My Baseball Buddy

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Aug 4, 2022


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

My Baseball Buddy — Part 5

As the week got under way, I was really feeling that famous line from "Tale of Two Cities." It was the best of times... and for me, the fucking worst of times.

The "best" side of the equation was fucking incredible. Out of nowhere, completely unexpected and certainly not looked for, I had had some of the best sex of my life. Of anyone's life. Jesus—I think I had more sex in those 2 ½ days with Nate than I had on the entire two-week run of my honeymoon. And I had had a lot of sex on my honeymoon.

And my God, the sex! I discovered not just some fun little tips or tricks to try out here and there, but like this vast universe of sexed-up sexy sex that turned my body inside out... and my world upside down. I was fucking on fire!

And everyone caught my vibe. I strode into work Monday morning standing about 2 feet taller, feeling like I had the right to stride into the corner office and demand a raise. The rest of the guys in the office had suspicions about the cause, although they were wildly off on the details. They correctly figured I was getting lucky, but assumed I went on some romantic getaway over the weekend with the Mrs., and were jealously pestering me for details.

Being that I was next level horny, I made some serious moves on my wife... and thankfully the wifey was appreciative to my attentions. We ended up having a couple wild bouts in the sack that helped take the edge off things.


Fuck it was rough. Having cashed in all my chips to spend time with Nate over the weekend, it was hard to politely make my way back there again. Besides, during the early part of the week I have other standing appointments and couldn't reasonably get away. Of course, Wednesday's game was a nooner... which meant Thursday eve was the next, only possible chance to get together with Nate before his wife came back on Friday.

His wife.

Shit... my wife.

What the hell were we doing?

And just like that, I was back trying to confront just how... fucking crazy this all was. I mean... I'm not sure I felt, well... gay. I mean, well, obviously I had crossed some "gayness" line over that weekend, but I didn't feel any different. I didn't start creeping on the guys at work. And not to be too blunt, but everything was in working order when I went after my wife. So, women clearly still did something for me.

Where did that leave guys? I had no idea, and didn't know what to think.

In light of this, hitting the gym was a surreal experience. I was half afraid I was going to see all these dicks in the shower and lose control. And don't get me wrong, I was totally checking things out. But my reaction was... weird. I kept bringing everything back to Nate. Like yeah, that guy was ripped, but he looked so... fake next to Nate's body. That guy was shaved so much he looks like a 13-year-old girl, and had nothing like Nate's lumberjack masculinity. That guy's dick was way too short to do anything useful with, compared to Nate's. And that guy...

Fuck it. The eye candy was fine, but there was only one Nate. He was perfect, and was a perfect fit to fill a hole in my life I didn't even know I had.

But now what? What to do about Nate? Sad as it is to say for a grown-ass man, I didn't know how... if? when? to reach out to him. I mean, would that be too... clingy? I'm pretty secure in the knowledge that he had as much of a good time as I did. I mean, guys can't quite fake it the same way women can. And I know enough about Nate and the male anatomy in general to tell that he was fucking loving it, no question. But I didn't know how to talk to him. Should I be playing it cool? What if we went too far too fast?

Shit. Shit shit shit.

And worst of all, through all of this I was so fucking horny I was about ready to roger our vacuum cleaner.

I finally bit the bullet and sent what I hoped was an easy-breezy message confirming Thursday's game was a go. He sent a laconic answer that it was.

Those few days were fucking brutal. Even with extra rounds with my wife, and more than a few extra rounds with my right hand, I was still pacing around the house hard enough to leave ruts in floorboards, on the brink of serious testosterone poisoning. Waiting. Waiting until Thursday evening when I could finally, legitimately get together with Nate again.

By the time Thursday night finally came around and I could legit get away, I fucking sprinted across the alley to his house, my rock-hard dick pointing the way. My mouth was dry, my pits were sweaty, and my hands were twitchy. I ran through his back door, and sprinted down his stairs two at a time to find...

...Nate buck naked. He was kneeling on the couch with his arms thrown over the back. His hairy ass pointed right at me. "Fuck I thought you'd never get here," he growled, leering at me over his shoulder.

"Hoh-ohhhhhh... FUCK!" I snarled out. I savagely kicked the coffee table out of the way, flipping it onto its side. I grabbed his hips, and fucking slammed my face into his hairy crack.


Fuck, yeah.

His butt funk filled my nose and I started a wet, sloppy assault for all I was worth. I fucking ground my face in, as hard as I possibly could, desperate to bury my tongue inside him up to the root. I fumbled my clothes; hoping we'd get it on, I hadn't worn anything... complicated. I crazily hauled my shirt over my head. It was a clumsy maneuver, executed hastily, and I almost tore my ear off. But in a flash, I was naked as he was.

All the while, I fucking ate him. I was slamming into him so hard his body was getting crushed into the couch, but I didn't give a fuck. I swung my head from side to side, raking him with my stubble, before lapping up and down his crack like a deranged dog. His butt hair tickled my face, smeared with my spit. I sucked him, sucked his hole, and munched up and down furiously. Nate barked out his excitement, reaching back and grinding my face even further. Grinding his hips, while shouting out, "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!"

I could eat that ass for hours, but I needed a hell of a lot more. I stood up and grabbed the lube Nate had sitting next to him, and roughly slathered some on my dick. Funny... my dick was already wet; I had leaked out enough precum that it looked like I had already shot my load. I clambered onto the couch, kneeling behind Nate, and... well, fuck it. Normally I'd take it easy but neither of us was in a mood for "easy."

I fucking rammed myself in. All the way. Balls deep.

Nate bellowed like a gored bull. I leaned in heavily against him, my hairy chest slamming against his back. From there, I bent my head in, and fucking went wild on his neck, using my lips and tongue to go after him as hard as I had been eating his ass moments before. With his left hand, he reached behind him and roughly grabbed my hair, his fingers digging into my scalp. My left hand shot around his body to grab his dick and start jacking him. I ran my teeth across his ear.

Nate's words never changed, but the intensity behind them rocketed up... "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!" Slowly he started grinding his hips against my hairy crotch, trying to get me in deeper. Trying to feel everything inside him. Finally, he slid his left leg to the side, opening himself up even more. I dug in deeper and started fucking him. Long hard strokes.

"Ohhhhh GAWD!" I wasn't sure if it was me growling or Nate. It didn't matter; right then, we were one.

The angle was tricky, and I needed fucking power. I pulled his leg back in and pulled his ass out slightly, making him bend forward and stick his butt out towards me. Then I re-grabbed his hips and fucking slammed into him. Hard and fast. BAM Just as we needed it. BAM BAM. His words broke apart into a snarling howl, and I barked out my need with each thrust. BAM BAM BAM. Our balls started slamming together from the force. BAM BAM BAM BAM. I grabbed his shoulders for more leverage, and we started absolutely colliding, our whole bodies bending from the impact as my dick slammed into him. BAM BAM BAM BAM. Sweat ran down my face. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM.

Damn. Way too fast, Will. Way too fast.

I could feel my spunk rising, and I knew I had to slow down. I slowed, leaning in against him. My chest grinding against his back. From there, I started an oral assault on the back of his neck. I snaked my hands down his sweaty body and started working his cock and balls... his cries mutating into an unholy animal grumble, broken by gasped breaths. From there, I started to long-dick him--slow methodical drives deep inside him, just using my hips. Nate responded rolling his butt around my cock and by flexing his ass muscles, perfectly timed with my thrusts, making my dick ache with the pressure. "Fuuuuuuck...!"

Fuck. It was fucking good.

I loved the feeling of him. The feeling of us together. God, I loved fucking man-ass. For several delicious moments, we fucking luxuriated in that connection. That wet friction. I could feel my dick slide inside him, setting off sparks in him. Making his cock drip. Time melted away. Nothing mattered but the roll of dick in ass. How long could I keep it going? Five minutes? Thirty?

Soon, though, my body screamed out against my deliberate control, wanting everything fucking now. I felt the fire inside me fucking roaring again. Need was bursting forth. Hunger was taking control.

I started increasing my speed, needing the feeling of hard contact. I pulled back from him slightly, gripped his shoulders, and started a barrage of mini thrusts that woke up his body. Fuuuuuuck... the fucking pressure as he bore down on my cock as I nailed him. Tighter than anything. Fuck, I needed more. Fucking MORE. I drove my hips against him hard. And again. The thrusts set my brain on fire, and in a flash, I was back to violent body slams BAM BAM BAM BAM as I fucking slammed his ass. He went from a rattling snarl to a full-on howl as his head snapped back. I slammed my forehead against his back and hammered him BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM


The blood pounded in my ears and I started an agonized scream...

And again... I caught myself and slowed back down, my mind torn between needing to fuck the ever-living shit out of him and the need to make it last. Patience finally won out, and with exquisite suffering on my part, I drove in and held it there. Steady. Nate snarled out a cry of frustrated need. My own body did the same, screaming from being denied.

After I felt my balls cool down, I started long dicking him again with machine-like drives. Always rolling. Always shifting my angle of attack. I could feel my cockhead in the drag of his innards, feeling his ass muscles spasm around the intruder. Nate let out a rolling, obscene moan as I did so, as I hit every part of him from within.

FUCK. It was so fucking raw feeling that drag around my dick, tighter than fucking anything. God, he had no idea what he was doing to me. I was... overwhelmed... with this... sensual... feeling... as my whole body got into those deep drives digging deep inside him. My hands ran roughly up and down his flanks. I leaned in and started rolling my hairy chest against his back, my skin fucking glowing at the touch. God, that fucking sensual feeling kept going... I wildly swept my face against his sweaty back, one side across to the other, my stubble tearing at his skin. His head flew back for a second, and he made the strangest gurgling sound. Fucking lost in the moment.

I fucking lost it. I fucking became Conan the Fucking Barbarian on his ass. I started piledriving him again, fucking relentless and stopping for nothing. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. The slap of our skin sounding like I was fucking spanking his ass with a paddle.


So... fucking... close... BAMBAMBAM. I could feel the veins throbbing so hard they nearly ripped free of my neck. BAMBAMBAM. The roars coming from my throat merged with the roars inside my ears...


"NEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Detonation. I fucking CAME. Blowing a volcano's worth of spunk into his ass. Again and again. An unending explosion. So much cum inside him, I thought he'd fucking blow up.

Finally it was over, and my dick shook out its last spray of cum. I savagely ripped myself out of his ass, and slapped back onto my haunches. Nate turned looked back strangely, sweat pouring down his face. Between gasped breaths, I grunted, "You. I need... you. To... fuck me. Fuck the shit out of me. Do it. DO IT, you fucking bastard!"

Nate didn't need to be told twice.

He threw me lengthwise across the couch. With absolute menace in his eyes, he shot a load of lube into his hands, slapped enough of it onto his throbbing dick to be useful, then roughly got between my legs. He lined up his dick against my hole, and then ripped into me all the way in. His man bush slammed against my hairy hole. Hard. Harder than I had slammed into him.

Serves me right. I fucking howled like a stuck pig.

He reached down and pinned my arms over my head with one hand. He pulled out nearly all the way, so just his cockhead was inside me, and fucking drilled me all the way back in. My hole screamed in protest, wildly clenching down hard around him, adding to the friction. It was a cold, stabbing pain that got my head throbbing... but once again, the icy stab was quickly balanced by a growing fireball of delicious pleasure. The extremes battled it out, but as the fire burned brighter. I could feel my whole body relax and embrace the flame. I could feel his flared cockhead deep, deep inside me, knocking down the final gates and opening me up. Completely involuntarily, I hissed out "Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuUUUUUUCK!!!"

Nate rolled his hips around, grinding my innards, and I arched my back in joy. At that moment he leaned in and fucking mauled me with a wet, sloppy kiss. I pushed back hard against him, locking my lips around his and driving my tongue as deep as I could. I freed my sweaty arms and locked them around his torso, drawing him in. And he started bucking against me, fucking me deeper than any person had a right to.

Our kissing was desperate, like trying to sucking the breath out of each other. Like I was sucking the cum out of him by way of his mouth. Our strangled grunts drowning each other out. And we fucked. And fucked. Vast circles of motion that set my guts on fire. GOD I loved him inside me. GOD I loved the feel of his sweaty body against mine, our hairy chests scouring the other, his stubble rubbing my face, neck and ears raw. It was combustible, angry power. Driven by absolute hunger. Furious and unforgiving. Fucking primal.

Men. Men free of everything. Fucking being men. I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to burn every part Nate into my brain, feel his heat. Smell musky scent. Taste the salt of his sweat. Feel the burn of his chest hair. And to fucking feel his cock turn my guts inside out.

God, I was fucking liberated. Unleashed from civilization, responsibility, of caring about anything but my own goddamn pleasure.

Although the reptile part of my brain was in a full-on rage, something else was building inside me. Something familiar and strange. Fucking JOY. And for all the clawing and grappling Nate and I did, there was also a... connection. A euphoric connection. It wasn't just about me, it was about us, in that moment rising up with each other, pushing each other, grabbing hold of each other. Sharing something so heartbreakingly intimate. It's almost embarrassing to admit, but at that moment I felt like a living, breathing, fucking Hallmark card.

No one had ever made me feel that way.

I leaned into it, pushing back hard against him emotionally as we fucking smashed against each other physically. God, he was starting such a roaring fire inside me. Sexual bliss and sexual violence. I dimly realized just how hard he was fucking pounding my ass, slamming it hard enough to break another guy. Roaring with unfiltered rage. Finally his fury hit the point of no return.


His whole face compressed into a look of gnarled rage as he shot blast after blast of cum inside me. Bellowing out a roar like a dragon and grabbing me so hard I nearly yelped in pain. It was all part of a technicolor explosion of sensation.

And goddamn. The roaring fire he had lit inside me unleashed... again. I fucking blew. Cum shooting out of my dick in thick heavy ropes. Drenching both our chests, curling through our chest hair. It felt like I was blasting my head clean off my shoulders as my entire body exploded.

Nate kept going, unable or unwilling to lose that feeling. And when he slowed, he fucking kissed me so hard I was afraid he drew blood.

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I don't know how long we kissed. Our hands running all over each other, without any conscious thought on our part. Our spent dicks were still engorged, if no longer rock-hard, and lazily ground through each other's man bushes. Rolling, flopping against each other. Like our cockheads were mimicking our make out session.

It was fucking heaven.

I realized we had been at it longer than I thought when I finally looked over at the TV and saw that the game was well under way. I chuckled; I used to claim that nothing could pull me away from a game, but here we were in the bottom of the third. It didn't matter. There was no way I was going to break the spell.

Although... we did finally rip ourselves away from each other, basically to refuel with food and booze. But we went back to laying together... Nate on his back, me on my side leaning against him.

I think the realization that this was our last free night before Nate's wife returned home was playing with our minds. We didn't say anything, really... just lay there on the couch. Our hands gently running all over each other, as if trying to commit each other's bodies to memory. That feeling of... touch... with a guy... was so... fucking...

I don't have words for it.

And I quietly marveled at how far I had come in my thinking. Of being terrified of being thought of as gay... to suddenly realizing how far my emotions had carried me.

Carried me to him.

Carried me into the arms of this... shit, I'm just gonna say it. The fucking sexiest... the fucking handsomest man I knew in real life. And I knew--really knew--that against all odds, and against all reason, he was obviously, certainly, demonstrably... mine.

The magnitude of that filled me. Filled me with emotions... I didn't understand. But certainly felt. God, I was starting to feel... almost weepy.

My head was resting just below his collarbone. Almost by instinct, I leaned down and started rolling my lips against his hairy pecs, working my way down to his nipple. Nate made a purring sound, looked at me and smiled. In absolute contentment. The brush of his hair against my lips sparked something deep in me, and my mouth became more... insistent. Demanding. I started making out with his hairy nipple. I could feel my pulse start to quicken, and my cock started feeling warm. Awakening. I started working my way back slowly, making big wet circles with my tongue, moving toward his furry pit. I caught the tang of his scent, and barreled in, my hunger spiking as I worked into his hair. It was soon wet with a combo of his sweat and my spit.


Nate growled appreciatively. He pulled his arm back to give me access, essentially wrapping it around my head and shoulders as if giving me a hug. And I swept through his armpit, mashing my face into him. His masculine scent filling my nose. Setting off bells inside me. Making my dick hard enough to drill through titanium. Grinding against Nate's hip.

Well, there was only one thing to do.

With deliberate movements, I reached under him with my left arm, grabbing ahold of him right under his hairy pecs. With my right, I reached down, hooking my hand on Nate's leg and pulled it up, his knee toward his chest. Spreading him. Giving me access. I slightly rolled his hip forward, and my hard dick started to slide into his hairy ass trench. Nate growled, welcomingly. I changed the angle until I could feel my cockhead at his hairy pucker. I gave a few small thrusts to wake up his body. Trusting that our previous bout--and my gusherload of cum inside him--would have loosened him up, I pushed hard against him, and felt myself break through.

We both gasped. Together. Fucking perfection.

I reached my right arm across his belly, holding him for leverage, and drove my cock deep inside him. Feeling every part of his satiny-smooth hole around my dick as I went. Nate's body shivered slightly at movement, and I could feel him bearing down on my cock. Flexing. Massaging, I let out a low, growling moan, matched pitch for pitch by Nate. Thrust after thrust, getting me deeper. Deeper. Until the hair of my bush was tangled with the hair of his ass. We both were breathing in explosive gasps.

I started long-dicking him. Slowly, feeling every part of his ass. His body started to grind back against me, trying to drive me deeper. Trying to feel every part of me inside him. With my right hand, I started jacking him... slowly, but firmly, matching the feeling his ass was giving my dick inside him. "Ohhhhhhhh GAWWWWWWD!" he moaned. Swept up in the moment.

I fucked him. Slow and deep. Relentless. But savoring each and every moment. God it was so fucking good. I rolled him over further so we were both on our sides, giving me access to the deepest part of his ass. But my hands and mouth were every much a part of it. My hands rolled across him, reveling in his sweaty body. The feel of his taught muscles, so unlike the body of a woman... funny, after all this time I still almost expected to feel tits in my hands, but there was nothing but the hard muscle of his pecs. And his hair. God I fucking loved the feel of the curly hair on his chest. Light against my hands.


I drove deep inside. Our bodies responding to each other, in synch. Matching our movements perfectly. Awake with the memory of fucking each other. Responding. I fucked him. Kept fucking him deeply. I kissed his neck, murmuring sounds of wet pleasure. Still I fucked him. His own hands met mine and our fingers meshed. My dick filling his body as I fucked him. Fucked him. He pulled my hand to his mouth and he licked my palm, grinding across his face, his stubble stabbing me. And I was fucking him. Fucking him. Always fucking him. I mouthed his neck relentlessly, my tongue lapping the beading sweat. And I fucked him. Fucked him. No break, no pause.

He fucking surrendered to me. His body opening. Swallowing me.

My thrusts inside him became more relentless. Harder. Triggering him. Fucking to bring the cum out of his balls. His body wildly pressed back against me, and I pulled him tighter. Fucking. Fucking. Fucking. My hands ranged across him, demanding him. Claiming him. My dick filling him. His movements became more frantic, more needly. His sounds changing pitch. I could feel his balls churning and his hole spasming around my cock as it relentlessly filled him. He was fucking close.

And I was going to fuck the cum right out of him.

I started trusting deeper, faster, triggering him. I swear I could feel that river of cum build in his balls and shoot throughout his body until it finally came blasting out his cock. Thick. Heavy. Smelling of warm sea water. I caught as much as I could and then smeared it up and down his cock. Roughly. Bringing the remaining cum to my mouth. Licking it off. And I fucked him.

Fucked him.

Nate's body finally rebelled as my cum-filled hand jacked him; he was sensitive from having just shot, and he began jerking wildly and making strangled noises. But there was no fucking way I was going to let up. I kept fucking him. Holding him tight against me. With my firm hand around his cock and my hard cock balls deep inside him, there was nowhere to go.

Now it was my fucking turn.

I stared pounding him. Fucking POUNDING him. Jacking him all the while. Flooding his entire body with primeval sensations. Nate started bark-howling like a bunch of rabid baboons, simultaneously trying to escape the raw feelings while begging for more. His body was bucking like a rodeo bull as I fucking slammed into him. Exulting from the friction of skin on skin.

The weird thing was, at that moment my eyes lifted, and I was flooded with images from the TV. Images of series of cat-and-mouse games holding a runner on first, with unparalleled closeups of the first baseman's ass pointing right at us, his uniform so tight around his butt I could make out the outlines of his jockstrap. Quick shots of the catcher making signs, his fingers flashing around his crotch. Then back to the first baseman's ass. And the sound: the crowd was cheering wildly in anticipation of a pickoff, and it was like they were doing it for Nate and I. It all fused together, the TV pictures with all those physical sensation, into one incredible moment. Of me fucking owning Nate's ass. Taking it, and fucking using it to drive him out of his fucking mind.

That was it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I grabbed his belly for support and started hammering the fuck out of his ass. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM Nate's whole body ricocheted with each blow, the couch groaning as loud as we did. Our bellows finally joined into rhythmic barks as each hammer stroke landed. Nate reached down and started jerking himself off furiously, the sound of skin on slick skin soaring above this absolute symphony of masculine sound. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM

Finally I unleashed, blasting off so hard it felt like my entire body exploded. Nate was right there with me, screaming out a roar that nearly shattered all the accumulated beer bottles. I couldn't believe it... two full loads back-to-back. The crowd on the TV roared, seemingly in approval.

God, he was so fucking amazing. My Nate was so fucking amazing. A fucking hero right out of an ancient epic. I was so lucky. So very fucking lucky.

The curious thing is that the rest of the evening was so... quiet. Like our bodies had said everything we had to say, and words were fucking useless. Distracting. I also think we were both very well aware that this was our last bit of private time together, and the enormity of that overwhelmed us. In the end, we were both so flummoxed by what to say that we didn't say anything when I finally left that night after the game ended. We just hugged, and I slipped away back home.

Over the next few days, I ended up kicking myself for having left so much unsaid. When we first got together, we had to come to terms with who we were, what it all meant for us. Now a new problem presented itself: what to do now?

And I had no fucking idea what to think.

It was one thing to come to terms that man sex was fucking good. That I could love it, and not be any less of a man for loving it. But... should we do it? Should anything change between us? In our families? For either, both, or neither of us? I had no way to answer these questions... and the only person I knew who had any experience with any of this stuff was the one person I couldn't ask.

Plus, this was a crappy week ahead for us, meaning there wasn't likely a chance for us to get together as usual. Not only was work crazy, but my inlaws were planning to stop for a visit, and there was no way I could delicately slip away to pound one out with Nate. Even if his wife wasn't there. Shit.

And so I stewed. And in that empty space, I had way too much time for my heart and head to sucker punch each other in a fucking grudge match inside me. Maybe there was an answer there. Maybe the fact we couldn't get together was the fates trying to tell us something.

One morning a couple of weeks later, I was loading up my car to head into work. Shannon, Nate's wife, pulled out of their driveway, and waved cheerfully as she headed off to work. I smiled and waved back, then just stood there. Like a fucking idiot. My stomach tied into knots.

Fuck it.

I whipped out my phone and texted Nate. "Hey, u free 2 talk for a min?"

"Hey man, sure"

I got into the car, drove around the corner and was knocking at his door in less than a minute.

"Hey man," he said as he opened the door, standing there in his underwear and a T-shirt. He looked at me with frank curiosity.

"Nate... I..." seeing him, words died on my tongue. I looked at him. Just looked at him.

I pushed him back harshly inside and nailed him with a full-bodied kiss. He was caught off guard, but quickly recovered, and soon hit me with a kiss just as ferocious. I was barely able to keep his fist-punch of a kiss from forcing me back outside. He slammed the door shut, and it was fucking on.

There was no tenderness, no friendliness, no pleasantries. We fucking kissed each other's fucking faces off. His hands were as aggressive as his tongue, as we jockeyed for control, like some crazed gladiators trying to vivisect each other in front of a roaring, bloodthirsty crowd. I have no idea how we kept our balance, as our mouths repeatedly struck blows against each other. His unshaven face fucking raked my skin as he slid away from my mouth to bear down on my neck, and I made an inhuman sound halfway between pain and glee.

"Fuck I needed this. Fuck I needed this. Fuck I NEED this!"

Somehow we had staggered into the kitchen, and I had pinned him against the island there. I was holding both sides of his face as I wrenched my mouth away from him, with an audible rush of air. The look in his eyes was naked need, naked aggression... and I know he saw the same in mine. I stepped slightly back, hooked my fingers through the waistband of his Jockeys, and violently hauled them down to the floor. In that same motion I dropped to my knees and went in for his cock... which was standing as hard and straight as I had ever seen it.

"Fuck dude! I haven't even showered yet..."

I think this might have been to warn me, but it just made my own rock-hard cock even harder.

His musk was strong, and I was in fucking heaven. I rammed my face around his crotch, breathing in the scent of his bush, grinding my nose among his hairy balls. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" he growled somewhere above me. He kicked off his underwear, spreading his legs to give me better access. His T-shirt flew off seconds later.

I unleashed on his dick, grabbing it up in my mouth and sucking in so hard I about tore his cockhead off. Nate hissed desperately, and then I sucked him for everything I was worth. I ran my mouth down as much as the shaft as I could, nearly gagging myself. I pulled up slightly and stared mouth fucking him desperately, as if I was dying of thirst and his cock held the last life-saving drops of water on earth. Nate was giving a throaty, undulating wail. I worked my tongue rapidly around his cock head, teasing the tip, swirling around his piss-slit, then came roaring down his shaft in a sloppy, obscene slurp.

I started jacking him tightly, my spit serving as the only lube, as I went after his balls. One at a time, rolling them in my mouth, sucking hard on them, and tickling them with my tongue. Breathing in his man scent. First one, then the other, in rapid succession, not letting him adjust. Satisfied, I went back to his cock, mouthing his cockhead as I jacked him down to the base. Nate growled out a flurry of obscenities, barked at me at full volume.

I waited until he was almost in a frenzy, in serious danger of blowing his load right there and then, to grab his hips and spin him around. I forced him to bend over and expose his hairy ass, and then I fucking went at it with every fucking thing I had.

His fucking butt-funk was fucking ripe, exactly as I needed it. I rammed my face in, dragging it again and again up and down his hairy crack, scenting myself. Nate's shouted obscenities became fucking howls. And I slammed my mouth into his fucking hole as hard as I could, nearly crushing him against the kitchen island. I fucking worked that hole, wildly shaking my head. Digging my tongue in as far as it could fucking go, and all but chewing it with my mouth. Everything I could do to get his blood pounding. Again and again, ruthless, unrelenting in my oral assault. I could feel his knees starting to buckle as he slammed his hands on the countertop and screamed his fucking lungs out.

With one hand I wrenched my belt open, and my dress pants slid to the ground. My underwear quickly followed. I spat wickedly into my hand, slathered some on my cock for good measure, and then I fucking rammed my cock into is spasming hole.

Nate screamed loud enough to crack the granite countertops, but he held. And fucking pushed back. Even more desperate to have his ass filled than I was to fill it. Somehow, we powered through, as I could feel my cockhead violently crash its way inside him. The pressure was immense; he bore down hard, with enough heat and pressure that I was sure he had ground my dick into diamonds. I drove up inside him until I was all the way in, then I started fucking pounding him.

Nate gave out sharp, baying cries with each stroke as I bottomed out. I had to loop my arms around him to give myself enough leverage, locking him into place. He couldn't have escaped me if he wanted to.

And holy fuck, he did not want to.

Nate fucking slammed back into me, desperate. Howling. His ass biting down on my cock with each bow. I could hear the pots stored in the island clanging with each blow I landed. Barely audible over our titanic bellows.

It was way too much for us, even as experienced as we were with total-body sex. I hammered him for only a few minutes before I could feel my balls starting to howl on their own. I threw my head back and fucking exploded inside him, shooting so hard I almost blacked out. Nate was there seconds later, and his howling blast of cum about stripped the finish off the cabinets. I can't fucking imagine how much cum he sprayed out.

My muscles gave way entirely, and I crumbled to the floor. Nate was braced on the island, but after a few minutes of desperate panting he slid to the floor beside me. I don't know about him, but I was fucking seeing stars.

We laid there without talking, which was probably for the best in that my ears were still ringing. As our labored panting finally started slowing, Nate swung his arm over, gently clapping my belly. "Will my man? You fucking rock my world. You know that?"

I just gave a deep-throated chuckle.

After a few more minutes, I felt my breath had returned enough for words. "Nate? That was fucking amazing. You are fucking amazing." I lifted myself up somewhat, resting on an elbow. "The thing is..." Pause. "The thing is..." A longer pause. "I was half convinced that I was coming over to tell you I think we should... you know, break all this off."

Nate sat up himself, and gave me a leveled gaze. "Well, I'm happy you went in a different direction." It was light and breezy, but I could hear the steel behind his words.

"I just... it's... ... ... ...fuck." Not my most eloquent moment. "I've been trying to wrap my brain around... this. And I don't know what to do. This time away has he thinking how much I love my wife... no, really, I do love her. In all kind of deep ways. And I have for a long fucking time."

Nate just watched me, unblinking.

"But at the same time, I can't even pretend I don't love everything we do. That I love fucking being with you. You make my body come alive. Fucking alive. And that's all there is. You have awoken such incredible sensations in me, that I never had thought about, but now that I have them I... God, I fucking need them. That's what kinda freaks me out. If this was just a casual affair, like with some side chick or something, it would be so easy to write it off. To keep it totally surface level. But... this is more. The way you light my body up like a pinball machine, that's nothing casual. It's overwhelming. I fucking love it, like fucking love it like you wouldn't believe. I want it more than anything. And that freaks me out. It's too big. Too big for us... and that's why we should walk away."

Nick looked at me for a minute, then looked down. Finally, he raised his eyes again, cocked his head and said very deliberately, "Wait. Are you saying...?"

"I don't know what I'm saying," I said bitterly. "And it kinda doesn't matter anyway because when I saw you again... fucking saw you? It made all the bullshit inside my head blow away. Decision... gone! There wasn't any grand plan, there wasn't any distant future, there was just... how much I needed to fuck you."

Nate looked at me for a minute, then burst out laughing. I was relieved that it sounded like real mirth, and not some sort of sardonic sneer. "Will, you overanalyze your life as much as you do your baseball stats. But I gotta hand it to you, I love that in the end it all comes back to sex."

I punched his arm.

Nate winced theatrically. Then with a deliberate flourish, he leaned back against the kitchen island. He just looked at me for a minute, before finally started speaking his mind. "I can't help but notice in this complicated, garbled proclamation you just gushed forth that you haven't really given me a chance to say what I want, what I think, or what's on my mind before deciding what I get to do."

I looked down. "Touche."

Nate stared wordlessly at me for a beat, and went on with cool deliberation. "Look, Will... I think I get your point. I just think you have it backwards. You somehow have locked in on the idea that a fluffy, mindless romp would be easier to get involved in because it didn't mean anything anyway, so could be called off without a thought when you had to. Or that mildly enjoyable sex is better to do because it's so inconsequential. But I don't buy it for one second. And I don't think you really do, either. I'm just gonna say it: what we have going on has absolutely floored me, hit me in places I never knew existed. Touched me in ways I never thought possible, and has fucking blown me away. This matters. I wouldn't be holding this tight unless it mattered. And that's why we should embrace it! It is always the hard things--the things you have to really work for--that are the most worth having."

I looked him in the eye.

"And yes, I get it... this is fucking crazy. My wife matters, too. Other things matter. Yes, we have to figure things out, and that will take time, thought, and work. But I want us to try. And God knows I want to keep fucking around. And the whole fucking reason I want us to keep fucking around is this fucking matters. It might even be special. That's not a reason to freak out, it's a fucking reason to celebrate. To grab on harder. I wanna see where the fuck this goes."

I breathed out heavily. "I think... well, I hadn't thought about it like that."

"Will, my man? You do too much thinking. That's why you keep having these mental breakdowns."

"Fuck you. And who's fucking talking? When you had your mental breakdown after our first time, you all but punched my lights out. Or you would have, if you could even throw a punch with those puny little muscles."

Nate got a big, huge indignant grin on his face, and said, "Oh, yeah? I wasn't even fucking trying back then! If I wanted to fucking punch your lights out, I would've totally punched your lights out!" At that, he lunged over and started trying to pin me. I gave a half-hearted attempt to push him back and we both dissolved into laughter, and a shared kiss.

Reflective silence. "Can you stay?" he finally asked, hopefully.

"Shit, I wish. I've got a full day ahead, and need to move. You have a towel or something?" Nate chuckled, and nodded in disappointed understanding. He stood up, and grabbed his discarded T-shirt to wipe the dripping cum stains off the kitchen cabinet. He then padded off to find something appropriate for me from the linen closet. While he was gone, I surveyed the mess we had made of his kitchen. His underwear was right there next to me, exactly where he had kicked them. I gathered them up, and brought the light cotton fabric to my face. I breathed in deeply. Fuck. 100% Nate. In all his masculine glory. A scent seared forever into my memory.

Nate came back a minute or so later with a warm, wet washcloth and a towel to clean myself off with.

I breathed his underwear in one more time and gave him a sinner's smile.

"I'm keeping these."

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Next: Chapter 6

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