Mr Andrews

Published on Aug 13, 2002


Mr. Andrews

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

Everyone knew Mr. Andrews, the art teacher, was gay. He never did anything, or even made a comment that could be considered off colored or suggestive, but everyone knew. He lived with his invalid mother and took care of her. He didn't seem to have much of a life, other than school and his mother. Some guys made snide jokes about him because he was gay, but he had a lot of friends and supporters in the school.

Everyone knew he was a nice guy and talented. He seemed to be able to get the best out of his students. The Art Department got zero money from the School Board, but our students were always winning state wide awards. Once in awhile there would be a little article in the paper saying he was exhibiting paintings at a gallery in Syracuse, or Albany.

He could help students in trouble and was willing to go the extra mile. My Mom said he was a natural helper and problem solver.

He was tall, thin, balding and had a neatly trimmed beard. He was orderly and efficient. When he directed the decorating for the Junior Prom, or making the sets for a play, you knew you would get twice the work done in half the time. Oddly it was more fun too. I was never close to him, but I liked him.

I went to college. I was supposed to go on a study abroad program for the summer of my Junior year, but the international situation fell apart and I was left without a plan. My parents had planned a trip to Alaska for the summer and had closed up the house, so I was left in limbo and had a frantic job search in April.

I found a job as a staff member of the Lake Sunrise Resort. It was new, so I had never heard of the place, but it was located deep in the Adirondacks and paid well. It solved my housing problem. I discovered the resort wasn't going to open until late July and my job would be helping to get the place ready.

I got there and discovered the resort was going to be really posh. Since there were no visitors yet, the staff had free run of all the facilities. I was the last hired and thus I had the last room for staff. They told me I would have to share it with a guy who only worked on the weekends. He was an artist and was doing murals in the dining room.

My first week was good. There was a lot of work, but the recreational activities and facilities made it seem more like summer camp than work. I got to know a few guys, Ted, Bob and Fred and it was clear this was going to be an easy summer.

On Friday, most of the staff left, except for me and a skeleton crew. When I got back from dinner, I found my roommate for the weekend was there. I did a double take. It was Mr. Andrews. He was as surprised as me.

"Bobby, I had no idea you were here." he said. We talked some and he told me to call him Andy.

"I guess if we are going to be roommates, we might as well be a bit less formal than at school." he said.

It was warm. The mountains rarely get hot, so the staff quarters of the resort weren't air conditioned. I went to take a shower and Mr. Andrews went to work on his murals. I had a book and at nine or so I went to the kitchen to get a coke and to see what the murals looked like in the dining room. One wall of the Dining Room had been draped and I guessed the mural was behind the drapery.

The big, timber framed dining room was empty except for Mr. Andrews standing in a pool of bright light at the other side of the room. The mural was spectacular. From across the room it was an ultra clear landscape. As you got closer it dissolved into brilliant splashes of color, almost totally abstract.

"Wow." I said. "I've never seen any of your paintings, Mr. And . . . Andy."

"They're too big to bring into school." he said. "You like it?"

"Oh yes." I said. "It's beautiful." As I got closer the painting seemed to change. It was beautiful, but intriguing and fascinating too. I had seen nothing like it.

The room was warm and with the lights it was hot near the painting. I was looking at the painting, when I turned to look at him I saw he had unbuttoned his shirt. I was shocked. He had always seemed dapper, with every hair in place. His chest was covered in wild and unruly hair, so thick you could hardly see the skin below. I must have stared. He buttoned up his shirt.

"They called me the `Abominable Artman' in school." Andy said. "I had to model in a drawing class. The professor explained, it would give everyone practice in drawing cats and dogs. There is good money in pet portraits he said." I laughed.

"I thought I had a hairy chest." I commented. "Some people have funny reactions to it." He unbuttoned his shirt again.

"It's not a problem if you don't mind the caveman and gorilla man comments," he said. Another man entered the room. I looked over and saw it was one of the maintenance men. Andy looked over.

"Billy, come over!" he cried. Billy came over and said hello. He said the painting was looking good. He had an odd way of talking and it took me a few minutes to realize he was deaf. Billy was short and stocky. He was dressed in a red and black, plaid, flannel shirt and looked like a lumberjack. He had black, curly hair and a close cropped beard. Curly, black hair peaked out of the collar of his shirt.

It didn't take me long to realize Billy liked Andy a lot. There was a look of love and admiration in Billy's eyes.

"Would you like to drop into my room for a beer before bed?" Billy asked.

"Sure, can Bobby come along? I'm afraid he's stranded here for the weekend."

"Sure, no problem." Billy said. About a half hour later I helped Andy clean up and we went to Billy's room. Billy's room was a shock too. The walls were covered in paintings. Andy had done a portrait of Billy. It was in the center of the wall, but there were several other paintings by Andy, as well as by other artists. They were all beautiful.

I had two beers, then went back to my room. I was asleep when Andy got back. When I woke, he was already gone. I had to go to the bathroom and went to the dorm type facilities at the end of the hall. Andy was showering. I pissed and washed my hands and could see him in the mirror. He was hung like a horse. It hadn't occurred to me he was anything but average. There was nothing average about him at all. Uncut, thick and framed by low hanging balls, his cock was incredible.

He turned off the water and dried off.

"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked. I turned and looked at him. His cock was bigger in the flesh than it had been in the mirror.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Billy's going hiking up Sunmont. He knows this area like the back of his hand. You might join him. He likes company." Andy said. "It's lonely for him here. Lots of people are put off by his deafness."

"I might do that." I said. I had no plans for the day and I found myself thinking about Andy's cock. I was sitting on the terrace thinking when there was a tap on my shoulder. It was Billy.

"Would you like to try your hand at hiking?" he asked.

"I guess I will." I said, somewhat surprising myself. I went to my room and changed my shoes to something more sensible and off we went. Twenty minutes later I was huffing and puffing. We sat down.

"I'm sorry, I am used to this climb and I forget most guys aren't." Billy said.

"Well, I should be in a lot better shape." I said. "It is a beautiful place." I turned away to look at the view and when I looked back Billy looked confused. I said it again and he smiled.

"I'm good at reading lips, but you can't turn away." he said.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me." I said.

"It's hard to remember." Billy said. "It takes a long time to get use to it." We resumed our climb. Billy was knowledgeable about the flora and fauna of the mountains and was good company.

It was cool at the top of the mountain, but as we descended it was hot. Billy took of his shirt off and exposed his hairy body. His back was hairier than my chest. My first impression of him had been he was short. He was actually a good six footer, his massive frame made him look short. I also thought he was fat. His rippling back muscles made it clear there was no fat on his massive frame.

We got back in time to make a sandwich and I read for the rest of the afternoon. I was oddly confused.

I had never been interested in girls and didn't ever seem to hit it off with them. I wasn't at all interested in the guys who made up the Gay Student Union at school. I didn't like effeminate men. I didn't like flamboyant men, or transvestites and really wasn't interested at all in their issues. I had come to the conclusion, I just wasn't interested in sex. Of course I knew masturbation forwards and backwards, but hadn't found a man ,or woman who really turned me on.

By five that evening, I almost admitted to myself I was turned on by Mr. Andrews and Billy. I fought it and didn't really want to admit it, even to myself. I fell asleep and woke with a jolt just before six. I had been dreaming of being naked with them. In my dream, I was staring at Andy's cock and Billy told me to move and let him look. I moved and Billy looked, then started to suck it. I said, "Gee, that looks good! Let me take a lick." Then I woke up. I was as hard as I ever had been. My cock felt different. I didn't know how to describe the feeling.

Mr. Andrews came in the room. "Are your up? Billy and I were going to get dinner. Do you want to come along?" he asked. He didn't seem to notice the tent under the sheets supported by my cock.

I replied, "Sure, give me some time to get dressed."

"No problem," Andy said. "I need to shower and get rid of the paint and turpentine smell." He stripped, put on a robe and went to the shower. I finally got my erection to subside and went to shower. He was drying himself, as I entered. I jumped into the shower and wasn't sneak attacked by my cock. It made it to half staff, but stopped before I got embarrassed.

At college, I had been the hairiest guy on the floor, except for the Greek guy and the Armenian pre- med student. My chest was covered in brown hair and a trail connected my chest mat to my pubic bush. I had thought of hair on your chest as being masculine, but the most popular guys in school were smooth and hairless. I was thinking of the "Abominable Artman".

Mr. Andrews was back at the room dressing by the time I finished showering. I hadn't watched him to know if he had been looking at me, the way I had looked at him while he showered. I got dressed and we were going to ride in Mr. Andrews old Volvo wagon to Lake Placid. Billy knew a good restaurant there. It wasn't too expensive and it sold locally grown food and featured wild game. We looked at the main entrance and saw an ambulance parked there.

As we got in the car, the Assistant Manager ran up. The Assistant Manager was in charge on the weekend and her father was the Night Watchman. He had collapsed, she said and they were on the way to the hospital. They were going to be airlifted to a major hospital later that night. She asked us, to stay at the hotel while she was gone. As she and the ambulance raced off, she said she would lock the gates. She told us, to take what we wanted in the kitchen and bar and make a night of it. We would be the only people in the complex that night.

"Let's go to the kitchen and scrounge around." Andy said. Billy wanted to check out the place to make sure everything was locked up, so Andy and I made dinner as he made the rounds.

There wasn't a lot in the kitchen, but we found some steaks and stuff for a salad. Andy was as good in the kitchen as he was in the art studio. He told me what to do and soon we had a good dinner on the way. Billy returned, satisfied the place was locked down. He had the watchman's dog, Killer, with him. Killer was a Newfoundland-Chow mix. Killer was the ideal watch dog. He was sweet, but terrifying looking. He knew something was wrong with his master and was desperate for reassurance. Billy provided that for the animal.

We ate on the terrace overlooking the pool. It was a warm night and the food was good. Andy and Billy were talking about art and I was much more interested in the conversation than I would have thought. Killer suddenly perked up and ran off barking. He returned with a State Trooper. The dog's tail was wagging.

"Woody!" Billy called. "What's up?"

The Trooper got nearer and spoke directly to Billy. "I heard about old man Waters. Do you need any help?"

"Everything's under control here," Billy said. "Do you know Andy and Bobby. Andy is the artist I told you about. Bobby is a summer employee." We all shook hands.

"I just don't like the idea of a big property like this all but empty," the Trooper said. "I heard they got the copter off to Downstate Medical. The Paramedics didn't sound too hopeful. It was a full blown heart attack."

"No one knows the place is empty," Andy said.

"Don't bet the farm on that. This is a small community and news spreads fast," the trooper said. "Everyone in the county will know by tomorrow. I thought I might spend the night here. I'm off duty, but I hate the idea of something happening."

"No problem, the place is empty and full of beds." Billy said. Somehow I got the impression Woody wanted to spend the night for other reasons. I think he did want to protect the place, but there was something else in his voice.

"Pull up a chair." Andy said. "We have some food left." Woody ate like a horse and seemed to like Andy's cooking a lot. He told us he usually ate frozen food.

"I will swear the night is getting warmer, not cooler." Billy said. He was right, there must have been a warm front approaching from the south. "Who is up for a swim?"

"I'd love to." Woody answered a bit uncertainly.

"Andy and I are good friends." Billy said. "Bobby, do you object to skinny dipping?"

"We're alone here, why not?" I replied. We walked down some steps to the pool level. It was getting dark, so we stripped and jumped into the water. The water was the perfect temperature for a warm night. I was swimming laps as Woody, Billy and Andy talked on the edge of the pool. As it got darker, Billy dropped from the conversation and he joined me doing laps.

I stopped and rested and Billy stopped next to me. He stroked my cock under the water. I felt his. There was no objection, so I stroked his cock hard. We were both rock hard with our erections under the water. I had never had another man's hand on my dick and I couldn't have been more excited.

Someone bumped into us. A body emerged from the water and Billy's voice said, "Sorry about that."

"Billy! Shit, who in hell am I playing with." the Troopers voice said. He let go of my cock as if it was a hot wire.

"It's me, Bobby."

"Shit man, I'm sorry. I had no idea it was you," Woody said. "No idea in the world. I hope you'll accept my apologies. Damn, I'm sorry. No offense?"

"None at all," I said. I took hold of his cock and stroked it again. "No offense at all. It was nice." Andy had joined us. I took hold of his cock. It was already hard. He reached over and stroked mine.

"Do you like to play, Bobby?" he asked.

"I've never done it, but I sure am willing to learn," I said.

"Damn, I'm willing to teach." Woody said. He lifted me out of the water, sat me on the side of the pool and sucked my cock. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Billy was sucking Andy. Woody came up for air.

"Do you pop easily?" he asked.

"I'm afraid I will."

"Lets all turn it down a bit down and go somewhere comfortable." Andy said. We got out of the pool. We grabbed our clothes and went to Billy's room. It felt cold hitting the air after being in the water and the warm temperature in the room felt good. I know I should have felt nervous at the prospect of having sex with guys I hardly knew, but I was so excited I let my cock do the thinking. More correctly, I let Mr. Andrews' donkey dong do the thinking. I wanted to get close to it, to look at it and feel it.

We dried off and I got a good look at Woody and Billy for the first time. Woody was crew cut with a small mustache. His hair was pale blond, sun bleached. He shaved to an inch below his collar line. The rest of his body was covered in curly, dirty blond hair. He obviously worked out. He had a broad chest and thin waist. His cock was cut, long and thin.

Billy had a short, really thick cock that stuck straight out. He was covered in curly black hair and the pubic bush hid his balls completely. He was broad from top to bottom. I was too excited to be embarrassed at being naked in a group of men. I went straight over to Andy, got on my knees and started to suck him. I had been planning just to look, but as soon as I got near, I had an uncontrollable urge to suck.

I wanted to get the whole cock in my mouth, but that wasn't possible. I got the head and a part of the shaft.

"Bobby looks young." Woody said.

"He's twenty or so." Andy said. He graduated two years ago."

"He was one of your students?"

"Yes, but you know I never get it on with a student." Andy said. "That's unethical. It just gets everyone in trouble. You may have noticed, I like mature men."

"Yeah, I noticed." Woody said, chuckling. "And I can't tell you how much Billy and I appreciate that." I needed a rest from my sucking, so I sat up. Billy was sucking Woody. When I looked closely, I realized Billy had his finger up Woody's ass and was poking something inside Woody's ass.

"You like sucking?" Andy asked. I nodded, "have you done anything like this?"

"No, but I like it. Shit, I love it." I admitted. He stroked my cock. I was rock hard and some fluid came out of the slit. He touched it and spread it over my cock head.

"Sit beside me Bobby and relax." Andy said. I sat next to him, but I didn't relax. I buried my head in his crotch and tried to get as much of his cock as I could down my throat. I was crazed.

"You'll be a good sucker." Andy said. "You're not bad now, but it takes some experience to swallow my cock whole. Get all you can now, we're going to get down to some real sex soon. You'd better go back to our room. We're all fuckers. It's not the sort of thing you want to do as your first sexual experience."

"I don't mind." I said.

"Kid, we go at it hot and heavy and I don't like spectators." Woody said. "There's too much big meat in this room for a guy who needs training wheels." I knew the guys were right, but I had never been so turned on in my life. Ten minutes earlier I could not have conceived of sucking a cock. Now I was contemplating having a cock rammed in my ass. Woody and Andy must have sensed what I was thinking about.

"I like it rough." Andy explamined. "I'm a pile driver. Billy and Woody can give as well as take."

"I'd be willing to try." I said.

"There ain't no trying here." Woody said. "I don't do half fucks. It's all or nothing. Once we get going there's no going back. It's "all for one and one for all"."

"Except it's you get to fuck us all and we all get to fuck you." Billy said. "That's the way we've always been. It's messy and sweaty and it isn't neat, prim, or proper. It's plain, old, raw, man sex." I thought a minute. The conversations and warning had done nothing but get me more excited. Woody seemed more excited too and he began to suck Andy.

Billy moved from Woody to my cock. He was a great cock sucker. He also worked a finger from my balls toward my ass hole. I knew what he was doing and I shifted my ass, so he could get at it better. It was odd. I didn't want to get fucked, but I didn't want to leave either. When Billy's finger touched my ass hole it was like an electric shock of excitement. I shivered. He pulled his finger away, licked it, then went back to my hole.

Next: Chapter 2

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