Mutant on the Rise

By Ryan C

Published on Jan 25, 2008


Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in my own universe, not at all related to the movies. Any comments, suggestions, or anything of the like, please feel free to email me at

Chapter 1: The Discovery

Looking back on what had happened, I regret it all. I looked around me, seeing nothing but death everywhere. What had I become? How had I done this? Why was everything burning? What had caused this massacre? Many other questions were running through my mind but I was too tired to even begin answering them. I decided to take a walk, out of the mansion that I called my home for a long time; too long. I walked out the huge double doors at the front of the house and walked down the steps to the driveway. I walked the two hundred yards to the front gate and stopped. No, I didn't want go for a walk, I wanted to drive to my favorite spot in the city; atop the mountains to my secluded cabin. Only my very close friends knew about the cabin, but those friends, along with others I didn't know where dead on the mansion floor. I walked over to the garage and took out my key chain and pressed the garage door opener that was on it. The door arose and I saw five different cars parked in a row. The car right in the middle was my baby, my pride and joy, a red 2008 Ford Mustang. I unlocked the doors and got into the drivers side. I started the car and drove out of the garage. I closed the garage door with the remote control on the sun shade above my head. Then I opened the gate as it was now in front of me with a though, and drove onto the main road. I continued to drive and drove towards my mountain cabin. While driving I sorted my thoughts and started answering the questions that had plagued my mind earlier. I started from the beginning.

My name is Sebastian Scott and I was no ordinary person. I spent my childhood running around the East Coast because my father was in the military. It was all right, until I had to be separated from my girlfriend of 3 years. Yeah, that tore me up real bad and it didn't help that I was moving 4,000 miles from her, where I stayed for about six years. After that I moved to Florida. I completed high school and begun my first semester at a state university. Things were great at school. Grades were decent in every class, definitely nothing failing. I was apart of a couple groups at school, college Democrats being one. I was on break for the Thanksgiving holidays and was staying at my parent's house, for my dad had retired and decided they wanted to stay in Florida because they liked it so much. That's when things in my perfect world start to crash, again.

I was up in my room playing with my lighter, opening and starting the beautiful flame, running my fingers through the flame, not moving them immediately but not letting them get burnt. I loved fire, it was my element. I had never set anything on fire though; I just loved to mess with it. You know see which materials are flammable and how if you sparked it at the right time and the fuel was high enough you could see a fireball form and then shoot into a flame, I loved it. Anyway, I was in my room playing with my lighter, and I looked over at the television.

"I wonder what's on." I thought to myself. I was too busy playing with my lighter to go over and pick up the remote control, however. I thought how cool it would be if I could lift the remote control telekinetically. Then suddenly I saw my room get very bright. I looked down at the hand with the lighter and I noticed a red ball of liquid flame caressed safely in the palm of my hand with the lighter in my other hand. I panicked and threw the ball of fire out of my hand. Luckily, the ball of flew and hit my fish tank, scared my goldfish a bit, but otherwise didn't bring any lasting harm.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked myself. I walked out of my room still playing with my lighter just flipping open the cap and putting it back down. I walked down the upstairs hallway and head down the stairs in front of me. I wanted to tell my mother what had happened. Looking around the corner of the stairs I called out to her.

"Mom, where are you?" I shouted.

"In the living room dear," she hollered back. I walked over to the living room and noticed that we had a guest in the room. She was sitting on the couch but then stood once I entered. She was about 5'10" and had short red hair that went down to her shoulders but was layered. She had green eyes and was dressed in a female tux. She also looked to have come with a briefcase as there was one now open on the coffee table.

"Hello, Sebastian," she said.

"Hello, Ms..." I stuttered.

"Doctor, Jean Grey," she finished.

"Hello, Dr. Grey."

"Sebastian, I am her to extend an invitation to a prestigious school for gifted people like you." She answered the unspoken question apparent on my face.

"I am flattered, Dr. Grey, to say that I have been invited to this school, but I should say and my grades speak for itself, I am a good student but I am not that good." I told her in all honesty.

"We are not inviting you to the school on your grades but rather you other abilities. You know of the ones I speak." She said with a look on her face that I noticed she knew about what just happened in my room.

a voice said out of no-where. <It is I, Dr. Grey who is speaking to you.>

"How did you know about what happened upstairs?" I asked.

"What happened upstairs?" my mother quickly inquired.

"I was too busy playing with my lighter to go over and pick up the remote control to turn on the T.V. I thought how cool it would be if I could lift the remote control telekinetically. All of a sudden I saw my room get very bright. I looked down at the hand with the lighter and I noticed a red ball of fire caressed in the palm of my hand, with the lighter still in my hand. I panicked and threw the ball of fire out of my hand. Luckily the ball of flame flew and hit my fish tank and it didn't catch anything on fire." I told my mother. I was going to tell her the truth. If the offer to go to the school was real, then if she got upset I would just go off to the school. Plus, Dr. Grey all ready knew about the incident and I didn't want to give a bad impression about something so small.

"So what are you saying?" my mother asked.

"I dunno; I really do not know myself either." I replied.

"I can explain it." Dr. Grey said. "It is your son's mutant power, so to speak. I am also a mutant. I have the power of telekinesis and telepathy. Observe," she said as she raised her hand and pointed to the bookshelf. A book slowly rose off the shelf and towards Dr. Grey's open hand, "as I said before, you were offered to go to this school not because of your grades, but because you are a mutant. At the facility you will be trained to harness your powers. I cannot tell you the limits or what power you possess, for I do not know, but we will find out when we get to the school if you want to go and with your parents permission."

"Mother can I go?" I asked enthusiastically.

"It's all right with me. Let me call your father to get his consent. I am sure he will allow you to go though, if not you can still go; I'll talk some sense into him. Now go pack up, we don't want to keep Dr. Grey waiting."

"Your mother is right, go and pack. I will talk to your mother regarding some information about the school." Dr. Grey instructed.

"I shall be right back."

"Yes go hurry son, so you can get on your way." My mother said with reassurance that she accepted my mutancy. I ran upstairs and into my room and started to pack.

"Mrs. Scott I would like to express my gratitude for making the decision to have your son attend this school." Dr. Grey said.

"It's not really my decision to make Dr. Grey, it is Sebastian's."

"Please call me Jean."

"O.K. Jean, what is this school Sebastian is going too? What is it like?" Mrs. Scott inquired.

"The school, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, is named after it's founded, Charles Xavier. Hear is a brochure regarding what the school has to offer." Jean took a brochure out of her briefcase and handed it to Mrs. Scott. "As well as teaching mutants this school offers many areas in academics. As you see the morning classes start at 8:00 and continue till lunch. Then after lunch each student has a personal training session with a professor and trains to control and learn how to use their special power. After their training session they are free till dinner and then after dinner they are free till lights out which is at 9:00. Students are confined to their rooms and can do whatever in their rooms. At 10:00 lights go out and its bedtime. Your son will have martial arts training on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursday are additional powers training. Friday afternoons and weekends are free, so the students can do whatever they would like."

"Do you teach at the school?' Mrs. Scott asked.

"Yes, I teach science, mostly human anatomy and medical science, the rest of the science classes are taught by Dr. McCoy. Professor Charles Xavier is the headmaster of the school and he..." Jean said but was interrupted by a phone call. Mrs. Scott went over to the phone and answered it.

"Hello...yes dear we need to can't right now...ok I to you later you too...bye." After that Mrs. Scott hung up the phone.

"I take it that was Sebastian's father?" Jean inquired.

"Yes, he said he would be home late." Then they heard a clutter and clang. A few seconds latter Sebastian was back in the lining room with his bags packed.

"Was that dad?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, your father will be home late. I'll talk to him then about you going to the school. I'm sure he won't mind and if he does, you can still go. It's your decision to make on where you want to go to school at. Now you better go, before I get all teary-eyed." She said trying to hold back the tears.

"Yes, Sebastian, we should go. You'll want to get settled into your room and get a goods night rest for your meeting with the headmaster in the morning."

"All right, I guess we should go. I can't wait." I said getting very anxious. I walked out of the living room and down the hallway towards the door. Dr. Grey and my mother followed me down the hall. I turned around and dropped my bag, reached over and gave my mother a goodbye hug.

"Now don't forget to write. You packed your laptop right?"

"Yes mother. I'll write you everyday if I can." I said sarcastically.

"All right dear. Now you go off. And have fun and make friends." I hugged her one last time and gave her a kiss on the check. I then grabbed my bags and motioned to Dr. Grey that I was ready to go.

"It was nice meeting you Mrs. Scott. I am sure that Sebastian will like his school very much. And I'll make sure he writes you." Dr. Grey said giving my mother a reassuring look.

"It was nice meeting you too, Dr. Grey." And with that I opened the door and walked out onto the walkway that led out onto the main street.

"Um...Dr. Grey, how are we supposed to get to the school?" I asked.

"Don't call me Dr. Grey, I hate it. Call me Jean. When you are in class with me, that's a different story though, you must still call me Dr. Grey. We are getting to the school by a private jet so to speak." With that she took out what looked like a cell phone and pressed a button on it, then put it to her ear.

"Ororo, you can come pick us up now. I've got him." She spoke into the phone.

"Copy that Jean; be there in a few minutes." Jean then pressed another button and put the phone back in her pocket.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was the pilot of our mode of transportation. They will be here shortly." As if an answer to an unasked question a huge, black jet zoomed across the sky and settled down on the street. It was about forty feet long and about twenty or so feet tall. It was painted in a mid-night shade of blue/black. It looked beautiful and secretive at the same time.

"Like it?" Jean asked.

"Love it. This is our mode of transportation, a jet." I half asked half stated.

"Yep," She said as a set of stairs descended from the belly of the plane. She walked slowly over to the plane and up the steps: I followed suite with my bags in my hands. Once up the stairs I noticed that the belly of the jet and cockpit were on long tube. There were seats on both sides and a row of chairs facing the front in the cockpit.

"You can put your stuff in the cargo hold under the floor." A woman with white hair told me. She was about 5'4" and had long white hair that went to her a little past her shoulders. She had a tan complexion and had a black suit on.

"Sebastian this is Ororo Monroe, she will be one of your teachers at the school. She is also one of the pilots for this jet, the Blackbird." Jean introduced me to Ororo. Ororo extended out a hand and I took it.

"Nice to meet you Sebastian, I will most likely be your math teacher at the school." She said disengaging from the handshake. "You can put your bags in the cargo hold under the floor." She then motioned with her hand at the floor below me and I saw that there was a handle on a couple of the floor plates. I bent down and lifted one of the tiles to reveal that there was indeed storage. I place my bags into the storage area and then put the floor tile back on.

"If you'll excuse me I must prepare the jet for flight. Please sit down and fasten your seatbelt. We will be taking off shortly." Ororo said as she went to the cockpit of the jet and sat at one of the chairs all the way up front. Sebastian decided to take the seat behind her as she worked, observing what she was doing. Jean walked up in front of him and sat in a seat on the right side of Ororo. She noticed that I had a very festinated look on my face.

"You like flying Sebastian?" Jean asked me.

"Yes, my father has a personal pilot's license. We used to go flying almost every weekend, but that was before he got the big promotion to CEO of the company he was working for. Now, we hardly ever fly. I've been wanting to get my own personal pilot's license but I haven't been able to get around to it. College is taking up a lot of my time."

"What were you majoring in at your college?" Jean asked.

"I was studying a little of everything. I haven't really chosen my major yet. I was taking courses in aviation, acting, and English Literature. I have yet to decide what I want to be." I answered.

"Buckle up everyone; we're ready for take-off." Ororo said as I heard the whining of the jet engines starting up. We were suddenly in the air and off towards the school.

This is an update on New at Mutant High Series. I've been busy working on a couple chapters before posting another. Reason being is that I figured that if i have several chapters written, then i can post on a regualr basis, instead of at random times where it could be a week before another chapter or a month, or even a year! So, in addition to working on this i have also worked on a side story.

I did want to take to pose a question to anyone who reads this. Would you all rather i continue with the flashbacks? Or instead go to the beginning of the flashbacks and tell the story from there?

write your answers to

I'll give it two weeks, that will give me enough time to finish up the chapters i have and be able to post the next one. Hope to hear from ya'll.

Next: Chapter 2

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