Monroe Finding Himself

By Yellow Stang

Published on Aug 12, 2017


Monroe Finding Himself

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Note: The story contains unprotected sex, I'm not an advocate for unprotected sex, but excluded from story for your reading enjoyment.

Monroe was a divorce father of two in his early thirties, his son Hunter the eldest and Allison his daughter, who was two years younger. He had an easy-going personality, and was always someone you could count on to lend a hand. In his spare time, he liked to work out at the local gym, lift weights and go for six miles on the elliptical. Though single for a few years, he always seemed to have a tough time going on dates, his friends would try to fix him up, he was even on the online sites, but they never seemed to work out. He enjoyed the beach, kayaking, camping and working on classic cars.

He shared joint custody with his ex-wife, he got his children one week and she got them the following week. One particular week, his ex-wife asked if he could take the kids for the weekend as she had a family emergency and needed to go out of town. She mentioned she had an arranged a playdate with their older son, Hunter, with two of his friends from school. She gave him the number and address, and she told them he would be in contact with them, as she was going out of town. Monroe thought to himself, since when does a 13 year-old need a playdate, but agreed to help her on the situation.

Conner was a married father of twin boys in his late thirties. He was a self-assured man, he could command any event just by being there. He was easy on the eyes and had no problems meeting people, to him, it was all about image. He was popular and the life of any party. He was active in civics, chamber, athletic associations and politics.

His twins were friends with Hunter, and were looking forward to spending time with him. They befriended him when they arrived at school half-way through the school year. They went to the same school and attended the same grade, the three were like peas in a pod. Hunter was more introverted and they were extroverted, they helped Hunter with is self-esteem.

Monroe called the number his ex-wife provided, to ask the parents what were the arrangements. The twins' mother answered the phone and said Hunter was scheduled to come over on Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. and they agreed for two hours. Monroe reconfirmed the address.

Monroe arrived at the twin's house, he was greeted by the father, Conner, who apologized that his wife wasn't there, but he would be looking after the boys. Monroe took his daughter to mall to hang out with some of her friends. The married mothers flirted with Monroe whenever he was with his daughter, it made him feel good but was sad when he went to bed alone.

Monroe returned at the agreed upon time and picked up Hunter. Hunter didn't want to go home, as he wanted to stay longer with his friends. Monroe told him they had to go as the twin's father had plans. Hunter was disappointed, when he had to leave. To make up for his disappointment, Monroe took Hunter and his sister out for pizza. All Hunter talked about what he did with the twins. He was excited and Monroe was glad to see he is finally making friends.

Monroe had the kids for the full week, as their mother had legal obligations and was glad her ex-husband was supporting her on this trying time.

Conner called Monroe and asked if they could set up another play date with his son. Conner agreed he would watch Hunter for several hours on Saturday.

Hunter was excited when he learned he was going to have lunch with the twins, as their father was taking them for pizza and laser tag. Monroe thanked Conner for volunteering to watch them. Monroe took his daughter to the movies with a few of her friends.

Monroe picked up Hunter who was tired from his action packed day. He dropped the girls off and the three of them went out to eat.

His ex-wife came home on Sunday. On Monday they would return to her house and she would have her children for the following week. He basically went to work, worked out and made dinner. He knew something was missing when the kids weren't there.

Monroe missed the kids the following weekend, as he enjoyed spending time with them. He went kayaking with some of his married friends, but they couldn't hang as they had to get back to their families. After the kayaking in the morning, he went to the park to enjoy the nice spring day. He was sitting on the bench when Conner walked past him. He didn't recognize Conner at first, but Conner saw him and said, "Hi." Conner sat with Monroe and they talked about their kids, bragging and telling stories. Conner looked down at his watch and excused himself for his appointment.

Sunday's he usually went to the classic-car cruise at the local shopping center, he enjoyed banter with fellow car enthusiasts. His friends would tease him it was a chick magnet, but at his age, those women were usually married or from out of town. His friends thought he was having sex galore when in fact he felt he was celibate.

When Monday came around, he had the kids for the week and into the weekend. He made dinner when he got home from work, helped them with their homework and they relaxed the rest of the night. It was nice to hear Dad being called from another room, or companionship when he watched TV, or the competition when they played video games.

Conner called Monday night, to set up a play date with Hunter and the twins. They agreed to meet in the park, his daughters friends would met her there, and thought it would be convenient. Hunter and the twins, ran around the park, throwing the football, climbing on the equipment and even played some basketball. Monroe and Conner sat and watch as their children interacted with each other.

Out of the blue, Conner asked Monroe if he would like to go out for a drink on day during the week. Since Monroe's ex would have the kids, Monroe thought it would be nice to get out and agreed on getting drinks mid-week.

On Sunday Monroe took the kids in his 67 Chevy Camaro and went to the local cruise event. Allison met up with a few of friends from school and hung out with them, most likely talking about boys. Hunter hung with his dad at the car. One of the students from the class in front of him, asked how he was doing, he introduced Hunter to his uncle. Hunter was excited that the guy recognized and even talked to him. He told the guy how he and his father fixed up the car, and was really amazed when his father finally got it on the road. Hunter kept seeing the school acquaintance reach down and adjust himself and winked a few times, this made Hunter nervous, but the acquaintance kept talking and hanging around. He was amusing himself by teasing Hunter and watching his reactions. Monroe came over, and Hunter introduced his school friend and his uncle. Monroe shook their hands, Monroe noticed the uncle made eye contact just a little too long and shook hands just a little too long as well. As the guy left he gave Monroe an invitation to check out his rod.

Wednesday came and Monroe and Conner met at a local sports bar, Monroe ordered some food at the bar and sat and waited for his friend to show. Conner finally arrived, apologized for being late but was stuck in a meeting at work. They sat and talked about their lives, children, marriages and sports. Monroe mentioned he had a date on Friday night and was nervous. Conner told him he shouldn't be, he's a good looking man. Monroe said he hasn't gone on many dates since he got married, and felt he was going to be rusty. Conner gave him a pep talk to build up his confidence. They had a few beers and chatted some more. Conner told him he had to get home to the ball and chain and wished him luck on his date.

Monroe drove home, he felt hornier than he has been in a while. When he got home, he undressed and whacked off before he went to bed. He figured it would help him sleep better, his little jerk off session awoke something inside. He dreamt of Conner, kissing him and touching him. He woke up several times alone in his bed with his hand wrapped around his hard meat, he laid on his back again, and tried to rub one out again. He couldn't get Conner out of his mind, he went with the flow and polished one off and went back to sleep. He dreamt the rest of the morning being with Conner. He woke up to dried cum on his chest and stomach. He was disturbed that he never had dreams like that before, what was it about Conner. He jumped in the shower, and got ready for work. All day long he kept thinking about Conner and their evening, he decided he would suppress it and it would go away.

The next night, he had the same dreams, he seemed more interested in Conner than his date the following night. He tried to keep himself busy to take his mind off the previous night. He was trying to search for clues to see if Conner was interested in him, but he didn't remember anything. He turned on some straight porn and jerk off. He wasn't interested in the woman on the screen getting fucked, but the cock on the guy that was doing fucking. He thought it was strange, as he never been turned on by a naked guy, but he flailed away at junior while thinking about the huge cock on screen.

He woke up the next morning and got ready for work. It was a long Friday and he thought the weekend would never arrive. When five o'clock finally came, he went to the gym to release some stress. He got dressed and did his usual workout, he returned to the locker, undressed and put his towel around his waist. He hung the towel on the hook as he got into the warm stream of water. The stall across from him was another guy showering. He noticed he was staring at the naked guy as he washed himself, he was attracted to his cock. The guy looked up and smiled when he saw Monroe looking, noticing Monroe was half-mast. The guy reached down and tugged on his cock looking at Monroe. Monroe kept eye contact when he realized he shouldn't, they both recognized each other from the car show. He quickly turned when he realized he was hard, and the guy winked when he turned back around. He quickly turned to hide his embarrassment, when he turned his head to peak, the guy was gone from the shower.

Monroe dried off and walked back to his locker with the towel wrapped around him, trying the tame the beast between his legs. He was sneaking peaks at the guys in the locker room, as he got dressed. He was tucking his shirt into his pants and buckling his belt, when he turned the guy from the shower was standing there. He looked up and smiled and the guy stuck out his hand and re-introduced himself. He handed Monroe his business card and asked him to give him a call as he thought he would be interested in his street rod. His cell number was on the back. The man turned and walked away, and Monroe stared at his butt.

Monroe tried to regain his composure and walked out the locker room towards the exit. When he walked out the building, he saw his shower companion wave as he got into his car. Monroe was nervous, what was going on in his mind, as he forgot where his car was for a minute. The guy from the shower pulled up and asked if there was something wrong. Monroe stuttered as he said he forgot where he parked his car, but suddenly spotted it. The guy rolled up his window and sped off as Monroe walked nervously to his car, he was shaken from the encounter.

Monroe got ready for his date when he got home, he arrived at the restaurant and waited on the bench outside. He was nervous as it was his first date with this woman. She arrived and greeted him, she scared him when she said hello, as his mind was somewhere else. He quickly got up, and held the door for her as they entered the restaurant. He was being a gentleman and she commented on his etiquette. They were seated at their table and made small conversation, they ordered wine, appetizers and meal. Through the meal he thought she was beautiful but didn't feel the attraction he thought he would have. She must have sensed it too, she excused herself after the meal, when she didn't come back, and he realized she just dumped him. This depressed him and went home, he just watched TV till he fell asleep.

Conner called the next morning, asking how his date went. He told him what happened that she ditched him before desert. Conner commented on how cruel that was. Monroe chalked up to experience and didn't really want to think about it. Monroe mentioned he was going to the gym, Conner asked him which one? Monroe told him where he held a membership, and Conner said his company has an account there, he could meet him there and help him if didn't mind. Monroe hesitantly told him it would be nice, and they could talk.

Conner and Monroe met at the gym, Monroe had already changed when Conner arrived, and Monroe told Conner he would warm up and meet him on the floor. Conner joined him shortly and they spotted each other while they did their sets. The guy from Friday was there, he came up to Monroe, said hi. Conner gave Monroe that question look. Monroe turned red and said, he gave me his phone number last night. Conner sensed a vibe, and said he was handsome, that maybe you should ask him to dinner, maybe it will go better than last night. Monroe was taken aback a little about Conner being so casual about it. Conner believed he sensed some chemistry there, maybe you should reconsider. Monroe looked at him, saying he was never been with a dude. Conner patted him on the shoulder, saying just go for a drink, you don't need to do anything, but it's obvious to me that he might like you. Plus how long has it been since you got lucky. Just think of it as sex and getting off. Monroe looked at Conner like he was nuts.

They continued their work out and when they finished their last reps they headed to the locker room, Conner looked at his watch, said, he had to pick up the boys and grabbed his bag and left. Monroe undressed by himself when the guy from yesterday came in. Monroe looked up as the guy walked in, they both had big smiles. The guy sat down next to him and asked how his workout went. They both undressed, and the guy threw his towel over his shoulder as he walked just head of Monroe and got in the shower. Monroe got in the shower on the other side and stood with his back to him. The guy watched as Monroe would sneak peaks at him as he showered. The guy kept his eyes on him and smiled whenever he turned his head. Monroe turned to give another peak and he was gone again. When he turned around the guy stood in front of his stall naked with towel in hand. He was wearing a smile, he quickly left when another guy entered the showers. Monroe grabbed his towel, dried off and walked with the towel wrapped around him, trying to conceal his chub.

When Monroe got back to his locker, the guy was standing there getting dressed, but teasing Monroe at the same time. He asked Monroe what he was doing tonight, and Monroe replied nothing without thinking. Monroe stared at him, not knowing what to say when he was asked out to dinner. The guy wasn't taking No for an answer. He handed Monroe his phone and asked him to enter his phone number. Monroe nervously entered his number and handed it back. Monroe's phone started vibrating, and realized it was the guy in front of him checking to make sure it was his number. Monroe was glad he entered the right digits but in the back of his mind he wish he didn't.

Monroe followed him to his car, he held the door open for him and then closed it behind him. Monroe sat low in his sports car, as the guy got back in. He re-introduced himself as Sean. They drove off, and Sean told him it took him a long time to get up the nerve to talk to him. Monroe was nervous and asked why he wanted to talk to him. Sean made it obvious that he was interested in Monroe, and when he saw him in the shower, he thought it was his lucky day, as he saw him looking and chubbing at the same time. He also confessed, that when his nephew talked about Monroe's son and how he thought he was cute, Sean agreed to walk over with him. He got nervous when he noticed you were his father, he was anxious, as he eyed Monroe up plenty of times at the gym. Sean learned his schedule and made sure he was there at some point during your workout.

Monroe turned red and told him innocently that it was his first time he ever noticed a guy. He told the guy he was divorced after a 10 year marriage, that he had two children. Sean tried to relax him, asking him what he liked to do and asked about his children. The drive was short as they pulled up in front of the restaurant. Sean quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Monroe. Monroe said he had never been to the restaurant but seen when he drove by.

The waiter seated them in an intimate corner. Monroe looked around and saw all the guys with other guys. The waiters were quite handsome wearing open shirts. Sean told him it was an all-male club, rarely do they get straight people in here, and when they do, it usually is an "Ashley Madison" type of situation, where they are married but not to each other. Monroe was uptight in his settings, not sure how to behave and didn't want to stare at all the other couples. Every time he looked up to look at Sean, Sean was staring him the eyes and flashed him a smile. He felt Sean's leg bump against him, Monroe instinctively pulled his leg back. Sean had did several times before he realized it was intentional. Monroe felt his cock react to the situation, and rubbed his leg against Sean's the next time he bumped into his legs.

Sean talked about how nice it was to be with him. Monroe realized it was going different from last night, at least he felt wanted and he also found Sean attractive. Monroe started relaxing and more comfortable with Sean. Thoughts of touching Sean were entering his head.

Monroe's mouth dropped when he notice a woman who looked like a man start to sing at the piano in the corner. The piano player played cheesy love songs and show tunes, as the men surrounding the piano were entertained by the singer. Sean laughed and asked Monroe if it was his first time seeing a drag queen preform live. Monroe said yes, and Sean sensed he was a little uncomfortable.

After the meal, the waiter asked if they wanted dessert. Monroe politely declined as well as Sean. They paid the bill and left the restaurant. Sean suggested they go back to his place, as his car will be fine in the gym parking lot. Monroe awkwardly agreed, not sure what he was getting into. He was terrified and excited at the same time. Sean rested his hand on Monroe's thigh and he jumped. Sean felt him tense up slightly but kept his hand on his leg as he drove back to his condo.

Sean parked the car in the garage, and helped Monroe. They entered his condo through a door from the garage. Sean asked Monroe if he would like anything to drink. Monroe asked for beer, and Sean announced he was out of beer but had Merlot, Pinot Noir or Cabernet. Monroe wasn't a wine connoisseur but said he would take the Merlot.

Sean handed Monroe the glass, he saw how Sean held his and mimicked. Sean put on some music and they sat back and relaxed. Sean let Monroe drink his glass and enjoy the wine, Monroe was way too nervous to put on the moves.

Sean asked if would like to watch a movie, he pointed out the movies and left Monroe pick out one. They were mostly porn with parody of movie titles. Sean put the movie into the player and sat back as it started to play. This was the first time Monroe was going to see a real gay porn movie. He saw the two guys talk about something before they were kissing. Monroe stared at the screen as the scene unfolded. Once he saw the cock, he threw wood, realizing, he was into guys. He terrified on what he might try tonight.

Sean offered another glass of wine, Monroe graciously accepted and eyes were glued to the scene being presented. Sean sat close next to him, he felt Sean's hand on this thigh. He looked over at Sean and wanted to touch him. The wine cured all inhibitions, he reached over and touched Sean's leg. The feel of the muscular thigh under his fingertips made him throb. Sean mentioned it got warm in here and he removed his shirt. He sat next to Sean and touched his pecs and arms. Sean reached over and unbutton his shirt, exposing his chest and stomach. Sean ran his hands over Monroe's chest and leaned in to kiss him. Monroe wasn't expecting the kiss, but let Sean peck him on the lips, Sean lingered there a little longer and Monroe leaned in opened his mouth and kissed Sean back awkwardly. Monroe held onto Sean as they kissed, the fireworks were going off in his head as the rocket was getting ready to launch in his pants. The awkwardness melted away to passionate.

Sean's hands unbuckled the belt and pants, and opened Monroe's pants, rubbing his hand over the underwear clad cock. Sean stood up and dropped his pants and underwear, leaned over kissed Monroe. Monroe felt the fire inside as he touched and kissed Sean. Touching Sean's skin sent electrical pulses through his body.

Sean pulled Monroe up off the sofa, and Monroe dropped his pants and underwear. They were both naked and he held his body against Sean's. His heart was pumping as he felt the muscular body make contact against his. Sean grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. Sean climbed in first and Monroe followed. They kissed as their bodies entangled, Monroe feeling the manly body against his. He rubbed his cock against Sean as they kissed deeper, hands exploring their arms, chest and back. Sean rolled onto of Monroe, holding his body against his. He kissed his neck, nibble on his ears, and Monroe moaned as he felt the desire course through his body. Sean kissed down his body, licking his chest and lightly sucking on his nipples. Monroe never had anyone pay attention to his nipples and couldn't believe his cock was connected to them while Sean worked on his nipples. Monroe didn't want the pleasure to end. He bowed his head down to kiss Sean's ear and top of his head. Sean continued to slide down Monroe's body and kiss and lick with his mouth against Monroe's body. Monroe's fingers dug into the sheets as Sean lowered his head to Monroe's abs and continued pleasuring down to his crotch. His head turned from side to side when he felt Sean's tongue flick the top of his cock head. Sean sucked the precum from his piss slit moaning and savoring the sweet flavor.

He let out a loud gasp as Sean's mouth engulfed his throbbing cock. The warm wet suction and the Sean's face gazing as he bobbed up and down on Monroe. Monroe ran his fingers through Sean's hair and held the back of his head to his cock when Sean swallowed his cock down his throat. Monroe passionately whispered, Oh, yes, Oh Yes, suck my cock. He's feet moved and toes curled as the felt the hand wrap around his cock and the head bobbing up and down on his shaft. It didn't take long before Monroe busted in Sean's mouth. Sean greedily swallowing the load that Monroe deposited. Sean was pleased and Monroe laid there in bliss. Sean wasn't sure how Monroe would react after he came.

Monroe's eyes were gleaming from the greatest pleasure he ever felt. No one has ever evoked those sensations he just experienced, it was up there with the first time ejaculating. He commented that he never felt anything so spectacular before, as he laid there not able to move. Sean made his way up to Monroe and rested his head on his shoulder. He slowly ran his fingertips over Monroe's body. Monroe enjoyed the sensations Sean could emanate and his intimacy. He never felt that way after sex, he usually was in the shower by this time. He wanted to feel more of Sean and be with Sean, to him this was great and wanted to stay in the moment.

Monroe momentarily forgot where he was when he awoke from his short nap. He was alone in a strange bed and strange place. He heard noise and when he looked at the doorway, there stood Sean naked. He smiled when he saw the beaming face in the doorway and reflected on how splendidly he made him feel. Sean walked over to the bed and got in next to him. Monroe held Sean next to him and enjoyed his presence. He noticed how beautiful he was and that excited him. He felt alive for the first time in years.

He leaned in and kissed Sean. Sean was receptive, he felt Sean's hard cock pressing into his body. He kissed Sean's neck, hoping he was making him feel the way Sean made him felt. He touched his chest, passed his finger over his nipples. He lightly licked each nipple as he worked down Sean's manly body. He was impressed with his abs and touched his fingertips over the contours. He felt his first cock, it was hard, and it was soft to the touch, the skin felt velvety. He concentrated on how another man's cock felt in his hand. He liked the feeling, he thought Sean's cock was beautiful. He leaned the cock into his lips and kissed the tip. He stuck out his tongue and ran it over the head, feeling the cockhead brush against his lips. It's the first cock he ever had so close to his face and mouth. He licked under the piss slit, tasting Sean's saltiness and feeling the spongy texture of the head. It was an incredibly wonderful feeling to him. He leaned back and watched as his hand glided up and down on the shaft, and circling the cock head, especially the crown. He brought the cock back to his lips, he licked the underside and around the crown. He rubbed the spit over the head. He saw the precum starting to form, and touched it with his finger, he watched as the thread of precum strung from the head to the tip of his finger. He moved his finger away and the strand of precum snapped to his finger. He placed the finger in his mouth and tasted Sean's sweetness. He placed his mouth over the cock head to lap up more of his flavor. He savored in his mouth before he tried to put the first third of the cock into his mouth. He removed his mouth and looked at the spit coated cock head and shaft. He stroked it and then placed it back in his mouth. He heard Sean whimper as he teased the cock. He tried to put more of it in his mouth but felt the gag sensation. He only sucked what he could but he knew he wanted more, but didn't want to gag in front of Sean.

He slicked up Sean's cock with spit and started to jerk him off as his jaw got tired from servicing the cock. Sean was enjoying the attention but knew he wouldn't cum that way. Sean's hand massaged faster and faster. Sean's breathe got heavier and heavier. When Monroe sensed Sean was getting dry, he spit on his hand and rubbed it onto Sean's cock.

Soon Sean's cock was pumping in his hand, Sean's hips moved as he stroked the cock. He would occasionally stop and suck on it and then continue stroking with his hand. Sean's hips were rising faster as he worked the shaft and the head with his hands. Sean started moaning, which excited Monroe, the moans became cries when the head suddenly expanded, Sean left out a guttural moan as he shot ropes of cum in the air. The last few shots ran down Monroe's knuckles as he worked the cock. Sean reached down and held onto Monroe's hand, wanting him to stop as it was too sensitive.

Monroe looked for reassurance that he pleased Sean. He knew it was awkward his first time with a man, but he really enjoyed it. Sean kissed him on top of the head and told him he felt great. Sean told him, he knew it was his first time, but he would like to see him again. Sean asked him to stay the night and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Monroe slept soundly, the first time in about a week. He woke up next to Sean's naked body, Sean reached over and kissed him. He got up to go to the bathroom and got back in the warm bed with Monroe. Monroe enjoyed holding him but felt the urge to go. When he returned, he was awake. They both got dressed and went out for coffee, they both commented about their bed head. Sean said he had to get going and drove Monroe back to his car.

Monroe got home close to noon on Sunday. Saturday was an unexpected surprise for him, and he enjoyed the time. He discovered the pleasure of other men and an awareness of himself that he never realized it was there.

He cleaned his place and was getting ready for his week with the kids, when he returned from grocery shopping, he received a message from Conner. He smiled when he saw he called and returned the call once he had all the groceries put away. Conner asked how his weekend went, Monroe was being vague and told him he had a nice weekend. Conner asked how it went with the guy from the gym. Monroe said they talked and went out to dinner. He seems like a nice guy. Conner was pressing for details and Monroe was careful not spill the beans.

Monroe though about his weekend, the disaster of Friday night and the unexpected turn of Saturday afternoon into Sunday. He realized he's been suppressing urges that others may have seen. But he didn't understand Conner. Was Conner trying to tell him something?

On Monday, His son, begged for the twins to stay over on Friday night. He told him he would check with their father.

The phone rang, and Sean was on the other end. Monroe tried to talk but explained the kids were there. He was trying to get invited over after the kids went to bed. Monroe gave into his request because he wanted that hot body.

When he got the kids to bed, he texted Sean, Sean was waiting in the car. Monroe opened the door as he walked up the front steps and greeted him with a passionate kiss. He quickly takes Sean into the bedroom and kissed him again. He closed the door but let Sean know they had to be quiet, they can't wake the kids. They get undressed and laid in the bed. Sean took the lead and got on top of Monroe's naked body, cock touching as he held him close and continued to kiss. Sean at on top of Monroe, he rubbed his ass against Monroe's cock and pinned him down by the shoulders. Monroe beheld the gym god as he gyrated on top of him. He applied some lube onto Monroe's cock and lowered his ass on his inviting member. Monroe moaned out in pleasure and Sean quickly placed a hand over his mouth.

Sean rode Monroe, he removed his hand from his mouth and looked him passionately in the eye. He whispered to Monroe how much he wanted it and to be with him. Monroe couldn't express how wonderful his cock feels up Sean's ass. It felt so natural to him, and he watched the muscles move as Sean reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. Monroe was intoxicated by the sight of his armpits and pumped into him, as Sean kept his arms raised. Monroe reached up and caressed his pecs. Sean moaned softly at the touch telling him yes.

Sean reached down, placed his hands on Monroe's chest, used his arms as leverage as he as he pumped his ass onto Monroe's cock. Monroe felt his balls rise as Sean trusted down on his pelvic. Sean sensed Monroe was cumming, he placed his hand over his mouth, as he muffled the scream. He looked into Monroe's eyes and jerked himself off, with Monroe's cock buried his ass. Monroe pushed the cock further into Sean's ass as he flailed away. Ropes of cum shot through the air, landing behind Monroe's head and on the pillow next to him. Monroe was amazed at the amount of cum Sean released. Monroe fell on top him, his cock slowly worked its way out the ass.

Sean rolled over and fell asleep next to Monroe, Monroe tried to wake him, but to no avail. Monroe fell asleep to the warm naked body. He enjoyed holding onto him all night.

The alarm announced the new morning, Monroe started to panic because he had to get the kids ready for school. He woke up Sean and get him out of the house, while the kids ate their breakfast. Hunter asked if the twins could stay over on the weekend, Monroe replied he would call their parents today and try to arrange. Hunter was excited, but Monroe didn't realize Hunter would tell the twins about the sleep over.

When Monroe got home from work, the twin's mother was on the phone. She sounded delighted that the twins would stay over. Monroe forgot to call, and apologized he wanted to call her first to make sure its ok. She said it would be perfect as she was going out of town, and Conner would be alone with them. Monroe called Conner just to double check with him. Conner suggested that maybe they go camping, he had three tents. Monroe liked to camp and thought it would be a good idea, but would have to get back to him.

Monroe had to talk to his daughter and see if she would like to go camping over the weekend. She didn't want to, but she wanted to go over her best friend's house for a pajama party. Monroe's ex-wife called and said that one of the mothers wanted their daughter to stay overnight. Since it was closer to her, she would pick her up after school on Friday. At least he didn't have to deal with mother, as his ex-wife volunteered to take her for the weekend for mother-daughter bonding.

Hunter was elated that he was going camping that weekend with his two best friends. Monroe was glad to see his son so excited and was looking forward to some outside time, it was June and the school year was almost over.

Conner called Monroe about the weekend event. Monroe mentioned he was looking forward to camping with the boys, that is daughter will be spending the weekend with her mom. Conner asked if he would mind company. Monroe said it would be great to have an adult to talk to. Conner said he had tents and air mattresses. Monroe would pick them up, as his SUV could hold everything.

As he hung up the phone with Conner, Sean called and was disappointed that Monroe wasn't around this weekend. They made tentative plans for after the weekend, and Monroe was excited that Sean wanted to see him again.

When Friday rolled around, Monroe picked up Hunter from school. They grabbed their bags and supplies for the weekend. They headed over to the twin's house to pick up the two boys and Conner. They packed the SUV with the remaining items for the weekend and headed out to the campground. They reached the campground a little over an hour later. The boys were running around excited that school was almost over.

Conner and Monroe assembled the tents, hoist the food into the air, inflated the air mattresses and built a campfire. The boys could be heard splashing around at the nearby pond. They returned holding their clothes wearing only soaked underwear. The guys had them change into dry clothes and hung the underwear near the fire to dry.

They cooked hamburgers and baked beans and sat around the campfire with their marshmallows on a stick. The country air tired out the boys and headed to their tent. Conner and Monroe sat around the campfire and talked, Conner opened two beers and handed one to Monroe. They sat and talked while enjoying the quiet and the campfire. They both decided to call it a night and went to their respective tents.

About twenty minutes later, Monroe hears Conner asking if could sleep inside his tent as his air mattress wouldn't holding air. Conner entered the tent with sleeping bag in hand, he stripped off his clothes down to his underwear and placed his sleeping bag next to Monroe. Conner tossed and turned and complained it was too hot, he unzipped the sleeping bag and slept on top of it. Michael agreed he was warm as well and unzipped his bag. He was only in his underwear as well.

Monroe was falling asleep when he felt Conner's arm wrap around his chest. Monroe rolled over to his side and Conner spooned him. Monroe thought it was odd for a married man to be spooning with him. Conner's fingers started playing with Monroe's chest hair. Monroe was getting aroused but tried to fall asleep. Conner moved closer to Monroe and he felt his breath on the back of his neck. Conner's hand started to roam south, cupping his cock in his underwear. Monroe was wide awake as Conner seemed to be sleeping. As his cock grew in his underwear, Conner's hand slowly stroked it. Monroe breathing was getting heavy when Conner kissed his neck. Conner's hand slipped inside Monroe's underwear and held onto his cock. Conner rubbed his cock against Monroe's ass, kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear.

Monroe rolled onto his back, Conner's hand still in his underwear. Conner rolled on top of him and started kissing, their underwear clad cocks were grinding together. Conner eased himself down and started to suck on Monroe's nipples, Monroe reached down and held his head to his chest and was moaning from the sensation of the mouth gently working his nipples.

Conner knelt between Monroe's legs and pulled his underwear down. He leaned down and took Monroe's cock into his mouth. Monroe felt the warm mouth devour his raging cock, and thrusted his hips into Conner's mouth. Conner reached up and played with his nipples as he sucked on the cock.

Connor repositioned himself so his cock was near Monroe's face, Monroe reached over and fished the cock out of the underwear and stroked it. Conner reached down and removed his underwear freeing his cock for Monroe. Monroe reached over grabbed the cock and placed it in his mouth. He enjoyed the musky scent of his cock and balls, as in inhaled his scent. The cock felt great in his mouth, he tried to take as much of Conner into his mouth as he could. He was excited sucking on the cock as his cock was being services. Conner had slicked Monroe's cock with his saliva and was using his hand and mouth to work on his cock. He felt Conner's drool drip down his cock and covered his balls and Conner continued to pleasuring him.

Monroe was getting into sucking Conner's cock, Conner thrust inside his mouth as the bobbed up and down on the shaft. Suddenly Conner stopped sucking Monroe's cock, he positioned himself above Monroe's cock, he lubed up Monroe's cock and aimed it towards his hole. He slowly lowered himself on the cock, Monroe felling the tight ass wrap around his cock, slowly stretching Conner's hole as he invade the ass.

Conner was on his calves and knees using his thighs as he pumped up and down on the throbbing cock in the ass. Monroe was moaning loudly from the feeling up his cock buried in the warm ass. He reached down and stroked Conner as he rode his cock. Conner placed his palms on Monroe's pecks to help fuck the cock deeper into his ass.

Conner's breathing got heavier as he bounced more on Monroe. Monroe heard Conner gasp for breath, as his cock shot ropes of cum on his chest and stomach. Conner reached down and pulled Monroe's hands off his cock. He slide off Monroe's cock, spit in his hand and wrapped his hand around Monroe's cock. He stroked it as he played with is balls. He felt Monroe tighten up and Monroe's head rose from the mattress and his muscles went tense. Monroe suppressed screaming as his cum coursed through his body, up his cock and sprayed all over his chest and stomach. Conner laid next to him and rubbed the cum mixture all over Monroe's chest. They both fell asleep.

In the morning, they got dressed, Monroe felt the dried cum on his chest but wore a t-shirt to cover it up. They made breakfast for the kids as they slowly stirred and sat near the campfire. Monroe looked at one of the twins, and noticed there was cum in his hair. He pointed it out to Conner, who laughed when he saw it. Hunter looked in horror as he saw what his father and Conner was talking about. He immediately turned red and told the twin about the evidence in his hair.

Conner suggested the boys get a shower after a breakfast, knowing they most likely had remnants on their play other places, as he knew Monroe was wearing a chest matted in cum. The three walked over the communal showers, they came back in their towels shaking from the cold water. They sat near the campfire to warm up.

The boys wanted to hike and waiting for their fathers to shower, as Monroe was conscious about smelling like sex. Conner nor Monroe brought up at what transpired the night before. They were both smiling and feeling good. During the shower, Monroe would sneak peaks at Conner's body. He was a big alpha male with a few extra pounds, Monroe admired his "dad" body. They came back wearing their towels, went into their respective tents and got dressed. They packed for their trek and once ready they all started the hike up the mountain.

Conner mentioned that the boys seemed to have bonded last night. Monroe smiled and said it was good to see. The boys had so much energy climbing up the mountain, exploring ledges. They ate lunch at the summit and admired the great view. After lunch they headed down to the camp. They were hot and sweaty when they arrived at camp. The boys headed to the pond and splashed around. Monroe and Conner listened to their fun.

When they went to check on them because they got quiet, they saw the boys basking in the sun totally naked, their clothes in piles on the ground. They returned to camp and started to gather wood for dinner. The boys returned in their wet underwear. Monroe and Conner looked at each other, knowing they purposely got their underwear wet, as it was dry when it was laying on the ground with the rest of their clothes. The boys stripped in front of the father's and hung the underwear near the fire. They boys giggled and rough housed as the guys made the dinner.

Conner and Monroe noticed the boys went into their tent early saying they were tired. Conner and Monroe sat by the fire and drank some more beer. They listened for noises from the boy's tent. Conner made the excuse that he forgot to fix the air mattress, and Monroe invited him back to his tent, knowing that is what Conner wanted.

When Monroe and Conner got in the tent, they both stripped naked. Conner laid next Monroe and caressed his body, he leaned over and kissed Monroe. Monroe's hands were all over Conner's back and butt. Conner told Monroe how manly he smelled from today's hike. He lifted Monroe's arms and licked his saltiness and scent from arm pits, burying his face in each one, he worked his mouth over each nipple nursing on each one. He lowered his head to Monroe's cock and teased his cockhead with his tongue. Monroe's hand pushed Conner's head down onto his cock, as he thrust himself into his mouth.

Conner crawled back up Monroe's body and he whispered he was going to fuck him. Monroe was apprehensive but knew he had to give up his cherry at some point and why not the man who kept him awake several night with fantasies. He told Conner he never been fucked, and Conner told him, I'll take it easy.

Conner quietly got out of the tent and went to his backpack to retrieve the lube. He heard the noises coming from the other tent. He accidently stepped on the stick, the kids got quiet and one popped his head out the opening. The head looked at him, he saw Conner was naked with his hard cock pointing out front of him, heading towards Monroe's tent. He heard the gasp from his son as he realized his father was naked. They both turned a bright red, and his son popped his head back in the tent and zipped up. He heard some talking and giggling.

He entered the tent a little shaken, but knowing Monroe was naked in the tent, but still aroused knowing he was going to have his ass he watched all day hiking. He laid on top of Monroe and they kissed, he told Monroe he's gonna get fucked, he warned it was going to hurt at first but it will give way to pleasure if you relax. Conner lubed his cock and Monroe's entry, he had Monroe moaning and in the state of mind when he proceeded to lift up his legs over his shoulder. He rubbed a lubed finger around his hole, and worked a fingertip. Monroe was resisting at first, and Conner told him to relax. He was able to work the fingertip inside the hole. He stroked Monroe's cock as he fingered his ass. He worked the first finger up the knuckle and it was starting to slide in and out a little easier but was still tight. Monroe was trying to relax but he was uncomfortable with the finger in his ass, but he was going to be a trooper and man up.

Monroe gasped when Conner worked two fingers into his ass. He felt his ass stretch, and Conner applied more lube to loosen him up. Conner commented on the tightness as he worked his two fingers into Monroe's ass. The discomfort was diminishing, as Conner kept working his cock with his hand.

Conner placed his cock at the hole and applied pressure. He told Monroe to push out as he entered. Monroe bit his lip when he felt the tip of the cock invade his ass. He was trying to concentrate on something else, but the pain was too intense. Conner kept pushing till his head popped through. He held it there and stroked Monroe's cock. Monroe was adjusting to his stretched ass, he felt like he had to go to the bathroom. Conner inched his shaft further into the tight hole, Monroe was grasping the sleeping bag, enduring the pain, he tried to relax, but the pain seared through is body as Monroe entered a little too quickly. He tried to suppress his voice, but a loud, `OH', escaped his lips.

Conner heard giggling in a distance, as he realized the kids knew what they were doing. They were quietly listening, occasionally whisper something if a strange noise was made. This didn't discourage Conner from wanted to fuck Monroe's hot ass. Conner kept slowly and steadily inserting his cock into the virgin ass. It was tight and he knew he would have a sore cock, but was definitely worth it. Monroe felt full and uncomfortable, it felt like he had to shit. Conner held his cock deep inside Monroe before he started slowly pumping. Monroe said the pain was subsiding, Conner heard more giggles and concentrated on fucking the tight ass.

Conner pulled his cock out a little, Monroe felt some relief and he slowly pulled the cock from his ass. Once Conner's head got near the ass ring, he started slowly pushing back in. The discomfort returned as he felt the cock make the full ascension it his ass. Monroe tightened his grip on the sleeping back as he felt the cock ascend in his ass, he felt full and mild pain then he felt the cock pull out of his ass again. The pain was less and it was enjoyable, but when he pushed back in he bit his lip and tried to relax. Conner slowly fucked him, Monroe wanted the cock out of him, but was determined to get fucked. He knew it would get pleasurable, but he didn't know when. His ass was sore, but he wanted to please Conner. Conner sped up a little, Monroe could feel the weight as he entered, he bit his lip each time as well as grasp the sleeping bag, but was enjoying went he was pulling out, there was less pressure and it felt better.

Conner kept picking up the pace, Monroe felt the cock hit something inside that gave him a little pleasure from the uncomfortable entry. He left out a gasp when Conner hit that spot, he felt his cock spasm a little. Monroe was tolerating the violation of his ass as it was getting more bearable. He left Conner fuck him, he turned his head, bit the sleeping bag and moaned into it. Conner picked up speed and felt the soreness on his cock as he fucked. The soreness was turning Conner on and fucked a little harder.

Conner kept stroking Monroe's sock as he buried deep in him. He felt his cock hitting his prostate, and knew Monroe's cock will be spewing. He wanted to make sure he came before Monroe did, because he knew Monroe wouldn't let him keep his cock up his ass.

Conner's felt his balls pull close, and he rammed in deeper, Monroe cried out from the unexpected thrust and Conner gasped as he came inside Monroe's ass. He slowly pulled his cock out of Monroe's ass as he stroked him off. When his cock head popped out his Monroe's ass ring, Monroe cried out as he came buckets all over himself.

They both heard someone outside, asking if everything was ok. Monroe's eye grew wide when he heard the voice, and said everything his fine to go back to bed. He heard the three walk back to their tent. Conner laughed quietly as he was proud of his conquest and knew he had an audience. It wasn't the first time for Conner.

The next morning they awoke in each other's arms, they heard footsteps outside. Being alarmed both got out of the tent naked to see three boys naked and pissing in the woods. They tried to get back in the tent, when one of the boys turned and saw both of the father's naked. The other two turned their heads and saw the same thing. Conner decided to join the boys and pissed in the woods. Monroe followed behind.

They told the boys to get showers and they will make breakfast. The boys giggled as they went for their towels and walked to the shower naked, they kept looking back and looking at their dads. Monroe knew he was caught and decide to put up a brave face, and act like nothing happened. He was sure the boys enjoyed themselves as well.

The boys returned shivering from the cold shower and were trying to warm up around the fire. Monroe told the boys to get dress, as nobody in the camp ground wanted to see them naked. They put on their bathing suits and returned to the fire. The boys kept joking and making moaning sounds as they looked at their fathers. Conner was trying to keep from laughing as he knew they were making fun of them.

After breakfast the boys went to the pond, you could hear them splashing around. Again Conner and Monroe went to check up on them and saw they were naked and horsing around in the water. They eventually got all quiet, and they returned an hour later. Conner saw some evidence and went up to his boy saying you missed cleaning this up, as he wiped the cum up with his finger. His son got wide eyes as Conner smiled at him, knowing he just caught his own son. He licked off his finger, saying like father like son. He son had a big smile on his face.

The boys gather wood for lunch. Monroe made more hamburgers and beans. After they were done, the started cleaning up as they knew they had to head back home. It was the last week of school and they were looking forward to their summer vacation. They were hoping more father and son outings.

As the fire was dying the three boys pulled down their pants and pissed on it in front of their fathers. The father's joined in and pissed, the three boys stared at their father's cocks. They started to bone up when Conner reminded them to put it back in their pants.

They packed the SUV and headed back home, Monroe dropped Conner and the twins off. Conner walked around to the driver side and gave Monroe a peck thanking him for the weekend. Monroe and Hunter watched as they made it safely inside.

Hunter told his father, how much he enjoyed the weekend and the twins. He said he was happy to see him and Conner get along so well. Monroe's phone vibrated, it was Sean. Hunter saw his father's face light up, it was a long time since he saw that happy expression on his father's face.

Hunter asked who it was, and Monroe told him a friend. Hunter asked if he was his friend's uncle who stayed over on the other night. Monroe told him it was and how did he know. He said he hear them the night and he got up to go to the bathroom and say them in bed together, he commented on the snoring.

Monroe called Sean, and said was ok to come over. Hunter said he thought friend's uncle was hotter than he was with twin's dad, and would like to see him spend more time with him.

I would like to thank the readers for the compliments and constructive criticism. If you would like to send me an email or more information on some of the stories, you can contact me at the above address.

Other stories written by the author:

Next: Chapter 2

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