Mosquito Journal

By Tomm Nobody

Published on Jun 19, 2009


DISCLAIMER: Please respect the laws of your community. If you are underage (under 18/21 depending on where you live) please leave, if this stuff is offending to you, why are you here? Anyways, this is my first story, email me at with comments, tell me what you think, tell me if i should continue with the story. sorry if its a bit short.


It's hard to believe that all of this started with a mosquito bite. How could one little, annoying bug change my life so drastically?

Thursday June 18th, 2009

I guess I should start with my story, but where should I start? Let's try with an intro to me. My name is Alex Vice, I'm 17, I live in Texas, I have black hair, brown skin, brown eyes, I'm 5' 9", I'm Hispanic, I just finished my junior year of high school, I'm the Drum Major of my high school band, I'm into theatre, oh, and something that most people don't know, I'm gay.

Ok, well, that's me in a nutshell. My story begins about a year ago, right before band camp. A couple of friends and I were camping out, celebrating the last day of our free summer life before band took over it. We were all pumped, it was an advancing year this year, or in other words, if we did well at the area competition we could advance to region, then state. An advancing year only happens every other year here in Texas, one year it is 3A and 5A schools, then its 1A, 2A, and 4A schools, our school just barely had enough students to be classified as a 3A this year, so this would be another chance for us to advance after last year as a 2A. It was this day that my life changed forever.

(Early last summer)

Our current Drum Major, Mark Miller had called our band director to tell him that his parents had split up, and he was moving across the nation to California. Our band director called me right after to say that him and his assistants agreed that I should be the new Drum Major. I took the offer, went to camp, learned everything I needed to know, and now I'm ready to lead the band. No one knows that I am now Drum Major. We were going to have a meeting the first day of band camp to talk about it.

Zac Gray, my best friend, invited me and a couple of the guys to go camping at the lake to celebrate our last free day of summer. I was all in for it. We all packed in my Cadillac Escalade and traveled to the lake. Zac's family owned a cabin by the lake's beach and his parents allowed us to use it if we promised not to drink and do drugs.

So while sitting outside by the fire, smoking a joint and sipping on some bud light we all started talking. Henry Weaver mentioned that he hadn't seen Mark around all summer and that he wondered if he was even going to be here next year. Can you say awkward? The whole time I was trying so hard not to say anything, because if word got out, our band director said that he would pick someone else.

"Alex, I just want you to know that I think you would make an AWESOME Drum Major if, god forbid, something happened to Mark" Zac said to a round of approvals from everyone else.

"Yeah Alex, there is just something about you that screams Drum Major Material." Brad Davis added.

"Thanks guys. That means a lot." I said.

"Hey Zac, what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight? There are only 3 beds including the couch bed in the living room, and there are 4 of us." Henry asked.

"Well, I thought that you and Brad would get you own bed and Alex could sleep with me in my room. Is that alright with you Alex?" Zac answered.

"Uh, yeah, sounds fine to me." I said. What I was thinking was, "FUCK YES I'LL SLEEP WITH YOU!" (Let me tell you about Zac. He is amazing, he is about 5' 10", weighs in at about 135, he has a HUGE cock (and I've only seen is soft), and he is both an amazing person and tuba player.)

"Sweet. WHOA, that's a huge mosquito on you Alex, hang on, I'll kill it." Zac said as he slapped my arm where the mosquito was, his hand lingering on the spot, our eyes met, the hair on the back of my neck stands.

"Ok guys, let's hit the hay, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I said.

We all headed inside. Zac took a quick shower; I took out my contacts, brushed my teeth, and got in after he was done. Zac was on the queen sized bed, shirtless, and looking fine as ever. I climbed in next to him. He turned to me and we stared into each others eyes for a minute, then he broke the silence.

"Alex, I know what's going on. Mark told me he had to move. Are you going to be Drum Major next year?"

"Yes. You can't tell anyone though, or Mr. Conway will pick someone else." I confessed.

"You know, I always found that solid blue Drum Major uniform sexy." Zac said.

"W-what?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah, I think you will look HOTT in that uniform, I think it's going to show off your nice ass real well."

"Zac, are you joking?"

"No Alex. I gotta tell you some thing. You can't tell a soul. No one can find out about this. You gotta promise me you won't say a word." He said

"Of course I promise, you know you can tell me anything, and vice versa, that's what best friends do."

"Alex, I-I-I'm gay."

"Are you really? Zac, I gotta tell you, I'm gay too, and to be completly honest, I've had the biggest crush on you since the first time we met back in 7th grade."

"For real Alex? I've had a crush on you for the longest time now. The first time I met you, I felt this funny feeling inside my gut."

I lean in closer to him, he leans in too. Our lips touch, once, twice, on the third, we don't pull back. He pushes his tongue into my mouth, I let him. Our tongues fight, my cock grows to its full 7.5" I can feel his against my PJ bottoms. We break apart. I look into his eyes, he looks into mine. He smiles, I kiss him again. I love his smile, he has this one little dimple on his left cheek.

As we break apart, he says, "Alex, you are an amazing French horn player, you will do amazing as the Drum Major, and I bet you will do even better in bed."

"Well, we will just have to see about that won't we?"

Next: Chapter 2

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