Mr Andrews

Published on Dec 7, 2002


Mr. Andrews 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

It was a good day. We were outside, fishing and hiking through the mountains. After the stress of the Resort's opening, it was relaxing and fun. There was no sex, but we all knew what was ahead and I felt myself getting more excited in anticipation of the evening. I was getting to like Stanton a lot. He was over 30 but seemed younger in spite of his massive beard and huge frame.

My thoughts returned to his cock and I was wondering if it would fit and would it feel as good as Mr. Andrews' huge meat. Billy, Woody, Lou and Mr. Andrews had all fucked me and I had enjoyed each, but Mr. Andrews was different. It was as if sex came in two varieties, Regular and Turbo.

We were climbing up a mountain to an overlook. I watched Stanton climb ahead. In spite of his huge size he was graceful and his climb was effortless, almost as if he were walking down a fairway rather than climbing a mountain. He was self assured and in his element. Stanton talked and told me about the plants and trees. He knew a lot about the forest and seemed to appreciate it. He wasn't what I expected of a lumberjack.

I thought back to my own situation before I met Mr. Andrews and Billy. I had been virgin and pure. Not because I wanted to be, but more because I was shy and unlucky. In two days with them I had discovered new worlds of feeling and sensation. It had been well beyond anything I had imagined. With Billy and Woody I had all new experiences. They shot me to the moon for the first time. The next day Mr. Andrews sent me flying out of the universe.

I wondered if Stanton would feel the same way in a few days. I had read stories about people who felt they had been defiled after their first sexual experience. I felt exhilarated and liberated. The realization struck me there was far more to life than I had dreamed. There were levels of life and enjoyment beyond my limited experiences. I also knew I was lucky to have my introduction to man sex at the hands of some really nice guys.

I looked at Stanton, still effortlessly climbing the mountain. He couldn't have been a luckier guy. If he wanted an introduction to man sex, there were no better or nicer guys than us. He looked back at me and winked. I think he knew that too.

The view from the top was beautiful. The mountain was high for the Adirondacks, but modest by western standards. The mountains were ancient and worn low by millenniums of wind and water, but they remained impressive. I thought of Mr. Andrew's murals and the way they captured the color and feel of this area. The return down the mountain was leisurely. It was mid summer and every living thing was as lush as it could be.

We got back to the cabin and a Forest Ranger's Explorer was parked there. Lou had arrived.

"Woody!" He yelled as he rushed to meet us. "I hope you don't mind, but I had a house guest and brought him along." At that moment, Mr. Andrews emerged from the cabin. My cock twitched to life. I caught Billy's eye and realized his cock had twitched too.

"No problem at all." Woody said, "None at all!"

Andy had an easel set up in the yard and had been sketching. He had been doing oil sketches of the views from the cabin. They were wonderful. While they were very quickly done, he had captured the feeling of the place. The crisp air, brilliant sun and deep shadow of the forest all were in his sketches.

Everyone was impressed, Stanton was dumbfounded. The sketches seemed almost magical to him. Andy got out another canvas, secured it to the easel and began another sketch painting. The sun was beginning to lower and there was a slight golden tone to the light. Andy worked at a furious pace, dabbing colors on the canvas quickly, adding colors to the paints on his palette to capture the light and color effects.

Stanton stood next to him, watching the painting take form, and the seemingly random splotches of color resolve into a landscape. Stanton looked like a St. Barnard at the foot of his master. He was entranced and in love. Woody started dinner while we all talked and had a drink as we watched Mr. Andrews paint.

"There is a beautiful moment just before the sun sets over the lake." Stanton said to Andy. "It turns purple and gold for just a second, then it's dark."

"We can watch for it." Mr. Andrews said. "I'll see if I can get it."

"It's not every night, but it should happen tonight. The air is right." Stanton said.

I was helping Woody cook inside the cabin. I was getting cool outside by then. We were a festive group. The cabin was dark, but the fire and candles gave a cheerful glow. Stanton and Mr. Andrews entered with his painting equipment and the sketches. Stanton was beaming. Andy had captured the moment he had described. Mr. Andrews looked happy too. They set the sketches around the room. They were all brilliant, but the final sketch of the setting sun was set apart. Mr. Andrews would glance at it from time to time and stare at it. I knew he was planning something.

Dinner was good. Fish didn't get any fresher than this and Billy had brought good wine from the Resort. It was a very mellow night. The cabin wasn't large and there were five large men and me inside. That, with the fire made the place warm and we all began to strip out of our outdoor clothes. We had a sexual interlude at the swimming hole in the morning, but had done nothing since so there was a lot of pent up lust in the room.

I'd didn't know how we would make the transition, but Woody did.

"Did Lou tell you the purpose of this little party?" Woody asked of Mr. Andrews.

"Not exactly, but I was hoping it has something to do with sex." Andy said in a mater of fact voice. "I like to paint, but frankly, I have my heart set on some man play."

"We all are planning on that too!" Lou said. "We're all old friends here, except for the Big guy. I'm betting he's interested?"

"You'd be right about that!" Stanton said. "I guess you could say I have an interest in it. It's just I'm not too experienced."

"You like it, don't you?" Andy asked.

"Shit yes." was the reply.

"We'll let's go at it." Woody said as he stripped off his tee shirt and then dropped his jeans. We all followed suit. We formed a knot of naked men in the middle of the room. Lou looked at Andy and Stanton.

"Damn, there some big meat here." Lou said. "I've never seen as much in one place. I feel like I'm in the land of the giants."

"I seem to remember you had no problem with size the last time we got together." Andy said. Lou laughed.

"As long as we do it one by one, I'll be fine!" he said. Lou was getting hard, Woody was already fully erect.

"I'm the only guy here who hasn't taken big meat?" Woody asked.

"You forget about me!" Mr. Andrews said. "I'm a plain old fashioned top."

"And me." Stanton added. "I've never given or taken. I still don't believe my cock will fit. Are you sure you've taken that cock?" he asked me. "And enjoyed it?" He was staring at Andy's cock with admiration. I looked at Mr. Andrews and saw him staring back at Stanton. Andrews stepped closer.

"You know, Stanton. I've always been the biggest guy in the room, but it's nice to have someone to take the pressure off. Everyone likes to look at big meat and touch it, but not many guys can take it. You may not believe this, but you have lucked out. There are three men in this room who can take it and they all love it."

"And one guy who hasn't taken Mr. Andrews' big cock in his ass wants it bad." Woody added.

"I haven't done shit to anyone." Stanton said.

"If everyone is game, let's see what we can do to while away the hour tonight." Andy said, as he walked over to Stanton and took the bear's cock in his hand. "Damn! Your fucker even feels heavy." With that comment, Andy dropped to his knees and began to suck. I joined him. There was room for two. Billy and Woody paired off and Lou joined our threesome.

Lou tapped Andy and replaced him on Stanton's cock. Andy got up and talked with Stanton.

"You want to try fucking?" he asked. Staunton nodded.

"I'd like to try it, but I'm afraid it will hurt." Stanton said. "Mine's too big." Andy put his arm around the big man.

"You may be too big for most guys, but believe me, there are others who would die for a chance to feel you up their ass." Andy said. "In my life I've only had seven men who could really take and enjoy my cock. Three of them are in this room. Two are sucking your cock this very minute." Andy paused. "Have you had a cock in your ass?"

"No sir."

"Maybe we will try that tonight too. I might be helpful if you had some idea what the other guy is feeling when you fuck him." Andy explained. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "Is there anyone here you would like to be the first in your ass? It's really special when you let a guy in your hole. Billy cracked Bobby's nut, then Woody gave him a ride. Bobby liked it so much he opened right up for me the next day." When Andy mentioned Woody's name, Stanton oozed a big glob of precum. I knew who he wanted in his ass.

"Bobby can take your cock?" Stanton asked incredulously. "He's the smallest guy here." Mr. Andrews patted my head. I got up, joining the conversation. That left Lou as the only guy sucking Stanton's meat. Lou looked really happy.

"No problem at all." Andy said. "Getting fucked hurts some guys, but for others it's the best feeling in the world."

"That pretty well describes me." I said. "It's unbelievable. Woody and Billy were good, but Mr. Andrews shot me to the moon."

"And I was right behind him." Andy said, much to my surprise. I was so involved with my own sensation when he fucked me, I hadn't thought about his. A warm feeling washed over me. I was pleased to have satisfied him. Lou came up for air.

"Guys, when are we going to stop talking and get down to fucking." Lou said. "I so horny, I could get fucked by a horse." He glanced at Andy and Stanton. "It looks to me, either of you guys would fit the bill!"

"How about I take you and Stanton takes Bobby." Mr Andrews suggested. "If you don't mind, Lou. Stanton can watch and copy us."

"Anything that gets some big meat in my ass is fine with me!" the Ranger said. He plopped down on the bed and laid back. He pulled his legs up, opening his ass. It was a pick pucker in the middle of the swirling black hairs covering his ass. "I'm not going to play hard to get!" We all laughed.

Woody had thoughtfully placed a few tubes of lubricant around the room and Andy took some on his finger and began toying with Lou's ass. I got on the bed next to Lou. Stanton stepped up to the plate and copied Mr. Andrews actions.

"Lubricate him good, go in as deep as you can." Andy instructed. "You can't get too much." Stanton poked gingerly at my ass. His fingers were thick and when he finally poked through the ass ring, I moaned.

"I'm not hurting you?" Stanton asked. It was clear he had no idea.

"Not at all." I said.

"Don't be shy." Andy said. "It's better if you open him up. Play with the prostate." Andy must have demonstrated where the prostate was in Lou's ass. Lou moaned. Stanton moved his finger and found mine. He pressed. I shivered and moaned.

"That's it. You got it!" I said. Once Stanton realized how much I like it, he relaxed and played with my ass, going real deep. Woody said Stanton got real hard as they talked about fucking. I got my first good look at his fully erect cock.

It was a club, with the head the same size as the shaft. It was still half shrouded with his foreskin. A stream of cock drool dribbled from his slit. His cock head was so hard it was shiny. It looked more massive than Andy's, but as I glanced over to Andy, I had second thoughts.

Andy's cock head was bigger than the shaft and looked monstrous. I twitched as I remembered how it felt as it slipped into my ass and traveled down my chute. I wondered if it would be a different experience with the shaft as big as the head. Andy was lubing his cock now, getting ready to enter Lou's ass. Stanton followed suit.

Being fucked by Stanton was like being screwed by a butterfly with a huge cock. It was hard to believe a man as big as Stanton could be so delicate, so careful. He eased his cock slowly into my ass. He was careful and considerate, very worried how I was doing, trying to make sure I was comfortable. His cock was definitely a stretch. The main problem was mass. He was thick and long, there was no room in my ass. My ass was totally occupied.

I had thought his cock was a solid cylinder of meat. It actually got thicker as it reached his body, so the was no let up in the relentless stretching of my ass. I was almost ready to tell him to stop when his pubic hair touched my balls and he was all the way in. Suddenly the pressure was off. His cock tapered at the very base and it was more comfortable. The constriction at the base acted as a natural cock ring and kept him hard.

Stanton didn't fuck me, he slowly pumped, making movements of no more than an inch or two. He never pulled his cock out, I was always fully occupied. At first I was pleased I had taken the whole thing. It felt good, but not exceptional. I have to admit I felt better the longer he occupied my ass. I was getting really tuned on, when Stanton lifted me off the bed. Holding me by his arms, I was firmly skewered on his cock. Most of my weight was concentrated on his cock driving it deeper into my rectum.

Something gave way and his cock rammed another inch in. My prostate was trying to fill up for an orgasm, but Stanton's massive cock squeezed it so hard I couldn't shoot. I was having trouble breathing. The big bear put me back on the bed and pulled out.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I couldn't talk for a minute. I felt relieved the huge tool was out of my ass.

"I'm all right," I finally manages to croak. It was hard to get my breath back. "I'm just winded." The sense of relief quickly gave way to a feeling of emptiness. I couldn't believe it, but I wanted it back in my ass again. I put my legs on his shoulders again. He look about as pleased as I had ever seen a man. He re lubricated his cock and re entered my open hole.

The second time was better than the first, and the third try was still better. That time, we tried it doggy style. With each penetration, I relaxed some and it was easier. When I say it was easier, I don't mean it was easy. I hadn't cum yet, but I was getting worn out by Staunton's continuing ramming.

"Can we trade for a minute?" Andy asked Stanton. "I've worn a rut in Lou's ass and need a change." They traded places. Stanton slid right into Lou's ass. I heard Lou cry, "Oh baby!"

Mr. Andrews cock slid in mine too. "It's amazing how easy it fits when you've been opened up." Andy said. I relaxed. My ass contracted to fit Andy's cock. I could feel his cock head moving in my chute. His shaft was thinner than Stanton's and my ass felt wonderful as it enveloped Andy's meat.

"I don't know what Stanton did to you," Andy said, "but your ass is much more responsive. It feels like you are caressing me." Lou began to moan as he shot off. That must have set Stanton off.

"I'm shooting!" Stanton cried. He pulled his cock out and sprayed the whole room with his cum. Andy picked up the pace and began to ram me hard. We shot off together. All four of us collapsed on the bed.

I fell asleep. I woke once in the night. Stanton was next to me rubbing his cock on my ass crack. I shifted a little to let him in. He wasn't fully erect, but was more than hard enough to penetrate my hole. He put his arms around me and pumped slowly. I fell asleep again. When I woke the next morning, he was asleep. His cock was still in my ass.

I squeezed my ass a few times and he stirred. I could feel his cock growing inside me. It was a lot easier to take his cock this way and I was soon erect and enjoying the sensation. We both enjoyed it. He pumped slowly, then picked up speed and gave the deepest recess of my ass an cum bath.

On the other side of the room Andy was giving Billy a wake up fuck. Woody was doing a dance routine on Lou's cock. The day was off to a good start.

Next: Chapter 8

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