More Than What It Seems

By moc.loa@airasednaleT

Published on Aug 3, 2002


This story is based upon the storyline from the original movie : Starship Troopers. This movie and all premises and characters therein are trademarks of Warner Brothers Home Entertainment. Copyright: 1996

The following is a work of semi erotic fiction, based on love and sci-fi. All the usual rules apply: ie, too young=do not continue.

Chapter I



The year is 2103. Earth has been formed into a composite empire known as the Federation, with its capital in Geneva. The Federation recently won a war with the `Bugs,' actually known as extra-terrestrial arachnids. Currently, the Earth and its many colonies are at peace, the Fleet rebuilding and the Mobile Infantry divisions licking their grievous wounds. The possibility of more war looms on the horizon. Always.

My character- Former Heavy Support officer (tanks) during the Bug War. Transferred to Military Intelligence at own request. Promoted when he discovered an infiltrator of unknown origin-he was some sort of shape shifter. Current assignment: create anti-changeling protocols.


I have always gone to bars. They calm me down. Well, at least the alcohol does. Such was the night of Tallon the 16th. (the world of Devallin has a twenty-six hour day and a thirteen month year.) My day had grown long, and now I needed it be over. Thus I decided to climb inside a bottle.

My car arrived for me just after ten. It was a black Hummer, and I did enjoy riding around in it. Readier than I had been in many days, I stepped inside and spoke my only words for the next five hours. " Der Lagerhaus."

My MI driver nodded, knowing the German run bar himself, and sped off. I had time for the next twenty minutes of the drive to think. Why in God's name was I here? On this planet? Doing this....job...that I hate so much?

No answers came. I removed my black visor cap and held my head in my hands. It appeared, aside from watching those who could not handle their liquor stumble about the bar, my evening was going to be completely boring. I had no idea how wrong I was.

I stepped out of the car, put my cap back on my head, and began my night of alcoholic debauchery. Wearing the black uniform of the Intelligence Department, they charged my no cover. They never did. In fact, no one ever approached an Intel officer.

I nodded to the bar tender, who brought me a bottle of Scotch, perfectly aged. And I began to drink. And drink. And drink some more.

By two the next morning, I was dead drunk, but not very tired. The atmosphere had picked up, and young teenagers and twenty-something club goers made the night more enjoyable. Louder, but enjoyable. However, my Scotch was stopping me from getting up and introducing myself. Then again, no would look at me!

Around three, the impossible happened. Some one sat down in the seat opposite me! By then, I knew I had too much to drink. I was imagining people. What I saw I couldn't believe to begin with. He was just under six feet tall, and skinny-no more than 150 pounds. His hair was dyed blond with black tips and had green eyes which could break even the most arrogant prick happy to do anything. His face was young, but his eyes betrayed him. He looked eighteen, but had to have been at least twenty.

I rubbed my eyes, and he was still there. And he was looking at me!!! By now, my leather great coat was off, my cap was on the table and my sleeves were rolled as high as they would allow. My tunic was open and my tie loose. I looked at the bottle of Scotch and pushed it away. I couldn't be seeing this!!! I had been single for five years, and this beautiful figment of my imagination wasn't helping.

" Hi."

Now I was scared. I was talking to myself.

I gulped.

" Hey, are you just gonna sit there?"

What the hell. It only happens when I'm drunk. " Hi," I said, getting as much of a smile as I could for being up twenty-nine hours.

" It's about time. You wanna dance?"

I was beginning to doubt if he was imagined. " I've had an entire bottle of Scotch. I would fall on you."

He blushed. " That might not be so bad."

Now I knew the Scotch had nothing to do with it. This boy was real! I smiled again. " I can't. But, if you wanna get out of here, we can take a walk."

He got up and grabbed my hand. Even at two in the morning and with a high blood-alcohol level, I could tell he had great skin. Smooth and hairless. Like silk. This guy had to be drunk to be talking to me, or high out of his mind.....which was not impossible in the club/bar we had just come from. We walked outside and I tossed my coat and cap into the car, the driver asleep. MI was dedicated, if rather stupid.

We took off towards a park down the street, and I plopped down on a bench. The native trees were at least fifty feet tall, and fanned out like coniferous ones, but had leaves. Their canopy could block the sun on the brightest of days. *He sat down next to me. We were about a foot apart, and said nothing. I turned towards him and looked at the side of his face. He had a defined jaw and small nose. His ears were trimmed out from his hair line. I could not detect a thing not right with him.

He must have caught me staring out of the corner of his eyes, because he looked at me too. I'm not bad-looking guy: 22, just over 6'2 and 200 lbs of my basic training body. My hair was black and my eyes blue. I had not shaved in two days, so there was some stubble on my chin and cheeks. I hoped he would not mind.

Without thinking I reached up and touched the side of his face, stroking it ever so slightly. I could not detect any remnants of hair at all, he was completely smooth. I was instantly attracted to him. I moved over and ran my fingers along his left ear - very soft.

Perhaps it was my Scotch or my hormones, but I leaned over and kissed him. Our lips met and had I have had explosives, fireworks would have gone off behind my head. His lips were soft, and his touch gentle. I had to pull back. He had a sweet look in his eyes, as if he'd never done anything wrong. He moved right next to me grabbed my face with his hands. He pulled me to him and kissed me....passionately. Yet delicately. We opened our mouths and our tongues danced. It was a constant battle and neither of us would yield, our mouths locked together. I was enjoying the hell out of it. I guessed he was by the way he was kissing me and the fact that he was beginning to run his hands along my arms.

" Would to come to my place, for, uh, diner?"

He smirked. " I've already eaten. But I'd like to come anyway."

My eyes lit up and grabbed his hand. He felt sooo good. We raced over to my car. " Get p, sergeant. Take us home. And move it!"

" Yes major!" he replied, over obedient, but yawning. The hummer sped the fifteen miles to my city apartment, downtown of what was quickly become the first off-Earth settlement of over a million people.

My apartment is in a skyscraper for veterans and current servicemen. It's about fifty stories high, and my apartment is on forty-eight, facing the Minarri mountains. He and I rushed into the glass-walled elevator and rocketed up to my floor. When we got there, I scanned my keycard on the wall and opened the panel to get inside. There was dip in the floor, with a sofa, two recliners, and an entertainment system. To the far side, on a rise in the floor, my dining room; on it's right my kitchen. On it's left, my bedroom.

We wasted no time on deciding where to go first. I threw my coat and cap on my couch and pulled my tie off like a madman tearing at dirty clothes. To me they weren't dirty-they were preventing me from getting to what I wanted to do!

By the time I got into the bedroom -he had beaten me there- I was in a grey undershirt and regulation boxers. Regulation for Intelligence officers was whatever they chose. Mine were red silk, with a black elastic band. And he looked fifty times better than I could have imagined - or thought I did imagine. He had his shirt removed and was undoing white parachute pants from a new offshoot sportswear company - Reebox X.

His chest was smooth and his pecs defined. His abdomen was smooth, yet strong. You could not make out his abs, but I had not doubt he could leg press me. There was not an ounce of fat to be seen. He looked up from his un-tying and glanced at me. He looked up, down, and back up. Our eyes met, and I strolled over to him. I reached out and embraced him, my hands exploring his back like a gay Magellan. I separated us for a moment so I could look into his eyes again. The innocence was gone. Now lust burned in his eyes.

We kissed, and kissed. And kissed.

We made love for hours.

And when I woke up, I expected to be alone.

He was next to me, his arm around my chest and his heart beating against my arm. A smile on my face, I thought this boy is perfect. Maybe I could fall for him...

That was before I knew he was indeed, not perfect.

  • There was no sex in this one. I am setting the stage for a plot line. But don't worry there will be some. But bear in mind, it is a semi -erotic story. There will be next time.

Comments, requests, advice: Email: Feel free to write me any time. I'll answer all.

Next: Chapter 2

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