Money, Beauty Or Love?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 29, 2006


MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on February 19, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Gardner Rust


"MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 1 - The bet

"All of them?" Patrick asked with a surprised smile.

"Of course all of them. Or else I would not have hired them," Richard answered, putting three ice cubes in the glass and pouring a whisky for his friend.

"A real Persian satrap, aren't you?"

"What do you expect? When one has the means... special pay, special service. With money you can obtain everything, you can buy everything. Or rather, you can buy anyone."

Patrick shook his head, sipped the whisky, put it back on the low crystal table, and settled more comfortably in the armchair. "No, not everybody. Those are boys of low origins, poor and needing a job. It would be better to be a gardener or a driver for you than having to hustle. At least here they have just one client, and they have him at home," Patrick said laughing.

"At home, yes. Just one, no - my friends and guests may also enjoy their services. Therefore, if you too wanted one of them, you may choose any. If you like one of the boys, you have only to tell him when you want him in your room, without problems. And they will do anything you ask of them. Absolutely anything. If I remember correctly, you like them already ripe - the gardener would be good for you."

"If it's not a problem, I'd rather have your driver. He seems very sensual to me."

"It's your choice, I told you. And you can choose more than one, if you feel like having a little orgy," Richard said, lighting his cigarette. He puffed out the smoke, looking at its spirals, then continued, "Anyway, listen to me. With enough money, you buy whomever you want - it's just a problem of amount. For the right amount you can have in your bed whomever you want. For example, just two months ago, I was at the Hotel Las Palmas in Miami. They were celebrating a marriage and the groom was a morsel for a king. I decided I had to fuck him.

"So, while they were making a toast and celebrating, I went near the groom to pay him my compliments, and asked him if he could devote to me five minutes. He probably thought I was one of his bride's relatives, as he agreed at once. I took him out of the hall and I asked him if he wanted to earn a big amount of money. He asked me how much, and for what. I put in his hand a good stack of bills. You should have seen his face - I think that he never had so much money in his hand all at one time. He asked me what he had to do to have it. I took back from his hand the packet and I told him that he had just to come, as soon as he could free himself, to my suite, and that I would explain it to him there.

"He went back to the hall and, before going in, he turned to look at me. I nodded at him and went upstairs to my suite. Well, not even an hour later he was knocking at my door. I let him in, made him sit, and put the stack of money in front of him again. Then I told him that I noticed him that afternoon and found him very attractive and that I envied his bride - rarely does one see such a virile, beautiful man. And I told him that I wanted to enjoy his virility. He looked at me amazed, then told me he was not gay. But you had to see how he was looking at all that money - hypnotized.

"I told him that I was not interested in gays, that I wanted a real man, and that he seemed to me precisely a real, virile man... and I added that he would have more fun with me than with his woman, if he agreed to come to bed with me. I have to admit that, even if I didn't say it outright, I made him think that I wanted to be penetrated by him, since he was so quick to confirm that he was not gay.

"He said that he was just married... I told him that nobody would know and that, after all, I was asking just a little hour of his time, even less, for a sum that was anything but small. All he had to do was accept and have sex with me, as he and his wife would do in a short while. Then I insinuated - unless he was not able to make love twice in the same day. He smiled and said with some pride that he could do it even three times, without any problem.

"And he continued to look at that money.

"So I took the packet and put it in his hand and told him that it could all be his. He was looking at it, turning it over in his hands, then he said that, after all, for that amount... just once... I told him to put them in his pocket, and so he did. I took him to my bedroom and told him I wanted to undress him myself. He nodded and let me. He was not aroused, but he was very gorgeous, exactly the type I like. I made him lie on my bed and started to caress him, to suck his nipples, to tell him he was a beautiful man, and it was true, that he had a splendid cock... and at last he got a hard-on. Then I started to undress, continuing to touch him to increase his arousal.

"I asked him to caress me, to kiss me as he would have done with his wife. He was thinking about penetrating me, and he was then fully aroused. He brushed it against me, almost to make me feel how virile he was, he touched me and finally he also started to kiss me - he was starting to like it. I waited until he was done to a turn, then took the gel and the condoms. He smiled widely - he really wanted to take me, at that point.

But I shot the goal - I told him to spread his legs so I could prepare him to be taken. He suddenly became deadly serious and said no, that he... I then took a second stack of money, put it in his hand and told him that I doubled the price, but that I wanted him. He was looking at me, seriously, in silence. I understood he was torn, so I simply took the gel and started to spread it gently on his hole while I was sucking his beautiful, hard rod. He held tightly to the dollar bills, but let me have my way. When I entered him with my finger, he shut his eyes, but didn't escape me.

"So I folded him under me, and he let me do so, docile, inert. I climbed on top of him and started to push my stiff rod inside him - he was hot, and very tight. I slowly but steadily slipped it all inside him, then started to enjoy his tight arse for a long while, with calm, thrusting back and forth at my pleasure. Afterwards, he was very embarrassed, he almost ran away. But I bet he was somewhere counting and counting again all the dollars he earned in exchange for his virginity."

"Well, what if he was just a smart fellow - he probably also hustled during his army service ..." Patrick suggested, pulling his leg.

"The point is, as you see, with money you can get anything you want."

"No, in my opinion, beauty and persuasion are more effective."

"You say so because you know you are more than handsome. But you are wrong; beauty can't get you everything."

"And neither can money."

"Money can... more so than beauty."

Patrick shook his head. They debated a little more, until Patrick proposed a challenge. They would choose five gay young men of different wealth, from those who are very poor to those who are rich, and they both would try to conquer them, Richard using his money and Patrick his beauty. But Richard added one more condition - Patrick had to pretend to be a poor man, or they would not be equal.

Patrick laughed in amusement at the idea and accepted. He asked Richard to use the fascination of his wealth, but not as he did with the groom, that is, paying for a fuck. They would both earn one point only when the boy asked or accepted to be their lover.

"Alright. But what would the stakes be, to make the challenge more interesting?" Richard asked.

"Well... certainly not money... something special, of value... I'll give you the first choice."

"If I win, you will give me your collection of original nude drawings of Leonardo da Vinci..."

"All right. And if I'm the winner, you will give me this villa."

"Servants included?" Richard asked laughing.

"They are not slaves! If they want to remain at my service under your conditions, they can stay. If not I will look for others."

"Alright. Let's shake hands, that's settled!" Richard answered, then added: "But now, what do you think about going a while on my private beach to sunbathe, before supper? We shall ask a couple of boys to massage us with the sun-oil. Shall I call my driver for you?"

"Yes, thank you." Patrick said standing up.

Reaching the private beach of the villa, they undressed completely and the driver and one of the waiters, also naked, started to rub the lotion on the two friends with a long erotic massage. Patrick loved the well shaped and lean body of the driver, a gorgeous Puerto Rican boy, twenty-two year old, with a mature body but a face of a rascal. He asked him to contact him in his room that evening around eleven and the driver, Jose, answered that he would be there with pleasure.

Nearby, Richard was with the waiter, Shaun, a blond nineteen year old boy with a swimmer's build. Richard, keeping the boy stretched on top of him, was French kissing him and teasing the boy's hole between his firm and small buttocks with his fingers.

Jose nodded at them and said to Patrick with a sly smile, "If you want to do something with me now, sir, just consider me at your disposal..."

"Tonight... alone... I prefer..." Patrick answered with a smile, caressing with pleasure the boy's turgid genitals.

Jose quivered and nodded in assent, continuing to massage Patrick's body.

At night, the driver presented himself at Patrick's bedroom.

"Here I am, sir. What would you like me to do?" he asked with a sensual smile.

"All you want, and let me do all I want... nothing else."

"I really can do all I want with you?" the boy merrily asked.

"Of course you can. Come here," Patrick said and unbuttoned his waistcoat and his shirt, uncovering the fine, muscled chest. He then started to lick and suckle the boy's nipples.

The boy quivered, becoming aroused at once. He opened the man's trousers, rummaged inside his boxers, and extracted the already stiff member. Then, after caressing and feeling it for a while, he went on his knees and started to suck it greedily.

Patrick undressed to his belt, then he made the boy stand up and undo his trousers. He pushed him on his bed and pulled off his pants, briefs, and then his socks. Having completely undressed himself, he too went on the bed, where he joined Jose in a passionate sixty-nine. The boy was skilled and Patrick liked him very much. Then Jose started to test and to tease Patrick's hole, making the man understand what he desired. Patrick let him do as he will, but in turn, he also started to fiddle with his fingers on the boy's hole, to make him understand that it would be a reciprocal thing.

The boy shuddered and asked in a murmur, "Do you want to take me first, sir?"

"No Jose, you can start. I like you very much, do you realize that?"

"I too like you, sir. You are very, very handsome," the boy murmured excitedly, slipping between Patrick's legs and moving them onto his shoulders. "May I ask you how old are you, sir?"


"Like the master... but you are gorgeous!"

"We were university mates."

"Were you lovers?"

"We had fun together during the University years, but were also free to have all the other adventures we wanted. Then, we lost sight for some years..."

"May I?" the boy asked, applying his straight and shuddering cock on Patrick's hole, and brushing against it.

"Of course, whatever you want, I told you," Patrick answered, handing the gel tube and the condom to the boy.

Jose prepared him with a long, erotic massage. Patrick was really aroused by that skilled manipulation. Then the boy started to push inside the well lubricated hole and slipped all inside, moaning his pleasure. Then, teasing the man's nipples, he started to pump inside him with vigor. Patrick looked at his radiant face, where he could read the intensity of the pleasure the boy was feeling while taking him.

Girdling his back, Patrick rose up so that he'd be able to suck the boy's nipples. Jose moaned and increased the rhythm with which he was taking the man. And he murmured in Spanish, "Ahi, que bonito... que bonito, señor... Ohi, como me gusta..."

Patrick also liked a lot the passionate way with which the young man took him. He asked Jose not to cum yet, to stop in time, as he wanted to take him.

The boy nodded, amused at the thought to lengthen so his pleasure. "Con gusto, sir... we are not in a hurry, right, sir?"

"No, we are not in a hurry, Jose... Do you like it?"

"Oh, so very much! You make me feel desired, sir... Besides being so gorgeous, you are able to make love right, like a Latin, sir, with total passion..."

Patrick smiled at that compliment. He really liked the boy very much. "Will you stay here and sleep with me tonight?"

"Con gusto, sir. But then... I don't warrant you that I will not try it again, during the night..."

"Why not? Go on, colt!" Patrick urged him, smiling seductively.

Jose stopped shuddering. "I can't go on... it's your turn, now, sir." he said, slowly slipping out with a radiant smile. Patrick made him lie on his back, and prepared to take him. The boy smiled at him while guiding him inside himself. "Oh... that's great, sir... I feel you filling me... Oh, sir, how strong, how male you are...," the boy panted while Patrick was taking him with long, calm strokes, enjoying the boy to the hilt.

They continued in this way, alternating, taking each other, until the boy was unable to restrain himself any more and came in a frenzy of moans. Then also Patrick took him and let himself go. Then they laid side by side, caressing each other for a long while.

The following morning, when Jose left Patrick's room, he thanked the man with a wide smile, telling him that he hoped to have more wonderful nights with him.

When Patrick met Richard at breakfast, his friend asked him how he passed the night. "Wonderfully. That boy really knows how to make love."

"Not just him, I assure you." Richard said with a certain pride. Then they resumed the discussion about their bet.

They had a friend who worked as a volunteer at the Mattachine. They would ask him to help choose the five boys of the bet. Patrick was going to rent a room in the lowest boroughs and to bring there his eventual conquests - a bleak room, of a miserable man. He sent his butler to buy second hand clothing, something more modest, and appropriate furniture and supplies for the room. He went to see the result with Richard.

Patrick wore the second hands clothes and showed himself to his friend.

"Your hair and hands are much too well groomed and you have an enviable tan. You seem what you are - a rich man disguised as the poor."

"Well, let's just pass some time, we are not in hurry, are we? Rather, you know what I think? I will go around dressed like this for a while and I'll look for a job, so it will be more realistic."

"Sure. When you are ready, tell me," Richard said, amused.

Patrick had to tour around a lot, but at last he found a job as a dish-washer in a low rank restaurant. His tan gradually disappeared. His hair shorn by a barber of the poor quarters, assumed a less refined look. His hands, since he stopped having manicures and was washing dishes, became the normal hands of a labourer. After he got a job, he also stopped using his bank account. The poor way of life amused him in a way, since he knew it was just for a short period of time.

Then, he finally felt ready. With Richard, they went to the Mattachine and decided whom to try and with whom to start. Each of them had two months' time to conquer each of the boys, therefore, in ten months, they will know who has won the bet.

The five boys they chose were: Charles, an eighteen year-old boy of a wealthy family just enrolled at the University - Earl, nineteen years old, who lived working in a gasoline station - Gene, twenty years old, who worked as a clerk in a post office - Fred, twenty-one, who maintained himself delivering pizzas for a pizza shop - and last David, the poorest of all five boys, who managed to live by drawing with colored chalks on the pavements of the city. All of them were quite handsome, of different age and of different social level. Even if the five boys were all members of the Mattachine, they decided to meet them "by chance" and not in the association's premises.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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