Molly's dinner club for women

By julie f

Published on Dec 2, 2014



Molly's Dinner Club for Women

when i got to the bar she was already there sitting in a booth in the back, she had me turn around in a circle real slow 3 or 4 times so she could get a real good look at me . i then sit down across from her. she tells me to spread my legs wide and she puts the toe of her combat boot in my pussy, pushing real hard . she then says she hates my top i am wearing and i either change it right now or the date is over, i should of left right then but stupid me i stayed .

well any way she pulls out a black tank top that is cut real low says i either go to the bathroom and put it on and throw away my top or she is done with me .

i go to the bathroom and put this super tight top on , i have to pull hard on it to get it to cover my nipples , it is so low cut, so here i am with a super tight red pants and this tight black tank top on when it is freezing out side, should of seen some of the looks i got walking out of the bathroom.

when i get back to the table she has order 2 beers for us , a tall glass for me and a short one for her. tells me when i finish my beer we can leave.she then starts with the toe again as i am drinking as fast as i can, i dont drink much and hate beer.i get mine all drank so i think it is time to go but no, she pushes her glass across the table that has about half an inch of beer left in it. she tells me to pick the glass and pour it down my crotch . stupid girl again i did , so i am sitting in red wet pants that smell of old smelly beer looks like i pee my pants. i am thinking ok i can walk real close to her on our way out and no one will notice my pants, she then starts in with the toe , says she wants that smell to work its way in to me for latter .she then takes 2 ice cubes out of her water glass and hands them to me , says i am to put them in my top above each nipple , we are not alone people all around us and she saying all these things rather loud, i am dying inside, she then gets up and said i can leave once the ice has melted and walks out of the place,

there i was sitting in the booth by myself thinking what hell just happen , i just got dumped ,i wanted to cry but i could not . i have never been a sub before so dont know why i was doing what i did, but i did want to break out of my little perfect shell of a world , maybe i should of just cracked the shell and not destroy it.

any way back to the date , i am sitting with a wet pussy and smell of beer and now 2 rock hard very cold nipples that have a wet circle around them in that black tank top , i had to sit there 10 minutes by myself in an emotional wreck waiting for the waitress to give me my bill to pay ,

i get the bill paid and head to the door , i did not make eye contact with anyone on the way out ,to scared to .i go to my car trying to figure out what just happen to me , that is when i think about yall , i decide to go home and change then join your fun . just as i was about to send the call button on my phone to call yall to tell you what i was planning to do i get a call from my date , almost did not answer it but i did , she said to look behind me . she had pulled her car behind mine so i could not move.she saids follow her car or lose her forever , i know i should of left her but i am stupid , still dont know what i was thinking, anyway i follow up for about 20 minutes ending up at a very large nice looking home , my date tells me it is dolly's house and i better not act up in here or there will be serve punishment to date says for me to get my car keys and and phone.and bring them with me.

we enter the house when a very tall beautiful black woman greets us , she is very nice . she tells me to put my 2 items in the bag she is holding , i look at my date , she nods her head , so i do that is how i lost my phone . on a side note i have never had sex with a black man or woman , the idea never even crossed my brain , but this woman got me wet i wanted to walk up to her and kiss her , i did not do it but damm she was sexxy , not as sexxy as you but close.

this woman tells my date that the toys need to go to the kitchen to help get dinner ready , from now on i am called a toy , not a person , guess it makes it easy to treat us how they did ,if they think of us as sex toys , my date shows me the way to the kitchen were i see another tall , very large black woman , guessing over 400 pounds , mymdate tells me this is dolly and i am to take orders from her. cant describe the look on dolly's face as my date leaves me in the kitchen , dolly does say terry that was my dates name , must have been real hard up to bring me , dolly ask if terry had found me on a street corner. she then tells me to go help the other toys make dinner for the women . i dont know how long it but did chat some with dolly who is super nice and a damm good cook and talk to some of the other toys.

diner was now ready , dolly says that each toy will grab one item and serve each woman , the toy is to stand by each woman till a bel rings them move on to the next woman , dolly says the woman have free range over our bodies and the toys are to not make any noise or sudden movements other wise the toy will me punished after dinner , let me say i was grabbed , polked , felted up , nipples twisted , event had to been down and let a woman bite the top of my breast, i still have teeth marks from that, it was not a love bite , i finally make it to the last woman , she sticks 2 fingers down my mouth and starts pulling my mouth open wide i think she was trying to get her whole fist in my mouth , thanks goodness the bell rang and all us toys go back to the kitchen to get out dinner. molly hands us our meal , it is the same food the women are eating but all our food is mixed together in a dog bowl . dolly tells the toys to get our bowls and go back to the main room where the women are eating . we have to sit on the floor and eat our food with our fingers , dont know how long it lasted but it seem to go on forever and the women would make rude comments about us toys, the toys were all plain looking like me , the oldest was 57 and the youngest was 24 , she looked much younger , around 14 , anyway molly walks back into the room with that stunning black woman at her side , molly sits in a chair in the center of the room and has the other black woman give her a lap dance to start with , it ends up with the woman eating molly's fat pussy , when molly has recovered she tells the women to grad the toy they brought and the the women had hours to play with their toy upstairs in the rooms but when the bell rings everyone is to meet back in the main room

my date was one of the last ones to come pick up her toy , as we were walking up stairs some of the toys were already naked and bring used , the oldest toy there was nude on the second stair with her face being ridden hard by her woman . all

Kinds of sex sounds were coming from the rooms as we walked down the hallway , some pleasure and some pain. .

Anyway we get to our room and she pushes me onto the bed face down , she then starts to spank my bottom hard with a belt, she seemed pissed at me , don't know why , I don't know how many licks she gave but enough to make my butt hurt . anyway I guess she got tired so she layed beside me and she started grinding her pussy on my leg , I guess she had enough of grinding that she turned me over on my back , she then took all her clothes off , she has a super hairy pussy , hell she was hairy all over , don't think she has ever shaven anything , well she makes me kiss her underarms that are hairy ,then she mounts my face , and grinds for all she is worth ,I did my best to suck het clit and dive my tongue inside her , she liked grinding and pinching my nipples , she would did her finger nails into

my skin so hard I had to scream sometimes, when that happen she would just push her pussy harder onto my mouth, I don't know how long she rode my face it did seem to be a long time , she did cum twice and I did my best to swallow her juice before it ran out of my mouth.

She then got on her back and had me get on top of her , we did alot of long French kissing , she kept grabbing my ass and pulling my body tighter into her

Anyway we are now kissing heavy hands going all over the place feeling what I can , I am horny now I want her touch any touch but I want her , guess what while kissing her I get the nudge on top if my head from her hand , we both know what that means , but I played stupid and just kept French kissing her , exploring every inch of her mouth with my tongue , praying she will touch my pussy , no luck yet so I start grinding her leg as I kiss her , I get a harder push on top of my head , so I can't stall any longer , I start kissing and nibbling my way down there , trying to be as sexy as I can , I find my lips right above her hair line , I now know I will be eating more hair nothing I can do about it , I go for it , I use my hands to open her lips up so I can kiss her inner lips , she is super wet now , you know that sound of a super wet pussy makes ,I find her clit and start to suck hard on it with my Lips making sure not to touch it with my teeth , I must be doing something right she starts mooning and twisting then she wraps her legs tight around my head I sucking and nibbling for all I can . I was able to get a finger in her and turn it up wards where it hits that little rough. Area , inside her , you know how that feels don't you wink wink , will I must of hit the right spot because she goes crazy I start to feel all this warm wet goo all around my face , she now has her legs so tight around my head I am finding it hard to breath , I really don't know what happen next , I do know I must of passed out because when I start to see things around me I am now nude and she is asking me if I wanted black or big black , found out soon she was talking about strap on's .

I picked black which turn out to be a 10 in long 3 in thick strap on , bigger than any dick I have ever fucked before , she did hit virgin areas in my pussy ,

I am still in a haze but I see this thing she is putting on I am scared to death , I know she not going to put any lube on it so I stick 2 fingers in me to start to get wet , she sees me doing that and tells me I have 1 minute then she is sticking this ,( the strap on) in my pussy , rather it is wet or dry ,so I really go at it 2 fingers deep into me and my other hand rubbing my clit , she jumps onto the bad and lands between my spread legs , she pushes my hands away and lines the head of the huge dick right against my wet lips , I was praying and begging for her to go slow at first , I knew she would not but I had to try, she gives this war like scream and drives her dick at least half the way into me , I feel pain I just know she ripped me apart inside, she then falls on top

Of me and put both her hands on top of my head ,I am pinned , can get away from that monster inside me , she pushing hard on my head as she is driving it in and out of me , somewhere doing all this my hands have moved to her nipples , I did not even know I was playing with her tits while she was fucking the hell out of me , not until she slaps the shit out of my face be because I was pulling to

Hard on her nipples and causing her pain , , she then sits up but keeps the dick in me she has me raise my legs and put them on her shoulders , then she leans forward , felt like my hips were going to be pulled out of their socked , then the fucking started , guess you could all everything up to this point foreplay to her , she fucks the hell out of me , I cried while getting fucked , never happen before , she wore me out I think the only thing that made her stop was the bell ringing ,

So here I am naked sore crying my eyes out , must of been a site to see , but she was not done she grabs my face with both of her hands and guide my face to the strap on wet with my own juices , I did my best to take all I could in my mouth but it was not good enough for her , she shovels me against the door where I could not move and starts to fuck my mouth , some how I hear her saying she is not going to stop till my nose hits her clit , that is when I hear other voices , it was Molly and the other black woman and few other women , all giving cat calls and other stuff , guess we were late going to the big room and Molly came looking for why we were late , don't know how long or how many slams she took to fuck my mouth but somehow one time my nose hit her clit , she pulled out to the cheers of the others , then Molly said I would never make it fucking a real black man we all head down stairs to the big room , all the toys were nude and all the women had their clothes back on

i was sore from the fuccking i just took from that big stap on , at least it was big to me . but the big room is where i get real sore all over , some parts are fuzzy and some i just dont know because i was in a closet , well here i go leting you into another of my deep dark secrets

when i get to the big room down stairs all the other women and toys are nude, dolly tells all us toys to go stand against the wall . this is when the tall slender black woman stands in front of each of us toys and has us pick a number out of the bag she was holding. i got number 3 ,once all the toys have numbers molly walks over to a table that has 2 bolls in it , she saids she will draw a card from one bowl , on this card it will say either woman or toy , if it says woman then 1 woman and 2 toys get yo play with each other and if it says toy then 1 toy and 2 women get to play with each other , the first card she pulls out says woman , she then picks a name out of a hat that has all the womens name on it , then she picks two numbers for the toys , well anyway this goes on till all of the woman and toys are in threesums , except me and the real young looking toy have not had out number picked , that is when mollys tells everyone to have fun and start the sex , no one could leave the big room what ever you did had to happen so everyone could watch , not that anyone did , everyone was to bussy having sex with the toys. that is when the tall slender black woman tells me and the other young toy that we are molly toys to use and points to molly who was now naked laying on this bed that she covers whole with her nude body . molly is fat but she has a real deep southern draw when she talks that sounds so sweet , even when she is saying sexxy nasty things it sounds sweet , at least it did to me . well me and the other toy climb up on molly my still sore pussy ends up on her big trick leg , and guess what her hand is on my ass just pressing as hard as she can to grind her leg on me , while she is doing this she tells both of us to suck her nipples , now her breast were heavy with big fat nipples, she had the kind of breast that she could flop one of those suckers on an empty beer she would crush it flat .

so i have both my hands wrapped around this thing and my head bobbing up and down sucking on her nipple , at first i tried deep long sucks trying to get as much as i can into my mouth . then i did the light love bites on the very tip of her nipple , she seem to really like that , while i was sucking for all i was worth molly moves her hand under me so she can get her fingers into my pussy , she pinches my lips together and rubs then back and fourth , she then puts her big fat thumb inside my pussy and starts moving it all around , it hurt like hell and felt good at the same time , i am still sucking for all i was worth when i notice the other toy making more noise than me and trying to move , i figured she was getting the same finger fucking i got , i was wrong , i dont know how long i sucked her nipple but guess molly was ready for something else , while all this was going on all i hear is sounds of sex , moans , screams of females having great sex,

molly says she wants her white bitches to come kiss mama , molly takes her fingers out of my pussy and that allows me to crawl up to her mouth so i can start kissing her , that is when i notice the other slender black woman , on the other side of molly, molly is so fat i did not even know there was another woman over there, that is when i find out why the other toy was making so much noise and trying to move , the slender woman had been fucking the young toy ass with a strap on bigger than the one i had used on me upstairs, when this thing came out of her ass it made a popping noise , that is how tight it made that toys ass feel , ok i am now scared to death because i know that thing is coming to me next , i would of love to make love to the other black woman with out that strap on , but no luck , dont know where she went just not to me , lucky for my ass , she must of went to another group because i did here a woman yell at a toy so get her damm ass in the air so she could be fucked , then screams , that is when molly hand found the back of my head , she opened her mouth wide and both of us toys stuck our tongues in her mouth while kissing her , her tongue has exploring my mouth and the other toys mouth toot.

that is when mollys hand start to push the top on my head , i know what i have to do so i start kissing my way down there , and the other toy climds on top on molly face . i kiss my way down there and just start sucking on her clit the same way i sucked on her nipple , while i am doing this i drive 3 fingers deep inside this wet fat black pussy and i start fucking her for all i am worth dont know how long i did this but all of a sudden the other toy falls forward and ends up with her face down where i am sucking , so i let her have the clit and i use my hands to pull back the rolls of fat and open this pussy up , i get it open enough so i can drive my face in there and start moving my tongue all around , we must of done something right because molly is moving and bucking moaning and saying all kinds of things , could not make out most with my head buried in her pussy , i end up with a face full of wet goo , molly tells the other toy to clean my face up , while this was happening molly was once again finger fucking us both , when my face is clean enough for molly she pushes us both off her and stands up and rings a bell , she then yells game time and all us toys go back to the wall and women take their seats at the table .

so molly tells eveyone it is game time for the toys , all of us toys look wore out , the kind of looks when you have been rode hard and put to bed wet , well molly goes on to explain that 2 toys will play against each other in games , all toys will get 1 of their items back and the winner of each game gets her second item back, then she says the winners will go to the kitchen and clean it up and the loser has to go to the loser's room ( the super small dark closet)

the slender black woman brings the bag in that has all the toys keys and phones in it , molly reaches into it and pulls out a set of keys , a toy to my right says those are her's , she is a late 20's gal that has very little fat , the kind that works out alot , then molly pulls out a phone , it belongs to the oldest toy the 54 year old , hope when i am in my 50's i still look that good,

those 2 toys are now standing in the center of the room and one of the women pulls out a card from a bag sitting on their table , she yells out it is kick the kitty time , all the women start yelling and carring on having a good time , the women start betting on which toy would win , still dont know what kick the kitty is yet , well molly tells the 2 toys what that game is , one toy will stand with her legs super wide apart with her hands behind her head and eyes closed , the other toy get to take one step and then kick the other toys pussy with her foot, if the toy who is going to be kicked mover or tries to protect herself , that toy will be tie to a pole and every women will get a free kick , so molly flips a coin and tells the old toy to call it , she calls heads , it was tails so the old toy lost the flip and she has to be kicked first, the way you win the game is to kick the other toy so hard she can not get back to standing up with her legs spread out wide in 30 seconds after being kick ,so once you get kicked you get to kick the other toy and this goes on till one of the toys loses the game, any the old toy puts her spread feet on the tape marks on the floor and waits , molly makes the other toy wait for what seem like a very long time , then molly moves her hand and POW right in the pussy , the kick was so hard it lifted the old toy off the ground, she scream his gut wrenching howl and falls to the ground crying and rolling around ,at this point i am praying i dont have to play kick the kitty , well the women start counting the 30 sex off , this toy is not going to make it , her time is over and she still crying on the ground , the toy that won digs into the bag with our items till she finds fer other item and head to the kitchen to clean , the old toy is still crying and molly yells at her to shut the fuck up or she would really give her something to cry about , so 2 women get up from the table and drag the old toy to the loser's room and then return to the table ,

now molly reaches back into the bag and pulls out a phone the belongs to the young looking toy , and a set of keys belonging to a toy around my age and looks , a woman on the table pulls out a card that says bananas , more cat call and caring by the women and more bets , that is when 2 tables are wheeled in and each table has 8 bananas on sticks standing straight up , molly explains this game as the first toy to take each entire banana in her mouth and pull it off the stick then spit it out and go to the next banana , first toy to do this wins , , again glad this was not me dont think i could get many maybe not even one in my raw mouth , the game starts and let me say the young one must have a lot of happy boyfriends she engulfed each one in one breath , the other toy was not bad just not as fast , the young cocksucker did all 8 and the other toy got 5 , winner grabs her items and goes to the kitchen and the other goes to the loser lounge ,

molly grabs a set of keys and they turn out to be mine , another phone comes out and it is a late 20's toy that must live in the gym , great ass , woman pulls out a card and it says twister on it , some of the women start booing saying no fun and to easy, molly makes them be quiet , i was never any good at twister when i was a teenager and i know my fat ass has not got any better at it , molly says it is simple twister the game , the best 2 out of 3 wins , well i did not last long the first round and lost , i was doing better the second round and even tried to cheat by shoving my pussy under her chin and arch upward to knock off balance , it did not work , i lose and off to the loser's lounge i go .dont know what the last 2 games were but the last toy ended the closet feeling of the worm wet sticky crap , turned out later it was some kind of red slim ,

well back to the closet there are 5 of us in there , 4 standing and the old toy on the ground , it would of been a great makeout closet back in high school , lol, so molly opens the door and tells all of us how bad we were but that she going to give each one of us a chance to get our last item back , she grabs the arm of one of the toys and pulls her out then shuts the door , again dont know what happen just lots of noise from the big room , well i am the last one to get out of the closet

well when i get out of the closet i see all the woman laying naked side by side on the floor , each one has something resting on the area right above their clit, molly tells me they are jello shots, and each woman has 2 jello shots , one i can see and the other i have to find , meaning the other one is either in her mouth or pussy , i have 8 minutes to swallow all 20 of them , if i do i get my phone if i dont she says i wll be punshed with the others , pointing to a table where 2 other toys set, the old toy and the toy covered in the goo .anyway i start out by swallowing all the jello shots i can see , so i been down to each pussy and suck the jello in my mouth , then i start my hunt first women i dive my tongue into her mouth but find nothing so i turn around and go after her pussy but still nothing cant find it , and she is squirming all around moaning , but i still can find it , i decide to go back to her mouth and the stupid bitch had it hidden under her tongue so i suck it out , it had started to melt , anyway next woman i go straight for her pussy and find the gooey thing , i went as fast as i could but you know stupid me i fail , there are 3 women that still have there shots when my time runs out , i have to be punished now and dont know how i going to get my phone back

Ok back to the big room , Molly made me finish finding and swallowing the last three shot , I don't know what was in them but my head began to hurt ,was getting a big time buzz now , anyway I was the first to be punished , a was forced to lean over on a table with my legs spread and tied to each leg then I had my arms pulled to the other end of the table and tied , one of the women can and put 2 bowls full of ice under each of my tits , and a rope was pulled around my body tiring me even tighter to the table , Molly leans down and says that since I failed each woman gets to spanke 3 times in my ass with a paddle , if you count that up it is 30 hits , ended up being 40 because Molly and the other black woman got to hit me too and I screwed up counting once , that is why my as is so sore , I am thinking it is over because they start to untie me , guess wrong , Molly tells me I still owe the 3 woman that did not get to in my first chalange , a long board is push into the room and a guy my looking chair I on one end or it , anyway I lay on back on this board with head rest in this chair thing , I am tied up again legs super spread almost in splits , a heavy rope is tie around my throat so tight I can move my head at all , this when moly shows me the riding crop ,( it is what is used in horse racing by the jockeys to make to horse run faster ) she saids that each of the 3 woman get to hit my clit with it 2 times , she tells all the other women they can buy a swing with the crop for $5 , I till all of them bough at least one hit on my clit , Molly tells me that she is going to sit on my face because she wants to feel my screams on her pussy , she told me that it was hoping to Hurt alot , all see after that is a fat black pussy easing down on my face , it was very hard to breath , I could not here anything after that ,

I don't know what it feels like to give birth but I had never felt pain like I did when that first lash hot my clit , I screamed as mound as I could and all Molly did was wiggle her pussy on my mouth , these women had done this before , because not one of them mist hitting my clit dead on and as the lash count went up my clit swelled making it easier to hit , I don't if it was the pain or the lack of air but I pass out , font know how long but I woke up to screams from the goo girl , I was laying on the floor near the table I gotta butt whipped , is was fuzzy at first but the screams got louder , the women had put what they called a zipper on goo toy , it is clothes pens all over her body With a string connecting the pens so one yank on the strong several pens would pop off her skin , Molly was not near these women she was laying on that bed again , anyway goo toy keeps screaming and the woman kept pulling the string , I think the pens had been on the toy long enough for that area to go numb , any way the last pens come off and all the women clap , I don't know what happen to the old toy I don't see her , anyway the tall slender black woman comes helps me to my feet and leads me over to Molly , who looks like she had an organism like she had never had before , her mouth was moving but no sound Wes coming out , I diddle out the words thank you , then the slender black woman says it is time for the auction , all us toys were lined up in a straight row , the black woman says last time for inspection , so each woman got 1 minute with of us toys to kiss , grab , finger , anything they wanted to in 1 minute , I get lots if deep long kisses and a few suck on my nipples , then the last women to feel me up was my date , she walks right next to staring into my eyes , then out of no where she hits me in the stomach with her fist . When I am gasping for air. She grabs my face and spits into my mouth and walks away with out saying a word , the auction starts all toys start at $10 goi g up from there , bet you can guess who went for the most , it was the young looking one , the next highest toy was the old one bought by my date , not all the women bought a toy , I know Molly bought 2 , the goo toy and another one , well now it is my time to step up on the stage to be sold , I have to turn my ass to the woman and shake it the best I can , I don't know who is bidding but the more the bids come the lower I am to bend and shake everything I got , it went to $25 fast and then just stopped , I stuck a finger in my ass and the bids started again , ended up getting $50 , most of the toys sold between $50-125 , I thinking it is over , that is whenolly lower the boom about what I have to do to get my phone back , Molly says all money raised tonight was going to a shelter for battered women lol well that is how I lost my phone , I have to work it out , with Christmas coming and buying sex toys for you I don't have an extra 500 dollars laying around do , you guess you could pay my $500 and I would owe you the 5 days l

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