Mr Andrews

Published on Oct 31, 2002


Mr. Andrews 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

The road reopened the next day. The entire staff, minus the Director and Assistant Director, returned. Mr. Andrews left for home. He would return the next weekend. The grand opening was a week and a half away and the pace of work picked up. My status in the resort operation rose dramatically.

Mr. Adams arrived and was really happy with the way Billy and I had handled the problems of the preceding weekend. He decided to take over direct management of the resort, until it opened and Billy was put in charge of the physical plant. I became an executive assistant. That was a big step up from waiter. It would be more correct to say I was Billy's ears.

The Assistant Manager did not come back. She had been the "special friend" of the Manager and lost all interest in the job when he left. Her father recovered very slowly and she stayed with him. I had hoped to get more time with Billy and Lou, but the amount of work was astounding.

Mr. Adams had high standards and wanted the place to be perfect. He felt if the first customers were dissatisfied with the place, it would be hard to get the reputation we needed to justify the rates we charged. If he had been a jerk, he would have been a slave driver. He was a nice man, just demanding. He was appreciative of people who did their jobs well and this made the hard work worth it. The day before the grand opening the staff members who had gone the extra mile found a bonus in their paycheck envelopes.

Andy came back the next weekend, but he spent most of the time painting. The former Manager had delayed signing his contract, so the mural wasn't required to be finished until two weeks after the opening. Adams talked with Mr. Andrews and asked if he could get it done earlier. Andy said, he would do what he could.

Andy put in 18 hour days. I helped him after dinner and he got it done, painting for a solid 24 hours on Sunday. I went to bed at two in the morning and got up at seven. His bed hadn't been slept in. Mr. Andrews was sleeping on a table in the middle of the dark and empty room. I saw the completed mural complete for the first time when turned on the lights. It was stunning. The wall was splashed with the colors of the Adirondacks, each wall covered a season, from the icy blues and whites of the winter to the dark, cool greens of summer.

I had seen it being painted, but had been so close, The overall design was now clear. I was gaping at it when Mr. Adams came in.

"I had no idea!" Adams said. "They're gorgeous. We need to capitalize on this." We woke Mr. Andrews up and congratulated him on the achievement. Mr. Andrews said, he had to get back to my home town to give a lecture that afternoon.

Mr. Adams said, there was no way he was going to drive as tired as he must be. Mr. Andrews said it was a major lecture to a group of European visitors and he had to do it. Billy came up and congratulated Andy on the murals. He suggested they compromise and send me as a chauffeur to get him home in time. Billy said, he would drive over after dinner to get me and bring me back. That seemed to suit everyone.

An hour later I was in Mr. Andrews' Volvo driving home. He slept for most of the four hour drive. We got to his house, he showered, got dressed and we went to the town hall in time to give his talk.

Something had struck me as odd about the house. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then I remembered. Mr. Andrews lived with his mother. There was so sign of her at the house. After the lecture I took him home and asked about her.

"I thought you knew, she died five months ago. Heart attack." he said.

"I had no idea. My mom must be slipping on keeping me up on the local news. I'm real sorry. It must have been a shock." I said.

"She died during the big blizzard. All the news was of the snow. We couldn't do a funeral, just a simple interment and a memorial service when we could get out. That was almost a month later." he explained.

"How are you doing." I asked.

"Good. Mom was failing badly and her mind had all but gone. I was on the edge of taking her to a nursing home when she died. She had become very hard to deal with." Andy said. "It wasn't good, but she would have hated a nursing home. It sounds stupid to say it, but the heart attack was the best of the possible outcomes."

"You must think its awful of me not to have said anything." I said. "If I had known, I would have done something."

"I moved here to take care of her. I never would have taken the job at the school, but it was the only thing available." he said. "Since she died, I've been thinking of moving to a place where there is more of an art scene and more of a gay life. Just about everything here is family oriented and family doesn't include gay men."

"You've just found Lou and Billy." I said.

"You're right. I don't want you to think of me as a sex maniac, but sex is important to me. I love to fuck, but I can't enjoy it if my partner doesn't. Pain turns me off. With my cock, that's a problem." he said. "I need for guys to enjoy it to enjoy myself."

"I sure liked it."

"I noticed! So did Lou." Mr. Andrews said.

"And Billy." I added.

"Billy's different." he said. "He does it to please me. I don't think it feels that good for him, but he wants my seed in his ass and wants me to like him. He's getting use to it now, but he doesn't respond the way you and Lou do. You guys are true size queen, fuck sluts."

"I'm not sure I want to be that!" I said.

"Believe me it's a compliment!" He said laughing. I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to find some guys who not only can take my cock but like it! To most men, my dick is super sized eye candy. They like to look but wouldn't consider trying it in their ass."

"Billy likes your cum?"

"He does." Andy said. "He likes it in his mouth, but I almost choke him. I have a bit of a quirk that way too. You know I'm a neat freak. I shoot cum all over the place. I hate messes and cleaning up. Ass fucking isn't the neatest thing from that point of view. I love it when I can shoot deep in an ass. No mess, no cleanup."

Mr. Andrews was beginning to look tired, so I suggested he take a nap. He jumped at the opportunity.

I looked around the house and found a good book to read. It was after eight when Mr. Andrews got up and fixed some dinner. As was usually the case, he turned some ordinary ingredients into and fine meal. The doorbell rang. He went to get it.

Andy returned with a man I had never seen before.

"Bobby, this is Lowell Johns, an old friend of mine from Utica." he said. "He was passing through town and dropped in to say hello."

"If I had known you had company, I wouldn't have bothered you." Lowell said. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No problem at all." I said. "I am here playing chauffeur, only." It was slightly uncomfortable in the room. I was sure Lowell had different plans for the evening with Mr. Andrews. The doorbell rang again. This time it was Billy. Mr. Andrews introduced Lowell to him. The atmosphere changed when Billy entered the room. Lowell was dressed in a turtle neck sweater and jeans and you could tell he was fit and toned. When he saw Billy, he clearly liked what he saw.

Mr. Andrews looked at the two of them and winked at me. We had both noticed the attraction.

"I'm sorry everyone, but I'm going to need to get some sleep. I'm bushed." Mr. Andrews said. "I'm too tired to beat around the bush. Lowell, Bobby and Billy are new friends of mine. They love to be fucked and I'd love to fuck them tonight. I'm sured they don't mind company while we screw around. If you're game, join us. You can just watch, or leave, but frankly, I'd much rather have you join us."

"That invitation is far too elegant and refined for me to say no to." Lowell said with a smile. "Which way to the bedroom?'

"Lowell, I would have thought you knew the way by now!" Andy said. We all trooped up to the bedroom.

"You guys can take Andy's cock?" Lowell asked incredulously. "I've been trying for years and never gotten it in."

"They both have and they both like it." Andy said as he stripped naked. "Maybe you need to take some pointers?"

"Would you mind if I watched?" Lowell asked me. "I really do need some pointers. Andy can't get his head in my hole."

"No problem for me." I said.

Lowell was naked by now too. He was an older man, in his early sixties, with white hair and a neat mustache. He was lightly furred, but possessed a full set of balls and a good cock. He was uncut and his cock head caused a bulge at the midpoint of the foreskin. There must have been two inches of empty skin, dangling below the head.

"Damn!" Billy said as he got on his knees and sucked the skin. Billy got his tongue deep in the skin and you could see it fishing around to find Lowell's cock head. I hadn't noticed Billy was a skin fancier. Of course, I knew he liked man sex, but he was much more excited than usual. His cock turned rock hard as he saw Lowell's skin.

With Lowell and Billy occupied, I had Mr. Andrew's to myself. That was fine with me. I knew he wanted to fuck and I was more than willing. He had told me it would get better each time he did it. I wanted to find out if it was true.

Mr. Andrews got on his bed. Iwas on my back and he opened my legs so, he had full access to my hole. He had a large container of lube on his bedside stand and he began working some into my ass. He also coated my cock, stroking to a full erection. He would stroke my cock three or four times, then ring my ass hole with his finger before he would work his finger into my ass to insure the chute was lubed and ready.

I had thought of the lubricating as an utilitarian task, necessary for an easier fucking. As he methodically stoked and lubricated me, I was getting hotter and hotter. He had gone for one to two and eventually three fingers as the process continued. It was strange, I opened up and relaxed while I got more sexually stimulated.

"Do you mind if I watch?" Lowell asked. "I've never seen anyone take Andy's horse cock before."

"No problem for me." Andy said. "You?" he asked me." As he asked, he pressed three fingers into my prostate and I could barely breathe. I was in no condition to say anything.

"Bobby won't mind." Billy said. "He took Andy's whole cock the first time. It took me several tries."

"You need to try Bobby's or Billy's cock on for size." Andrews said to Lowell. "As a matter of fact, I think, Billy might have the perfect cock for your tight hole. Why don't you get on the bed with Bobby and open your ass. Billy can give you a fuck lesson while you watch?"

Mr. Andrews must have guessed Lowell wanted to be fucked by Billy. I didn't mind being watched, but I liked the idea of having everyone sexually involved, rather than pure spectators. Lowell was more than willing.

We rearranged ourselves on the bed. I was on the edge with my legs on Andy's shoulders. Lowell was on his hands and knees. His mouth was above my cock and his uncut dick dangled above my face. Billy was on his knees behind Lowell. He had already lubricated his cock. It was nestled at Lowell's ass, but just rested there. Billy's entire cock head was visible except for the very tip.

"Bobby likes my cock head to soften up the opening before I thrust deep." Andy said. He was slipping his head through my sphincter, just barely penetrating into my chute.

Lowell moaned, "Oh baby!" Billy was copying Andy's movement at Lowell's ass. Lowell wasn't having any problems with Billy's thick meat. Billy had coated it with lube and his cock was dripping, every vein was visible. I could see a vein throb.

Lowell lowered his head to suck my cock. This left his ass higher in the air and opened his hole wider for Billy. Lowell's skin was dangling down in front of my face. I rose up and grabbed the tube with my mouth. I pulled the skin into my mouth and worked my tongue into the hollow tube searching for his cock. The interior of tube was filled with the rich, sweet taste of precum.

Billy had been sucking him a few seconds before and I could tell he had licked all the cock goo, so I was tasting a new supply. My tongue was two inches into the skin tube before I reached his cock head and its dribbling slit. Lowell was excited.

"It's show time!" Andy cried. "If you want to watch me fuck, Lowell, you had better watch now." Mr. Andrews deep dicked me. For the next few moments I could do nothing, but respond to the monster cock. Tidal waves of feeling flowed over me. He had been right, each new fuck was better and more totally involving.

By the time I focused again, I looked up and saw Billy's balls next to Lowell's low hangers. Billy was matching Andy's movements with his own. Lowell's had all but exploded. His head was now an inch from the end of the skin and I could hardly wedge my tongue into the space between the head and foreskin. His piss slit was open, gushing precum.

Mr. Andrews shifted me and hit some new spots. I could think when his dick was pulled out and just toying with my ass with his cock head. When he rammed deep, I surrendered to the sensation. I was all but unconscious.

Next: Chapter 6

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