My Attraction

By Diane Bons

Published on Dec 14, 2023


The next morning I thought I would give Liz ample opportunity to check out my body. I've always loved to tease men by "accidently "exposing my nipples and pussy, with or without panties. It's always makes me horny and my pussy lips and clit both grow when I get horny. So I chose a loose fitting blouse that would show my nipples when I leaned or bent forward. I tried on panties until I found a thong that would slid between my pussy lips. Next a tight skirt that when pulled up would stay in place until pulled down. I made sure I could make it slid up by opening my legs, it did perfect. I was set to seduce Liz today.

I arrived at work feeling confident and very horny. I could already feel that my pussy lips were enlarged and my clit tingled. The anticipation of waiting for lunch had me on edge all day. It was hard to concentrate and I found myself daydreaming often. Finally Liz arrived and I jumped up ready to go. She commented on how eager I was to get going. I just explained that I had skipped breakfast and was starved. On the ride down in the elevator I asked Liz if she could drive because my car was almost out of gas. She said sure, I had planned my first exposure for the drive. I attempted to get my leg up into her SUV but my skirt was too tight. So while she watched and waited I pulled my skirt up enough to get my leg up, and then climbed in. When I sat down I left my skirt up and move my left knee towards Liz, which made my skirt slid higher. Just like I planned.

She said, "Are we all set" I shifted my butt so she had a better view between my legs and I could watch her expression.

I said "Lets go" and she checked her mirrors then grab the shifter without looking, and backed up. After getting out of the parking spot, she looked down towards the shifter and froze. Got you now baby, I Thought. I new she could see my pussy with my pussy lips bulging around the thong that was wedged between them. She just stared and I could feel my clit start to grow.

I said "you just have to grab it and slide it in."

Her head jerked up and blurted "WHAT".

I said, "Just grab the gear shift and slide into gear."

"OH right, I just got lost in thought" she said a bit dazed.

I said, "I bet you were thinking about going home and getting out of your business clothes and putting on that beautiful dress."

She said your "half right", I bet it was the get undressed part.

She kept looking between my legs as she drove, so I closed my legs and began talking to her before she crashed the car. My second plan worked just as I thought; as we talked her hand would grab my knee. And yes, after a few times it stayed there. I spread my legs a little, and as the car hit bumps in the road her hand began sliding towards my pussy. Thank goodness for bumpy roads, because after a few bumps her hand had reached the hem of my skirt. She kept trying to looking between my legs. So I began spreading them wider each time she looked. My skirt would ride higher each time and her hand followed my hem. Her fingers would grip and release on my thigh as she talked and I watched her hand crawl to my inner thigh. My pussy was building up with juice, but the thong was keeping it in, which made my pussy puff out more. One more bump and her hand slid until it touched my pussy. I closed my leg trapping her hand and my fat pussy lip closed over her pinky. I felt so good I've never had a woman touch me there and I had to pretend I didn't notice. I could feel her pinky wiggle trying to figure out where it was. I rest my hand on her wrist and opened my legs enough so she wasn't trapped and she squeezed my thigh. Then I watched with disappointment as she removed her hand and turned into the restaurant parking lot. I noticed my wetness on her pinky as she turned the wheel.

The restaurant was very elegant with lots of semi-circle booths along the back wall. We were taken to a booth in the corner which faced the bar but could not be seen by any other tables. I thought this is perfect the bar was empty so we would feel totally alone. The thong I was wearing had done its job and had become uncomfortable to wear any longer. So I excused myself and went to the restroom. I went in the stall and pulled up my skirt and I got to see what was exposed to Liz. The thong was wedged totally inside my vagina and my clit was trapped between the cloth and looked like a tip of a pinky. I slowly pull down on the front panel my clit was so sensitive I almost came as the cloth pulled away. I kept pulling and watched the thong push my outer lips apart as it came into view. I grabbed the sides near the back and pulled it from my ass crack. Now the final push as it was released by my pussy. There was so much cunt juice held in by the thong that it began to drip on my hands. I sat down quickly as my knees became weak. I rested for a few seconds then peed to help relief the pressure. Also I was afraid if I didn't I might squirt if Liz touched my pussy. After I finished I took off the thong and hung it on the stall door. I went to the sink and wet one of the cloth hand towels and wiped my juices from pussy and thighs. I washed my hands and checked my self in the mirror. I had a low cup bra that was a little big so if I leaned forward you could see my nipples. So I unbuttoned three buttons so you could see my cleavage. Then I applied some fresh makeup. As I was putting on my red lipstick one of the waitresses walked in and went into the stall where I had left my panties. So I hurried up and left before she came out.

I went to the table, the cool air washed over my vagina as I walked. Liz was looking at the menu and had 4 lemon shots lined up in front of her. I scooted into the booth until our legs were touching.

She handed me a glass and said "Thank God its Friday".

I seconded that and we downed the first shot. I could feel the alcohol warm my body.

I handed Liz the second shot and said "To my new Friend".

Liz smiled and kissed my cheek then we both emptied the second. Liz said I think we need one more and motioned for the waitress. My eyes got wide and my jaw dropped as I saw our waitress was the same one from the restroom. She stared at me as she walked to our table; she had a look in her eye that said I know your secret. Liz ordered us another round of lemon shots. As the waitress left Liz put her hand on my thigh and asked if I knew her. No, I said and asked why. She said her eyes never left me the whole time. As she returned with our order I could see her looking under our table. I noticed that the table cloth barely covered the table so she probably had a good view of our legs up to our hips. This made me spread my legs a bit more, causing my skirt to rise. She watched as Liz rubbed my thigh with a smile on her face. She set down our drinks while looking me in the eye and smiled. She took our order and as she was leaving kept glancing towards our legs under the table. A little while later, I noticed our waitress found a spot at the bar where she had a great view under our table.

This was turning me on more than I had anticipated. Liz and I talked and she would put her hand on my thigh as she leaned towards me to tell me some silly secret that would make us both laugh.

We took our last shot; Liz looked me in the Eye and said, "Thanks for becoming my friend."

I looked at her lovingly and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Then we downed our shots. I could feel the alcohol melt my inhibitions and I placed my hand on Liz's hand as it was rubbing my thigh. As we talked I would slide her hand up my thigh pushing my skirt higher. By the time our food arrived my skirt was more than half way up my thigh. I could tell our server noticed, so as she approached I stood to place our drink glasses on the outer edge of the table. This gave her a clear view down my blouse and also showed her the top of my thigh high stockings. She had a hard time serving our food with her eyes locked on my body. My pussy was getting so wet with her looking and Liz's hand touching me.

Liz excused herself and went to the restroom to freshen up. She told me to go ahead and eat and she would be right back. We had salads with broiled chicken breast so she wasn't worried about it getting cold. I began eating my salad as the waitress and I exchange looks from across the restaurant. My eyes were diverted as I saw Liz returning, she looked hot. She had taken her hair out of the clip that was holding it back. Her blonde curls hung down past her shoulders to the tops of her breast. Her cleavage looked more pronounced and her skirt looked higher on her waist reveling lots of thigh. When she sat down and slid next to me I noticed her skirt was almost as high as mine. I noticed lace at the top of her stocking and assumed she must be wearing thigh high stockings. I kept checking her body as we ate and was getting very aroused by what I saw. My hand was politely in my lap as I was taught by my mother. My fingers weren't following the rules as they caressed my inner thigh and inched my skirt higher. I would place my hand on Liz's leg when I would talk, right at the edge of her hem on the lace tops of her stockings. I had pulled my skirt high enough so the next time she put her hand on my thigh her hand rested between my stocking tops and skirt hem. She noticed this and looked at her hand as her finger tips traced the edge of my stocking top toward my inner thigh. Since she was left handed she didn't have to remove her hand to eat. My hand was in my lap so I placed it on hers as her finger tips reached my inner thigh only an inch from my hot cunt. I held it there as if I was stopping her before she went any farther.

She looked and pulled her hand away and said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. But your legs are so soft how you get them so soft."

I was about to tell her how I rub them with lotion every night, when the waitress appeared. I didn't even see her approach and didn't know how much see saw. She came to my side of the booth putting her arm on the back of the booth and leaned over so she could see down my blouse and eye our laps. She asked how everything was and if we needed anything. Liz leaned towards her showing her ample cleavage and placed her hand on my inner thigh.

She suggestively said, "Could you bring us 2 coffees we could really go for something hot."

The waitress gave her a sexy smile and said sure as she looked at Liz's hand gently squeezing my inner thigh, so close to my pussy I could feel my pussy lip pull outward.

Liz then she said "thanks Honey" as she pushed her cleavage towards her so it right under my chin.

The waitress walked away with a sway in her hips and looked over her shoulder and smiled when she noticed us watching. Liz began to laugh quietly once she was out of site and I said what was that all about.

She said, "Didn't you notice how she's been eyeing you. I think she's a lesbian or something and wants your body. The way she "not so discretely" leaned over to look down your top and your legs. I thought I'd give her something a little extra for her efforts."

I began to laugh too and reached down and grabbed her inner thigh and said, "She's probably hot for both of us now, the way you offered her your tits and asked her for something hot."

My hand was still on her thigh and my pinky was on the bare skin above her stocking. It was so warm and soft I began feeling more towards her inner thigh. Liz whispered in my ear, "keep it up here she comes." I looked up in surprise and Liz kissed me on the mouth while holding my chin.

The waitress cleared her throat as she reached our table. I was frozen in position as Liz released my chin and stopped our kiss. My face was red as the waitress said she would let us enjoy our coffee in private. I could taste Liz's lipstick as I sat there in a high state of arousal. I don't know if Liz realized how much I enjoyed her kiss and that my tongue was about to enter her mouth just as she pulled away. It was a few seconds before I remembered my hand was still between her legs. I began to become aware of where I was I began to remove my hand. I swear I could feel pubic hair tickle my pinky as I moved my hand to my lap. I bumped Liz's arm, her hand that was still between my thigh, was pushed up against my bare pussy. My legs opened wider and I looked down and saw my skirt pressed against her arm revealing my bare pussy. Her pinky between my thigh and pussy lip. I looked in amazement to see her hand and was about to direct her hand fully on my swollen pussy.

Just then Liz looked down and said "Oh my" and pulled her hand away, but in her efforts she rubbed the back of her hand fully against it.

My body tingled as I reached down and straightened my skirt, looking around to see if anyone noticed. Someone did, our waitress.

Liz lean over and said "Sorry, I didn't do that on purpose. I thought I was the only one without panties today."

I said "We get a couple drinks in us and we turn into slutty Lesbians."

Liz almost choked on the coffee she was sipping as she started to laugh. She waived to the waitress for the bill. After the waitress returned with the receipt, Liz pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

Liz smirked, "I think it's for you."

I opened it up, I read "Call me sometime, Mandy" and her phone number. I smiled towards Mandy and put it in my pocket.

The drive back to the office was another chance with Liz. So as before I had to hike up my skirt to get in, but this time Liz watched between my legs intently. I sat slightly sideways with my knees towards Liz, my skirt pulled to mid thigh. I kept my legs together until Liz got on the road. We talked about how fun it was teasing our waitress. After opening my legs enough for her to have a look, I told her I had taken my panties off because they didn't fit and were irritating me. She looked right at my pussy when I said that. I asked her why she wasn't wearing panties. She said she hasn't worn them in years after bouts with yeast infections, by her doctor's suggestions.

"I though he was just a perv at first, but I haven't had one in years, Thank God. I usually only wear them if I go shopping like yesterday."

That was good news to hear so I may get an opportunity to see her naked pussy.

Her hand was on my knee,I shifted so I was sitting straight and pulled my foot close to the seat so my knee was raised high. Her hand started to slide to my thigh just as I hoped. She knew I didn't have panties and even left her hand on my thigh as she reached my bare skin. She began rubbing my inner thigh and saying how soft. Her hand had pushed my skirt so high I could see my pussy from my angle. I'm sure by the way Liz kept sneaking glances I was fully visible. Her hand slid up my thigh and moved between my hip bone and pussy and began moving down to my pussy. I looked at Liz and she was looking at the road as she drove. While watching her face I felt her hand slide down so her middle finger went between my pussy and thigh, her ring finger and pinky on my pussy. I was beginning to breath hard as she moved her hand up then down again just as she did on my thigh. Her gaze never left the road. I had to look, my skirt was to my waist, and my pussy fully exposed my knees wide. Her hand was moving slowly down the friction was slowly opening my pussy like petals on a flower. My inner lips were pushing outward and the hood on my clit was retracting. I could feel I was getting close to an orgasm from her touch.

I estimated 2 minutes before we reached the office. Her hand began a slow rise until it rested on my hip bone and I watch as she spread her fingers. Then she began sliding her hand back towards my pussy. I held my breath watching as her fingers began to touch my pussy I could feel I was close to an orgasm. Her hand moved slowly her ring finger sliding between my inner and outer pussy lip. The pinky tip touched my clit and her hand stopped, I don't know if she was looking, because my eyes were glued to my pussy. Her hand moved again and her pinky pressed down on my clit. My wet cunt began to tighten as my clit was pushed towards the opening. My leg began to shake and I closed my eyes and bit my lip. My clit popped loose from Liz's finger as she reached my opening. Her pinky and ring finger sunk into my pussy as Liz gripped my pussy. She moved her hand back up rubbing her wet pinky over my clit sending me into orgasm. My body tensed and I held my breath as my pussy pulsed through my climax. I could feel my juices flowing into my ass crack as Liz removed her hand.

I opened my eyes as Liz said "We're here!", as if nothing had happened.

I quickly pulled my skirt down and tried to breathe normally. We pulled into the parking lot and she found a spot near my car.

Liz looked at me with a smile and said "That certainly was a great adventure."

I was still trying to gain my composure so I just whispered a "yes". As I slid out of her SUV my skirt was pulled up above my ass, and I could feel the cool air on my wet ass. I pulled my skirt down and turned to close the door, I noticed the wet shine on the seat. My legs were a bit weak and shaky so I told Liz I had to go my car to get something and I'd meet her upstairs. I found my keys and slowly walked to my car, unlocked it and got in. My heart was pounding my body was still shaking from my orgasm. My mind was so confused; Liz acted as if nothing happened. I know that I had my first orgasm from a woman's touch. Has Liz done this before and she was the one that was seducing me. I found some tissues and dried myself the best I could. Checked my face and fixed my make-up. I took a few deep breathes then headed upstairs to my office.

The office seemed different or was it my world had changed. I went to my office said I'm back to my assistant as I passed her desk. All seemed normal, but strange at the same time. I looked through my messages. One was from Dave, my husband, it said he would be back Sunday evening and he would call me later. Husband, yes I still had one of those, even through I was lusting after another. But that other person was a woman, a woman who had just brought me to orgasm. Or was it just my heighten state of arousal and I had fantasized the whole thing. I still wasn't sure as I played it over and over in my mind.

I finally fell back into the routine of work. I returned my messages, checked my e-mail and gave my assistant some assignments to complete. The day was going by the same as most others. It was close to 5 o'clock when Liz stopped by my office. My heart started beating fast as she entered my office.

"Hi, Diane are you busy." Liz asked.

I said, "No".

She sat down in front of my desk and asked if I was busy tomorrow.

"No, Dave's gone until Sunday evening, so I have all day & night tomorrow." I said.

"Good" Liz said, "Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow for lunch and spend the afternoon."

"Sure, I'd love too." I said with a smile.

"Ok, then around Noon." Liz stated.

"Sounds Good, see you then." I said.

On my way home I fantasized about finally being alone with Liz and making love all day.

Next: Chapter 5

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