Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 16, 2023


Dear readers: Lest you be wondering "what happened to chapter 3?" there is no chapter 3. I mistakenly misnumbered chapters, so rather than try to go back , let's push forward xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Matt couldn't remember the last night he had slept alone. Even when one of them had been sent on a gig that required travel, the other would usually go along, paying his own way, so they could be together. Sleeping by himself, especially after what he had seen, was troubling. Soderquist had not turned off the closed circuit, so anytime Matt woke up to use the bathroom, or to get water, he could see Jim in the bed, sleeping, Soderquist's arm around him. At one point the blankets fell away for just a second, and Matt caught a quick glimpse of the plug. Not enough to know what it was, but enough to know there was SOMETHING in Jim's ass. And Jim seemed to be sleeping a whole lot better than he was.

"There ARE sleeping aids in your medicine chest Matt" he wasn't even aware that his guard had entered the room. "Oh, thank you. I may need one. I'm sorry, I don't know your name." "The only name I'm authorized to give you is C3. That's the shift for which I will be the guard. More than that, is not necessary for you to know. If you would like me to show you the sleeping aids, I'll do so. Otherwise, I'll be going back to the guard desk." "Thank you C3. This is fine. I've taken them before, and I know what they are. "I recommend them Matt. The first nights are always traumatic. And you've had more than most." "Maybe I will. Thank you." "Please feel free to buzz if you require anything. Mr. Soderquist has instructed us to make sure that we take very good care of his two favorite captives." He smiled and turned to leave. "C3 WAIT. Are there more prisoners here?" The guard smiled and laughed. "sleep well Matt."


Matt was still sleeping when the guards brought Jim back to their quarters. He hadn't slept well, and he was groggy as Jim bent down and kissed him. "Hey boo. You ok?" Matt got up and smiled sleepily. "Hey. Let me hug you before I get angry." "How about I get in bed with you? I could use some more sleep." "Even better. How about you climb on top of me?" Jim looked at Matt and his face began to change. "Are you sure you still want..." "Whenever I can get it, stud. I love feeling you on top of me." And Soderquist saw all of this. He gave his instructions. "Let them sleep for a few hours - let's say 3. Then, I will be entertained by the other one today." He smiled. "Is there anything more attractive than a dark hairy ginger in tennis whites? Hahahahahahaha."


Jim woke up first, and got out of bed after giving Matt a quick kiss. He went to shower, and took the plug out of his ass, so he could use the bathroom.

"Is he making you wear that?" "He made me wear it when we were done last night. He didn't tell me to keep it in, but... It sorta feels good." "Like a cock huh? Is my Topman turning." He went to Jim and kissed him. "Put it where it matters, Jim. Please. " "He drained me sweets. Kissing's good but... I got nothing below the waist." "MMMMMM. I'll settle for kisses." "AHEM" came a voice. It wasn't C3. It was a new guard. "Mr. Hammer, Mr. Windsor, in your free time, what you do is your business; however, I have just received instructions from Mr. Soderquist that he wants Mr. Windsor in his chambers this evening. And he wants the two of you cleaned, and dressed for tennis, in one hour." He then left. "Tennis? I don't play, but I've done a spread. Long time ago. You ever do it Jim? "Yes, back in the days when it was all whites." "I have a feeling that's gonna be the case with us." The guard - who was known as D6 - came back with their tennis outfits. White all the way. As they suited up, Jim noticed that while there were buttons on the placket , there were no holes. Hence, it was impossible NOT to see tufts of their chest hair . The shirt cuffs were tight: like muscle shirts, and the shorts were not unlike the tight ones everyone remembered Jimmy Connors wearing. "The courts are this way. Please come with me. D6 reappeared. As they walked he stopped. "Protocol calls for slaves to walk with their hands behind their backs. "He's got that tazer Matt. It's no joke. Best to do it." Matt laughed. "Gee, did he pussywhip you." They got to the court, where Matt was waiting. He too was in tennis whites, but nowhere near the tight, sexy outfits the two of them were in. "GENTLEMEN. Good afternoon . First, let me thank you Jim, for an excellent evening. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I hope we will have the chance to do it again. " He began to laugh. "matt, tonight you will join me, that has already been decided. For my enjoyment now, however, I would watch the two of you "volley some balls." It's warm enough, and I wish to see those well tuned muscles of yours. " "But neither of us knows how to play tennis Sir" Jim said to him. "Semper paratus Jim. Were either of you boyscouts?" "I was" said Matt. "It means always prepared." "PRECISELY. A gentleman should NEVER invite another gentleman to his home if he does not have condoms, there should always be both white wine and red wine in the larder, and if you wish for attractive models to play tennis, you should make sure that there are professionals to help them." They saw two younger, very fit men, also in tennis clothes, but not the pure whites they were wearing, come out to join them. "Eric, you will play on matt's side, and Franklin, please join Jim.

Now, as they sometimes say "LET THE GAMES BEGIN." Truth to be told, both Jim and Matt took to the game, and enjoyed it. Neither was as aerobically fit as their young partners, but they held their own. "I DO love the way your ass looks when you bend for a return matt. VERY reminiscent of the lovely Jimmy Connors." Matt tried to continue, but he saw Jim smile at him. He had to stop to adjust himself. Soderquist turned to D6 "I cannot believe we forgot to cage them. After I am done with the blond tonight, they may have one night together, and then... " "I will see to it Sir." Much to Matt's surprise, and Jim's, Matt and Eric won the set, 6-4. "BRAVO GENTLEMAN BRAVO. " Soderquist applauded. "Is there anything more enjoyable, and stimulating than watching four attractive, fit men, at sport? Eric, Franklin , thank you. You may return to the gym. Matt, Jim, please clean yourself and then join me in the main dining room for some refreshment." Matt and Jim went off to the locker room to get some of the sweat off their bodies. There were no additional clothes, so they assumed they were to join Soderquist in their tennis clothes. "Is he as crackers as I think?" Matt whispered. "Probably . But he holds all the cards. Keep your eyes and ears opened. We'll figure this out. " They were walked to the dining room by D6, where they saw three places set for lunch. "GENTLEMEN. You both played very well for novices. " He smiled. "Please sit down." Then he smiled more broadly. "Mr. Hammer already knows what my fingers can do when I feel I am being deceived, so.. how much have you both played? "Sir, it's the truth. Neither one of us has done anything with tennis other than model for a tennis shoot." "Yes, I found those shoots this morning. That lead to this game. I wanted to see if you were as attractive in real life as you were in the ads." A pause. "Moreso." "Mr Soderquist, can I ask what you plan to do with us? " Matt asked, as he toyed with some seafood on his plate. "Ah. Well, your lover could have told you some of that, but not all of it. I have been wanting a submissive man to make my life complete, for some time. I have very specific tastes, and very specific needs. So, too, do some of my former clients. He has an extreme crush on Mr. Windsor." "That makes two of us, Sir" Jim smiled and patted Matt on the knee. "It makes 3 of us; however, some will be disappointed. Mr. Windsor certainly seems to have a crush on you Mr. Hammer. He thoroughly enjoyed watching what I did to you last night." Matt blushed and Jim turned to him . Matt answered "closed circuit. I couldn't help myself." "You will have your chance tonight Mr. Hammer, as Matt will be joining me for the evening. However, to return to your question, Matt, securing both of you was to provide myself with variety, and also to ensure that neither of you were overworked, as I am a VERY vigorous sex partner. " He grinned and turned to Jim "Am I not?" "Yes sir. Extremely vigorous." "Now, on one level, I COULD direct that the two of you remain monogamous and serve only me; however.... I recognize the affection you have for each other. It goes well beyond that of Eric and Franklin. So.... to make sure that your, ahem 'hearts' are in it fully, for every night both of you please me, I will permit you an evening together. It does not necessarily mean I will permit you to have sex, but you WILL be in each other's company. ALL is at my discretion." Matt and Jim looked at each other. There was much there that neither one of them liked; however, they were trapped here. And having one night out of three with each other, was a compromise that was better than nothing. "Sir, I have a question" Matt ventured. "You said that you wouldn't necessarily permit us to have sex. Can you elaborate?" "It's a two word phrase , Matt. Chastity cage. I will show you one tonight. " He saw Matt's face. "Relax matthew. I am not going to use it on you tonight. There will be a time, and I will certainly not have you use them until you have had a chance to have your fill of each other for at least one night. " He smiled again. "So, Mr Windsor, please consider tonight, an audition." He rose from the table. "D6, you may escort Mr. Hammer to their quarters. Matt, you will come with me." Jim walked away reluctantly. When D6 put his hand on Jim's bicep, he remembered, and put his hands behind him. "As for you matt, since you are coming with me... " Soderquist produced a piece of cord from his pocket, and tied matt's wrists behind him. "If you please me half as much as your partner did, matthew, you will have opportunity to enjoy each other tomorrow. "I will do my best Sir" he replied. Soderquist smiled. "He had taught you well."


When they got to Soderquist's quarters, he sat Matt in a chair. "Please spread your legs matthew. I wish to see your... 'bulge' clothed." "Yes sir." Matt did as he was told, and Soderquist walked over, and pressed his knee against him. "Now, matthew. Securing this information from your lover required a tazer. With any kind of luck it will not with you. I would like to know your hotspots. Or all the hotspots you have. Matt was breathing hard. "Well, you have one of them Sir. Pressure on my cock. ALWAYS a turn on. My nipples. They're hot wired to my ass. If Jim plays with them, I can feel myself opening up. " "ha ha. You are certainly more chatty than Jim is matthew. It is possible that I may have to gag you." "That's another one Sir. I LOVE being gagged. Tight. " "Hmmm. You DO know that very little of this information was known to me matthew. Nor did Jim tell me." "Sir, Jim does not know some of it. He likes sex a certain way, and I love Jim. " He paused, and collected himself. "I will do what I need to, to keep him." "Even if it means giving up yourself to another man?" He paused again. "Yes sir. Jim told me that he enjoyed his evening with you. As you might feel, I am already enjoying this afternoon." "Yes, I did notice that matt. Tell me more." Matt gave him some more information and then Soderquist stopped him. "Leave the rest for me to discover. Like a scavenger hunt. For now, though... Let us try those nipples. " He grabbed them through matt's tennis polo, and began rolling them between his fingers. "FUCK. You have the touch SIr." "So I have been told. One day I will tell you the story of how I worked a man's nipples to the point where he ejaculated five times." "NNNGGGGGG" was all Matt could answer. "Your blow job secured Jim's passage with you Matt. Let's see if you can do it again." "Yes sir." Matt wondered what would happen: if he blew Soderquist to completion, was he still going to spend the night? He began sucking the man. Soderquist was not as gentle this time as he had been the first time, but matt was also working harder. "AHHHHH. OH YES. As you know, I tested Jim for his prowess last night. You are better at this matt. I suspect you may be better, at ALL of the bottoming arts." "The bottoming arts." Matt tried to hold in laughter . He had never known someone to be that formal about being a bottom. What was appealing to matt, was that this man did more than make him bottom: he was playing to his submissive side, a side Jim never really investigated. "I'm not into power dynamics I just like fucking " he said. Now, as Soderquist outlined all the things he was gonna do to matt, matt caught a sight of the chastity cages. He began to get aroused by the thought that HE would be caged. He did not want Jim caged though. He wanted that cock. Almost as much as he wanted the cock that was possessing his mouth now.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. He groaned, as Soderquist pumped faster. Then faster. Then he felt the rush of jizz sliding down his throat. Salty, a touch of bitter, and creamy. "I've always wondered why they don't classify semen in the same way they do wine, matt. Do you have any thoughts on that?" Well, perhaps it's because by the time someone has tasted the semen, it's already too late. It's so perishable. And the load you just put into me Sir, will not taste the same as the next load you'll put in me." Soderquist took Matt's hair and pulled his head back gently. "You ARE a bit of a slut aren't you matt?" Matt blushed. "No Sir. I've been faithful to Jim." "Wandering thoughts are what they are, handsome man. But now, I have more planned. " He untied Matt. "Take off your shirt, and then get on the bed. Face up, spread out." Matt did what he was told. His cock was so hard, it was nearly bursting out of his shorts. Soderquist smiled. "You will get your relief, pecker. Not just yet though." He clamped matt's wrists to the side of the bed. "You, definitely, and perhaps Jim... are going to be shaved. The bottom should ALWAYS be shaved." Matt began to fight the ropes. "NO SIR. PLEASE PLEASE NOT THAT. ANYTHING ELSE. " Soderquists' booming laugh came out. "Oh, what is it with you hairy types? None of you want it. Anything else?" "ANYTHING SIR. ANYTHING." "Very well. I will have Jim brought here and I will cage him now. It will come off, perhaps, in three weeks. Should the two of you have sex, you will have to do the fucking." Matt's muscles relaxed in resignation "Ok. You win. " Soderquist picked up an electric clipper. "You must learn Matt. I always do. " He fiddled with controls. "I think we'll need the extra strength one for "extra thick extra long hair." Matt closed his eyes so he wouldn't see. Jim, on the other hand, was watching on the closed circuit set. He had ALWAYS wondered what matt would look like smooth. Now he would find out. As he saw the clumps, then puffs, of hair come off his lover's chest, he got harder and harder. He began whispering "don't forget the pubes. Don't forget the pubes." and then jerked off across the floor. A part of him was ashamed. He ran to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean it up. When he came back, it had already been done. "SHIT. They're watching me." Back at Soderquist's suite, he had pretty much sheared off all of Matt's chest hair. Now, there was just the fine work of getting the nibs off, and he brought over a straight edge. "This is my favorite part, handsome..." And when he was done, Matt had his beard, but his upper body was as smooth as alabaster. "So fucking luscious " Jim whispered in the suite. "Now, hmmm. Should I remove the pube hair as well? The underarm hair?

What do you think your lover would say?" "He loves my hair Sir. He'd never want it gone. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You boys need to talk to each other more. " He positioned a screen above the bed, and played a tape, of Jim jerking off as he shaved Matt." Matt's voice was very soft and low. "I never knew. I never did. DO IT SIR. MAKE ME AS SMOOTH AS YOU CAN." "Good boy. I like a man who can assimilate new information. Just DO try to be calm and still, Matt. This is not as easy as chest shaving." As Soderquist played with his pubes, matt whimpered slightly. The handling was making him even harder. He was desperate. Before Soderquist could get to his pits, he whispered "fuck me Sir. Please.. FUCK ME." "Oh, I will matt. But even I need some time to recover. I DO see your need however." He reached over and brought the hitachi rod with him. He turned it on. "I do not think there is going to be a need for a full strength vibrator, matt. If there is, we will increase it. " Matt could hear the buzzing, but he couldn't see the head of the rod, as Soderquist moved it over his balls, and his shaft, and he began to buck. "DAMN. And I have no jizz left." Jim lamented. "It's being taped Jim. You will have access to it whenever you like" came from the newest guard - who was this one, E5 or something like that? " He left just as Matt let out a tremendous yell, and climaxed in a way Jim had never seen before. "E5? Would it be possible for us to borrow one of those? " "Top drawer of the cabinet on your side of the bed Jim" Soderquist finished up shaving Matt's underarms. "And now.. they are going to be SO MUCH MORE TICKLISH. " he moved his fingers back and forth in them, as Matt , hysterical, begged him to stop. "Yes, we will stop for a while. You've had a very busy afternoon, and I fully intend to keep you busy tonight. Perhaps you would like to nap, matt? " "If you will join me, Sir?" "I accept your invitation." Soderquist dropped all of his clothes. He untied matt and, as with Jim, he bound his hands in front of him. "I have no worries about this one running though," he thought to himself. "This conquest will be too easy. Thankfully, conquering his lover will be more satisfying."

Next: Chapter 5

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