My Birthday Wish

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Apr 3, 2005



I based this story on my real life roommate. It's true I would do just about anything to get him to fall in love with me. Well just about anything, but if I wake up the morning after my birthday like the main character, I don't think I'd complain all that much either.

As always, the supporting characters do without description for the most part. They are props and nothing more.

E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional.

*If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW!

*Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, roommates, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

My Birthday Wish (TG, Sci-Fi)

The sunlight drifting through the blinds brought me back to the land of the living. It had been my 31st birthday last night and my roommate and I had celebrated in style. Having consumed what I could remember of 8 beers, I wasn't sure how much else I had to drink on top of that, I was amazed that I didn't appear to have a hangover. No cotton mouth, no headache, nothing. There wasn't a whole lot I remember last night after dinner, my roommate, Patrick, made a feast and had topped it all off with what he knew was my favorite two layer chocolate cake. Tradition dictated that I make a wish as I blew out the candles. My wish was always the same.

I had met Patrick some four years before and quickly fallen in love with him. Patrick didn't share the same feelings for me, he was straight he said, but our bond grew stronger and stronger every year. Every year I fell deeper and deeper in love with him, despite his apparent lack of interest in me beyond our friendship. Every year I had since celebrated a birthday with him, last night having been my third birthday with him, I wished for the same thing, "Please find a way for Patrick to be attracted to me." Almost three years had gone by and nothing had changed.

Having cleared myself of a hangover, I realized that the bed I was in was not my own. It took a minute for it to register that I was in Patrick's bed. I looked over and his slumbering form confirmed that we had slept together, again. Infrequently, Patrick and I would end up sleeping in the same bed togther for one reason or another. It was just part of the relationship we had with eachother, I always believed it would lead to Patrick and I ending up fooling around with each other. For Patrick, who kept to himself, it was simply a matter of convenience. As for this latest occurence, it was one of the many things lost in the fog of grain and hops from the night before.

My leg had dangled out from beneath the covers, maybe that's what had woken me up in the first place. I felt a cool breeze on it suddenly and it didn't feel right. I didn't have the pins and needles I was expexting, so that wasn't it. I looked over at the renegade leg and it occured to me that it might just not be the leg I'd fallen asleep with the night before. Indeed, it was hairless as my leg had not been the night before. Patrick was known among our friends as quite a practical joker, I dismissed it as a prank he played in my alcohol induced slumber. The fact that my leg was shaplier then it had been before, I dismissed as the visual effects of being hairless.

Legs come in pairs and I could not be aware of one and not the other. Maybe it was the feel of the cotton sheets against what I realized were my now hairless legs, but it occurred to me that Patrick had pulled on hell of a prank on me. Payback, as they say, was going to be a bitch. I had surmised that somehow during the night Patrick had managed to shave both my legs as I slept.

Somehow in the midst of this I registered yet another sensation. It would be more correct for me to say it was a lack of sensation that actually registered with me. Having lived with Patrick for the past two years and being accustomed to seeing him in nothing but his underwear, I was equally accustomed to waking up with frequent morning errections - especially after we slept together. This morning, there was nothing. I could believe it was the so called "whiskey dick", but I had the strange sensation of absolutely nothing at all, no Big Jim, no twins. I groggily reached a hand down to my crotch and confirmed what I already seemed to know. I'd never been well endowed to begin with, but now I was completely barren. Well that's not even exactly true, I could feel the folds of skin surrouding the vagina I knew had to be there. I don't know how I knew, I'd never actually seen or felt one up close and personal, penis was always my preference, but all the same I'd somehow known right away what it was. I'd managed to, despite my surroundings being the same, go to bed as a gay man and wake up as a woman.

I was too shocked to speak. I wasn't sure this still wasn't a dream, after all I had often thought I would do almost anything to get Patrick to fall in love with me. I supposed this wasn't outside of the possibilities. I slid out of bed; thank god Patrick was a heavy sleeper, he didn't move. I somehow mananged to wrap a blanket around me, keeping me from being exposed. I told myself I didn't want to take a chance of Patrick seeing me this way, I think the truth was more like I didn't exactly want to see myself this way. Underneath the blanket, I could both feel and see the breasts I'd somehow developed overnight, truthfully I wasn't prepared for all of this. After all, for all I knew Patrick had gone to bed with me in the first place this way, so my new body wasn't going to be a shock to anyone but me, so far.

I gently closed the door to the bathroom we both shared, again so as not to disturb Patrick. I turned to face the mirror, I couldn't bring myself to drop the blanket to reveal what I'd already sensed about myself. I closed my eyes, held my breath and dropped the blanket. Opening my eyes, I was amazed at all that I saw. My brown hair had dakened some and was shoulder length. My eyes, once greenish-blue, were now a deep brown. My facial features had always been fair, they were even fairer now. I'd been fairly broad shouldered, now they were narrow and feminine. The breasts I'd already seen were small, but perky and perfectly shaped. They looked good on my new figure. My nipples were dark and full. My arms were much thinner then I was used to but they were toned and muscular. My hips were rounded, as I expected, and my butt shapely without being too big or too small. My legs had shortened considerably, shrinking me from 6ft 2in, to a more female appropriate 5ft 8in. Otherwise, they were just the same as I'd seen them the first time this morning.

As if I'd been avoiding it all along, my gaze settled upon the vagina I'd only felt up until this point. As a gay man, I'd never seen a real live one, but it looked much like what I'd seen pictures of. Two folds of skin topped with a small crown of hair, that appeared to be groomed, cradled what had become of the genitals I was born with. In a pinch me I must be dreaming move, I slipped a finger between the folds. It was strange that it was the first time I noticed my perfectly manicured fingernails. They were trimmed close, but were in perfect shape.

I slid a finger between between the folds and could feel the tip of my finger enter my vagina. As if on autopilot, it seemed like second nature as a second finger sought out and found my clitoris. I'd never done this with woman before, but somehow I seemed to know just what to do. It didn't seem to take much effort to bring myself to the beginnings of an orgasm. If nothing else proved I was transformed, the almost orgasm I brought myself to certainly did. I never felt anything like it as a man.

My free hand brushed against my thigh and brushed a rough spot on my leg. I wasn't sure at first what it was, a closer look and I realized what it was. Oh my god, Patrick and I had sex last night! It wasn't the first time I'd seen dried cum on my leg the morning after, it was just the first time under the present circumstances. That pretty much sealed the deal, it was clearly Patrick's, not mine. It was cum from a man, I considered myself an expert on matters of cum, and it couldn't have come from me; so there was only one possibility - Patrick. I recalled that he liked to have sex at night, typical straight guy that he was. Cum, roll over, fall asleep was his standard with most girls he'd bedded down with. Now I was the girl he'd bedded down with!

Patrick and I had already had sex. I couldn't remember it for the life of me, but I wouldn't call it rape either. I'd only been wanting to have sex with him for the past four years. My only regret was that I couldn't remember it, by no means was that rape. I gathered the blanket around me, I wasn't as concerned as covering myself this time. Clearly Patrick had already seen me naked even though I couldn't remember it. I was slowing getting used to the new body. I hadn't intended for things to work out this way, but I had always said I would give anything for Patrick to fall in love with me. This wasn't how I planned on it happening, but I wasn't going to get picky about things at this point.

I don't know maybe its like one of those "It's A Wonderful Life" sort of things, maybe it was a chance for me to see what life would be like as Patrick's ideal mate. I didn't really care much, what I wanted more then anything else was to crawl back in bed with Patrick and curl up next to him. He hated it when I did it as a guy, I had the cum stains to prove he probably wouldn't mind now. I didn't know how long this was going to last but I wasn't going to let any opportunities pass me by now. I slid back in to bed and snuggled up to him.

"Mmm...Erin you were great," he muttered half awake.

Erin, he called me Erin. I had a name, this was more then just a walk on the wild side. I figured I had only this chance to play things out, not really, but I needed to know for myself what sex with Patrick was like. I'd always fantasized about it as a guy, I wasn't going to let a little think like a different gender get in the way of what I wanted, what I needed, to know.

I snuggled closer to him and kissed him on the lips. I'd done this once before with him as a guy and it was like kissing a dead fish. I liked kissing him and would at least try to every chance I got, this is the first time I'd ever done it as a woman. He kissed back, it was amazing. He woke up a little more and became more passionate with his kissing. As if on command, our tounges sought each other out at the same time. He began carassing my breasts and I started cooing softly. I had to see the penis he'd kept hidden all this time. I continued kissing him while he fondled my breasts. By the time I could work my hands down to his black boxer briefs (my favorite color), he was sucking on my breasts like he was my newborn.

I managed to slip his boxer briefs down and his penis as big and thick as I imagined it would be sprang free. Like Patrick, it too was just waking up. I had to touch it, besides, I'd seen him strut around the apartment with a raging errection once or twice before like a proud father and I wanted to see it errect again. My breasts out of the reach of his mouth now, his hands found my willing vagina. I wasn't so much offering it to him as simply making it available. Up until now, our play time had been all about the things I wanted to do with him. I felt first one, then a second finger slid inside of me. Suddenly, our play time was about the incredible feelings I felt radiating from the vagina I'd only become acquainted with moments before. I'd never felt a female orgasm before, but it wasn't long before I felt as if every nerve in my body was going nuts. Patrick had brought me to orgasm!

I recovered enough and found my hand still on Patrick's penis. I had just had the most amazing experience in my life and I had him to thank for it. I figured it was the least I could do for him, besides I had always enjoyed it in the past as a guy. I hungrily gobbled up his penis, I think he was more amazed then I was when I swallowed all of it. He was in for the time of his life. I might not be a guy anymore, but giving a blowjob is like riding a bike, its something you never forget once you do it the first time. Besides, I could still remember all the right places to focus on to get him to where I wanted him when I wanted him there. It wasn't long before I felt him unload his pent up cum in my mouth. It seemed like a lot, but I made a point of swallowing it all for him. I recalled, that after a night of drinking Patrick had confessed that was a huge turn on for him to have a girl swallow after she gave him a blowjob.

"Erin, you are amazing. When did I get so lucky to have you in my life?"

It was like music to my ears. For years I'd begged him to tell me he loved me. Of course I was a guy and he refused each and every time, but I still asked him often. Now here he was volunteering it. My body may have changed, but inside I was still the person I'd been all these years in love with him. My vagina was tingling again, I'd done everything else with Patrick so far, was I really going to stop now?

"Make love to me. I want to feel you inside of me, baby," I purred.

He was going to live to hate all those late night drunken confessions of his. I'd memorized all that he'd told me, just in case there was a time to use them. If there was a time, it was now. I rolled on my back and let him tease me again with his fingers. It was like he knew my vagina better then I did. It made sense, he'd been with plenty of women, I'd never been with any. My only knowledge so far consisted of my own clumsy exploration in the bathroom this morning. It didn't take long for me to feel the moistness of my well lubricated vagina. Patrick proceeded to tease my vagina with his again errect penis, as much as he was driving me wild I knew he was also smearing my fluids over his rigid penis. I couldn't stand it.

"Please baby, put it in me," I cooed. I knew I was driving him as wild too.

Patrick changed position to mount me. I knew from his confessions by the position of his body he was planning on going deep. Maybe I'd gone overboard a bit. Sure I meant the things I'd said, but I wasn't sure I was ready to take all of him at once. I felt the head of his penis stabbing at the opening of my vagina, it was almost by suprise when I felt the flared head of his penis make entry into my vagina. I'd been a bottom plenty of times as a man, but this was an entirely different feeling. It felt good, I purred. Patrick pushed my upturned legs apart and advanced deeper inside of me. I could feel his hips resting against mine and I knew I had all of him inside of me. I felt full as I had when I'd had anal sex as a guy but I felt so much more aroused and stimulated. We laid there for a minute, the feeling of him entirely inside of me was amazing and very relaxing at the same time.

He knew I was ready and he began to slowly thrust in and out of me. As good as it felt just having him inside of me, it was amazing to feel his swollen penis sliding in and out of me. I'd had more then one penis rubbing my prostate, but this felt so much better.

"Faster baby, make me cum"

Patrick picked up his pace and I could hear and feel his hips slapping against mine as he bottomed out in me. Each stroke now was brushing rapidly against my clitoris, sex as a woman has to be the closest thing to an out of body experience. I was being stimulated faster then I could comprehend. I suddenly felt those same fireworks again and I knew I was experiencing my second orgasm of the day, well and my third, and my fourth, it got to the point they were coming faster then I could keep track up. I moaned with the pleasure he was bringing me. My moans and quivering vagina were too much for him, I felt his cum flood deep inside of me as I brought him over the edge.

It had been an incredible morning, well for me at least. I'd loved sex in the morning, I couldn't imagine a better way to start the day. We were both wet with sweat from each other and reeking of sex, but I didn't want it any other way right now. I'd been imagining this moment for years, although not as a woman, and it had been everything I'd wanted it to be and more.

I'd already had my mouth and vagina filled with his cum that morning, but I still didn't seem satisfied. I'd lost my manhood or so it seemed, but I realized I wasn't going to be satisfied until I'd had what I'd been truly wanting all these years. I don't know why, but I needed to feel Patrick in my ass. I double checked, his penis was still glistening from our last round of love making.

"Come on lover, how about the back nine?"

It sounded awful, but I knew it was Patrick's favorite phrase. I probably could have told him anything, I knew he loved anal and all I would have needed to do was stick my ass in his face and he'd be game, but I wanted to make sure. It was my turn to be on top, he'd been amazing in our love making so far, but I'd been planning for this moment for a long time. I might be a girl now, but anal was still anal. I straddled his swollen penis and eased him inside of me. Once again, I had all of him buried deep inside of me. I was very slow and deliberate in how I worked my ass muscles on his hard pole. That it would be the third time he'd cum that morning and probably the fourth or more in tweleve hours I knew I had plenty of time to satisfy myself. I rode him until he was begging me to let him cum. I may have lost my penis somehow or another, but I could still remember how it felt to be where I'd brought him to. I clamped down on his invading penis and felt his cum flood inside me once more. His pleasured groans were just confirmation of a job well done. Patrick was spent, his penis deflated and softly slipped out of me. It wasn't long before his slowed breathing told me he'd drifted off to sleep again.

I on the other hand was still basking in the afterglow, I laid there curled up next to him. I could feel his cum soaking into every hole I'd offered him, it was a wonderful feeling and one I'd fantasized about for years. I looked around his room, there had always been pictures of the two of us. They were still there, but now it was the girl I'd become not the boy I'd been before. A couple were the photo booth kind with Patrick and I kissing each other, I think I liked those the best.

I don't know what I noticed first, the wedding ring on my finger or the picture of the two of us from our wedding day. I guess this was to be permanent after all. I couldn't remember marrying Patrick, well sure I'd done it plenty of times in my head, but I had the pictures and ring to prove it now. I guess I'd become his perfect mate after all. It wasn't how I'd planned, but I'd always been a little feminine as a gay guy and being a woman so far had seemed to come naturally; at this point I wasn't going to complain. I'd gotten what I wanted, maybe just not the way I planned on it.

I gathered this was the bedroom we shared, I didn't have to look in the dresser drawers to know that I would find my clothes in there. I slipped on a pair of panties and a strappy top, despite all that had changed I was still amazed that the clothes fit and looked good on me. The robe I knew to be mine, it wasn't anything Patrick would have worn, completed the ensemble. I remained suprised that wearing the clothes of what had one been the opposite sex was like breathing, something I just seemed to take for granted without question.

I stepped out into the rest of the apartment I'd shared with him before all this happened. It really wasn't a suprise that all traces of my former self seemed to have disappeared. What had been my bedroom was our shared home office. I could tell what was my tastes and what where his. Its not that I recognized my own tastes, but that I knew his and so all that I didn't recognize I knew to be mine.

Satisfied with my crash course in our new life together, I crawled back into bed with my husband. I don't know how I knew, but somehow I knew that there would be a new addition to our house in nine months. I knew it was a boy, don't ask me why, alot of things don't make sense anymore, but I knew one thing for sure he would be named Devin. Until this morning, it was a name that meant something to me, now there was only Erin. That my wish, and so much more, had finally come true was all that mattered.

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