Modest Servant

By Steam train

Published on Aug 19, 2023


A Modest Servant

By Steam Train ( )

Chapter 12: Revenge is sweet.

I didn't meet up with Marcus till the first day that school resumed. Like Jim he was blown away with the way I had built up my body over the break. I also quickly noticed that a few of the free girls also turned their heads a second time when I walked by. It didn't take me long to realise that there was something in this. Soon Marcus, Ed, Jim and I were regularly working out in the schools gym at lunchtime and Ed and I were allowed on occasions to go to the gym after our house duties if there was time.

Soon after school resumed Mrs Blackmoore made her regular visit. There were long discussions in private between her and Mr Norris, which I imagined were all about our treatment at the Training College. Like always as a servant I was not told about these discussions and can only guess what was discussed.

All I know is that at the end of the visit Mrs Blackwood took Ed and I aside and said to us "Boys just remember there are many good people in the SPU, don't judge us all by the behaviour of a few. There are some things as a Chief Inspector of the SPU that I can change, there are some things I can influence and there are some things I have to accept even if I don't agree with them. I promise you this, if I can influence anything that will make a servants training at that college a bit more humane I will try. That is all I can do, remember what I told you when we first met, don't look back on the past it will only embitter you, look forward and serve your masters with 110% effort and you will find your servitude rewarding. It is a Masters duty to discipline and maintain order in their households and it is a servant's duty to serve, it is right and just that as a servant, you need hard work, regular hours, discipline, direction, supervision and lawful punishment if you step out of line. Now some officers may take that discipline too far but never let those people break you because there are lots of people in the world like Mr Norris and myself who do care for and about you"

We both thanked her. From the look on her face and in her eyes I think she like Mr Norris was a bit sorry for us. Yes I know a servant is not supposed to look a free citizen in the eyes but at that time and place it was natural and right to do. Mrs Blackmoore never complained.

Mrs Blackmoore also brought the results that Ed and I had achieved in the State Servants Performance Review.

My poor performance in Ironing and Sewing had stopped me from achieving a Highly Commended' but I was awarded a Commended' certificate. The truth is I was jealous of Ed as I considered I did a better job than him, yet he achieved a "Distinction" the highest possible grade. My mind raced with unhappy thoughts for some time after that. Silly I know but I truthfully took my service to Mr Norris very seriously and I considered Ed had nowhere near the same commitment to Mr Riley or Mr Norris that I had. How could the Inspectors have gotten it so wrong!!!!

What a change twelve months had bought in my life. March, the anniversary of my indenturement came and went. I had found great contentment in serving Mr Norris. I tried my hardest to do the very best job for him. I will even admit that the skills I learned or refined at the Servant Training College helped me improve my service levels. He in return acknowledged my efforts with love. I had become that attached to him that the thought of separation from him would have been unbearable. I had with great difficulty survived the loss of my father to life servitude. I didn't want this aspect of my life with Mr Norris to change.

Marcus resumed coming over to Mr Norris's at least once a month and Mr Norris allowed our times in the bedroom alone to continue. After February Jim often joined us and Mr Norris though concerned, again allowed us our hour of relief with all four of us now in the room. I discovered that Jim was certainly much more developed that I was. At fourteen he had a sizable pubic bush, a light happy trail and ample pit hairs. His legs were beginning to show a covering of hair and his penis was already over five inches and thickening nicely. His balls were hanging deep with a light coating of hair. I of course didn't know exactly how much pubic hair I now had but from the stubble Ed shaved off every few days I could tell I had in the last months grown a nice bush myself. My balls like Jim's were now hanging fully and although I was never to grow a really well endowered penis, it's a normal five-inch boner, and I felt ok about my body now.

Things didn't change that much at school. A few more students came to accept that as a servant I was still a human being and not some sort of hybrid animal but the bulk just choose to ignore me. Jack Strauchan was one of the few to show real vindictive ness towards me. However even he was very careful not to go too far. After the success of the punishment on Samantha Riley, Mrs Blackwood had been successful with the co-operation of the school in introducing a pilot programme that was to be trialled at HTGS first before release into the wider community.

This involved students who had recorded major behaviour violations being placed into short-term voluntary servitude, just like Samantha had been.

After a few very humiliated and embarrassed students had temporarily swelled the servant students ranks at school. Behaviour violations took on a whole new meaning and fell rapidly in number. Parents were mortified if their precious sons or daughters were suddenly reduced to servant status and the punishment was almost always double barrelled to the infringing child. They got it as a servant and they got it from home for causing such embarrassment and humiliation to their family. Most of the families attending HTGS were very status conscious. A servant even if was just a temporary one was something to be hidden and be ashamed of.

There is somewhere deep within my psyche a small mean streak, just like the one I had discovered in Marcus. It came out in me in relation to Jack Strauchan. I hated him. As much as I tried to avoid him or if I couldn't avoid him then ignore him a ball of anger was swelling up inside me. Ed had a similar opinion of Jack as I did. The fact that Ed was in year 12 and Jack was in year 10 meant nothing to Jack. Ed was a Servant just like I was and he had utter contempt for servants.

He boasted freely within our earshot on numerous occasions about how he had treated his own fourteen year old personal servant and the house servants at his parent's estate.

One night in our bedroom Ed and I decided we needed revenge. Jack's attitude had gone on for too long. Things came to a head after I had had a particularly bad experience of bullying and verbal abuse by Jack which of course he had again on this occasion been careful to do only when no one but his three cronies that he used for moral support were around,

If we could only get him to confess his illegal fucking of his under age private servant in public where an adult in responsibility could hear, then revenge could be sweet.

For the rest of that week I stalked Jack as much as I could without getting myself into trouble, however we could never seem to get Jack and a senior teacher in the same location to be able to pull off our trap. Then on the next Monday the opportunity presented itself between second and third periods. Ed and I stood guard on a corridor corner so we could see both Jack as he stood talking to his friends and a couple of girls and as it turned out Mr Riley and the School Captain who were coming down the adjoining corridor I took off from Ed's side and deliberately bumped into Jack, making sure he had his back turned to the direction Mr Riley would approach from once he turned the corner.

My actions had the desired result, Jack let out a tirade of abuse towards me and for the first time ever I answered him back.

"Yeah fuck head and what are you going to do to me, I said I was sorry ok, you can't fuck me like you do your own servant"

I had to time this comment just right so that Mr Riley did not hear me and ensure the reply, which I was hoping would be incriminating, would be herd by Mr Riley.

Jack replied "Carter you're a fucking servant you speak when your spoken too, I'll report you for this, you wait and see, and be very careful Carter, you think your protected by Riley and Norris but when you least expect it, you could end up as my fuck servant, and just like my own fourteen year old servant I wont care if you are under sixteen or not I will have you begging me to stop fucking you, I'll teach you some servant manners and who is a servant and who is a true master, not a wimp like Riley or Norris." .

Behind Jack's back Mr Riley cleared his throat and as Jack turned and saw Mr Riley and the School Captain standing there he went as white with fear as I have ever seen anyone.

Mr Riley turned to the School Captain and asked "You heard all that John?"

"Yes sir I did" he replied.

"Good" said Mr Riley "Strauchan go wait outside my office immediately. The rest of you to class now, I will call you all in later to hear your side of this unsavoury incident.

We were all later grilled very heavily by Mr Riley and Mr Norris, however I did not brake from my story that I had accidentally bumped into Jack and had apologised but that he had got abusive. I even apologised for breaking my servants training by answering back.

Mr Lindrum gave me 5 strokes of the cane for that outburst to a free citizen and it really, really hurt. It was the worst punishment I had suffered since the summer holidays but I took it stoically as the rewards for my actions were I hoped, going to be worth it if Jack got into big trouble.

The seriousness of the sexual intercourse confessions that Mr Riley and the School Captain had heard meant that Jack's actions should have been reported to the Servant Protection Units Inspectors, however long discussions followed in Mr Riley's office between Mr And Mrs Strauchan and the result was a compromise.

The Strauchan's were powerful people with much influence but even they could not have done anything to save Jack if the SPU had been called in and medically examined Jack's personal servant.

Mr Norris told Ed and I later that the Strauchan's were almost the leading family in the conspiracy to have us both removed from the school. By not reporting this violation to the SPU but instead the school agreeing to deal with it, in house, meant that one of our main opponents was removed. It left our position a bit safer. Mr Riley and Mr Norris now had ammunition over the Strauchan's that would keep them quite and off the removal from school bandwagon.

What about Jack you ask?

Wednesday morning first period he and I were called out of class and ordered to attend Mr Riley's office. When we knocked and entered there within the room were Mr Riley, Mr Norris, Mr and Mrs Strauchan and Mr Lindrum.

Too Jack's total humiliation and embarrassment he was ordered by his own father to strip naked before the assembled adults and myself. He complained bitterly that he was not a servant and would not be treated like one, however his pleas fell on deaf ears. His father informing him that he was lucky that his actions were not being reported to the Servant Protection Officers, for if they had been, he would have ended up a servant for ten to fifteen years, if not more. His dad told him to keep quite and take his punishment as this way it was only temporary servitude and he would be free again in three months.

I was ordered to assist Mr Lindrum in stripping Jack as he was still refusing to undress. Stripping Jack was awesome revenge for me. He was totally broken by this event; the tears were streaming down his face as Mr Lindrum held him and I removed first his black school shoes, then his grey socks, his dark green blazer, green and gold striped tie, grey trousers, white shirt, watch and finally his blue Calvin Klein boxers to reveal his erect, uncut penis and a smallish patch of pubes. The fact that his mother and father were there watching him being undressed and then seeing his naked body seemed to add greatly to his humiliation. I am guessing that this was the first time he had been naked in front of them for quite a few years.

Once totally naked he was ordered to bend over Mr Riley's desk and suffered his first caning of five strokes as a servant from Mr Lindrum.

Oh how the mighty had fallen. The plan of Ed and myself had turned fully into fruition with a great result as far as we were concerned.

I was appointed by Mr Riley as Jacks senior servant and ordered to take charge of him. I was allowed to place the temporary servants collar around his neck and when instructed by Mr Lindrum I ordered him to redress. I took him back to our classroom and when he re-entered the class it was immediately plain for all my classmates to see that he was now a temporary servant, wearing one of the schools trial temporary servant's collars. The look on the face of some of his close friends who until this moment had looked up to him was priceless. Amusement, contempt, indifference, all these looks were present but no one looked at him with admiration anymore.

Then and there he had to move to the back of the room and sit next to me. Marcus was made to move into Jack's old seat much to his and my disappointment. Jack and I didn't talk as we sat next to each other and I could feel the heat of his rage as he sat there sullenly next to me.

By recess he was the butt of many a joke and a lot of ridicule. He was quickly learning what it was like to be a servant. Most of the students took great joy in treating him like he had treated me. His best buddy cronies deserted him during his temporary servitude; I mean who wants to hang out with a servant looser?

Unlike the few other temporary servants who had passed through the trial in the months previous, who had lived at home whilst they served their time, the seriousness of Jack's behaviour meant that Jack was also forced to move in to Mr Norris's house for the duration of his servitude.

Thankfully he got the spare room, as I didn't want to have to share a room with him. We did have to do house wok together and he was a hopeless case at first. He obviously had an easy life at home just like I had had. I showed him how to iron, wash and clean. With Mr Norris always being around as I think he could sense the potential for trouble, Jack had to suffer the indignity of his labours in silence. He hated the fact that I was his senior servant and thus his overseer.

The first nights shower inspection was awesome and Ed and I took great delight in shaving Jack. He was unfortunately not that well endowered even for a fifteen year old. Maybe five inches erect, just average but his uncut penis looked better once Ed and I shaved off his smallish patch of pubes. I would say he had only started puberty fairly late as his armpits showed only four or five hairs and there was no arse, leg, chest or happy trail hair yet.

Jack remained in temporary servitude for the whole three months as indicated by his father and Mr Riley. We seldom spoke during that whole time except about servants duties and when he was released from temporary servitude he just kept away from me and basically every one else. He spent the rest of his time at HTGS as a bit of a loner. His former friend's sort of gravitated back to him but his reduced status in his friend's eyes as a former temporary servant resulted in him being mush less prominent and assertive within his own group.

We still hated each other but now we both stayed deliberately out of each others way.

I often wondered what his personal servant thought of all this and what happened when Jack finally returned home. I would like to have been a fly on the wall to see the interaction between the personal servant and his master the former temporary servant.

End Chapter 12

Next: Chapter 13

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