Mutant Lover

By moc.oohay@98_seiromem_krad

Published on May 20, 2023


This story is a figment of my imagination using characters and settings of the x-men series which is owned by Marvel. If you have any problem with the mention of homosexuality or are under age in your residing area to see mature content please resign from reading this story. If you do not heed this warning neither the author nor the site is to be responsible for any act against you by the law or your conscience.

This Chapter has been edited by Nightlit and re-posted in .text format by the suggestion of a reader.

Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.

A Mutant Lover II

The scenery was pure and untouched. The snow had fallen during the night while we were in the heat of our passion. As we enjoyed the afterglow of our time we felt no worries, no pressures, just he and I spooned on a mattress as we lay near the fireplace, cuddling and watching the white snow gently fall onto the earth. It was my last memory of a love filled night. A longed passed weekend between Christmas and New Year during a forgotten retreat of my family.

"A most beautiful sight I must say."

I jumped and covered myself with the sheet that was slightly over us. In the sofa was sitting a bald man. I looked around and couldn't see my love.

"Where is he?!" I asked him, my voice echoing in the empty mansion.

"Don't worry Mr. Phoenix this is just a memory to keep you calm," answered the bald man, "I'm Professor Charles Xavier, headmaster of the Charles Xavier Institute of the Gifted, the same institute you boyfriend works in. I must apologize for intruding in your mind, Mr. Phoenix, but it was necessary that we had a few words as soon as possible."

"Ok... But how can you do this?"

"I'm a telepath, that's my mutant ability. It's the purpose of my institution to provide a safe place for young mutants to grow and learn without living the chaos you surely remember." I closed my eyes and remembered everything that happened, the robot, Wally, the policeman, and then something hit my mind.

"That means... Bobby..."

"Yes, he is," answered the Professor before I could finish. "You have proven to be trust worthy Mr. Phoenix. There are two young men that have vouched for you. Wallace would never have accompanied us if we didn't bring you."

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, he only had a few scratches and fatigue from all the straining of his powers."

"That's good..."

"I feel somewhat responsible for the troubles between you and Mr. Drake. I normally keep an eye in this kind of thing. Though I depend highly on brave people like Robert Drake to aid in our cause, I care greatly for their happiness. If it wasn't for Jean I might have committed a great mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"It's our hope to one day to see humans and mutants live together in harmony. For that reason I formed a group of mutants known as the X-men, whose purpose is to intervene when one attempts against the other. This sentinel attacks are quite a struggle for us. We have tried to rescue as many mutants as possible before the attacks so the government doesn't retaliate against our small haven." He sighted and continued. "Alas we are not omniscient. There are many like young Wallace who are beyond our scope of vision. Never the less we try."

"What was the mistake then? It sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan under the circumstances."

"We almost didn't go rescue you."

"I'm not a mutant Professor Xavier. My death wouldn't affect your cause."

"What kind of person would deny himself a chance to live?"

"One that's broken inside..." I whispered. He stood up and walked towards me.

"You're a small proof that what we're doing is right, that there's hope for co-existence," he said kneeling and placing his hand in my shoulder. "You, a normal human, saved a mutant knowing that he was one. I know there are troubles between you and Bobby, but I know full well that he being a mutant is not something that you resent of him or is it?" "I don't know... I haven't thought of it..." He stood up once more and headed towards the door. "Maybe you should speak to him. It could help you clear things up," he said before leaving me alone.

I felt the cold of the outside penetrate the room. I wished to be somewhere warmer and with clothes. Suddenly, I found myself in the restaurant where Bobby and I normally meet. I was sitting in a booth from which I could see Bobby and myself sitting very close together drinking hot chocolate. I remember this happening the first Christmas we spend as a couple, more than a year ago. The day was cold and we decided to warm up cuddling in the booth.

"Hey, Bobby?" my past self said.


"How about we go on vacation this summer together?" I could see Bobby's face change from peaceful to sadden.

"I'll have to ask. I'll tell you next time, okay?"

"Okay," my past self answered snuggling more into him. The scenery changed again into some kind of office. There was Bobby and a guy with reddish brown hair and red shades.

"Why the hell not!" yelled Bobby furious.

"You know why not," calmly answered the guy with shades, "So stop asking."

"This is unfair Scott! The Professor would have let me and you know it!"

"The Professor isn't here and we need everyone we have until we find him!" yelled Scott, "If it wasn't for Jean I wouldn't even let you go to those weekend getaways of yours!" Bobby was trembling with anger and clenching his fists. I somehow felt the temperature of the room lower.

"This is so unfair!" said Bobby through his teeth. Scott went for the door.

"Deal with it," he said as he went out without looking back. Bobby dropped to his knees and punched the floor. A thin layer of ice quickly covered the floor.

"I'm sorry..." The scenery quickly changed to a New York sidewalk.

"...I really want to but I already signed for the summer courses." We were walking to the movies that night. He was telling me how he had signed up to help for summer school on the institute he works at so we couldn't go on a vacation together.

"It's okay, maybe next time?"

"I wouldn't miss it," he said smiling at me. He then took hold of my hand, a first for us in public. The smile on my face never left me the whole night. With that memory I felt something in me break, or maybe the realization that we could never get back to that. Everything started to fade; the world around me was slowly turning white.

"What the fuck will I do?" I whispered and sat on the floor or at least what felt like a floor. No matter if we continued or stopped it wouldn't be the same again. I took hold of my knees as tears started to flow from my eyes.

"I thought you would get tired of me..." I heard his voice from behind me. "Here is this great looking guy, smart, kind, the works... and he's with me."

"I'm not that big of a deal..."

"You are!" he said, "You are to me..." He must have sit down behind me because I felt his back against mine. "It took me a long time to accept being gay, and even after accepting it, I resented it. The only people to come to the mansion as openly gay were practically driven away. I know the Professor would welcome it with open arms, but the other guys..." He sighted and continued. Eventually I just gave up having the possibility of having a real relationship. No women could ever make me feel the way I feel for a guy. So one Friday night I just went New York with plans to sleep with as many guys as possible. That was until you came alone."

The scenery turned back to the restaurant on a very busy Friday night. Bobby was sitting in a booth by himself, staring into the night through the window. I was picking up my order and was walking toward the end of the restaurant when some guy bumped into me. From the impact I ended up sitting in Bobby's booth across from him. The two of us just starred at each other for a moment before we looked away blushing.

"I'm sorry..." I said not daring to look at him.

"It's okay..." Bobby said touching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "If you want you can eat here." I stopped as I was about to get up.

"You don't mind?"

"No, no... be my guest," he said smiling.

"Thanks," I said with a smile. The whiteness returned.

"You changed my life that night. You gave me hope of a better future, of being something more than a soldier in an unknown war."

"Get your head down from the clouds Icee. The moment that girl of yours finds out you're a mutie, she won't be feeling the same." The place suddenly turn into some kind of entertainment room were Bobby was being confronted by some punk guy.

"You don't know her John, so don't be talking shit, man!" yelled Bobby and stormed off. A red haired woman stopped him in the hall and forced him into a hug.

"Don't worry," she whispered, "have faith in him."

"...but I still doubted, so I kept my distance." Silence surrounded us as the memory faded into whiteness. I had to digest everything that he told me and everything that had happened. But it all came down to him being a mutant. Would he use his powers against me? Well... in the past year and a half he never did. Would I be a hypocrite by shunning him for something he was born with? Does he really love me?

"Remember our first time?" I asked him.

"Yeah... One doesn't forget when he loses his virginity."

"No way...I was your first too?"

"Well... my first guy..."

"You too..." I said to him, "You were the first guy to offer something beside a one night stand. At least in the beginning..." I felt a bit guilty for bringing that up but I felt it was something that we couldn't hide.

"That was the biggest mistake of my life," he said after a minute of silence, "I let the fear of losing you separate us. I know I don't deserve it but..." He had stood up and now he was kneeling in front of me. "Would you give me a second chance?"

"Would things be different..?" I asked silently. He closed his eyes and sighted.

"All I can promise is to do my best..." he answered opening them. To tell the truth that all I could ask of him. That fear of his, I had it before, but I realized back then that nobody cared about me. So either gay or straight they would still scorn me, so what the heck... right? But he... he has loved ones who actually love him, as I do.

"Did you know love makes you stupid?" I asked him, his eyes dimed a little. "I love you, Robert Drake. So much I worked myself to death just to have the weekend free for you." I pulled him on top of me. His blue eyes looked questioning and hopeful at me. "As long as you're with me, I'm happy."

"Then I'll make you happy 24/7," he said smiling and he gave me a small tender kiss.

"Back to my original question, do you remember our first time? What I said before we fell asleep?" The whiteness disappeared like a mist revealing a dark room. The full moon shone bright in the clear night sky through the window, its light gently caressing the bed. We lay hugging each other, our bodies glued together by the essence of our love. After a few minutes of silence I looked up to him and caressed his arms. "Bobby you're cold..."

"I've been told that before..." He separated from me and faced away. I shook my head in disbelieve and spooned him, grabbing him in my arms.

"I'll keep you warm..." I whispered in his ear and kissed his neck. "As long as you want me..." I kissed his shoulder. "I'll be here for you." He turned to face me and kissed me. He looked into my eyes, his held some sort of glimmer.

"Thank you..." and we fell asleep.

Professor Xavier opened his eyes, his job now finished. Between his hands lay the hands of the two young men now holding each other. He let them go and rolled away from the bed. He looked at them and smiled in satisfaction.

"The verdict?" asked Scott from the open door. The Professor didn't look at him, his chair rolled to the sofa on the opposite wall.

"I suppose Iceman will have less time for missions on the future and we just took two small steps to accomplish our goal." Wallace was asleep on the sofa and the Professor covered him with the blanket that had fallen off. Scott just nodded and went out.

"Sometime I wish he didn't act so stoic," said a red head entering the room. "I know he only does it because he's the leader but it's unnerving sometimes." She moved to the bed and started to take off all the sensors and untangled them from the IV. "How do you think this news will be received?"

"I am afraid that whoever made Piotr leave might try to do it to them as well." He turned his wheelchair around. "Someone is causing our haven to be unsafe. Hopefully the love this two young ones share will prove stronger than his hate." Jean smiled and put his hand in Ethan's forehead, and then she moved it to Bobby's.

"Professor, Bobby feels normal." The Professor just raised his eyebrow in question. "I mean his temperature feels... normal. It always felt somewhat cold before."

The Professor smiled and said, "It would seem like the man of ice have been thawed by love."

Next: Chapter 3

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