Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 5, 2001


Jeremy and I laughed our asses off at Meyer and McLeary as we left the lockerroom that Saturday of graduation. We then met with Mr. Smathers who had gotten us a graduation present and a going away present all wrapped up in one. We hopped into his car and he drove us to one of the Ritziest Hotel in the area. He was giving Jeremy and me one last weekend before entering the army.

We walked inside the room. It was huge. A little kitchenette, a king sized bed, and even a jacuzzi in the bathroom. There was even a basket of fruit and a bottle of champaigne waiting for us. (I know, we were underage to drink the stuff, but what the hell, it was going to be our last days of freedom for 3 months or so). This was going to be fucking great.

Mr. Smathers shut the door and bolted the lock. It didn't take us long to strip out of our clothes and fill the jacuzzi with hot water. Soon all three of us were in the hot, swirling water. I took a banana from the fruit basket that was sitting by the jacuzzi. I peeled it as Jeremy poured 3 glasses of champaigne. I took the banana and began to deep throat it. Jeremy just groaned, wishing that it was him instead of the banana. I reassured him that it would be. We raised our glasses, Mr. Smathers gave a toast and we downed the champaigne.

Since this was going to be our last night Mr. Smathers for along time, we wanted to make this a special night for him, too, so Jeremy and I surrounded Mr. Smathers as we sat in the jacuzzi. Jeremy on one side and me on the other.

We started to nibble on his ears and his neck. Mr. Smathers began to groan. I went to place my hand on Mr. Smathers' groin, but soon realized that Jeremy had beaten me to it. Jeremy was massaging Mr. Smathers' cock so I lowered my hand and massaged his balls.

While we both were working on Mr. Smathers' groin area with our hands, and Jeremy was working on Mr. Smather's ears and neck, I decided to work on his pecs. I licked on his nipples, alternating one to the other. Oh, were his nipples ever hard.

In appreciation, Mr. Smathers grabbed our cocks, one in each hand. It felt good to have Mr. Smathers' hand around my already hard cock. Between Mr. Smathers' hand and the swirling water all I can say is that it was a feeling that I never will forget.

With Jeremy's hand still on Mr. Smathers' cock and Mr. Smather's hand on my cock, I laid on top of Mr. Smathers and began to grind myself against him. Our cocks, Mr. Smathers and Jeremy's hands mingled with each other. Then I raised up and lowered my ass onto Mr. Smathers' shaft. This was kind of hard to do in swirling water, but with Jeremy's hand on Mr. Smathers' cock, he helped guided it into my butt.

Once I finally got Mr. Smathers'massive manhood started up my manhole, I slowly descended myself upon it. With easy, Mr. Smathers' cock slid all the way up my ass. Soon his balls were touching my cheeks. It felt so fucking good to have his meat up in me that I didn't even begin to pump. I just sat there taking in the feeling of my hole being spread so far apart. I turn my head and gently laid my face cheek on Mr. Smathers' chest.

We laid motionless in the swirling water; Mr. Smathers and I with Jeremy on the side. As I sat upon Mr. Smathers' cock, I began to think of all the good times that we had had during the past year. A tear trickled down my cheek and landed on Mr. Smathers' chest.

Quickly sensing this, Mr. Smathers gently grabbed my chin and pulled up on it so that my eyes would meet his eyes. He saw the tears welling up in my eyes. Even Jeremy could sense that something was wrong.

"I'm going to miss you, too," he said as he gently kissed my lips. It was a soft kiss. Not a passionate kiss, but rather one that said, "I love you." He turned to Jeremy and softly kiss his lips as well, "I'm going to miss you as well. I'm going to miss both of you." He drew Jeremy close to his side. We stayed like that for at least a half an hour.

I was the one that broke the silence. I raised my head off of Mr. Smathers' chest and said, "Did we come here to be sentimently or did we come here to fuck?" The mood seems to change instantly.

With me still sitting on Mr. Smathers' now soft cock, he stood up. He almost fell back into the water because of the ackwardness of our position, but Jeremy grabbed Mr. Smathers by the ass and pushed him back on his feet.

He set me down on the edge of the jacuzzi. With his cock still in me, Jeremy began to eat out Mr. Smathers' hot, wet ass. In no time, I began to feel Mr. Smather's cock begin to swell in my hole. Soon it was as hard as a rock and he began to give me the ass fucking I deserved. Not being able to keep up with Mr. Smathers' pumping, Jeremy stopped rimming Mr. Smathers and jumped out of the jacuzzi. He came over to my head and sat on my face.

As Jeremy began to sit on my face, I opened my mouth to let his hard cock slide down my throat. He, too, began to pump. Mr. Smathers grabbed my cock as he was fucking my hole and he began to pump it. Now we were all being pumped. As Jeremy pumped my face he massaged my nipples. They were just as hard as my cock was.

Mr. Smathers' was slamming my ass good, just as Jeremy was slamming my face.

Without any warning, "Oh, shit, I'm going to cum," said Mr. Smathers and no sooner did he say that then he spilled himself into my hot and hungry awaiting hole. He must have hit my sweet spot because without any warning, either, I exploded shooting my wad on Jeremy's face.

Now, it was Jeremy's turn. He didn't cum at the same time as we did. He hung on for a little while longer. Mr. Smathers pulled out of me with his cum drenched cock and straddle me. His cock was still hard and he put it into Jeremy's awaiting mouth. As Jeremy was fucking my mouth, Mr. Smathers fucked Jeremy's mouth. As he fucked Jeremy's mouth, he gently played with Jeremy's tits. I jerked myself to fullness and before you know it. We all 3 shoot off. Jeremy filled my mouth with his hot, creamy, white man juice. Mr. Smathers filled Jeremy's mouth, with Jeremy gladly took and I shot another wad, this time only hitting his pecs.

Both Jeremy and Mr. Smathers dismounted themselves. Mr. Smathers and I cleaned Jeremy off with our tongues. Man was that ever fucking wild.

I don't know what it is, but it seems as if everytime Jeremy cums he get hungry. Now, he wanted to fucking get something to eat. Mr. Smathers said that were should get cleaned up, get some clean clothes on and go get something to eat. We headed for the showers, giggling and laughing like to small boys. Mr. Smathers just shook his head in disbelievement of our actions.

We showered (among other things, lol), and got dressed. We came into the bedroom of the suite and noticed that Mr. Smathers had slipped under the covers and was reading a newspaper.

"Aren't you going out to eat with us, Mr. Smathers?" I said.

"No, I'm not hungry at this time. You to go out and enjoy yourselves. This is also the last time you will be able to enjoy each others company for a few months."

He grabbed his billfold out of his pants and handed us $100. "Go enjoy yourselves, I mean it. Go on get out of here for a while."

We looked at each other, we took the money. We each gave him a kiss on the cheek and we turned around and left.

We went down stairs to the hotel restaurant. It was a classy looking joint, but they still left us in. lol The waitress set us down and gave us water and menus. We started to look at the menus when Jeremy looked up.

"Hey, Johnson."

"What?" I replied with my head still buried in the menu.

"Look over there."

"Over where?"

"Over there," he points to another table.

"Well, I'll be damned," I almost shit my pants when I seen what Jeremy wanted me to see. It was Meyer and McLeary. They were sitting at another table. They were slumped down in there chairs as they had noticed us, too.

"Still must be embarassed about this afternoon," Jeremy said as we laughed about it.

They were almost finished eating their meal, so they hurriedly finished, gave the waitness a tip and got up. Before they could get too far, Jeremy called over to them.

"Hey, McLeary and Meyers, hows about joining us?" They looked at each other like scared little puppies, but because they didn't want to draw attention to themselves, they came over to our table.

McLeary leaned over to Jeremy and said in a low voice, "What the fuck do you want Brown?"

"Come on, guys, let by gones be by gones. Come on, just sit with us for a while. Let's shoot the shit. After all, we did go to school 12 years together, you know."

And with that the two pulled out the two remaining chairs and sat down.

Meyer across from me and McLeary across from me. The waitress came back and took our orders, we even order dessert for Meyer and McLeary. We talked about all the good times that we had together and by the end of the meal, we were all laughing and joking like we had been the best of friends forever.

Then Jeremy leaned over to Meyer and whispered something in his ear. Meyer's eyes lit up and got as big as the plates that our food came on. Meyer's leaned over to McLeary and whispered something to him. His eyes got just as big as Meyer's. Now, I was the only one left in the dark.

"Okay, Jeremy, what the fuck is going on? I said in a low voice.

Jeremy leaned over to me and whispered, "I told him that he was right that we were fagots and if they wanted to, they could come up and join us in a group orgy."

"You said, What?" I questioned Jeremy.

"You heard me."

"But what about.....?" Jeremy stopped me before I could finish asking him about what Mr. Smathers would say when we brought Meyer and McLeary back up to the hotel suite.

"Don't worry about a thing," Jeremy said, trying to reassured me. "So what do you boys say? Are you game?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm game. What about you McLeary?" Meyers said.

"Fuck, me, too. Let's get our asses out of here." Jeremy gave the waitress a good sized tip and the four of us took off for the suite.

We laughed and giggled and jabbed each other as we went back to the room. A couple of times we were so noisy that we were told that we would have to leave if we didn't be more quiet.

Jeremy opened the door to the suite and slipped his head in. "I've got a surprise for you." and busted his way into the room. There Mr. Smathers was laying in bed, buck ass naked with his hand around his hard- on with his eyes glued on a porno video that he had playing in the VCR.

At the sight of Meyer and McLeary, Mr. Smathers quickly left go of his cock and enough quicker cover himself up with the blankets. You could still see that tent that his cock was causing under the covers.

"McLeary, Meyer?!?!?" Mr. Smathers looked at our company, then at me and then at Jeremy.

"Smathers?!?!?" The two looked at Smathers then at each other, then back at Mr. Smathers.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Mr. Smathers?" questioned Meyer.

"What the fuck are you two doing here should be the question." retorted Mr. Smathers. Looking at Jeremy Mr. Smathers asked, "What the fuck ARE the doing here?"

"Oh, I forget to tell you, Mr. Smathers," said Jeremy, "Meyer and McLeary are gay, too."

"What the fuck? No shit? When did you find this out?" asked Mr. Smathers.

"This afternoon. After graduation this afternoon, Johnson and I went back to the school for one last time. We went to the lockerroom where all of this started and we caught Meyer and McLeary going at each other; you know, sort of like how I found you and Johnson going at it. I invited them up here for sort of a going away party. Are you going to spoil it, Mr. Smathers?"

Mr. Smathers through back the blankets and holler, "Get in." That's all it took. The 4 of us shed our clothes and quickly joined Mr. Smathers in the bed. Meyers and McLeary had hardons before they even it the bed (of course so did Jeremy and I).

We all nustled back against each other and continued to watch the video that Mr. Smathers was watching before we interrupted him. I think it was a something called, "Danny does Dallas", a gay remake of the old classic "Debbie does Dallas".

As we watched Danny seems to suck and get fucked by every dick in Dallas. His antics were doing a number on all 5 of us. We each reach for a cock (that wasn't ours) and we started to slowly massage it. Meyer made the first move. With his eyes still fixed on the video, he leans over and starts to suck on Jeremy's cock. At first, I kind of got jealous. That was my cock and the only other person to have sucked it was Mr. Smathers.

Soon we each had a cock in our mouth. The bed was kind of small for the 5 of us to be sucking cocks so we moved to the floor and formed a circle. We ate on each others cocks, balls and asses. It was fucking great.

Somebody got this wild idea that we should try a 5 man butt fuck. (Oh yeah, that someone was me, lol). Mr. Smathers volunteered to be the first hole to be plugged. McLeary volunteered to plug it. Mr. Smathers lean his hands and head against the wall and Jeremy got the lube.

He lubed up Mr. Smathers' hole and then lubed up McLeary's dick. McLeary then placed himself behind Mr. Smathers. Mr. Smather then took his hands and spread his ass cheeks wide opened. McCleary placed his cock head to the entrance of Mr. Smathers ass and pushed. It wasn't long before his cock completely disappeared into Mr. Smathers' hot ass.

I volunteered to go next. Jeremy lubed up McLeary's beggin ass and then my fucking hot cock.

"Please, take it easy, Johnson, I'm a fucking virgin, okay," begged McLeary. I grinned and quickly jabbed my cock into McLeary's virgin hole. He let out a scream followed by some whimpers. Where else was he going to go? He was already tied to Mr. Smathers' ass and now I was tied to his.

Meyer was next so Jeremy lubed my ass (which didn't need much as I still had Mr. Smathers' cum up in me (I had learned over the past year how to hold cum in my ass for long extended periods of time). He also lubed Meyer's cock. Meyer thought that he was going to get even with me for jamming myself hard into McLeary's hole. However, my ass had been worked over so many time this past year that Meyer's cock barely even was enough to fill my crack.

Last, but not least, came Jeremy. He lubed Meyer's ass up really good and then lubed himself up as well. I could hear Meyer clinch his teeth as Jeremy placed his cockhead at the entrance of Meyer's shit chute.

"Fuck man, what are you clinching your teeth for, man? I haven't even begun to fuck yet," and with that Jeremy slammed his cock deep into Meyer's virgin boycunt.

With Jeremy being the rear man, he started things off. He pulled back and slammed his cock into Meyer's ass which in turned caused Meyer to slam into me and like a chain reaction Mr. Smathers finally felt the repercussion of Jeremy's slamming into Meyer's ass.

It was ackward at first, but we finally got into a rhythm. Like a fucking locomotive we fucked each others ass. McLeary reached around and grabbed Mr. Smathers cock and began to jerk on it.

"I'm going to cum," shouted McLeary, and with that Mr. Smathers pulled off of McLeary's cock and got on his knees and accepted McLeary's hot cock into his mouth. McLeary blow such a load that it made him shake. He almost fell to his knees.

Next it was my turn to cum. I, too, announced the cumming of my newest load. McLeary followed suit and jumped off of my cock ant took my cock into his mouth just as I shoot one of my biggest loads ever. While this was going on Meyer was still fucking my ass, which intensified my load.

Now it was Meyer,s turn to lose it. "Oh, fuck, I'm going to explode." I quickly got off of his cock and placed it in my mouth and finished Meyer off with my tongue. He, too, shook at the knees as he came in my mouth.

Jeremy was getting close, I could tell it. He didn't have to say a word. I knew actually when he was going to do it. "Now, Meyer." Meyer dismounted Jeremy's cock, dropped to his knees and got splattered in the face by spurt after spurt of Jeremy's hot juicy cum. I had to laugh at the sight.

"Not quick enough, Meyer." I teased. I got down on my knees and began to clean Meyer's face off with my tongue to gather up all that wonder man juice that rightfully belonged to me.

Now our focus was on Mr. Smathers. He hadn't had the pleasure of cumming during the session. So all four of us gathered around him and began to work him over. I quickly went for his cock and shoved it into my mouth. Jeremy, the manpussy eater that he is, took charge of Mr. Smathers' hole and Meyer and McLeary each took a tit into their mouths.

It wasn't long before we had Mr. Smathers moaning and groaning, begging for more. And more he got. As we pleasured him, he reached out and grabbed Meyer and McLeary by their manhood and began to jerk them off. So while I was sucking on Mr. Smathers' hot cock, I grabbed Jeremy's cock and Jeremy grabbed my. All 5 cocks being service at the same time.

With all that attention, it didn't take long for Mr. Smathers to exploded, and even though we had already just came ourselves, it wasn't long before we, too, exploded. We had cum all over the place, which we gladly slurped up, I mean cleaned up.

With us all satisfied, we ventured into the jacuzzi for a nice, long, hot swirly. As we bathed, we played with each others cocks with our hands and with each others balls with our feet.

It was finally time to call it a night. Meyer and McLeary got out of the tub. They were still both as hard as rocks, but they managed to get the clothes back on. The 3 of us got out of the jacuzzi just as hard as the other two, but we didn't bother to dress because we knew that we would just be taking them off again.

We lead our guess to the door. Each one of us gave each one of them a long passionate kiss. As we did, we each copped another squeeze of their still hard groin areas.

"Let us know when you guys get back from Basic Training, We may want to have another go at it, again."

"We sure will," Jeremy said, "We sure will."

Mr. Smathers, Jeremy and Myself, went back to the bed and rewound the video and watched it all over again. Of course that's now all that we had done, lol.

Sunday morning came, we had another quick, love fest before we gathered our things and checked out of the hotel. We had decided that the best thing for us to do today, was to spend our last day with our families. Afterall, they wouldn't see us for 3 months either. So that's what we did.

Monday, morning came all to quickly. We said our goodbyes to our families and Mr. Smather drove us to the bus station. We were running late so there wasn't anytime for long goodbyes. We hugged Mr. Smathers and with tears in our eyes we boarded the bus.

We got to the MEPS building, which is where we were to leave from basic training at. They did their final physicals on us, swore us into the Active Army and then sent us to our new training post.

We arrived at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina at about 1:00 in the morning.

What came next really surprised the hell out of us. I am sure glad that Jeremy had only talked me into going into the Army Reserves, but that's another story.

Next: Chapter 8

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