MV Lady Jean Peterson

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on May 3, 2020


Hello all. First of all I would like to thank Nifty for welcoming me back, that meant a lot and of course those readers who have written to me, a huge thank you to you all. I sincerely hope none of you have been effected by this dreadful virus, but I guess we all have in one way or another, life has changed so much. Stay home if you can and be safe.

It's great to be back and will now be able to take the LJP to it's conclusion in a few chapters time, there is still some way to go though. I have just finished chapter 26 and will send it in after this coming weekend, by then I hope to have got part through 27 in an attempt of some consistency. Best wishes to you all. __________________________________________________________

M/V Lady Jean Peterson

Chapter 26

By BobbyG

First thing Monday morning Scott opened the file. He read the first page but had to stop because of certain activities Andrew was carrying out on his body. "Fuck it, we will take it to the office tomorrow, you may continue."

"I intend to." At least that's what Scott thought he said but he had his mouth full at the time. Much later he rang the company offices to let them know they would be dropping in and why.

That evening they went out for an Italian meal, on Tuesday French, then Wednesday Scott insisted they went American and took Andrew to a McDonalds which bought about some very strong language from the young engineer. He got back at Scott by withdrawing all sexual favours for a whole two minutes when they got back to the flat. It would have been longer but for Scott's embraces and whispered intentions to what he would do for Andrew when they got naked, sort of reversed his thinking quite a lot. Scott having his hand down the front of Andrew's pants playing with his bits did no harm either.

Thursday morning arrived all too soon and after the usual routine they showered, got dressed and went out for breakfast at lunchtime! Charlie rang to tell them he was on his way and would be there by 2pm and take them straight to the Jean. All of a sudden they were both back into their world and in fact could not wait for Charlie to turn up.

It was great to be back and just the crew waiting for them. The reunion was special and of course the numbers had increased by four for the next sailing. After touring the Jean and being bought up to date about her readiness to go back to sea, they all met up in the saloon. "The O6 is due next Wednesday and will be ready to sail on Friday Skip. The Jean is ready apart from full provisioning. George, Colin and Shawn have placed an order and it's being delivered Wednesday at 6am and the whole crew will help transfer Jan's grub. We made it that time because you might want to exercise on that day."

"Thanks Paul, we will go to sea tomorrow. I take it all crew are on board now?"

"Yes Skip."

"Andrew and I will be staying with dad until we sail with the O6 but will be back on board for breakfast. Tomorrow engine start up at 9 ready to sail at 11 and go to the Irish sea for two days to carry out exercises and get Theo and Royston familiar with the Jean again and of course get Shawn sea ready, you will be with Jan Shawn. Mathew, I take it all weapons and ammunition are on board and stowed away?"

"Yes Skip, Paul and I went to the ranges on Salisbury Plain to zero our rifles and the GPMG's. We have serviced all the weapons and they are now stored in the new armoury store below your cabin as well as the ammo and are ready to go."

"Good, but even though I may have married some guy the other day, I have also had time to think and after this meeting I want one with you and Paul." Scott turned to the boys and smiled at them, they smiled back but they had been doing that since their two favourite men had come "home."

"Right you two, I take it your new toys are up and running and you have flown them for a few hours?" Stupid question Scott told himself, of course they had!

"Oh yes Skip and they are brilliant. We hate to say it because the first ones were great but these are even better. Peter and Jimmy stayed on after you married that bloke and we had them assembled and test flew both of them in a couple of days. We could not fly to their maximum of course because we can't fly that distance over land so we can only find out when we are at sea. But we did test the new tear gas containers and they worked well. The flying time has been increased by another 15 minutes and the top speed to exactly 100 mph. But Skip there is even better news. If by any chance the helicopters fly out of the three mile range the on board computer will cut off manual control, turn itself round and fly back into range, we can't wait to try it out."

"Well done, that's really good to know. It wont be long before we find out. Right I have just one more thing. One of the journalists who camped outside the house hopes to make a documentary about us and MAY join us next week. Our security people are checking him out. I'm actually quite keen to have him because it could be good for us as Andrew and I were quite taken to him when we met and not just because he is young, good looking and gay, we think there are other reasons! He will be told to ask your permission before filming anything you are involved in and if you object your faces will be pixled out. Ok, that's me done, any one else?"

"Oh yes indeed Captain Cod! This guy want's to tell you lot all about MY activities since I married this dude, bloke, guy or what ever you want to call him!"

"Andrew, keep it to yourself my love, I think we can guess what your activities were all about and very much the same as Paulina's and mine?" For some reason the meeting came to a sudden end.

Scott, Paul and new man, ex Royal Marine sniper Mathew were sat in Scott's and Andrew's cabin, Scott came straight to the point. "I have buggered up and you two know it. I can't control our response to an attack AND fire the GPMG, so we have to find another shooter, agree?"

"We have already spoken about it Skip and we were going to talk to you but you have saved us the bother. I think the choices are pretty limited......" Scott interrupted.

"I bet I know who would take it on Paul."

"Who Skip?"

"Jan." Paul smiled at his captain.

"She would be my choice as well, in fact the only one and now that Mathew has met her, he thinks the same as me."

"She scares the shit out of me, I'm just pleased we are on the same side!"

"I will talk to her tomorrow, thanks lads but I need to see my dad, but have to find Andrew first I suppose."

Andrew was in Shawn's cabin telling him most of what went on during the very short honeymoon. "Have you spoken much to Mathew, he looks good at least."

"Yes I have and your right, he is good looking but straight, stupid man. Seems a nice guy though and to be honest I'm really not that bothered at this time, all I want to do is get stuck into being part of the crew and there's a lot to get stuck into I realise that now. Andy, I am so happy for you, you have found a lovely man and with any luck I will find my man in time."

"You will I'm sure of that. Shawn, I love him so much but scared at the same time. Scott is more than bloody good, he has many experienced seamen who admire him but that's what frightens me. For some time now he has been talking about taking back a ship that's been captured and I know full well if the conditions are on his side, he will attempt a boarding with Paul and maybe Mathew now he is with us."

"Well I don't know too much just now, but I'm sure with those three involved I could almost feel sorry for the pirates." There was a bang on the door which turned out to be Scott asking if his husband would like to get to meet his father in law again.

They were welcomed back with open arms of course and had a lovely dinner with Brenda joining them. She had wondered about the name she was going to announce at the launch of the new ship but had not been told, so she asked. "Scott and I actually came up with several and to be honest there are two possible names but really only one contender in my opinion but so far Scott is not in agreement so we will have to wait a while."

"So what's your two choices?"

"Well mine is "M/V Lady Jean Voyager" and Scott's, well let him tell you I'm buggered if I will." Scott grinned at Brenda. "You will love this."

"Something tells me I won't." Scott ignored her.

"As it's a cargo ship of course carrying tons of goods, much of which will end up in shops and supermarkets I have chosen a really appropriate name and would call her the "M/V Shopping Trolley." Brenda just stared at her lovely boy not believing what she had just heard. Scott kept smiling at her. "I've got a couple more but there not nearly as good." The dear lady was lost but had to say something. "Oh you silly sod!" Then got up to get the cheese board. Sir William, Andrew and Scott had a brief moment to giggle until Brenda came back from the kitchen but was nowhere nearer finding out what the new ship would be called and had to except that just before she named her a Union Flag would be released exposing it. "But if it's that bloody Shopping Trolley name, forget it!"

The alarm was due to go off at 6am but as always Scott was awake before it did and quietly got out of bed and after a kiss on Andrew's cheek went to the shower. Andrew joined him two minutes later, ten minutes after that they towelled one another dry and got dressed. Both had a massive smile on their faces. "It's good to be back Andrew. You ready for this?"

"Can't wait, just hope you remember how to drive her."

"I won't be driving anywhere if you've forgotten how to start her up."

"I think we need to get there as quickly as possible."

The whole crew were in the saloon waiting for Scott and Andrew. Scott was more than pleased to see everyone was very well turned out and obviously more than keen to get back to sea. Mathew had been to sea before but Shawn would just have to catch up and with Jan on his back Scott knew he would either do very well very quickly or throw himself over board!

They all helped themselves and sat down and just chatted to a neighbour or as in the boys case just eat, they were always the first up for a second helping.

Now everything was cleared away the meeting could start, or more to the point listen to Scott.

"Welcome back everyone and a welcome return to Theo and Royston, also a welcome to you Mathew and Shawn, we all hope you will be happy sailing with us.

After this meeting I would like to meet with you Jan and Paulina. At 7 30 we will have our people coming to check over the repairs and new works that have been carried out and all engineers to accompany them and if any problems show up they will have to be fixed by yesterday. When the engines are up and running there will be a full check on all bridge systems which will continue during our sailing to the Irish sea. During this sailing we will be testing all systems many times as well as sail at full speed and no doubt chucking the Jean all over the place. Paul, you and I will organise at least two fire practices but I want you to give instruction to Mathew and Shawn as well as refreshers for Theo and Royston in fire control and fighting. Shawn and Mathew, you will be given instruction by Jan and Reggie on all the bridge equipment and instrumentation and when you are all free, Reggie will give you some basics on navigation and our navigation systems. The first exercise will be man over board as soon as we get into the channel. Paul will sort the watches out but I will be on the bridge for much of the sailing but not part of a watch. Jerry we will start gym sessions when we sail with the O6, the hand to hand stuff will also begin then. I have already picked out the area when we start to fire the weapons and I need to meet with you Paul and Mathew about that. I want two of you to go to workshop 4 and pick up six empty boxes that we will use as target practise, they know someone is coming for them. Any changes that may happen Paul or I will announce over the ships intercom. There will be several alerts of course and I will have the RIB launched to practise attack us. Can't think of anything else so we will bugger off unless anyone got anything?"

"Just one thing Skip."

"Yes Jerry."

"Just want to say it's good to be back."

"It is indeed, thank you."

"So Jan, what do you think?" They were in Scott's and Andrew's cabin with Paulina.

"Well as for firing the weapon, no problem but I have not shot anything since I left the navy and even though it sounds a bit big headed, I wasn't too bad and I promise to miss the shits and just give warning bursts."

"Paulina? You ok with this?"

"Of course I am Skip. If I said I wasn't she would end up shooting me!"

"That's all settled then, Jan you meet up with the lads and they will start the training. Thanks both of you."

The ships company went about their work with their usual enthusiasm which rubbed off on the new members. But Shawn was becoming a tad anxious about sailing and wondering if the dreaded sea sickness would make an appearance, he had convinced himself it would which was not the best frame of mind and a guarantee it would. He went down to the sick bay and found Reggie Paulina and Royston going through their check lists. "Well Shawn we could give you a sea sickness tablet but they are more for passengers not crew as they can make you quite tired, but we do have a new injection that has had some very good results during the five years it's been in use, would you like to try it!"

"Oh yes please!"

"Very well, we sail at 11 so come back here at 10 30 and get your bum ready." Shawn was already sure he would be fine and went about his work without a care in the world.

Much was happening in all departments including the galley where all three crammed together preparing lunch. Shawn had been given the soup detail, a huge cooking pot that would simmer away all day and most of the night and the massive soup tureen in the saloon would be kept topped up to be used just about 24 hours a day.

Scott went to his bridge at 9 to watch the monitors as the engines were started and could not be happier as the hum came from below and filled the ship with that familiar sound and vibration, the Jean had come back to life once again. He checked the engine room monitors then went down to the hanger to talk to the boys. "All ok here?" They cuddled in with the usual smiles and much love.

"Do you want a demo Skip?"

"Could I stop you Jon?"

"Doubt it Skip." They got Jon's helicopter started up and after his pre flight checks it was wheeled out on the rails, the clamps released and up it went. The new system had a much larger screen and the image coming back even clearer. Jon flew over the Jean and then out over the harbour for 15 minutes then came back and landed. "My word you are right, they are much improved on the originals. Boys we may have other means to defend ourselves but these two bad boys will always be the main source, never forget that."

Back up on the bridge Neil, Andrew and Theo reported to Scott to give him an update on the state of the engine room. Scott noted that Neil took a back seat and Andrew delivered their report. It was long and detailed and ok it was his husband but Scott was impressed with the delivery as well as Neil's thoughtfulness. "Thanks all of you. The weather won't allow us to go to full ahead for a couple of days but we may find a window when we can open her up, I can't wait to find what her top speed is now. He picked up the mike. "All crew. I have just had an update from the engineers and pleased to report we are ready to sail in half an hour, deck crew standby and first watch report to the bridge." He went down to the saloon to get a mug of soup and saw Shawn about to leave. "You jumping ship Shawn?"

"No Skip, Reggie is giving me an anti sea sickness injection he says is very good and been used for about five years."

"Oh right, never heard of it, hope it works." Shawn didn't hear, he was too anxious to get to the sick bay.

"Right my boy drop um Paulina will inject the antidote." The lad dropped his trousers and Paulina pushed his pants down to expose a rather lovely right bum cheek which Reggie noted and then injected Shawn with the water she had filled the syringe with. "There you go Shawn, no sea sickness for you."

"Thanks both, can't tell you how relieved I am!" He pulled every thing up and went back to the galley a very happy young man.

"Well done Reggie, just hope mind over matter and the water works for him!"

"It will my dear, it will." It did......, for a week or so.

"Cast off fore and aft." With Freddy at the helm the Lady Jean Peterson and crew were back in their natural world as she pulled away from the mooring and headed out into the Southampton water. Once into the English Channel they turned west towards the Irish sea and a full programme of exercises that would bring the ship back to her full readiness.

"How do you think we are Scott?" They were cuddled up in their bunk wrapped up together. "I'm really pleased love and still can't get over the fact that Paul and Mathew can hit those boxes just about every time. Jan has proved how good she is and as far as the stern grenades are concerned I just can't wait to fire them off when that lot attack us. The helicopters are fantastic, but then so are the boys. I loved it when Marcel flew his out of range and it just bought itself back, bloody amazing techy shit."

"Very well put captain, would you like to put your penis to some sort of techy shit!?"

"That's disgusting.......! Turn over."

The exercising continued until they met the O6 coming back from Canada 100 miles into the Atlantic. Scott took Mathew over to meet Bob Taylor and tour the outside of the bridge and select firing positions for both weapons. "I will transfer Mathew and the weapons and ammunition when we are three miles out, he will remain with you until your approach to Cape Town and everything bought back. He will rejoin you when you sail back out. That gives you plenty of time to practise your firing." They stayed for dinner and then transferred back to the Jean and went ahead of the O6 and got back in time for Scott and Andrew to get home for another dinner!

"The police have been in touch, they have found Hammond who was staying with his sister in Manchester and have cleared him from any involvement in O'Brian's plans to take the O6 and you. I'm meeting him when I go to London next week and see if he wants to sail with the O4, there will be a 2nd officer post on her in a couple of months. Got two other bits of news for you, I have been contacted by two companies asking for armed escorts when you are able to meet up. Terms have to be agreed but I will include a fuel top up as part of them. Leave it to me to sort out and I can tell you about it when we have got a definite booking. The other bit of news you won't like one bit, our people have recommended we don't take this Barnes Willis on. Several questions about him have turned up and they don't have the time to investigate them before you sail. However, they will continue to investigate and if he proves to be sound and you want him they suggest he sails with one of our ships and transfer to you when you meet up to escort her."

"Sod it, I really hoped he could sail with us, I think an independent documentary about us would be more than good for us especially after the O1 attack. Ok, we will just have to see what our people turn up."

"Ok, what are you up to now?"

"Not much we are staying with you and Andrew and I wont go to the Jean until late afternoon, I'm leaving it to Paul to finish off the last bits then join her about 4ish. We will leave at 12 30 Friday and wait for Bob Taylor to come out at 13 30, so you will have to put up with us until we have to go."

"That's excellent maybe we will have time to teach Andrew how to drink whisky?"

"Why, has the M/V Shopping Trolley already landed a load then?"

It was a pleasant family time and lots of it for Andrew to catch up with the rest of HIS family in a video call.

William and Brenda saw them off and just like every other time they had left it was difficult. "Take care and be safe." What else was there to say. Charlie drove them to the harbour and once again boarded their ship knowing the next time they would walk back down the gang way, they would be back in Southampton. There would be five escorts during the three months they would be at sea, but now it was possible to escort other ships between them. They went to their cabin to dump suit cases and for a cuddle before they had to separate. "Scott, I want to say something but promise me you wont beat me up if you don't like what I say."

"I will only beat you up if you say I can. Just say what's on your mind Andrew, it's never stopped either of us before."

"Ok, but this is very personal and it's been on my mind since after the O1 attack when we got back home. It was obvious to me Brenda and dad got on really well and it became much more so before, during and after our wedding......Oh Christ...." Andrew took a deep breath........."Scott, I think dad would like to ask Brenda to marry him." As silences go this was the longest they had ever had but Andrew knowing that what he had said would not be an issue between himself and Scott. Scott was holding Andrew's hand with both of his and raised all of them to kiss the back of his husbands hand, they would be like that for quite some time until Scott looked into Andrew's lovely face...., and smiled. "My word, I knew we were perfect together and after what you have just said, makes us even more perfect........You may not believe me but I have been thinking that for sometime. When mum was killed all dad wanted was to join her and it took ages for him to be talked out of doing something drastic and if it had not been for Brenda, I honestly think he would have ended his life to be back with mum again. Brenda saved dads life and you saved mine when you came back to me.......Andrew, dad maybe stopping himself from asking Brenda to marry him because of me.....That wont happen and together we will get those old farts to get a life together, you agree?"

"Of course I do, but Scott I wont lift a finger until you stop thinking your fathers survival was to do with others than yourself. Skip, you are a bloody good sea captain and you now it, you have done great things on your mothers ship....NOW.... for Gods sake except that without you my father in law would not have survived, Brenda would have lost another best friend and me without the man I cannot live without." Scott smiled at his man. "Am I that good?"

"Oh for God's sake! YES YOU ARE, thick shit" That remark bought about a certain amount of action of the romantic kind.

After the action Scott went to the bridge for a weather check then down to the saloon to join the crew for a snack. The atmosphere was completely different as it was every time they sailed as each of them focused on the voyage that was about to start but added to that knowing they would be attacked in two weeks time. They were well prepared of course but as bullets and other anti pirate stores would fly, there was much more to think about, Jan in particular. "What's for dinner you three?"

"Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding plus the usual bits and before you ask, mustard and horseradish.

"Well I know the horseradish will be English and the mustard better be, is it?"


"Good, can't stand that French mustard shit. Pudding?"

"Shawn is baking four blueberry pies American style."

"Custard or crap cream that you lot over use?"

"I think it had better be crap custard that you lot over use Jan." Shawn smiled at his temporary boss.

"Smart lad, I knew I liked you." Shawn had just got over his first major hurdle.

"Are we ready to sail now Jan?" Scott smiled at his communications officer.

"Yes captain, we are all ready." Jan smiled back.

"Excellent and you will be first for an hours gym session with Jerry after this metting, that should give you an even better appetite."

"Oh bum!" Paulina was in fits as was the rest of the crew.

"Right, now I am back in command, the O6 is still loading but Captain Taylor will be ready to put to sea at 13 30 tomorrow. We start up at 09 30 and sail at 12 30, full ships inspection at 10. We will sail at 5 knots until the 06 catches up then go to her speed of 10 knots. The weather forecast is good with moderate winds and clear visibility, no rain expected, but the Bay of Biscay has promised us to be quite rough as usual. Just to finish, Paul will coordinate Mathew's transfer to the O6 at 3 miles and bring the ship to regular routine after we meet up with Captain Taylor's ship. Meanwhile...." His phone rang telling him it was his father. "Hi Dad, what's up?"

"Scott, call me on the secure line, we have a problem, a big problem." _________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 29

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