My Attraction

By Diane Bons

Published on Dec 19, 2022


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My Attraction Part V

I woke the next morning with thoughts of my lunch with Liz. I was lying naked, in bed since I sleep in the nude. I was awake, but my eyes were closed as imagined arriving at Liz's home. She would answer the door in only a pair of hi-heels; she would act as if she didn't realize she was nude. She would give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and ask me to come in. I would follower her watching her ass as she walked wishing my hands could hold them and feel them move with every step. We would sit opposite each other her on the sofa me in the love seat. She would put her arms across the back with her marvelous tits on display. She would cross her legs so I could see her ass cheek and the bottom of her pussy. She would say it's so hot in here you should take off your clothes too. I stand up and she says no let me do it for you. She stands her breast bounce as she steps towards me. Her hands quickly remove my top and skirt. Oh stop I say to myself I don't want to wear my pussy out before I got to Liz's home.

Around 10:30 I started getting ready for lunch. I showered shaving everything, I start with my under arms then my legs. I made sure they were soft to the touch feeling every inch as I work my way up to my thighs. I felt my pubic area and decided it needed a touch up. As I shaved the sides and moved to reshape the top strip I had left a few days ago. I was so nervous that I messed it up making way to thin, so I shaved it all off. I ran my hand all over my pussy feeling for stray hairs; it felt so nice being completely smooth. I had to stop myself before I got carried away and brought myself to orgasm. I dried off and headed naked to my closet. I decided I would dress with my body as accessible as possible. I chose a pair of white cotton panties that hug my ass and pussy. My bra was a half cup, which gives nice cleavage and left my nipples exposed. Next, a beige denim skirt that was loose enough to allow me to spread my legs. For my top I, I chose a thin pink hoodie that zipped in the front and a faint outline of my nipples could be seen. I wore my pink canvas sneakers with little ankle socks. I checked my look in the mirror; I looked sexy without being obvious. I put on some basic makeup, mascara, beige eye shadow and light pink lipstick. I gave myself sprits of my favorite perfume and left my dark brown wavy hair loose.

It was almost noon so I had got my sexy ass on the road. The drive seemed to take for ever and I could feel my heart start to beat faster as I turned on to her street. The homes in the area are price in the upper six digits, with manicured lawns and landscaping. There house is a beautiful Tudor style brick home, way to big for two people. I parked in the circle drive in the front and saw Liz come out the front door to greet me. She looked nervous as I was which seemed strange but I took it as a good sign. We hugged and kissed cheeks when I met her at the door. She welcomed me in and said, "Rick! Diane is here." He came around the corner and we said hi to each other. I thought we were going to be alone, was there something else going on here. I was a little apprehensive as we sat and had ice tea and made small talk. Liz mentioned that since it was such a nice fall day after lunch we could take a walk on the nature trail behind their home. I agreed that would be nice. Rick said he was leaving to spend the night with his daughter on the other side of the state after lunch. So he wouldn't be going on the walk.

We had a nice lunch in their sunroom on the back of the house. We talked about work and family, even though Liz was kind of quiet. Rick excused himself to finish his packing and said he would be leaving soon. I ask Liz if something was wrong, that she seemed quiet during lunch. She said we would talk after Rick left. I was worried I didn't know if it was us we had to talk about or Rick. Rick came down a few minutes later and we walked him to the door and waited for him to leave. After Rick drove of Liz brought me back to the living room and had me sit on the sofa next to her. She held my hand and took a deep breath before she spoke.

"Diane", she said, "I have to apologize for yesterday. I don't know what got into me. Using you to play that trick on the waitress and getting my hands all over you. I've been so ashamed of myself I could hardly sleep. I hope you can forgive me."

I looked at her amazed at what she said and it took me a minute to recover.

I squeezed her hand and said, "There nothing to forgive, I enjoyed everything, especially your hands on my cunt, we did yesterday. We are friends and we shouldn't be ashamed when we show affection for each other."

I hugged her and I could feel her start to relax. She said she was so relieved, she thought that she had ruined our friendship.

"Oh I'm so relieved I do so much like being with you.

I told her I felt the same and was willing to be playful with her anytime the situation may arise. She laughed and melted into my arms I could feel her breathing slow. It felt so good being able to hold her for more than just a short hug. The smell of her hair and perfume were making feel like kissing her neck. I gave it a slow kiss then squeezed her a little harder.

She moaned and said "this feels so could I almost fell asleep. I think I might need a nap before our walk."

I said that's fine you get some rest. I thought she might just lie a on the sofa, but she said she was going to her room, which was down the hall on the first level. She said there some magazines over here or you can watch some TV. I said I would be fine and go ahead. She walked down the hall towards her room. I tried to wait, but I couldn't get the idea of holding her again out of my mind. So I quietly walked to her room. The door was closed half way, but I could see her in the bed under the blankets facing away from the door.

I quietly ask, "Liz are you awake." She said yes, "I'm tired myself can I take a nap too."

She said, "Sure pick any room you want there are three bedrooms upstairs."

DARN, I thought for a second, "I don't want to mess another bed can I just get in with you."

She hesitated a moment the said "sure" and pulled the blankets back to give me access. I could see her back and she was wearing only a bra and panties.

I told her," I'm going to take off my top and skirt so they wouldn't get wrinkled."

I removed them quickly and neatly placed them on a chair. I climbed into her high bed and settled in under the cool sheets. Here I was almost naked next to Liz who was almost naked. I mumbled I was cold and moved over closer to Liz until I could feel her body heat. I laid my head next to hers on the same pillow.

I sighed "this is so comfortable, are you good." She said "Yes" and moved closer to me until we were spooning.

She tensed for a second as she felt my bare hard nipples press into her back. I put my arm around her waist before she couldn't pull away and settled in with a gentle sigh. We must have fallen asleep; I awoke in the same position. Liz felt comfy warm next to me as she slept, her hair smelled of herbal shampoo. Her neck and ear was exposed, so I snuggled my face in close. My arm was still around her waist and my hand rested at her panty line above her pubic area. I began rubbing my hand along her panty line and my pinky slipped under the waistband near her hip bone. I ran my hand down to her other hip bone with my pinky under her panty waist band. As I crossed her pubic area I could feel her soft pubic hair. I now had my arm fully extended over her waist and down to where her panties gapped at her other hip bone. I rubbed the soft area gently as not to wake her, my finger tips working under her waist band until just my thumb was out. Her skin was so soft and warm; I had to restrain myself from reaching between her legs and feeling her pussy. She began to move and stretch she must have been waking up. I left my hand in her panties and pretended to be sleeping as she rolled towards me my hand was pushed to her hip bone tugging her panties down slightly. I could feel her prop herself onto her elbows and look under the covers. I felt her rub my arm down to my hand and gently pulled it from her panties and pulled it to her side making me hug her tighter. I pretended to start waking up. I snuggled closer as she asked if I was awake.

I said, "Starting to, but it feels so nice I wanted to lay here for a minute."

She said sounds good and hugged me closer so part of my body was on top of hers. I put my leg on top of hers bring my pussy in contact with her hip bone.

She said, "The nap felt good and our talk had helped her feel more relaxed and comfortable with me.

I said, "I'm happy we can be comfortable enough to snuggle together. I haven't had an adult friend that I've been comfortable enough to snuggle in my underwear.

She laughed shaking both out bodies and making me laugh too. I told her I was serious and hugged her tight.

She asked about my friend that I did the kissing practice. Liz pressed me, saying I told her I would give all the details someplace more private.

I said,"Ok, I'll tell you everything."

Her name was Julie and we met in 1st grade, we were both smart and would always compete for the best grades. We would play together on the play ground and soon became best friends. Almost every school year we would be in the same classroom. Both our parents worked so we would spend every afternoon together. When we were young we would talk about how boys had cooties and we didn't like having to hold their grubby hands as all the Kids walked hand in hand back to the class after lunch or recess. It was about the time we hit puberty that we changed our view and joked about whose hand we wanted to hold. It was when we turned fifteen that we started to worry about being inexperienced with boys. We had seen some of the other girls our age making out with boys and wondered how they learned to do it. Being two book smart girls, we tried to find books in the library and read about kissing. But we were still confused, so Julie suggested we try on each other. It took us a few tries even to get our lips to touch. One of us would always start laughing as we puckered up and leaned towards each other. About the fourth try our lips touched and we pulled away quickly.

Liz said, "Kind of like our first kiss, right?"

I said "sort of" I sat up next to Liz with the sheet held up covering my breasts, "let me show you."

I gave her a quick peck on the mouth like you would your mother.

She said, "That was quick" and laughed.

I know and we thought so too, and agreed to do it longer next time. So we kissed again just by puckering up and pressing our lips together, like this. I held the back of Liz's head and pressed our lips together for about 5 seconds. Liz said is that what you considered kissing. At first, but we decided it didn't look like that when we observed couples kissing. They moved there heads and rubbed each other backs.

So we did that, 'Sort of like this", I held Liz and put my lips to hers and kissed closed mouth like they did in the old movies.

I pulled her close and rubbed her back, I released the kiss looked into her eyes then did it again for about a minute. After I showed her that kiss I released my hug on Liz and settled back on the pillow. Liz sat at my side, in her bra and panties, facing me with her legs crossed. I thought back to those moments with Julie remembering how much I loved her.

I continued my story as Liz listened; "We kissed like that after school almost everyday."

Just before school was out for the summer, I was in the gym locker room when I listened in on two girls talking about French kissing. She was telling her friend that she thought touching tongues while kissing sounded gross. Her friend boasted that once she and her boyfriend started "frenching" she wouldn't do it any other way. So Julie and I decided we had to try it on each other. School was out by now so we would meet every day after our parents left for work. In my bedroom I had a big walk in closet without any windows so no one could look in, so we felt safe. We would try all different positions, standing, side by side or one on top of the other. We called that the boy/girl position, with the boy on top. We would take turns being the boy and of course the boy would have to feel-up the girl. Liz interrupted my story for some more explanations.

She said, "So when you were being the boy you would feel the other person's privates."

I giggled, "Yes the other person's privates." Lay down I'll show you."

She looked a little hesitant so I said come on or I won't finish my story. I guided her to a laying position as I did the sheet fell exposing my breasts. I laid my body on half of her body so I still had access to the other half.

I said,"OK, we start by French kissing; I leaned down and started Kissing Liz.

We didn't touch tongues right away, but started opening our lips slowly. I felt the tip of our tongues touch and our breathing became heavy. After a few minutes we began kissing like lovers. We took turns sucking each others tongues and twisting them around each other. I stopped our kiss, and said "Yes like that then the boy would start feeling up the girl." I started kissing her again; her arms hugged me pressing my bare breast against her. I waited until we were kissing heavily, then I began feeling her body with my free hand. I pretended we were teens and acted like I remember my boy friends did. First I rubbed her soft belly then the bottom of her bra. I followed the bottom of the bra my hand getting higher on her bra until I had her tit. I squeezed it gently and our breathing became heavier and her nipple began to harden. I circled it with my finger tips until it was very hard then moved my hand to the top edge of her bra. I had my hand between her breasts and my finger began wiggling under her bra towards her nipple. Her bra was very tight and I couldn't get to her nipple this way. So I moved my hand back to her belly and began rubbing lower. My hand slowly worked down to her panties. I made sure I kept her distracted with my tongue in her mouth. I moved my hand over her panty covered pussy and gently squeezed. Liz moaned loud as in protest so I moved my hand back to her belly. She calmed down and we kissed for another minute or so before I pulled away and said your turn. I lay on my back and covered my breasts with the sheet.

Liz lean up on one elbow and asked "what do you mean, my turn?"

I said, "Your turn to be the boy. It's only fair".

Liz ask, "Is that what you two did?"

"Yes, this is the best way to show you how we felt." I confirmed.

Liz scooted over into position, and we began kissing again. She followed what I had done; first she put her hand on my sheet cover stomach and began rubbing up and down. The friction from the rubbing began pulling the sheet from my breast and my nipple began to harden. Liz's hand moved to the bottom of my bra and I could feel her thumb get close to my nipple. I held her close and kissed her with more passion and tongue. I could feel Liz's hand move to my breast, which the sheet was loosely covering. Her palm found my hard nipple and she squeezed my tit like a lover should with just the right amount of force. She surprised me by pushing the sheet aside and caressing my bare breast and nipple. I moaned and wiggled under her touch. Her finger began to pinch and pull on my nipple and I had to break our kiss to catch our breath. She never let go of my nipple as we looked into each other eyes.

I said, "I really love kissing you, Liz."

She smiled as she played with my nipple then said "I love kissing you too, Diane."

She began kissing me again as she played with my tits. I was rubbing her back and felt her bra hook, since I'm a woman, I was able to unhook it with one hand. Liz sucked in a deep breath as she felt it release, and I massaged the newly exposed skin. I rolled her over so now I was on top. I stopped kissing her and she helped me remove her bra. I was so excited when she did this; showed me how far she wanted to go. We started kissing again two grown women showing there lust for each other. I had one of my breasts pressed against hers our nipple pressing together. I began tracing the marks in her skin caused by the tight fitting bra. Slowly feeling her entire breast and circling her nipple. When I finally touch her nipple her back arched making sure I didn't stop touching it. I traced it moving to the areola before touching the erect center. Her nipple was over 1/2 long and rubbery as I twisted it between my fingers. Her hand went to my breast and returned the favor by pinching and pulling my nipple. As we continued our nipple play I moved my body onto her and straddled her waist on my elbows and knees. I moved my mouth to her ear sucking on her lobe then to her neck just below her ear. I kept moving down to her shoulder sucking, kissing and nibbling every where my mouth touched. She was breathing hard, oooing and moaning as my mouth moved. I started to run my tongue across her skin to the top of her breast, my nipples tickling her skin as I moved. I rose up on my hands she checked my body my tits hanging the nipples hard my panties wet from all the excitement. I looked at her body her firm breast and hard nipples down past her smooth stomach to her lace panties.

I whispered, "My god you're beautiful" and lowered myself to kiss her passionately.

Our nipples brushed against each other keeping them hard. Liz wrapped her arms around me and drew me down against her body. We stopped kissing and breathed heavily into each others ear as we embraced.

Liz questioned breathlessly "you and Julie did this almost everyday?"

I whisper back, "it was never as good as were making it".

We noticed that the sun was setting; we looked at each other amazed. We checked the clock is almost 7pm and we came in for our nap at 2pm. We never checked the clock when we woke up, but we had been in bed for 5 hours together. Liz said we should get out of bed as she slipped out from under the sheets.

I moaned "but I like here, come back."

She returned wearing a robe and hand me another to wear.

She said" I'll open a bottle of wine," and left the bed room.

I shifted my feet to the edge of the bed and sat on the edge. I removed my bra and wet panties, placed them with my other clothes. I put on the robe and went to join Liz in the living room. She was pouring two glasses as I entered. She looked so damn hot in her short robe and bare feet. Her hair was still mussed from our bedroom activity, I assumed mine was too. I walked over to her, held her face and kissed lovingly on the lips. I took one glass from her and held her hand as we to a sip of wine. She led me by the hand in to the sunroom. We stood there with are arms around each others waist, and watched the sunset as we drank our wine. We watched the sun disappear and an orange glow shined upon our silken white robes.

Liz said "Well, It looks like we missed our chance for a walk on the trail. Maybe we can go tomorrow morning."

I asked, "Is that an invite to spend the night."

"Yes, if want too" Liz explained.

"I don't have anything to sleep in." I told Liz.

Liz said not to worry about it she would find me something. We stood in the almost dark sunroom just staring at the orange glow above the tree tops. I turned to her and hugged her and kissed her neck, my short robe rising to the bottom of my ass cheeks. I could feel her braless breast pressing against me a rubbed my hand across the smooth silky back of her robe. I raised my lips to hers and we shared a nice long slow kiss. After our kiss we held each other for long time in silence, until my stomach growled and made us both laugh.

We decided to put some clothes on and cook some dinner. We went to Liz's closet she handed me a tight fitting T and a pair of yoga pants. I dropped my robe baring my body to Liz, and raised my arms above my head to put on my T-shirt. I noticed how she watched my breasts as I stretched my body. I pulled the shirt on standing there with out my bottom and had to kiss her again.

I cradled her head in my arms and her arms went around my waist, I said, "I don't know why, but I just love kissing you."

"I love your kisses too." She whispered as we began to kiss.

Our kiss lasted several minutes and Liz's hands began to caress my bare ass. My tongue entered her mouth and as our tongue met Liz began to squeeze and pull upward on my ass cheeks. My pussy was beginning to heat up again and I could feel my clit begin to swell. I rubbed my body against her robe as I clung to her. We had to stop kissing to catch our breath my face in her neck breathing in her sweet aroma. I began kissing her neck and lowered my hands to her robe tie and opened her robe. I slid it off her shoulders and she was naked before me. I began kissing her upper chest as it rose and fell rapidly with her breathing. I cupped her breasts in my hands and brought my mouth between them kissing her cleavage. I began kissing each breast moving from one to the other back and forth. I moved to the underside of her breasts kissing n licking the crease between her chest and her breast. Liz's hands were in my hair running her finger on my scalp and grabbing hands full of hair when I kissed a sensitive area. I ran my tongue from the bottom of one breast up to her nipple. The sudden intake of air from Liz told me she liked it.

As I began to lick and suck her nipple I moved both of my hands to her ass. Her long nipple in my mouth felt almost like a tiny penis hard and supple. I rolled my tongue around the long tip bringing moans from Liz. My hands caressed her ass and I ran my finger along her ass crack until I reach the bottom between her legs. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my finger tips. So I wouldn't scare her off for a second time I slid my finger back up to the top of her ass and gave gentle squeezes. I kissed my way to her other nipple and began flicking it with my tongue. This made Liz grab my hair and pull my mouth up to hers and she gave me as much of her tongue as would fit in my mouth. I pulled on her ass forcing her pussy against mine and rotated my hips rubbing them together. I could feel my erect clit find its way between Liz's pussy lips. We were both breathing very hard and would separate are lips but leave our tongues together as we sucked in more air like a swimmer taking a breath. I could feel an orgasm building and I reached as far between Liz's legs as I could reach. I could feel the area between her ass hole and pussy. I rubbed it with my fingers and Liz's legs began to shake and part farther. I could now feel the bottom opening of her pussy. It was hot and very wet, but I could only get the tip of one finger in her. My finger tip in her hot soft wetness and my clit rubbing between her pussy lips made my orgasm begin. Liz's legs were shaking my legs were shaking as we orgasmed together. Our kiss was broken as our bodies tensed and ground against each other; moaning so loud it could be heard by the neighbors. We clung to each other as our orgasm began to subside. Our heads resting on each others shoulder catching our breath. I moved my hand to the small of Liz's back and rubbed her back gently.

I said, "That felt amazing".

Liz just moaned her approval. We released our hug and stood slightly apart as we look at each other.

Liz said, "You're amazing, I didn't know how good we could make each other feel, thank you for that."

I said,"mmmm it was my pleasure; I've never done anything like that with a woman."

Liz said, "I never even kissed a woman until you."

We hugged for a few minutes and decided we should finish getting dressed. We went into her bathroom to pee and check our selves. While Liz peed first, I looked in the mirror. My face was glowing a light shade of red, my hair was a mess and the combination of our lipsticks smeared around my mouth. I washed my lower face as not to mess-up my eye make-up and brushed my hair. I didn't put any lipstick on since my lips were already red and puffy from all the kissing. Liz came out and she was a mess just like me. I had to smile as I passed her on the way to the Toilet. When I came out she was dressed with her face fixed as if nothing happened.

We went to the kitchen to fix something to eat, since we were both starving. We looked thru the cupboards and refrigerator for ingredients. We found some pasta and fresh veggies and decided to make a pasta salad. We talked as the water boiled and shared the job of cutting vegetables. We found our glasses wine and proceeded to finish off the bottle by the time we mixed everything together. Since the salad needed to marinate for at least 30 minutes we went and sat in the sunroom. Liz put some smooth jazz on the CD player and we mellowed out sitting side by side on the sofa. I looked between my legs and could see a perfect camel toe in the yoga pants I was wearing. I shifted my leg towards Liz in hope she would notice. We have yet touched each other pussy fully. I was hoping Liz would get curious and want to touch the bulge in my pants. She did put her hand on my thigh as we gazed out into the darkness.

Next: Chapter 6

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