My annual Christmas story: The Three Wishes of Christmas

By Hank

Published on Nov 28, 2023



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The Three Wishes of Christmas


Walking along Fifth Avenue, about two weeks before Christmas, I was gawking at the Christmas decorations in the store windows. I paid little attention to anything else, but still, I was aware of my surroundings.

I noticed a beautiful young woman approaching me. It was obvious that she intended to speak to me. I immediately turned away, pretending that I hadn't seen her. I'm gay and I feared that she was trying to solicit me. That made me very uncomfortable. Even though I turned away from her, she did come up to me, and she did speak to me.

She grabbed my arm, and said, "Terry, hold up a minute. I need to talk to you."

If she was solicitating me, she had the sweetest voice I had ever heard.

Also, she called me Terry. Did I know her? I couldn't recall, so to be polite, I said, "Yes?"

"I'm your guardian angel," she said, "and I've come to give you a Christmas present."

"Why?" I said in total disbelief.

"Don't you know how rare an individual you are?"

"Of course, I know I'm an individual, and each individual is rare," I dared answer her. "So, why?" I asked again.

"The spirit that created us wants to reward you."

"I keep asking why, and you avoid giving me an answer. To tell the truth, I don't believe you're an angel, much less my guardian angel. I'm gay, and I assumed that my guardian angel would be a man."

"Okay, that's easily remedied," she said.

In a flash, the beautiful young woman, I was speaking to, transformed into one handsome dude. He was about my height and age, but he was ripped with muscles (which I am not). His eyes were dark brown, even though his hair was a shimmering gold color. My cock started to misbehave.

"Behave yourself," he said, "Don't forget, I'm an angel." Obviously, he knew that he had aroused me.

"I accept that you're an angel, after what I've just seen. However, I'm still waiting to find out why I was chosen."

"Because you have a pure heart. There is not a bigoted bone in your body. You are aware that every person on earth was created by my boss. For that reason, you treat everyone with dignity. Race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, nor physical appearance, skew your belief in the worth of that individual."

"Wow, you honor me, so what's my present?"

`I'm going to grant you three Christmas wishes, "he said, "but there are ground rules."

"I knew there'd be a catch," I mumbled.

"There are no catches. I just want to warn you about something. My boss gave every one of his children free wills, so you can't make anyone do what you want, if they don't want to do it. For instance, don't ask me for the man you've been yearning for, to come into your life and fall in love with you. I can arrange an introduction, but I can't make either of you fall in love. Don't think of asking for world peace like everyone else. Neither of us can change what heads of state think is their right and privilege."

"I get it," I said, "but that's a real restriction. It sounds like I can only wish for things for me. That's very selfish,"

"You're not looking at the big picture. You could wish for money that you can donate to your favorite charities. You can't call that selfish."

"This is a huge burden," I said. "Can I make my wishes over the next three days, so I have time to think about it.

"Was that your first wish?" the angel asked.

"Of course not. It wasn't a wish. It was a request."

"Don't be so naive. I was just kidding you. Your plan to spread your wishes out over three days is a good one."

How do I get in touch with you, when I'm ready to make each wish? Do you have a name?"

"Just call me, Angel. Trust me. I'll know when you're ready, and I'll come to you. One final thing," he added, "don't fall in love with me. You've already got the hots for me. Sex is not one of my talents. I haven't made love since I died three thousand years ago."

"That's too bad," I said. "If this was a fairy tale, you would resign your angelship, become human, and we could live our lives together, at least until your boss figures that our time is up."

To answer your question, even though there is no need to summon me, my name is Jeremiah. I told you I was old."

Angel disappeared in a nanosecond.

The First Wish

After that confrontation, I no longer wished to dally and stroll on Fifth Avenue. I rushed to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus to take me home. As far as I was concerned, three unselfish Christmas wishes were an enigma, and I had a chore ahead of me.

I live in a duplex on the upper east side. The building is owned by a lovely couple, Carl and Marie Chandler, who live in the other apartment. They have the cutest little boy, James, who is six years old. Unlike other little boys, he has never been noisy or mischievous. I don't think he ever disturbed my peace. There was a reason for that, and I was about to find out why he was so subdued for a six year old.

When I got home, there was an ambulance in front of my building. The EMTs were busy loading a gurney into the ambulance, and Carl and Marie were sobbing bitterly. They got in the ambulance after the gurney, and it scooted quickly away.

Obviously, something bad happened to Jimmy. I prayed that he wasn't hit by a car or bus. I spotted my next door neighbor, Carla. I don't know her surname. She was crying also.

"What happened?" I shouted. I realized that I had spoken too loudly, and Carla looked startled.

"Don't you know?" she asked me rhetorically.

"Know what?" I said, a little quieter this time.

"Poor little Jimmy has been suffering from Leukemia for three years now. Modern medicine has kept him going. When Carl and Marie took him to the doctor for his check-up last week, they were told that it was only a matter of days now, maybe even hours."

I was shocked. Was I such a bad neighbor that I never knew about this tragedy. I vowed to interact a little more with my neighbors in the future.

I thanked Carla and rushed into my apartment. I fell to my knees. I don't know why I did that. It was a first for me. I clasped my hands in a praying position, looked skyward, and cried, "Please Angel, come to me now. I need to make my first wish, and tomorrow might be too late."

I heard Angel, even before I saw my handsome guardian.

"What's so important?" he asked. "You interrupted me from watching `It's a Wonderful Life.' I watch it at least ten times every Christmas."

"Please," I sobbed, "my neighbors, and landlords, have a little six year old boy, James Chandler. He has leukemia, and is slated to die any minute. They just took him away in an ambulance. My wish is that the disease disappears, and Jimmy lives a long and fruitful life. No little child deserves to die so young. Can you grant that wish?"

"Of course, I can," he smirked.

Suddenly a sheet of paper appeared in his hand. It was a light tan color. He showed it to me. There was a blue hexagon in the center of the sheet. Somehow, a pen appeared in his hand, and he wrote across the hexagon, James Chandler. He mumbled some words I didn't understand, and the paper and the pen disappeared.

"Jimmy hasn't been removed from the ambulance yet, and he's cancer free," Angel informed me. "He could go home right now, but the doctors will keep him for a few days, and try to figure out how the leukemia suddenly disappeared. He'll be home for Christmas."

"Thank you," I said humbly. "I could stream `It's a Wonderful Life.' Would you like to watch it with me?" I asked.

"No thanks. I'll watch it at home," and he glanced skyward.

"One word of advice before I go," he said. "Your wish was truly altruistic. You wished for a wonderful thing, but you only benefitted one small family. Think hard about your next wish. Make it something that will benefit thousands. I can't tell you what to wish for, but give it a lot of thought."

He was gone so fast, I had to convince myself that he had really been here.

The Second Wish

After Angel left, I did think long and hard about it, and I knew what my next wish would be. I had saved one little boy from dying of cancer. I needed to save thousands more, children and adults. There was only one way to do it. I couldn't reach all these faceless strangers, but I could contribute heavily to the best cancer research hospitals in the country. I had to figure out how Angel could get me millions of dollars.

I had always contributed what I could to St. Jude Childrens' Research Hospital. I vowed to give them 50%, and ten percent to five other best cancer research centers in the world. I went on line, and zeroed in on five more research hospitals.

When my list was complete, I was bushed, and I decided to turn in. I never fell asleep so quickly, and as I fell into a deep sleep, I heard Angel say, "Sleep happily, my boy. I'll always be watching over you."

In the morning, on my way to work, I bought five lottery tickets for the next draw. I didn't want to take chances, so I bought more than one ticket. The prize was up to fifty-two million dollars.

When I reached my workplace, I closed my private office door, and instructed my secretary not to disturb me. I'm an architect, and I told her I needed to work on a difficult project without any interruptions. I had often done that in the past, so she wasn't surprised.

I summoned Angel, and he arrived as usual, in the speed of light.

"I want to win the next lottery draw," I said, and I laid the five tickets on my desk. "It's up to fifty-two million now."

"It'll be over sixty-million, by the time the winning ticket is drawn. What are you going to do with all that unearned cache?"

"I'll give it all to charity," I answered smugly.

That's sweet of you, but your tax return will reflect an adjusted gross income in the millions, and you can only contribute 50% of your adjusted gross income."

"I want to contribute everything anyway. One of my best friends is a CPA, and a fuck buddy. There's nothing between us. He's married to a woman. I can consult with him and have him figure out how much I can contribute, and how much I must hold back to pay the taxes. Thanks for warning me. I hadn't thought of that."

Angel produced the pen and the tan sheet of paper. He wrote six numbers over the hexagon. He pointed to the lottery tickets on my desk. "Watch the one on the left," he said. Then he mumbled something as he had for the first wish,

He waved the paper over the five tickets, and I looked at the numbers on the one on the left, as he had instructed me to do. One by one the numbers changed. I was in shock.

"That's the winning ticket," he said. "Guard it carefully."

I have a wall safe in my office, and I placed all five tickets in the safe and locked it.

"Thanks," I said to Angel, and he disappeared in an instant.

I finally collected my winnings, after what seemed like months. The amount was net of federal income taxes. My friend, the CPA, and I crunched the numbers, and he told me how much I needed to put aside to pay the projected New York State and city tax burdens. He suggested, I hold back that amount plus $5000, for anything unexpected.

"If you don't need the extra money, you can still donate it later", he advised me.

When we completed our work, we went to a nearby pub. He called his wife and told her that he had to work late. Then we went to my apartment and made passionate love for the next two hours. I didn't want to fuck a married man, but that was his fee for his services.

He has no children, and I advised him to divorce and come out. He isn't happy now, but he would be once he could admit to the world that he was gay. Obviously, he never took my advice. He didn't have the courage. Jokingly, I told him to ask his guardian angel to help him. He laughed in my face. His loss.

The Third Wish

Angel had told me that he could introduce me to Mr. Wonderful, my soul mate to be, but he couldn't make us fall in love. I decided to be deliciously selfish for my third wish. The morning after Angel altered the lottery ticket. I summoned him.

"Have you decided on your third wish?" he asked, as if he didn't know.

"You know damn well what I want," I challenged him.

"It's done," he said. He grinned evilly at me. I couldn't fathom why. "Be sure to look in your mail box tonight," he said, "and remember, I can't make him love you."

I thanked him and said goodbye.

"No goodbyes," he said, "I'm your guardian angel. I'll always be around, but you'll no longer see me now that I've granted you the three Christmas wishes.

"Can I get a hug, then?" I asked.

"I'd like that, but I have no substance. You can't hug me, but think about doing it to me, and I'll get the vibe."

Another flash and he was gone.

When I came home from work that evening, I checked my mail. There was an invitation to a Christmas Eve party, among many bills and spam. The invitation was not an Evite. It was old fashioned, engraved, and included an RSVP envelope. The invitation came from someone named Nate Stevens. I knew him, of course, but I was surprised to get an invitation from him. We were merely casual friends.

Instinctively, I knew that Angel had arranged it, and my soulmate would be at the party. I returned the card as soon as possible with an acceptance response. I even included a note, thanking Nate for the invitation.

There were about a dozen people at the party, including me and Nate. Nate greeted me and said that there would be another six guests, and when we were all assembled, he would introduce all of us to each other.

The next person to arrive was Angel. As shocked as I was, I ran over to him. "Angel," I yelled, "what are you doing here?"

"Thanks." he said, "for calling me an angel, but I don't think we've met before." He stuck out his hand, "I'm Mark Stevens. Nate's my cousin. Our fathers are brothers."

I returned his handshake with a firm grip. I'm Terry Morgan," I said. "It's nice to meet you. Please don't go anywhere. I need to pee. I'll be right back. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I called for Angel, but I didn't see him.

"I'm here," he said, "But you can't see me."

"That guy Mark is you. Are you trying to drive me crazy?"

"Yes, love crazy. I knew you two would meet, so I appeared to you looking like him. You better get out there before someone else latches on to him. He's already got the hots for you. Love will come."

I ran out of the bathroom, and right to Mark. He grinned when he saw me. "I'm sorry I acted weird before," I said, "but you reminded me so much of someone I know, I got frazzled."

"You remind me of someone I know also," Mark said.

"Really. Who?"

"The man of my dreams," Mark said as he took my hand. He leaned into me, and we shared our first kiss.

"Stay close to me," he said. "don't disappear at midnight."

Mark and I went into a huddle. We established that I lived closer, and we agreed to go to my place as soon as we could leave the party gracefully.

We got to my apartment about one in the morning. We were sloshed. We undressed, fell on my bed, holding close, and fell fast asleep. Of course, we checked each other out, and I saw what I knew I would, We were replicas of one another. Our cocks were cut, and about four inches, They had about the same girth, and I learned the next day that we both grew to about seven inches. More than ever, I was convinced that we were soulmates.

We woke when the first rays of the sun shone into the bedroom. Mark pulled me to him, and ignoring our morning breaths, we kissed. It didn't matter, all I could smell on his breath was liquor.

"Let's brush our teeth, shower, and shave," I suggested. "I'll give you a toothbrush and a razor. After that we'll have breakfast, clean up, and then...."

"And then.... sounds like the best part." Mark smiled at me, and my heart melted.

All we had for breakfast was coffee with a toasted English muffin.

"Before we make love," I said, "I've got to tell you something."

I told him about Jeremiah, who I called Angel, and the three wishes for Christmas.

"I know you think I'm mad," I said, "but it's the truth. He arranged for us to meet."

"If that's so," Mark said, "the next time you speak to him, tell him thanks from me, and whether he likes it or not, I adopt him as my guardian angel also. Now, I want to make love to you for the first time of the million times to come."

Make love, we did. We knew just how to please each other. We started with trips around the world, which included toe sucking. We went on to rimming (for a very long time), then sucking, then fucking. We fucked in our asses, between our legs, and between our armpits.

After three hours we were exhausted. We washed again and gave each other golden showers. Suddenly, I was compelled to yell, "Thank you. Angel, for the best Christmas gift ever.

Then I heard Mark yell, "Me too."

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