Moniques College Lovers

Published on Dec 27, 2023


Monique's College Lovers Chapter 1

**All rights reserved by the author, This is a work of fiction.  All the usual laws, provisos, and rules apply.**

Monique's College Lovers

For some background click on the link. This is a fun story, and it brings you up to speed with short chapters on Monique's life. We got a little bit ahead of ourselves in the ending to Monique's visit to the girl's college with Alexis. Sure, she and Alexis had gotten married, but there was much more to the story.

Monique was a lesbian's lesbian. Alexis was two years old than Monique but they stayed together through the long distance (greater San Francisco to greater Los Angeles), although theirs was a not an exclusive relationship. There was so much pussy to have, to hold. They were both frisky girls. This is her story.

Fast Forward to Monique's starting school at the women's college in Northern California, where Alexis was now a junior...


The first thing that Monique wanted to do was make sure she got her workout in. She had her swimsuit with her, but she really wanted to lift weights today, and ideally hook up with her best bud, Jamie. As she approached the gym, she saw a girl waiting outside. The girl turned as she was about to enter and said, "Hello Monique."

"How did you know my name?" Monique asked her, amiably.

"I was here a year and a half ago when you were visiting the campus," she replied. "It was you and Alexis, and I just happened to be here that week. I have a good memory; it helps in history classes."

"Wait, I remember you," said Monique. "I saw you twice that week. Once on my first night here. In the student union. You were making eye contact with me. I remember now. Your eyes were so soft and nice and approving. And, and...once right here. I was leaving the gym, and you were going in. Right?

"That's right. Just so you know, I'm not being creepy," said the girl. "My name is Ally, short for Alexandra. I'm a junior here now. You got it: there were two times, and both times you were with Alexis. But I have to tell you, I was drawn to you. You were so beautiful. Pardon the bluntness, but I'm gay, and I wanted so much to meet you. But I guess Alexis was your girlfriend. At least that seemed to be the case."

"Aww, Ally, you should have said "Hi"," said Monique. "I was here as a high school junior checking out the college, but this is my first day on campus. And yes, Alexis is my girlfriend, but we have an open relationship. Now I'm a student, and sort of in my second semester of freshman year, thanks to AP classes. I plan in getting through my undergrad in 3 years."

"Wow, that's aggressive. Did you get you books and everything?" said Ally.

"Yes, I'm all set," said Monique. "This place is so well organized."

"Cool. Your haircut is just so dope," said Ally. "A stylish razor cut, with a side part and asymmetrical bangs. And so much deep chocolatey brown hair that goes with your Cindy Crawford eyes. It looks fabulous. You are fabulous, if you don't mind me saying so."

"God, thank you," said Monique. She blushed. "So, what are you doing right now?"

Monique really looked at Ally for the first time and was struck by her beauty. She was a blonde and tan, coming off the California summer. She had bright, red lipstick on, and her fingernails and toenails matched her lips. So well put together! And slim too. She ought to have a convertible sports car. Maybe she does? Aahhhh.

"Well, as you know classes start tomorrow. I'm just hanging around, looking for trouble," said Ally.

"I don't know if you've found it, but let's make up for lost time. I'd really like to get to know you," said Monique.

"And me you," said Ally.

"I know, we can cruise to the Union and get something to drink and then find a friendly tree to sit under. I'll look to you for a recommended spot. We can talk woman authors and anything you want, and I can workout tonight. Gee, I'm so glad you stepped forward and met me."

"I am too," said Ally. "I can't believe my luck. I thought I'd never see you again!"

Ally was wet, very wet. So was Monique. She didn't know where this was going, but she had a good feeling that she would enjoy the ride.

She and Alexis were very close, but both had strong libidos. But, they both thought they would end up together. Their understanding was that she would "sow her wild oats" during her first two college years.

Her old pal Jamie was a senior, and she had been looking forward to seeing her in the gym, and maybe more. Monique had gotten shredded since the last time she'd seen Jamie. She was dying to show off her body to her gal pal, to compare body parts. Her breasts were now a solid C Cup. Her tan body was to die for. And, she had serious biceps.

Monique and Ally took their drinks behind the Student Union complex to some nice shady grass and found two old elm trees, and the privacy they sought.

They passed several girls on the way, and Monique saw that they turned heads.

"Her, or me? Or, do they see us as a couple?" she thought to herself. "Hmmm."

"You know, it's all come back to me now, that first night," said Monique. "I was just coming out to Alexis right there in the Union. It was pretty emotional. But I kept noticing you. Your eyes were so inviting and you smiled at me. Kind of like you knew that I was coming out, and you approved."

"Yes, absolutely, said Ally. "Sometimes...I know this sound weird, but I feel like I've got the gift of intuition. I see things that others don't."

"I don't know what it is about you, girl, but you've got me stirred up," said Monique.

Monique leaned onto Ally and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was an inquiring kiss, sort of "Hey, I'm really into you. Are you into me?" She separated and looked into her eyes, and felt love and understanding from Ally. It felt good; it felt right.

A mystical bond was formed right then, for Ally tasted wonderful as she melted into Monique. The one kiss led to another, and another. That kiss sealed their fate. They were going to get up and leave in ten minutes and go to Alex's apartment for the hottest sex in some time for either. She had already reunited with Alexis the night before, having raunchy sex that lovers who "been away." Perhaps Ally was simply another girl who played a role in her coming out. Maybe she was more than that. She felt something, deeply.

They held hands like lovers as they proceeded to Ally's place. She lived in a small three flat nearby on the top floor. She lived alone, for she was single.

Her apartment was pristine clear, but her bedroom was huge relative to the rest of it. There were some plushies on the bead, and a unicorn had a big horn and a big "dick." And, there were plenty of mirrors in the boudoir.

"Hey girlfriend, what's with all the mirrors?" asked Monique. She was looking at the ceiling, where the mirror seemed to be more than half the ceiling space.

"They were here when I move in two years ago," said Ally. "I didn't ask about them, but when someone has this many mirrors in their bedroom, you assume it's for sex. I'm used to them, and they spur me to watch my weight." They both laughed at the last comment.

It had been three months since Ally's partner had moved out, to "explore the world." The girl graduated and moved on, to home, then to Europe. Ally could have gone with her, but she decided to stay on campus and take a special seminar on Virginia Woolf with Helen Collins, the head of the English Department. That Helen Collins.

Of course, everyone knew, and most girls adored, Helen Collins. She would teach the undergrads to get inside of the mind of Virginia. There was plenty of insights from Helen, and really from all the girls, into how the lesbians should fit into society.

Monique caught a whiff of cigarettes, and noticed an ashtray on the table out on the on the deck. She had settled in at five cigarettes a day, but was sensitive to who smoked and who didn't. "I'm liking this chick," she thought.

"Oh, do more of that, please Monique," mewled Ally. They had been making love on Ally's queen-sized bed in her well-appointed apartment.

There were girl tunes softly playing off of her iPod. Ally was enthralled with Monique's body. It was her all-over tan, her sizeable breasts, really everything a girl could want. Like her, Monique shaved every other morning and her pussy was just so big and warm and wonderful. They had shared a joint before their time in bed.

Ally was not a workout queen like Monique. The angles of her body were gentler, and Monique, being the assertive girl that she was, took the lead and literally ate her up.

Ally was a genuine California blonde, as the stubble around her vulva indicated. She was natural, pure as they come. Her body was just so perfect. No blemishes, even on her face.

Ally was out to everyone, her parents, siblings, friends, even the caretaker of her building, whose daughter, she found out, was gay. She didn't care who knew, for she wanted to live authentically. She was an inspiration to all who truly knew her. Monique was that way too; no hiding her sexuality with our girl.

Monique patted the middle of the bed and Ally got on all fours, exposing her ass for the first time. Monique licked her pussy some more and loved the taste. "She must have a great diet," she thought.

Monique licked around her asshole and all around her mons. She really craved her asshole: no hair, and just so fine. She made quick forays into the dark tunnel with her long, pointy tongue. At the same time, she had the other hand in her pussy.

"Hmmm, you're so clean and tasty," Monique told her. She smacked her ass, and it echoed in the apartment. "What is your desire, my blond goddess." She was giving her long licks, up and down her slit, broken up by attention paid to her sizeable clit.

"Unnhhhh. There's a clean strapon in the drawer," said Ally. "I want you to fuck my pussy and then my ass." She sensed that Monique as a topgurl.

Hmmm, she really wants it. "Your wish is my command," joked Monique. "The strapon and I are best of friends." She was liking this girl, a lot. She's already cum once: a good sign.

Monique knew the drill, and she quickly put on the bright blue strapon. She applied a little dollop of lube to her pussy, spreading it around and inside the first inch or so. Then a second small amount to the dildo, wiping her hands off on her own ass.

"I know most tricks with it, but I'd like you to guide me," said Monique. "At least at first."

She entered her a bit and took it out, running it along the length of her pussy. "She is shaved beautifully." she said to herself.

Ally was wetter than ever, but she let Monique test the waters. Monique entered her, then took the strapon out. She did this three times to see if her partner was ready.

"Give it to me you Goddess," said Ally. "Fuck me like I know you can."

Monique entered her, but this time kept going, until she couldn't go any further. Ally gave off a little, "Oh wow, Oommph."

"That was my cervix, Aahhhh" Ally said. "You feel so good, so wet and slippery. I've got a little tingle, so keep going. If there is one thing I love, it is kissing every now and then, while you're in me. Oohhhh, if I'm yelling, I'm cumming. You'll know to keep going. That's it. Aahhhh."

Slapping and squeezing her ass pretty aggressively, Monique was entering a zone. She signaled to Ally that she wanted to get missionary style, and Ally quickly complied. They were in tune to the same radio station, WSEX. Monique could now fuck her and look into her eyes, and that is what turned her on.

"You're a Goddess, Aahhhh," said Ally. "You're fucking beautiful and your body is an endless sea. Oh, oh, oh," she mewled, as Monique backed out and then entered her pussy and resumed fucking her.

Monique did have a gorgeous body. When she was here a year and a half ago, the thing that caught Ally's attention was her face. Perfect eyes, perfect teeth. Oohhhh. Now those things were simply a couple of the features that had Ally mesmerized. Thick shoulders, six-pack abs, everywhere lean, but muscular body parts. Aahhhh, she was a steroid queen, without the steroids. She could protect Ally if it came to it. But would they be together?

"Oohhhh, I'm getting the tingle again," mewled Ally. She couldn't help but stare at Monique. Her soul was melting into the seductress. She was to become obsessed with her in coming weeks. In the mean time, she was losing any shred of inhibition.

Monique leaned in to kiss her and surprisingly, lick her face, like the devoted housecat. `God, I love Ally. What's not to love," she thought. Monique brought so much energy and passion to her lovemaking. By now she had been with some fifty girls, and lesbian lovemaking was the most important thing in her life.

She tapped Ally, who got on all on all fours, and grabbed the lube. Monique then applied a fair amount to the dark hole, and then to the strap.

"I'll go slowly, just so your sphincter gets used to it. OK?" she asked.

"Aahhhh, that sounds like a great fucking plan," Ally said. She was in the middle of the bed, anticipating the feel of the dildo in her ass. Her logical mind was turned off; she was only thinking of the pleasure that Monique gave her.

When she felt the tip of the dildo in her, she pushed back a little. This gave Monique license to move as freely as she wanted to. She began to invade the dark channel, a little at a time, withdrawing a little less. Soon she was in, and started fucking her, albeit slowly at first.

Ally was mewling, saying "it's so good" and "fuck me, Monique."

It was obvious to Monique that she was totally into it.

Generally, Monique kept the thrusts to about half the speed on the normal vaginal penetrations. Her hands felt Ally's thin but utterly beautiful legs. Ally seemed to want more, faster. She upped the intensity a bit.

Soon the Cali girl was grunting and groaning in pleasure. Monique sensed she was crying and said,

"Everything all right, Ally?"

"It's perfect. Keep going, don't you dare stop!"

The sobbing stopped and Ally was now pushing back hard. She was on the brink.

"C'mon, get it girl, get it now," said Monique. She new Ally was very close. Get that orgasm. Cum for me. Come on now, you beautiful girl."

Ally started to cum. The `you beautiful girl' really touched her. She had been with some fifteen girls, but never had one of them said that on the first time together. Aahhhh.

"Oohhhh, I'm cumming, Aahhhh," she said. Here head was wagging from side to side, sort of in puppy fashion. She dropped the dildo and curled into a ball. Her tongue was hanging out too, and she just kept saying, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my..." She rolled around, grabbing the sheets, and then went to sleep.

"Why do they all go to sleep on me," said Monique. Actually, she had the answer to that question. It was because the were all so overwhelmed by the experience of being with her. She got up to get some water and raid the frig. She still was wearing the strapon; it was natural to her.

She was drinking a glass of water and taking off the strap, washing it in soap and warm water, when Ally came in. They kissed warmly, and Ally said,

"You are fire. You must know that, honey. I really felt the love."

"Others have told me similar things," said Monique. "Do you like making love to me?"

"My god, what do you think?" said Ally. "Honey, not to give you a big head, but you are the best lay I've ever had. Bar none, freshman. How about me, was I good?"

"Yes, of course, definitely. I liked every second of it. You're so fucking responsive. It felt like you could read my mind."

"I try to shut it off," said Ally. "It's just that I've never had such a babe like you in here."

"Awww, that's nice. Hey, do you smoke," said Monique.

"Every chance I get. About five or six a day," said Ally.

"Fab, let's go out to the deck and have one," said Monique. "Do you have a jersey or something to cover me."

"Yep, just the thing," said Ally. She went to her dresser and pulled out a Seattle Storm, which she tossed to Monique.

Monique put on her panties, and them the sweatshirt. She did a double take in the mirror. "I'm stylin' with the Storm. Let's see what you're donning baby girl." She loved the Sue Bird look, and put her hair in a bun.

Ally put on an Ace's sweatshirt, and put her hair in a bun too. She stood in front of the mirror and held Monique around the waist.

"Here we are, a couple of WNBA cheerleaders, all done up, after the world's greatest sex," said Ally. The both giggled and kissed, with one eye on the mirror. Ooh la la. Ally grabbed her phone and snapped a pic and showed it to Monique.

"Awww, two baes, the day before classes," she said.

The deck faced the street, and there were a few girls out there, all running errands. One of them looked up and smiled and waved to them, and they waved back.

"That's Meagan," said Ally. "She's a good friend."

"She's very cute," said Monique. And, as the girl walked away, she said, "And a fine ass, if I do say so myself."

Ally offered the pack of Newport's to Monique, and then lighted her cigarette, slowly. Monique took a deep draw and settled into her chair. Ally put her chair next Monique's. Then she took a cigarette, lit hers and, after the first deep drag was exhaled, leaned back in her chair, relaxed.

She looked over at Monique and said, "I knew I would see you again, but couldn't imagine a more beautiful feeling than I have right now. Thank you, my love, for a wonderful afternoon."

"Ditto hon, this is the best, no? Cigarettes after sex." They both chuckled.

Ally took another drag, then put her cigarette on the ashtray. She kissed Monique deeply, her tongue exploring her mouth. Aahhhh. Monique still had her cigarette, broke the kiss to take a deep draw, and shared the smoke with Ally. Ally loved it, and returned the favor.


They had both gotten their books and were ready for their first classes. What a way to spend the day! They got to talking about school.

"Check this out," said Ally. "We had a killer seminar with Helen Collins this past summer. All about Virginia Wolff. You've heard of her, haven't you?"

"Hell yes, she's my babe," said Monique. "I've read `Mrs. Dalloway,' though it had some tough parts."

"Don't mean to be nosey," said Ally. "But what was your GPA in high school?"

"3.8/4.0," said Monique. "What you're really asking, I think, is how I did in my AP classes. I aced all of them, except for Chemistry. But for my "career," for the lack of a better word, I was the editor of the school paper and the yearbook my senior year."

"You're going to do so well here," said Ally.

So, Ally was organizing a Virginia Wolff reading group to Monique. She had been thinking about it for a couple months. Virginia is so thick, all the stream of consciousness stuff. Ally thought, now that she and five others had the seminar with Helen, there would be some momentum on campus to start up a Virginia Wolff Society.

"Cool name," said Monique. "Are you attending the Society this evening dear? There surely will be a lot of tea and biscuits." She could do a fab English accent and they both went off on a jag of laughter. Ally laughed and couldn't stop until she cried. Monique apologized.

"I couldn't resist," said Monique.

"Anyway, we'll get together bi-weekly and discuss literature and intellectually challenge one another," said Ally.

"Interesting Ally," said Monique. "I'm down, but I'd like to get into my classes first, just to gauge the workload. Maybe count me in for a few weeks from now?"

"Of course," said Ally. "There are some very sharp girls here, obviously, and a real hunger for something like this at this school. I believe we'll end up with ten or so go-getters."

"Helen would gladly take a role, or not. She's a Woolf scholar, and she has a way of penetrating the stream of consciousness and make it easier to digest. I took the seminar with her, and loved it. She'll come to the first meeting. She's one of us, a lesbian. You know that don't you?"

"Yes, I know it from personal experience," said Monique.

"What? You mean you've slept with her?" asked Ally. "Damn you girl."

"My mother was a disciple of hers when Helen was fresh out of grad school," said Monique. "So, I'm a legacy. And, on my Spring Break trip, lo these many months ago, I went to a party at Helen's with Alexis. And yes, I slept with Helen. She's a great fuck, pardon my English."

"You know what? You seem like an old soul," said Ally. "Eighteen going on twenty-eight. You really fascinate me. Anyway, my mother went here, and majored in English."

"Same," said Monique. "I'm curious. How old is you mom?"


"That's how old my mom is." said Monique. "Shit this is crazy. There were about eight women who met with Helen, say, weekly or so. They were known as the Advisory Council, I think."

"This is starting to get weird. My mom is an out lesbian, and she told me in high school about the Advisory Council at college. She was part of it, too."

Monique just looked at her, with a fresh set of eyes. Monique was bursting with gayness and happiness. She was so glad she chose this school and she suddenly felt very close to Ally.

"Come here," Monique said. "This was meant to be." And she kissed her and they walked on a cloud of air to the bedroom. Ally grabbed the strapon as she left the kitchen. She was going to fuck Monique, to show her a different side of her.


Monique waited for Ally on all fours in the middle of the bed. She started to wag her ass in anticipation. They were talking nonsensically about the WNBA and Helen and fucking.

Meanwhile Ally did the usual preparations, squirting some lube on Monique's cunt and rubbing around a bit.

"Hey, let's get going. I'm so wet and I want to feel you inside me," said Monique.

Ally chuckled and said, "you're a switch like me. I love it."

"Fuck yeah, an out femme too, darling. We're a match made in heaven. My vaj can't wait." She continued to wag her ass.

Ally quickly covered the eight-inch strapon with the lube, lined up with Monique's ass, and started inching into her, going deeper and deeper into her birth canal. She didn't stop, didn't collect the $200 Monopoly bonus. Ally was going to show her friend who was the queen of strap.

"Ooh baby, you mean business, doncha?" mewled Monique, as Ally penetrated her.

"I know I look like a femmy femme femme, but I'm really not," said Ally. "But let the consumer be the judge, he he."

"You're strong, but not too strong. It's not the stroke of a pillow princess," Monique said. "It's just right, babykins. Whatever you're doing is so good."

That was the reaction she was looking for. Ally felt good and proud. She slapped and pinched the firm body of Monique, that athletic muscular body. Ally reached forward and grabbed her breasts. She gathered Monique's hair and held it, as she fucked the exquisite freshman.

Monique could not remember a topgurl so active as she mentally ran through most of the girls she'd fucked. "She's even grabbing my hair." She turned to look at herself in the mirror. She had to look again, for she'd never seen herself making love. "No cameras" was one of her unspoken rules.

There was cum leaking out of Monique at the bottom (top) of her cunt. Ally put her hand down there, drew it to her mouth, and had a taste.

"You taste divine," said Ally. "We could make a fortune, bottling your honey, honey." They both giggled. "We'd call it, `A Taste of Monique,' he he."

Ally was so high on the loving. She'd won the respect of the beauty Monique. Now it was time to make her cum. Ally continued her long strokes, in out, in out, and Monique mewled unintelligibly. Slap her ass. Scratch her back. Reach down and massage her breast. Pull on her hair. Then, stop and kiss her, deeply.

Ally thought of all the girls she had strapped. So many of them pretty much lied there as she would do most of the fucking. She couldn't even talk to them.

"She's getting close," thought Ally. She upped the intensity, the "ShisPow" reverberated off the mirrors. She leaned forward again to kiss her, but Monique was concentrating on her orgasm, and pushed her away.

"OMG, fuck Jesus. You're killing me," cried Monique. "It's so good. Oohhhh, Aahhhh. Just keep doing that, I'm cumming. Oohhhh." Her cum exploded out of her, all over Ally's pussy and onto the bed.


In the afterglow they were giddy. Both of them wanted to tell the other that she loved her, but was afraid she would jinx the relationship. It was that good, they were that good, together.

"I hope your classes aren't too demanding," said Ally. "You'll need to read Virginia Woolf, especially A Room of One's Own, Mrs. Dalloway, and To the Lighthouse. But that will be over the course on a semester. I have two copies of A Room, so you could borrow it and see if you can tolerate her writing. She's not for every girl." She handed her the copy.

"When will the Society begin?" asked Monique as she turned the pages. "I should have the book read in a couple of days."

"That's fast, damn," answered Ally. "Well, I am planning on January 15th. That's a Friday. We'd begin with dinner at 5:00 and end at 7:00. Why don't you plan on coming to the first one, to see if you like it. Believe me, you'll fit right in."

"I'll let you know for sure in two days," said Monique. "Thank you for the invite. Now, `til Thursday, be good." She kissed Ally goodbye, and made her way downstairs, full of love and hope.

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