Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 8, 2001


After long, tiring days of training, it was always good to get back to the company area for mail call. We always looked forward to hearing our names called, running up to the drill sargeant and receiving our letters from home. It was, on the other hand, depres- sing when we didn't hear our names, as that meant no mail for that day.

One particular day, the drill sargeant called my name, "Johnson, J."

I ran up to the drill sargeant and he handed me a letter. My face lit up when I seen who it was from. I ran back into formation, anxious to tell Jeremy who the letter was from. We could open our mail nor were we allowed to talk during mail call.

I knew that Jeremy was just as anixous to find out who sent the letter. Without trying to be obvious,I manuvered my hand into Jeremy's direction so he could see who it was from. He got the shiteating grin on his face so I knew that he realized who the letter was from.

After mailcall formation was over, we all huddled over our individual mail. Jeremy didn't get any mail that day, so I shared mine with him, especially since it was from Mr. Smathers.

I hurriedly opened the letter and began to read it, but not out loud so Jeremy could hear it, because I was uncertain what he had wrote in the letter. It was address to, "Boys" so I knew that it was okay that Jeremy read it, too.

Dear Boys:

I hope that this letter finds you all in good health.

I've heard all about basic training, and I know that you

must be very tired and homesick.

I know that I truly miss both of you. I miss the

times that we have shared.

Just to let you know, there will be a surprise for

both of you when you get home. I no longer live in the

apartment, but rather, I know live in a house. It is a

very large house out in the country with a pool and it's

very own exercise room.

Also, you remember Meyer and McLeary, well, they

now live with me and it is a regular sex orgy every night.

We can't wait until you and Jeremy get home from your

training so that you will be included in our mad passionate

love session.

It's great to be able to live out in the country

where one doesn't have to worry about whether or not he

is wearing anything to go swimming.

I had went to town one day and the other boys de-

cided that they were going to stay at home. When I got

back from town, I put the items that I had gone to town

for on the kitchen table. The house was quiet, so I

decided to go find out why it was so quiet.

Did I ever get the surprise of my life. McLeary

and Meyer were on the deck lounger dorking each other.

Meyer was laying face down on the deck chair and McLeary

was pumping the hell out of Meyers hot ass. I got an

instant hardon.

I went back inside, and stripped my clothes and laid

them in a pile just inside the patio door. I went back

outside and approached them. They were enjoying themselves

so much that they didn't even realize that I was coming up

on them.

By the time I got to them, I was as hard as a rock.

I stood over them stroking my cock. I stroked my cock

as I towered over them. Had I not groaned at my efforts

to stroke myself to near orgasm, I don't think that they

would have noticed my present for quite some time.

McLeary looked up when he heard me groan, he didn't

miss a stroked as he looked my direction. He smiled at me

as he pounded away hot Meyer's hot manhole.

Meyer was really enjoying the fucking that McLeary

was giving him. He was constantly begging for more. McLeary

began to pound Meyer's ass as hard as he could. His speed

pick up and soon they were both scream at the top of their

fucking lungs. McLeary exploded. You could tell that he

had done so as he took on last plunge into Meyer's hot hole

and then he froze in place for a couple of minutes as his

body tense itself. Then he took a couple of more strokes

and collasped on Meyer's back.

They were desperately trying to catch their breaths.

Both of them panting like dogs. I tapped McLeary on the

shoulder. He looked up and I motioned for him to get off

of Meyers.

McLeary slid off of Meyer's ass and I climbed into

the saddle. Now it was my turn to ride the pony. I slid

my cock between Meyer's crack. His ass was already lubed

with McLeary's man juices, so I slid in quite easily.

As I pumped away at Meyer, McLeary jacked himself to

another hardon. McLeary then climbed on the deck lounger,

and straddled Meyer with his feet, pointed his hard cock

in the direction of my mouth. I fucked Meyer's ass with

force as McLeary fucked my mouth with equal force. Shit,

I was about to shoot my wad.

I pulled out of Meyer's hole and shot a load of hot,

white, creamy jism all over Meyer's back. Just as I shot

my load, McLeary pulled out of my mouth and shot his thick

man juice in the very same spot that I had shot my load at.

We both dismounted Meyer and knelt on either side of him.

We began to lap up the tasty love potion off of Meyer's back.

When we finished, Meyer turned over. Come to find out, his

stomach also had cum on it as my fucking him must have hit

his sweet spot causing him to pop a load without even touch-

ing himself. We sucked that up to and then, like a momma

bird feeds her baby bird, McLeary and I fed Meyer the mix-

ture of our cum. It probably took us 15 minutes or so to

feed our baby bird his cum supper.

I decided that after we fed our baby bird that he

needed to have something to wash it down with so I rammed

my cock into his mouth and pumped his mouth full of another

fresh load of cum. He wanted more, but we were exhausted.

We are anxiously awaiting your arrival so you can move

out here with us. 3 is company, 5 is an orgy. mmmmmmmmmmm.


Mr. Smather, and boys

"Wow," was all I could say. I wanted to say more, but because of where we were at I couldn't express my true feelings. However, I did have to adjust myself, if you know what I mean. lol I looked down at Jeremy and he was adjusting himself, too, so I knew what he was thinking as well. Then we looked at the picture they sent us. "Damn," was all the either one of us could say. Somehow they got a picture of Mr. Smathers fucking Meyer's ass with McLeary shoving his cock into Mr. Smathers' mouth. It know that it had to been a digital camera on a tripod, but damn. You don't send pictures like this to a gay man in boot camp. lol

I know that I could keep this picture or the letter. This may cause costly to both Jeremy and myself. It was SSG Smith's night to pull CQ and I knew that we were going to be his runners at some point in time during the night, so I kept the picture and the letter close to my hear for safe keeping until tonight.

Jeremy and I report for CQ running that night. We waited until there was no one around an approached SSG Smith with the picture and the letter.

A smile instantly appeared on SSG Smith's face as he read the letter. Just as instantly, something else appeared between SSG Smith's legs. He began to rub the effects of his reading through the material of his fatigues.

Jeremy shut and locked the door. I went over and knelt beside SSG Smith and replaced his hand with mine. As he read the letter, I slowly began to unbutton his fatigue trousers. It didn't take long, I was becoming an expert at unbuttoning fatigue trousers.

I fished his meat out of his boxers and began to eat it. As he continue to read the letter he took one hand and placed it on the back of my head. Instead of forcing my head up and down this time he ran his fingers through my hair. He soon dropped the letter and began to massage my back through my fatigues.

He pulled me off of his cock and stood me up. He quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled my T-shirt out of my pants. He lifted my T-shirt and kissed my tight six pack. He then, with one hand, reached up and played with my nipples as he, with the other hand reached down and unbuckled my belt and undone my fatigue trousers.

Jeremy, who had been stroking to all of this, came over and assisted SSG Smith as he lowered my pants to the ground. Jeremy then grabbed my army issued underwear and pulled them straight to the ground. SSG Smith went down on my hard cock while Jeremy chewed on my hot ass. I moaned and groan in pleasure.

Jeremy must have decided that I had had enough butt chew- ing for one session. He stood up and shoved his manhood in to my manhole. I was getting banged from both ends. It felt fucking great to have both ends worked on at the same time. I soon began to buck.

Jeremy blasted his jism deep within my hole this sent me off and I delivered one of the hottest loads I had ever delivered in my entire life.

I still couldn't figure out what happened to SGT Billings. He never showed up that night, but that's okay SSG Smith, Jeremy and I had a gay ol' time that night. SSG Smith said that he would dispose of the picture and letter for us. My guess is that he kept them and used them for jackoff material, I know that I would. Jeremy and I finished our tour of duty for the night and went in and hit the bed.

Many more weeks of training occurred, just as the many more weeks of the wild ass orgies occurred whenever SSG Smith or SGT Billings had CQ Duty. Although it didn't seem like it at first, the training cycle fly by and soon ended. Tomorrow Jeremy and I face another graduation day. This time from the Army, but that's another story.

Next: Chapter 11

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