR. You kept jared off market for a week."

Soderquist laughed. "Bentley. Need I remind you of our respective positions in this organization?" Bentley sighed.

"No Sir. You don't. I'll re-list kevin immediately." Soderquist smiled.

Later that morning, while Soderquist was "orienting" ben, who had arrived late the last night, kevin walked by the office where Bentley was working.

"Hey Daddy B, I missed you last night."

Bentley looked up and smiled. "I guess Mr. Soderquist didn't tell you."

"Tell me what Sir? " kevin looked a bit surprised.

"He feels I'm monopolizing you, and not allowing you to bring in revenue for our enterprise. So he's barred me from spending quality time with you."

"SHIT. kevin thought. "If he's not with me, the whole plan goes south."

"Well that really sucks Sir. " He tried to make a joke. "And not in the good way I do."

Bentley looked up and checked the area outside. He didn't see anyone, and he knew that Soderquist was "occupied." He lowered his voice.

"Close the office door kevin."

kevin's eyes brightened. "Yes sir." When it was closed, Bentley was on him, pinning his wrists up against the wall and pushing his lips on kevin's.

"I'll find a way to spend time with you boy. I am SO fucking into you, it's not funny." He brushed his chin against kevin's neck, knowing that if he left a mark, he'd hear it from Soderquist. Instead, he slipped his hand under kevin's cerulean blue short sleeved shirt, and began tickling his ribs.

"Hahahahahahahahaahahaha. Daddy B, STOP! I'll make so much noise. People will know. MMMMM" Bentley's tongue was down his mouth again.

"I could fuck you fast, but I want a nice one. Listen up. You're gonna have a client tonight named Mr. Bley. And one named simply "Lennie." Both are me. Be ready. They're at the end of the night. Soderquist has 'plans' for jared again, and I think he's going to be WAY too involved to know what I'm doing."

kevin moved his finger to his lips.

"Not a sound Daddy B. Gag me if you want. We'll both love it."

"Later sweetie. Later." He sent kevin away, just before Vlad came around the corner. He was leading ben and link back to their room.

"Mr Soderquist had an excellent time with the boys. He took ben, and then... he had them wrestle to see who would take cock at our gathering tomorrow. " He smiled. "I believe this one." He tightened his grip on link's neck. "Threw the match, but who could mind seeing Mr. firebush speared?"

"Indeed Vlad, indeed. " He smiled at ben. "Welcome to our little enterprise ben. I see you've been collared. " ben looked sullen at that.

"He forced link to do it. "

"Have you been caged?" ben looked at him quizzically.

"Sometimes our former top men need to learn that they do not have control over their cocks anymore. My understanding is that you were the top in your relationship."

"I STILL AM." Bentley laughed.

"There is ONE top in this house, and that is Mr. Soderquist. If you require reinforcement, he will provide it. "

"Yes sir. Yes Mr. Bentley, you're right." link tried to distract ben. "Come on bud. We're allowed to do what we want when Mr. Soderquist doesn't call for us, and sweetheart, I miss feeling you on top of me."


As they left, Soderquist came into the office.

"Well Bentley, I think ben is going to make a wonderful addition to our little community. Now, let's see. Are we busy tonight?

"Very much so Sir. Most of the gents have full schedules. As you instructed, I kept jared off the available list for tonight. Should I have Vlad bring him to you?"

"Not yet Bentley. I need to take care of some administrative matters. Now, let me see the lists. AH. Some regulars. GOOD. Especially for gary: his clientele base seems to want him every night. matt looks busy tonight, and SEE: I told you. kevin is bringing in a section of the market we didn't have before. I see two new names on the list. "

Poker faced, Bentley answered him. "Yes sir. I guess we are being checked out by more people than we thought. "


A few hours later, Soderquist went to the common quarters.

"jared. I would like you to come with me please. You should change to your tightest jeans. Any shirt will do, but you should leave it opened. " He looked him over.

"I think more and more jared, we will have to have you get a haircut."

"If that is your will Sir."

"You may look better with it, although I will say, it is a delight to be able to control you by your hair. "

"The clients seem to think so."

"I imagine they do. I did not know you enjoyed it."

Soderquist smiled. NOW he knew what was happening. Several clients had expressed dissatisfaction with their time with jared. He wondered why. It was flattering: jared missed his time with him.

"Let us go downstairs, to the more advanced playroom jared. I will discuss matters with you there. "

"Yes sir." They walked with Soderquist's hand on the back of jared's neck, and jared's wrists behind his back. As they got to the "playroom," Soderquist locked the door.

"Now, jared... the clients are telling me you have been, shall we say, problematic as of late."

"Was I Sir? " He folded his arms. "Perhaps I was spoiled."

"Yes, perhaps you were. Perhaps I should have permitted access as a treat and not as a given. Unfold your arms, jared."

"I'd prefer not to, Sir..." Soderquist walked up to him and smiled. He took his wrists. jared resisted, even though he knew, it was hopeless. The knee resting against his crotch didn't help. Soderquist smiled as he gathered jared's wrists behind him.

"I am VERY fond of you jared. Perhaps moreso than any of the other models." jared cracked a small smile. "But you have to remember: you have a job to do, and I expect you to do it. I will give you a reward tonight, because I am fond of you, but bear in mind, my handsome man, if you do not perform up to expectations, you should not expect this again." He looked jared directly into his eyes.

"We will do two things tonight jared. First, we will play a game I am quite fond of, which I have not played in a long time. And then... " He smiled. "We will revisit old favorites. " He squeezed jared's nipples.

"Do you like being bound by me, jared."


"I will untie you, but you will now place yourself against the St. Andrew's cross in the corner. When you have positioned yourself, kindly lock one of the wrist restraints on yourself. Make sure it's tight."

jared found his cock growing. He had no idea what Soderquist was going to do, but he had time with him. He'd do the best he could.

"I'm done Sir." Soderquist came over and inspected the work. He was NOT pleased, and expressed his displeasure with an open hand SMACK to jared's crotch.



"No sir. I understand. I'm sorry." Soderquist tightened the restraint and then attached the other one. Then he locked jared's ankles. For the moment, he kept his pants closed. He went over to the side of the room and came back with a box. He showed the content: dozens of small clamps - to jared.

"You have experienced nipple clamps, jared, but tonight, you will experience something of a completely different order. " He held up one of the clamps.

"Each of these will hold a small amount of your flesh in it. I will attach them all over your sides, and then your nipples. And then.... we shall see."

"BRING IT SIR." Soderquist smiled, and applied one clamp directly below jared's right armpit.


"Ha ha. Yes, yes it does. Think of how 24, or 30 of them are going to hurt. " He began running a line of them down jared's right side. "I COULD bring them closer, but this is your first time. He saw jared clenching his teeth, and moaning. And each time he added a few clamps, he saw the bulge in jared's pants grow. Yes, he WAS going to extend this to more than the sides, and nipples.

Soderquist proceeded very methodically, attaching clamps to jared's sides, and then all over his nipples.

"I have not gagged you jared, because... I want the house to hear you scream when we proceed to the next phase. " For now, jared was moaning and twisting, trying to get away from each clamp, but adjusting as Soderquist went along.

Then he saw Soderquist take out a large, flexible, wooden stick.

"Many use a whip. I prefer this method. I can vary the speed of their removal. Sort of like playing a guitar jared." A big grin played across his face, as jared moved the wood stick slowly up and down each of jared's sides.

"HOLY FUCK SIR. HOLY FUCK. I've never felt something like this. "

"Do you like it jared? "

"Yes sir. I love it. I love being your pain pig. " Soderquist took a step back, and brought down the stick, hard. The clamps went flying anywhere, and that is when jared really screamed... the first time. It was so loud, some of the clients heard it.

"Don't worry, Sir" gary assured his John, who was lying on top of him, beginning to slide his cock into gary's ass.

"All it is , is a misbehaving escort, being taught a lesson." The John looked at gary.

"Perhaps I can pay to do that to you. For now though...." He began to penetrate gary, whispering

"take my cock straight boy. Take your Master's big, thick cock."


jared remained tied to the cross, clamps on his nipples, and Soderquist opened his jeans. "Opened" is too kind. He tore them off jared, and jared's cock shot out.

"EXCELLENT. A very, VERY big target. " He reached for the box of clamps.


This time, the scream went all the way up to the second floor, where link and ben were getting reacquainted. ben's ass was sore, but link's wasn't. It was about to be.

"I missed you lover. I missed my husband. I wish this wasn't the case.."

"We're together ben. One step at a time."

Down in the basement, Soderquist had finished his work, and jared's cock had not stopped being as hard as it was at the beginning.

"This time, we are going to use the traditional method." Soderquist picked up a flogger. He stood back and then said.

"I think I may want to gag you now. We cannot disturb the visitors TOO much. " He ripped some duct tape from a roll and covered jared's mouth. Then he stood back again and ....

Even with the gag, jared's stifled scream made it up to the upper levels. When Bentley heard it, he looked at his watch.

"He'll be fucking him next. That means... Hmmm. kevin should be finished with his client in 20 minutes... "

In fact, kevin had used all of his wiles to get his client drained sooner rather than later. He was finished. He changed into some clean, sexy clothes - Bentley liked him in oxford shirts. He knocked on the door.

"Hey Daddy. The faster we start, the longer we can go."

Bentley didn't expect his boy to show up so soon. He got up hurriedly, took kevin's hand, and ran off to kevin's room. Before the evening's work began, kevin had told the other members of the team what was happening with the faked client. He'd have Bentley in his room for at least half an hour. Could they get there to the office, and make progress?

matt and jim had early nights that night, and quietly, trying to avoid Vlad, they got to the office. matt had excellent computer skills and he began hacking right away. jim was keeping a watch when he saw vlad coming.

"HOLY SHIT matt. He's on his way. He'll want to jerk off again. Let me distract him."

jeff got out of the office before Vlad saw him there and smiled.

"Vlad... you're so hard working. You don't seem to have anyone to take care of you. Can I do that tonight, Sir Vlad?" Vlad looked over jim. He wasn't Soderquist but hey, ass was ass, and he wasn't gonna get Soderquists.


jim smiled. "No, Vlad. Come to my bed. It's much softer. Much more fun. Ropes. Gags. Whips. Everything." He saw Vlad's mind begining to change.


While jim was leading Vlad to his room, Soderquist had jared on his back on the platform in the playroom. jared's skin was oversensitive, and red, but his asshole was pink and clean.

"You'll wash me first, cunt. Get on your knees and get my dick wet. That is your lube tonight."

"yes sir! yes sir! " jared missed the taste of Soderquist's cock more than anything else. He knew what Soderquist liked, and he licked his cockhead gently : almost like a cat taking up milk. Then he went one third of the way down, because he knew what Soderquist liked to do, and he did it. He grabbed jared's head, and shoved it forward on his cock. He smiled as he held it there, waiting for when jared choked, or asked for relief. jared enjoyed the challenge. He held out as long as he could . He had a feeling that something was going on, and he didn't know what it was. Had he known, he would have told Soderquist, and hopefully get in "good graces" with him. All he could do on that front, though, was hold his legs apart as far as he could. as Soderquist's long, hard cock began to penetrate him.

While that was happening, kevin was caressing Bentley and encouraging him to roll on top of him. Bentley didn't need much encouragement. He was SO horned that .. he lost it right away.

"OH FUCK... " He yelled. "DAMN. I wanted your ass so bad.." kevin was young, but he was quick thinking. He held Bentley to him for a minute.

"You know, where I'm from, my mom told me that there are times when a man just loses things before he should. She knew about a tea that would help. " He smiled at Bentley.

"You game Daddy B? Have a cup of kevin's 'stand up and deliver ' tea." Bentley laughed.

"I want that ass. Not with a toy, myself. I'll try anything. " kevin went to his small kitchenette station, and brewed a strong cup of valerian tea. Bentley drank it down and fell asleep within ten minutes.

Meanwhile, jim was doing his best to keep Vlad occupied, while matt began breaking the codes for the house computer. He had MOST of them. Would they be enough? He was going after one more... the code to the electrical system to the house.

"GOT IT." He froze when he heard the door open. It was kevin.

"Bentley's out like a light, but I gotta get back there. You almost done?

"Almost. I can't seem to figure out the last ones." kevin smiled.

Try "daddy B, " and try "kevin my boi."


Now last one.. We'll never get that.

"Yeah, that one's Soderquist's private account. Let's get back to our rooms. He'll be done soon. "

In fact, Soderquist was finishing up with jizzing into jared. He smiled. "We are not done yet my boy. You will come to my quarters tonight. It shall be a night like no other. Let me just go and check in with Bentley."

jared, of course, had no idea what was going on. When Soderquist got to the office and he did not find Bentley, he was in a rage.


kevin had another idea.

"Sir. I do not mean to bother you but.... Mr. Bentley is in my room. He's asleep.


"I know Sir, I know, but... he's in charge when you're not here and... he told me you had changed your mind. Those last two names on my client list tonight? They're him. They're made up names. "

"THAT BASTARD. THAT FUCKING BASTARD." He paused. "But sleeping?"

kevin smiled "Sir, I hope you don't mind this but... when I knew what he had in mind to try to keep things from getting out of hand.. I gave him a cup of valerian tea."

Soderquist smiled. "KEVIN! You are nearly as devious as I am. " He ruffled kevin's hair.

"Let us do this. He must not know that I am aware of his deceit. Let him sleep in your room. I will deal with this in the morning. Now, let me find Vlad. "

He did find Vlad, in bed with jim and matt. He rolled his eyes.

"I have much to do. For now though, I must turn to my delicious jared. "

Next: Chapter 18

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