Money, Beauty Or Love?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 11, 2006


MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on February 19, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Gardner Rust


"MONEY, BEAUTY OR LOVE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 5 - Fred and Gene : 3 to 3

"We will see. We have still to try with Fred and Gene. Who do you chose?"

"It doesn't matter, but possibly... Fred." Patrick answered.

"Alright, I'll look for the postman. He is possibly the most handsome of all, at least judging from the pictures. Do you have any idea how to contact the pizza boy? What about asking for a delivery at your home?"

"No, they have three errand boys; it is not certain, even if I ordered one pizza every day, that he will be the one to deliver it. I have in mind another system."

"What system?"

"Following him when he ends his work. I know that they close later than my restaurant."

"Well, provided that the boy doesn't call a policeman: Help, that man is following me!" Richard said with a laugh.

Patrick had seen that, from the restaurant where he worked, going fast and not losing time, he could get to the pizza shop before its closing time. Therefore, already on the night of March the fifteenth, he almost ran to wait for him. He saw Fred leave the shop and followed him at some distance, making note of the route he was taking, until he saw him enter his house. Then Patrick went back home.

On the following evening he again discretely followed him, careful not to be noticed, and saw that the boy walked exactly the same way as the previous day. He hoped he was a boy of habit. Especially at that late hour, he probably wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

On the third night, he waited for him so that, when he saw him come out of the shop, he preceeded him until he went beyond the boy's house. He did so for some nights: he walked ahead of him, so that Fred could see him but, as Patrick was walking ahead he would not think he was being followed but simply that, by sheer chance, the guy walked the same way at the same hour.

After about one week, Patrick timed it so that they were walking almost side by side. He noticed that from time to time Fred was throwing him a glance. On the two following nights, he again did so so that they were walking almost side by side and Fred was continuing to throw him fast glances.

So, finally, one evening Patrick smiled him and Fred answered with a greeting gesture.

"It's not so cold now, is it?" Patrick said.

"No... do you live in this neighbourhood?"

"No, I'm going to see a friend who lives nearby. And you?"

"I live here, I'm on my way back home. I work until late."

"Oh, really, you do too? What's your work?"

"I do pizzas home delivery... and you?"

"I'm a dishwasher in a small restaurant. I too just finished work. I'm going to see a friend, then I'll go back home to sleep. Fortunately, I can sleep until late in the morning."

"Same here. Well, I'm home. Good night."

"Good night." Patrick answered and continued to walk.

On the following night, as soon as they met, they greeted each other.

"Tired?" Fred asked.

"Well, somewhat, but not enough not to see my friend." Patrick said.

"You go to see him every night?"

"Yes, but just these days, since he is alone."

"So you keep him company?"

"Yes; he goes to work in the morning, thus we can meet only at this time, even though it's late."

"A childhood friend?"

"No, we just met last week."


"And as his friend is looking outside of New York for a job..."

"Ah, he lives with a friend?"

"Yes, for three years now."

"And you are a friend also with the other one?"

"No, I met him just once, at a party - they were together. We just exchanged a few words. But Harvey hit me at once, he's very likeable."

Fred looked at him with an inquisitive air, "Harvey is the friend you're going to see now?"

"Right. He is about as old as you; he is twenty-two... how old are you?"


"He resembles you a little, you know?"


"Yes. But you have arrived home, right?"

"Yes. Well, good night and... amuse yourselves."

"Thank you and see you tomorrow, possibly."

"Yes, possibly."

On the following night they greeted and walked together, chatting. "How's your friend?" at one point Fred asked.

"Harvey? He's fine."

"And... when does your friend's friend come back?"

"Steve? He will be back the day after tomorrow."

"So, then, you can't go any more to see him."

"True, I can't. I think that Steve would not appreciate it." Patrick said with a sly smile.

"Is he jealous?" Fred then asked, in an amused tone.

"Yes, I really think so."

"Therefore... we will meet only tomorrow night."


"That's a pity, I was getting used to walking this way with you."

"The same here,"

On the following night, Fred said, "We could address each other by name, don't you think?"

"Sure. I'm Patrick."

"I'm Fred. So, this is the last time you go to see your friend..."


"Are you sorry?"

"Well... after all we barely know each other."

"Barely but... already intimately, right?" Fred asked, with a hint of cunning in his voice.

"I'd say so. But possibly, in these days, I talked longer with you than with him."

"Oh, really? With him little words and lot of action, I bet."

"Eh, more or less so."

"I've arrived. Won't you drop in to have a drink?"

"I'd like to very much, but Harvey is waiting for me. Tomorrow evening, possibly, if it suits you."

"Would you come?"

"With pleasure."

"Then, see you tomorrow evening, Patrick."

"Tomorrow evening, yes."

The following night Patrick waited for him.

"You came," Fred said with a smile as he saw him.

"Sure, did you doubt it?"

"Well, you know, we still barely know each other..."

"No. I never take others for a ride. it's so bad to wait uselessly for somebody, especially this late. And also, I am really pleased you invited me for... a drink." Patrick said.

Fred smiled. They arrived at his house and went upstairs. Fred's apartment was just a wide room with a screen in a corner, possibly hiding the bed. It was furnished in a simple way and yet in good taste.

"It's nice, here at your place. My room, on the contrary, is dreary. I like it here."

"Do you like it? I'm glad," Fred said and switched on the stereo to have some background music.

"What can I offer you?"

"What do you have?"

"Beer, gin, fruit juice, milk."

"What will you drink?"

"Beer for me, but you can choose what you like."

"Beer for me too, it's OK, thank you. That's a nice painting, who did it?"

"A friend of mine who lived here with me."

"And now?"

"Bah, now he lives with another man."

"Do you feel lonely?" Patrick asked.


"Were you together for long?"

"Two and half years. I met him on Halloween night. We were wearing the same costume at a party."

"Oh... what costume?"

"As Superman. But he had the right body, he was a weight lifter," Fred said with a smile.

"You too seem to be well built, by the way," Patrick said.

"Do you think so? Well, he had more muscles..."

"I never really liked weight lifters. It is said that they have a lot of muscles, little brain, and no dick," Patrick said lughing.

"About his brain... it was possibly so, but about his dick, he had a good one, and how good it was."

"Did you verify this in person?"

"Sure, and every night; Don and I were lovers," Fred said looking straight into his eyes."

Then Patrick asked him, "And... do you like big ones?"

"Well, not small, for sure."

"And yours?"

"Mine?" Fred asked with a giggle, "Would you like to check?"

"Well, I wouldn't be in the least bit sorry."

"But you, would you show me yours?" Fred amusedly asked.

"Only just see it?" Patrick slyly asked.

"No... would you like spending the night here, with me?"

"I hoped you would ask," Patrick said stretching out his hand and laying it on the boy's thigh, caressing it. Fred put his hand on Patrick's, who turned his own hand upward and their fingers intertwined.

"Let's go to bed..." Fred proposed, standing up.

"Willingly, yes, really willingly," Patrick answered, as he also rose.

Looking at each other, they undressed,. "Do you know that you're really beautiful?" Fred said when they were naked, drawing near and caressing the length of his body.

"You too. You may not be a Superman, but you are not bad at all... here also," Patrick said fingering his hard and straight member.

Fred caressed Patrick's member, "Yours is really beautiful."

"Is it the right size for you?" the man asked him.

"Why don't you try it out?" Fred answeed, provocatively.

Patrick caressed his ass and asked, "Here?"

"Yes, sure, there; don't you want to taste my little ass?"

Patrick squeezed it with both hands, pulling the boy to himself, "And you, won't you give it to me?"

"Sure," the boy said shuddering and brushing against him with his body. "Let's lie on my bed. Come, Patrick," he whispered and guided him behind the screen. He made him lie down, climbed on the bed and started licking and suckling all over his body, caressing it, groping it with greedy pleasure, "God, what a beautiful man you are... what a beautiful hard cock..."

"Better that Don's?" Patrick asked.

"Mmmhhh... let me taste it, then I'll tell you." The boy answered starting to lick all its length, lingering with the tip of his tongue on the swollen glans with skilled laps, until he felt it quiver. He then made it all slip into his mouth, down to his throat, sucking it and moving his tongue, bobbing up and down his head, moaning with pleasure.

Patrick was fully aroused, and took the young man and made him lie down, going on top of him, "I want you, Fred, I want your nice little ass."

"Yes, please, screw it, fuck me," Fred answered excitedly, at once offering himself to the man.

Patrick seized him and put the shuddering tip of his rod on the palpitating little hole, "Do you want me inside you, Fred?"

"Yes, go on! Go on, screw me. Make me feel all of it!" the boy murmured, pushing against him.

"You really want me?" Patrick asked, withdrawing a little.

"Yes, please! Slam it all inside, hard!"

"No, wait..."

"No, I can't. Screw me, screw me, please. Let me feel how much of a male you are! Bang me hard!" the boy beseeched, trying to pull him to himself.

Patrick resisted him. The boy begged again, brushing his nipples, pushing his ass against the rod. "Fuck me, fuck me, please, I really can't wait, fuck my ass!" he excitedly moaned.

Then Patrick gathered all his force and struck with a single blow.

"Ahhhh! Yeahhhh," Fred moaned while the man was sinking completely inside him. "Ohhh that's good! Bang me, Patrick... harder... make me feel how much of a man you are!" the boy moaned tossing excitedly under him. Patrick then started to hammer inside him with a will. "So, yes, how good! You're a bull... harder... go on..."

"You like it?"

"It's to die for... go on... god, how good... what a hard cock... go on, go on, harder..." Fred beseeched wriggling under him, seized by a growing pleasure. "Don't come too soon, let me enjoy it a long time, please," the boy begged caressing his body with pleasure.

Patrick liked the passion with which the boy enjoyed having him inside his ass, the way Fred welcomed him, making his hole palpitate around his rod, moving his pelvis, panting happily. "How beautiful, Patrick... you're fantastic... you fuck like a god! Harder... harder..." he spurred him.

Patrick didn't need to be encouraged; he threw himself into a passionate ride. The whole bed jumped and squeaked at each lunge, almost in rhythm with the background rock music.

"So, am I better than your body builder, Fred?"

"Oh, yeah..."


"You really know how to fuck... you're making me feel all of it... Ohhhh... go on... so... Oh what a man... o god... I'm... cooooooming... ohhh, coooming... push... I coome... ohhh... ohhhhh... ohhhhhhh!" Fred yelled tossing and jumping, seized by an intense orgasm, that at once set off also Patrick's orgasm and, beating inside him with vigor, held him tight against himself and unloaded inside him in a set of strong jets.

Fred, all a tremble and a quiver, held him tight and kissed him, "God, was it great! No, don't pull it yet out... go on fucking me as long as it's still hard..." he asked, fully excited.

Now Patrick was making it slip out and in with long, calm and strong strokes, continuing until his member started to soften. He then let himself lie on top of Fred, exhausteed and sated. The boy caressed him, satisfied.

They fell asleep embracing. On the following morning they woke up and dressed. Fred fixed their breakfast; they chatted like two old friends, but neither of them talked about the intercourse they had had. Eventually Patrick told Fred he was planning to go home before starting to work.

"Will you come again, tonight?" Fred asked him at the door.

"You want me?"

"You need to ask me? I have never enjoyed a fuck like the one you gave me..."

"Oh, Come on!" Patrick said, smiling somewhat unbelieving.

"I swear! You are a real bull, a stallion. So then, will you come?"

"Yes, sure." Patrick promised.

It had been, without any doubt, a pleasurable night, even though Fred, in bed, seemed to him a little too passive. No, it wasn't right to say he was passive... rather, possibly... not virile enough, even though he was not at all effeminate. But Patrick liked virile boys, boys who let him take them, but who then want to take him. With them, he could feel more equal, and that was more pleasurable. He thought that Richard would have liked Fred. Who knows how was he doing with Gene? Who knows what type Gene was? From the pictures it was not easy to guess. Fred, for instance, seemed more virile than he really was, once in bed.

Anyway, Patrick did not regret having sex with Fred; he could not deny that the boy aroused him and gave him very strong orgasms. But in the long run, how much could he like him? He felt he was missing something and started to call on Fred less frequently. In addition, the two months were about over and he had to withdraw from him. Fred felt that Patrick was moving away from him, but didn't seem to worry about that.

Richard, on March the fifteenth, went to the post-office where Gene worked at the parcels window. He sent a parcel to the keeper of his country house, containing nothing. He had several of them prepared and had the intentino to send one of them every day for a full week, so that that Gene would him, recognize him. On Sunday, Richard "by chance" passed under Gene's house. He really waited inside his car util he saw the boy leaving his house.

"Hi! Aren't you the postaman where I go to send my parcels?" Richard asked him.

"Yes..." the boy answered with a smile.

"Do you live in this neighbourhood?"

"Yes, there," Gene said pointing to the door from which he had just emerged.

"You always are so patient with me at the post-office. May I offer you something at a bar?"

"Thank you, don't bother."

"No, really. It is not a custom giving tips to post-office clerks, thus, to show you my appreciation... Are you comnig?"

"Alright, thank you." Gene answered.

Richard asked him his name, age, and introduced himself. He asked him what hobbies he had and when Gene told him he was collecting minerals, Richard told him he had a rich mineral collection and that the parcels he was sending actually contained some minerals he was sending to one of his acquaintances. He invited the boy to go and see it, "Possibly, if I have doubles you are interested in..." the man said casually.

"Thank you, it would be nice..."

"For a few days I'm a little busy but, if you want... let's see... on Thursday evening you could come to my place to see my collection."

"Yes, what time fits you?"

"Would it be good around seven p.m.?"


"Here, this is my address," Richard said handing him a name card. Then said good bye, telling him he was somewhat in a hurry and went away.

Back home, he made an order to get a big mineral collection already mounted in display cases before Thursday at lunch with all that was needed by a collector, including several duplicates of each mineral and the rare pieces. And he also asked a mineral expert to meet him at lunch time to give him the basics, in order to be able to talk on that subject with Gene. He had the display cases mounted in the room between the nude fescoes and the garden. In fact he wanted to have Gene pass through the nudes room, just to give him a hint he was gay; this would facilitate things.

When Thursday evening came, Richard felt ready and in good shape. Gene rang at the door at seven o'clock sharp. When Richard saw him, greeted him with a wide smile.

Gene was slightly embarrased and said, "I didn't know that you... that you, mister, lived in this house - I thought I went to the wrong address."

"Yes, this is my home. And don't be so formal, now... Well, then, let's go and see my collection."

"Thank you."

They passed through the room with the nudes painted by David and Richard noticed that Gene was looking furtively but with real interest at them. They entered the room with the instant but rich mineral collection.

Gene widened his eyes, "Good grief! It's almost a museum hall, this one! Nothing to compare with my collection..."

"You can open the cases, if you like, and take a piece in your hands, without ceremony. Under the show-cases there are drawers with my duplicates. If some of the pieces in the drawers appeal to you, you can have them without a problem."

Gene started to examine the pieces with care, making comments that showed he was quite an expert about minerals. But he was taking no duplicates.

"Hey, Gene, aren't you interested in any of my duplicates?"

"Yes, many of them, but there are too many. I cannot take them, I would have nothing interesting to give you in exchange."

"I don't mind, they are just doubles, pieces of no interest to me."

"These pieces have too high a value."

"To me they are just trifles. Come on. Take what you like without worrying, I would be really pleased."

"No, thank you, really." Gene answered decidedly. "It's already a plesure being able to see such wonderful minerals, having them in my hand. You have a fabulous collection. You must have spent a fortune on it."

"Well, many are gifts, to tell the truth. Take some pieces, really, without worrying about their value, after all they are just stones, crystals... don't stand on ceremony."

"Thank you." Gene said, but took nothing.

"I had supper prepared for two; you will have supper with me, won't you?" then Richard said.

"Yes, thank you..." Gene answered after a short hesitation.

They passed again through the nudes room, "Do you like the frescoes of this room?" Richard asked.

"Interesting. Very erotic."

"Aren't they? Especially that couple, don't you think so?"

"Yes, very sensual." Gene answered.

They went to eat. The servants served them then let them alone. "I was thinking, Gene, that I would have loved if the painter who did those frescoes took you as a model," Richard said. Gene looked at him without saying a word. "You are a really handsome boy. When I came to the post-office, I couldn't help but to admire you," Richard added with a smile. Gene continued to keep silent. "Am I bothering you, telling you that?"


"It gives you problems because I am gay?"

"No. I too am gay, therefore..."

"Really, Gene? I'm glad for that..."

"Glad? Why?"

"Well... because I feel strongly attracted to you and... as you too are gay, I can tell it to you without worries."

Gene again said nothing.

"What's up, Gene? You seem tense..."

"You invited me to see your minerals just to take me to your bed?" Gene directly asked.

"No, I mean... I like you, as I said, and wanted to know you better. I didn't put my hands on you, did I? I asked you nothing."

"I agree, but..."

"Did I do something wrong? Did I offend you in some ways?"

"No... It's just that you shouldn't think, because I too am gay, that automatically I have to come to bed with you. I don't go to bed with the first person I encounter."

"I'm asking you so we can get to know each other, nothing else. Certainly, I like you, I desire you, but I don't think you can reproach me for that..."

"No, sure."

"If, getting to know each other, we could get also to... well, I would be glad, this is clear."

"Well, I can understand. It is just that... your wealth makes me nervous."

"It's not my fault if I'm rich. Can't you just see me as a man who is atracted to you?"

"Yes, you are right, it's not fair having prejudices."

Richard, worrying he could escape him, didn't insist about the fact he felt attracted. They talked about other subjects for the remaining supper time. Gene seemed to gradually relax. But Richard had the clear impression that the boy was studying and evaluating him. He was not worried by that - he was confident that the boy's fascination with his wealth would sooner or later open a breach on the youth.

When Gene said it was time for him to go back home, Richard invited him to visit again and, with satisfaction, Gene accepted. They made a date for three days later. He would again come for supper. When Gene showed up, Richard invited him to swim for a while in his indoor pool. The boy objected that he didn't have a swimming suit.

Then Richard asked him, hesitantly, "Would you be ashamed to be in the pool naked? There will only be the two of us."

"No, if it suits you." Gene answered.

The boy undressed without showing any shame but also without exhibitionism. They dove, swam for a while, then lay down in the annex solarium to dry. Richard felt the desire to touch, caress him, but thought it was better to wait some more.

While they were lying down, looking at him, he said, "You have a relly beautiful body, Gene."

"Thank you."

"Do you like swimming?"

"Yes, very much."

"You can come whenever you like, with or without the swimming suit, as you like. I usually don't wear it, but do as you please."

"At this point... naked is OK. I always liked bathing in the nude but unhappily one usually cannot."

Richard gave him a gown and they went to eat. They talked, mainly about their past loves. Richard was feeling a great yen to touch him, or rather to take him to his bed, but judged it wasn't yet the right time to make that move. He felt the boy to be distant, even though more friendly than the last time. When he offered Gene a cigarette, the boy accepted.

So Richard lit both cigarettes with his gold lighter, then asked Gene, "Do you like this lighter?"

"Very beautiful... here also a male nude, eh?"

"Yes, it's the reproduction of a Greek bas-relief. If you like it, it's yours."

"No, thank you, it is too expensive."

"Is it possible that I cannot make you a present? I would be pleased if you accepted it."

"I don't..."

"Please!" Richard insisted.

At the end Gene accepted, and thanked him.

They met several more times. Gene seemed more and more open and accepting of the precious gifts Richard gave him. At last, going again to look at the minerals, after the man insisted many times, he also accepted several of the doubles. Richard was happy. At times, now, their bodies slightly brushed but Gene never stiffened. Thus, once, while they were in the solarium after swimming, Richard dared to caress the boy's body.

"No... please..." the boy said.

"I like you so very much, Gene. Let me caress you, come on..."

"No, please. I don't yet feel like making... having sex with you."

"I don't ask you to make love, just to let me caress you."

"It would be a first step - you will be aroused, and I too will be..."

"If you are aroused by my caresses, it would mean that you too desire making love with me, wouldn't it?"

"Physical arousal and the desire to make love are not exactly the same thing."

"We have known each other for more than a month..."

"We are just starting to know each other." Gene objected pushing the man's hand away from his body..

Richard knew he had just a few days left. He had to absolutely conquer the youth. So he bought a platinum ring with three small but perfect diamonds. When Gene went again to his home, while they were lying in the solarium as usual, Richard took the small box and gave it to him. "For you, Gene." He said.

The boy took the small box, sitting up, opened it and looked in amazement at the ring, "What does this mean?"

"That I would like you to be my boyfriend, Gene. I desire you too much, I cannot wait any more. Please."

Gene closed the little box and gave it back to the man. "Richard, there is one thing blocking me towards you, that makes me refuse. You believe that by covering me with gifts, you can conquer me. You believe that, just because you are full of money, I have to fall at your feet. From the first time I came here to your place, you have had only one thing on your mind: to buy me. But I'm not for sale, Richard."

"But... Gene - I'm offering you a life such as you could never have, I can give you anything you desire."

"No, from what I can see. There is one thing you are not able to give me..."


"Your love. You don't love me, you just want me. And I don't love you nor do I want you. Therefore..."

"We could at least make love, can't we?"

"You want to fuck?" Gene asked coldly.

"Certainly yes, also. After all, in change for all I'm giving you, of all I can give you, you could have sex with me, can't you? You want me believe that you have sex only with who you love? You never fucked just for the sake of fucking?" Richard asked, sharply.

"No. Never."

"I don't believe you!"

"You see that you still don't know me? You only see my body."

"What's wrong with that?"

"That a man is not just a body. I'm sorry, Richard, but you and I will never be lovers, not even friends. Our mentalities are too different."

"But... you like coming to my pool, eating good dishes, you like the gifts I gave you, don't you?"

"Certainly yes, very much."

"So, then? All this can go on, it depends only on you."

"Yes, I see." Gene answered, thoughtful. They went to have the supper. Afterwards, Richard insisted that Gene take the ring. The boy took it.

"Will you come, tomorrow?" Richard asked him.

"By all means." Gene answered.

Richard smiled, satisfied.

On the following evening, Gene arrived. When Richard was about to take him towards the pool, Gene said, "No, wait a moment."


Gene raised the gym sack he had with him, opened it and pulled out one after the other all the gifts Richard made him and put them on the table.

"What are you doing? What does this mean?"

"Here, and this is also the ring."

"But why?"

"Because I don't want you to be able to say I owe you something. I've no use for these presents, as you are not able to give me something else."

"But what's the sense of that?"

"You are not able to see it. But I can. And this evening I prefer not to stop with you, and neither will I come again here, Richard."

The man was astounded, but also angry. "But who do you think you are? Go back to your hovel, since you spit on luck when it comes to you. You are nothing but a small, stupid, miserable, little counter clerk!" he shouted.

Gene smiled, "Good, you have just confirmed what I guessed. Don't be angry. You can find dozens of boys who would be happy to be bought by you. You don't need me. Ta-ta, Richard!" the youth said with irony and departed Richard's house.

When Richard met Patrick, he was still furious for that defeat. Now he and his friend had three scores each and had just one more boy to try; everything depended on that last trial. The only thing that partially consoled Richard was that Charles was waiting for him, and in two months would move to his house to be with him. He really liked Charles.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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