Moms New Boyfriend

By Your old friend Tappy

Published on Jan 8, 2014


Slave Teacher Jenni Ð Chapter 03 By Tappy McWidestance

After my adventure with Brittney's Master and Mistress, I tried my hardest to work on my student evaluations. But it was tough. My mind was elsewhere. Oh how I wished Dasha and Peter would have accepted me as their submissive. My body still craved to be used by a strong dominant. I watched the DVD Brittney made of me over and over and masturbated to visions of my time back at the house. I even filmed myself playing with myself much like Brittney had done, although my self-professed begging to be taken seemed hollow when I watched the video. Since nobody else was in the room it seemed silly to beg to a mythical Master. I needed to find someone to serve and although Dasha told me I would find someone, I didn't know how. Maybe at their next party I would have opportunity to hook up with someone, but I really didn't know where I would run across someone who could make me cum as hard as they did.

The students were off the next Thursday and Friday for the parent teacher conferences. I both loved and loathed these meetings. Some parents were invested in their kids education and valued my feedback. Some thought their kids could do no wrong and were defensive about any criticism. And some were just there because they thought they had to show up. With 30 kids in my class it was a long two days and evenings. Each parent(s) were allotted 30 minutes, but by the end of the day we were always running behind so I had to try to cut some of the evaluations short to stay on schedule. It was exhausting. The one benefit is I get to dress more casual than when I teach so I was wearing blue jeans and a simple blouse.

Thursday was fairly routine; although I was a bit tired by the time 5pm and my dinner break rolled around. I had 6:00pm, 6:30 and 7:00pm meetings scheduled, then I could go home and crash. All the teachers in the lounge seemed worn out as we took our break. We did our usual bitch and moan about hating these conferences and ate our not so great reheated catered dinner the school board provided. At 5:45 I headed back to my office for a couple of minutes of solitude before my next conference. As I walked down the hall, I noticed a couple sitting on the hallway bench across from my office. "Great, they are here early," I said to myself sarcastically. As I got closer, I noticed they were quite attractive. I also knew I had seen them somewhere but I couldn't quite place where. I shook my head to clear my mind. "I'll be right with you," I told them. Then I walked into the office and shut my door. Checking my calendar I saw that they were the parents of a student named Thomas. He was a big kid. He definitely looked older than his 18 years would suggest.

I sat at my desk trying to remember where I knew them. This was my first conference with this class of students so I must have met them somewhere outside of school. It was kind of driving me nuts. Maybe I was mistaken. They had not acted like they knew me so I must be thinking about someone else. 10 minutes early I got up and opened the door. "Come on in," I said with a wave.

I hurried back to my chair and sat down before they could stand up and enter my office. As a result, I got a good look at them as they walked in. Both were dressed formally for a parent/teacher conference. Maybe they were going out after our meeting, which is why they chose this time. She had on a black cocktail dress, which was definitely not off the rack. She also had black stockings and her heels were at least 4 inches high. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. She looked both stern and sexy at the same time. He was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt and a power tie. He looked like an executive. Neither of them looked their age for having a high school senior in my class. As they sat my eyes were drawn to her legs as she crossed them. For a moment I was tongue-tied.

"Welcome," I finally said. "Thank you for taking the time to come tonight and discuss Thomas. My name is Jenni." I held out my hand.

He took my hand and gave me a firm handshake. "My name is Robert," he said. I noticed an authoritarian timbre to his voice. "This is my wife Carol." I dropped his hand and moved to shake hers. Her grip was firm as well, but her skin was soft. She held my hand a little longer than necessary and when she released her grip she pulled her hand along my palm instead of just dropping it. I felt a tingle in both my hand and in my loins. That had never happened in one of these meetings before.

I was momentarily speechless, but I quickly recovered my composure. "I am Thomas' math teacher and also his assigned guidance counselor. Some people call us mentors. That is why I get to do his evaluation. I have reports from all his teachers to discuss. Mostly he is a good kid, but there are a few concerns we have."

Carol held up her hand to stop me. "Jenni, I'm sure everything in the reports are true. Thomas has some challenges. But we are working hard to get him the help he needs. But I want to talk about you."

"Want to talk about me?" I said quizzically. "No, this meeting is about Thomas. Do I know you?"

"Yes you do, although we may not have been formally introduced."

The plot thickened. I must have met them somewhere but still for the life of me I couldn't place them.

"The last time I saw you," she continued, "you were being fucked by my husband while that pretty little tongue of yours was buried in my pussy."

Obviously the look of shock on my face was plain to see. Suddenly I did remember them from the party. I'd been standing with them watching Brittney and her mom on the couch. I didn't know their names, though, and I certainly didn't know they were the parents of one of my students. Then I thought back and remembered Brittney had blindfolded me and I never saw the three people who had sex with me. Thinking back to the DVD, the body types in the video certainly were consistent with Carol and Robert. It could really be them. They certainly knew about the party so at a minimum I was sure they knew about what I had done. I could feel the power in the conversation switch sides of the desk.

"As I was saying," Carol spoke again. "The last time I saw you, you had attempted to please me. But you were clearly inexperienced. Dasha tells me you are much better now, having received some instruction and practice. I want you to crawl over here and show me how much you have learned."

She pointed at the floor in front of her chair. My mind was screaming, "No!" but my body was craving, "Yes!" My body knew it needed this even if my mind, although I'd been dreaming about this moment, was playing catch up. I felt myself dropping to the floor. I felt like a complete slut crawling around my desk. I couldn't bring myself to look up. My eyes were focused on the floor. Soon enough I was focused on her stilettos.

"Look up," she commanded. My eyes followed her silk covered legs. I watched as she uncrossed her legs. With her legs spread obscenely wide I could see that she wasn't wearing panties and even in the poor lighting I could see her pussy was glistening. She obviously had been thinking about this moment.

"Now let's see what you have learned. Eat mommy's pussy, little girl and do it well."

I didn't like being called little girl and certainly didn't think she was my mommy, but like the submissive slut I am, I pressed my face between her thighs under her dress. She was very pungent. She definitely had been anticipating my tongue on her soft folds.

I heard, rather than saw, Richard get up and walk over to my desk. "So let's see what Thomas has been up to," he said. With my face plastered to her pussy I was unable to have a discussion with him about his son. Carol seemed disinterested in what he was saying and chose to tell me how she wanted to be pleasured instead.

Dasha tells me you are looking for a Mistress. Is that true?" she asked. I said, "Yes mam," as well as I could without losing contract with her wonderful pussy. "We may be in the market for a sweet young servant girl," she continued. At first my heart lept, but then I remembered they were parents of one of my students. I pull my head out from under her dress. My face was glistening with her juices.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," I said apologetically. "Your son is my student."

I felt a stinging slap on my butt. "Get back to work teach," Richard scolded me. I quickly got back between her thighs. "Thomas doesn't need to know. He's gone with his friends a lot and we can always play at your place."

That sounded like a scary arrangement, but the sounds of pleasure coming from Carol were music to my ears. I must be doing something right. "Yes," she said mixed with a throaty moan. "We'll come over to your place. Use you for our pleasure and go home. No emotional attachment, just wild and kinky sex."

I was concentrating on doing a good job giving her gratification and a few minutes later I was rewarded with her cumming on my face. She tasted as nice as I remembered. "Get up and bend over your desk," she commanded. It was like a dream come true as I bent over. Richard was unzipping his pants presented a thick tasty cock for me to suck. Carol was busy pulling down my pants and panties to my knees. She then began to finger fuck me. Needless to say her finger found little resistance. I'd read stories about teachers put in situations like this on erotic story sites but I'd always considered them pure fantasy. But now here I was with both ends used as I submitted to my student's parents. Of course Richard wasn't content with a simple blowjob. Once he was rock hard he walked around my desk and slid into my pussy. Carol took his place in front of me. She questioned my desire to be their sub as her husband fucked me. I was babbling incoherently for the most part. His cock felt so good and both of them were clearly dominant just like Peter and Dasha. Could I really become a slavegirl to the parents of a student? That was such a decadent thought. Keeping that a secret would be next to impossible. But their son was going to graduate this year so maybe it was possible. I moaned as his thick cock bottomed out in my pussy. If I could get fucked like this on a regular basis maybe it was worth the risk.

Richard wasn't satisfied with just having my pussy. I knew he had fucked me there at the party, but somebody else had taken my ass. But he probably watched or at least talked to people about my backdoor and it was clear that was where his cock was headed next. He spanked my ass and told me to, "relax that ass." He didn't add any lube, but his dick was pretty slick with my pussy juice. Still he struggled a bit, mostly because of the width of his cock, to get past my o-ring. I was trying to relax and let him in. It wasn't that I was resisting, but a little lube would have been helpful and the fact that I was splayed across my desk and another student's parents were due for their conference didn't help matters.

Finally he was in enough to start plowing me. He wasn't getting full penetration, but he was getting enough to get himself off which pleased me. I'd have to wait for another deep anal exploration, but as I said we were on a time crunch so I was happy to feel him blast off in my ass. He held his cock still as 7 or 8 good shots sprung from his dick. He held myself tight against me until his cock started to deflate. He then told his wife to "hand me the plug."

She produced a tapered butt plug from her purse. It was a little wider than him and I grunted when he pushed it into me without ceremony. He then slapped my ass again. "You keep that in for your last couple of reviews. Don't take it out until you get home.

"Yes, sir," I replied meekly.

"Peter said you had potential as a sub. If you want us to be your Master and Mistress, send us an email by midnight tonight. Convince us that you are worthy to serve us."

"Yes, sir," I replied again. He handed me a business card with his email address on it.

I heard a knock at my door as I was gingerly getting off my desk.

"I'm running a couple of minutes behind," I called out. "I'll be right with you."

I then looked at Carol and Richard with a smile. Richard had not tucked his softening cock back in his pants yet. "Clean me," was all he said. I really couldn't think of anything more foul than taking his cock in my mouth right after he had fucked my ass, but of course I did it. Nasty sluts don't get to pick and choose what orders they follow. After about a minute he stepped back and tucked his cock away. He and his wife then exited leaving me to try and look normal with my ass plugged trapping a big load of his seed and having a face coated in his wife's pussy juice.

Throughout the last two reviews of the day I could smell her on my face and taste my ass on my lips. It was very distracting. I had a flash flood in my pussy from being used and then left in a state of deep arousal with no satisfaction. I hoped the other two sets of parents didn't realize something was wrong. I bolted from the school as soon as I could and went straight home.

Even during the last two reviews all I could think about was what I could say to convince Carol and Richard that I would be a good submissive for them. I wasn't particularly thinking of the giant plug in my ass. That was feeling like second nature and a gift from them I should treasure. When I got home I stripped out of my clothes. At first I was going to pull out the plug and then take a shower, but I decided to work on the email first. I wanted to still have her flavor on my face, even if they couldn't tell that in an email.

You would think it would be easy to write an email pledging your body and soul to another couple for their kinky desires, but it wasn't. Oh, it wasn't hard for me to tell them I was willing to be their playtoy, but it was difficult for me to think of the right words that would convince them I was the right sub for them. Then it hit me. Video would be much more convincing that my words. Now I just had to think of something to tickle their interest and prove I was worthy of their attention.

I decided to email them my first draft talking about how honored I would be to serve them and how I would do anything to make them proud of me. I thought I made a good plea to justify them taking me into their service. But then I added that I would like to show them in a more convincing way how serious I was and asked if we could do a video chat. I wasn't nervous until I hit send. Then I realized there was no turning back.

They did not answer right away. I imagined they would be sitting in front of the computer waiting for my message, but I guess that wasn't realistic. They had given me a midnight deadline, but they could check the timestamp in the morning to see if I had complied. There was no reason for them to be checking before then. I was disappointed. I was about to pull the plug out of my ass (something I had planned to do on the video chat) when I had a moment of clarity. Yes, they may not answer tonight, but I had to be prepared if they did. I left the plug alone and stayed in front of the computer waiting for their reply.

As usual when I was in front of the computer these days my mind wandered. The load of cum in my ass didn't hurt either as my thoughts turned sexual. Soon I was reading erotic stories, watching dirty videos and masturbating like crazy. I quickly felt desperate to have an orgasm, but I knew that was against the rules. Then I had an idea of how to show them just how serious I was at serving them.

I took my laptop and put it on top of my bed. I set my webcam to record to file and I started to make my case to become their sub. Basically I masturbated for them while pleading for their permission to cum. I was fucking myself and pinching my nipples while through my moans I pleaded to be allowed to serve them. I told them I knew my pleasure was only allowed after I pleased them and that I understood my place in life was to bring them happiness. "Please Robert, please Carol," I begged. "My pussy is so wet and I need to cum so hard. You've done this to me. I only want to please you. You may punish me when I disobey. I'll do anything you ask. I'll suck Robert's cock. I'll let him fuck my ass. I'll eat Carol's pussy. I'll fuck your friends. I'll do anything. Just please let me cum!"

I continued to fuck myself with my dildo. Needless to say it was a great struggle not to orgasm. I decided to flip myself over onto my knees so my face would be nearer the camera and my mouth would be nearer the microphone.

"I'm on my knees for you," I pleaded. "I know you like fucking me like a dog. My ass is still full of your cum. I've saved it. I want more. I'm going to prove I'm a good slut for you. I'm going to pull the plug and fuck my ass. I'm going to pretend it's you. I don't know if I can prevent myself from cumming though. I'm going to lick your cum from my ass off my dildo and pretend it's your cock, Master."

I'm sure the camera caught my eyes rolling back in my head as I pulled the plug out. I know I groaned as the lube had dried. But I didn't care about a little pain. I just knew this would get me in good with them.

"Oh, Master," I said huskily. "I can feel your cum dripping from my ass. I need your cock to fill me up again."

I quickly pushed my dildo up my ass with an audible sign of relief.

"Thank you Master," I told my audience. "Your cock feels so good. Mistress may I lick your pussy for you?" I looked at the webcam pleading with my eyes. I wanted to be sure I didn't leave my prospective Mistress out of the conversation although I wasn't sure how to demonstrate my need for her as much as I could show my need for him. What I did know was I had to get that dildo out of my ass quick or I would surely orgasm.

"Mistress, my I suck your husband's cock now?" I asked her almost expecting a reply. "You may punish me while I do. I know I've been a naughty girl. I need you to discipline me."

As the words came out of my mouth I pulled the dildo out of my ass and started sucking it.

"Your cum tastes so good Master," I confessed. I really didn't even notice the taste of my own ass. I was in an alternate universe. I was out of control. With one hand holding the dildo as I sucked it off, my other had found its way underneath me and between my legs. I'd like to say I had the fortitude to keep from cumming, but of course I didn't. The moment my fingers touched my clit, it was all over. A wave of pleasure swept over my body. It wasn't an orgasm, but it was like a drug being released into my bloodstream. It was a pleasure drug and I craved more. I rubbed myself with more insistence and the pleasure waves continued.

"I'm sorry Master," I cried out. "I'm sorry Mistress. Your needy slut can't control herself."

I didn't cry out that I was cumming. I didn't need to. They would be able to tell exactly what happened on the video. I collapsed onto the bed, my fingers still dancing on my clit and my body convulsing as my climax consumed me. At that moment I didn't care if my cumming without permission disqualified me from their service or if I was just earning a punishment. My body needed that release and was not going to deny me it whether my brain told it to or not. It was primal. It was instinct. I was consumed. I think I passed out.

I remember waking up not 100% sure of where I was or what I was doing. The dildo was still in my mouth and my wet hand was still beneath my body. I couldn't have been out that long. Then the memories came flooding back. I reached up and stop the webcam recording and dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I looked at the mirror. The reflection greeting me was not a woman I knew. "Well used whore," was the thought I had at the description. My hair was a mess and my faceÉ well my face had a strange look of satisfaction.

I started to warm my shower and used the toilet. As I let the warm water cascade over my body I thought back to my performance and whether I really wanted to sent the video to them. Doing so would seal my fate as a teacher. Eventually someone would see it that shouldn't. Either that or I would open myself up to perpetual blackmail. I'd have to do anything they said to keep my secret needs secret. I decided to delete the video. But no sooner had my brain made that decision, my body began to give its own reaction. My nipples began to stiffen and my pussy began to moisten as my body began to crave the treatment they could offer once again. Subconsciously my fingers found their way to my clit again and I began to stimulate myself in the shower.

Once again I wasn't thinking. It was as if my body was overriding my mind's control. I ended up sitting on the shower floor holding the pulsating showerhead aiming it at my clit. I'd never done that before, but it sure felt good. With one hand on controlling the shower jets of stimulating water pulses, my other hand was once again free to pinch and then abuse my nipples. At first I was treating them to gentle rubs and then firmer pinches. But as my moans gave way to pleas to my virtual Mistress not to punish me for being unable to control my desires, I started to slap my own tits and squeeze my nipples until I cried out in pain.

You will not be surprised to learn I was unable to control that orgasm either. It wasn't as good as the one on my bed. But then again it would be hard to top that one. But it did wake my brain up that my body and sexual needs were in control not my mind.

I reached up and turned the water off. I then sat in the shower for about a minute trying to catch my breath. I tried to think of anything that would override my need to submit right at that moment. I tried to think of anything that could convince my body to allow my mind some control of the situation. But I failed. I felt like even more of a slut than before as I crawled out of the shower, dripping wet, and on hands and knees like the submissive I was born to be, went straight to my laptop and sent the video to Richard and Carol. I then sat on the floor, naked, leaning against my bed. The deed was done. Now I had to wait. The next move was up to them.

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