Mr Shepherds Friends

By Scott Davis

Published on Feb 23, 2021


This is a side story to one I have posted in the Adult Friends and College section called Mr. Shepherd's Summer Vacation and Go GV. This is a bit more information about Sean.

This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site. If not..enjoy and let me know what you think!

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

Remember Nifty relies and survives on generosity of people like you for donations. Please be generous.


Sean took his seat on the plane and looked at the empty seat next to him. The guys had left Sean alone on the drive to the airport. Sean told them all he was ok and happy for Thomas. Sean truly was. He would miss his friend, especially his cock, but knew he really wasn't a relationship kind of guy. Not yet anyway. Once the plane reached its altitude and the seatbelt light turned off Patrick came and sat next to Sean. Sean smiled and assured Patrick that he was doing alright. He had some ideas for when he got home and was ready to make some changes in his life. Patrick took Sean's hand and gave it a squeeze. Sean pulled Patrick's hand into his lap and Patrick gave Sean's bulge a squeeze. Patrick smiled, you'll be fine!

The men all said their goodbyes and as Sean walked out of the airport he was greeted by his dad. Jerry asked where Thomas was. Sean said he would fill him in on the drive home. Jerry said it sounded like everything worked out the way it should and asked Sean what his plans were for the next semester. Sean looked at his dad and told him he thought he wanted to be a porn star. His dad swerved to the side of the road and hit his brakes. Jerry asked Sean to explain. Sean reminded his dad about his chat website and that many of the men wanted to see me get fucked more. Plus, Austin said he would help me get started and that my special talent of getting double penetrated is in high demand. He went on to explain that he knew this wouldn't be forever, but wanted to pursue this sexual way of life. His dad shook his head, but knew he wouldn't be able to talk Sean out of it. How about we don't mention this to your mother. Don't want to lie to her, but not sure she would want to know her son is doing porn.

They arrived back at their house and Sean got to fill his mom in with all the happenings. She gave her son a big hug and said they would turn the workout room back into his bedroom. Sean shook his head and said he thought he would head back to college early and get an apartment. He mentioned he knew a guy who was looking for a roommate so would reach out to him and probably head out in a few days. His mom was sad, but understood her son was an adult living his own life.

Sean sat on the couch and pulled out his phone. He texted Vic and asked about rooming together. Vic immediately agreed and said it has been a struggle since Alex had left. Sean said he would Venmo him some money and be at the apartment by the end of the week. Vic said he had seen his posts and was sorry Thomas would not be coming back. Sean told Vic that it was obvious that Thomas needed to stay with Erik. It was ok and Sean explained what his plans were and asked Vic for some help getting a few things set up. Vic happily agreed. Sean said he needed to make a few more phone calls and would see Vic soon.

Sean called Austin next. He asked if the porn offer was still on the table. Austin said he was happy to hear from him and said he could definitely get Sean started. Austin said he would need a few days to get things set up, but should be ready by the following week. Sean made sure to ask Austin for XL cocks. He was ready to get fucked and wanted to be stuffed full! Austin laughed and said he already had a couple actors in mind and Sean would be pleased.

Sean spent the next few days getting his belongings packed up. He found a small truck to buy and was loaded up and ready to head out Friday. He hugged his mom and dad. His dad told Sean to be safe and to let him know if he needed anything and gave him an extra squeeze during their hug. Sean was sure he could feel his dad's cock pressing against his crotch. Sean drove back to GV and Vic welcomed him into his new apartment. Vic said he moved into this three bedroom unit, really two bedroom and small office, so they could still have a room set up for the videoing. The rent was only a few dollars more and he thought they could make that up with an extra video a month. They spent the next couple hours unpacking and getting Sean set up. When they were finished they grabbed some beers and sat on the couch. Sean asked Vic if he was able to get things set up. Vic nodded and said Sean should get ready as his guests would be arriving soon. Sean chugged the rest of his beer and headed to the shower.

Sean spent his time showering. He smiled with his anticipation of the evening. He wondered what Vic had been able to arrange. When he finished showering he dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked out to get another beer and found Vic talking with two guys who he recognized from the football team. They were HUGE men and compared to Sean's size looked like giants. Sean hoped everything was proportionate. Sean grabbed himself a beer and Vic introduced Matt and Andy. They are straight, but love anal sex and have no issue with who's ass they fuck and the thought of double fucking really turned them on.

Sean reached out and shook their hands. Sean laughed to himself at the introduction and that in moments these men would be fucking him. There was a knock on the door and there stood Travis. Sean smiled and gave him a huge hug! He pulled Travis inside the apartment and told Vic he was ready. The men walked down the hall to the video room. They all stripped and Sean smiled at the cocks in front of him. Matt and Andy gasped a bit as they looked at Travis' huge cock. Sean masked up and took his seat. Vic started the live stream and there were over 200 men waiting for a show to start. Sean apologized for being gone so long and said he would make it up to everyone tonight.

Sean motioned for the three masked men to approach him. The three stepped into the view of the camera and each had begun to sprout. Matt and Andy were proportional and sported very beefy 8" cocks. The donations had been coming in and Sean started sucking the three men. He proved he had mastered deepthroating as he took each cock down his throat. The chat was blowing up with requests to get to the fucking. They wanted to see these cocks up Sean's ass. Vic nodded, indicating the financial goal had been met, and Sean got on his hands and knees. He pointed to Andy to get on his back. Sean straddled him and pointed to the lube bottle beside Matt. Matt began to hand it to Sean. Sean shook his head and pointed to Andy's dick. Matt was taken back a bit. He didn't mind double fucking with his friend but hadn't planned on actually touching his dick. Sean snapped his fingers and Matt poured the lube all over Andy's throbbing cock and rubbed it all around it. Andy groaned as he felt his friend stroke his cock. Matt's cock pulsed up some precum as he felt his friend's cock in his hand.

Sean took his place and began to lower himself onto Andy's cock. Sean hadn't been fucked in a week and was ready to make up for lost time. He nodded his head towards Travis who stepped in front of him. Sean sucked in Travis' cock as he began to bounce on Andy's dick. This went on for several minutes and then Sean pulled off Travis' cock and looked at Matt. MORE he grunted as he leaned forward exposing his cock filled ass. Matt lubed himself up and stepped forward. Vic switched cameras and they all looked at the monitor to see Matt's cock join Andy's in Sean's ass. Matt used his hand as he entered Sean and let it linger around Andy's balls a bit after he began fucking. He had never felt another man's balls and enjoyed rolling them between his fingers.

Sean was moaning on Travis' dick as the two thick cocks started fucking him. The comments were coming in like crazy and Vic kept the viewers engaged. That's 30" of cock in his body, Vic typed. Sean's moans increased as he felt the thrusts pistoning in and out of his ass. He swallowed Travis' cock to the base. Travis grabbed Sean's hair and released his balls into his throat. Vic made sure he got a close up of Sean's throat as Travis' cock pulsed. Matt and Andy began moaning and Matt thrust hard as he shot his load into Sean's ass. When he pulled his cock out Andy slipped out also. Sean was about to reach back and put it back inside him when Matt grabbed it and heard Andy grunt as he shot his load onto Sean's hole and it oozed down over Matt's hand. Sean grabbed Matt's hand and licked the cum off of it. The four men collapsed next to each other on the mattress. The viewers went wild and stated that they wanted to see more. Matt and Andy looked at their limp dicks and shook their heads. Travis flopped his back and forth and shook his head.

Vic typed a message in and then opened the office door. The camera showed two very tall and naked black men standing in the doorway. Travis, Matt and Andy got up off the couch and were quickly replaced with the black men. Travis waved goodbye to the camera along with Sean and Vic. Matt and Andy stood by the door and watched as the black men laid down next to Sean. The men kissed for a few seconds, but then he positioned the men so their crotches were touching and he could squeeze their two cocks together. He poured lube over the two cocks and soaked their long lean shafts. The cocks were easily 9", but not nearly as thick as Sean liked. Sean squeezed the cocks together and hovered over them. Vic made sure a camera had the shot and the viewers watched as Sean lowered himself down on the two black poles.

Matt had become hard again watching the action in front of him. He was stroking his cock and Andy noticed how his friend was engaged in what was happening. Andy liked fucking Sean's ass, but watching him get fucked wasn't a huge turn on for him. He wondered why Matt was so interested in what was happening. Matt was in a trance and wasn't even aware that Andy was watching him stroke himself. Matt watched as Sean bounced up and down. Sean's head was rolled back and he was obviously enjoying the black cocks in his ass. Sean stared at the camera and down to his cock. Vic zoomed in and caught the action as Sean moaned loudly and his cock erupted in front of him. He loved cumming hands free. It was such a different experience than when he jacked off.

The pulsing from his ass also caused the two black men to start shooting into Sean's wet ass. Their cum oozed out of Sean's ass as they overflowed him with their loads. Matt had increased his stroking and couldn't stop himself as he shot his load on the floor in front of him. As he finished shooting he glanced over and noticed Andy watching him. He felt his face flush and turned and left the room. Andy followed him and Matt was quickly getting dressed. He joked about he really wanted to fuck Sean again and must have gotten carried away. Andy didn't want to push the issue and got dressed. The two men left and walked back to their apartment. Matt said he needed a shower and quickly left Andy in the living room.

Sean was lifting off the two black men and cum coated both of their cocks. Sean moved over and cleaned both cocks off with his mouth. He smiled up at the camera and opened his mouth letting the cum slide off his tongue onto his mask. The two black men got off the mattress and when they opened the door there were two more men naked, hard and waiting for their turn fucking Sean. Sean smiled at Vic and motioned for the two men to join him. These men were hispanic and had very muscular legs and girthy uncut cocks growing in front of them. Sean had the first one lay on the mattress and straddled him like he had done to Andy earlier. The other man moved quickly behind Sean and the three were fucking in seconds. These men got more into the passion of it and the man behind him pushed him down and the bottom man took his face and kissed him deeply. He felt the man on top lay down on him and soon all their mouths and tongues were mixing together. The men pounded Sean hard and released their loads quickly. Sean had the two men stand in front of him so he could show the viewers their uncut cocks get thoroughly cleaned.

The men made their way to the door and Sean found two more men waiting. By the time all was said and done Sean had been fucked by twelve different men. His hole was swollen and he was content. He waved to his viewers and Vic turned off the camera. Vic came over and took Sean's cock in his mouth. Sean blasted his load in seconds and Vic milked every drop from Sean's cock. Sean had been so wrapped up in getting fucked he didn't pay any attention to his own cock. Vic helped Sean to his feet and they headed to the bathroom and Sean slid into a warm bath. Vic pulled up the app on his phone and showed Sean the dollar amount. Sean smiled. Think rent is covered.

Vic went and got Sean a beer. They sat together and talked about Sean's plan to become a porn star. He explained that he had a meeting with Austin next week and thought he would be making his first video. Vic asked if he could tag along. He would love to see how movies are made. Sean said he would ask Austin, but he didn't think it would be an issue. Maybe you could be a fluffer Sean said with a sly smile.

Sean told Vic he thought he was done soaking and Vic helped Sean to his feet. Vic asked if he would like to sleep together tonight. Sean smiled and nodded and they went to Vic's bedroom and slid under the covers. Sean felt Vic's erection and realized that he hadn't seen Vic get off during the entire evening. Sean didn't think his ass could take another cock, but his mouth sure could. Vic resisted at first, but gave up once he felt Sean's wet tongue wrap around the head of his dick. Sean was rewarded quickly with a huge load from Vic's cock. Sean snuggled up to Vic and told him thank you for an awesome night. Vic said he enjoyed it as well and was looking forward to the upcoming school year. Sean laid his arm across Vic's torso and they fell asleep next to each other.

The next morning boys awoke with throbbing cocks. Sean flipped around and they sixty-nined each other until their balls were drained. Now, coffee Vic stated. The two walked naked to the kitchen and made coffee. Vic mentioned that a grocery store run was in order and they would definitely need to swing by the adult bookstore to pick up an industrial size bottle of lube. Sean smiled and wondered who Austin orders his supply from.

When they were almost done shopping Sean noticed Matt and Andy in the beer aisle. He pointed them out to Vic and they walked over to say hello. Andy thanked Vic for the invite and told Sean he would love to fuck him again some time. Matt blushed and said he would like that as well. Andy said they were just headed back to their place with some beers and invited them over. Vic said they needed to drop off their groceries, but then would stop by. Sean got an excited look from Matt.

As they were driving home Sean asked Vic about the two football players. Vic said he had posted about the DP session and these two guys said they were friends and wanted to see what it would be like to fuck someone like that. They said they were roommates and on the football team so needed to be very discreet. Vic asked if they were roommates or "roommates". Andy said they were just roommates and neither had played with a guy before other than a circle jerk one night they were camping with some other friends. Sean mentioned that he got a vibe from Matt and felt like he was more into it than just wanting to DP. Vic shrugged his shoulders and said maybe we can find out more tonight.

They finished putting their groceries away and were headed over to Matt and Andy's. The set up was pretty much the same as Vic's old apartment with the exception they had a patio that faced a wooded area and a privacy fence from their neighbors instead of a balcony. Matt and Andy were sitting outside when Sean and Vic arrived. They had a few lawn chairs set up and handed out the beers. Andy was bold and asked Sean how he can take two dicks up his ass. Matt spit his beer out of his mouth. Sean and Vic laughed. Sean said it took some time, but it was something that he liked doing. His ass felt great when it was really stretched. Some guys like blowjobs, some like eating pussy or sucking a dick, I like getting my ass stretched. Andy nodded and they clinked their beers.

Sean looked at Matt and asked him what he liked. Matt stammered a bit and said he liked getting blowjobs. Sean pressed him a bit and asked how he likes his blowjobs. Matt's face turned a bit red. Sean continued. Do you like it slow and gentle or hard and fast? Do you want the person to swallow or do you want to shoot it on their face? Do you like your balls sucked? Matt took a big swig of his beer. Uh, umm, all the above? Sean smiled and wondered how many blow jobs this guy had received. Andy said he liked blowjobs, but really liked eating pussy. Especially when the girl really gets into it begging me to fuck her. Vic didn't wait to be asked and said he loves eating ass. Pretty much for the same reason Andy liked eating pussy. The two football players made a face. Vic laughed and said that guys know how to keep it clean back there so it's not gross. Remember a girl pisses out of her pussy, so it's not much different. Besides, until you feel how good it is you shouldn't judge!

The guys drank a few more beers and Matt excused himself to use the bathroom. Sean waited a moment and then said he needed to relieve himself also. He was standing outside the bathroom door when Matt opened it, startling him a bit. Sean smiled and apologized and stepped past Matt up to the toilet. Sean pulled out his dick and let his stream flow. Matt was still standing in the doorway staring at Sean's dick. Sean laughed to himself. Sean asked Matt if he liked what he saw. Matt snapped out of his trance and apologized for staring. Sean told him he didn't mind. It's not like you haven't seen it before. Sean shook the last of his piss out and turned to face Matt. Take a look, touch it if you want. Sean fluffed his dick a bit. Matt was reaching out when he heard Andy yelling to bring more beers out. Matt turned quickly and left the bathroom.

Sean pulled up his shorts and walked out to the patio. He moved his chair to face Matt and as he sat down he made sure his dick was visible to Matt. Vic noticed and smiled at Sean. They continued to talk about school and the football team. Sean asked which player had the biggest dick. Matt and Andy both said Jason the QB. He is not as big as that guy you had over with us, but he is pretty close. Sean smiled and wiped his lips. Matt's phone went off and he looked down. DAMN! I had a date just cancel on me. BITCH! This was supposed to be the night we fuck! Sean smiled and said he could still fuck someone. Andy rubbed his crotch and finished his beer. Hold that thought Andy said and got up to take a piss.

Sean pulled his cock out a bit more for Matt to see. He rubbed the bit of precum that had escaped and then licked his finger. Matt was obviously hard and when Andy came back out moved to cover his bulge. Andy asked if it would be another DP fuck or could it just be one on one? Sean said it could be whatever they wanted. Vic offered up his ass as well, so there was plenty to go around. Sean said they should all be in the same room so they could switch partners if they wanted. Andy agreed and they all headed to Andy's bedroom. Andy had a larger bed so it just made sense. Sean grabbed Vic by the arm and whispered in his ear. Follow my lead.

They guys all started to strip and Matt and Andy sat on opposite sides of the bed. Sean smiled and suggested that Matt and Andy be blindfolded and see if they can figure out who is taking care of their cock. If they guessed correctly they could fuck that guy. They both agreed and Sean handed Vic a T-shirt that they used to cover the guys eyes. Sean said they would start by jacking them off. Sean took Andy's dick into his hand while Vic took Matt's. Their cocks began to plump a bit. They stopped and stepped back. Sean asked Andy who he thought stroked his dick. He guessed wrong. Let's try again. Sean and Vic switched and as Vic started stroking Andy, Sean pulled off Matt's t-shirt and put his finger to his lips telling Matt to be quiet. Vic stopped stroking and Sean asked Andy who he thought that was. He guessed wrong again. Sean said they would try one more time. Matt seemed a bit confused until Sean took his hand and brought him around in front of Andy. Ok, Sean said. If you guess this one correctly you'll be fucking soon. Andy's cock twitched a bit and some precum oozed from the slit. Sean nodded to Andy's dick and Matt shook his head. Sean gave him a mean look and then Matt knelt down and reached out to stroke his roommates cock. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft and rubbed his thumb across the wet head. Andy moaned quietly and shouted out Sean's name. Matt pulled his hand away and Sean told Andy he was wrong again. Sean motioned for Matt to return to his side of the bed. Sean said they would try one more time, but if he gets it wrong this time he would be jacking off instead of fucking. Vic wrapped his hand around Andy's dick and this time Andy guessed correctly. Andy yanked the t-shirt off his head and looked down at Vic stroking his cock. Andy looked behind him and saw Sean lean down and take Matt's cock into his mouth. When he turned back towards Vic he watched his cock disappear into Vic's mouth.

The guys were all getting into it when Andy said he really wanted to fuck. Vic pushed Andy back on the bed and climbed on top of him. Sean laid next to Andy and pulled his legs up in the air offering his ass to Matt. The way the men were all positioned Andy could only see Travis, but Matt could see Andy's dick and balls and watched as Vic reached back and positioned the dick at his hole and slid down the length. Matt felt Sean stroke his dick and position it at his entrance. Matt pressed forward and felt him enter Sean. Matt was looking at Sean as he fucked him, but Sean looked over and Vic and Andy and nodded at Matt. Matt looked up and watched as Andy's cock went in and out of Vic's hole. Vic turned and saw Matt staring. Vic reached out to Matt's hand and pulled it down between Andy's legs. Matt gently rolled Andy's balls in his hands. Andy moaned and said he liked that. He sped up his thrusts and Matt continued playing with his roommates balls. Sean moved his hips a bit and Matt began moving in and out of his ass. Matt couldn't believe he was fucking a guy while playing with his roommates balls. Matt heard Andy groaning and watched as he thrust up into Vic. He felt his balls tense and then pulse as Andy came in Vic's ass. This was enough and Matt tensed as he released his own load into Sean.

Andy told Vic he loved having his balls played with and he didn't remember ever cumming so hard. Matt smiled a bit knowing it was him that did that. The men all pulled apart and Andy noticed that Sean and Vic were still hard. Sean told him not to worry about it, that they could take care of each other later. But, if you ever want to try it we would both be happy to let you. Andy laughed and said he didn't think he would ever suck a cock, let alone take one up the ass. Matt faked a laugh but kept staring at Sean's boner. The guys pulled themselves back together and said their goodnights. As Sean drove them back home Vic said he was amazed to see Matt's interest in his roommates balls. Sean smiled. I think Matt wants to be more than just roommates. Once Vic and Andy were home they stripped and sucked each other off. Nice to have a friend that won't leave ya with blue balls. Sean said.

Monday Sean received a text from Austin asking him to be at the warehouse at 10:00am. Sean asked if Vic could join him and Austin said it would be ok. They arrived on time and Austin took Sean to a dressing room and told him to strip. When he was naked a man came in and looked Sean up and down. He nodded and then grabbed a pair of clippers and cleaned up Sean's pubes and pit hair. The man then rubbed some lotion all over Sean's body which gave Sean a very hard erection. Good, the man said, nice to see you have no problem getting an erection! We'll see if that is still the case in front of the cameras. The man finished and handed Sean some clothes. Once you are dressed you can head out to the set. Sean and Vic walked to a scene that looked like a classroom. Austin explained that this would be a teacher/student fantasy. Sean laughed and asked if he could call the teacher Mr. Shepherd? Austin had heard of Mr. Shepherd from Thomas and thought it was a great idea. The other actors started to arrive and Sean really liked what he saw. They were all dressed the same as Sean in some school uniform, except for an older guy in a tie. Sean figured out that he must be the teacher. Austin called them all together and explained the scene. Austin explained that this was Sean's first scene on a set and first without wearing a mask. This was going to be the unveiling of a chatroom superstar with a DP scene at the end. Austin pointed to the teacher and a very muscular student as the two that would be fucking Sean.

The scene was going great. Soon the actors were all naked and performing oral sex on each other and eating ass. Sean finally got to see the hard cocks of the men who would be fucking him and got a huge smile on his face. When it was time he found himself on top of the teacher's desk with the teacher underneath him and a 9" cock in his ass. He turned to the camera and said. MORE. This was the word that Sean had become famous for during his DP scenes in his chatroom. The muscular student stepped up behind Sean and pressed in his 10" cock. The three men fucked on the teacher's desk until the student pulled out and shot his load all over Sean's back. The teacher pulled out next and shot his load up Sean's ass crack and then pressed his dick back into Sean's ass and finished shooting his load inside Sean. The other actors were standing around the trio and ended up jacking off onto Sean's and the teacher's face. The scene ended with Sean looking in the camera. We should chat sometime because I want more! Scene, CUT, PRINT. Austin said that was awesome and this was going to make Sean an instant porn star.

The guys all headed over to a communal shower and introduced themselves to Sean. It cracked Sean up that they had all just had sex and now they were talking about getting some lunch. Austin came to the shower and told the guys to finish up and that they would shoot the next scene in a few hours. Sean looked forward to another scene and heard it was going to be a game of truth or dare. Sean rubbed his ass and felt his dick twitch as he looked around the room of swinging cocks. Vic joined the crew and they asked if he would be joining in on any fun? Vic shook his head and said his 6" dick was not porn worthy. The guys gave him a hard time and Vic seemed to fit right in.

After lunch Austin explained that they had two scenes to do this afternoon. The first would be Sean doing a solo scene in front of his computer. He would use Billy and it would include his Chaturbate account. The second scene is your move to a new school. You will meet your dorm mates and there will be a group scene. It starts with you getting caught doing your video chat. Sean liked Austin's ideas.

Austin asked Vic if he would like to help out with some directing. Vic smiled and Austin told him to think about what he likes and dislikes about porn and guide the conversations the guys have.

Vic loved porn. He liked reality based porn. He knew most porn was just sex scenes, but he liked a story line. Someone knocking on the door with a "delivery" and two seconds later the guys are fucking isn't any form of reality. He liked it when there was some build up to the sex scene. Call him a romantic, but he liked thinking there was some kind of connection between the actors. Vic guided Sean and his "dorm mates" through a game of Truth or Dare with the final dare being Sean getting DP'd. Vic was surprised how open the actors were to some of the truth questions. Vic loved seeing these guys naked, especially how hung they were, and how much they made having sex fun. They were totally comfortable with their bodies and sexuality. Vic realized how many hang ups he had.

The rest of the afternoon the guys took direction from Vic well and Sean was well fucked! Vic even got to fluff Austin called the day a wrap and said they should have enough footage to put together an AVN Award winning movie! Austin handed each guy their check for the day and even included one for Vic. The guys said they were going to get a drink and asked if Vic and Sean would like to go too. The guys nodded and Sean thought this felt normal. Sex then go out for drinks.

Sean heard back from Austin the next week and he sent a link for Sean to view the final cut of the video. Sean loved how he looked and the flow of the video. Austin said he was sending it off to a few people he knew and would see what happens. Austin said the collaboration between Chaturbate and this video has the potential to make this very lucrative for everyone involved and Austin suggested making a mold of Sean's ass and they could sell a combo kit of his ass along with "Billy" the dildo so guys could DP you along with Thomas. Sean loved what he was hearing and said he was up for anything and everything. Austin told Sean to lay low on the Chaturbate sight and let some momentum build.

Two weeks later Sean got a message from Austin. $$$$ The movie was a huge hit and Sean should check his Chaturbate account. When Sean looked he had over 200K followers and his balance had doubled. He sent a quick text to Thomas and told him to do something frivolous with the money! Thomas replied that the money was all Sean's. From what Thomas saw in the video he had earned it. And, Erik said thanks for the shout out during the movie! Sean thanked Thomas and told him to be on the lookout for a gift in the near future!

Sean and Vic went out to celebrate and Sean asked Vic if he would be interested in making more pornos. Austin mentioned he needed someone with a good eye and liked how you worked with the actors. The money would be pretty good and you could put to use some of your AV skills you have learned doing the Chaturbate site. Vic was all in and asked when they could start.

Sean texted Austin and said he and Vic were both in and what was the next step. Austin set up a time to get the mold of Sean's ass and told Sean to post something on his website asking what the viewers would like to see in your next video. Austin went on to tell Sean that he was going to be very popular and in high demand. The actors all said they loved working with you and really loved your ass!

Sean, Vic and Austin worked closely together the next few weeks managing the Chaturbate account and orders for the, soon to be released, combo pack of Sean's ass and Thomas' dick. Sean had sent Thomas the first edition kit along with a Rolex Cosmograph Dayton as a thank you for signing over his portion of the profits from the website. Sean received a picture from Thomas with both him and Erik inside Sean's "ass" and a message that the real thing is 1,000 times better!

The next several months flew by and Sean had made his name in the porn industry. He traveled to Porn Shows across the country, and danced in clubs in Toronto, LA and Dallas to promote his newest videos. He started mentoring younger porn stars and helped Austin out with the Sex Toy part of the business. Sean enjoyed every day on set, but enjoyed every night when he and Vic headed home together.

Sean thought back to that fateful day when he rear ended Mr. Shepherd and looked at where his life was now. He missed Thomas and Erik, but loved his life and loved Vic. This was exactly where he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to be doing.

Next: Chapter 2

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