My Boss and I

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 8, 2008


My Boss and I Chapter 5

Usual Disclaimers:

Friday afternoon, at about 4 PM, Jeanine buzzed Jim. "Michael Costello is on the line." she informed him.

"Greetings pal." Jim opened the conversation.

"Greetings faggot." Was his glib response. Jim knew he was pulling his leg and laughed along with Mike. (He just couldn't get himself to call his old friend, Michael, like everyone else did.) "Mike continued, "I've got all the necessary documents to fax to Francie. If you can come over right away and sign everything, I can fax it out tonight so everything will be there for her when she gets to Sidney. And, sweetheart, I took the liberty of preparing domestic partnership agreements, living trusts, health surrogate papers and a few other things you guys should have. I'll explain it all when I see you."

"Let me put you on hold for a sec while I check with Jeff." Jim hit the hold button and buzzed Jeff. They rarely did that. Usually they walked over to the other's office so they could catch yet another glimpse of perfection. Boy, were they in love. Jim explained what Mike had called about and Jeff said that would be fine. He told Jim to wrap it up for the day, the weekend, actually.

Ten minutes later, they were signing document after document, including the new registration for Jim's car. Michael had taken care of everything and finally he announced that they were free to go. He also knew that they would be coming out to Jim's parents very shortly and he wished them luck. He gave each one a big hug, and as they left he said, mostly to Jim, "I want to know how Tom takes the news, and by the way faggot, Jerry and I have a hot date tonight."

"Well have fun you two and do everything I would do." Jim leered at Mike.

In the elevator Jim said to Jeff, "Wouldn't it be fantastic (he wanted to say fabulous, but resisted the urge) if those two became an item?"

Two hours later, freshly showered and dressed, Jim pulled Jeff's car into his parents' driveway. "Oh shit," he blurted out to no one in particular.

"What's wrong?" Jeff wanted to know.

"That car in the driveway is Tom's. He and his family must be here too."

"That's a good thing." Jeff consoled Jim. "Don't we want to spread the news as quickly as possible?"

"I guess so."

Jim knocked on the front door, but entered without anyone inside answering. Tom greeted Jim with a bone crushing bear hug. When he released him, he smiled broadly and joked. "It's about time you made some money and stopped being such a burden to your family." He looked at Jeff and extended his hand. At the same time he said, "You must be Jeff, his financial benefactor."

Jim then introduced Jeff to Melissa, young Tommie, Jr. and his parents. When he introduced Jeff to his parents, he purposely introduced them as Mom and Dad and did not use their given names, John and Sharon. Nobody noticed except Jeff.

John ushered everyone into the living room for cocktails before dinner. Jim had decided he would tell everyone about his relationship with Jeff when they were having dessert. No use spoiling the dinner, if things went badly. So over cocktails he told about Francie's phone call. Everyone was upset, but Jim assured them he was fine with it and it was for the best, and he was getting a car out of the deal. He refrained from mentioning the apartment. Then proudly he told about seeing Jeff's ad in the newspaper, getting an interview, and how great the two of them worked together and got along so well. He thought about it for the moment, and finally added the news of Jeff's pending divorce. More regrets were expressed and Jeff assured everyone, as Jim had, that it was for the best.

Looking directly at Tom, Jim decided to drop the first small bomb. "Tom, you'll never guess who Jeff's lawyer is." Without giving Tom a chance to guess, he added, "Mike Costello, your old high school buddy. But everyone calls him Michael now."

There was no question that Tom cringed a little, but he said nothing. "He sends his regards to you. He said he'd love to hear from you" Jim looked for more reaction. None.

Finally Tom said, "Tell him I send my regards too. Now, mom, isn't dinner ready yet?"

"Yes" she said and asked everyone to please come into the dining room. Melissa and Tom sat on one side and Jim and Jeff on the other side of the table. John and Sharon sat at the head and foot. Little Tommie had been fed earlier and was in the den watching television. Dinner was delicious. Sharon served salad, hot dinner rolls, roast chicken with mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. For dessert she made a mouth watering strawberry shortcake, served with coffee or tea.

The big moment had arrived. Nervously, Jim stood up. "Listen up everyone. There's something I need to tell you, make that must tell you." For some reason he looked directly into his father's eyes. John misread his son's intent and panicked.

"What's wrong?" his voice pleaded with his son.

"Nothing's wrong Dad. In fact, for the first time in my life everything is just perfect. I am the happiest I have ever been." Now he looked directly into Jeff's eyes. Jeff smiled encouragement to his partner. "Folks" he began, "Jeff and I are buying Francie's apartment together. Don't get the wrong idea. We are not going to be room mates. We have committed to each other and we are going to be partners in life." He stopped talking. The silence was dreadful and he grabbed Jeff's hand for strength.

Tom was the first to speak. "Are you saying that you and Jeff are gay? You must be kidding. It can't be. Neither of you fits..." he hesitated.

"the stereotype." Jim finished the sentence for him. More deafening silence. Then John stood up and approached his son. He grabbed Jim's arm and pulled him toward him and embraced him tenderly.

"Son" he said. I love you. I love you unconditionally. I'm particularly glad to hear that you have never been happier in your life and it's your life to enjoy. Thank you for your honesty and courage. I know how hard this must have been for you." He kissed Jim on the cheek and turned to Jeff. Welcome to the family," he said. Jeff jumped up and John embraced him.

Then Sharon ran to her son and smothered him with kisses. "Did you ever think that this would make a difference in how any of us felt about you? Nonsense, if you did." Then she embraced Jeff, kissed him in a very motherly fashion and said, "Yes Jeff, welcome to the family."

Tom had remained silent, unable to move until Melissa whispered in his ear, "He's your baby brother darling. Show him you love him no matter what."

That started Tom crying, and then Jim started to cry uncontrollably. The two brothers embraced, sobbing like babies. Jim's head was on his taller brother's shoulders, and Tom whispered into Jim's ear, "You got yourself one hell of a good looking guy." Jim's sobs turned to laughter as Tom disengaged him and went over to Jeff. "Listen Bro," he said. You hurt my kid brother and you answer to me. Hear?"

"Loud and clear," Jeff answered as Melissa came over to Jeff and kissed him on the cheek. Just then Tommie came into the room and Melissa asked him to come and meet his new uncle, Jeff.

"If you're my uncle, are you going to buy me presents too?" he asked and everyone began to laugh and cry at the same time.

Then Tom asked, "Does this mean I have to change accountants and use you two guys?"

"Absolutely," Jim and Jeff said simultaneously. Then Jim added, "You might think of switching lawyers too. Mike really wants to see you and to be your friend. Really Tom, he's no threat to you." Somehow Tom knew what Jim meant, and it was OK.

"I promise. I'll call him."

The lovers drove home in contented silence. How happy they were. Jim's parents did not lose a son, they indeed gained another one. Jeff already felt that he was an accepted part of Jim's family. He couldn't help wonder how things would go with his family. Of course, Jim sensed what Jeff was thinking. He turned to his partner, who was driving, and said, "Don't worry, hon, it will be fine."

"But I'm afraid that my father will act as if I'm going to hell in order to cover his own indiscretions. Well, I'll worry about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day." They both started to laugh.

That night they slept at Jeff's place. Their love making was unhurried, slow, sensual, reciprocal, and mostly oral. Their passions were designed to give each other maximum pleasure. They knew that from now on they had all the time in the world and so they rushed nothing. They sucked each other's cocks alternately until they would feel an orgasm coming. Then each would stop and they would switch positions. They switched several times until they could stop no longer and first Jeff came with his usual guttural moans and then Jim came with his loud scream of joy. They swallowed each other's juices not missing a drop. The sheets were perfectly clean.

The next morning was Saturday, Jeff's moving day. They got up early and went to pick up the UHaul they had arranged to rent. They also bought packing boxes and packing tape. They spent the morning packing Jeff's stuff and loading it into the truck. Once Jeff's clothes and toiletries were packed, there was little left. Jeff realized how few material possessions he had gathered during his marriage. Everything in the apartment belonged to Marie, and he vowed that things would change in his new life with Jim.

By 4 PM that afternoon, everything they had taken from Jeff's apartment was in their soon to be new home. Michael was waiting to hear where to wire the down payment and Jeff had contacted his banker regarding a mortgage. Still it felt like it was their place already. After they returned the truck, the first thing they did was to remove Jeff's clothing from the packing boxes and replace it with Francie's stuff. Jeff had heard of a Thrift Shop that donated its profits to AIDS charities and he said he would call them on Monday morning to pick the boxes up. Then they hung his clothing in the closet and put his socks, underwear, shirts, etc. in the vacated dresser drawers. By six they were done. They showered quickly, and started out to Jeff's parents. Jim drove his new car.

Jeff introduced Jim to his parents as his new associate, and introduced his folks as Tucker and Maryann Simmons. There was only to be the four of them to dinner. Jeff had half expected to see the O'Tooles and even remarked about it. His father said that he had sounded so serious when he made the date, that he thought it best to omit them this time. Jeff could hardly remember when the O'Tooles were not at one of his parent's dinner parties.

Again Jeff waited until dessert to drop the bomb. He stood up and began, "Mom, Dad, you know that Marie has asked for a divorce. I'm not contesting it and I'll be single in less than a month. I met Jim here when he came for an interview and it was love at first sight for both of us. We've committed to each other, and we are life partners. We've bought a condo together, and I moved in this afternoon." Then, taking a hint from Jim's scrapbook, he added, "I have never been happier in my life."

Jim looked at his dad. Tucker was fuming and turning red. "Get out of my house, you faggot and take this thing with you." Jeff didn't move. He knew that his father was crying out at his own inability to have a life with Brian O'Toole. Wisely, he waited. This was exactly what he expected to happen and he had prepared himself. Then Tucker started crying and collapsed in his chair. "I'm sorry son," he said. You know I didn't mean it."

Maryann went to her son and embraced him. "We both love you very much, my darling. Your dad didn't mean what he said. Please forgive him." Then she turned to Jim and said, "I am sure we'll learn to love you too. If you make Jeff happier than he has ever been before, you must be a wonderful person." She placed a small peck of a kiss on Jim's cheek.

In the meantime Jeff kept staring at his father. He realized the anguish he was in by keeping his own dark secret all these years. His father was sobbing uncontrollably so Jeff took his arm and said, "Let's go into the den. I need to talk to you." They went into the den leaving Jim and Maryann to get better acquainted.

Jeff decided to be blunt and honest with his father. He came right to the point. "Dad I know that your tears are not for me. I know that you are overjoyed for me and Jim. Your tears are for you and Brian."

" did you know?" Tucker stuttered.

"I got sick at school one day and came home early. I saw you making love with Brian. I thought I should be angry with you, but instead I felt compassion. I wondered at the anguish you must be feeling, so obviously in love with Brian and still in love with Mom. If I had the courage I would have gone into the room and consoled both of you, but I ran out of the house. I still feel that compassion, dad, and I love you deeply and strongly. If there is anything that either Jim or I can do to ease the burden, please let us know." Jeff omitted telling his father how aroused he had gotten and how horny he had become for his dad.

Tucker began to sob uncontrollably. He and his son hugged each other, and Jeff ran his hand up and down Tucker's back to console him. Finally Tucker said, "I have been in anguish all my life and sometime soon, I'd like to sit down and talk to you about it. Maybe if I do, I can unburden some of my pain. I'm glad that unlike me, you are admitting who you are. At this point I wouldn't do anything to hurt your mother, but it's a great comfort to me to know that my son is living the life he was meant to have. It's also great to know that I have an ally in you. Can I tell Brian that you know about us?"

"Of course you can. I imagine it will comfort him too."

"By the way," Tucker added as a final thought, "Jim seems like one hell of a nice guy."

"He is Dad, and I have no words to describe how much I love him."

Father and son went back to the dining room with their arms around their shoulders. They found Jim and Maryann holding hands and deep in conversation. She was saying to Jim, "Please call us mom and dad, Jim."

"That will be a pleasure." He answered.

After that Jeff told his folks about Jim's `interview,' the sparks that flew between them and the love that was immediately evident. His parent's smiled with obvious pleasure and acceptance. When it was time to leave, Jeff gave them his new address and telephone number. The four of them hugged each other and the boys left for home.

When they entered into the hallway and locked the entrance door, they immediately fell into each other's arms, kissing, hugging, fondling their bulging packages, and moaning softly to one another how much each loved the other. All the while, bits and pieces of their clothing were being removed, leaving a trail from the hallway to the bedroom.

Next, still wrapped up together they started the shower and when the water temperature satisfied both of them, they got in. They soaped each other, massaged each other, stroked their bulging, hungry cocks, sucked each other, rubbed their cocks in the cracks of each other's love holes until they were both in a frenzy. Finally they came out of the shower, clean and hornier than either could ever remember. They tumbled into bed where they kissed with hungry tongues, cocks rubbing sensuously together.

"Fuck me!" each yelled to the other. Even though they had not yet been tested, Jim reached into the dresser drawer and removed the lube. Condoms were not an option tonight.

"Me first." Jim shouted. His lust was uncontrollable. He put a generous amount of lube on Jeff's cock and then lubed his ass hole. He lay down on his back and as Jeff got into position he put his legs on Jeff's shoulders, and yelled, "Now love, now!" Jeff entered him like a ramrod and Jim screamed in pain and pleasure. Jeff waited, and then began stroking gently. Now Jim's pain turned to pure pleasure and he shouted. "Harder, harder." Jeff increased the length and speed of his stroking. Jim's moans suddenly turned to a scream of pure joy as he came, spewing his juices up his belly and chest. Jeff came seconds later. and collapsed on Jim. For the first time, Jim could feel Jeff's love juices fill his insides, and he began to sob, great gasping sobs of pure joy and happiness.

They lay stuck together by Jim's cum, kissing slowly and sensually. The lust had ebbed and the love they felt for each other had been magnified to new heights. Their families knew and approved of their union. The hurdles were gone. Life was about to begin for them and it was good.

Jeff whispered to Jim. "Do you think you are ready to fuck me yet?"

As the years passed, their love and their accounting practice continued to grow. They were very active fighting for gay causes, and as a result were able to add many gay and gay friendly businesses to their client list. Jeff made Jim a full partner and eventually they had 12 staff accountants and several secretaries. Jeanine became the office manager. They leased the full top floor of their office building to meet the needs of their growing practice.

Michael and Jerry became loving, devoted partners, and the four friends were inseparable. Tom and Mike resumed their friendship, and Jim never noticed any awkwardness between them. Michael attempted a run for the state senate but was defeated because of his sexual orientation. He vowed to keep trying.

Jim's and Jeff's families became very close friends, and celebrated many holiday dinners together. Colleen, Brian, Michael and Jerry were always included.

The End

Author's Note: Several readers have asked me if this story is in any way autobiographical. The answer is a total negative. It is a pure work of fiction.

I am thinking of spinning off two stories from this one. I think Tucker and Brian's conflict would make interesting reading, and to a lesser degree, the love affair between Jerry and Michael. Let's see how it all plays out.

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