Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 16, 2022


In retrospect, the raid on their compound shouldn't have surprised any of the men. Soderquist had been quiet for about 4 days, staying behind closed doors, and without calling anyone to his bed at night. There were still the guards, but there seemed to be fewer of them. The biggest giveaway was the sudden, periodic appearance, of helicopters. It was one of those things that you didn't notice until after the fact, but the skies over that chateau were always very, very quiet. Then, there were helicopters every couple of hours. One in particular stood out: a pale one, that almost looked like an albino whale in a pod of its fellows.

Anyone raised on ambush/escape movies is used to guns, shooting, fire, and everything happening late at night. That's not how it happened. When the Armed Forces came in, it was as ifteh gates had been left opened. Five, maybe six guards were left and taken into custody. Soderquist was not to be found.

All of the captives were collected. The forces had some kind of electric gun that painlessly removed the cock cages. They all were allowed to dress, and to take whatever personal items they could. They traveled in different cars: four to each. When they had driven for nearly an hour, they heard a huge explosion, and saw a massive fireball in the sky.

"HOLY SHIT" was all that Jim could say. One of the not unattractive servicemen in the car with he and Matt laughed.

"Good riddance if he's there, although I doubt it. Soderquist is so damn clever. He's gotten away from us three times before, and each time we destroyed his headquarters. He keeps on coming back. And he will again. Sooner? Later? Who knows?

While it would be nice to say that the guys kept in touch so that they could share their experience, they didn't . Perhaps no one wanted to discuss it, who knows? Matt and Jim discussed it extensively, because this had revealed fissures in their relationship that they had to discuss. Ultimately, the physical results were that while Jim grew his hair back, Matt did not. He kept his little "farm" of facial hair, but continued to keep his chest and pubes clean. He did it himself: Jim didn't have the heart to do it, and felt guilty about revealing a submissive side that Matt didn't know about. That, in turn, caused them to rethink the roles in their relationship. The stayed together, and their love for each other stayed strong: their sexual acts, however, became markedly different, and began including more toys, more roleplay, and Matt on top, more than he had.

They had been captives for just over 2 months. It took a bit of time to catch up with what they had missed, but not that much. The saddest part was that they had not been around when Bella passed away. She had always been a private person, and after fighting cancer for a long time, she finally couldn't anymore. That saddened them both, and they established a fellowship in her name. The other big change in their lives, made after consulting with a therapist, was to move out of the apartment where they had been captured. They bought a house in the suburbs outside of a smaller town, in a neighborhood that had a reputation for being gay friendly. And it was. They hoped to settle down and to forget what had happened. And for a while, they did. Matt found a job at a nearby gym as a personal trainer, where he soon became very popular. Jim was still trying to "find himself." The transformation he had undergone with Soderquist still impacted him greatly. He didn't admit to Matt that there was more than one night when , while making love, he imagined Soderquist taking his ass while he came.

So with Matt working, Jim did just about all of the house related stuff, and he was fine with that. One day, driving into town to do some shopping, he looked in his rear view mirror. He saw what looked like a bright red European sports car. The driver had on big, white framed glasses, and bleached white hair. He saw Jim look up, smiled, and raised his hand to wave. "Soderquist?" Jim thought. He blinked, and the car was gone. He could see the very back of it far ahead. "I imagined it," he thought. "How would he find us? Why would he come here?" He shrugged it off, and went about his business.

A few hours later, as he left the last store he had to visit and was heading to their car, he saw the same, white haired man, leaning against a red sports car on the other side of the road. His arms were folded, and he was smiling. Jim wasn't sure, but he thought he saw him curl his finger in a "come here" gesture. Again, he blinked, and a truck drove down the road. When he looked up, whoever he saw, was gone.

"Must be the medication," he laughed, as he put the groceries away.

Matt finished up at the gym in late afternoon. Usually, after he showered, and got freshened up, he and Jim would make love before dinner. Part of their new life meant that they took turns on bottom or top, and whoever was topping could pick a roleplay if he wanted. It was Matt's turn to top, and when he saw Jim's look when he came home, he knew that all this boy needed was some good, solid loving. He got it. Exercise aroused Matt, and the former bottom sub, RAMMED his cock into Jim, and Jim responded by pushing down to get more. "DO ME DADDY. DO ME GOOD" he yelled, as Matt yelled back. "YEAH YOU HANDSOME BITCH. YOU LIKE SOME GINGER COCK DON'T YOU? ALMOST AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE SOME FUCKING GINGER JIZZ!!!!!" He had taken Jim from behind, so he rolled him over to kiss him. He smiled, as he ran his hands over Jim's body, which was beginning to bristle. "What's going on? You seem, well, distracted." Jim sighed. "Just overreacting. I could have SWORN I saw Soderquist today. Twice. " He told Matt about the drive, and then the guy on the road. Matt listened. "You know, it's weird. One of my clients asked me, just yesterday, if I had seen the weird guy with the white glasses . Apparently, there's someone around who looks like him. " He laughed. "Sounds to me like an Elton John impersonator." Jim laughed. "You're probably right. I'd bet Soderquist is off in Eastern Europe somewhere."

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It happened about a week later. There had been no new sightings, and no reports of anyone else seeing this mysterious stranger. Jim had gone out, both to do some errands and to meet with their financial planner. He stopped and got a haircut too, so he was feeling, frankly, pretty sharp when he walked in the door of the house. That's when he felt encircled by a pair of stringy, muscular arms. "OH SHIT! " He grunted "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME SODERQUIST." Soderquist laughed . "Did you recognize my grip, Jim? Ha ha ha ha." "NO! It was your cologne you FUCK. GET OFF OF ME." Soderquist grabbed his arms and held them behind him. His arm was like steel, and with his free hand, he reached around and cupped Jim's balls. "I know they are not as important to you as they used to me. That is thanks to me, Jim. But I think you want to keep them. So, why don't you calm down? You know you're not getting out of my grip." As Soderquist tightened his hand around Jim's balls, Jim felt his resistance going. "Ok. Ok. You win. I'll calm down... GOD. What the fuck do you want." "What do you think, Jim? I came back for you. " Jim struggled a bit, but it was a hopeless cause. Soderquist navigated him into a chair, and then tied his wrists behind him. "I was never a fan of duct tape, but you make do with what you have." He had a wide roll of silver tape and began wrapping it around Jim's mouth. Soon, he was gagged, tightly. "Now, isn't that a lovely picture? Let's take some.. " He smiled. "Matt will undoubtedly be interested." "LEAVE MATT OUT OF THIS. IT'S BETWEEN YOU AND ME..." Jim tried to scream. It all came out as "MMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Ha ha. I don't know why you're so upset, Jim. I'm really only interested in Matt because of how amusing you are together. YOU are the one I want, and you know that." Hearing Soderquist's voice, and remembering how he had brought out his submissive side, began to flood Jim's mind. Soderquist walked behind him, and rested his hands on his shoulders, as he moved his mouth to Jim's ear. "Why don't we make love, Jim? Before I let Matt know that I've got you again? Unless, of course, you'd just like to leave together. That would not be ideal for me, but it would work." Jim was squirming, but if Soderquist looked (he did), he would see the small stain forming on Jim's crotch, as Soderquist opened his white shirt. He whispered "Just a little fucking as only I could do." His tongue probed Jim's ear. "The way you used to love it. Hmmmmmmmmmmm?" Now that Jim's shirt was opened, Soderquist could get to his nips, and he did. Jim felt the fingers, and his tongue working him over. He began to whimper, and shook his head yes. "AH. Now THAT's the subboi I remembered. If I untie you, will you cause trouble, Jim?" The pleasure from Soderquist's fingertips was almost overwhelming. Jim nodded "no." Soderquist released the ropes, and indicated the bed with a not of his head. Jim moved over to it. Instinctively now, he took the position: on his back, legs spread, head moved to the side so that Soderquist could chew on his neck. "I am PLEASED jim. You haven't forgotten your lessons." He stripped and climbed on top of his prisoner, and his mouth found Jim's neck. The tiny follicles of his short beard began to tickle Jim's skin. Matt's facial hair was too long to give him this kind of sensation, and he began moaning through the tape. "Now THAT's my boi. That's my boi jim. The moaning always makes me harder. " He sat back on jim's torso, to get more force behind his nipple play. "I'm enjoying you gagged, jim, which means I won't get to kiss you, or to feed you properly today. But we have plenty of time for that... " Without releasing his hold, he smiled. "Would you like me to fuck you jim?" He sighed, and shook his head "yes." "EXCELLENT. Again, next time, you will be saying "Yes sir, " or "Yes Master Soderquist. For now though, we must make do with what we have." He slowly pulled Jim's belt out before releasing his pant buckle. Then he pushed off jim's shoes, and slid down his pants. When he looked at jim's underwear, he seemed upset. He was. he SMACKED jim's engorged cock. "I TAUGHT YOU TO WEAR SEXIER UNDERWEAR. YOU DISAPPOINT ME." Then he smiled. "We will have to get you some. Some that I like. Something far less practical and far more sexy than these." He looked at jim's chest. "It's growing back. We will take care of that too. This too." He pointed to the sprouting hair on jim's pubes. "Is your matt boi still smooth?" jim shook his head yes. "Too bad. Or maybe not. Perhaps we will wait for a double shaving: a shaving 69. HO HO HO HO HO. But enough planning. I have been waiting for this." He looked at jim's cock. And so, apparently, have you." He pushed jim's legs up, and his skinny long cock began to slide into jim. jim remembered how GOOD it had felt when he was a captive the first time, and it felt just as good. DAMN. This man knew how to use that tool. Soderquist was smiling as he toyed with jim, sliding in, sliding somewhat to the sides, "like a bobsled on a track" he laughed, and pulsing so that his cock was thin, then thick. Moans were sliding out of the sides of the gag, and Soderquist seemed to get more and more energized. "OH, it is so good to have your sweet ass again, Jim. I know that is a cliche' but it's true. I have thought about this, since the unfortunate incident. And now... I will have my favorite back with me." "My favorite back with me." That resonated in jim's head. He closed his eyes, and he blew his load. Soderquist laughed. "We will have the cages again. I am a BIG fan of them. For now... It is MY turn." He flooded Jim's ass and, when he pulled out, he produced a small plug from his pocket. "You will carry me with you on our way to your new home jim. For now... I believe we should let Matt know what is happening. Pull yourself back together. Get dressed and get back in the chair. jim wanted to beg "please just take me, leave Matt alone," but he knew Matt would drive himself crazy looking for him. After he was reseated in the chair, Soderquist picked up Jim's cell phone and of course, Matt was on speed dial. "Hey sweetie. What're you up to?" Soderquist pointed the camera at the bound jim and himself. "OH SHIT. LET HIM GO SODERQUIST." "No, I do not think so Matt. We are going to be leaving jim and I. Once we are at our destination, you will receive directions should you wish to join us. I would suggest you not enlist any aid. I am not interested in dispatching your partner, but I am also not interested in his balls or cock." "I understand... " Matt answered, sounding defeated. "You will hear from me in about 2 hours. You are to take NO ACTION until then. Is that clear." "It's clear... Sir." "ha ha ha ha ha. You were as good a student as Jim. This will be fun, just the three of us. Auf widersehen for now." He disconnected the phone. "I have parked in the back of your house jim. Not the red car that so unnerved you. Something much less eye catching." He took jim by his forearm, and led him to the back. There was a simple, black, four door sedan waiting. "Now, you know this area too well, so..." Soderquist put a blindfold on jim, and then put him , horizontally, on the backseat of the car, while he got in to drive. "In many ways, my new home is even more luxurious than the old one, but far less challenging to keep up. Just me, a few servants... He smiled. "And my new black lab and soon, my golden lab." He got into the car and started driving. Blindfolded and gagged, jim began to get erect again.

Next: Chapter 9

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