Money, Beauty Or Love?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 5, 2006


MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on February 19, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Gardner Rust


"MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 3 - David and Charles: 2 to 1

In the morning of November 7th, Richard passed in front of the Modern Art Museum. David was there as usual, drawing figures on the sidewalk. Two or three people were there looking at his work, and Richard also stopped. Then, when the others went away, he put a hundred dollar bill in the youth's hat.

David raised his eyes and said: "Hey, sir, didn't you make a mistake? It's a hundred dollar bill!"

"Yes, I know, I realy wanted to give you a hundred dollars. I like how you draw."

"Oh, thank you! You are generous."

"No, I'm just a moneybag."

"Rich and generous, anyway."

Richard smiled, then asked, "Do you draw using only chalks?"

"Yes, why?"

"Bah, so... I was thinking that it is a pity that your drawings are destined each time to disappear, trampled on by people."

"Well, I think that people are more interested in looking at me while I'm drawing than at the drawings themselves."

"No, this one, for instance, is beautiful. Its original is a Raphael, right?"

"Yes, right. You are a connoisseur."

"I am somewhat of a connoisseur, but I like modern art better than classical. Would you be able, by chance, to reproduce a Picasso?"

"Well, I would just need to study one of his paintings carefully and then I could reproduce it."

"Very interesting," Richard said, then said good bye and left.

A few day later he was back. David recognized him and greeted him with a smile.

Richard looked at him drawing for a while, then asked, "If I asked you to paint something on the walls of a room with indelible colors, would you feel like doing that?"

"Possibly yes... it depends on what kind of drawings you want. I'm not skilled in creating, but I'm good at making copies."

"Copying... with some changes?"

"Well... perhaps I can."

"Would you like to come to my home, so you can see the room, and I will show you a book with some work I would like to see reproduced on the walls but, as I said, with some changes. Then you can tell me if you feel like doing them or not..."

"Well... yes..."

"I'll pay you well - a thousand dollars for the four walls, besides the cost of the materials, and lunch and dinner at my place for all the time you work for me."

David accepted. Richard took him to his car and asked Jose to drive them home. Here he showed to David a book with reproductions of the works of a Swiss painter, Hans Erni, and showed him which drawings he wanted reproduced and on which walls of the room. In all there were six drawings of naked males and females in erotic postures.

"See, these are the drawings - you have to paint them bigger and to make, as I told you, some changes."

"What kind of changes?"

"Tranforming all the women of these couples to men."

"Ah, that's interesting - homoerotic scenes, then?"

"Yes, do you feel like doing it?"

"I can try, I don't think it will be difficult. I can possibly start trying to draw them life-size on pounce paper with my chalks. Then, if you approve them, I can reproduce them on the walls. What do you think?"

"Very good. I'll call Don now, he's one of my manservants. He will assist you with all you could need, and if you have to go to buy the materials you will go with him and Jose and Don will instruct the shopowners to put everything on my account. From time to time I'll come and see how you are doing."


A thousand dollars, David thought, was very good pay, a real stroke of luck. He calculated with some extra all the materials he could need, then told Don they could go to purchase them.

On the way, he asked the manservant, "But... is your master gay?"

"Yes." the young man answered with a smile, then, as instructed by Richard, added, "All the villa personnel are gay."

"Ah, everybody?"


"And... does he... do it with you all?"

"At times, when he doesn't have a lover."

"And... how is he?"

"In bed? Better than many others. Why? Are you interested in him?" he asked.

"No... well..."

"Are you too, by chance, gay?"

"I? Yes, I too am one. But your master is not exactly my type."

"Well, when one is as rich as he is, it could also be interesting. When he gets fond of somebody, he becomes really generous, you know?"

"And if he isn't, he is not generous?"

"Yes. I can say he isn't."

David thought that the hundred dollars he gave him the first time, and the thousand he will pay him now, were two really generous acts, therefore he asked himself if the man was interested more in him than in his work. But the man didn't make any explicit advances. Sure, David thought, becoming the lover of such a rich man would mean an end of his problems, especially if he was a generous guy. And if in bed he was above average...

After they bought the materials, David asked Don, "And... what is the type your master likes?"

"Well, like me, or Jose or the others at home - between twenty and twenty-five years-old, well built and fully available. You too could be his type."

"And... doesn't he have a boyfriend, now?"

"No, not at this time. In fact he asked Mike to go to his bedroom, tonight."

"Who's Mike?"

"The gardener."

"But, when he calls you, you go to him without hesitation? All of you?"

"It's part of the contract, I can say. And anyway he's not bad at all in bed, believe me..." Don added with a cunning smile.

David started his work. He first reproduced one of the drawings with the chalks on pounce-paper, changing the woman into a man - but he was not satisifed. He studied the male figures drawn by the painter carefully. David's effort had to seem as if it were painted by the author himself... He tried a second drawing and was a little more satisfied. He hung it on a wall - yes, he had to modify it some more, but he was on the right path. But before trying again to change it, he preferred to sketch the other five big drawings, in order to practice and to get a handle on that style.

Five days later he saw Richard again, who stopped to look at his drawings. He discussed some details with him, and some different solutions. Richard proposed to him, for that evening, that instead of eating in the kitchen with the house staff, to have supper with him. David accepted and thanked him. He was aware that Richard was looking at him with some interest. Was it possible that the moneybag wanted something else from him besides the paintings? All in all, he would not have disliked that.

All during the dinner they talked mainly about the drawings - Richard wanted them to preserve the erotic charge that the author had infused in them, increased by the fact that the scenes would represent clearly gay scenes. At one point Richard asked him if he was gay and David quietly confirmed it. Richard seemed interested in hearing that. Later, while they were talking about art objects, Richard showed him an massive old silver ring with a seal on it. David turned it in his hands and said it was really beautiful.

"It is just a reproduction of a Medieval ring of a pope, I don't remember which one."

"It is very well done, it seems authentic."

"Yes, it is a very good reproduction, isn't it?" Richard asked.

"Yes, it's really beautiful. Can I try it?"

"Sure. It's exactly your size; it seems made for your finger. Keep it, it's a present, it's yours."

"Mine? Really? It's a splendi gift."

"A small thing, it's just silver and only a reproduction, even though well executed. And it looks nice on your hand," Richard added.

David was about to say something; he would have liked to add some more words, but Richard stood up, told him he would have him taken back home and told him good bye, telling him that in the following days he would be busy, but hoped to see him soon and to see also the definitive drafts.

On the following days David worked hard in order to end all five of the final drafts. He was quite happy with the result. Now the male couples seemed like originals. There weren't scenes of sex, but of desire, and he thought they were really beautiful. In those drawings there was an undeniable erotic tension. He would have loved having that book to take inspiration from and try, for his own pleasure, to do more drawings made in that natural and yet expressive style.

A few days later, Richard showed up again. He praised David and told him that the drafts were good, and that he could start painting them on the room walls. Then pointing at one of the ten male nudes, he said, "This one could be you; he resembles you."

"Yes, it's true."

"Do you too have such a wonderful body?" the man then asked.

David answered, "It's difficult to judge oneself."

"Right," Richard said and, with some disappointment from David, didn't add anything more and went out.

But a little later Don arrived with a small parcel, "The master says he is really happy with how you are working and sends you this."

David took and opened it - it contained a chain bracelet of solid gold.

Don looked at him and said, "I'd say that the master is taking an interest in you."

"You think so? But he never says anything to make me understand his interest."

"He's telling you in this way, don't you see?"

"It could be, but what is he waiting for? For me to ask him to take me on his bed?"

"Perhaps... or possibly he wants to understand if you are interested in him or not." the young man cunningly answered, and left.

Then David, who after all wouldn't be displeased to be maintained by the billionnaire, the day after wore very tight jeans to show off what he had between his legs and, when he was at the villa to paint, as it was a warm day, he did it bare chested. For a couple of days the only ones who made remarks and appraisals were the young staff members when, putting on a very tight T-shirt, he went to eat with them in the kitchen.

But on the third day, when Richard went to check on how the painting was proceeding, David noticed that the man's glance was caressing him from head to toe.

Then Richard asked, "How long do you think it will take to end all the work?"

"Well... a couple of weeks."

"So fast? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I think so."

"I don't want you to work in a hurry; I'd rather pay you more. Some five hundred dollars more, but I'd like you to do a good job. Three weeks, is that correct?"

"As you like. I will surely do my best to please you." David said, passing a hand on his chest in an unconscious gesture.

Richard smiled, then said, "Do you know that you are extremely sensual?"

"What?" David asked, slightly surprised at that unexpectedly explicit statement.

"Yes, sensual... sexy..."

"Thank you... very kind of you..."

"Don't be so formal."

"Well, you are a gentleman, I would never take the liberty to make myself too familiar with you; it would not be correct."

"I rather would like for you and me to become friends."

"Thank you. I would also be pleased."

"Will you have supper with me this evening?"


"And... call me by my name, just to start."


Richard smiled and, with a good bye gesture, went away.

That evening, when Richard called him for supper, David was about to put on his T-shirt, but Richard stopped him, "No, please. If it doesn't bother you, stay as you are - I like looking at you."

"At the table... I would feel embarrassed - you with tie and jacket and I with bare chest."

"Then, I'd better remove something," Richard answered with a smile and at once took off his jacket and neck-tie, then undid all the butons of his shirt, under which he wore nothing. "Is that better, now?" he asked with a smile.

They sat at the table and spoke about various things and about nothing special. Then, after the supper, while the servants were clearing the table, Richard took David into the drawing room, in front of the glowing fireplace. He put some cushions on the thick carpet and beckoned him to sit there.

"A whisky?"

"Yes, thank you, on the rocks."

"The same way I like it," Richard said. He went to pour two whiskeys, then went back with the tumblers in his hands, gave one to David and sat down near him, "To our friendship, then?" the man proposed.

"To our friendship," David answered.

"You are beautiful, David, I like you very much," Richard said at one point, looking intensely at him, then with his fingertips he lightly brushed his pectorals and asked him, "Does this bother you?"

"On the contrary, I like it," the young man anwered, then asked, "May I too touch you? You have a beautiful chest, Richard."

The man nodded. David stretched his hand, slipped it under his shirt and caressed his chest, side, and belly, "Your skin is smooth, warm, your belly firm; do you go to the gym?"

"No, I practice sports."

"And you are perfectly tanned, I bet you are fully tanned," David said, lingering to brush one of his nipples.

"Would you like to check?" Richard asked in a low voice.

"Can I?" the young man asked, slightly excited.

"Sure, if you desire it," Richard answered.

David then started to unbutton Richard's fly and felt with his fingers that the man was becoming aroused. Opening the fly wide, he then started to unbutton the swollen boxers. Richard lay down on his back, and when David opened his boxers uncovering the thick hair of his pubes, he arched up his back raising his pelvis. The boy understood and lowered the trousers and boxers together, uncovering him totally.

The erect member was standing out, quivering. David caressed it. Then without a word, bent down to lick and suck it, while Richard was caressing the nape of his neck. Then the man twisted so that he could reach David's pelvis and started to undress him. In a while they were both naked, intertwined in a passionate sixty-nine. Richard was pleased - the first step was done; he now had a little more than one month to lead the young man to ask him to be his steady lover...

After that first evening, when Richard was going to check how the paintings were proceeding, he often caressed or kissed David, arousing him.

"If you do that... it'll take me more time to complete the paintings..." the young man complained, but with a smile.

"So much the better. I get sad when I think that it will end," Richard answered, caressing him even more intimately.

Often both were so excited that they could not content themselves to just touch each other, so Richard took him to his bedroom, on his bed and they made love for a long time.

The third time Richard took him on his bed and tried to tease the youth's anus, David moaned and, with a whisper filled with desire, begged him, "Fuck me, please."

Richard moved instantly, took him on his side and, holding him tight against himself and caressing his belly and chest, masturbated him. David seemed to have lost his head. Richard was nibbling his neck and shoulders, vigorously sliding in and out of him, while David moaned with pleasure.

Later, while the young man was pressing against him, Richard asked him to start sleeping with him. David accepted at once with pleasure. The morning after, the youth woke up and felt that Richard, though still sleeping, was aroused. He then leaned between his legs to suck his cock with pleasure, until the man woke up. Then David sat on Richard's lap, brushing his buttocks against the shuddering pole, until the man took him from below with reciprocal great pleasure.

They were making love more and more often and each time Richard asked David to spend the night with him. The wall paintings were proceeding and on December 20 they were completed.

"So, I've finished," David said to Richard.

"They came out splendidly. I will throw a party for Christmas for my gay friends - I would like you to come."

"I'm sorry we cannot see each other any more, you know? I feel so fine with you..."

"If you like, we can continue meeting."

"Really? I would be really glad."

Christmas came, then also New Years Day. Richard gave generous presents to David, who took part in both parties. As they were formal parties, Richard bought him the right clothes. David had never had such a beautiful and expensive wardrobe, and was happy. He felt spoiled by Richard, who lavished attention on him.

After the New Years party, when all the guests had left, they went to Richard's bedroom to make love.

Afterwards, Richard asked David, "Do you have a wish for the New Year?"

"Yes, I have one."

"Tell me. I would like to fulfil it."

"I don't know if... It's something of a dream."

"What do you desire? Do you want me to buy you a car?"

"A car? No."

"So then, what do you desire?"

"I would like..."

"Come on, tell me."

"I would like staying here with you, being your boyfriend."

Richard was triumphant - he earned another score. Now he could also give him the sack. "Ah... that..." he said with some coldness.

David felt the change of tone in Richard's voice and looked at him worriedly. Then asked, in a grieved voice, "You don't feel like it? You are not interested in my being your boyfriend, right?"

"You see, David, you are a sexy boy. I like you, but yet... not enough to be tied to you in that way, I'm sorry."

"I thought that..."

"I'm sorry, David. If our aventure is becoming so important to you, it's possibly better we don't see each other any more. Yes, I really believe it is better."

David was really disappointed, but he could say nothing. Thus, on January first, before lunch, he gathered all his belongings and left Richard's house forever. He earned good money, received generous gifts, but felt frustrated. Richard, on the contrary, was decidedly happy - he had earned his second score in the challenge with Patrick, and moreover he had beautiful frescoes in one of the rooms of his residence. It is really so, he said to himself, satisfied, that with money one can get anything one wishes.

On November seven, Partick did not succeed in hooking Charles. He waited for him at the university the boy attended, but on that day Charles didn't show up. Patrick didn't know how to hook Charles. In the guise of a thirty-three year old dishwasher, what could he have in common with an eighteen-year-old university student who was surely not lacking money? Therefore he thought to just stop him and ask him for a cigarette, and then to buttonhole him. So he waited for him around the university parking lot, acting as if he was just passing through by chance.

On November eight he saw the small sports-car of the boy approaching. He calculated well the timing so that he would intercept him halfway between the parking area and the campus entrance.

Then, arriving near him, he asked, "Sorry, but... do you have a cigarette?"

Charles stopped and looked at him up and down, then took out of his pocket the pack of cigarettes and gave it to him. Patrick pulled out one cigarette and gave him back the pack.

"No, you can have the whole package."

"Really? I can keep it? Thank you, you're really kind."

"Nothing at all, it's just a pack of cigarettes."

"Excuse me, are you an university student?"


"Ah, when I was a boy I had so wanted to be able to attend university."

"Really? Why didn't you?"

"Because I've had to work to support myself. But it's not too bad. What are you studying?"

"Contemporary literature."

"Wow, good... whom do you like best?" Patrick asked, and they started to talk passionately about literature.

"But you, even though you couldn't study, know authors very well. How is that?"

"I spend all my free time at the library to read. I like it a lot, and it doesn't cost me a dime," Patrick lied, as in reality he had actually graduated in modern literature.

"I have to go to a lesson, but I would like to meet you again." Charles said.

"I too would like that. When and where can we meet?"

"At three thirty p.m. at the campus cafeteria, is that OK?"

"At that time I have to go to work, I'm sorry. I'm free only in the mornings."

"Oh, I see. So then... tomorrow morning I'm busy, I have several lessons... then there is the week-end... What do you think meeting on monday morning at ten at the cafeteria?"

"I will be there for sure. And thank you for the cigarettes."

"Don't mention it. Ah, we didn't even introduce ourselves. My name is Charles."

"How do you do. I'm Patrick."

Good, the ice was broken; he had hooked him. The boy had a likeable appearance and Patrick felt confident he could take him to bed. Hooking him had been easier than he tought, thanks to their shared passion for modern literature. The boy liked talking, was extrovert, therefore Patrick thought it would be easy leading their conversation to the topic he was inerested in.

They met two or three times. The boy always offered to pay. Once, sitting at the campus cafeteria as they normally did, Patrick lead their speech to some works with an explictely gay content.

Charles talked about them quietly and at a point said, "... yes, because we gay people..." and stopped for a moment, then with a smile said, "Well, yes, because I am a gay activist."

"Oh, you too? I mean, I too am gay," Patrick answered, quietly.

"That's why we understand each other so well - we have a common sensitivity," Charles said with a wide grin.

After a while, Patrick asked Charles, "Do you have a boyfriend at present?"

"No. And you?"

"Me neither."

"Ah, so we both are free."

"It seems so," Patrick said, hoping that the boy at that point would make a proposal, but Charles changed the subject. It was now a couple of weeks that they had been meeting and Patrick had to bring this to a conclusion, therefore said, "I like you very much, Charles."

"I too like you, Patrick - you are handsome and likeable."

"So then... couldn't we be a couple?"

"You and I? No, I don't think so."


"You see - and please don't take offence - but we belong to two different worlds. I cannot take you in the milieu I attend. You don't have the right clothes, the right social status, you would be embarrassed and embarrass my friends. And above all, you are too much older than I - you see, you would pass for my kept man. Moreover..."

Patrick interrupted him, "But I like you so much; couldn't we at least give it a try?"

"No, it wouldn't be fair. I could make love with you once, I think, as I physically like you, but becoming a couple... it would create a lot of problems for both of us. I'm sorry, Patrick, but... without any offence."

That day Patrick didn't insist, but thought he would return to the issue. He started making Charles small gifts, things of little value, like a dishwasher could allow himself to do. But Charles, who guessed the meaning of those presents, told him to stop and that he could not accept them from him. Patrick then asked him to make love at least once, but on that as well Charles was inflexible.

"No, it would be dangerous. I'm physically actracted to you, as I said, and something could arise. Really, Patrick, forget it!"

Days were elapsing, but Charles didn't change his mind and even, at a certain point, told him that if he wanted them to remain friends, he had to stop trying. Now Christmas came and the New Years was approaching. Charles made a small present to Patrick and told him he was going to spend the winter holidays with his friends, therefore they wouldn't meet again until mid January.

Patrich had to resign himself to lose one point. When he met Richard, they told each other their attempts and Richard was triumphant, "Do you see? Beauty without money is not of much use; on the contrary, money even without beauty gives you the wining hand."

"It's not yet over; we just tried with two boys each. We still have six months ahead of us for the other three attempts. Therefore don't sing victory too early!"

"Alright. Anyway for the moment I have two points and you have only one!" the friend happily retorted.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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