Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 30, 2023


The next day, one of the guards (who knew which one?) came to bring matt and Jim to Soderquist. When they got to his quarters, standing with their hands behind their backs, he smiled and spoke. "My newest treasures. I hope you're doing well in the compound. I wish for you to get to know your fellows well. It will serve you in the future. " He paused. "I have been considering the two of you very, VERY carefully. And I have made a decision. " He walked forward and ran a long, cold finger, under matt's chin. Jim knew better than to try anything: there were three guards present.

"matt. You do not seem to be at all interested in topping. Either Jim, or anyone else. Is that true?" matt looked a bit frightened. He had never had this talk with Jim, and when Jim DID want him to top, he would imagine BEING topped to get his dick hard. He gulped. "Yes sir." Jim stirred, and a guard moved closer. Soderquist smiled. From his coat pocket, he drew out the chastity cage. "Jim... would you like to install this on matt, or shall I?" Jim gulped. He saw the look of horror on matt's face. He also didn't know if he could control himself, if he saw that beast playing with his lover's organ. "I'll do it Sir. Do I get the key as well?" "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA." Jim, that is very funny. The key remains, with me. It should be fine with you, since all matt wants, is your cock in him. And keep in mind, gentlemen... there is no right to orgasm in this compound. Only I have that right." He turned to Jim. "There is a second one for you if you would care to wear it, Jim." matt spoke softly. "Jim, it's ok. It's really ok. Don't worry. Just do it." Soderquist stood there thinking "yes, he's the bottom, for sure. He's also the one who reasons. Jim may be a hot head. EVEN MORE REASON to... break him." Jim locked the cage on his lover. He was near tears, as he put his hands back behind him. "EXCELLENT. Some of your colleagues are also caged, and not all of them are, ahem, bottoms. You ARE in fine company. Now, today is the end of our week here, so you will be excused from working for one more day. You will start tomorrow. For now, I encourage you to explore the premises. Perhaps you did not know about the gymnasium on the grounds? Or the wrestling ring? There is also, by the way, a boutique. You do not pay for anything, but if you wish to look for something in particular, you are welcome to visit." "Sir, may I ask a question? " matt ventured. "Well, you just did, ho ho ho, but ask another." "Our dirty clothes? They just seem to disappear. Should we be doing anything?" Soderquist smiled. PERFECT. He is SO domesticated. "A fair question matt. The fact is this: when you are out of your suite, one of the guards removes everything for cleaning. Should it be an article of clothing that I feel does not suit you, it will be replaced. So do not worry about laundry details." He smiled. "Unless of course, you would like to take over the laundry rather than help with the ditch." "I'll stick with the ditch. Jim will be there." "And so he shall. Now, off with the two of you. I will need to discipline Carlos today. He has, unfortunately, attempted escape, again. " He sighed. "I really do not like the welts the whip leaves. "

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Jim and matt wandered around the compound that day. They found the gym, and some of the other buildings. They happened to come up on Gary and Blake as they were having their lunch. "Guys, come and join us. Plenty here." Soderquist would leave a buffet out every day, and each man could eat what and when he wanted. "We're a little early today because, well, we missed breakfast." Blake looked at Gary who responded "I had a smoothie. And some sausage," which caused Gary to blush. "Hey, how did you guys wind up here? " Jim asked. It seemed to have hit a bit of a nerve, but Gary responded "It was like this, honestly. I was away on a business trip and Blake got, well, a bit stir crazy. He went out, went to an orgy that Soderquist was hosting, and had a bit too much to drink. He blacked out, and wound up here. I, foolishly, went after my lover. I followed what I thought was a lead, and wound up in the back of his van. It was one of his auctions. He culled me from the group, because he had seen my photo on Blake's phone when he confiscated it. I was a marked man." "You've been here how long?" Jim asked. Gary sighed. "Time kind of loses meaning here, but I think it's been about 8 months. For about a month, guys, we were YOU: we were in that suite, and we were being used, nightly, by Soderquist. He has a special fondness for Blake, because he's so ticklish. " Blake turned bright red. When he found Eric and Franklin, we were moved to our own place on the grounds. He calls for us occasionally now, but mostly, he uses us in his ... games." "GAMES?" matt asked, and Gary laughed. "Oh, you'll learn. Hunt for the hunk, who can shoot the longest, the wrestling tournaments, everything to 'amuse' him as he puts it. " He paused. "Has he made the two of you wrestle yet?" "No," said matt. "Hmmm. He usually does that in the first couple of days. He must have something special in mind. " He paused. "Jim, I'd be careful if I were you. I HAVE heard him muttering "I WILL break that dark one." "He thinks he's already broken me," matt added. "Maybe he has. " Blake added. "Let me ask you: do you get hard thinking about how he fucked you, and wonder when the next time will be?" matt blushed. "Yes. I do." Jim grabbed his hand. "So do I matt. Don't worry. He's good in bed." "OH, he's SUPERB in bed," Gary added. "That's one of the things about being here. You think about escaping, then you think about being in bed with him: the way he uses his cock, the way he finds out EXACTLY how to bring out your sub side. And you realize: you really don't WANT to leave." Blake stood up. "We really should be getting back to work. By the way, has he told you what the prize for this week's work is ? Whomever accumulates the most points?" "No. Probably because we aren't working yet. What is it?" "Winner gets to publicly fuck any of the other guys he wants. In the big playroom."

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A guard came to their suite, at about 4pm. "Gents. I am F4. Mr. Soderquist asks that you join him and the other gents in the big playroom in half an hour. He also has requested that you wear clothing of a specific color." "matt. He would like to see you in dark blue. Jim, green. Dark or light. Your choice. The other gents will be wearing other colors. Please do not be late."

"Do you feel a little like a Barbie doll around here? " Jim asked matt. matt smiled. "Yeah. And I kinda like it. I LIKE dress up." "Then pick MY outift. I'm kinda sick of this stuff." matt smiled. He LOVED dressing Jim. "OH, look at this Jim. You're gonna look SO HOT in it." He found a dark green, short sleeved shirt. "Is it silk? It feels like it. " Jim tried it on. It felt GOOD. The fabric was in fact silk and it fit him snugly, but not so tightly that he was uncomfortable. "Gonna get a six pack on the dig, sexy man?" matt was teasing Jim, who came over and grabbed him. "I don't need a six pack for you stud. I can control you just by doing... this..." He slipped two fingers on a nip , and began kissing matt's neck. "OH FUCK. Yes you can stud. Yes you can. DAMN I wish I had hotspots for you, where I could just... well.. make you do what I wanted." Jim looked at him. "Just spread your legs handsome. Then lift them. That's all you need to do." He kissed his lover, before matt found a dark blue buttondown shirt in a mild corduroy weave, and gray pants. Yes, that looked just fine. Jim in his green, with black pants, and then matt... "VERY HOT" Soderquist thought from his closed circuit viewing. "AH, the fun we'll have tonight." F4 led them to the playroom, reminding Jim at one point where his hands needed to be. When they got there, everyone was dressed well. Craig, in particular, had on a gorgeous white and red shirt, that favored the sun his skin had gotten doing the work. Carlos was there, but he seemed to be in a little pain - the result of his flogging that afternoon, Joey had told them. "I don't understand him. He somehow thinks that if he challenges Soderquist, at some point he's going to win. NO ONE has ever beaten Soderquist at anything." Their host came in, all in black. "GENTLEMEN. Congratulations on another week's superb work. The project is going very well, I think. I am pleased. If I am pleased, we can continue the system of rewards. But before we announce the weekly prizes, I DO hope you have all gotten to meet matt and Jim, our newest members. " There was applause, and "WELCOMES" from the other guys. "They will be joining you on the task at hand as of tomorrow. For now, though, let us see... the gentleman who accumulated the most points this week is... FRANKLIN." Franklin smiled. The looks from the other men suggested this wasn't his first time. Jim also heard someone mutter that, next to Soderquist, Franklin had the biggest dick in the compound. "Franklin, congratulations. Your reward this week is to take anyone else in our little family, as long as you take him here, in front of all of us." Soderquist walked out, and joined them. "Would you like to collect your reward?" "I would, Sir Grant." "EXCELLENT. Watching you at work is ALWAYS a pleasure. And whom do you choose this week?" There was a sort of nervous silence. "I want the new one. matt." "NOOOOOOOOOO." Jim yelled, and found himself grabbed, immediately, by none other than Soderquist. He had Jim in a very tight bear hug, and now, the comments about Soderquist never losing, became evident to Jim. He was never going to break this hold, and he relaxed. He squirmed, but relaxed. "Excellent selection, Franklin. Please take your choice to whatever apparatus you would like." "The sawhorse. I want him bent over, his legs spread. Immobilized." Jim squirmed again, and Soderquist whispered "there is another chastity cage for you Jim, if you wish to continue to fight this." He gritted his teeth. "You're a bastard, Soderquist," and Soderquist laughed. "The first honest comment from anyone this week . It will earn you your own reward." He pulled Jim's hands behind his back and Jim felt the strap going around them. "You need not see this . Rather, you will be getting your OWN reward." Jim felt the strong hand on his bicep. "These will be even stronger soon Jim. Please. " He led Jim off, just as he saw matt being bound into position on the sawhorse.

Franklin was firm, but gentle with matt. "Blond boi, I have been watching your ass since you guys moved in. And I made up my mind I was gonna have it. You inspired me this week." matt squirmed on the saw horse, but the other guys had tied him seurely. He felt his belt loosen and his pants fall. "DAMN he's caged. We won't get to see his erection." "But we'll HEAR him," Eric noted. He knew how Franklin could make you groan. Franklin had been making him groan for years. He knew that his recovery time was fast, so he was looking forward to some in their quarters later. Now, though, he simply began playing with his own cock, as he saw Franklin push matt's cheeks apart, and insert a finger into matt. "UGGGGH..." matt groaned. He had been with ONE man, for at least 5 years. Now, in the space of a week, three men were going to have fucked him. He couldn't help smiling internally. "Yes, I'm a slut. A slut getting... HOLY SHIT. What just went into my ass?" What Franklin gained in size he lacked in finesse. He simply RAMMED matt, like a mad animal. matt caught his breath and tried to get under control. It wasn't easy. Franklin was relentless. From matt's position, he could see the other guys enjoying the vision of his getting fucked. He saw the uncaged guys jerking, getting harder. He heard someone ask F4 "may we?" He found out what that meant, as one guy fed his face with HIS cock, and he felt the spray of jizz on his face and hair, from another. Franklin seemed to be in no hurry, and the pressure on his prostate, was intense. WAY more intense than with Jim.

Meanwhile, Jim was undergoing his own level of intensity. He was sitting in a chair in Soderquist's palatial chambers , hands tied behind him. Soderquist was sitting opposite him, grinning as he squeezed Jim's knee. "Jim Hammer. You are a very interesting man." Jim said nothing. He was furious at what was happening to matt right now. Soderquist ran his thumb around Jim's lips. When Jim tried to move away, he smacked him. "Did you like how that felt, Jim? Be honest." "NO. I did not." "Ha ha ha ha. This is going to be such a challenge, and SO much fun." "WHAT IS, you dirty bastard?" Jim was getting ready for the next smack: to his face, to his balls, wherever. It didn't come. "I will excuse your lack of decorum for now Jim. You seem to be having some difficulties adjusting to your new situation." Jim pulled at the ropes. "I never imagined I'd be being treated as a sex slave. SIR." "Oh, that is NONSENSE Jim. EVERY gay man thinks of that, at some point.

The problem with you... is that you are coupled with a man who wants to be one more than you do. And so, you have been forced to take a role that is not comfortable to you." Jim stopped pushing against the ropes. How the hell did he? "I want you to bear in mind, Jim, I could have broken the two of you up, and you might have never seen each other again." "You also might have left us alone to live our lives. SIR" Soderquist shook his head. "No, no no. That would have never done. Each of you by yourself, is ridiculously pretty. Together, it is more than the eye can handle. Let alone the heart. That is how I have chosen my men, Jim: always couples, and are they so beautiful that the gods would normally destroy them. I am, in my mind, saving you from the world." "The man is crazy," Jim thought. "But how did he know about..." "I have taken a special interest in you Jim. I am going to bring out the closeted sub in you. I will not TURN you into a sub, but I will bring you to a recognition of what you have always known is the truth. " He lowered his voice. "As do I, even as matt and everyone else thinks to the contrary." "YOU'RE WRONG. SIR. YOU'RE JUST WRONG. " "We shall see Jim. We shall see. " Soderquist had taken a position behind Jim, and he had begun massaging his shoulders. Jim sank into his fingers. He closed his eyes when Soderquist opened another button on his shirt, and took a nipple. He moaned. "Is that how it starts, Jim? Is that how a man turns you into his own sub? His own property?" Jim could feel Soderquist's breath against his ear "Yes..... sir....." he whispered. "I want a man to POSSESS ME. I want to be his BITCH. HIS CUNT. " "So you shall Jim. So you shall." He was in front of Jim again. His zipper was down. "Normally, I would not trust someone so new to us , however.... I believe we have an understanding, do we not, slave jim? "yes sir. We do.." jim wrapped his lips around Soderquist's cock. The stimulation seemed to swell it, and jim found himself struggling to hold it all in. Soderquist put his hand firmly on the back of jim's neck. "You will learn to do better jim. You WILL take it all tonight, but it will get easier the next time you do.." As mercilessly as matt was getting reamed, jim was getting face fucked, as Soderquist shoved his cock all the way in. jim fought not to gag, not to vomit. He knew that would not go well." As Franklin was pulling out of matt for one last ramming, Soderquist pulled out and as jim caught his breath, Soderquist put a collar around his neck. "The first think you will do when you come to me, jim, is put that collar on. No questions. You do not have to wear it on the grounds, but you will wear it here." "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you Sir." "Now, it is time.. You have lubricated me well." He pulled jim out of the chair by the loop on the front of the collar. "To the bed. While I would LOVE to bind you, I wish you to understand: I do not need the restraints, to dominate you." "No sir, you don't. Shall I lie on my back, or..." "NO. On all fours. Like an animal. Like the dog you are right now." "Yes sir." As he got in position, jim waited. Then he felt the lash on his butt cheeks. "THAT is for your insubordination jim. I will NOT tolerate it again. If you ARE insubordinate... your lover will suffer for it." jim winced as he felt the belt. He could barely handle it. He knew matt couldn't." "Yes sir. I apologize. No more insubordination. I swear on the heart of my lover." He felt the belt whip coming around, and jammed between his teeth. Soderquist pulled his head back as he took jim's ass. Slowly, but without any pause, he put the whole of his cock into Jim. "I am DOCKED to you slave jim. Like a space ship. Or like a dominant dog. " "GARFFAAGGGG" jim couldn't get a word out, from the belt between his teeth. "Bite down on it jim. I will replace YOUR belt with this one, and you will take it as remembrance, of our little secret." Soderquist pushed, once, HARD, and his juices went flowing through jim. "Thank you Sir. I thank you." jim's own cock was rigid. "I believe you deserve some relief jim, but not from me." Soderquist took off the collar. He summoned the guard. "B2, please visit the playroom. Bring matt here. " He smiled. "I will watch your lover drain you dry. Then you will both sleep here tonight. You will be in the middle. You lucky man. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA."

Next: Chapter 7

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