My Adventures with Griffin

By Aidan Smith

Published on Apr 13, 2014



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This is my first ever story so if you have any comments you can email me at I will be unavailable from May 2014 to early July 2014, but I will be continuing the story after that. I hope to update at least once a week.

Chapter 3: Griffin and I meet Hayden Byerly and Eli Baker

"School starts in an hour hurry up you don't want to miss the bus!" my Dad screams up at me

I groggily push myself up I have always dreaded the first days of school. First it is always so boring and is literally just a day where everyone introduces themselves and you find out how crappy your next few months are going to be. Secondly what teenager likes waking up at 7:00! After waking up and grabbing a set of clothes I head in the bathroom to take a quick shower. After I finish the shower I grab everything I am going to need for school and then check my phone. I see a message from Griffin asking me if where I wanted to meet up at school and if I knew when I was going to be there. I told him how about outside the cafeteria and that I had no idea. We had already established that we wanted to keep our relationship a secret so no PDA.

After grabbing everything I need and telling my dad that I was leaving I go ahead and head out to the bus stop. I say hey to the other 2 kids that apparently live pretty close to me. I find out that they moved here from out of town recently as well. The neighborhood itself was just finished in about June so most of the families have only been here for about a month. What I didn't realize when we moved here was that it would be filled with families of actors and actresses as well as kid actors. Anyways I got both of their names and then when I recognized the names I asked them a little about their careers. Hayden Byerly was the first boy that I asked and he said that he was doing really well and that he was really excited about the future of his show the Fosters. I knew he was gay as soon as he started talking. Also the blue nail polish was a dead giveaway as well. The other boy was Eli Baker, he said he was a new actor and that he was going to be starring in the show Growing up Fisher that was starting next year. I didn't know if he was gay or not, but I definitely thought both of them were extremely cute.

Before the bus pulled up I asked them if they had any friends in the school currently; Eli said no, but Griffin said he had a friend from his show named Gavin Macintosh that he knew. I extended the invite to both of them to come hang out me and a friend once we got to school.

"Would you mind if I invite Gavin as well?" Hayden asks.

"No that would be cool, it'd be nice to meet some more new people."

"Alright let me call him real quick and I'll let you know if we will meet up there."

"Okay awesome."

While Hayden is calling Gavin I text Griffin and let him know about the new people that I met, and while he sounded jealous having to share he said okay he would love to meet them.

We see the bus in the distance right when Hayden gets off the phone with Gavin and then he tells us that he and Gavin are going to join us. We all file on the bus and then find some seats in the middle of the bus where we can all sit pretty close to each other. We all are becoming pretty quick friends, and after about 10 minutes the bus makes it to the school and after getting off I let them know that we are going to the front of the cafeteria to meet Griffin.

A couple minutes of walking from the bus stop we find the cafeteria and Griffin and I introduce Griffin to everyone, and then Hayden sees Gavin in the corner looking around for him, so we go introduce ourselves to Gavin. We hang out for a good 10 minutes before the first bell rings to go to class, so with that some of us split up while others are in the same grade. Griffin and Hayden both are in the 7th grade classes and share a first and third period, so they will be going to lunch together. Gavin and I both share a grade being in 8th grade, and we had the majority of our classes together the only difference being our first period class. Poor Eli was stuck by himself being the youngest and being in the 6th grade. Before we all split up we got each other's numbers and put them in our phones. Everyone was getting really close and I was really looking forward to the year with all of us being in the school together. Griffin and Hayden walk with each other to their first class of the day and are talking to each other the whole way. I could hear them laughing and couldn't hold back a smile as I knew Griffin really liked all of these new friends that we had made.

After first period I saw Gavin walking and waved to him, so he walks over to me and we start talking about how our first classes went. We both agreed that it was boring and that we both hated our class. We get to our destination and sit next to each other in the back, so you see one thing about me is I am actually really smart, but I never cared enough about school to not just sleep through every class since I could keep a 3.0 average while not really doing anything. Gavin was the same way, but he said that he never could sleep in class he always was scared to get in trouble. We carry on most of the class quietly and then again in our next class together. Finally it is time for lunch and surprisingly the whole group had the same lunch time. Once we all get our food we sit together and discuss how our days are going. Everyone pretty much agreed that class is boring and that we couldn't wait to get home.

"So, Eli how is everything I know none of us are in your grade how is that going?" I ask.

"It's okay, there are some pretty cool people that I have met me and this one guy named Sean Giambrone and another guy named Benjamin Stockham, but neither of them have this lunch."

"Oh alright cool at least you have some people to talk to in class."

"Yeah definitely."

I decide to ask if any of them want to come over tonight to hang out at my place. Everyone says sure except for Gavin who says he has to go home so he can, with the most annoyed look I have ever seen, "support" his sister at her ballet recital. I send my dad a text real quick and make sure that everything is fine and just like I expected he says that that's fine and that he hopes to be home in time tonight to meet all of my new friends. About 5 minutes pass after that and the lunch bell rings sending us all back to class. The rest of the day is pretty uneventful and soon everyone loads onto the bus to my place, and after a 15 minute ride we pull up to the bus stop. We all get off and I lead everyone to my house. After we put our stuff down the one thing that I did not expect Griffin or Hayden to do happened. Griffin kissed Eli and Hayden kissed me. WHAT! After this Griffin sensing my shock says to me, "While in class me and Hayden were talking and he told me that Gavin and him are dating, so I then told him that we are dating."

Hayden adds, "Then I text Gavin after you invited us over and asked him how he would feel if we all had sex together, and he said that if we were down then he would definitely be joining us as soon as he could."

Eli adds, "I actually came out to Griffin and Hayden on the phone and was about to text you and Gavin, but Griffin told me that he wanted it to be a surprise and that all of you were gay as well, and that if I wanted I could join in on the fun today."

"Okay, so let me just get this straight we managed to find all of the gay kids in the school and become friends in less than 24 hours?"

Eli responds, "Yeah, I guess we got lucky, huh. Oh and by the way the two kids I mentioned earlier I found out that they are both dating as well. They thought that I was gay so I confessed and they said that they'd love to hang out sometime too."

"Fuck, this is going to be a great school year! When are we getting this orgy started fellas."

I start bringing everyone upstairs and we all immediately begin stripping. Once we are all naked I see that everyone is hard and so I look and see what kind of package Eli and Hayden have. Hayden has a small 2 inch cock that is just as beautiful as he is and looks a little bigger than it is on him since he shaved what pubes he did have and it really fits well on his smaller body. Eli on the other hand was really big and once he sees everyone else naked you could tell by his smile that he was proud of his cock. It stood about 6 inches and he had no pubes and his balls were still drawn into his body. Once everyone looks everyone over we decide on the same pairings of who kissed who. Hayden and I are on one side of the bed with Griffin and Eli on the other side. Griffin and Hayden are both on the bottom and Eli and I start sucking their cocks. Griffin while Eli is going is giving him the same tips that I gave him about a couple weeks ago. Griffin really had become an expert cocksucker so he was giving Eli some great tips and before we know it Griffin is moaning just as loudly as Hayden is. I easily took all of Hayden's cock and balls in my mouth and was giving him a blowjob that he obviously was enjoying. Hayden was humping wildly in the air so instead of keep on going I pull of him and tell him not yet dude. He groans and then I start fondling his nipples and then I ask him if he is okay with anal. He tells me that he and Gavin fucked a few weeks ago and that he loved it so if I wanted to I could fuck him. Eli then asks me if I could fuck Griffin and I told him to go for it. Before we start fucking though we both decided to bring them to their first orgasm of the day, I expertly suck on Hayden's small cock while finger fucking him with 3 fingers soon I hear the sound I was waiting for, "oooooh, uuuuuuuhhhh, aaaaaaaahhhhh." Hayden moans loudly as I am rewarded with a good bit of cum and I eagerly drink it all enjoying every last bit of it. When Griffin hears Hayden's orgasm he is about to get his orgasm with Eli moving quickly and sucking every inch of Griffin's 3 inch cock up and down obviously loving the taste of Griffin's cock. Griffin has his dry cum with a very loud moan, which makes me wonder what he would do if he needed to be quiet during sex, "uuuuuunhhhh, suck it baby, ooooooh, mmmmmhhmmmm, fuck me now please Eli.

Griffin was a huge cock whore, but I didn't think that Hayden would be just as much of one as Griffin is. Hayden asks me to fuck him, so with his ass already lubed up and already loosened I get my cock ready. We get both Hayden and Griffin ready with their legs spread and behind our shoulders. Eli and I decide to go in at the same time. Eli got his cock ready at Griffin's hole and on a count of 3 we pushed in. At the same time you hear both Griffin and Hayden moan loudly each at the same time as they get the objects of their fantasies shoved inside them. I tell Eli that Griffin likes it hard so don't be scared to pound his ass. Hayden tells me he likes it rough as well, so both of us go in quickly. I look over and see Eli's cock moving in and out of my boyfriend's beautiful ass and before looking back over to Hayden I smile at Eli and say to fuck him harder. When I turn back to Hayden I ask him how he likes that big cock up his ass. He just moans louder after this. "Take this cock you cock bitch. This is what you were made for," I say to Hayden. Eli says to Griffin, "How do you like this cock Griffin, take it bitch take it." Griffin and Hayden were both moaning loudly at this point as Eli and I both were fucking the shit out of them moving our entire length in and out of their ass's in seconds. Griffin is the first to cum "uuuuunnnhhh damnit Eli fuckkkkkkk, ooooooooooooooh." Hearing this and feeling Griffin's ass tightening on his cock Eli has his dry cum right after Griffin moaning loudly as he gives Griffin a kiss, "uuuuuuuunnnhhh oooooh Griffin so tiiiight, uuuuuuunnnhhh fuccccckkk." Hearing this Hayden begins to shoot his load while we were kissing and gets his cum all over my face. "oooooooh Aidan fuckkkkkkk Aidan fucccckkkk meeeeee." With that I shoot a big load into Hayden's ass while he is licking his cum off of my face. "daaaammmn Hayden fucccck uuuuuuunnnnnhhhhh oooooooh ohhhhhhh myyyyyyy gooooodddddddd."

Once everyone is recovered we go and take a shower all 4 of us together. I give Griffin a kiss and ask him how he liked it. He smiles at me with his beautiful eyes and says great Aidan, I love you. I love you too Aidan.

We all get dressed and head back downstairs to watch a movie. We are having a great time hanging out and we talk about the future of our little orgy group. We all hope that we can get Gavin to join us and also Sean and Benjamin as well. The future definitely looks bright for all of us.

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