Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 12, 2023


"You guys are lucky. Ya see the trash that bought the other guys?" The thug guarding them in the back of the van was trying to make conversation with Matt and Jim, neither of whom felt much like talking. Both had their hands tied behind their backs and their ankles chained. The guards had given them both a thorough showering and then had found some clothes - not high fashion by any means, but sufficient - to get them packed up and ready. Grant Soderquist was sitting in the backseat of the van, with a silent driver up front. He was on a cell phone, and occasionally, a word or two could be heard

"Yes, I'm on the way home. Get one, no, two, cells ready. The better ones. There was a couple available at auction tonight, and I took them. One gives a damn good blowjob. Probably takes it up his ass real fine too. Don't know about the other one. I may find out tonight. " Then he barked some measurements to the guy on the other end of the call. He had worked this business for so long that he could tell, by looking at a man, what his sizes were.

"Get some clothes ready. Three or four outfits should be fine to start. One is a hairy dark ginger. The other black hair, going to grey. We'll be there in about an hour."

"Can you tell us where we're going? " Jim asked somewhat pleadingly. He knew that this was the only way they were going to find out anything. "Well, yes and no. We're going to Mr. Soderquist's estate. It's BIG. I think I counted four houses on it. You'll probably be staying at the house where he stays. He's got a dungeon there and I imagine he'll keep you there . But where that estate it?" He shook his head. "Gotta be honest: I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to tell you. "

"Why not.... I'm sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Jim. This is Matt." "I'm Ernie. Mr. Soderquist is REAL private about his life. You'll understand. He's been doing these auctions for a while. Sometimes here, sometimes in Europe. But he said that this was his last one, so I think he's planning to settle down. Made himself enough money, especially after he got away from that oligarch."

"OLIGARCH! Now, Jim began to remember a myth/story that had been around the modeling world for a long time. A very attractive, very popular model in Eastern Europe: so blond his hair was almost white. Tall, almost emaciated, and born hairless. His nickname, because of his look, was "Ice man" . No one knew his real name. The story/rumor went that some very powerful, very rich guy had fallen in love with him. The guy had courted him relentlessly, and "Ice Man" never responded. Then one day, he got backstage, and made his plea. The story went, "Ice Man" picked up some sharp object, and brought it across his face, then walked out.

Two days later, "Ice Man" disappeared. Continuing with the story, it told of how he had shown up as a slave for auction, and some rich oligarch had paid , perhaps, the equivalent of 1.5 million dollars in a very active auction. Then there was no word of "Ice Man" for a long time . Until the stories began coming out about the mysterious death of that oligarch. Found with his cock sliced off, and stuffed in his mouth and each finger cut off at the first knuckle. When they raided his dacha, they found traces suggesting Ice Man had been there, but they never found him. When they checked the oligarch's accounts, every last ruble was gone.

Five or six years later, there were rumors of a floating sex slave auction led by a very pale man named Grant Soderquist. It didn't seem right, because a Grant Soderquist had been found dead in his house in Berlin. THAT Grant Soderquist was bald, fat and wore glasses. He also was known to have a penchant for thin blond men. No one could ever resolve the confusion, nor could they ever get a bead on who was running the ring.

Jim didn't know if Matt had the same memory: Jim was just a bit older, and Matt may have been too young to have heard it. He'd have to try and get it to him as soon as he could. Speaking in front of Ernie wasn't an option. He tried.

"Is Mr Soderquist a good boss? " "Oh, he takes care of people who are good to him. He pays me well." He smiled. "And every now and then, he'll show up with a freckly red head - they're the kind I like - and let me play with him for a few days. But people who cross him?" He shook his head. "Well, I don't wanna talk about what I've seen. It's disturbing." "Hey. Feels like the van is slowing down. Guess we're here. Good thing we had the van with the curtains. Otherwise, you'd both be in blindfolds."

The driver came out to the back door. Soderquist did not leave the van. "Let's go boys. I think you'll be well taken care of, once we get you inside." He had the gun, and they weren't going to argue. Ernie took Matt by the arm, and the driver took Jim. They walked them, steadily but gently, to a HUGE house. No one saw Soderquist.

Once they were in the house, the driver untied their wrists. "Massage them if you wish. You'll be given some time to rest, to get some refreshment, and to change. Mr. Soderquist has instructed us to bring you both to him in 2 hours. " He pointed with his gun to a room off to the side. That's where the cells were. There was also a long table, covered with food, water, and wine. There were also two racks of clothing, not unlike what was used on a modeling shoot. One was labelled "matt" and one was labelled 'jim" both in lower case letters.

"Mr Soderquist asks that you dress as you see fit, after you've finished your meal. Ernie will be outside to get you anything you may need. "Is it possible for us to have toothbrushes, please?" The driver/guard smiled. "You'll find a bathroom in each cell. Each is equipped with everything you'll need. " With that he walked out.

Jim turned to Matt. "You ok, babe?" "I'm scared . I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm confused, and I'm scared." "So am I. Come over here. We're together. and I can at least give you a hug now." Matt leaned into his arms and began to cry. Jim wanted to cry too, but he thought "ONE of us has to be strong. " "Listen babe. We don't know a whole lot now, and we may not for a while. There's a rumor about this guy you may not know. I'd like to suggest we at least try to eat something, get some fluids and I'll tell you the story." Grant Soderquist was watching and listening all the while. Jim's story was remarkably accurate. He was watching them, gathering information. "Hmmm. Whatever they say about themselves, Jim is definitely the Dom. All the more reason to take him first. " Matt listened to the story with amazement. "I had never heard this. EVER. " "Look, he clearly wants us as sexual toys or something. Is it worth fighting it?" "I don't know. We know he has no problem using one of us against the other." "Damn right I don't" Soderquist said to no one . "Let's play this by ear, Matt. It's all we can do." "You gentlemen have a half hour to get dressed. I'd suggest you get a move on." "He"s right. C'mon Matt. You wanna dress each other? " Matt smiled. "I'd like that. Make me feel like we're back home." Matt picked out a dark green shirt for Jim and a pair of very dark grey trousers. Jim went through the rack and picked a classic look for Matt: yellow buttondown, jeans. "Kiss before we go to see the Wizard? " Jim asked. "Yes. Please." The guard was ready to break it up but Soderquist sent him a signal to wait. "I think they should do this. " When they were done, the guard came in. "Gents, boss' rule: hands behind you. Tied or cuffed. Always. He wasn't too gentle with tying them either. He walked in the middle, one hand on a bicep of each of them. "I think Mr. Soderquist is going to be VERY happy with both of you." He walked Jim and Matt into a huge room. Soderquist was sitting there, all in black, with shaded glasses. "Gentlemen. I see you DO have good taste. I may very well have chosen exactly what you are wearing for a first meeting. He turned to their guard "Please help them have seats." After they were in chairs, Soderquist smiled "Is there anything quite as attractive as a handsome man, tied up and helpless?" "Why do you want us Mr. Soderquist?" Jim asked, again using the pleading tone he had used in the van. "Why does ANYONE want you jim? Or YOU matt? You are beautiful. LUSCIOUS even. The whole point behind the industry is to present someone whom the viewer wants in their bed be it on top or in my case, on bottom." They both squirmed at this. "As I'm sure Ernie has told you, I am leaving the auction industry. Too stressful at my age." he laughed, as he was not that different in age than the two of them. "And I intend to enjoy myself as much as possible: starting with the two of YOU. Now, here is what will happen tonight. You are both tied in your chairs. You will struggle. I will be the judge of who's struggles entertain me most. Then, one of you will remain here, in my bed, and the other will be returned, for now." Matt asked "So the one who struggles best will be sharing your bed." Soderquist smiled. "Too clumsy for a smart man like you matt. I said no such thing. I said I would judge who's struggle engaged me most, and then I would make a decision." "What if we don't struggle? " asked Jim defiantly. "You ARE familiar with a Tazer, are you not, jim? Well, if ONE of you doesn't struggle, the one who DOES will be punished. And if you BOTH do not struggle, you will BOTH be punished. " He held up a stopwatch. "ONE MINUTE STARTING NOW" Jim and Matt looked at each other helplessly. Then they began fighting the ropes. They both knew that even if they DID get out of the ropes, escape was useless. They had no idea where they were, and they had no idea how many armed guards were around the house. Soderquist, however, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. Matt had spent more time being tied up than Jim, so his struggles were different, and Soderquist noticed. "Hmmm. Again they reveal themselves. WHEN they play at bondage, matt is the one tied up. That means.." "ENOUGH . I have made my decision." He pointed to matt. "Take him back to his cell. Explain his living situation. THIS ONE... Untie him and bring him to my bedroom. "NO. NO. NOT JIM. PLEASE. YOU KNOW I GAVE YOU A DAMN GOOD BLOW JOB. JIM.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Matt began to cry. Jim didn't even get to turn around as he was led off. Back in the side room, the guard explained to matt: There is a cell large enough for you both to sleep and live in at the same time, and also, two cells, equipped for an individual. You may choose either option. We'll be locking the chamber door, so there will be no need to lock the cell doors." He paused. "You will notice that all of the cutlery from your meal has been removed. To the same end, you will not shave in the morning. A barber will shave you to Mr. Soderquist's specifications. Have you any questions?" "When do I get to see Jim?" "Your lover will be returned when Mr. Soderquist has completed enjoying him. Sleep well." He left, locking the door behind him.

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Jim went to the bedroom with a guard, who ordered him to sit on the bed and wait for Soderquist. Jim looked around: all the toys on the night stand: toys he had wanted to use with Matt, but which Matt had never showed any interest in. His head was turned when Soderquist entered. "You seem to be interested in toys, jim. That makes me happy." Jim blushed. "Please don't hurt matt, Mr. Soderquist. Please." Soderquist smiled. "Neither one of you will be hurt by anything but my cock in your ass, or one of the toys. But nothing will be permanent. As long as I have obedience. Do I have that promise from you, jim? "Yes Mr. Soderquist." He smiled. "You will refer to me as SIR or MASTER from now on." "Yes Sir." "Now..." he sat down next to jim. "I am trying to get a sense of what areas of your body are most sensitive." Then he stopped. "Silly me. There is a very easy way to find that out. I'll have matt brought in. A bit of tazer action..." "NO NO. NO SIR. That's not necessary. " And Jim told him about his sensitive neck, the spots at the side of his penis, his ticklish armpits, how tit clamps made him hard just thinking about them. And kissing. "Like this? " Soderquist pushed his tongue into Jim's mouth. Jim nearly fainted. The man knew how to kiss! Matt kissed well, but this... this was in another world. "WOW SIR. Just WOW." Soderquist smiled and kissed him again. This time, he lowered Jim to the bed, face up. When the kiss ended, Jim realized that Soderquist was on top of him, his short sharp beard running back and forth on his neck. Jim began to moan. "OOOOH. OOOOH..." Matt kept a beard, but it was just a bit too long to get Jim all that excited, and since matt wanted to be on the bottom most of the time, he missed this. Soderquist had opened his pants zipper and had his erect cock in his hand. "So this is the cock that fucks that handsome ginger most nights? " "Yes Sir. That's right. That's our role" "Are you happy with that jim?" "Can I not answer that Sir?" "Ha ha. I think you just did. Keep your wrists where I put them." He began opening Jim's shirt. "OH. You are BOTH hairy beasts. It will be an interesting afternoon when that changes." Jim felt cuffs being locked on first his right, then his left wrist. Then that beard hair traversed the length of his long torso. "You are a very handsome man Jim, and you will make a FINE bed fellow. As will your partner." Soderquist moved his hand, as if to adjust the tension in the restraints. Then he began stripping Jim of his pants. Then his briefs. Then he took off his own clothes, and Jim saw the superb physique - and the pierce at the end of Soderquist's cock. "A remnant of my days with the oligarch, Jim, " he said when he noticed that Jim was staring. "Have you ever been taken by a man with a Prince Albert jim?" "Never Sir." "Ha ha. A first time for everything." Soderquist did not use a condom, nor did he lube. He did, however, stuff a large ball of cloth into jim's mouth to keep him from screaming. jim had read that having sex with a man with a piercing was like nothing else. He had to agree. Soderquist was endowed generously, and the combination of his length, his width, and then the pierce. He felt his own cock growing more and more rigid: perhaps more rigid than it had ever been.

Soderquist was silent, making only facial gestures as he fucked jim. Occasionally, he would grab Jim's nipples and mutter about "clamps next time, " which only got Jim harder. Jim could feel the pierce moving up and down his urethra, and he was moaning loudly. A little of it got out of the cloth. "And now , jim, I will breed you.." Soderquist pushed exceptionally hard, and jim felt the ejaculate going deep into his guts. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." He tried. He tried so hard. But when Soderquist moved his hand down his cock, Jim exploded. "HA HA HA. What a lovely orgasm jim. It seems you enjoyed that, did you not?" Jim couldn't deny it. He shook his head yes. Soderquist pulled the cloth out of his mouth. "Do you have a new Topman?" "Yes sir. I do." "And who would that be?" "You Sir. You are my Top man." "EXCELLENT RESPONSE. Now, you will spend the night here. Perhaps I will grow restive and call for matt, but it has been a long day. I doubt that much. " He released the cuffs but then turned to jim "put your wrists together jim." "Yes sir." A tight pair of cuffs went around them. "It would do me no end of joy to cuff your ankles as well, but not for tonight. " He tossed the bed linens aside, and there was a dildo, not unlike a bedtime truffle, waiting. "Insert it. It will remind you of me while you sleep. You should get used to it. Both of you will be plugged most of the time. " As jim got into bed, with Soderquist's arms around him, he wondered about matt: was he ok? In fact, matt was both ok, and not ok. When Soderquist had apparently changed the tension on the restraints, he was actually turning on a closed circuit camera to matt's cell. Matt had seen everything. And had jizzed twice. Which had been taped.

Next: Chapter 4

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