Mutant Chronicles

By juan guzman

Published on Mar 21, 2006


The Mutant Chronicles All personal thoughts of the characters are enclosed in these**, telepathic conversations in these<>, and outloud voices in these " "

Discalimer: All X-Men characters, and Fantastic Four characters and related titles are the property of Marvel Comics, part of the Marvel Enterprises company. I earn no money writing this story and hence none of the statues of copyright infringement are broken.


I ran towards the Mansion, tears running freely from my eyes, I felt Bobby try to touch my mind, and did what was thought impossible, I severed our bond. I ran in and saw him at the steps talking to someone on his phone he looked down, I saw a tear fall from his gorgeous eyes, and felt like hugging him. He shot me a glance and I ran to him, his phone fell to the floor and snapped shut as I jumped into his arms, and finaly felt at home, safe.

I looked into Johnny's eyes as he held me, I leaned into his shoulder and cried, finally I had found truth, I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to tell him everything and I wanted a friend, more than anything I wanted a friend.

David: "Johnny, can we talk?"

Johnny: "Sure Dave...but ummm Peter, he's a good friend of mine, he's coming in from tell you the truth he's kinda like Ben's 'son' they have this bond, but Ben's been feeling real weird since he fought off that Magneto guy, he shot a metal shard, and it actually got caught into Ben's physique. He's kinda freaked out, feels vulnerable."

David: "Are you dodging me?all that shit you just said has nothing to do with you and me TALKING. I need to talk to someone, that's all. Whatever Johnny. See you."

I couldn't believe my luck!!!!! First Bobby and Jonny sleep together, now Johnny won't talk to me. I knew it was wrong to be so self-righteous, considering that I'd slept with Logan, and Scott, however Jonny was my brother, at least in my eyes. Scott and Logan were simply our teachers, they were not related to Bobby, and what truly hurt was that Jonny was my brother.

I walked up the steps dragging my feet, I shot a glance at Johnny, it was now midnight, and a chill of exhaustion ran through me. Johnny looked at me and stepped up the steps, then he began climbing them 2 at a time, when he was next to me he caught my falling body. I was exhausted and for some reason I was plummeting to the floor, luckily Johnny's reflexes had been as quick as they were.

Johnny: "Seems like you're always falling into my arms."

David: "Seeems like you're always catching me."

Johnny: "You need to sleep. Which way to your room?"

David: "Up these steps, right at the first hallway, through the first double-doors, then the side door on the left, third door on you right."

Johnny: "OCD?"

David: "Yea"

Johnny: "Figures, I gotta lift you, okay with you?"

David: "Yea, that's fine with me."

Johnny hefted me onto his arms, and again I felt safe, warm, and comfortable. I knew he was unavailable, I could tell that this guy, this gorgeous guy had a crush on me, or something in those terms, but something made him push away. I understood, after all it would be just my luck.

We got to my room, and there was Jonny, on my bed, waiting. I knew he wanted to talk, but exhaustion was ovewhelming my every fiber, I could barely stand, much less argue. I held on tighter to Johnny, wanting to remain in his arms, where I felt safe.

Johnny: " must be Jonny, I'm Johnny Storm. Dave is kinda not too good right now, could you give him some room?"

Jonny: "He's my brother, I need to talk to him, and you need to fuck-off"

David: "Jonny...LEAVE!!!! I ain't in no motherfucking mod to deal wit this bullshit right now ok? Just leave my room, and lock the adjoining door behind you."

Jonny: "Dave, we gotta...."

David: "Later Jonny, just leave, please!"

Jonny: "Fine, but we still need to talk."

David: "I'll decide that. Now go, I don't have enough....."

Johnny: "Look dude just leave, your brother's very weak right now, he needs to rest."

Jonny walked out of my room, fire literally burning in his eyes, I could feel Johnny's own fire stirr, but was glad he had enough self-control to not pursuit a fight. He laid me down on my bed adn begna to take off my uniform, I don't remember EVER putting the thing on, but somehow there it was. Now that I thought about it, my uniform was always on whenever I was fighting, I wondered whether I should ask the professor about it.

My thoughts drifted bak as I felt a warm hand lift both my legs and slip on the same silk pajama bottoms I had on earlier. I knew that it was too soon, but his touch was making me melt, but I had to let things happen as they would rather than push things along. I let him slip my pajam bottoms on, just because I was too exhausted to even open my eyes. Johnny tucked me in, gave me a kiss on the forhead, and to my surprise slid in next to me. I thought for a fleeting second that it was Bobby, I managed to open my eyes and saw that it was Johnny, I moved closer, wanting warmth, and company, he wrapped an arm around me, and I fell asleep.

Bobby was shocked when Jonny had revealed their affair, he'd been afraid of David findidng this out ever since it had happened. Now Bobby had lost David.

He ran after David but lost sight of him, then he caught up with David's coat at the Mansion, and saw David jump into Johnny Storm's arms, he was glad when david went up the steps, however his heart fell to his feet when Johnny went bounding after David. Bobby couldn't take it anymore when he saw David simply melting into Johnny's arms. His time was past, and David had already found someone new. Bobby hurried to his room, and realized he hadn't loved David, he had loved the IDEA of David, his heart jumped as he realized he's always truly loved Jamie. He fell asleep, dreaming of Jamie, and loving David in a whole new way.

The sun rose the next day way too early, I used telekinesis on the curatins and shut, turned and bumped into someone.....wait, what? Oh, right Johnny. I looked to my left and there he was, his gorgeous face, on my pillow. I shifted so my head would lay on his bare chest, and quickly fell asleep again.

For what seemed like seconds I was on Johnny's chest, sleeping peacefully, and now my alarm clock was blaring. It was set for 9 which would make me.....LATE!!! I had overslept and was now 2hours late for my classes!!!

I dashed out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on the only thing I could find without looking, my Gucci suit. Blue as the night sky, cashmere/cotton blend, simplistic shirt, embriodered pants, nothing can match better with Gucci than Chanel #5 for men, and of course a nice pair of Prada boots, black leather. I knew it looked overdone, but in reality it was simpler tham matching bits and pieces.

I flew to Storm's History class, making it to the door right before the late bell for THAT clas rang, I eased into my chair, and waited for the hurricaine that would be this day to rear its icy blue eyes, blonde hair, and pinkish lips. I was scared, not in fear, but in regret, and in anger. I wanted to scream at Bobby, but another part of me knew it would be hypocritical of me to do so.

As he walked in my heart jumped, he took his seat besides me, and to my surprise he smiled, and slipped me a note. It read:

*Dave: *

*You know I love you, or at least I thought I did, but *

*the way things have gone lately, I think I was more in *

*love with the Idea of you, either the idea of having *

*someone by my side who shared my views and interests *

*Thanks for the good times, and I'm sorry for the Bad *

*ones, hope we can still be friends. *

  • Love *
  • Robert Andrew Drake *

I was....relieved. I knew what he meant because if we had been TRULY in love I would never had done what I did, or felt how I felt for Johnny. I looked at him and smiled, we both knew then that what had been a troubled relationship would flourish into a beautiful friendship. Obstacle one: Surpassed

It was time for the next hurdle, forgiving Jonny. It would be hard, but not impossible. I had to forgive him, he was after all my brother, and besides, I needed him to be my confidant again, my diary, my brother. I would see him in mutatant class, we were both in Strom's elementals class. I hoped things would go as smoothly with him as they'd gone with Bobby.

Time passed slowly, lunch rolled by without any real events, and the rest of my "normal" classes dripped slowly by. I was nervewrecked for mutant class to start. I knew I had to talk to Jonny, if things festerd too long between us, the problem would be WAY harder to solve. I had already forgiven Jonny, all that was left was telling him, I had tried using telepathy to do so, but he kept screaming continously in his head until I left, so I'd decided that approach to be too....painful on me.

Finally my mutant classes began, first Psionics with Jean, then Combat with Logan and Scott, Academia Rationale with Hank, Kung-kwon-do with Emma, Stealth with Gambit, Flying lessons with Rogue, Strategics with Clossus, Nightcrawler, and Psylocke, and then after all of that FINALLY Elementalist Thinking with Storm.

David: "Jonny, can I talk to you for a sec please?"

Jonny: "Yea....Roberto, you can go ahead, tell Amara to save me a seat in the classroom."

Roberto: "'s Friday, we go to the lake today."?

Jonny: "Oh, right.....we'll see you there then. David...I..ummm....I'm really sorry for fucking Bobby, it's just....well, I was....I....there's no excuse for it, but I really AM sorry!"

David: "I know, I'm not mad about that anymore. I just wanted to say I understand. And don't worry, it's cool between us."

It was later that night and we were all in the game room again, I was watching Bobby flirt wiht Jamie, and to my astonishment Amara was flirting with Vanessa. I flipped it off, maybe time had come for some of the things around here to start changing, if this was one of them, I'd be glad to have helped it all come through. I kept hoping that Johnny would show up, he hadn't yet, but I wanted him to, even if just for a second.

Joshua was in the med-bay, and I realized how much I missed him, he was always there for me to hold onto whenever I needed support. I began to get up from the chaintz inspired couch, and head down to the med-bay, halfway up I looked to the pool table and saw a most inspiring sight, Johnny was walking in, he was wearing low-rise, boot cut Levi's, a vintage shirt with a 1969 cadillac and a sign that said "Ready for the backseat?", his hair was done carefully in spikes, and he was wearing Gucci sunglasses.

He walked over to me, the way he walked told me he was withdrawn, but also available, something had changed since last night, and for the better. He finally made it over to me and hugged me, then he looked in my eyes and ever so sweetly spoke to me.

Johnny: "I need to talk to you."

David: "Let's go, I'm going down to the med-bay, I have to visit Joshua, he's really hurt after yesterday."

Johnny: "All right, I think that'll be enough time."

We walked out, I saw Bobby wink at me and give a thumbs up, a lame smile on his face. I smiled back at him, almost flirtiously, almost sensually, I knew what he thought, and I wanted him to know I was thinking the same. We got to the elevator, and waited. Johnny began to speak.

Johnny: "Hey, I'm really sorry about falling asleep in your room last night, I was just.....exhausted!!!! I kinda just collapsed on your bed, next thing I knew it was morning."

David: "And if you did your clothing come off? And how did I get into my pajamas?"

Johnny: "Well...allright, so i didn't want to go to the other side of the mansion to the guest rooms, and plus, you looked so....gorgeous, all vulnerable, and soo soft."

Johnny brushed his hand against my cheek, his touch felt warm, comforting, almost loving. I could feel my muscles contract against his touch, not in fear, but in pleasure. My every skin cell felt alive, my every nerve ready, and all of this over the expanse of a single heartbeat.

David: "Johnny.....ummm....the lift is here."

Johnny: "Huh? Oh yea, after you."

David: "Why thank you kind sir."

We both bowed deeply, and then started to laugh, harder than I'd laughed in a very, very long time.

David: "Family!"

E.C.: "Entry Accpeted. Please watch your step."

The elevator began to descend, somehow it seemed slow, and very quiet, too quiet. I cast out my senses, hoping to find nothing wrong, thankfully the only reason everything was quiet was because Beast was in his lab, and the other residents of the med-bay were either asleep or sedated. I cast my senses out to Mystique and Sabretooth's cells all was well, they were sedated, and all security measures were fully working.

We walked to joshua's room, I looked at the door, and hesitated. I cast out my senses, there were 2 people in the room besides Joshua and surprisingly I recognize their psionic signatures, Jean and Professor Xavier were with Joshua, but I hadn't sensed them before, and i wondered whether or not I should go in.

David: "Johnny we'll come back later, Joshua has visitors."

I began to walk away when I felt Jean touch my mind.

Jean: <David, I know you're outside the door, come in, we can use you powers, and tell Johnny to go the third door from this one, Susan's there, she's sick.>

David: <Okay.> "Johnny go to the third door down, Susan's in that room, she's sick, I think it would do her good if she saw you."

Johnny: "But I just saw her this morning, she looked...fine!"

David: "Well, she's there now. Go see her, we'll meet up at the elevator in like 20 minutes."

Johnny: "All right."

He walked away, his face shocked, concerned, and confused all at the same time. I turned the knob and walked in. I saw Jean and professor Xavier standing over Joshua, they were concentrating, as if there was something inside joshua's mind they were trying to get. It seemed weird that the professor needed help. He was the most powerful Psionic in the known world, and even so, with Jean by his side they should be able to stop the Earth from spinning, they were powerful enough, so how come Joshua's mind seemed to prove such a challenge?

David: "Jean....what's wrong?"

Jean: "It seems that Darrel has done something to Joshua's mind, he was the one who knocked him out. Joshua's alive but his brain waves are almost non-existant. We figured we could break whatever hold Darrel had on Joshua's mind, but he works in such labyrinthical ways that even the professor is perplexed. He's trapped Joshua inside his own mind, he mad it some type of labyrinth, and every time we get close to Joshua Darrel snatches him away, like h's baiting us deeper into the labyrinth. The professor has a theory that this labyrinth is actually part of Darrel's own mind, which in turn would make it a part of your unconscious sub-conscious."

David: "I get most of it, except that last part. Since the split Darrel has had a mind of his own, we've seen the way he acts, he's becoming less and less like me every time. So how can this labyrinth of his be a part of my own mind?"

Xavier: "Because David, even after the split, your mind and Darrel's still have residual information of each other's mind, hence why you are capable of sensing Darrel even when he's miles away."

David: "But I thought that was just my psionic powers, I thought I was just recognizing his psionic signature."

Jean: "If that was all don't you think that the professor, or I or one of the hundreds of Psionic students here at the institute would have been able to sense him as well?"

David: "All right, say I can make it out with Joshua's sub-conscious, but what if I get lost inside it myself? What if I can't make it out?"

Xavier: "We can bring you out. Joshua's mind is caught, a prisoner, you would be there by your own will, so we can bring you out easier."

David: "All right, how do I go in?"

Jean: "We'll put you inside, and we will give as much as help as we can from out of her, the bond you share with me, and the one with Bobby should anchor you to reality."

David: "Umm about that, I don't know how, but I broke my bond with Bobby. It happened yesterday, after I found some things out. I just kinda raged, and then, it snapped."

Xavier: "It's just as I suspected it, your bond with Bobby wasn't psionic, it was pionis. It's a form of psionism, it's only as strong as the user wants it to be, the signature is psionic, but the true power is only determined by the Psionic who uses it."

David: "Ummm....confusing, but I understand what you mean."

Jean: "Are you ready?"

David: "What about an anchor?"

Jean: "Our bond is truly psionic, I formed it myself, I can't use Pionis, so it's purely psionic, and I'll use my bonds to Scott, Bobby, Logan, Jubilee, and the professor to anchor you. Now just relax...."

Jean's voice trailed off, I closed my eyes and relaxed, I knew I had to be ready for a fight, if that was what Darrel wanted I would give it to him. I opened my eyes and found myself, not in a labyrinth, but in Joshua's backyard, I recogn\ized it from the pictures he kept in his room. On the far South end of the yard I saw an 11 or 12 year old Joshua, playing with his younger sister, Missy, she also went to the institute, and his dog, Dogma. I heard a soft whimper behind me and looked, there was present-day Joshua, satnding ina dark corner, just beyond the limits of the movie style memory.

Joshua: "David, how'd I still alive?"

David: "Yes, but Darrel trapped you in here, the professor and Jean tried getting you out, but they only found a labyrinth. I guess Darrel wanted me in here, we have to get out, before his traps spring, grab my hand Josh, we have to leave."

Joshua: "Dave, he's done something to my memories, he's disturbed them, look."

I looked to the backyard, or more realistically the memory of the backyard. I knew Joshua had had a great relationship with his parents, he still did. But in this memory, his father came out, belt in hand, and he began to whip Joshua and Missy, he beat them until Missy was on the floor, bellding, and Joshua was on the brink of death, then I realized what Darrel was doing, he was trying to kill Joshua, we had to get out, before the fake memory played itself out completely.

David: <Jean, he's trying to Kill Joshua inside his own mind, get us OUT!!!"

I grabbed Joshua by the waist and pulled him close, and then I was back in the med-bay's room, on the floor, blood running from my nose. I got up an looked to the bed, there was Joshua, his eyes still closed, his vital signs same as ever.

David: "What happened? Why is Joshua still like that?"

Jean: "It'll take a little time for his subconscious to fully take control again, but now he actually HAS brain-waves. You saved him, you brought him back. What we don't understand is why his body is so bruised."

David: "Darrel manipulated Joshua's memories, he controlled him, to kill him. Like a night terror, he made Joshua's dad pummel him and....MISSY!!!!! Darrel almost got her killed in Joshua's mind too, we have to get to her!!!!"

I ran out of the room, inot the elevator.

David: "FAMILY!!!!"

E.C.: "Entry accepted...."

David: "Full speed!!!"

E.C.: "Entry Accepted."

The elevator shot up, the force of its speed pushing down on me. It came to a stop in the main Foye, I flew towards the game room, hoping she'd be there. I opened the doors with telekinsis, and landed in the middle of the room.

David: "Missy, has anyone seen Missy?"

Jonny: "She went to her room, said she felt a little sick."

David: "Someone get one of the X-men to her room. There might be trouble."

I levitated and shot out of the Game Room, up the steps, and down every hallway to the freshman's quarters. I landed in front of Missy's door. I knocked, no answer. I called out her name, and knocked, nothing. I opened the door with telekinesis. There she was, on the floor, blood spilling out her mouth, and nose, her face bruised, just like the Missy in Joshua's memory had been. I picked her up and levitated, I began to fly towards the elevator, hoping I could make it down to the med-bay in time.

I made it down, Jean was waiting for me at the doors, a look of worry and hope in her face.

Jean: "This way, Hank's waiting for her already."

David: "I'm gonna KILL Darrel, next time I see his fucking face Imma kill that motherfucker!!!"

Jean: "Watch your mouth Dave, the professor doesn't like that type of language."

David: "uh-huh, like I give a shit right now. Jean, be realistic, this dude just halfway killed Missy, and Joshua, I might just do the same with those assholes in the back."

Jean: "If you don't calm the fuck down I'll alert the professor, and set Mystique and Sabretooth free."

David: "Fine!"

We walked into the room, Dr. McCoy had already set up a room, monitors, IVs and all that crap lay scattered around a small room. I layed Missy on her back, and Hank and Jean began to hook her up to all the machinery. I was overflowing with rage, anxiousness, and nervousness. I wanted to do so much, but what I really wanted to do was kill Darrel, but now, Joshua, Missy and Johnny needed me, so I would simmer under the surface for Darrel, aqnd all the better, because on the next fight, I would make him a bloody pulp, I would send him to Hades' doors, and maybe, just maybe give him a SHOVE past its threshold. All in good time, like Xavier always said.

Jean: "I'll keep you informed David. Johnny came by and asked if you could meet him at Susan's room, go down the main hallway, take a left, third door on you right, first bed from the window."

David: " you have OCD?"

Jean: "Yea, ever since I was little. Why?"

David: "No reason."

I realized then that Jean and I were alike in more than one way. I had a hunch that there was something more to Jean and I than even I saw, but I wasn't in the mood or mindset to dig any deeper, I simply made a mental note of it and headed to Susan's room.

I sensed something wasn't quite right, but I thought that maybe it was just my nerves. I walked into Susan's room and was surprised to see that she looked quite....wonderful. I couldn't quite understand what could be wrong with someone who looked so glowing, so healthy, so full of life, but l figured that if Hank and Jean had diagnosed her sick, she must have some mild disease, or maybe just a cold . Whatever it was I fiugred if she was in Recovery it couldn't be too bad.

David: "Ummm...Johnny? Susan?....may I come in?"

Susan: "Sure, come on in David, take a seat."

There it was, in the tone of her voice, whatever ailed her was there, in her bleak, weak tone. If one was to simply look at Susan she would seem healthy, submissive, almost harmless, only in the tone of her melodically menacing, revealing voice, would anyone truly be able to know her. And now, the voice which flattered and threaten in a single chord betrayed its own owner's appearance. In her voice I could hear the weakness, the toil of her illness.

David: "Jean told me Johnny'd come by and said he wanted to see me. I could talk to him later if you want me to leave."

Johnny: "Actually, it was Susan that waned to talk to you, I was just the messenger."

David: "Oh...So....Susan, what was it you needed to see me about?"

Susan: "I know what your powers are, Xavier told me. I know you can heal yourself and others, and Hank says that maybe if you use your power on me....well maybe you can save me, I have cancer, it's spreading really fast over the left side of my body, chemo's not an option for me, because of the whole mutant thing. I've been studying every aspect I can of non-chemical treatments, but there's not much to go on, I'm the first mutant case ever known, or at least studied, of cancer, so my research is quite....narrow. Reed has done all he can, he doesn't have m,uch experience with DNA and blood, and cancerous molecules, so his research has also hit a dead-end. When Xavier told me of you power to manipulate molecules, I began some research on that power, studied samples of Joshua's blood, some of your own Hank had drawn for his studies about that Darrel guy, and some of Xavier's blood itself."

David: "I still don't really understand where you're going with this Susan. My power to heal is one of my least developed powers, it works wonders on me, but its not strog enough on others."

Susan: "I saw that in your DNA strands, on you it has a memory of how things were, molecularly I mean, so it has a basic blueprint, on others it has to FIND the previous status, that's where your ability to mix you powers comes in handy. I figured that if you can mix your power to manipulate time, and your power to heal, then you can freeze my molecules, leave my brain to work alone, and accelerate the process of 'discovery' if you will, that way it can work to a full extent faster, and more profusely. I'm only asking you to try David, I'm not pressuring you. Of course if you agree we would have Joshua aid us with his power, and Hank would oversee the procedure from a room outside your range."

David: "All right, you can schedule it with Hank, Xavier, and Jean. I'd be more than glad to help you Susan. Of course I'll have to tell Jean to put it all in English for me, but hey, she is after all my mother."

Then it hit me, like a bucket of cold water. Jean WAS my mother, my biological mother. But if she was, then why had she given me up? And how come she had never looked for me? Questios ran through my head at lightning speed, all around this one topic. I had to know for sure, and there was only one person who could give me a straight answer; Jean Grey.

David: "I don't mean to be rude, but i have to atlk to Jean for a second. I'll come bny later to talk with you some more Susan. Johnny, if you can meet me at the grand staircase at like 9 tonight. I have some stuff I need to talk to you about."

Susan: "Thank you David. You don't know just how much this means to me."

Johnny: "If all goes well, I'll see you, if anything I'll ask Jean to talk to your mind Kay?"

David: "Sure, and Susan. I assure you, this....procedure, it will be my honor to help you with it. I only hope I can help you, and that your expectations are not let down."

Susan: "I am sure you will do the best you can."

David: "I will, that and more if I can."

I walked out, wanting to leave Susan's health behind, and hoping to once and for all find who my tru family was. I needed to ask Jean all I could about my family and whether she was part of it.

I felt sorry for so many things, in the past I would have been submissive, now I didn't think myself capable of staying calm for too long. I knew that anger served no one, faith, trust and reliability were the only things that could get me and Jean through what was to come. I knew she would understand, and hopefully, she would give me the answers I needed.

Next: Chapter 7

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