Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 10, 2001


The night before graduation was almost as hectic as the first day of boot camp. The drill sargeants were all screaming and hollering at us. We had to polish our brass, spit shine our low quarters (shoes), and make sure that everything was just right for our big day.

Jeremy and I worked on our brass and shoes down in the company area. We remenised about the last 13 weeks. We talked about how glad that we were that basic training was over, yet at the same time we were sad to leave all of our new comrades behind.

Most of them were being shipped off to other units, in other lands, but Jeremy and I were going exactly were we wanted to go and that was home. Jeremy and I were only reservists, we were not active duty military.

This meant that we were only what the active duty personnel called, "weekend warriors". Once home, we would train once a month on a weekend and then 2 weeks during the summer. However, if the balloon went up, or for you civilians if a war broke out, we knew that we would stand a chance of being called to active duty.

As the darkness neared, and as we finished prepping for the big day ahead, taps were sounded. This would be the last time that we would here this death gripping sound, which sort of brought a tear to my I as we headed toward the barricks for one last night at Ft. Jack- son, SC.

Jeremy and I laid in our bunks facing one another. We looked into each other's eyes. It was almost as if we knew what that other was thinking. I smiled at Jeremy and he smiled back. It took all I had to not to reach out to him, but I knew I couldn't at least not yet. One more day and Jeremy and I could hold on to each other as much as we wanted to.

The sun rose in the eastern sky and revelry was sounded. One last time, we arose from our bunks. Morning hardons were plentiful around a basic training bay area, but this morning they didn't seem to bother me. I even sported one of my own. I pulled on it just as every swinging dick did. I grabbed my towel and my shaving gear and off to the latrine I went.

Of course I did the normal shit, shave and shampoo bit. I went into the shower room which was already full of cocks and asses. We doubled up that morning as we were all in a hurry to get in and out of the latrine so that we could get into our class A uniforms so that we could march down that parade field to our final destination of our basic training career.

Jeremy was behind me, so we jumped in the same shower. I sheep- ishly looked at his hard body. I knew what I wanted to do with it, but I knew that I would have to hold off just a little longer. Jeremy turned around to were no one could see him and he blew me a kiss and wiggled his tongue around. Oh, shit, I was fucking horny, but I knew that once I stepped out of the shower, my hardon had to be down so I smiled and winked at him and turned away from him. He smacked my ass with the back of his hands. He turned off the hot water and jumped out of the showers.

"You mother fucker," I hollered at him, "you just wait cocksucker, I'll get even with you." I turned off the cold water, jumped out of the shower and snapped Jeremy's ass with my towel which made him yelped and grab his ass.

We ran back into the bay area and wrestled for a little while, then we decided that we had better get ready. Well, we did that when someone hollered, "At Ease," which meant that there was an NCO on the floor. Oh shit, it was SSG Smith and SGT Billings.

"Brown, Johnson, front and center!" hollered SSG Smith, "what the fuck do you two think you're doing in my bay area?"

"Just having a few last laughs, drill sargeant," said Jeremy in that strong, loud military voice that we were taught during our training cycle.

"Well, that few last laughs are going to cost you, Brown, do you got that?"

"Yes, drill sargeant!"

"Knock 'em out." Immediately Jeremy and I dropped to the floor in the famous "front leading rest" position and started to do push- ups. Once we had finished doing 20 reps, we requested permission to recover.

"Recover," yelled SSG Smith. He got into our faces and started to lecture us. Then when he finished, he gave us a half-ass smile and then winked at us. We knew then that he really wasn't mad, but rather that he was, now, playing around as well.

We march in formation to the senior drills cadences. We marched up "Tank Hill" and down the road to the parade field. We stood in formation as we listened to a somewhat boring speech then we marched passed the parade stand. As we marched passed the parade stand our company commander yelled out, "Eyes right!" All but the personnel snapped their heads to the right. It was at that time that I spotted Mr. Smathers, Meyer and McLeary. They had made it to our graduation.

We marched off the field and back to the company area. It was there that we caught up with Mr. Smathers and the guys. We waited for our orders that released us from active duty and back to our reserve unit.

We received our orders and we were released to go. The 5 of us piled into Mr. Smathers Explorer and off we went. We drove around Columbia which was just outside of Ft. Jackson. Soon we pulled into the motel that Mr. Smathers and the guys were staying in.

We went inside the room. It had two king size beds in it. It didn't take long for us to get undressed. Jeremy and I jumped each other as soon as we got naked. We landed on the bed and began to madly kiss each other. Meyer and McLeary undressed each other as they watched Jeremy and I go at it.

There came a knock on the door. Since Mr. Smathers was the only one not naked, he went to the door and peered through the peephole and then opened the door. We didn't even get the time to cover up or anything. He just reached for the doorknob and opened the door. Good thing it wasn't the maid, she would have got her eyes full. lol

In the doorway stood SSG Smith and SGT Billings, both in civies. Mr. Smathers invited them in. Still entwined, Jeremy and I just looked at each other like we were seeing things.

Then Mr. Smathers pulled out a photo from his shirt pocket and showed it to Jeremy and me. It was the same photo that I had given to SSG Smith; the one that Mr. Smathers had sent in his letter. It seems as though SSG Smith had recognized Mr. Smathers and the guys from the photo and chatted with them as we were waiting for our orders. Mr. Smather then invited the two to our room for the night.

Mr. Smathers closed the door. It wasn't long before all 7 of us were piled onto one bed. Each of us sucking on someone's hard cock. As we each suck a big one, we massage each other, inserted fingers in each others ass and just plan oh, had a good time orgy.

Jeremy and I were sucking each other off. As we were going at it I looked out of the corner of my I and I could see SSG Smith sliding his cock into Mr. Smathers' ass. Oh, it slid right in, like it was made for SSG Smith's massive rod. SGT Billings was fucking the other end of Mr. Smathers. His cock glistened with pre-cum as he rammed his meat into Mr. Smathers' oral cavity. What a fucking sight, our drills drilling our teacher. This was fucking great, man. What a fucking sight.

To make matters even hornier, Meyer and McLeary got in on it as they straddled Mr. Smathers's body and humped the mouths of our two drill instructors. I knew that I had to have a piece of this.

I released Jeremy's cock from my mouth and slapped him on his ass, "Hey, Jeremy," I said as I pointed to the growing gangbang, "You want some of that?"

Jeremy released my cock from his mouth and looked over at the 5 gorgeous looking fuckers and suckers, "Fuck yeah," he answered. He rolled off of me and we joined the group.

I got under SSG Smith and Jeremy under SGT Billings and we each began to eat out the asses that were before us. As we ate we grabbed out cocks and began to jerk on them. That must have been a Kodak moment, I would have really liked to have a picture of this I thought to myself. Then I remembered that Mr. Smather had a digital and a tripod when he took that picture of him, Meyer and McLeary. I got out from under SSG Smith and asked Mr. Smathers if he had brought his digital and tripod with him. He nodded. He couldn't very well have answered me with that cock in his mouth.

I looked toward the direction that he was pointing. I spotted the camera and tripod. I got it ready and put the timer on for 1 minute. I ran back to my place and proceeded to eat out SSG Smith's hornier ass.

It wasn't long before we were all bucking ready to shoot our loads. Just as they were about to explode, SSG Smith and SGT Billings pulled out of their perspective holes and shot their loads on Mr. Smathers' back. Meyer and McLeary were next. With their balls tightening they let out a holler. They pulled out of the mouths that they were service and shot their hot loads all over SSG Smith and SGT Billing's chest. Finally, our hands manager to came Jeremy and me cum as we shot our loads on the backs that belonged to the asses that we were eating.

It was fucking fantastic. 6 out of the 7 had managed to cum. Mr. Smathers, however, was eager to clean up the mess that was made with his tongue as he cleaned the cum off of the chests and backs of our drills and the drill cleaned up the mess that they had made off of Mr. Smathers' back.

Now, the only one that had not been serviced was Mr. Smathers. However, we took care off that. When I said that we took care of the situation, we ALL took care of it at once. Mr. Smathers was being serviced by 5 soon to be hornier again guys.

Each drill sargeant serviced Mr. Smathers by licking, sucking and nibbling on Mr. Smathers' already hard nipples. Meyer took Mr. Smathers' facial area, showering him with kisses and nibbles to the ears and the neck.

McLeary took the thigh area. Jeremy and I took the groin area. We made sure that we had that to ourselves.

Mr. Smathers was in complete bliss. With every part of his body (and I do mean everypart of his body to include his feet and toes), he squirmed with excitement. His moans got loader. As I licked on his cock, Jeremy met me there. Jeremy played with Mr. Smathers' balls and I played with his ass as we sucked his shaft.

As we serviced his cock, Jeremy and I would kiss one another and tongue one another. "I'm going to blow," moaned Mr. Smathers. I began to pump Mr. Smathers' road with my fist. It wasn't long until strings of white cum filled the air. We all stopped to watch as the cum fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Shit I think that was the best explosion that I had ever seen, but try cumming with 6 guys servicing you and see how much you shoot. lol

The orgy continued for much of the night. The next thing we knew it was morning, the sunlight barely peeked through the small crack in the curtain. It was enough, however, to hit me in the eye to wake me up. There I was entangled between a mixture of bodies. Each with their own personal morning woody. I laughed alittle and then grabbed Jeremy's cock and began to jack him awake.

Quietly as we could, we crawled out from the pile of bodies that were still asleep on the bed. We stood in the foyer were the sinks were, you know right be for you go into the john. We held each other close, something that we hadn't done during the past 13 weeks.

It felt good just to be alone with Jeremy, man did I miss that. We quietly held each other, looking into each other eyes like we did the night before graduation. This time we could say what was on our minds.

We gently kissed. "I love you Jeremy," I whispered.

"I love you, too, Jimmy," exclaimed Jeremy.

"Jimmy?" I thought to myself. That was the first time that he, or anyone other then family had called me by my first name. Man, it felt good to hear it, especially from Jeremy. We kissed and fondled each other, then Jeremy when down on me. He took my rod into his mouth and suck it for all it was worth. As he sucked, I ran my fingers through his hair, what he had left of it anyway. It didn't take long and I shot my load into his mouth, but he didn't swallow. He stood back up and kissed my our tongues intertwined. Jeremy fed me my own cum, alittle a time.

After I had been fed, we took a shower together. We lathered each other up, paying special attention to the already stiffening groin areas. Now, it was Jeremy that need serviced. I turned around and offered my ass to him. He didn't turn it down. He quickly mounted my ass and fucked me for all he was worth. Soon he was bucking like a bronco (almost sounded like one, too). If I didn't know any better, I would have swore that Jeremy was half horse the way he fucked. I knew he was about to let go of his load. I felt his cock swelling up within me.

Sure enough, I was right. He exploded deep within my bowels. Load after load, he filled my mancunt. Exhausted he collasped on my back. After several minutes of resting, Jeremy pulled his softened cock out of my well spent ass.

He gently pulled me up to him and kissed me again. We finished our shower and toweled each other off.

"I do love you Jimmy."

"I know you do, Jeremy, I know you do."

We wrapped a towel around the bottom half of our bodies and walked out the door.

"We hope that you left us some hot water, fuck face," laughed Meyer as he and McLeary brushed passed us. "mmmmmmm, like what I feel," he said as he copped a feel of my half hard cock. With that they went into the bathroom to shower.

Everyone got their turn in the bathroom. When Meyer and McLeary finally came up, both sporting hardon (we can only imagine what they were doing in there), Mr. Smathers tooks SSG Smith and SGT Billings into the bathroom. The four of us lean against the door to see if we could hear what was going on in there. About that time the door rapidly pulled open.

"Gotcha," explained Mr. Smathers, "That will teach you to eaves- drop. We all fell inward. Mr. Smathers started to laugh and told us to start getting things packed. After we finished packing and Mr. Smathers and our drill sargeants finished their "shower" we said our long passionate goodbyes to our drill sargeants.

We drove through Ft. Jackson for ol' time sake and then headed back up north. It took us two days to get back home and to Mr. Smathers' new house.

After visiting with families and other friends we retreated by to Mr. Smathers' new house and to a "house warming party", but that is another story.

Next: Chapter 12

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