Mr Andrews

Published on Aug 27, 2002


Mr. Andrews Part 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

When I woke, Woody was gone and Andy was in his bed. The alarm rang at seven and Andy was off for a day of painting. I went to help Billy. I played telephone operator, since this was one of the few things he couldn't do. At 9:30 the Assistant Manager called and said things weren't good. Her father would go in for an operation as soon as they stabilized him.

She also reminded me the staff wouldn't be back until Monday evening. The resort operated on a four day, ten hours a day schedule until the opening. We would be alone at the resort for another day. I told her, we could manage. I also told her, Woody had the place under surveillance. She shared the same worries as the State Trooper and was relieved he was keeping an eye on the place.

I went to tell Billy about the call. He was out patrolling the grounds, so I went to the dining room and told Andy. He was painting up a storm. He worked fast and it didn't make any sense to me until I watched him for fifteen minutes. He had totally planned out the mural and knew exactly where each color should go. He would dabble red in random places. Then follow with blue, then orange and brown. I went off to get lunch and offered to make him a sandwich. He said, that was fine, but I might make one for Billy, since he would be back shortly.

When I returned, the colors had begun to resolve themselves into patterns. Billy had returned by that time and we all ate. Woody was on duty patrolling other parts of the county, but would return at dark.

"I hope it wasn't too much for you last night." Mr. Andrews said. "That was pretty intense for a first night of sex."

"I'm fine." I replied, "There was nothing I didn't like." When I said that I realized it sounded as if I had tried a new food and was damning it with faint praise. "Actually, I didn't know anything could be that good. I loved every minute of it." Billy looked at me.

"I could tell." he said. "You're lucky. My first experiences with gay sex weren't so good. I knew I wanted it and would eventually like it, but the first steps in the gay arena were shaky."

"What was the problem?" I asked.

"The guys I was with didn't turn me on at all. One was swishy and the other was into power." Billy said. "I figured they were the best I could do. I had to settle for them."

"You guys turn me on big time." I said.

"Is it the hair, or the cock?" Andy asked.

"Both, I think." I replied. "I really don't know exactly what it was. Do you ever run into men who are incredibly attractive, but not handsome?"

"Is that what we are?" Billy asked. He was smiling.

"Are you sure it's not the cock?" Andy chimed in. I figured I had insulted them and didn't know what to say.

"I know what you are talking about. I'm not exactly everyone's idea of a dream boat, stud muffin." Andy said. "And lots of guys like to look at a big cock, but they don't want to do anything with it."

"I thought I would spend the night with one-night trolls, until I met Woody." Billy said. "I couldn't believe a handsome man like him would want to be seen with me, let alone get in bed with me."

"Believe me, he's as turned on by you as you are by him." I said.

"You think so?" Billy asked. He was suddenly serious. "I thought he liked younger guys."

"He likes sex a lot, but he would have spent the night with you if he had the chance." I said. "He was a bit worried by Andy."

"Oh, hell!" Andy exclaimed. "Billy was on my cock for the ride, not the love!" I looked at Billy and saw he was relived Woody was still his. "Sex isn't the same thing as love. Billy has a great ass and he can ride my cock like a champ, but we're friends and sex pals, not lovers.

"We need to change partners tonight." Billy said. "Do you think you can take Andy's dick? It's a challenge."

"Bobby can take it. He doesn't know it, but I'm sure he can." Andy said. "He's a natural. The first time he saw my meat he was all but drooling on the shower room floor."

"I'm not so sure about that." I said. "You saw me looking?" Everyone burst out laughing. "I guess I was drooling some." I conceded.

"It's your choice, Bobby." Mr. Andrews continued. "But let me tell you something. You want it. If you don't try it, you may spend the rest of your life thinking about it. If it hurts, that's okay. You'll be fine in a few days. But if it's as good as you think it is, you'll have the best sex you've ever had."

"Amen, Brother!" Billy cried.

"On that note, I will get back to work." Andy said. "I'm a bit behind." Billy and I went off on a patrol of the property to see if there were any problems. All was quiet.

"What's it feel like to take Andy's cock?" I asked Billy.

"Really filling!" he said with a smile. "Once I got use to it, it was fine. Ass sex is different from cock sex. Your cock is always available for play. We all know what it feels like when we jerk off. When you suck, you're in control. Even when you're being sucked, you have a good idea what is going on. The ass is totally different. Everything is hidden and concealed."

"Whether it's good or bad depends on the cock, the ass and the man. I think it makes a difference in the way the cock and ass are shaped. If you like the guy who's fucking you, it feels a lot better. I've had some experience with guys who I didn't like. It's not good." Billy continued. He got close to me. " Andy's cock isn't like mine, or Woody's. Size does count. Woody's good, great really, but Andy's different. It doesn't feel as good, but it's more sexual, more exciting. I guess it's a different kind of pleasure."

"I tried to explain this to Woody. That's why he wanted to be fucked last night. He wanted to feel what I felt. It didn't work out. I don't know if it's a problem with the anatomy, or the attitude." Billy continued. "I think I agree with Andy, your experience will be different. If you try it, you'll love it."

"Andy would sure love it." I said. There was a touch of cynicism in my voice. Billy looked at me disapprovingly.

"Andy's a nice guy. He thinks you're a natural bottom. He's a natural top. It could be a good combination. He isn't a user, he thinks you'll like it. Some guys go crazy skewered on his cock." Billy continued. "I'm one of them."

There was a sudden clap of thunder. We had been talking and hadn't noticed thunder clouds over head.

"Shit!" Billy exclaimed. "Some windows are open!" We raced back to the lodge and frantically closed windows. The place was sealed shut by the time the storm hit. The storm was violent, but short. An hour later the sky was clear and the temperature had dropped 25 degrees. The lights were out, but there was no damage other than that.

I called in the outage to the electric company. It was a major transformer, they said and there were trees down all over the place. I called Woody next. He said, trees were blocking the road to the lodge. Something of a tornado-like force had struck the road. State crews were clearing from the town outward, so we would need to hold the fort another day. They were blocking all incoming traffic to make it easier to clear the roads.

I tried to get the assistant manager, but no one answered at the number she gave us. Billy had turned on a generator that would power the freezers and basic electrical services. With no light, Andy couldn't paint, so he helped Billy with the generator.

It was odd to be in an emergency situation , with the sky crystal clear and no damage at the lodge at all. I guess it was the classic windstorm with the damage limited to the area of high wind only. We were fine, with nothing to do, but check on the generator from time to time. We sat in the glassed in sun room overlooking the terrace.

"It's still warm." Andy said. "But the wind is almost cold. I think the forecast said, it will be in the 40s tonight."

"The furnace is on the generator. The system was designed to protect in winter storms. Hot water is provided by the furnace, so we've got a lot of that too." Billy said. "No television though." he paused. "We'll have to entertain ourselves." We all knew what that was. "Maybe I'll go to my room and leave you guys alone." Billy said.

"I was thinking Bobby might like a coach." Andy said. "It's up to Bobby." It seemed to be a foregone conclusion Andy's cock would be in my ass before the night was over.

"I guess we're all friends." I said.

"I know this doesn't sound very romantic, Bobby, but planning is really helpful with my cock." Andy said. "I'm not much good at sending you to heaven on the first fuck. I'd rather have you comfortable and at ease. We have the summer to play and I wouldn't mind getting you use to it first. That's the way it worked for you, isn't it Billy?"

"I didn't think of it that way when we were doing it, but that's the way it was." Billy said. "I love it now." Billy stood and I could clearly see his erect cock tenting his work pants. It stuck straight out. He looked down. "Damn I didn't notice." he said. "I'm sorry."

It looks good to me." I said.

"We're talking too much. Lets get naked and down to business!" Andy said. We started upstairs to my room, but stopped in the conservatory, a Victorian style glass pavilion filled with tropical plants, next to the dining room. In the center was a huge hot tub, disguised as an ornamental pool. I continued toward my room, but realized I was alone. I looked back. Andy and Billy were naked and making out. I joined them.

The sun was high in the sky and the room was warm, even though the wind rattled the glass periodically. I joined the men and was enveloped in a mass of hair and hot bodies. I was surprised, Andy's non-romantic conversation about the best way to get in my ass had turned them on. I hugged Bobby and Andy dropped to his knees and started to suck me. He got up suddenly.

"Let me get some lube before we get too far to turn back." Andy said. He went off, but Billy and I remained, going at it like dogs in heat. I was turned on. The idea of fucking in the public room of the resort turned me on and Billy seemed even more exciting than he had the night before.

We were 69ing when a finger touched my ass. It was Andy. He had come back and I hadn't heard him. His finger penetrated my ass and whet straight for my prostate. He touched Billy with his other hand to get his attention.

"Billy, if Bobby doesn't mind, why don't you lube up and pop in Bobby's ass. I want the lube real deep." Andy suggested. "He liked it last night, so you can open him up and relax him." I was ready and desperately wanted something in my ass.

"I'm real close now. If I do that I'll shoot." Billy said.

"We're all friends." Andy replied. "Cum is a great lubricant. The deeper you shoot it, the better it will be for him." I rolled over and Billy got my legs on his shoulders. Andy lubricated Billy's cock and my ass at the same time.

"Bobby, just let me know when he's about to bust your nut." Andy said. "I want to have a full head of steam when we start." I would have nodded, but Billy popped his cock head into my ass and it was even better than it had been the day before. I moaned.

Billy pumped and I twitched. It was good, Billy began to howl as he shot his load as deep as he could get. He tried to pull out, but Andy wouldn't let him.

"Drain those balls and fill that ass." Andy cried. Billy must have twitched for a minute or two. He relaxed and I knew there was nothing left in his balls. He pulled out. Andy was waiting. He nuzzled his cock head in my hole and applied pressure. It was big. He pressed, the head pushed in and I tensed as it began to hurt. He pulled out. Squirted some more lube on his cock and pressed it in again.

It was a little better, but no walk in the park. He pulled out again.

"Billy, I've got a bottle of Jungle Juice in that small bag." Andy said. "Let's see if Bobby could use a boost." He looked at me. "Ever tried poppers?"

"What are they?"

"You will know in a minute." Andy said. Billy handed him a small bottle. Andy opened it up and held it to my nose. "Take a long sniff." he said. I did. He was still pulsing his cock head at my hole. Nothing happened. I began to feel warm and flushed.

A second later, every inhibition I ever had in my life vanished. My ass lost all power to resist as Andy's cock head poked into my ass. In another second his entire monster was deep in my ass. I couldn't think, or breathe. It was beyond any feeling I could imagine.

Looking back, Billy was right. It wasn't as enjoyable as Woody, or Billy's cock had been. It was so all consuming, all filling, I couldn't get my thinking straight. My entire body had become an extension of Mr. Andrew's cock. It was intense and exciting, sexual at a level I couldn't believe.

"Fuck, I don't believe he took it so easily!" Billy said. "It's half as big as he is." Mr. Andrews didn't move except for a little pulsing. He was looking at me with an odd look, part concern, part lust.

"Just get use to it, Bobby." he said. "We have all the time in the world. Just relax and let it fill you up." I twitched my ass a little. "That's right, Bobby. Adjust yourself. If anything hurts, wiggle a bit and see if it slides into place."

"Are you okay, Bobby?" Billy asked. I nodded. I still couldn't talk. "I've never seen anything like it. It took me four or five tries before I could take it." Andy pumped a bit harder and I moaned.

Andy slowed, then made a deeper thrust. I moaned again.

"If it's too much, I can pull out and stop now." he said. "Somehow, I think you're just getting warmed up. I sure wouldn't mind some moretime up your ass, if you're game."

I wanted to answer him, but I still couldn't talk. I finally croaked the word, "More!"

"Hot damn!" Andy said. "Billy, bring the lube over and grease me up when I get out far enough. Bobby and I are going on a ride!" I had almost made peace with his cock when he began to make bigger thrusts. He was pulsing two or three inches. I could feel his cock head somewhere deep in my guts. I was getting sore when Billy poured some lube on his cock and it felt cool and soothing. I relaxed some. He increased his thrusts to three or four inch movements.

He pulled all the way out. Billy coated his cock with a thick layer of lube. Billy got the small bottle of Jungle Juice open and gave me a sniff. Andy shoved his cock deep. I gasped. He rested for maybe thirty seconds and then began pulsing. This time the movements were five to six inches for each thrust. I began to twitch. Oddly, I felt as if he was missing cock contact with some parts of my ass. I began to wiggle and gyrate to make sure his monster probed every inch.

"Damn!" Billy said. Mr. Andrews pulled out again. Billy added another coat of lube. Andy pushed his head into my hole and popped it in and out. My hole was so stretched it couldn't resist.

"If it's too much for you, we can stop now." Mr. Andrews said. "We can call it a day." My ravaged ass was screaming for relief, until the second Mr. Andrews mentioned pulling out for good. Suddenly the desire for rest and relief was replace by a void in my ass. I desperately needed it to be filled again.

"Oh no! Please!" I cried. "Don't stop!" They both laughed.

"I thought so." Andy said. "Billy, give him another hit of the Juice. And I'll take one too. We're going for the gold this time!" I sniffed, then Andy did. He took a long deep snort of the stuff, then we both surrendered to lust.

Next: Chapter 4

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